The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 16, 1927, Page 6, Image 6

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    the Oregon Statesman
" - Id tfcaily Fxet Monday T 1 -
X&; Boat Commercial Street. BaUol. Orer -
i. J. Hwidrieka .
I SL Me Sherry -Ulpa
C. Coitie- -
Victor D. Carlton
.tosella Beach ,
' - Maaacer f Ralph H. Kletaiar. AdTertiaiar Umftr
Xwl Editor i Geo. F. Martia. Swat, afeehaaieal Dap.
tty Editor I W. H. Headeraoa, Circa la tioa Man car
S porta Kdtor I E. A. lUietea . Uveatock ditor
.society Edor I WV C. Co;,- . - Poultry Editor
. :
H :
f !
' jVy1 Pr i ex-loitT)y entitled to the wee for paeHeaUoa of all
wr dpatca. rredited to it or not eteerwia credited ia UU paper u4 alaa the
T ehtMed aoroia. . -;
Jaafco. "aAr 'k-- BTJSTHXSS OmCIJ: - ....
TLir? rppora Faeiiie Coat BepreeenUtleee Doty aV
i . 571 PorUaad. Seearity Blda.; Eaa -raac4ae, Eharea Bldf.; Lm
rhoama T. CUx Ca Ke Tork. 128-ial W.
Beetaoa Offleow2J or 583
Soeiety Editor . 10
lrt 8L; CVearo. Marenettc Bide.
Newe raC.21 or 10
Job Dcpartoni
Ctrcvlatie Offiee
Catered at the Poet Offieo la Saleaa. Oreso. aa aeeoad-elaaa matter.
-U, Xovember lfl. 1027 . . .
-Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child,
the same is greatest in the kingdom of. heaven. And' whoso .hall
.-ecetre one saca uiue tniki la ntme receireth me. Bat wboso
jnu oiiena one oi tnese little ones -which believe in me, It were
setter for him that a millstone were hanged abont his neck, and
4B n we" orownea in the depth of the sea. Matthew 18:4. 6, .
, -
V 4 !
- -
: "
At the anniversary banquet of the beginning of telephone
service in Salenv on Monday evening, a" good deal -was said
, . about the; coming new. company" owned building i.-
. A building that it was agreed Salem will be sure to get in
But rhen? ' . T "
4 ..When the growth of business reaches the point where new
. quarters will be necessary; and when continued .expansion
shall be assured, to warrant a larger structure than the then
- - present requirements will call for. -
: In other words, when Salem shall . be somewhat larger
than at this time, with the certainty that the city will be
much larger still, and ; the surrounding, country developed
more nearly to the limit of its possibilities. The latter is
capable of comparatively very great growth." ; .
There are severalisajor projects in the line, of develop
ment that pughjt to engage our pople,,Iooking tb the above
: consummation-- ' 4 ' - - " u . - . -
Irrigation "on a big scale; leading to beet sugar factories,
and these leading to large expansions, of 'the dairy and live
' stock industries, and r all other industries ,6h the land, -for
instance v- ; 1 "
. - And the rapid -pushing ahead- of our flax and linen in
dustries - '- ",-': r ... . ; - .
And this ought to come first. : ! - ' " . - -
la the !growing.and harvesting and treating of-. flaxthe
perimental 6geV;are?passe3l ratid the" samef iis'true of the
znaking of yarn and twine and the ccarser linen. iabncs-
And the only thmg needfur-now- is 4i little more working
capital and a little more money for.: capital investment in
machinery and appliances .i . c:::
: . And, then -the ; wholewell 'rounded ,developmehtv"will be
underway.,, . : .'. r':'"- "-'--
;-: This httle additional rihoneyr- "wilH rehder;iprofita"bIeJthe
-luvcsuiicuis ftirwujr-izuiUs;.; : ill. put -ixie.wuuifs iiiuustry,
. from.tha field to"thefinaJinens,;to working' harmoniously-
Leading to viry lgmtthir.gii, -" -
,i If the bcglnnmgs. wefeT, worthy, of -drjves,"-th"eset finishing
touches are doubly so. . I" 'i.- ; , ,
, - Let's -have a drive toutcTver the'twof -the -$150,000
bonds of the. Oregon Linen Ii!Ls, Inc and the sale of the
: stock stni in the. treasury ... - - , 1 7
Let's finish what we have begun. . :. : : t Ct-:: r
' . 'And make a glorious finish of it
j ; And let's not wait."l''s
. ' r Then Salem : will keep on growing Then the -.telephone
company "will have to put up a new building, with room in it
for steady, increase in amount, of equipment and size of
working forces. ; ;
In the language of the street l?we are all dressed up and
no place to go."-- That is, in the linen industry. Let's pro
vide the place to go, by finishing the job ".
