The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 17, 1927, Page 3, Image 3

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    - "r-
jmual Harvest Home Festi
vu at Old People 8 Home
Tomorrow Afternoon
The annual "Harvest Home
festival . will be held at the Old
People's Home tomorrow from
two-thirty to fly o'clock. The
First Methodist Church of which
Mn Oeorra H." Alden ' in nrenl.
dent, are sponsoring the affair.
In the receiving llne : will l be
Mrs. F. W. Selee, Mrs. J. H. Bak
er, Mrs. P. J. Hunts, Mrs. B. L.
Gilbert,' members of the board of
the Old People's Home.
;- Mrs. Altnira B. Hale Is chair
man of the committee In charge
ortne tea. ;
Mrs. John , Martiii : Canse and
Mrs. Fred C.; Taylor will preside
at the tea table daring the first
noar. .
At the second hnnr Mrs V. W .
Selee and Mrs. B. L. SteeTes vrmerve84'Gue8t NighV
tate their places.
v-Those assisting wilLbe Mrs. C.
V: Wilson Mrs, -J. W. Phenicie.
Mrs. w. s. Savage. Mrs, A. A. Un
Mrs. J. II. Clifford: rare a short
business review : -:,z ,y,'-? i
Mrs. P. O. Franklin read group
of Japanese lyrics as did also Les
ter McDonald. " v :
Charles J. Lisle read an inter
esting short story based on a mur
der case being tried in court.
Perry Reigelman also contribut
ed a short dramatic story and sev
eral poems to the evening's pro
gram. t --. . ;
.-Those .motoring to Corvallla
were Mr. and Mrs., J. Mw Clifford
of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Robert
C. Paulas, Mrs. Blanche M. Jones
Mrs. W.-F, Fargo, ; JDr..; Mary C.
Rowland. Dr. and. Mrs. P. O
Franklin, Professor and Mrs. 'Mor
ton E. Peck. Miss Ruth Lawrence.
Miss Renska Swart, Mrs. Ora F.
aacinryre. tester McDonald, Per- house.
ry Reigelman, -and.' Charles ' I
Lisle, all of Salem. '
Silver Cliff P T. A. Will -
Give q f Chinese Fair"
X Chlaeea Palr will be riven
Friday evening at the Silver Cliff
school house under . the auspices
or the. Sliver Cliff Parent Teach
ers Association. The rroceeds will
be used to buy a stove for the kit
chen which was built last year.
The fair will Include side shows,
a ''Mandarin fudge" booth, and
fortune telling, booths.
Chinese noodles will be served.
Auburn Woman's Club Will
Meet Tomorrow Evening
The Auburn Woman's Club will
meet at seven-thirty o'clock FrV
day evening in the Auburn school
Chapter AB, P. 7. Oj 06-
. peeves IZii'-d6rM11' MrB' Charles J. Lisle, Mrs.
i :4F H. H. Vandervort. Mrs. Benjamin E, E nnhert . Ur a n h.,.-
SlrS' r''41"' R- V Hollenberg. Mrs. J. IL
Roberts, Mrs. A. t.fDQvor . .utt. ,,.,
Blatchford, Mrs
Mrs. C M
Bohrnstedt, Mrs. W. T. Rigdon,
Mrs. Day, Mrs. A. C. Clark, Mrs.
A. A. Under hill, and Mrs. E. E.
I Social Calendar I
. o " " 1 c
Thursday ;
Card party. Sponsored by La
dies' of United Artisans. Fraternal
Temple. 2:30 o'clock.
; United Artisans. Fraternal Tem
4 pie, v 8 o'clock, 1 " " '
L fc Ladles of the G. A. R. Luncheon
f Armory. 12:'0 o'clock.
J Dance. Parish house, ' Corner
I Winter and Chemeketa Sts. -spon
sored by young people of St. Jo
seph's Parish. 9 o'clock. ;
Kensington Club. Mrs. K.C
Kafoury, 750 N. Summer -St, hostess.
Liberty Woman's Club. Regular
meeting. Community. Hall 2:00
o'clock. "
Faculty Women's Club, Mrs. W.
E. Kirk. 1455 State St. hostess.
2:30 o'clock.
Chapter O, P. E. O. Mrs. A. L.
Godfrey, 127
Ladles of
Union St. hostess.
United ! ATttsans,
: s.
An Interesting program
been arranged. Refreshments Willi '
Justice Thomas, A. ZlcBHde
Uonored on Birthday Annu j
versary ' , - -
Justice Thomas JL McBrlde of
tbe supreme court iX Oregon was
th honor guest at a banquet giv
en . last Saturday evening at the
Hotel Benson in Corvallla by A. N.
