THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 13, 1927 FACTORY, EFFICIET1GY 1 IHTMir CT Twenty-Three Majn Lines Lead From Railroads To Dodge Brothers Plant One factor which 'playa an Im portant part in determining what the retail selling price of an anto- mobile shall be ia the cost of han dling -within the plant the various raw materials and semi-manufac tured products that are used. in building the car. If a factory does not handle the various materials! in the most efficient way addition al labor costs atfd often delays to production result, with an accom panying larger total cost of manu facture. - Dodge Brothers, Inc.. has been notably successful In establishing the most efficient methods of handling materials after they en ter the plants, says Mr. Bonesteele, Bonesteele Motor Co. t "Prom the railroads main lines there are 23 railroad tracks leading into Dodge Brothers works to bring in the raw. material! for manufacture and to ship out the finished auto . mobiles. These tracks hare been located with a view of disposing of the incoming materials exactly "w here they cn h v)rt,tjfy- by electro-magnetic cranes, set: down on a scale for weighing and placed in racks in the steel-yard where at times from to 10 tons of steel are stored. It is neces sary to carry large supplies ot: all these materials to Insure contin uous production and also to take advantage of seasonal prices. ; "To provide apace for unloading cars of purchased materials, such as tires, . cloth, sheet steel . and other things huge unloading docks have been built at each building. Some of these are as long as 1700 feet and are equipped with over head cranes and other devices to unload as quickly, and as cheaply as possible. ' A large fleet of gaso line motor trucks are owned and operated by Dodge Brothers to bring- in and transport materials whenever the use of trucks is more economical than railroad facilities. "Within the plants 4s a mod ern Industrial railroad "with four mites of track and fourteen loco motives driven by standard Dodge Brothers engines. Each" locomo tive is capable ot pulling a train of cars loaded with 60 tons of ma terials. ' I " There is still a seasonal effect, but the production of low-priced ears and the clearing of streets v and highways of snow has minimized this situation. - The situation further can be Im proved, he said, by a repeal ot the war excise tax. - i "Leaders in congress hare J for a long time recognized that It Vas inequitable to single out a particu Iar prod act for special federal tax- at ion, to penalize the purchaser by making him pay a special war ex- !"fctA Ut when nrr mnA afuiT All the other taxes whenever he de cides to ' buy an ' automobile," Chapin said. "Cooperating with many organizations of motor f ve hicle owners, executives of the in dustry have taken their problems before congress, seeking repeal of this tax.; Many Jeaders in the house and; senate have Indicated their view that this relief should be granted at the coming session.' GROWING DEMANDS SHOW PROSPERITY - (Continued from Page One) that sound business activity on the part of all companies is mutually helpful. . ! -f. .. , "With this thought in mind the domestic outlook ; is most favor able. , The manufacturers who liinthla RADIO IN ALASKA LINKS OUTER WORLD (Continued from page 2) t explosion, one of them blinded. The dp crossed a 3,000 foot, pass in me jtsrooKs Mountain range at night, with the mercury 40 de 'grees below zero, to his master's cabin at Little Squaw. Oscar Ottersoniz, a mlner was awakened at 2:30 in the 'morning by his dog whining and scratch ing at his door. A note on the dog's 1ack"read: "Come. : Both seriously injured. Explosion," ; rom the Little Sauaw radio CHRYSLER ADD80EIV GARTO "52" HI De Luxe Coupe with Rumble Seat Presents Many Uri-V usual Luxuries . braces ara used and are exception ally smart in appearance. Chrysler color engineers have bestowed on the new coupe a full share of the attractive colorings which distinguish all their 192? offerings, . ' . Among the numerous other fea tures of interest and value In the new car are the military front.and cadet visor, which help the sweep ing streamlines to produce an ex ceptionally smart ensemble; verti cal ventilating windshield; auto- Dodge, the . founders , of the sow great automobile - business that bears! their name, many years be fore the brothers even thought of venturing into the automobile busi ness and they have been identified with the making of Dodge Broth ers car since No.: 1 was built. AS the assembly of No. 2,000,- 000 was completed Al Livermore, the oldest employe In point of, ser vice, with a record of 