The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 18, 1927, Page 1, Image 1

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    Salem 'Eos a New Ni
Salem Has 122 Blocl
5 Grading Paclcing and Shipping Concern $own Tow
IsMore Pavement Than It Had a Year Agojr Crew-s Editing Means More Unemployment
. , !f . ; --:--.:. ; , ' ,. ". ; - v ,lT i r, , , , r - -
: fyjrr. . -TT ! N Avi S ssS y-swyvi I l -C. V ' AfSi0 'It Is said that IUlians eat more meat than
- j vTl Al VT f I 'VP mfllT M H Vnl I 1 Ym r I 1 fTl ' U 11 I f lT l Pi I ; ty did before the war and tnat they are
IV J r - V Jy I I " llli Ul III " s 1 I LI 7 I I L I CCU M ilL 1 L I I j I healthier. Is this another knock at the
CI in . n - . " : . ... - . . 7. . .
Weather forecast: Unsettled, possibly
llrht local rains; moderate temperature;
moderate westerly winds on the coast. Max
Imam temperatore yesterday1-61, minimum
51 riTer 10.3, rainfall .07i atmosphere part
cloudy, wind souux- -
- BP flEHT !IR
iliiCiiE SEEM
0regdn State" Club In Port
lahd: Denies plan To
; Change, Rear Hame
Ht Salem's Second laursert
Church Membership; Third
' in State
H. Jj. HolgwU Sees No Serious Is
sue la Student Yelling "Raht
" JUhtM Under Any Tide
They .Xlke Best
; It would be "dlTertlnr" for Ore
gon's Ute officials to get all het
up" oyer the alckname of a scbdol.
but IL I Holgate, president of the
Orecon State i club: of ,Portland,
doesn't think they wilt
"There is bo proposal, at this
X time, so far as I know, to haye the
official name of the Oregon asti
cultural couege cnancea, dui xoere
. ''!has been a ready public acceptance
of the briefer terms 'Oregon State'
for ererr day use." This wai one
of the outstanding statements con
tained in a letter recelred at the
executlre department, here Thurs
day from Mr. Holgat.
f A.' o Unanimous -x?
As1Andy Gump - would say.
continued the letter, "there aint
no law against it. i
The" proposal to change the
" name of nr: club organization
from 'O. A. C. Portland Club' Jo
'Oregonf State Club ot Portland
wrote Mr. Holgate, ;was referred
f to our 1509 actiTe members and
was approred with but two dls-Bentlng-rotes-These
: two ; only
d4Kted whether we could get the
puVtJto recognize the new appel-
atlon. i v f; -Huti3iHi"
'ro,rWfllaTe no Intention of car
rying on antrWerst' ei' tha
matter.- We cheerfully concede to
those who urefer 'Oregon State
Agricultural College 0. A. C,
O. S. .CV 'Aggies' or 'Bearers'
the- right to use such terms, and
we will say "Oregon State? with
out fear of penalty. ; ; -
No Dtsparaarment
. The First Baptist church of Sa
lem has called Robert I Payne
the fiery Kentucky! preacher
scholar and orator, as supply min
ister for -an 'indefinite time. Thl
action was taken last erenlng.
Rer. Payne is a! sew man in. the
vest, haricg come recently from
"It la not at all surprising that
those most ardently faroring the
change are graduates of the school
of agriculture. They thoroughly
understand the buncombe In the
assertion that .dropping the word
agricultural from the name, of
. the college is a reflection upon the
industry, of agriculture.
At Oregon State, agriculture Is
one of 10 oV 11 major courses and
' there Is no discrimination of any
kind against the- agricultural stu-
HeT. Robert I. Paywe
Wptrrensburg, Missouri, where he
was pastor of the First Baptist
church for four years; prerious to
that time being pastor of-the Vic
tory Memorial church at Louls-
rille, Kentucky;for seyen years.
