The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 18, 1927, Page 7, Image 7

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    J f
for Your "Bath i :
f '
The finishing touch of a luxurious bath is Grecian Roso
Bath Talcum especially made and packaged for body us9.
It is pleasantly fragrant, very jsoft, Very clean feeling.
Not the least of its virtues is its economy. A full pound
package, of Grecian Rose Bath Talcum is only 79c and each
package contains a large soft powder puff 1
' Owl Agency
Telephone j 119
Corner Liberty & State
it it 1 1 imi oil))
tii) wimi w VH,
gnrr BuLng White
The case of Wagner vs. White
gan in " circuit court here, Te-1
'day, and is expected to come to
-onclusion some time today; The
- .ion grows out of an automobile
r Compressor for Sale - ......
Full automatic Kellogg air
mpreasor," complete with. 1 hose.
uck. etc., h. p. motor, 35 gal.
v i,riAil c naw fnmt S17I. for
Ow7ck sale only ill ft. Bee ai
-Izgerald-Sherwin Motor Co., cor-
, i r Chemeketa and Liberty Sta.
A xident Reported
' - H. H. Bennett of route 1, Turn
r -V. yesterday reported . a minor
to accident to 'the office of .the
t ' anty sheriff. Bennett's machine
lUded ; with one driTen by Earl
icksrat a point on the highway
: out a mile and a half north or
'. arner. "Tucker ia a resident of I
ivute 1, Aumstnie.
Aliens Hare Daughter -..
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Allen are
receiving congratulations upon the
arrival of a baby girl, born yes
terday. The infant, who weighed
nine pounds, has been named Bet
tie Zoe. i i '
Parked too Long -
R. EL Miller, Mrs. T. A. McLeod
and W. A. Wills paid 1 fines In
police court yesterday for over
time parking. - -
Thanksgiving Ere Dad Watson
Crystal Garden ; real , old time
dance Holiday : program. Extra
New Homes -5000 to f 13,000 j
. We have six ready for you. Bet
ter built, than you have seen.
Terms if desired. -Becks fc Hen
dricks, 19.N. High gtreet. -, : '
Visits. Family t ' '
Mrs. W. H. Armstrong, 1009
Saginaw . street, is ; visiting - her
brother and sister in Seattle.
Interested in Investments?
Let us tell you of the best real
property investments we know,
Here'e a large corner, we had it
appraised last week: by a conserva
tive business man. he guessed
115,000 value. We guess $5500
We can sell this week for $3350.
Others down town and: on fringe
of business that will get better.
Becke & Hendricks. 189 N. High
Street . i
A" La Carte Serrtce ,
In Dining Room Marlon Hotel.
r.itacca vs. Mattson Today
The case of. Ritacca vs. Mattson
! . schf uled for this afternoon In
rcuijburt. The ease is based
i pon an alleged automobile col-
Creamery Operators Meet
The monthly meeting of the
C regou Creamery Operators asso-
t atlon was held Thursday after-
ln the Salem chamber of
jmmerce rooms. Routine busl-i
vesa was discussed. - -
Salem Real Old Time Dance
. Crystal Gardens, Saturday site.
Leave for San Francisco
b. H. F. and Russel Bonesteele are
leaving! today for San Francisco
where they will attend a conven
tion of Dodge automobile dealers.
42 Piece Sea of Dishes Free
With every Montag range sold
during our Montag stove sale. H.
L. 8tiff Furniture Co. j
Parked In Front of Theater
O. H. Sander was fined $1 yes
terday in police court for parking
in front of a local theater.
Held Non-Suit
The .case of the Bonesteele Mo
tor company vs. the National
Union Fire insurance 1 company
was held non-suit by Circuit Judge
Percy R. Kelly in court yesterday
afternoon after the plaintiff had
put on all of its evidence. Judge
Kelly held that the complaint
insufficient. . - , -
Emma Lens Serr
" All kinds of dinners every day
at the Nook,' 379 N. High St.
Fined for Speeding
L. W. Hamilton, 809 N. 21st
street, was flaed $8 in police court
yesterday for- speeding on city
streets Wednesday sight.
i ' Fairgrounds Road Buy
6 . room - furnished ; home and
large piece of land with 99 foot
sidewalk frontage. For sale for
$3200 cash. "All pavings paid. This
i Is a buy. Vacant at 1831 Fair
grounds Road. Bscke & Hendricks
V 189 N. High Street.
