The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 17, 1927, Page 12, Image 12

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a;. mi
Hcport That . Jack-and Tex
Rickard Narrowly Missed
x v Death Mistake
"l.EWARK. N. J.. Nor. !.-
f AP) Although Jack Dempsey,
Twt Rickard and about 20 others
relieved they narrowly escaped
Ceath today when the elevator
la which they were riding "drop-ld-
from the ninth floor to the
casement of the Chamber of Com
tecree building;, it waa only an el-
ev a tor's mistake.
. It had been planned to have
Dempsey to go to the basement
f the 1 building to avoid the
crowds. In the building there is
, Only one elerator that goes below
: lae street level. t
Dempsey and his party did not
' take that elevator and when the
operator of the car In which they
. rode was .Instructed - not to stop
before he got to the basement, he
forgot in the excitement of having
eucn personages' riding with him.
that his car didn't go below the
floor.- ..--i--.'."
, After passing the first floor
Coon on its descent, the car stop-
Sd ith barely a Jolt. The power
A been automatically cut off. ' .
. "Gosh 1 Frank XJdistky. , oper
- a tor of the car. said. It was then
thai he realised that his car was
t csose4 to go to the basement.
L Che power of the car was turned
fen and it ascended to the street
Redding and Robert Witty.; spoke
at the chapel exercise. Miss
Breithanpt recounted the history
of debating at Willamette with es
pecial: reference to women's da
bate. Mr. Redding care hlg-own
Ideas rm the essentials of success
ful debating, and Mr. Witty spoke
more of less humorously on the
principles of oraiorr. v
IT -
Annual 3 Months Closed
Season on Halibut Begins
KETCHIKAN, Alaska, Not." 1 6.
t(AP) -The annual three month
closed season on Pacific eoast hal
ibut fishing began last night.
Under a treaty between the Uni
ted States and Canada, ; halibut
fishing : Is '" suspended each year
from November 15 to February 15
in an effort to Insure perpetuity
of-'the Industry. 1 - ;4.;3 ; -:.
Unusually cold weather thelast
month has J hampered fishing , al
though' the season, waa generally
regarded aa ."fairly good. ;
Nor. 16 (AP) That Stanford Is
no longer a favorite to- win the an
nual "big ga,me" with, the Uni-.
TersKy of California Saturday,
seems to be uppermost 1 in- - the
minds of the ; entire ; '' Stanford
coaching staff. The untimely and
totally unexpected defeat of Staf
ford by Santa Clara last week has
brought about a reversal of opin
ion in the minds of the coaching
heads and a reaction - that has
brought the heaviest practice of
the season. y . : -.-.
The players. ave working fee
hind lacked gates and. when they
get through at night they are al
most In a state . of .: 'exhaustion.
Coach Glenn Warner la giving no
Quarter to his men In the final
workoutsv- ; u ,A::
v' i .... , ' . i ,i ;
(AP) -Highways will converge
Saturday at the Stanford stadium
where University of California
and Stanford meet in, the i "big
game" annual classic of the Pa
cific slope. - . - ' - '
. Playing In an emerged stadium
this year, the rivals will clash in
their thirty, fourth battle fcefore
90.000 persons. Both Coach War
ner of Stanford and Coach Price
of California hustled their men
through: intensive workouts today.
Warner- continued hte activities
behind barred gates seeking to
bring the squad to the high level
it had attained before losing to a
weaker Santa Clara team last Sat
urday. .-:.f v :-.: -y y
- The California Bears, - eneour-
aged rather than disheartened ty
a 'great but losing fcatlle against
Washington, plugged along stead
ilv in the hopes of toppling a tra
ditional roe. ?
A hand of stalwart Washington
cyfl a wrid&erm headed to
ward Loe Angelea where the Cou
gars hare, an engagement with
University -of Southern California
Trojans -."C-' -V-.''-:.X :i v 1
A season already well sprinaiea
with upset now holds out hopes
for Washington State or a tiommt
over the powerful Trojan team.