Rey. Payne Is j a natlye of the
south, a graduate 'of the William
Jewell college and the Princeton
university. He Is a World war
yeteran and former Legion chap-
lin. j '
: While acting as supply minister
of the local church -for the last
few weeks a great interest -has
been aroused, throughout tberlty
and county. : The number attend
Tug the prater eetlngancrregui
lar Sunday services ' has practic
ally been doubled.- The church is
being; remodelled, painted, tinted
and redecorated, a new and one of
the most modern and up to date
pipe organs on tne Padfie coast
is being Installed. . In fact, when
the improvements are completed
the. First Baptist church can
proudly boast of one of the best
plants in the state and the second
targest membership of any church
in Salem, and the third largest
Baptist membership In the entire
state. . , , ;
Philadelphia: Group - Hears
Address By President of
- United States
pacied-in'past ekason v.
20 City Employes Iaid off,- but
,May be Used In Other
'- Work Boon ; T .
Comprehensive Report of National
.Situation - Given ix - Speech; 1
Internal Improvements ;
Called for :
- PHILADELPHIA. , Nor. 17--
(AP) . A national program : call
ing for internal improvements de
velopment of ; the , country's ; de
fenses and the promotion of peace
was outlined tonight by President
Coolidge in cautioning against the
"test - of ? prosperity! facing AmerH
Icaw : Speaking before- a - distin
guished audience of business lead'
ers at the Union league of Phila
delphia In a brief ylslt to this
city, Mr, Coolidge gave a compre-
henslve report of the nation's af
fairs and then detailed his hopes
for? the future in the1 most f com
plete way he has ever attempted
outside of a message to congress.
''i2. Receives High Honor'l t
Tho president spoke after; he
had been given the gold medal for
distinguished . public service and
honorary membership in the ? Un-!
ion league, the only president to
receive both awards from this or
ganization founded in Civil war
Flood control, development : of
waterway systems, conBtrustlon of
more cruisers and submarines for
tho navy, encouragement of ; com
mercial aviation and attention to
thet?olorado river and Columbia
basin projects were mentioned by
the president" as he emphasised
that "welegla to consider Internal
Urces Debt Redaction
While a moderate tax reduction
is In sight, he warned again, that
Paving operations for the year
have ended, and Commissioner W.
S., Low announced yesterday that
the entire - crew of 10 " men had
been laid off for the season. ?
These men will be" absorbed in
In other city work Just as soon as
any la available. It As possible
that many ot them will be assigned
to work on the ; new t sewer pro-J
gsam when It Is inaugurated.
Prevailing rains made necessary
the stopping of paving operations
much sooner than It was earlier
expected.; The crew was working
on Jefferson street, and had com-!
pleted about ong block of it before
the halt was called. . .
Cltlxens of that district yester-i
day - urged .Commissioner Low ; to
endeavor to-complete paving that
street this season; but "the- com
missioner indicated that "any pay
lng done now would be necessarily
of poor, quality due to the soft,
muddy soil, and the cost would' be
nearly twice aa great. ,"J: Lumber
was laid on the street to, make
passage this winter possible.
a loiai or izz blocks were
paved during the season with the
big and small mixer. These blocks
consisted of a much greater yard
age than was paved last year, but
the total was a bit short of the
quota set at the beginning of the
year. Commissioner Low estimated
that about 20 . blocks more could
have been 'paved had rainfall not
been so heavy. '
Six Men Killed Within Week In
Warfare at St. Lowls
(Contimad m pc S) '.
Washington hit
i ? tj. s. capital crnr '
City Drenched as Rainstorm Fol
lows on heels of Fifty Three
Mlle'Galo-"-.: 5;
-A tornado, followed " by two
State Make Saving tn Interest by
Transferrins; Amount f
I heavy rain storms that drenched
ythe city, struck two sections ';. of
Washington and neighboring com-
munltles today .'leaving in Its
f -. wake at least one death, more than
a score of Injured, and several mll-
- lion dollars damage to property
, The storm, descending ! first
around 2:30 o'clock in the. after
I noon, and abetted by ft 53 mile
I gale and blinding rain, struck in
the southeast and northeast ouar
r tern . of Washington, tearing ;off
roof tops as if they.were band box
3 lids, blowing down trees and trans
mission-wires," and sending- nun
dreds scurrying to safety within
their - homes. . That, only "person
known to have" been i killed was
Mrs. Jane Carter,rwho was struck
by lightning. " ' -V
. wnll nouses Suffer
jTKv'ot the damage resulted to
'a dwellings, although many
automobiles were turned over and
l KAver&l nersen were injured in
AIs manner. -'-'--. - ;.