Colnslon S'ear Hubbard
; Mrs. . Tina L. Soles, 641T Port
: land Road, reported to the eounty
theriffs office' yesterday that she
(ollided with J. B. Cummlngs of
, ralem while driving her car near
Talk to lions :
The Lions club will be ad
dressed at its weekly luncheon to
day by Miles H. McKay, assistant
attorney general. '
Hways a Crowd
lAt Haxelgreen Saturday Nltes.
Htage Driver Loses Foot .
j Harry Shade, wall known Pick
wick stage driver, had his foot am
putated in Los Angeles this jweek
following an accident while chang
ing a tire on the bus he way driv
inc. He had the heavy machine
iaked up when It slipped off and
the rim of the wheel crushed his
font. - ...
Thanksgiving Kvo Pad Watson
Crystal Gardens, enjoy yourself.
Licensed to Wed
A marriage license was yester
day Issued to Nick J. Pramatias
3 6. and Helen Pearl Johnson, 2 3.
Both are residents of Broadacres.
.awvvMn ar a JMsaMassM-
.rowing cities ia Oregon are
ATH FAL..S. The record ot
sliding raUs : proves it.
)ALEM lewat for ..last month
rut the rate i close we con
gratulate our".. rivals they are
splendid cit;ei with great fu
tares. We havs ciiy and eoun
try properties lifted from each
Cor easehanga f.. .'.leii proper
ty. Big sheep ranches and ir.
rl gated lands in Ki&raaik Coea
ty -ask us about thea A fine
tight reem home.yery desirabiv
loeaied close to modem hfgn
sehooi and business , district la
Klamath Falls to exchange for
Calecs property, Klamath Fall
Coasts cf a monthly payroll of
milion and a half.
Special Delineator Snbscriptions
All this week. Half price! With
'two year subscription a com
plete volume on "Art of Dress
making" given free. Phone 2397
Miller's Sbre.-' ': b-
Gordon Pays Visit
Herbert; Gordon, Multnomah
county legislator, was a visitor in
Salem yesterday and renewed ac
quaintances at the state house.
Fall-mount Hill 6 Boo:
New Home.' Double garage and
all-modern features. For sale for
total, price f 7500 and reasonable
terms tan handle. Becke ft Hen-
Idrlcks, 189 N. High Street. -
Dmnks Arrested
A. C. Morrisey and Jack Lewis,
vagrants, were arrested last night
for being drunk. .They spent the
night In the city jail.
Two More Houses I ,
John W. Glllmer was granted a
permit yesterday to construct a
dwelling at 560 North 21st street
at a cost of $4000.. Wllley Wea-
tehsr'will build one at 2095 Gar
den' Road at a cost of $2200. ,
, SATS .
te have a 1024 Overland
dan With S3 new rflbbert 8
A Af spot light metometer, an
tomatic swipe, rear view mirror
This car is in ; fine condition
and our price is $300.O ,
4The House That Service Bunt
Bond Buyers-Here's a Center
Street .corner thai will net you
44 and Must Increase la value.
Wat is safer? $4000 to handle.
Other income properties all parts
of Salem that will net you ; 4 to
12 and Increase in Value. What
is safer 7 Becke it Hendricks, 189
N. High Street.
Attorneys - To Make Argu
ments Today Closing
.Sensational Episode
Sues on Contract :
la' an amended complaint filed
in circuit court yesterday Andrew
Sundin demands judgment against
B. G. Neal in the sum of $1,057.
34 J He claims that amount Is
due on a contract entered Into
between the two parties. J
Another Petty Robbery
Paul Dunn of 950 E. Glisan
street, -Portland, reported to the
poHce that he lost a black walnut
bag from his car last night while
it was parked in front of the New
Hotel Salem.
Tire Stolen-
Some petty thief stole a 8 Ox
3 1-2 tire last night from Reuben
Hllfiker at 830 Mission street.
The tire was a spare and was
taken from the car while It was
parked on Court street.
Dancing Every Saturday Night ;
Dome's Pavilion, McCoy.
Benefit Dance and Card Party-
Given by W. O. W. at Fraternal
Temple tonight. Ladies 25c, Gen
tlemen 50c
Home for 'Dog Wanted
Dr. W. G. Morehouse, head of
the Oregon humane society," an
nounced last night that ; the soci
ety has on its hands a. brown dog
that will make a good pet for a
child. He stated that anyone wish
ing to secure the animal should
communicate with him.; his tele
phone number being 1510. ;
Nothing Equals Osteopathy
For eolds, flu. hi-blood pressure,
pneumonia. Dr. Marshall,- 309
Oregon Bldg.
