t ilTC OREGON ETATEoItATT, SALE2J, OREGON, FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 18. 1S27 . .. .,1 . - , 1 G?Vcers 7 Nydia Temple Entertained With One O'clock Luncheon f JV tertalned Wednesday afternoon with a one o'clock luncheon at the Elks Club In .honor of the -of f lo era of Nydla Temple of -Portland. The luncheon tables were very I attractive, each havlnc- a center- piece of yellow and bronze chrys LTL I anthemums. Combination Thanks- girlng score and place cards mark ea covers xor ionv-one. The honor guest group Inelud ed: Mrs. Anna B. Smith, Mrs. Florence Runyan, Mrs. Shepard,! Miss Ines Cable, Mrs. Fisher. Mrs. Mary Schmidt, Mrs.,Norrls, Mrs. Edith Needham, Mrs. Skeen, Mrs. Ada ..Fellars, Mrs. Yocum, - MTs. Nannie- Thlehos,. Mrs. Penfield. and Mrs. ' Jennie Martin, all of ? PofUand. Members present ' were:- Mrs. I . Ruby Setts, Mrs. Fay Wright, Mrs. Gladys Nash, Mrs. MonsJe Hau ler, Mrs. Zelma Ellis, Mrs. May Bnchnex, Mrs. Elma Kennedy, Mrs. Adeline Dunaf ord, Mrs. Grace Crater. Mrs. Lula Newton. Un.' 9 ..... I Mayde E. Williams, Mrs. Pearl 1 Pratt. Mrs. Amy HaUk, Mrs. Lou Ise Flack, Mrs. Alice Hoff, Mrs, : Betty Smith, Mrs. Elizabeth Shaf- er, Mrs. Anna Rottle, Mrs. . Mais I tha LaOarrie, and Mrs. Alice E?- ? enson and Mrs. Louise Patty, both of Sllverton. Mrs. Fay Wright; out-of-town ' officer, read an original poem' written to the oneen, Mrs. Anna B. Smith. Mrs. Smith was preseat- 1 1 - ed with a lovely gift by the group. ZjT " 1 The remainder of the afternoon was speni piaving onage, in u card room of the club. Tea tables were In play. Mrs. Louise Flack won .high score prise and Mrs. Alice Evenson of Silverton the sec ond prfte. Ecclesia Luncheon Club ' Guests at "Hard Times9. Party Miss Myla Chambers entertain ed the-Ecclesia Luncheon Club with a "hard times" party on Mon day evening. The guests appeared In a .vari ety of clever costumes. Miss Es ther Ertckson won the prize for the most unique attire. Tbe following new members wer Initiated at this : meeting: I&Vp? Tlolet Bowden, Miss Anna Mclntyre, Miss Hattie Brown, Mlsfl Charlotte Llndqulat. Miss Thelma Mesch, and Miss Margue rite Wann. The entire guest group includ ed: Miss Golda Wheeler, Miss Reta Claggett, Miss Ola Volkel. Miss Mabel Alrick, Miss Flora Turn bull, Miss Bernice Strand, Miss Leolyri Barnet. Miss Marcella Cas- kfy pell, Miss Edna McElhaney, Miss uazei iicMorris. miss Kstner Kr- ickson, Miss Velma ' Romlnger, Miss 'XJhe'lma Mesch, Miss Anna Mclntyre, Miss Marguerite. Wann, Miss Louise Hlller, Miss Hattie Brown,,' Miss Violet Bowden, and the hostess. Miss Myla Chambers. "Hard Times' refreshments were served late in the evening. Officers of Standard Bearers Have Initiation Service ( The , Standard Bearer's Class of the - First Methodist Church met Monday evening iat the home of Mrs. A. A. Lee. Miss Isabel Hus ton, Miss Lorraine -Robins, and Miss Fern Col well were assistant hostesses. I -. Miss Dorothy Taylor, president of the class, presided. An interesting program . was given by Miss Chrystalee Max well, Miss Juanita Borgerson, and Miss Gladys Taylor. 7 The feature of the meeting was the installation of the officers who were elected at a previous meet ing of the class. The retiring officers, leach car rying a lighted white candle, form ed a line of one side of the round taoie wnicn "was centered with a tall red candle. The new officers stood on the other side, carrying u alighted ; blue candles. , As . they were Installed each officer in turn lighter her . candle : from " the red one In the center of the table. ; ;The following officers were in stalled: president. Miss Muriel White; vice-president. Miss Neva Stolzhelse; secretary. Miss Mar ine Maxwell; corresponding sec retary, -Miss Helen Brelthaupt; mite box secretary, Miss Doris Phenicle; efficiency secretary. Miss Faith Priday; stewardship O-I COCTAL CA1Z2ZDJLH ' Friday - Qpea program at T. IL 0. A. Music lection of Salem - Arts League in "charge. , ; Frl-Nl-Da Club Dance. Castll Uan Hal). 