V The oath cnt by the tornado
, at least a mile in width and
I about 20 miles long. Alexandria,
Va., on the south, and Hyattsvllle,
Md on the north, reporting hav
ing felt the blow and rain, with
0 J slight damage to wooden .struc
tures. ,
Police tonight were erecting
barriers la the affected - area by
placing blown down trees at inter
section to keep out possltla loo-
ters.r T ; .. ' '
- Secretary of War Davis offered
to, place troops in this section at
tt9 disposal of city authorities,
ST. LOUIS. Mo., Nor. 17w
(AP) The sixth slaying within a
week and the 11th since Auguat
19, attributed by police to yrvalry
of extortion and '.moonshine gangs
operating la and near St. Louis oc
curred today when rasquaie tan-
Uno. S9. was shot to death in the
Sciales wholesale grocery.
Witnesses said a man- entered
the store; shouted Saatlno's name.
fired four shots and threw the re
volver In San tine's face, a savage
gesture, 'wnich :. characterised two
previoua killings and ran out. . .
Santlno, who had a police rec
ord, was a friend of Alp house Pa-
laxxolo, gunman f qt moonshiners,
killed lal a fusillade of 7 bullets
September . Santlno then es
caped death by dodging bullets.
The Palassolc slaying was con
sidered by police an: act of "ven
geance for the earlier deaths or
Tony; Russo,. Vlcent Splcusxa and
Benjamin Glamanco. The . first
two were killed in Chicago' and
the last i named! in downtown St.
Louis streets. i.,- V-V
The state treasurer Thursdsyj
tr&Bferid to the world war vet
erans state aid sinking find the
amount of 1500,000, which was
borrowed temporarily on October
10 to replenish the general fund
of the State. Interest was paid by
the state treasurer in the amount
of 11041.10, or at the rate of two
per cent. '
The prevailing rate of Interest
charged by banks for this amount
of money 'would have exceeded
I2S0O. r
Over BO HI; General Vaccination
: On Reeervalton to be -
- Started
Verdict For, ' Defendant Brought
"After 80 Minutes
The Jury in the case of King vs.
Vehrs returned a verdict In favor
of Dr. George Ri Vehrs. ;the de
fendant, in -circuit court yesterday
afternoon; after about 2 0 minutes
deliberation.- -t? .
Dr. Vthrraa4 hlnguedw,Dy '
Mrs. Lyda King, -local nurse, who
charged him with having perform
ed an unauthorised operation upon
her.- She was suing for 210.000
The defendant was protected by
an insurance company, which r
tained counsel ' to represent him
at the trial, brought in witnesses
in his behalf and would have paid
any damages that might have been
assessed, against him following an
adverse f Terdiet.- This fact" wai
carefully kept from the Jury how
even - ': ' -- : f' - s-- -1 . ; -
Tne .trial was tne second one
daring the' past month i between
the two parties. -The first. suit
brought by Mrs. King against Dr.
Vehrs was dismissed on the morn
ing of-the second day when It was
found that ft Salem -afternoon pa
per had published a statement of
the situation with regard to the
insurance, company, and a few of
the Jurors had happened to read
the statement, r
The Chemawa Indian school res
ervation was' placed under strict
Quarantine yesterday- by - Dr.
George R. Vehrs, when 15 cases
of smallpox, previously diagnosed
as ; chicken- pox, and one case of
infantile paralysis were discovered
at the school. . -
The smallpox has been prevalent
at the school four or fire weeks,
but no .quarantine was established
as the" physician ' in attendance
thought-that it was the less sev
ere . disease. Dr. .Verne Hamilton
was ' the physician at Chemawa
until "yesterday when he left for
La Grande to take over a practice
there. When Dr. Vehrs took charge
of the school, he called Dr. Ver
non Douglas, deputy health offic
er, to investigate the infantile par
alysis case," and the smallpox was
discovered at that time. " -
All the afflicted students were
immediately Isolated in the school
hospital, and a 'quarantine estab
lished around the entire area by
Dr. Vehrs. The county health of
ficer has no Jurisdiction there as
it is federal territory. : -
Just how the epedemie started
has not been fully determined,
but it is believed that it was
brought: in by an Alaskan pupil. '
Richard Matte, the ten year old
Indian pupil, who has a mild' at-!
tack of infantile paralysis was Is
olated in a special ward. He has
been at the school for two years,
and Just where the germs came
from is not' known. - "
Starting at 9 o'clock this morn
ing. Dr. Vehrs will vaccinate all
the pupils who are not ill. ' As
there are about 1000 of them it
will be a long process.