Witt Go to Seattle-
Miss Elnora Thompson, of the
Marlon county health demonstra
tion, will leave Saturday for Se
attle where she will take part In
educational conferences. . fv A:
Turkey Shoot -f
Sunday, Nov. 20 th, IL B. Loo-
ney farm. 12 miles south of Salem,
on Pacific highway.
Dean Off to Seattle-
Dean Roy Hewitt, of the J Wil
lamette university law school, will
leave for- Seattle today to attend
a Y. M. C. A. conference. On his
way to Seattle he will stop at Orej
gon Ci";y to address a teachers'
Institute on the subject of War
and the School."
Bargain For Sale
Cheap lumber. 18", Mill Block
wood; cut from old fir logs, part
ly seasoned. Large loads. Fred
B. Wells. Phone 1542, 280 Soutn
Church. I r ' -: .
Realtor In Portland - ' .
E. E. Tripp, : local real eaUte
dealer, left yesterday for Portland
to be gone for several days. ' -
Bargain in Radio
Will sacrifice new 8 . tube
10 K. 17th St - '
Osteopaths Qualified
A recent repor in. The States-
man " of Attorney oenerai l. ti
Van Winkle's opinion as to per
sons qualified: to sign certificates
readmitting pupils to school after
being III with communicable dis
eases, failed through an error to
mention that, osteopathic physi
cians were so qualified. .
Pnraiture TJpfaolstered -
And repairing- Oiese-Powers
rumiture Co. ; - "
Loses Brief
The second report this week of
a stolen brief ease was made yes-i
tsrday when C, Mclntyre reported
that his ease was stolen out of his
ear while he was eaUng lunch at
the Gray Belle restaurant,.
;,?;A - .
Oregon Prrrp and Paper Co.
Preferred. Limited amount for
tale. Ilawklns and Roberta. Phone
Nonroroort Chars
Charles Faiat was,, arrested
yesterday la : a. charge of failing
ia'sHpport hisv-wife, Declaring
himself unable to prod acsr bond.
Le was r'acsi la its coxtiy Jill.
Barbara Fritchle Sewing Club-
Will hold Bazaar at Glesy-
Powers, Saturday. ; f .
Walsh, Taylor Jailed
Robert Walsh and William O
Taylor, who police say stole a
Buick automobile belonging to J
L Capllnger Wednesday night, yes
terday failed to produce ball and
were lodged In the - county jail
Ball was set at $1000 each by Jus
tice of the Peace Brazier' Small
Criminal complaint was sworn out
against them by George Thomas
on. - member of the 1 Salem police
Fatrmonnt Hill
55 for sale. , All. sixes, facings.
etc. Becke & Hendricks. 189 N
High Street. , , 1
Men Initiated '
William Mnmford, Vancouver;
George ; Birrel, Amity; Kenneth
McCormlck, . Salem ; Laurence
Schrelber, McMinnville; and Wal
ter : Kaufman, Cargonado, were
initiated ' into the Blue Key f ra
ternlty at Willamette university
this week. It Is a national service
Purchases "The 'Nook-
Miss ' Emma Lenz, who served
as pastry cook at The Spa for five
years, recently purchased "The
Nook" at 379 .North High street
from Miss Grace Gillian and Mrs.
Dorothy Hutcheson. Several
changes -have been made "which
add considerably to, the attractive
ness of this place where real serv
ice of quality is the motto.
(Continued from Page One)
tance," continued . the speaker,
"but nobody was more vehement
than he in pointing, out that the
American proposals would cause a
great increase in vessels of an
aggressive character.
"Our need for six inch guns was
for defense." Their demand for
eight inch guns would have led to
an increase In power of attack of
any country which adopted their
plan. Even if Lord Cecil were
right, as we could have got an
agreement by throwing- overboard
all our arguments about the limi
tation of aggressive strength, ..we
should have signed an agreement
leading to a large increase of of
fensive strength In the world's
TACOMA, Nov. 17. AP).
