The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 13, 1927, Page 17, Image 17

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    . I do not wish to boast, but. In
1 jostle to the Parisian coarturiers
' I most mention the inmenM Ixn
provement la the art of for work-
int. alnco the courtariers pecan
- to Interest themselves in IU "For
bandied like cloth,- as the des-
cr Iptlre phrase baa It, : ,1a .- very
f new In the history of clothes,; and.
' if I am not mistaken, Jt was first
'- said abnt furs which bad been
made np by a Parisian dr'essmak-
i The entire tendency In the mod
: ire1 treatment of fur." Is ' towards
- greater thinness,;' suppleness and
- flexibility. If yon remember your-
. mother's sealskin sack'J,i t'a
weitht. Its board-:llkeondity,jyou
-ml be able . to . appreciate a t
.something; like Its' real value., the
wxrk of the modern furrier. :y, .'-.;
; 4 ".-The desire of) amartl.wpmen, all
y pver the world, to appear as slim
- as : possible. Is largely responsible
"'for this tremendous effort on the
. part of the fur workers.. to. aire
, ber the warmest possible material
without the effect of the bulk,
which was formerly, th penalty
-ne bad to pay for cozy comfort.
; iart of the slender effect of the
. -modern fur coat la certainly due
to new methods . of preparing the
skins. But an almost equal cre
' dit should ro to cleverness of cut.
and this Is where the dressmaker
.'; comes Into the Question.. He Btud
; led far and Its possibilities., as he
bad been used to study" cloth, silk
. and velvet and the delightful re
" suit may be seen today In the won-
' tferfully slim examples of such
solid", furs as Persian Iamb, car
acul, seal and even the fluffier
vi ink, which come from the worlds
leading furriers, whether they be
r' specialists or dressmakers.
Black Predominates
... Daytime furs, this winter, will
bo more often -black than 'brown.
and the leader for smart street
.vear will be breitschwants. and
.Its entire family of less affluent
TelaMons, Persian Iamb, caracal,
r astrakhan, etc..Mink the ab
' solute leader Immediately after
the: war, and the desire of all
a mart women,, now takes ' second
place in- favor because it Is 1m
possible to look as slim in it as
,-.; can In breitschwants. and
even In Its related far. For even
1 5fng there Is nothing lovlier than
' ermine. But Just "ermine Is no
k longer enough ; for the: exigent
3. woman. Her ermine ' must r be
oatched as carefully as her Orl-
ental pearls. Sometimes it takes
months to assemble enough skins
;. , f exactly the same tone of white.
" nd exactly the same length of
,.7 hair, to make the ample wrap de
- eaanded by the mode of the mom
tnt. s When ermine Is used for even
r: - teg wraps, I prefer the cape to the
toat, for there Is always a little
danger of. a coat's looking ilk e a
peignoir, unless Is fantastically f
cat, and the whole trend of the
far. mode Is away from fantastic
catting. .- The cape most be wide
enough to wrap well areund the
slender f Igare, and - protect i It
from chill. ? There is nothing
1 j
finllh irftfii nnnTTP'li
DIUS ffill K
Womes Clubs Throughout
Country. Plan To Make -Parehtless
Happy 0
111 rjvvvA (
':- ' . : i . . :.. .
'f. llodern melhods of preparing
the skins and cleverness of cut
are responsible for the slim lines t
of this Lelocg ermine evening
cape. Chiffon velvet or satin are
his choice of linings for such a
.wrap, the color to harmonize with
the majority of th3 wearer'i eve;
xirg cothesr
iuv.v u..j ug, nor more, danger
ous to health, than a scanty eve
ning wrap. ,whieft exposes the
lightly clad body to a sudden cold.
As to lining, it la a matter of the
eliente's own tasts. The best ma
terials are chiffon velvety or eat
in, and the color should be chos
en to harmonize with the' major
ity of -one's evening clothes. 5
' Honeymoon en Credit
"i BOSTON.Love laughs at 10
per cent and deferred .payments
when It comes, to honeymooning.
An enterprising tourist agency in
Boston is offering honeymoon
tours to Europe on credit. A down
payment is required, the balance
to be made is monthly payments.
The agency had no trouble getting
financial backing for. the scheme.
women organization 7 thru-
out the country have started their
annual collection of don to be
distributed to orphans on Thanks
giving. Last year : over 50.000
discarded dolls were rehabilitated
and presented to waifs In ; insti t u
tlons throughout the country, ac
cording to Mrs. Brna McCready.
president of the ew York ; Univer
sity -Alumnae club, who is chair
man of tCthe National Thanksgiv
ing Doll Offering committee. This
year It Is expected that over 10 0.-
0Q0. dolls will be secured for pre
sentation to , orphans, j i
"This beautiful custom ! bad its
Inception In New Tork City about
twenty .years ago and although
many hundreds of dolls were se
cured for orphans, the movement
was allowed to lapse." said ' Mrs.
