The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 09, 1927, Page 3, Image 3

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L i
lJxesting Meeting of
Salem Garden Club
An extremely Interesting meet
ing of the Salem Garden Club wai
bo'i Monday evening In the Cham
& it Commerce auditorium. The
shakers were Mrs. Daniel J. "Fry,
r. Mrs. William ETerett Ander
son and Mrs. William M cG 'len
ds t Jr.. all of whom returned late
iuia summer from extensive tours
in toe north and abroad.
'v. ry was ine ursi speaker
. of the evening. She described the
gardens of Japan, speaking par
ocularly of the dwarfing of the
a-. A member of her party was
un a minatare garden growing
tu a , bowl and . containing a Uny
Juniper tree which was one hund
red years old,. Since that time the
grden has been given ordinary
cure and the little tree has grown
tw ice as large as it was three
months ago.
Other beautiful flora was found
:n Manila where Mr. and Mrs.
riy'were the guests of Montague
Lord, formerly of Salem. Before
.eating Manila, Mrs.-Fry was giv
en a . of these exquisite
flowers, each, spray of which was
from eighteen to twenty"' Inches
innsr. TIla flowers which wara
buiig with the bloasomsapwnre
manned fresh tor tour weeas. ,
, The famous botanical gardens In
Java; and the garden in Agra and
jx Taj Mahale, appealed particul
arly to the speaker.
One alter the other,' the. wild
flowers of other foreign countries
jtere described by Mrs. Fry: the
uiountaltt flowers of Swedes; the
fY delphinium which blooms in Bel--Jtnnt;
and the wild holly hocJc-and
Jie wild oleander, native only In
Palestine, Roses, buttercups, and
5cotch broom were found In each
country which the party visited.
Mt. McGllchrtat spoke first o'
the wondartnl Butchart gardens in
ictorta, B. C.
Siberian poppies, which grow in
Incomparable heauty at Lake Lou-
am were next described. The artis
tic gardens at George Washing-
rum's home at Ml. Vernon are un
excelled tn beauty In the opinion
of Mr. -MeQllchrUi.
Mt and. Mrs. McGUchriat visit
ed the gardens at St. James Pal
ace and at Buckingham -pahuse In
liondon. Belotrope and blue sal-
V2Ser others that were seen in,
hear charming English gardens.
Jr.; McGUclirUt told ox uce , gar-
lens, containing flowers similar, to
those growing in the Willamette
Valley, which grow down -to the
water's edge along the River
Thames. Other delightful English
"gardens were described.
- JLT-r MrOllrhrlat wan nnrf Irtllatv.
Xly enchanted with the wild heath
if of Scotland, his native country.
A beautiful garden; perhaps the
loveliest Is the world, ts main
tained by a million dollar endow
ment left by Carnegie, in Pitliner
es Glenn at Dunfermline,- Scot-
f.andl Pittineries Glenn is An-
;draw Carnegie's birthplace.
I Rosea . grow luxuriantly in ' It-
ply In -November. The gardens' of
liarceloua. Spain and those of Ver
sailles are among the most attrac
tive "h mil Europe. A few lnvely
garttens were seen at Lucerne,
Switzerland and sln Germany, al
though a heavy frost had destroyed
fmuch of the floral beauty In the
fatter -country. As it was bulb
snipping time in Holland at the
t.ntB.Hr.'and Mrs. McGUchrist vis
aed tthat country they did not see
tha tulips and narcissi for which It
.'s world famous.
ZMxa. William Everett AnVtersoa
tfesrtlbell the unusual wild tbxw
frs which she found in .Alaska.
i Eha said. mafigolda, nasturtiums
rndoother well-known varittes were
prroVing 'in boxes and flowers-pots
m homes at Fort .Yukon.
Formal gardens -which supply
'.Tie "boats with flowers -were aeen
ly jars. Anderson at Ketchikan
ftaa .Juneau.
Xfctther tlowirs growing "luxur-
yantiy in tha far north were the
I tls Jtor-get-mMrota, wild ana
PTi "'butterBupe, lupin, -Wild
IX 1 i eo1umlilm, bluehfilia.. -aral-.neks
Uliec. TchrenrapTa, w'lJd cur-
rareU "hltXB bells, sweet .-peas, gol-
erxod, and -w'lia rosea, as well as
rinse IseactHul t lowers -wh3c"h one
vv-oulll rmxt expect to find In a land
to mens tfh jtrxic sflrclB.