9 olock. ' ', , "Harvest Home" ' lea. ' Sponsor ed by Ladies of First M. EL Church Old People's Home. 1525 Center St. 2:30-5:00 o'clock.- Public to vited to attend. "Extravaganza," given by mu sic department of Salem High School. School auditorium. High and Marion Sts. S o'clock. Woman's Auxiliary of St. Paul's Church. Mrs. Catlln and Mrs Spears, hostess-, 1208 Chemeketa St. z:10 o'clock. . Woman's Alliance, . Unitarian Church. Emerson Room. 2: SO o'clock. Woman's "Union. Monthly meet ing. First Congregational Church 2 o'clock. Golden West Club, W. B. Junior Party. Mrs. Jennie Miller. 351 S. 19 St. hostess. Circles - of Baptist Church.' : N. Circle, Mrs. Harry Harms, r 1910 N." Summer St. , ' - - Jane Lawrence Circle, ' Mrs. Mark Skiff,- 421 1-2 Court St.; Elizabeth - Loughridge Circle, Mrs. Thomas Roen, 1417 Court St. 2:30 o'clock. - ' "Chinese Fair," auspices: of Sil ver Cliff P. T. A. SUrer Cliff school-house. 7:30 o'clock. : Auburn Woman's Club. School house. 7:30 o'clock. 1 ; . ' Saturday District Meeting, B. and P. Clubs. Albany. All-day. A. A. U. W. Luncheon, ; Gray Belle 12:30 o'clock. - 184 North Liberty St. All-day. Annual inspection, W. R. C. Covered dish dinner at noon. Formal Reception, sponsored by officers of Oregon National Guard in honor of Governor and Mrs. I. L. Patterson and Brig-Gen. and secretary. Miss Chrystalee Max-' Mrs. George A. White. Salem Ar- 1 S I ft J if Round-Up Club Entertained With Bridge Tea : - "Members of the Round-Up club were guests of Mrs. Charles H. - Robertson , at a lovely tea tor "V which she was hostess one after noon earlier In the week In her home gj North Capitol Street. Mrs. Frederick Hill Thompson, Mrs. W. I. Staley, and Mrs. George A. White were additional guests, s Baskets of crimson chrysanthe mums decorated the living rooms. Club members present-were Mrs. John L. Rand, Mrs. J. H. Albert, ' Mrs. R. E. Downing, Mrs. J. T. " Whlttig, Mrs. Edgar Hartley, Mrs, J. C. Griffith, Mrs. W. O. Allen, Mrs. Charles K. Spauldlng, and the -.hostess, Mrs. Robertson. Mrs. W. G. Allen and Mrs. J C. Griffith assisted at the tea ,honr. H : . GIRLHOOD TO ODD Lionel Iowa Woman Found Lydla E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Com pound Always Helpful Vinton, seventeen When I was old I : had to stay at home from school. I Qnally had toQult school, I was so weak. I suffered forabout two years before I took Lydla E. PInkham's Vege table Compound,' then I picked up one of your books and read It. I be gan takinar tha dicine. Now I am a house' eper. With tlx Y.hlMr anrf t have taken it before each one "a corn, l cannot tTl mn tt Iowa. years i "Wt? g0?d 1 taT received from It i T When I am not as wn rn ha t take it. I hare been doing thin for ly TfT tt,rt,u ye? d It always t Ci?? 1 rftad a11 9f Tar , f wks I can get and t tell everyone I know what the Vegetable Com pound does for tne.M -Mrs. Frank Bellers, 610 Tth. Areaue, Vlatoa. Iowa. -1 , . lany girls In the fourth genera tion are learning thru their own personal experiences the beneficial trscts of Lydla E. PInkham's Vege tula Compound. Mothers who took It rscommend it to their dauriters well; pianist, Miss Eugenia Sav- i Refreshments were . served at the close of the evening. , The next meeting of the group will be held November 38th at the home of Mrs. M. C. Flndley. Miss Laura Heist, who is on a year's furlough from her, mission ary work in India, will be the speaker. She will speak of the gen eral executive meeting which was held recently In Minneapolis, Min nesota, and will i also tell of her work In India. ' ' Mid-Week Bridge dub Enter tained at Laflar Home " " Mrs. G. W. Laflar was hostess at the meeting of tire Mid-Week Bridge Club on Tuesday after noon. Mrs. L. E. Barrick, Mrs. A. E. Laflar, and Mrs. WUllam Bush ey were special guests. Covers were placed at the lunch eon table, centered with tiny yel low and bronze chrysanthemums, for Mrs. W. F. Buchner, Mrs. E M. Hoffnell, Mrs C. E. Cashatt, Mrs. Charles