And it will be a glorious destination. !y- : -i .
sending a womsa to you. Che" has very' tni tccllv'tut ihz
has iieglkted them too Iosr.' r. I; knof h3 hi J;ut a" fp
months to live now, so just give her relief ind tzzLz It as
easy' for, her as yoa'can.' The "dcatlst estrtedysycral
teeth paliilessly, as any dentist can do now, and she said,
"Doctor, if I had known that could be done,"! would have
been here years before. Whose fault is this T " .
- The public has little conception of what can be done today
in medicine and dentistry. ; Unless the good . dentist and
dental societies educate them they are neglecting a serious
responsibility, -. . " - - ' ; ,
; .. v !. -. : : : ;(
rifig to de near
Open Warfare Against lok
ets Threatened By Of- '
' I (Portland Journal) . " . t
In years gone by penitentiaries were places ;where idle
men were maintained by the1 taxpayers in idleness. Much
of their time the prisoners spent "in plotting. They were
learning no honest occupation.' ,They were earning nothing
fori themselves or their destitute families outside the walls,
They were doing nothing to help pay the cost of the insti
tution in which they were housed. , ; . ; .
But . the Oregon , penitentiary is no Such institution. .-. It
more nearly resembles an industrial, plant. Early every
morning- long lines of men go into -the factories and' the
workshops They work until the noon whistle blows. ; After
luncheon they return to their, tasks.' After an afternoon &
productive' labor .'the workshops are emptied until the fol
lowing morning, i , - . - ' ' , ,
: The men produce thousands of dollars worth of flax goods.
In four months $150,000 was paid the statefor fla fiberf401 while -on , their rway : to
a a M II . . . . A aVkfA I f w m
ana tow manuiaciurea at me prison. ; Anomer ou,wu wonn
from the '. Oregon -penitentiary leaves Portland today by
steamer for Belfast, Ireland.: , . , - .
The prisoners produce lime. ' They produce clothing and
shoes. They - produce building . materials for state plants.
They aid In obtaining food and fuel supply for the insti-
tution. Less than 50 of a prison population of more than
eoameri-lire :idle-at Salen
f In the' processes of production the men are busy..; Many
are earning money for themselves or relatives. They are not
escaping and-they are xeducing by thousands of dollars the
cost of the state "penitentiary. ; t 7 r- : " - ,-. r f
"Naturally Governor Patterson' knew of rio'change for the
simple reason that there is and has been no change 4 in the
name of the institution,, is an editorial ,of tne " Jjarpmeter,
student body paper. of the Oregon: Agricultural
menting on the report , that there has been an attempt, at
that- school; fostered- by students and not .frowned on. by:the
faculfyj tbcall t
that of Washington at Pullman, and those vf. several other
states, .as Iowa,1 Michigan, Montana and Pennsylvania; "Ore
gon Agricultural the historic name. . It Is a good
namdJCall ifpACishorti if eetion be made to the
lensth of thenamVagriculturaLf There b nograce In that
eri the lahd arV as' honorable is those in the cities and towns,
and both : are "as honorable- as the "learned" professions-
andr they, areall more honorable" thanr idleness. : Let OAC
stand, and stop the racket, -t) 7 . " V" 'r ' "
-The prospWts-iormishing the budget of -Che Salem Y..M.