J&. ecoTaai'SijBB -was atpptnnlea si
the Tbji&ineK meetltts -whicfh -pre-
baSes Xfce prosxam to consider flie
autTtlcatlon of Hts city iiark.
Irz. Jleeder 'Honored on
f'jra-dxrg Armivarsnrw
JCrV and JOra, JSjaJp'h SLurgJj en-l
2x3atinea Sjs&xctttsj rvenlns In
Zs2r Jutme 1 rtxOa with a 21s-
3ar jmrty Itpmxrfafrsr XLtk. Jtaihel
f XsSsxa a the weeaskm
l&rt&SJrr gHTT3yrrsary. aiii
ssI.Kl lomMi of ini3 nrn
"3ju erealag was spent wan anra-'
't ssd conrtrsailon.
iir gTajrnrere Mra, Utre&er,
-kJ Vim tot and hectess. Mr. and
5ruy Society of Christ
Lutheran Church Will Meet
The Dorcas Society of Christ
nthcxsa Church "will meet this
"ttroooa at the home of Mrs. J.
. Pror?. 401 North Eighteenth
'-rf. ;
SOCXAIi Galehdjls
Today . ,
W. F. M. S., First M. S. Church.
Mrs. B. E. Carrier. 1065 Court St.
hostess 2:SX o'clock.
Auxiliary of Veterans of For
eign Wars! Mrs. C. W. Brant, 49 S
S. Winter St. 2:30 o'clock
Elk's - Dance. . Elk's Club. 0
Daughters oj Veterans. . Wom
an s Club-house. 8 o clock. . - .
. Silver Tea, sponsored by 'Worn'
ans Auxiliary of St. Pauls Epis
copal Church. , . :
Rectory, S60 Chemeketa St. Z-
SO 5:00 o'clock. . .
Sweet Briar Club. Mrs. C. C.
Chaffee, Wallace Road. ' ' ,
"Praise Service.! First Presby
terian Church.
Executive Board Meeting. . 2
o'clock. Church parlors. .
W. H. M. S. Leslie M. E. Church.
Mrs. E. A. Rhoten,.159S S. High
St. Hostess Dorcas Society, Christ
Lutheran Church, i Mrs. J. JL.
Propp, 401 N. 18 St. hostess. ,
Silver Tea. Sponsored by "Ladies"
Social Circle, Knight : Memorial
Church. Church .parlors. ; 230
"Thursdajr Club." Ten o'clock
breakfast, Mrs. W. F. McCaIl,Jtios-
tess. J. ; . -
South Section, Woman's Union,
First Congregational Church. Jttrs.
Mark McCalllster, .133 S.JUberty
St. hostess. 2 o'clock.
Woman's Club. JLmerlcan Home
Institute. . ClulKhouaw. 10-:A5
No-Host Xuncheon, "12 3H. Res
ervations, .Mrs. ,F. G--Bowersox.
Dt; and iTr. TT lytte l ,
SpendL P&Si W&k in Portland
YM"-. la. "Wv lit. Xfrti spe4nt
Ue aave& -Ik ottltfdA. aeh
eve&ing they Entertained friends
Ih 'their at the llohse Show
wh'lo'h "raa $ft ik Icdfthectloa
with the . PaciXla Thternatlonal
Stock Show Expofiiilolk.
Tlrs't FdU 2Itetln$ af Capitol
t tv&Hundred Club -:
Mrs. -James Godfrey was hostess
at din hey Co erenlng last "Week,
having as l&r Thesis the "members
of Capitol five-hundred -club. Lat
er the group enjeyad ereral "hour
of : cards qtt Xh 3uwa : -ol lira,
George TV Ttoager. . - ' ;
This is tha Xlrst tail meeting: ef
the club which one of the oldest
social organizations in Salem. ;
Mr. and lira. 3XHtoa "Meyers Tron
m . w ....
aisa score nonors -tor the even
ing's play..
- . The club nemhershlp Jnclodesi
Mr. and Mrs. 3aik ."Durbia,'
Mr. and Mrs. 31. II. Olinger. ilr
and Mrs. 3JUton iTeyers, Mr. and
Xt-. )tv Dancyv Mr and Mrs. X C.