Three other cases of sm allpox
are known to the health officer
at this time, .one in West Salem
and two near 'Donald. ,
111 FS RPP V
101. CECIL
W. C. Bridgeman Declares
Viscount Gives Unfair
Impression To U. S.
Wife's Seven- Children and His
Own Not Provided For,
" Stated"' ' -
English Plan Only One of Those
Submitted Which Would Have
Worked Away From Arma
ment Aggression
Marion and Clackamas Community
Workers to Attend Dinner
, LONDON," Noy. 17w (AP) W.
C. - Bridgeman, first lord of the
admiralty. In a speech at Eltham
tonight, replied to .Viscount Cecil's
attack on the government in the
house of lords yesterday.
"I think Lord Cecil gives a very
unfair Impression ot the - British
attitude at the disarmament con
ference," he said from which one
might suppose the British govern
ment did not desire an agreement
ana tnat its attitude alone pre
vented ftn agreement. The fact re
mains that , our scheme was the
only one submitted at the confer
ence which would have- made any
substantial economy, or reduced
the ; aggressive character of. arm
aments, and that it wasn't accept
able to the United States, although
we made repeated-efforts to modi
fy It In order to secure their agree
menu" -' .,
Offldala Defended
Alluding to Lord Cecil's accu
satlon of departmental obstruc
tion v the f Irst lord said :
a sab a
as me oinciais rannot ans
wer tor themselves I feel It is my
duty to say that they did not.
n convinced, deviate- from the
policy 'lid down by the cabinet"
Mr. Bridgeman. professed him
self astonished at the reasons Vis
count Cecil gave for his resigns
tion, - .;.'.: :
"He now affects to treat the
question as between eight and six
inch, guns as of minor impor-
One of the biggest community
club gatherings ever held in Ore
gon is anticipated when the Mar-!
ion County Community federation!
and the Clackamas Union ot clubs
unite for a discussion of develop
ment and organisation' methods,
thl evening at the First Methodist
church here. The : meeting will
open at f :S0 p. m., and wjU be In
the nature of an Informal dinner.
By Thursday evening practlcaw
ly every community club In Mar
ion county had signified its lnten-
tion .to send ' ft delegation, while!
the Clackamas county "visitors are
expected to number 75.
',. Any other persons Interested in
community club work, are Invited
to attend. Speeches will be limited
to three minutes. - .
willit come to this:
An unusual case in which were'
mixed elements of pathos and hum
or, was- brought to the attention
of District Attorney John Carson
yesterday when, a woman with ten
dependent children appealed to his
office for, help In getting back a
susband who deserted her a few
days ago. The woman's name-Is
being withheld from publication.
The'woman was referred to Mrs.
Nona White, Marion county pro
bation officer., "who ; elicited the
following story from her:
She said she had ' been living
near Mlnot, N. p., nd vhad lost
her husband in disastrous prairie
fire that swept over the . plains
there aboct a year ago. She was
left- with seven children. During
the past' summer she got into cor
respondence with a man out here
in Salem : whom she had known
previously in North Dakota. He
was a widower and the father ot
three children. . He pursuaded her
to come west and marry him. .
A tew weeks ago she found her
self destitute of aid and with no
prospects of being able to finance
herself or feed her children over
the winter. She appealed to the
county court at Minot for assist
ance to get out to Salem where
she had a home to go to, o she
told the court.. That, body advanc
ed her the funds to make the trip,
possibly feeling that it was the
cheapest way out of a bad situs
tlon. ..
When she arrived in Salem she
found the man waiting for , her
and they were married without de
lay. He had written her that he
was well possessed of the world's
goods and everything would be
lovely once she got here. She soon
found to her sorrow that he had
nothing. Within ' a few. days he
(Ooatiaadi oa paf T.)
(OoBtiaofrd a pat T.)