tCT so that all ihe present activities may be- taken care
of, and interest and installment payments kept up, and -last
year's deficit wiped puV are much more encouraging. The
directors meettwo or three times a weekand work be
tween times. They "are making very good- progress. - And
this is a thing that ought to encourage every one in Salem
and vicinity. - Ht t iliMft Sf :y.lA ;,
; V The dentist has no right to keep f rom the1 great bodyof
the people who need dental care the good news which will
prevent discomfort, sickness' and often death. "'"Uir t1
v u Statistics show that fifty, per cent of human-illness-can
- T be prevented by a clean mouth; Nearly seventy . per cent
. - of all illness enters through the moutlu Si;.v :
. f - The. dental .rprofession. has undergone a great Change in
, the last three decades. The work. Is much more scientific
and difficult." Advertising has kept pace with dentistry in
- : improving its standing. :It: is a fax cry, lack'to theiays
. when advertising waS simply a method of fleecing-the public.
- Today advertising Is educational and honorable.. . The. great
4 - merchants at 'firstt refused io advertise but .advertisingtp:
- I .'day3anbtthe Today advep
tisementSiiad as xmich?
- and are as dependable; Better business "men's a"s-
" J - fcOCiailCIlS BliU .UiC pica. yt 1VV .-iyciiai,euv v-
- tisin lw.viiust the dental profesybnjfail to realize this?
The dentist has the xhost precious things on. earth. tosell
' healthrautyandconifortThenL
. : . . -i i -i : ' - : i : r ?;?!::'-.:';:
If ff0od men of the profession .refuse to advertise they
" ". cannot : help but build irr the people's minds the idea' that
quacks are right, because the public' has been taught to rely
on advertisements, - . . i k, t'l ; ... ... ....
' ; - Thousands go to Portland every year from this commun
itvito have their" dentistry done that can' be done cheaper
' end a great deal better here, because the dentist in a -eH
munity'of this size do good woric or tne peopw yau
tAnffVuow iL' besides he gives personal service,here
to take care of it until you are comfortable. The dentists
have an obligation to the public. It is tneir auiy 10 imurw
them about' their health and how to keep well just as much
as it is to try to help them after 'they' have become past
Tofposional advertising should not be personal boastin
cr a great sign of gilted bridge work hung in the street,
7 i,a,K? this is but a remnant of quackery and a survival
cf advertising that used to "be. This kind of advertising
. 0,T-iy vroul'd bQ an economic mistake and is. not popular with
rr-v '.vrrtLsir-.T dentist should create in people the desire
;th ana r.caiin reimea way, ana save viious
Elderly Pcrtland ; Mari'
Jl Run Down By Machine
PORTLAND. Nor. 15-(AP)
John Berlnnd. 57,' was perhaps -fa-
tally In jared -tonight when ; struck
bjr an automobile driren by H. IX
Drew of Vader. Waah. Hia conH
ditlon tonight was1 tritleaL Drew
said, lie. did not see the mat until
toolate to arold striking , him.
Witnesses, said Berlund was cross
ing the street, his head covered by
a large' vmorena.;; 'Drew waa not
Discriminaticn needed s
h Dy Lawyer Says Sp
organization were Red Denotes,;
of Cerrallis; Ed Stadter, of Bend;
and Paul Geddes, , of Roseburg.
They are freshmen in law.-
- Alnmnl members - present were
Rer. Martin Fereshetlan, Ernest
Petersen, and George Rhoten.
Storms Lash. Vessels On
: Lake Superior-Tuesday
v The- abUltr. keenly to distin
guish, between Ttght and wrong is
the greatest attribute of a-youut:
lawyer, C. B. McCullough, of the
state ... Jhlghway - department told
members - of the Blackstone club
at their .-regular meeting"-last
bight.-;- -- -7 ' -
New- ttmters "officially, - wel-
oomed -to-Baembersbrp- in the WI1-
lam'et'te. university tlaw;- honorary
(AP) Ships - on LAke .Superior
tonlgnt were x nettling their f way
through high' seas and snoV as 4
eerere KoTember storm lashed the
lake. i:7 V;: ? i
ACT Assiniboia wak Jenorted. rldiaa- out
the storm at. anchor ; off Thunder
Although no ehi pa have .been
reported in. oistrese; -many - ere
behind schedule because of : the
storm. - -
! I1VC3 C2.ZA I'
' - 1 ry J.I "5
. ' "" : i f . .