With a final assault on the char
acter of Wlnfield Huggett, the de
fense In the Grays Harbor liquor
conspiracy case rested at 4 1 15
o'clock this afternoon In federal
court and the government will be
gin Its rebuttal testimony tomor
row morning. ; t .j;
Huggett, confessed large . scale
bootlegger, was one of the govern
ment's star witnesses. r ,
Defendants John . Gillespie and
Lee Estep, former Aberdeen po
lice officers, told of visiting Hug-
gett'a home . with Deputy United
States . Marshal John T. Secrist af
ter the Indictments were returned
in the present ease In. which Hug
gett was named as one of the de
fendants.1: . V
Story Refuted
Defense Attorney Maurice Lang-
horne Introduced the government
papers on the gasoline launch Sea
Hawk, showing that she was not
commissioned until 1925, whereas
Huggett had testified to receiving
liquor shipments on her in 1924.
The government . received legal
reinforcements today when Assist
ant . District Attorney Paul D.
Coles arrived from Seattle to assist
Anthony Savage and ' John T. Mc-
Cutcheon in winding up the case.
Savage declared that the gov
ernment's rebuttal testimony
would probably consume
half a day and whether the de
fense1 will offer any evidence . in
surrebuttal depends on the nature
of the government's rebuttal, ac
cording to Attorney Wallace
Mount for the defense. -
Defense Witnesses Ten
The. defense put ten more wit
nesses on the stand today, zeur
of them defendants, which "brings
the total number of its witnesses
during the trial to 95 and : the
grand total called to date now
stands at 188.
A. renewed attack on . the char
acter of Howard Riley, another
government mainstay, was a f ea
ture of the morning when the de
fense Introduced a certified copy
of the arrest report of Riley on a
charge of illicit relations with his
step daughter.
Early in the trial Riley hotly
denied this, on the, witness stand
when Attorney Langhorne asked
him If this was not the reason his
wifs divorced him and followed
that with another question as to
whether he had been arrested on
such a charge which he also de
nied. ' '
It Is doubtful if the case will go
to the jury before early next week
as the arguments of attorneys and
the instructions of Judge Edward
E. Cushman will follow the testimony.
cloud hung over the entire eit
and tied up traffic generally
President Cooliije was ea route
to the Union station to take a train
to . Philadelphia when the storm
was at Its height, hut he did not
learn of the extent of the storm's
destruction until after he left the
Rumors Circulated .
Many wild reports were going
around, one that two had . been
killed when an automobile turned
over, another that a man had been
struck fay lightning in northeast
Washington, and still another that
a school at 18 th and Bennings
Road had been destroyed, but in
the absence of confirmation "these
reports were believed to be with
out foundation.
J The naval air station at Anacos-
t la, D. C, suffered perhaps half a
million dollars damage, eight sea
planes and the roof of one hangar
being pitched about in thewind
and rain. Several men In the na
val barracks were reported slight
ly injured. Boiling field, the army
sits of the station, was unaffected.
although the storm was felt there
First: reports from Alexandria,
were that only a few negro dwell-
lnga were damaged. In Hyatts-
yille the, principal damage was to
the. city's ice plant, which was up
rooted, i At Colmar Manor, Md.,
two houses were demolished and a
score 'of others were unroofed
Slight property damage resulted at
Blandensburg, Md.. including the
unroofing of the old George Wash
ington Inn.
(Continued from' Page One)
tired of his new surroundings and
left her, saying he was through
with her for good and told her he
was going to Canada and for her
not to try to find him. He also
gathered up what little money
she had and left her without ny
thing. . Now she wants the auth
orities to find him and bring him
Mrs. White and the county court
believe it would be a useless ex
penditure of money to attempt any
such proceeding and they also feel
that it is an imposition on the
state of' Oregon for the courts in
North Dakota to have sent " the
woman and, her children here.
knowing." as they; must have, that
she would sooner or later become
a public charge. Instead of start
ing a country-wide search for the'
husband they have written the
county court where the woman
came tfrom advising them that it
is up to that body to shoulder tee
. (Continued from Page One)
but nonehad'been requested early
Federal Buildings Missed ' .
: Northwest Washington, where
most government buildings and
the larger residential .structures
are situated, knew little about the
damage , to the east, although the
two torrents of rain, both .delug
ing-the city with a half inch -of
water In less than ten minutes on
each occasion, and low black
Another fair one from . Sweden
will try our movies. She Is Mona
Martinson, just turned 21.
Three acres close in on paved
highway with modern- house.
F. L. Wood, 841 State BU
Stolen Car Pound
Salem police have - been in
formed that a Chevrolet car . that
was reported stolen here "Novem
ber 15 and hearing license- No.
111,781, has been recovered at
Oregon City. .
" Sco-
Telephone 189 111 Bute EL
We Have Cash Bay
For first class modern resi
dences on N. Church, Winter or
Summer streets. ' See Wells Tall-
man A Son, i 15 Masonic Bldg.