Cone. Mrs. J. DVHos ford, Mrs. J. B. Craig. Mrs. A. T. Wain, Mrs. D. X. Beechler, Mrs. William Bushey, Mrs. A. E. Laf lar, Mrs. L. B. Barrick, and the hostess, Mrs. Laflar. -Mrs. Cashett f won the high score prize as the result of sever al hours of bridge. Mrs. A. T. Wain will entertain the group In a fortnight, Mrs. Staley Entertains With Delightful Afternoon Affair Mrs. W. I. Staley entertained Tuesday afternoon with a bridge tea, the third of a series of delight ful . afternoon affairs, for which she has' been hostess this month. The living rooms of the Staley home on' North Summer" Street were lovely with' baskets of rose and pale-yellow chrysanthemums The same flowers centered the tea table. - 1 , . Mrs. E, EL Ling won high score honors. Mrs. A.. L. .Wallace re ceived the second prize, and Mrs. Clair Inman, the third. Mrs. Harry J.s Weldmer, Mrs Thoma F. Wood, and Mrs. W. E. Hansen assisted Mrs. Staley at the teaTaour. j mory. 9 o'clock. SanCay Film at First Congregational Church, The White, Black Sheep" 7 :10 o'clock. !' . . .- - Monday - ' Regular meeting, R. N. A. Fra ternal Temple. Juvenllle organi zation, 7 o clock, adults, 8 o clock. 'Woman's Club Classes: 'Wom an's - Club-house, ' North Cottage Street. ' Current 'Events' Class, " 2:80 o'clock. Book-ot-the ' Month Class. 2:30 o'clock. Tuesday Social meeting, R. N. A. Club. Mrs. Susie Parmenter, 80 N. Com mercial St. hostess. Request for. Magazines Meets With Generous Response f , Several weeks ago an announce ment was made by Mrs. S. M. En dicott, chairman of the institutions department; of the Salem Worn an's Club, asking for magazines for the various hospitals and state Institutions- which are located at Salem. J A number have responded most generously to -the request; among tlTem, Mrs. W. C. Wlnslow, Mrs A. Nd Moo res, Mrs.. W. D. Smith, Mrs. P. J. Kuntz, Dr. Fannie A. Brown, Mrs. Henry Hsrtman, Mrs W. T. Rlgdon, Mrs. Herd, and Mrs, T. D. McClalne. ; " Mrs. George L. Rose Enter tains With Bridge Luncheon Mrs. George L.' Rose entertained a group of her friends with a one o'clock luncheon Wednesday aft ernoon at the Gray; Belle followed by, several hours of bridge in her home on North Winter Street. Cov ers were placed for fourteen. Mrs. Dan J. ' Fry. Jr., rwon high score bridge prize. Mrs. Frank Spears received the second award. Baptist Church Circles' Will Meet this afternoon The three circles of the First Baptist Church will meet at two thirty o'clock, this afternoon, as follows; North Circle, Mrs". Harry Harms, 1910 North Summer Street Jane Lawrence Circle; Mrs. Mark Skiff. 421 1-2 Court Street; and the Elizabeth Loughridge Circle, Mrs. Thomas Roen 1417 Court Street. . ' . Social Meeting of R. N. A. Sewing Club The social meeting of the Roy al Neighbors Sewing Society will be heU Tuesday afternoon at the herse cf.JIr. Trpl9 F8rri'!:terj 2:3 :.;rt Ccr.:....c.ol LUtiL Music Department of Salem High School Will Present Program Elaborate preparations i have been made for 'the Musical "Ex travaganza" which will be given this evening at the ' Salem : High School. ' The art department of the school, under the instruction of Miss Brautl, has contributed some beautiful work in stage-craft.! Miss Stone and her classes in sew ing have made character costumes for "Dense Macabre." Two ama teur electricians, Calton Roth and Kelly Moore are : to be in charge of the lighting and some clever effects will be developed by these splendid workers. An array of talent will be un folded in the course of the even ing's program as vocalists, fun- makers, and dancers make their appearance. The school orchestra: will open the program and will contribute extra numbers. - Victor Wolfe will be heard In solo with qrchestral ' accompaniment. Miss June Philpott Is acting as faculty manager. : Ivan : Kafoury will be head usher. The program will begin prompt-: ly at eight o'clock. . , Second Concert of Salem Ser- les Will Be Event of Thanks- giving aoiiaays - - Edward Johnson- brilliant