: cf
- . .. ' - -V ' v"'..
f ' 4 '
i Most every man 1 baa - his own
theory of 'relativity and he' gets It
from his. mether-ln-law. ',, . v
- DENVXR.; Colo., Nor;; 15!
CAP) If pickets appear' on their
property In the morning, they will
be shot by mine guarde, officials
of "the Rocky Mountain Fuel com
pany . today ' Informed Geovernor
W, IL Adams. ' , 1
The company operate the Col
umbine mine tn northern Colora
do and. it has been the only; mine
to work. In that section of the
state since the L WW. strike was
called a month ago. At the same
time Samuel Lee, In charge I of
state-officer in the northern coal
fields," asked the chief executive
for SO more ratnLx'X:
State Industrial f. Commlesioner
William -IL Young - described thej
situation as acute." .
r Demonstrations have beeb held
by the strikers at the Columbine
thine .for a number of days and
this morning several miners .were
Fcynd Dead In Autcmcbile
PORTLAND, Not. 15 (AP)
jucza A. lu MUleivatout: SO.
prominent attorney of Vancouver,
Wash., was found dead in his au
tomobile on an East Side street
tonight. Death, the coroner re
ported, was caused by a heart at
tack. Discovery of the. body was
made by a street car motor man
who had stopped his car to investi
gate a machine staUed in tae mid
dle of the tracks. Miller was
found slumped In the front seat
with his hands clutching the steer
ing wheel. A smashed left fender
and spring at first led police to be
lieve tt dm had been in anac-
After the body had been -removed
the machine was . nearly
wrecked r when "an attempt , was
made to 4 remove It from the
this r.xrj.T.'G ?jt.gtj: '
vL."-- nw ci
Ey CIJ.u-le CaTT.-.i
Solidarity," for all "footloose re
bels," to flock' to the aid of the
striking miners,' has not met with
any large response as yet and few
new faces were noted by state po
lice In the strike cone. :' -
Bits For HreaJtf as t
The call of the official newspa-i
per of the L, W. W., -Indusfrlaljficiaig pointed out however, that
some at least of the 32 men listed
as -missing probably were safe but
had failed . to ' report.'
, Others All Accounted For
Checkups . of ' employes ; at - all
other factories ravaged by the' ex
plosion - snowed . every man ac
counted for, eo that the wreckage
of ."the clay ;jot company holds
the secret of to what extent if any
the death toll will mount.'
Great progress was made In re
moving, the " tangled ruins of the
clay ' pot .Company which .was located-
immediately adjoining, the
huge Equitable Gas company tank
which let go yesterday and turned
city blocks into a shambles.
Officers estimated it would, be
10 days before all the wreckage
Let's finish the job
Put the flax Industry, over and
start it fairly on Its way to great
ness, r" :::Zi
Slogan pages., ten.:" about : our
great strawberry industry tomor
row. There has been no contract
market so far for the 928 crop.
But there are , some nibbles It is
said the past few. days, for can
ning berries at seven and a half
If you, know strawberries, and
eaa help : the Slogan editor -prove
this Is the : greatest . strawberry
country .In. the world (which it Is)
please ' do' "so ' today.;;''1 ' ' ' .v
t ?."r ;. ; at at - w - r; -h. -
. VcIty budtet a provides.f or fbetf
ter, su-eec iigawng, and, takes bet
tercare of the city libraryMore
light . all 'around. , Thst is -good;
-'A, forest ranger vsaysJ'rattle;
snaaes aon t aaa a new rattle eacn
year; Some biologist, invented.that
story .because he got his start that
way. ;.;
- When you aaueexe " shaving
cream 'on your toothbrush by. mis
take, you'll wonder why the tooth
paste : can't be made with just as-
good a flavor; . ' :
' .'