Locke Dfi and itrs. W Carlton
Smith, iff. and Mrs, 1 p Grif
fith, &rsv George Rodgers, JJr and
Mrsv. Fran aTeredltJvDr and Mrs.
R. H Lee Steiner, And George C
BTOWUs, ' - . '
Ixtklts of Knight Memorial
Church sponsoring
Silver Tea
"The Xa&iea' Social Circle of the
fRnlght llemortal Church la spon
soring silver te this afternoon
In the church -parlors.
The committee In charge of the
taffalr included IUts, 4, W, Mcr
Cu&a, Ura. -J. 35. Ajftihy; frs. 7,
W. Corey, llrs. X. TV, Neptu-ne,
Mra. X. M. If cKty, ISrs. J, W. Ii
tressv "Mrs. Howard IcManemy,
and Mrs. C. C narrla.
Mrs. , RTiolen WSX Entertain
IT. H. Jlt S.
"87h "Wonaa's Home Mlastouary'
Society of "Leslie memorial Church
rwill he entertained th. Is Afternoon
Mrs. -Joseph, jcuuigartner, lir. audj at the "home of 3tos. "E, JL Ehoten.
airs. E&xEz, -Mr aend Mrs. South High Street.
Mrs, Statey Hostess at Sec
ond Attractive Affair :
' Mrs. W. L. Staley was hostess at
an attractlra hrldge :tea Monday
afternoon,' the - second delightful
affair which she has given within
the past week. , ( - - .
lira. Thomaa B, Kay won high
score honors.: Mrs. J. L. Stockton
received the second, prise. . -
Mrs. Staley was assisted at the
tea hour by Mrs. T. F. Wood. ' .
Brooks Community Club,
Entertained. - - , -The
- Brooks " Community Club
met At the home of Mrs. Emma
Stsrgls ' on Thursday afternoon.
NoTemher third," ; .
Tha afternoon -was spent sew
ing oa haaaar articles and Quilting
a comforter, r. .
'v.' Th next regular meeting of the
club "will he held November ser
enteenth ' at tha home of . Mrs.
George Campbell., : Plans win he
completed at this , time : for the
"bazaar which the club will have
J later in tha mouth.
hour. .
and Mrs. Ralph Sturgis
the hostess at the tea
Mrs. Frank Sturgis, Mrs. Charles Street.:
Judge and Sirs. Bean Return
From Pendleton .. .
Judge and Mrs. XL J. Bean hare
returned from Pendleton where
the eastern' Oregon term - of the
supreme court has been in session.
The wives of the -visiting Justices
were delightfully entertained with
a number, of luncheons and din
ners which were given In their
. Judge and Mrs. Bean also -visit
ed their son and daughter-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Hawley Bean, who
hare a large wheat ranch near
Pendleton, " . -
Mrs. Hunter Witt Entertain
Club With One O'clock
Luncheon ' .
Mrs. R. C. Hunter will enter
tain the members of the Thursday
Bridge Club with : a one - o'clock
luncheon on Thursday afternoon
in her, home at 56S South Libert;
Thursday Club Will Meet .
For Breakfast
Mrs. William F. McCall . will
entertain the members -of the
Thursday ' Club with . a ten
o'clock breakfast In her country
home on Thursday morning of
this week. Assistant hostesses
will be Mrs. George M, Brown and
Mrs. M. M. Cusick.
Mrs. McCammon a Guest
of Her Mother
Mrs. Hugh Aiccammon ana ner
little eon. Billy, are guests this
week of Mrs. McCammon's moth
er, UT. 4. A. uarson.
Return From Eastern Oregon
Mrs. W. Al Jones and Miss Ma
bel Creighton hare returned io
their home In Salem after spend
ing a, fortnight in eastern Ore
Week-End Guests From
Dr. and Mrs. David Bennett
Hill had as their week-end guests
I Mr. and Mrs. Mae Hoke and Mrs.
George Staiger, all of Pendleton.
Community Service Division
Will Meet With Mrs.
Mrs. Harry J. Weidmer . has
called a meeting of the Commun
ity Service Division of the Salem
Woman's Club for two o'clock this
afternoon in her home at 590
North Cottage Street , "!
Auxiliary of Veterans of
Foreign Wars
The auxiliary of Veterans of
Foreign Wars will meet at two
thirty o'clock this afternoon at the
home of Mrs. C. V(. Brant. 491
South Winter Street.