McCready. "Last year, however.
the custom was .revived and nun
dreds of women's clubs Joined In
the movement to bring a, ray of
sunshine to motherless and fath
erless waifs on Thanksgiving, the
great national holiday of the Unit
ed States.' This year many more
clubs have become interested and
the. movement seem to have been
firmly j re-established." ' if- i
"Requests from more than 400
orphan asylums have already been
received by the committee, asking
for dolls for 38.000 waifs in the
Institutions. The work is non
sectarian in' scope and doll are
negro. Baptist, 'Episcopal; homes.
as well as homes of the fraternal
orders. The committee draws no
color or creed line, feeling that ev
ery orphan should be allowed to
participate in the spirit of oar dis
tinctly American holiday; Thanks
giving. : ;' : ! ; V' '
"The plan followed In the work
is very simple. Requests ol or
phan asylums for dolls are for
warded to - women's organizations
in each community .-"whose , mem
bers . look after the securing and
rehabilitation of discarded dolls.
In some sections girl organizations
have become interested' i In the
workT In this way all institutions
are supplied by people living in
the vicinity. When the dolls are
gathered together at the club
rooms or at the home of one of the
members, they are usually taken
by a committee to the orphan asy
lum a day or two before Thanks
giving. Because the work is pure
ly local and voluntary in character,
and does not .involve expenditure
of any money, it has won the sup
port of thousands of w,omen.
- "A discarded doll may .seem to
be a trivial thing, continued Mrs.
m tr 'mm- Ik wim.. . -
Community. Federations To
Compare Notes At First
M; E Church Here
, The jagged hemlln distin
guishes this fall suit of bois do
rose wool combined with an at
tractive plaid silk blouse J
McCreadv. "vet it can make a
child extremely happy, especially
one not pamperea oy ine aiiec
tlons of fond parents. The joy
registered on the faces of the Jit-
tie one 'when they receive the
dolls is indeed hard to describe.
The average orphan gets much-i
more happiness from a doll which
It can cuddle and Caress than it
does from a turkey dinner. And
it Is because of this fact that many
women derive so much pleasure in
securing dolls tor orphans In their
local asylums. They realize that
a doll has much greater signifi
cance to an orphan child than to
one with parents and brothers and
The National Thanksgiving Doll
Offering committee has headquar
ters at 15 EL 4 0th street. New
Tork City, and is composed of the
following members: Mrs. Erna
McCready. chairman, president of
the New. Tork University Alumnae
club; Mrs. Otto Hahn, chairman of
Public Instruction of the General
Federation of Women's dubs;
Mrs.- J. 'Lester Lewine, president
of the Cultural club of New Tork;
Miss Ellanmarye Failor. assistant
U. S. attorney; Miss eha Talbot
Swain. -deputy attorney general;
Miss Clara Woolworth, education
al director; J. ; B. Colt company;
Miss Madeline Groggins, author;
Miss Dorothy Johnston, secretary
of the committee; Mrs. Lois Pierce
Hughes, and Mrs. Margaret Hay-
den Rorke. :
. '"A Joint meeting of the Marlon
County 'Community Federation
and the Greater Clackamas Union
of Clubs will be held Friday even
ing1 of -this week; November It, in
the parlors of the First Methodist
church, beginning at :S0 o'clock.
For the' first time in the history
of the rural community clubs ot
the two counties, members "'will
get -together and compare their
activities of the past year; Com
munity club work baa been espe
cially active In Clackamas county.
The program, beginning at C;30
o'clock, will Include first the serv-
Insr of a dinner, under the aus
pice of the ladies of the First
Methodist church., T
Dr. P. O. Riley ' . secretary of
the .Marion county 'community
federation will preside.; The pro
gram ras outlined at-present in
cludes an address by Governor.!
L. Patterson on community co
A representative for Marlon
county will giVe a short, address of
welcome to our neighbors on the
north, with a response from
Clackamas county.