To, fiiAUfy Jury duty
Finds Downtown' District Shy of
Food; Returned to Hart )
After eluding capture all- day
Wednesday and most of Thursday,
a lone white hen suddenly launch
ed itself Into : the air at 2 p. m..
yesterday and few across Liberty
street from the Marquee .of the
Hartman Jewelry store. Alighting
on the sidewalk at the corner In
front of the Capital drug store, it
was soon taken into custody, by a
nearby photograph agent and re
turned to the Peoples market.
from which it had originally -es
cased. ;
The fowl is presumed to have
spent the night roosted somewhere
comfortably above the . marquee,
starting out in quest of food yes
terday morning with probably tih-
euccessiai results. : . ?
-Mf the bird bad not teea ap
prehended by last - night it had
been si-ssested itit the colored
reserve bo called out to take 1t In
to custody. , ' '.'
7r frK,
Toitfk To FiSiy A
ics TlU AKO WM&V
I AM? A rM3EU-'
17 &0 ASK UM MS -
'& pestvE To
. &Y2 6X9 M0(Mi
w - m m
Probabflity of Plan's Adaptation
! This Year Seen as Slight
The community' chest meeting.
scheduled for last night, was post
poned until next Monday evening.
At that time the community chest
committee will report to the cham
ber of commerce directors their
findings In regard to the project
and final action will be left to
them. . . f
It is generally considered doubt
ful that any plan, for a chest will
be j Inaugurated this ; fall. - The Y.
M. C. A. is'def inltely opposed, and
only lukewarm support Is being
given : by: smaller . charitable or
ganizations. One of the great dif
ficulties pointed out Is the ap
pointment . of a chest committee
which would function from an ab
solutely, unbiased attitude In pro
rating funds. "v - -
It is also pointed out that the
community chest drives in many
cities are not meeting with suc
cess, and organizations' are com
mencing to withdraw. The drive
In Seattle recently fell short of its
mark. -
, iv r .. i in
. sT-t a. 11
-4 6V
f Mm
River Rises 7 1-2 Feet Since Mon
day Morning, Then Recedes
With the level of the Wlllam
ette river standing at 10.3 feet
above normal at 7 o'clock, last
night -and slowly falling, imme
diate danger of flood stage was
considered passed. The present
river level la the first high level
since last spring.
Flood stage is usually consid
ered as about U feet above nor
mal. . - ,
Mill Creek yesterday was still
a swollen torrent ot swift, muddy
water risen far: out of its normal
at that time. By 7 p. m. yesterday
it . had dropped to 10.3. At 7
m. Monday it stood at Just three
feet above normaL .."
alore Worker In All Parts of
Country Needed, Announced
Nine Million People Affected
In: Provinces of Shan
C tung and Chihli
Both British and American Xavat
, Authorities Alarmed at Situ-
ation and Proceed to
Take Action "
Associated Charities Report Shows
v Much Destitution '
A total of 104 families were ex
tended charity on an average of 10
times each during the year end
ing November 1, according to a
report prepared yesterday by the
Salem Associated charities. Ninety-
eight transients received aid. The
total number of people helped
were 11SC.
Sixty-five people were given a
night's lodging at the association
office, and ICS meals-were cook
ed at the office for transients.
Clothing given away amounted
to $399.21, the articles averaging
a few cents a piece.' Groceries giv
en away totalled $592.05. -
Total receipts were $1252.22,
and expenditures $1193.89, leav
ing a balance In the tresury of
$ S 8.3 3.- r-.-t'-i -' 'C?v-' - "
Calls for charity far exceed in
number tnose 01 - last year, ac
cording to Mae Young, executive
secretary. Particular requests re
ceived yesterday were for a stove,
a bed; and a baby shirt.
If the community chest 1 '- or
ganized for this fall's drive a to
tal of $3,000 will be asked by the
Associated Charities, accroding to
Mrs. Young."
The situation in China is becomr
Ing Increasingly difficult and "
complex with the military dlffK
culties aggravated by famine con
ditions -that affect nine millions
of people in the provinces ot
Shantung and Chlhll.
Heavy fighting is reported!
along the Tlentsln-Pukow railway
north of Minkkwang. The gravi
ty of the situation has compelled .
both American and British naval
authorities to take action.