Pierce,, manager of the hotel. The
occasion' marked ( the : fifty-seven
years - that Justice McBiide has
practiced law in Oregon, his eight
ieth birthday anniversary, and al
to the forty-fourth birthday anni
versary of the host.
s. The banquet was the tenth an
nual affair of the kind given by
Mr. Pierce in honor ef Justice Mc
Bride. r - - V - "-s-
' ' Pr. R. L. Bosworth of Corval
lla acted as toastmaster. . Each
guest was called upon and respon
ded briefly.
-CdaUnd a page 5.)
V sponsoring card party. Fraternal
begin at 2:30 o'clock. :
United Artisans. . Regular meet
ing. Fraternal Temple. 8 o'clock.
Friday --JS-jl.
Open program. at. TMf cS-A.
Music section of :Saleni I Arts
League in' charge, t.- -'"":
Frl-Nl-Da Club Dance. Castil
Uan HaU. 9 o'clock. ;
"Harvest Home" tea. 'Sponsor
ed by Ladles of First M. E. Church
Old People's Home, 1526 Center
St, 2:30-1:00 o'clock. Public in
vited to attend. ...
"Extravaganza, given by ma-
- sic department of Salem High
School, School auditorium, Hlch
" and Marion Sta. 8 o'clock.
Woman's Auxiliary of St. Paul's
. "j-ch. Mrs.- Catlln and Mrs.
C.ars, hostess, 1209 Chemeketa
St 1:20 o'clock.
Woman's Alliance, Unitarian
Church. Emerson . Room. 2:30
o'clock. ; ' ; "' ' r
Woman Union. Monthly meet
ing. First Congregational Church
2 o'clock. '-rv'-v'
Golden West Club, W. B. A.
Junior Party. Mrs. Jennie Miller,
351 S. 19 St. hostess.
Circles of Baptist Church. ; If .
Circle, Mrs. Harry. Harms, 1910
N. Summer St. .
Jane f s Lawrence Circle.' Mrs.
Mark Skiff. 421 1-2 Court St.;
Elizabeth Loughrldge Circle. Mrs.
Thomas Roen, 1417 Court St, 2; 30
O'clock.:-:-' ;- , '. .'. ,
"Chinese Fair," auspices of Sil
ver Cltff P. T, A.," Silver . Cliff
school-house. 7:80 o'clock'- .
Auburn Woman's ClnbSchool
house. 7:S0 o'clock. -J
District MeeUng,-B. and P. W.
Clubs. Albany. All-day.
A. A. U. W. Luncheon, Gray
Belle 12:30 o'clock.
"184 North Liberty St. All-day.
Annual inspection, W. R.' C.
Covered dish dinner at noon. ',
-., SuiKIay " ? .
Film at First-Congregational
Church. "The White, Black Sheep"
7:30 o'clock.
' - -. Monday .
Regular meeting, R.'N. A. Fra
ternal Temple. Juvenille organt
aatlon, 7 o'clock, adults, 8 o'clock.
Tuesday . . : '
Social meeting, R.N. A.. Club, I
Mrs. Susie Parmenter. 809 N. Com
mercial St, hostess.' :'-rv-7. l:r-.-
Baker, Mrs. Arietta M. Page. Mrs.
H. F. Durkhelmer, Mrs. Illff, Mrs.
w; C Young, and Mrs. George H.
Alden. ... ,
An - Interesting ' program has
been arranged for the afternoon.!
Miss -Mary McKee of Willamette!
University will give several read-1
ings and Mrs. : Charles Maxwell
will sing. 'Mrs. Maxwell will also
lead the groap In singing old
songs., v--; 1 -4f v.." ''l:-.
The Home is supported by vol
untary contributions . -. from the
Home Missionary societies of the
Oregon district. Friends are ask
ed to bring their, contributions of
fruit, vegetables, and Jellies 'I'ri
day afternoon. ; ; Those who are
unable to bring ; their " contribu
tions should telephone Mrs.: B. B.
Carrier at 1684-J.
Writer's Club Entertained in
CorvaUis ;
The Writer's Section of the Sa
lem Arts League, was' entertained
Tuesday evening at the ' home of
Mr. and Mrs. Byron D. Arnold in
In CorvaUis. I ' i
' The program opened with a pi
ano number played by Mr. Arnold.
Mrs." J. M. Clifford spoke brief
ly of the literary organizations in
Portland in which she Is Interest
ed. Mr. and Mrs.- Clifford are
members of the local club astheyl
made their home in Salem . until
a few years ago.
Mrs. Blanche M. Jones read two
poems, "Youth" and "Thorough
fare." ;: 'f 1 v r; ry 5 -X.
Mrs. Robert C. Paulus gave 1
talk on the activities In the fruit
canning industry. .
Miss Renska Swart who - won
third : place la the national "Old
Ironsides", contest, displayed her
awards and told a few details of
the contest.
-Mra. W. F. Fargo read a bit of
blank verse entitled. -Pioneers.
Two lyrics were read by Dr. Mary
C. Rowland
- The original poem, "1 Saw an
Ancient Woman" was contributed
by Professor Morton E. Peck. Mrs.
Byron - Arnold read a sonnet.