. : Statistician says the -American
race is blue-eyed but is getting
mote black eyes all; the tlme.TThe
same . thing happenjin Ireland.
. . ,1 .-." .
.Just to show the ready enthus
iasm with which California spends
money to inrite money and make
more money, we quote from an
editorial in the San' Francisco
Call capitals and aU:
. "Calitornians, Iic., justifies Its
existence every year in the Way It
spends the subscribers' money in
advertising - Northern California.
las latest report shows that it has
told our story 165 MILLION
times in the last year in the news
papers, magazines and farm ; per
iodicals : of the country. It has
done . well and IV deserves the , en
inusiasiic ana vujntik usxj sup
port of the people of this city.".
If Oregon, with so much more
to telL would tell It 155 million
times. With "half the "rlvid etfeo-
ftlveness of -;aUfomiaitsi In&, we
sneuid see- amaxing . development.
Portland-Telegram." . , - '
"Turkish harems are said to be
a thing of, the past, although the
wise Turk will maintain a reason
able number for the benefit of "the
rubberneck wagonr. Indianapolis
star. -
w . . ti . r. v.. z s . rr rw
Caught Cold at Noon;
Sang that Night!
Trust a prof eeslonal singer to
know what to do for a cold! -Give
Mm fin hmiri. and he can knock
. . at vitnM ham Tire-1 '
vented -his ringing one note. ; The
secret of going a whole season
without a serious ; cold - is some
thing everybody ought to know. A
simple conpouad'Coesjt, atd It is
nvfisv.iA h!pta-" Just one
will stop a eoid with the first J
w?fn(j aeTeral will break up ai
ccld tfcat's even rcattei V..9 sUpe
otrrirpel I ;9s CC 1 ouisd
c::t tut 2:c tr Irt zje.
. K?l tli5 vr nTmarrt nrtr(!ftaT f!n!an Prfff IfnsvOn
' "j the Old Country -spend the Christmas and New Year holi- 1
i days across the Atlantic Special Cabin Class Sailings during I
;. A QtXi rates ere decidedly low. Information is uadyfor you now!
4 ' Nv.'2S i J. S Malia from Montreal for Belfast, Cremoek, Liverpool. ; .
Dec -Monfeiort from Sainl John, N.B, to Belfast. Greenock. Liverpool,
j Dec. 9 V& & Moafrear from Saint Jchn. H B. to Belfast. Greenock, Liverpool,
Dec 14 - S. Montaofnt rrom Snt John, N. B. to CL!., Cherbourj.
Dee. 15 - S, S. Mrwtrafm from Saint Joha.N.B.fO Belfast. Llvomonl. '
Drv - S. Sutla from Saint John, N. 3. to Greenock, Liverpuui,
- dai tUtping car erke Vow VatKMrtwr. B, C WU ,
. liirt raaartitu al aa.a'a nJa. iaTi,,ar f ; ......
Now Book lug from San Francisco to Southampton via. 4lie
Panama Canal, Cuba, a3 Kew.York on the i:.MlRES.H OI
AUSTILILIA leaTing SaaTrandsco the ZZlh cf Slarth 12ZJ
CaaaJa Poetic Trtnt.lert 0lt CooJ t& t7o,'J Owrf.
"Lots of folks don't believe in
lone ensraaements. but I like to
'em strung out. -The' most fun
a body ever has is the excitement
tracks. Several were pushing the of gettin' ready: for things that
car when the motor started. - It
car eened two blocks before it hit
a curb and stopped. The ignition
had been, left on and the ear had
been in gear. - -
-: (Continued from Page One)
la the plant at the time of the
explosion, ' were- missing:. Six were
killed outright a -dozen or "so are
In hosp!tals?and some seventy re
ported themselves safe. - Plant of-
mostly prove disappolntia',
(CopTTitat. 1921. PablUaer jratKi)'
"Ma's aiul upset because I gdt
hungry and eat that bam she waa
savin' -for "sa2c- r1ettyB
beau." '
ilOopyricat, 18'... .a-.-..irt ya4ieaUl
could be remored and probably as reconstruction, aided by a 1100,-
long before they could say-defin
itely how 'many of their employes,
had. perished. . ; . :
v . ; jjfo in BeCTte- 'r'.- ''
. The hazardous rescue task cost
one life today. Frank Kuepferle,
a laborer, was kinea wnue mov
ing some twisted steel when rein
forcing " steel fell upon him. Two
other workmen were - injured in
other accidents. - . .