However, U. S. C. profiting by de-
taata nf flTAMll lATMll.i h&S tUt
aside thoughts of the game with.
Notre Dame, November 2 6, .end
is pointing directly to the tut nexx
Saturday. -,. - - - :
; nrtrnn Rtittn - Agricultural .. col
lege and University of Idaho pre
pared for their annuaijstruggie ax
Portland, the former's activities
centering inainly on developing a
punter to cope with Darwin Burg
her. "Yandal kicking ace. - --
Next Saturday's game will close
the contest conference season for
Stanford, California, Washington
State, Idaho and Oregon State
while Montana : finished Its sche
dule two weeks ago. 4M
: The 4 conference championship
situation still: remains muddled
with three teanw Stanford, U. S.
C, andIdallo tied for. top hon-
1 ; Caiifornl Siaa two
games to play, the Jaat one wiA
Washington. 9'Uavr.
W,"T1 pet
iSianford...w J 0ti'S
rr 3 n . . v - - -
o. n
Washington - "' " f
. . - : W " IT 9
California : - -
rs C.. . . I 0 I
Washington State 1.1?
Oregon 0 J
Montana y 0
ytw.xv TtOCHELLE. N. Ig-
naUus Collies, of New York City,
offered a most unusual excuse,
when arraigned In court here on
a charge of dashing through traf
fic lights without waiting tor mem
to changed He explained to the
tA- - tKaf 8 hA ' was . hnrrvlne to
JUU8V, . .
the hospital to get a first glimpse
of triplets horn to nu wue.
judge suspended the sentence,
with the observation that 'Collies
possibly 'wasn't himself. T 15
r r-r fSDeciaL)
Monmouth commercial club met
last evening ana among
business Toted to sponsor the Ore
gon Normal School classic, which
waa originally planned as the an
nual homecoming week end by the
-t KnAv hv losina the busi-
ness houses during Saturday afters
noon during the rootDau game Be
tween Monmouth 'and the South-
em Normal . -
which will he played on tne locai
A committee .was appointed to
purchase two loving cups, which
are to be presented to the house
T-mnirntiATi for the best stunt
and the best float at the contest
on Friday evening. Business men
serving on the 'judging committee
are Clares Powell, Fred O'Rourke.
Clay Taylor R. T. Slater and S.
Deltrlch. ' ' "
. The sporting Instinct among the
business men of Monmouth hag al-
ways been shown with regard to
the normal schooL' Withia v.
past two weeks local business nien J
have contributed heavily to tyl V
athletic fund, and whenever It
emergency, arises for funds the -commercial
club and tadlvLino,
business men have alwv .
the aid of the school. 0
The committee aDnornt
purchase" the loving cups and act
as Judges at the contest are Clari. ;
Powell, Fred O'Rourke. Clay Tav
lor, R. T. Slater, and S. De'triLc '
The stunt contest will TrsX
lowed by a pep rally in the Vvm
Many of the Normal schooled"
uates are returning for the hi '
football game of the year and for
the. celebration of the week ead
siaaes lrst Speech .
Marguerite D'Alvarez. J
singer, made her maiden epeeth I '
a reception given In her honor ly
the "University of Liverpool, Liver- '
pool, England, where she
born. She was made an hnnnr,,.
member of the university.
- f
.Bte Meeting Assured Friday
; Highl;: Wives Coming
bi Toot Anno u need ; ;
Xl least 15 Marlon county com
- annuities and probably as many or
sjmm more In lackamas county,
IrtU be represented at the -joint
Taeeting of the Marion County
i Community federation and the
Greater Clackamas union of clubs,
hlch la scheduled for Friday eve
, tita at 0:30 p. m. in the First
)Jethodist church building here.
Word has eomefrom. communi
ties tn the northeftrpart of Marlon
eosht f reportint the foUowing
KayesviUe. 16 to attend. Sena
tor Uoyd Reynolds speaker. " : .
caanyslde, at least 12 and may-
lie more. Mrs. E. O. Beckley will
, he the three minute orator.