ten or of the Metropolitan Opera com pany, who will appear in concert at the Elsinore Theater Friday ev ening, November 25th, will ar rive in San Francisco this evening preceding his appearance with the San Francisco Orchestra on No vember 18th. Johnson is to ' be heard la the California metropolis three times before the first of the year, and al Pacific Coast tour is one of taa most heavily booked of any artists appearing fa (he west this season,- There are many reasons for the great popularity and. the high place in the affections of the American people held by. Edward - Johnson. Not the least of these is the fact that upon . his 'return to - America after many seasons of brilliant triumphs in Italy under the Ital ianized version of his name he In sisted upon being: heralded simp ly as Edward Johnson. Had John son retained the name Edouardo Dl Giovanni, which had been her alded in America long before he had returned, his, success i might have been more sudden and . he might have been placed on a par with the greatest; singers of the country earlier than he was. One can see la that act an Independence anda strength of character which prove conclusively that here is one singer at least so fine and so loy al that he can well afford to dis regard the , former convention which held that Italinized names were necessary for Americans at the opera. Johnson's accompanist this sea son is Blair Neale, who will be heard In two piano solo groups. Johnson's Salem appearance Is un der the auspices of the Nero Mu sical Bureau of Portland. Music Section of Salem Arts ' League Will Give Y. M. C. A. Program " The regular Friday evening con cert will he given at the X. M. C. AI this evening by members of the Musio Section of -the Salem Arts League. . . Those appearing on the even ing's program will be: Mrs. Martin F. Ferrey. contralto; Mrs. Stephen Stone, pianist; Thomas Larkln Williams, tenor; Mrs. Clarence Bowes,; Violinist; Miss Nell Mor gan,' soprano; Lyman' McDonald, basso; . Mrs. Gordon McGllchrlat, Sr., soprano, . and Mrs. Brecken brldge, Mrs. Clifton Mudd. Mrs. T. L. Williams, and Miss Evan geline Hall, accompanists. ' In addition to musical numbers by the above mentioned artists. Dr. Martin F. Ferry will give a review ojt "Meanwhile," by H. G. Wells. . The public is invited to attend. Scandinavian BeU-Ringers -Will Make Second Appear ance in Salem Salem is promised a musical treat on December fifth when the Scandanariaa BeU-Ringers, seven in number, will appear "at the First Congregational Church. A matinee will be given ' from four- fifteen until five-fifteen la the aft ernoon for grade and high school children. An entertainment for ad ults will be given in the evening. The troupe appeared in Salem two years ago and was most en thusiastically received. At that time there were " only ninety-five bells and four ringers. There are two hundred and fifty bells at the present time and seven ringers so it Is with even greater pleasure that we anticipate this unusual concert: The bells are the only-eet la the world tuned to the chrom atic scale. Mrs. Spears Hostess at At- tractive One O'clock Luncheon Mrs. Frank Spears entertained Tuesday afternoon with an attrac tive one. o'clock luncheon, having as her guests the members of the bridge club of which she Is a mem ber. - ' Mrs. Russell Catlln was an ad ditional guest. i Covers were placed for Mrs. Prince W. Byrd. Mrs. John H. Carson,' Mrs. R. M. Hofer, Mrs. Dan J. Fry, Jr., Mrs. Harry Haw kins, Mrs. Ercel Kay, Mrs. Keith Powell. Mrs. T. A. Roberts, Mrs. Frits Slade, Mrs. Arthur J. Rahn, Mrs. W. Connell Dyer, Mrs. Rus seil Catlln, and the hostess, Mrs. Spears.'. Bridge was the diversion of the afternoon. Mrs. R. M. Hofer will entertain the club in a fortnight in her home at 786 South Commercial Street. SALLYS SALLIES November - 10 th, for luncheon at the Gray Belle.