Of, special interest to each eom
mjmlty In the county will be the
three M laiaata ialki ..Irhen. ch
eo mm unity will annoaneaJU ae
tivitle for. Ihe'peit yearr, T rr
4 - OJweoir City will bend! ;on - or
twd 6t v iU best moaicians , and
Molalla will be represented by the
famous -Molalla sextet. General
music for the evening will be pre
sented by the orchestra, from ; the
Salem Indian school V r f 7
1 w w - . a m a. J
uon is .sending out notices to 'an t
communities in .the county asking
that several ; represenUUves .at,
tend the caeeting Friday evenings
According ". to A. Fi.'J. t Lafkjr 'oi
Marion, president ot . the Marion
county federation, the oi nt ."me ti
tng this week with the Clackamer
clubs, wm b regarded' as the- re
gular r November;-meeitIngejf-'.'tbe"
federation. Every club tin" the5
county 1 arged'byMf.vLafkjr, ti
,0-, OLlVl VUltlJ- pCCMDf -
will be a fast one.,.: There WiJl , be
no 'long address, as the bblj-ct-is i
to hear .from ;nearIouconii'
munitiea - in Clackamas and' Mar-J
ion coun ties. -''Adjournment wlll
be promptly at; 9: 30 o'clockv -
- CHICAGO. Nov. 11. (AP)-
(nnrnillKP t ha woa ri-aJ
dieted for the. week end, a severe
wind : and rain storm swept
through the southwestern Chicago
district late today.
II.--". 1111 .i .
ii ?, ni iff
- -. - -. t ' -. . . - .
Tberet et tbewell dressed man lies
'U with -hi tailor The tailor no i"c
reoaUlte ot a good suit and givea prop
Vly selected material he can.desip a
I i:- ,-anit that wUl fit fc man "perfectly. - Care-
' . . . r . a - a. .nil
.fally aeiectea maienais oa
oring give a man an air of distinction
" :..t imnxttiuiv-mirk him- a-i ' belns
rXi v . correctly idressedi - Manyi years of tail-
oring . to an exclusive, patronage .- na
Vtaight a-Just what a. suit, needa to .be
tl glve char-cter?to a suit and-keeps It
looking'I lohg TTjca.
Y - maTo-weSsure-SUITS
'AS LOW :AS $32.50 't
'Tailor v;:."J ; 474 Court St.
Clf r -P'ri
One of the Finest Gough
syrups made.
Gives Imemdiate Relief
:JTom Coughing and
. ' Throat Irritation.
Sold Only At
: FRONT V ;' '
Phone 197
1S5 N. Coml Btf .
The Penslar Store r
If you had to you could probably "get along" on ten or even
fifteen dollars less per month. ; ,
But, have you ever thought of giving YOURSELF an im- 5
aginary "cut" in salary and adding it. to a steadily grow-
ing Savings Account? . ' .
Why not step into the bank and start a Savings-Account
today? . j . . . . -' , : , - , .-
United States National Bank
"The Bank That Service Built" : r '
This product is not an ore similar to the popular "conception of a hard, mineral bearing,
rock formation such substances are of course not soluble in water but, to the contrary,
it has the appearance of a. soft shale formation. Altho PACIFIC HEALTH-ORE is
found deep below the surface of the earth and is , the result of some unusual geological
formation ages ago, it is comparatively young,"las geological formations go, and there
' fore incomplete or unfinished. In this feature lies its remarkable medicinal value,
. rendering it one of the most valuable recent ffinds". in. Oregon's natural re-
sources. ' Originating from vegetation of land and sea, and being incom- -x
pletely carbonized or hardened, it is rich in the majority of the mineral
elements required - by the human body.
Evidence of remarkable benefits' obtained by the use of this product is overwhelming and
.should warrant a trial under our liberal money-back policy by any sufferer with chronic
ailments, even though other treatments have been used to no avail. From the sale of
. thousands of packages requests' for only ten' refunds have been received. Numerous
local people have informed us of phenomenal results and we continually receive letters of
praise and graitude from many parts of the country, from Alaska to Alabama.' "Must say.
we think it wonderful, it has helped us so mu chV writes a lady, from Idaho, who is using
it for the treatment of Goiter, her husband for HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE." "Best remedy.
I baYe ever found for STOMACH TROUBLT," write a man from New Mexico.' ; . ; ; :
t -
? "
- 'At-.
. Is your body starved for the vital.mineral salines which present day refined foods do not '
supply? Is Nature unable to conquer your chronic ailment for lack of proper working
i and building materials - materials to replace broken down and diseased tissue mater
ials tq feed and stimulate to normal action lagging . cells and glands? Is your system
" lacking . in the . vital and ; health maintaining minerals natural iodine for the glands
natural Iron for the blood natural magnesium for the nerves natural chlorine
. " potassium phosphorus sodium sulphur - calcium? Supply these minerals
J give Nature a chance to restore the normal chemical- balance to insure natural - harmony
and proper functioning of all organs, cells and'glands - to maintain a rich and healthy :
'. blood stream you'll te surprised at her response, - . ' v . .
- . v. - " - - .. - r . - - ' '
', '. ..- I you.are troubled "with ; . . " - ' - ,
v - you rnaj use this product with the tssurance that no harm
ful effects will ensue with the possibility; of, accomplishing
-- i
T3 f
ar .'. a saillj.n .-ay a : '!rgg :
V.-:' ti
!D2 Jis ILo
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nor un?LEASAirr