EUcs Dance Saturday Night''
. " Members urged to come, ;
Car Towed in
Police officer towed in a Ford
touring cat last night that had
been sitting' f or the past three
days at'Mornlngside, According
to the license number the car be
losssd ta W,.M.Ycder ct Toledo,
Remodeling of Suits, Coats
and Dresses .
All kinds of plain and fancy
sewing - Charges reasonable.
V J . N
Distinctly Correct
John J. Rottle ;
Expert Shoe Fitters A
IS State BU.
whole lead and seme te
eue . ':
"It beau me" said- Mrs. White
yesterday, ''how all these people
think alt they have to do is to get
out here te Oregon, and then in
some way they will get along-.
They must think this is some kind
of a Garden ef Eden where people
never hare to eat and clothes are
unnecessary. "The quicker a lot
of those people back there realize
that It takes money to , live hre
the same as it does , any other
Place the better It will be for. all
The woman did not make any
complaint aoorft being in need of
the necessaries of life, but asked
only for help in getting her hus
band located and brought hack.
In addition to her own seven chil
dren, she ia earing for her hue
bands three. - t
Donald B. Simpson of Seattle was
today appointed temporary head
of the department of normal arts
of the school of architecture and
allied arts at the University of
Oregon. Mr. Simpson will hve
charge of the work of Miss Maude
Kerns who Is going to Europe on
a leave .of absence extending from
January 1 to the end of the school
Ten Years Practice in
Phone 625
Dr. L. It Burdette
401 First National Bank Bldg.
LADP & BUSH, Bankers
Established 1863 -
General Banking Business
' Office "Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m.
Let Kennell-Ellis
Make Your View and Commercial
Pictures, Any Time, Any Place
' ; . -. J" " ;.' ; - . . ---, :-.-,
Old Photographs Copied
Often you want old photographs reproduced, but fear entrust
ing them to strangers. J
Our reputation assures the safety and proper care of your
, picture, which we will copy, enlarge, frame or hand color at
a price lower than the unknown agent' can offer.
Kennell-Ellis Studio
429 Oregon Bldg.
' Perfect Funeral Berries
:) Por Less ;
Licensed Lady Mortician
770 Chemeketa Street
Telephone 724
and complete in every
worthy respect 'where the
utmost gentleness, rever
ence and consideration pre
vail. Webb's Funeral Parlors
; Telephone 120
, t and 19 cents per yard. Also
buttons, stamping and pleating.
Manna h. krueger
Over Miller's Telephone 117
mm Storage
Long and Short Distance Hauling
Public and Private Storage
Fireproof Building
Free Delivery to any part of the city.
Farmers Warehouse .
Day Telephone 28 Night Telephone 1267-W
Casey's Guaranteed
Money refunded if it does not
curs your case
NELSON A HUNT, Druggists
Cor. Court and Liberty Tel. 7
Ladles wool dresses cleaned
and pressed, $1.00 up. Men's
and Ladiee a alts cleaned and
pressed f 1.00. -
Oter Bnslcks
Rewound and Repaired, Ner
or Used Motors
. Tilings Tnevtricnl
191 South Illh TcL 2113
1027 FKhfi fVALLt'xiPER
Call, phone or write ;
170 N, Commercial Salem
- J. 1L LEONO, Mgr.
Our life's .'work has
been spent in studying
the healing properties
of Chlnsse herbs and
now daily ws relieve
those - suffering from
stomach, liver and kid
pey, trouble, rheuiaa
, tiara aad gall stone..
- also disorders of men,
women and children.
Free Con saltation Call or Write
Open 0 A, M, to a P, M,
420 State RU, Saletn, Oregon
A Family Gift
Waffle .
The healing elements
assure full, even heat
for plate-size waffles.
Easy to clean.
Simple to use.
Makes - nice brown
waffles in a Jiffy.
Pcrry'a Drue: Stero
115 S. Commercial
r i v.. w
A Want Ad Will S ell
Your S
IP YOU C1 &bxs sr 5 let fovt rm
Home It now, ( No to harm IZ
phMut oa yoor baada ell xlzitr wLea rem can Ln4
m purdiase cow as css2 j la Cptlnz U ycu mdrcs
. tli ia th T7aat Ai .
Ost Y7zt AJL are uici fcy &os !lo 'JZi to tvj
and asU in tlie cjtilcLej, surest and most amsdaj
the onEGon states:.ia:i
Telephcna 23 cr-C3'