"Mother to Daughter.'
, Chapter AB ef the P. E, O. Sla
te mood observed "Guest 5 Night'
at the meeting of the chapter at
the home of Mrs. E. C. Richards
Monday evening. .' j ;
7 The program included : musical
numbers by Mrs. Harry Mi Styles,
and vocal solos given . by - Miss
Grace Osborn and Mrs, Ray Smith.
Miss L. May" Ranch gave a talk on
the dedication of the memorial li
brary which haa been, erected re
cently at. Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, in
honor "of the founders of, the Sis
terhood. . ' .j 1 '- -
Special guests were Mrs. O. L-
Llpps of Chemawa ; Mrs.- L. L.
Laws, Mrs. Mary E. Rauch, x Mrs.
Wllllan M. Hamilton,: and Mrs. C.
F. Davis. - : r -j J'j -;'
Members pTesent were Mrs. W.
E. Kirk, Mrs. Ray Smith Miss
Grace Osborn; Miss Grace; Eliza
beth Smith, Mrs. W. D. -Smith,
Mrs. W. P..- Fargo. Mrs. Mary
Reeves, Mrs. Bessie L ' Barrett,
Mrs. L. P. Brlckell. MIsS Mary
Rauch, and the hostess, Mrs. Rich
ards. ,.; ' ' T. '
Mrs. Richards was - assisted In
serving by Miss - Osborn, :Mrs.
Kirk, and Mrs. Styles. .
Woman's Auxiliary of SU - '
Paul's Church - I J )
Mrs. Prank 1 Spears and Mrs.
Russell " Catlln will entertain the
Woman's Auxiliary of St.: Pauls
Church Friday afternoon in their
home at. 1209 Chemeketa Street.
A cheerful hotel with a
warm welcome for guests.
Opposite leadina
-theatres. ,
.Room and Bath
14(0 to $330
Holed I?id!di3t2
. m
, . ; , , Via Oregon Electric Ry.
- " for the
O. AY C, - Idalio
Game Saturday;
Nov. 19
f : . Tickets on sale Nor. 17th, 18 and 19th
; Return limit Nor. 2nd
O. H. Ry trains leave Salem for Portland at 7:15 a. m., 10:02
a. m. (Ltd.), 1:20 p. m., 4:11 p. m. (Ltd.), 5:80 p. m., 8:23
p. m arriving Jeff erson Street at 8:55 a. m., 11:80 a. m.
8:00 p. m., 5:40 p. m., 7:10 p. m., and 10:00 p. m.
Returning leave Hoyt Street StaUon at 8:05 a. m. (Ltd.),
10:50 a, 2:05 p. m.. 4:45 p. m., 6;05 p. m., 9:55 p. m.
(Jefferson Street 16 minutes later) arriving Salem at 9:61
a. m., 12:42 p. m., 4:00 p. nu, 6:16 p. m., 7:57 p. m., 11:50
p. m. - '
Tickets, folders, parlor car seats, etc.
Ii. F. Knowlton - Phono . V. W. Ritchie
Trav. Psgr. Agt. M-T2T TlcaAgnt
1 - .
r, .
v -. . . ... .
Special Disposal
v " ' -Mnsfer Crentnrss hnvp CrmtrOhnteii
Their Best to This Collection
- KfKtZUNQ the story of the fascinating new
A millinery mode for the holiday season
are these pew models with a different tilt
to the brim. Irresistibly lovely models la
. both, sports and dressy types. '
. Combinations of velvet and satin, velvet and
. felt, silk and velvet. A touch of brilliant
! metal cloth or metalle stitching make up the
New Pin Ornaments
Unlimited Variety
..... , . "
Headsizes for Everyone
$2 85
V :
'4 !
3 mf
God3 lBg37dd
-1 .
Second Floor Economy Department
tYou will overlook the best shoe buy in Sa
lem if you fail to visit Buster Brown's Sec
ond Floor Economy Department. Pu m p s
and Oxfords in patents and tans wi t h
French, Cuban, arid Walldng heels. Shoes
that left the factory in the month of Octo
ber. Manufactured to retail from $7.00 to
$9.00 per pair. iWill go on sale on the Sec
ond Floor Economy Department $3.95;
Fifteen' hundred pair in all sizes from 2lA
Sefcond Floor Economy Department
V'r hx
s; IlJb: ST
W of.
-a Photograph of a Dear One
to a Dear One
VHf RANDFATlIEIl and Grandmother your
Bjr chpdren and their children will ' prizef a
photograph of y,ou above anything else you
can give them. Nothing more expresses your
; love than your photograph It is the next thing
to you, yourself. - .
For Christmas give ; your children and
grandchildren a photograph of yourselves.
Mark how they beam when you present it to
them. , We do the finest and most artistic of
portrait photography at very reasomble prices.
Special rates for the holidays'. Beautiful
mountings and frames.
Cregcn BIJg.
Tclc A.c C