3 U. jS. Gunboats Sent
The Americans have dispatch
ed the gunboat '"Ashevllle to
Tuengkong where serious anti
foreign demonstrations have beea
directed especially against Amer
icans. ; The British today cent the
cruiser Vindictive up the Yangtse
river with troops destined foe
Hankow. As there British
concession at Hankow the move
is somewhat mysterious. No of
ficial explanation was offered and
all -sorts of surmises are in cir
culation. : .
It is generally supposed .that
the move was simply, precaution-
ary as It would be difficult to
reach Hankow with the river a.
its : present low level. It Is as
sumed that - if the troop ara
landed, they will be quartered In
British property In a former con
cession for defensive and not ag
gressive purposes.. - 1
Disorder Follows Capture
Z. Nanklngese troops have suc
cessively occupied Hankow but
their advent : seems calculated to
lead to disorder. Already they
hare, opened , prison doors, liber
atlng -. l.OOO or more convicts..
Strict martial law, however, li
being, enforced and It . is hoped
this will prevent serious devel
opment. .
" A multitude - of reports from
foreign sources In Hankow revest
a continuous condition of uneasi
ness as the Nanking faction coo
tlnues to establish firmer control
Foreign ; dispatches from Can
ton reveal renewed outbreaks la
' (Goat lau4 a par )
Aimee Semple McPherson to be at
Con ventlon Mere Soon :
Ordinance Prohibiting Other Care
Stopping There to be En.
' . - . forced
Not only M other" j Kennedy,
but her. widely known daughter,
Aimee Semple Mcpherson, will be
among the speakers at the seven
day convention which will be held
at the Evangelistic Four Gospel
association temple at the corner ot
13th and Ferry streets beginning
Other prominent speakers will
be Rev. Frank Gray, district chair
man of the Assemblies of Cod of
the northwests district, and II. R.
Tatman, Oakland evangelist
Services will begin Sunday morn
ing at 10:80 and. will be held at
3 and 8 p. m that day and every
afternoon and evening the follow
ing six days. , , ,;'
Company Convinced Mt. Angel
Youth Dead, But Not Legally
The Red Cross campaign for
membership Is progressing slowly
ant only a few contributions have
been received, according to . Dr.
Kenry E. Morris. 4 f
.Volunteers from all parts cf the
county are needed to add impetus
to the drive, and Dr. Morris ks
tliat these' who can giro a tit cf
tl::rtir:9 to the caS wrIU cr;
PORTLAND, Nov. 17- (AP)
Although Jordan Sauvain of
Mount Angel the youth "who was
lost . several ! -i weeks 'I ago while
hunting in the densely timbered
sections of Table Rock, is" not leg
ally dead, his, body never having
been found, the Equitable Life In
surance company of Iowa has pai l
a. $3,000 policy he had to his fa
ther, J. C. Sauvain, of Portland,
local assets ct tia company today
The yellow paint to designate
loading cones for the street buses,
in accordance with an . ordinance
passed recently, was being arpi?d
to the- street corners yesterday,
snd the Job will be completed next
week, according to Commissioner
W. S Low. ,
' ; Sixteen parking stations are to ,
oe maraea. ah wui i ieei i.i
length except two. These two will
have a. 14 foot frontage, to ac
commodate two' buses simultane
ously. One of these will be locate 1
on the south side of State street
on the west side ot High, and tho
other on" Commercial street north
west of. the intersection with
State.. ' -
" The police department has been,
instructed to enforce the' ordin
ance to the limit, and arrest any
person, who parks. his car in the
restricted sone. Buses also will
be watched to see that they stop
close to the curb, and not ia til
street as at present.
The 32 toot zones are to fce set
at the southeast and north t t
corners on Cor.inierc'i:' st Ferry;
the southeast corner t Ut? ta
Commercial; the northeast comer,
of Commercial on Etaie; pn-- .
east corner cf Court on C
cial; northeast corse r cf
cial on Court; sou: I-.-'t a:
west corner of Cker-.r". .i .
mercial; southwest c-nr ' :
erty on State; nortec :: .
Liberty oa'.SUtc; - -
net of Liberty on - -
east. corner of -Libit; :
southwest corner 'cf !.
Co-art; .northveit c: r
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