- Reservations Bhould be made not later than this evening with. Mrs. W. W. Baam, telephone 2202. ; Professor Florlan Von Eschen of Willamette University will be the speaker. His subject will be, "The Geology of Oregon." " Recent Guests in Salem -' Mr. and Mrs. Charles Waterous Craig (Helen Jordan) ' of Seattle were guests in Salem last week end. Mr. and Mrs. Craig made their home In Salem until a short time ago, BDLL FAVORED , DES MOINES, Iowa, Nov. 17. (AP). An - unqualified stand in favor of the McNary-Haugen bill, with an Insistent 'demand that the equalization fee principle be r talned, was made by the national farmers union in its convention here." 7 Manitge h pretry much of a habk aficf tlx Efdi yca&y Return From the Middle West Mr. and Mrs. O, W. Emmons and their daughter. Miss X Genevieve Emmons,; returned . recently from a four months visit in the middle west. The greater part of their time was spent In Iowa and North and South. Dakota. Mr. and Mrs Emmons and their daughter made the trip by way of the Yellowstone Trail, returning -over the southern route Military Reception Will Be Given Saturday Evening Cards have been received to the formal reception which will ; be given Saturday evening at nine o'clock In the Salem Armory by the officers of the Oregon Nation al Guard, In honor of Governor and Mrs. L L. Patterson and Brig adier General and Mrs. George. A White. ' Fri-Ni-Da Club Dance This Evening The Frl-Nl-Da Club Is entertain lng with a dance this evening in CastllUan Hall. Members of the committee in charge of the affair are Mr. and Mrs. Ross Bidwell, Mr. and Mrs Albert O. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Paulsen, and Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Charlton. A. A. V. W. WHl Meet For Luncheon at the Gray Belle ; Members of the Salem Branch of the American Association of University Women will meet at twelve-thirty o'clock Saturday, WOMAN, 103, DIES WILLOWS, Cal.. Nov. 17.- (AP). Mrs. Jane Hamilton, 103, died; at the county hospital -here Wednesday. ' COMEDIAN KILLED SUMA, Ariz., Nov. 17 (AP)- Gene Cameron, 26, featured come dian of Fox film studios of Holly wood; Cat, was killed and his two cousins, the Misses Peggy Bald win and Sue Langford were in Jured In the overturning of Cam OEMS LOSES TILT "BOOTLEG KING" OVERRULED BY COURT AT TRIAL CINCINNATI, Nov. 17. (AP) ---Victor in the first great Ugnt of his murder trial, George Remus has lost a battle to widen the scope of the sanity tests the Jur ors In his case shall prescribe. Judge Chester . R. Shook ruled that the three testa customary ap plied In Ohio courts, and not "five or ten or fifteen," as demanded by Remus, shall rule. They are: 1 - Was the accused a free agent in Torming the purpose to kiHT 2-Was he at - the time capable of Judging whether the act was right or wrongT . . - - . 3- Did he know at the time It was an offense against tle laws of God and man? ; Yesterday Remus won" the right to help select the Jury which shall determine his fate despite objec tion ' of the prosecution - on the gTound that his sole defense was that he killed, his estranged wife, Imogene. 6n October 5, while tem porarily Insane, At adjournment eleven tenta tive jurors were in the box. American Farm Congress Passes Up Farm Relief KANSAS CITY. Nov. 17. (AP) Specific farm relief legis lation such as advocated by some eron s car one hundred miles east other agricultural organisations of Yuma Wednesday. . 'was passed up Wednesday at the CANT BUY S A BETTER OIL X f- ikon X TUB NEW ZEIUDLENE .i: . .r. . st- .v ... - Honeyed sweets KosvcheeiCS CRACICERS Sweetened with Pure Amber ' 4. v Honey Children crave sweets. Their active little -bodies need the quick energy and heat that sweets impart. : Nature has provided a healthful sweet to ' satisfy this craving, to supply this need. Namely HONEY pure, golden, delicious honey. And' HONEY is the sweet that for years and years has been used to make Tru-Blu Graham Crackers one of the finest, most wholesome foods ; that S mother can give her children. . Natural, whole-grain wheat plus the natural sweet. HONEY what better combination tor healthr s"v a I OF MANY) l2Z&JX&C3,?