Residents of the desolated dis
trict surveyed, the ruins with a
calmer eye than had been possible
yesterday, and began the work of
000 emergency fund provided by
city -council. Mayor Charles II.
Kline, said 15, buildings would"
have to be torn down to prevent
their toppling with the danger of
additional fatalities or injuries.
- Investigations seekla to dis
cover the cause of the tUst were
continued but no findings were an
nounced. . Some experts felt that
the secret was known only to the
IS workmen who were repairing
the tank when the blast occurred.
AH of these are believed to have
been killed.
LADD & BUSHl Bahltera
. - ' : . Established 1863 .
-s .
General Banlunr: Busiri
Office Honrs from 10 a. in. to T v y
:(-. ?':vv!. 'v;-..;:v;!"!..:;'w':v'K -"."""'' w i .V , ;
" 0
. . : - fats,'?.
:T.'rj.i. I fill ' I
'i V.-
fe'.'-M - -
-' 1
Steam is Po
- - f -- : , - - r ; -'', rf. : - ' . -- " ', - f ' .1 .
when conf ined-cmd . your odd dollars and cents are perrna-
nently valuable only when you accumulate and invest them, i
At that rate why not open a Savings Account today and r .
save your surplus dollars every, week or month? .
V- 'ITIie Baltic Tliat Serzzrzilt'?
r; ..i " -.
- Kasievth weight cf the Eleiliant-JVin IXndsca i ScpcrvSix Ccach cr.Nh Cc
.aafHtt trooa t;'aU Cwf. y -
COME on TwxarrT-rrr rnizxs
,ii iTTinni raxtrs to tj orvx a war
A NI" " " .
. """j f- i . a T aaiafcWjTalvJ IT. C AIV"lf
r J av' I 'S f If w 1.11! O--'.
WHAT is TncWoam
- or te ElEPIt ANT
itrfor Write Today
SaJL For DeUlla
1 ."'-
k w i r..i 1 '.j i
tfr:i V.,-y
QBSyJ ;-'A-
; v-
- WT..1 la Ike nm total of tbe frJ?
tTTlmt tho afcpaant aa ahowm la the
picture fcimply add thoaa ...;
the aehitioa. There ere ae atarkt. liee
or eharartert ia the eltphant except tig
ara. The fieur TaafO tram 3 te v,
each - tefidiBX alooe. Tra are ao
".inkn." Thre aro ao
rrnuM of firarra uch aa 23
irl. while the taili t the a are
atrag-.t r pract;ailj o. There U a
trk or S:in.e of any dnHptioa la the
cftort. Sow act out Jur.poc.l and add.
add,' Odd. -.
ar "4a."
are !tioct!T
Tee, etr, f2175.C( wwy e wo la tfci (pi eowpt!tion. aad prii
Jo awarded prtunptly. after Koremhi-r Both. Tou en win aa niach aa a 1
Hudwn ijuper-8tx Cnarh, value 11515 r-0,
'roe eharta aaailad oa raqamt. EfitJ yonr omwrr- "w ' r -
with your name and addreta and wa wiii at tnr mail
traW pTiae lilt deribirj the prUa aEi t:iin? yoj f-j,.. i
ruiea. wo i aena any tnoner. . itj . a la a ir,, v
cae ceat f yoor own taontj.
. . " ' ' 1 ' eetilr.? Tie If t -y
Ia ease of tie tho t . 1 r priia n-i.i l! p
Fettle wkirh wi'l r.m t ' , ,-r t r-
rr ao that ta lifi . i . - . (, r ,
Jrealt turn.
ten J jroar am t r - .-'.- ;
r v, , uoat l .
1 with
r will t
c z: ; .r
o .