3? years of continuous employment, took the wheel and with the next three old matie windshield wiper; rear view est employees. Bill Wohlfeil, Al A new De Buxe coupe with rum' ble seat has been added by the Chrysler corporation to lis ' S 2" model and is now on display at the salesrooms of Fitzgerald-Sherwin Motor Co., local Chrysler dealers. I This latest Chrysler is usually distinctive in appearance, and pre sents a combination of grace, lux ury and performance ability that, according to its sponsors', assures a wide demand from the large number' ot ; motorists who want both good transportation and real style at low price. Roominess is an impressive fea ture of the new dir. as of all its companions in the Chrysler "52" model. Its capacious front com partment has ample space for two and two more passengers can find easy, seating accommodation in the rumble seat where the wide re movable back curtain enables them to converse readily with the other occupants of the car. The luxurious , appointments which characterfze the .entire range of the Chrysler "52" model are carried into the new De Luxe inuning the front compartment d the cushion springs are of the fortable form-fitting saddle The rumble seat-is trimmed oleskin imitation leather to h the front' compartment in - . top of the car is ot two bow iry type, covered with dur ather-like fabric. , Landau V Yn i Via mirror; narrow; corner pillars; Butler finish interior hardware; door pocket; molded runner draft plates around pedal and hand con trol; bullet type , headlights; long springs; balloon tires; air cleaner, and Febco anti-theft numbering plates BUILDS 2,Q00,000TH AUTO; SETS RECORD j (Continued from Page One) Andrich and Otto Graul as passen gers, drove the car to the loading docks where they were greeted by President. E. G. "Wilmer, Vice presidents A. X. Mitchell, H. H. Sprlngford and A. T. Waterfall and : other company officials and congratulated on their remarkable records. ' - Mr. Wilmer ; pointed out that Dodge Brothers has been able to make 2,000,000 cars only through the joyalty . ot , its . thousands of bill of all motor car and.employees whose careful workman- in the United wage truck factories States in 19245. . "Dodge Brothers, which last year was third in the production of cam and trucks," said Mr. Wil mer, "has been undergoing an ex tensive transition during the, past 18 months and has been engaged almost exclusively in- a readjust ment of manufacturing facilities. We have been getting our dealers in' a position to offer- their cus tomers a complete line of fours and sixes' in passenger cars and trueks and Dodge Brothers wilt be prepared to enjoy in 1928 the big gest business in Its history." A; bit' of the romance of the. 5550 miles, he says automobile industry .characterized the final steps In the assembly of the 2.000,000th car as fqur men who have been fdentlf led with the Dodge interests over 3 5 years were given the honor of tighten ing the last nuts, testing the mo tor and making the final Inspec-j tion tests. These men were as sociated with John and Horace ship ' has enabled- Dodge cars to attain a name for sturdiness and dependability wherever automo biles are driven, j An : interesting statistician has figured that the 2,000, 000 cars which: Dodge Brothers have built and Bold in the past 12 years must have traveled a total distance equal to 600,000 trips from the earth to the moon. He estimates their total mileage at 150,000, 000,000. If placed end to end they would make a line that would ektetfd -f retar "New Ybrk City to San Francisco and back as far as Indianapolis, - a total distance of Chinese Flappers Use Water Bottle For Muff The Seiberling Rubber Co., of Canada has received air order for 60,000 small: hot water bottles from China. Recently 20,000 were shipped to the Orient andJt la believed that this is the largest single shipment of hot water bottles from . either ? the " United States or Canada to ;the Orient. Ever since this order was ' re ceived there has been: a great deal of discussion as to why the Chin ese should adopt such a modern American made product as .a hot water bottle. ' The only answer which has been found as yet to this "ask me another" ' puzzle is that the Chinese girls carry thesa hot water-bottles in their sleeves in the winter time, as it is a com mon Chinese habit for man to put her hands into her sleeves. The men do this top, as a matter of fact, because' the Chin. ese wear fur lined coats and do not wear gloves. The girls, how ever, have discovered that a small hot water bottle' tucked in th sleeve makes the finest kind ot muff. HOLD AXUAL SALE ,:The second semi-annual ''Week of : Special Values' sale is being held at all Western Auto stores during the week of November 12- 19. o It seems the weather funishes ample potection against air at tacks from the eastern part of the world.