-oa best insur fTAKnaf ortcoimwr oy' etrot?na Order From Your Grocer NOW i ww ' -turn A.k in, ihs RIul and 'Cold FAMILY Pat hag final session of the American Farm congress. ; t .An Informal vote, however, showed, almost unanimous opposl tlon to any attempt at price fixing by the government in an effort to stabilise agriculture and to take care of surplus production. ' ' More than a score of delegates met this afternoon with the res olutions committee, which had an nounced it would accept for dis cussion any written resolution bee ring on farm relief legislation, but no concrete proposals were ad vanced by the delegates, . W. 1 Thomason. a delegate from Platte City. Mo.,' expresBe J the belief that some leglslstloa along the lines of the McNary- Haugen bill was needed to solve the surplus crop problem. IUj suggestion was given no encour agement by others present. t U L L ULi U UUVJ PU Put one of those won- Cr ckxful Calumet Cakes on. the table and see how quickly it disappears. So - eooditisgonebeforeyou know it. Fine food for children. ; Nourishing; healthful, easy to digest, and caay to make, when leavened with Calumet, UAxts zxsitiz CASiza LESS TIIAfT PZR BAKINO OOUDLG ACT1UC - . - - - m , '' ' - ' ; f A Varied and BrHHant t VP W)- ! Offering of Smart New f ) ( y' Models for Christmas WXvvl A c:AJU,uikvninr i i : 0 i : tK j s a yr ruly 'rP ' 'U WM luxurious robes of supple velvet, tailored to be sure, , and bound with bands of contrasting ribbon. - Then too, there are padded robes'of satin in the beautiful - soft shades , . V; - '.''--'"..'?fc',-".ii V, ' .' ; . Our selection of robes for Christmas gift and self use is far superior tQ what we have had the pleasure of off eriny in former years. -HEN the ideal gift to, a lady, fs somethino; that she will not buy for herself and here they are. Every woman -desires a robe and ninety per cent of them feel that they should not buy 1 them for themselves foolish r thought -we admit but facts are facts, never- WW PRE-nOLIDAY Clearance Sale OF SIJGIITI.YUSED PIANOS "Upright Pianos MANY AS LOW AS . $10 Down BALANCE! LIKE RENT $ 3 2 5 Practice Piano, A r used. For beginners vw fSSO Used Kimball, CQft but a bargain ...... v O MOO Gibson, used. 0110. Good condition .... v A X O $376 -Thompson, Cll used. Fine buy . . v l'i $385 Kingsbury, 1 QO ?sed. A dandy . . vl06 4S0 Vose, used. C0 1 7 3ee this ......... X $410 Weber, uned. 00O Big bargain ... .. . V0 $425 Pullman used CO but like new tiW $650 Kimball, used. COf!rf Beautiful piano ..QCJ& $400 Remington, COOO seed but like new . . $600 Clarendoti, used slightly, al- aaj most sew vvUfl Player Pianos MANY AS ' LOW AS $10 Down BALANCE LIKE RENT $550 Player Piano, QlVld used, dandy bur . . V laJ $600 Howard, used Good bargain $700 Standard Play- 0 A er, used. See this . . V-v $575 Player Piano, OftC used slightly $675 Concerto, used. Like new ..$290 $600 Baldwin , make Ut $575 Remington, CO OA used a HtUe 0J $650 Richmond, COA! new. Fine make $ 7H ElUngton, $ O fl A used slightly ?J U $675 Starr make, COOA new. Standard make vJ w w $725 Lexington. CA?1 new. Standard make v. v) ! I .") -i t TO ' r ., i .x' i! .Ji dl 1 1 r BRAND NEW. Baby Grands Very latest models, from America's most popular makers. Wonderful' tone and action. Beautiful brown mahogany. Compare these Grands with others selling from $200 to $300 more. Fre-HolMay Sale rrice .$485: : 925 DOWN " Balance Easy Payments Geo. C. Will Music House 433 State SC ' .. Est. 48 Years .4 . 1 t : v II y L u n n . i w M i.2 rim. Ui.nnnsir '1 1 1 L r i t i:EiTin.:Lf::sEYuYTi::::: DON'T g?vTup!0( courr RcctrJ and ColondL orJ ;r.- cause nervotisnesi, embarrass "rrt, c poadmcf. Mrlr M n trUI trer ""t r anothtr, ri h-v,l f:T4.A.w, i i - ; pcnnaiMrnt r , L t or 1 j-ye,s: t !. t . J. . boh irr"CAl r-- '4 ht u. f ' tr We tvtip 4 1 1 r - iU ty ttt'M" 'ici -'i '-fl o - - In a 1 w. o4 e. 1 ' c . 11 ' la tMi, tta cm MUrniM! . 1 r . r- C.. t 1 1