Kaiser community, two. auto
,Vaoble loads. Charles .Weathers
iriU be the ipeaker. ;
Ilubbard, 20 will attend. Speak
er xiot yet announced.
- Woodburn, 10. John Hunt will
Oervals. eight promised :. and
tnayhe more will . come. George
.tf. Wadsworth. cashier of the Qer
Tais State bank, will be the repre
sentative on the program. . ; .
Donald, four automotive loads.
IX. 12. Good will speak.. ; ....-'-
Salem Heights, 15 or more, with
tvaa Steward, president of the
community club there, as speaker.
- Clayton,- eight promised so far
ead more expected. - George Keech
U preparing to talk. .
Asrora. IB or more with E. G.
Slobtason. former president of the
dab there, as speaker. ? , '
FrultlandV delegation the; site
of which has not been announced.
!ebla Andrews, who - originated
the famous Noble -Fren& prune,
VA talk. . - ' - -
It is expected thai . every pro
frreaslve communlty'ln the county
win eend a representative and se
lect a speaker. No word has come
et from Sllverton, Turner, Jef
f eraen, liberty and Roiedale but
there, la assurance that mil of them
'Will lend representatives. ' Clack
amas county will have 75 people
Jscrs, it ii reported.
2 addition, the Salem service
-dabs, the city prototypes of the
community clubs, will all be rep-
rm ed by . their presidents and
ether members. Dr. XL, E. Lee
Ctelner ,will- represent the Rotary
ctufc. Carl G. Becke the Kiwanla
cluh. and M. D. Ohling the Lions.
A aecial speaker will be Govern
or Patterson. . .' . . '
Za response to an inquiry, otfl-
eere of the Salem chamber of eoin-
inerce, which Is assisting in ar-
ra.' grag the meeting, state that
the visitors Irom out of town will
In most cases be accompanied by
tholr. - wives at the banquet, and
that the wives of the local people
who attend are also invited. 1
1 keep things moving rapidly.
t. P. O. Riloy. chairman, will be
. f'Wlde j rith a cowbell to "rjng
tsrwa" rpeaKers wnea their three
fciiasiU are up.
.1 , , - - .. . Ki;.' ; . -:
. " ' " ' " " ' ' -' ' ! . : '
Of the Famous Western Built
TCRTLAND, Nor. le-(AP)
Ira Eern Salt Lake wrestler, won
two out of three falls and defeated
, Casey O'Dale of Cedar Rapids, In
Y.Le feature event on a wrestling
j rcrram - here tonight They are
i ; -lvywelghts. - Dern took the first
. r in 21 -minutes 61 : seconds.
GTiis won the second In II min
i.::a 4 8 seconds and Dern won the
natch on the third in 19 minutes
J 0 seconds:"- S.1 y
. :A Vn!am:tto Th!a Yciir
"A Free (Oolong
' ' . .-,!.;.
and Baking
v r ;
Every Afternoon
A Factory Range
In Attendance
All iWeeK
-ftices from: $64.50 to $137.50
42 JPiece English pinnOT Set; Yalue $15.50 or $10Mds&'CrtiiicatQ-good: any place in our Store.
1 ) - - ' '-
:-..a . -
Range .
AO: P V 4 (f
TT"f r-'
Lv ,
Speciar Demonstratibn Sale Terms iWith Your Old Range Taken in as Part Prvir,
. terclass debates wiirbfl e?on--:3
t.t V.'IIltmette ujirt-er:t7
j year under the snrcrT;.'.;n
locl charter of Tr-.i l"iz .2
a, cattlonal forensic Lonor
TUlty. members sanounced
j cnductl2S Vst cia-el rro
a t tie ..jcsivttilty .e-r
Easy .
- -.o
'. c-
yrr sr
r f 1
1 i i
f A o A