- Toledo Blade. r- rTtm J I tj II 111 ' H Reconditioned Right ' and Priced Right! When w recondition a icy k your assurance that need car, we do a thor- you pay only for what each Job. All work is done you get when you buy a bv efficient expert me- used car from us and cnanica, using genuine that your car will give parts for all replacements, thousands of miles of de Then we price it right, pendable service, This aauare-deal rem- 'lxokforouTred''OJC."tar ditioning and selling pol- when buyingy our used car!' DOUGLAS McKAY CHEVROLET Ca Temporary 'Address 487 Center St., Tel. 745 j ' ASSOCIATE DEALERS Dallas Chevrolet Co., Dallas Geo. Dorr, Woodburn Haliadays Garage, Mmniouth Ball Bros., Turner 5 r"7rfirhTrT nTTuT -.f-SVw I'aBTthe mn operating! tha'fJrst machine takes his stock directly out of the boxes. A fleet ot 74 electric trucks and 1 lec tric tractors are constantly moTlng ciateriala. ;d "Other raw materials such" as sand. coal, coke, 'scrap, etc., are " handled by six yard cranes, each ' having a capacity of from, 20 to 30 tons. Steel is taken from car transport is now a great factor in all coan trles in the movement of men Ba-i goods.:. i ' "Another strengthening factor in the present situation in Ameri ca is the actiTe enow removal pro grams .which are being organized in all the northern states and In most of the municipalities. Win ker used to mark a very heavy 'tailing off in the motor trade. MONROE S. CHEEK Complete Automotive Lubrication ; We Carry the L Following Products: Valvoline Veedol Pennzoil Quaker State Shell Oils j Court at Capitol Phone 2295 .JAT5VTAIVS KXCLOSURES TOP DRESSINGS I PHONE S78 At'TO PLATE I ;tass '' 7 L 11111 I. - r in. "i 1 ' ' " T0P&B0DY SHOP BOUIEH FENDERS RADIATORS WRECKS RERUI1.T 267 8. CVm'I St. i f Succcwor To IltXVS J Wieter Safety- Supplied ; Let us suggest a few i needed accessories which are needed for comfort and safe win ter driving: 1; v WINDSIflELD SWIPE SPOT LIGHT -TIRE CHAINS HEATERS FLOOR MATS RADIATOR COVERS 5 Parts For All Cars- Go 8l L. Parts Store, Inc. C Terry & Liberty j Telephone 666 . filler 1 l ires Are nauiDmen Good ut on MILLER'S H A SET OF NEW MILLER TIRES 11 avoid skididag and sliding around. Don't go t on America's Finest Cars Such as LIXCOLS FORD BUICK HUDSON ES8I1X WOLVERINE MAR3ION STEARNS KNIGHT PIERCE ARROW VELIE GARDNER OL.D8MOBILE REO TRUCKS MOON DIANA PAIiCON KNIGHT COLUMBIA AUBURN STTJTZ JETWKTT MILLER TIRE SERVICE 197 S. Commercial , "Rusa" Smith Telephone 313 - - xie yvtii oj Niuys-Vmghts "Superiority ft. t "WITHw USE Highest Uniform compression , possible only with PATENTED Knight Sleeve-Valve engine . -ik. - m m m. m r m a j m & fT?Trcn"3T7,T . Prices 2-Ton(6-crlindjr)$159S 2TonDamp (6-cylindcr) 1645 lV4-Ton 1245 1-Ton G-Bor . 89S 4-Tcm Commercial 670 ' CCbojata prtcm . . k. Detroit V4-Toe Panel Deliwy v- Car (Complete) S770 CMOOTH and 1 J quiet at the be EpLnning, the Willys-Knisht grows -even . smoother and quieter the longer you drive. ForWiUys-Knlght L if'' Will K 1 h ' beautiful new colors y you can use any YOTchokaermwrJbifacftM B GASt there la net J JT need to buy special : - XL. Af . . You owe it to your telf to see and drive the finer "70 Sir a offer, not WjW ompcaitai, or the Great She. Tfceto beawr wS i bat uniform compreiilon, injuring You will enthiue over their Wru! .: !?. "Si."-, " !" fUnthelrriSXSontouI'cSS: ? V.. j;r7 -r?u Z 7wm.TVJ "V1 7our P appreciation will i fUlys-ICnkht brinss you all the ad- "W e years. Maces of his hih compression with " none of the disadvantaces. There ts net undue wear on the engine, as Is the m uKt. . " many poi7pei:-vaive men - irrii r....M compressWn motors. And with the wiorrfa4ia,TaioiS! vour suit from smooth, unfailing rjerfornv aocc urousu toe years. . H29SM Co SM9S. VHem wrbiact no acvt3to crjrnj - cnmvs smootiisivtiixuss ' .5. 1 t 4 .'rf If-? ( CHASSIS F.O.H. DETROIT ) Proof of trie surpassing value of the G-Boy is not far to seek ; ' To judge of their speed, powers smoothness pick-up and trim appearance watch them right put there on the street To get the story of their depend ability, their operating economy, their business building ability and their earn power talk to the thousands and thousands of G-Boy owners See one ; ; Drive one . Only great volume production makes possible such value at so low a price v - i ' v BONESTEELE MOTOR CO. 474 S. Commercial 0 Telephone 423 IHD TV T7T7 T T R I U iT7,Tn7rj?7("?!73) 333 Center Street ; Boil by Truck DiniM oT