Recent Guest From Portland
Mrs. George Rodgers had as her
guest for several daya recently.
Mrs I tarry aiiwn oi jti"u-
Mrs. Flack Entertains Club
Mrs. Bert Flack entertained the
memhn of the L'Heur Gale Club
Monday with a one o'clock lunch
eon at the Elks' Club.
Covers were placed at the
luncheon table which was attrac-
; . (Con tinned PK 5.)
American Honw Institute '
WiU Be Held Saturday at
Womanis Club-Hotae
An American , Horns Institute
has been arranged ;by Mrs. Jesate
D. McComb of CarvalUs. xhalrxna-n
of the Oregon JBdaralixm mf Wom
en's Clubs, tn be heia "in .Baiem
under the auspices olfhe Incai
woman's dub, Saturday Xrum :TJ
to 3:45 o'clock at the Wmnari's
club-ho usB on Kortli CutlaiB
Street. Thm will hs fha jBsgahu
meeting; of the cliib. - .
Mrs. E E. Elliott chairman of
ths program- coimtitttps, Jar-da
charge ttXhs-airxngBmsnm.! " -
A nD-hoat lundhednwiii ba year
ed at noun. '. All wio rare -planning !
tn attend should xnkB ihdir jb
errathma at ona wifh 3Ira. F. 'G.
Bowersox by telephoning TUBA.oor
calling at her .horns, 3.7B Cheme
keta Street.
All clubs of "Marton, "Linn and
Polk counties have 'been 'txrvifcaa to
attend the Institute.
Ths program will fas jos fol
lows: :.'
10-Hlt;30 Rb g 1 str Afimi. in
charge of Mrs. Sadie Orr-Duhbax.!
chairman of lnatitutes, Oregon
Federation of Women's. Clubs.
10:30-10:61) ''ProtacfiDn fx
the Home; Miss -Mary C Camp,
bell. Portland, insurance special
ist, Oregon Federation of Worn
en's Clubs.
lJ0:f0 ."Departnmntal Organi
zation," Mrs. Dunbar. .
It; 15 Vocal solo, Mrs. Harry
Harms, Salem. J
- It: 20-"Five Hundred ; House
wives Consider .Their Problem.
Miss Maud Wilson, : Home - Econ
omist. Oregon experiment, station.
12: 1 Luncheon at the Uni
tarian church:; Reservations mar
be mads with Mrs." F- G.,-Bowbt-
sox. saiem. : ; . ,
1:30 Vocal . solo, Mrs. Lloyd
Thompson, Salem. -,
1- 45 "Hygiene V- and PostaVa
Health for Womfin," Jfflxs Ruth- B.
Glasgow, 31rt?f of -nhys'lcal edu
cation for ;women, Oregon State
college, Corrallis, I
.2:45 "Ideals of the Home.""
Dr. .Nornrnn .K. Tully, First Pres
byterian church, Salem.
3- 4S Adjournment.
South Section of Woman's
Union WiU Meet Friday
The South Section of the Wom
an's Unban of the First Congrega
tional Church -win mee Friday
afternoon at the home of Mra.
Mark "McCaUiater.' H23 South
Liberty Strest. . . f -
The afternoon 'will "be spent
with sewing. ' - '
Bridge Club Entertained at
Wirtz Home
.Mr. sad Mrs. wnlaxd Wlrts eta
tertalned the members of their
bridge dub in thehr hrrma on Stew
art. Street Saturday evening.
- Mrs. Dnana Clbaou aad TTsTald
Unghea wen hlg!a scotb jaix?.
In tha gnmj were Mr. and
Mrs. Duxns Gibs an. Mr. and Mrs.
HaraSd Hashes. Mr. and Mrs.
Glexus Shoemaker, Mr. -and Mrs.
Harry ficolT. Mr. asd Mrs. H, U
Dailock. atai tha host and hostess,
11t. and Mrs. Wlrtz. Mr. and Mrs.
IL B. GULryer were special guests
of the club. -
Mrs. ' Hughes ' assisted Mrs.
Wirt la Berries. ; "
Spends Week-End in 'T
CorvaUia f
Mrs. AI Jones spent the past
week-end In Corrallis as the guest
of her daughter, , Miss - Rosalie
Irs. William Meixner will Jones, a studen at Oregon EUU
:zzt hostess. ' . , college. - , ... ' . : .;; j
-: aiI '1 fcLh it. in Mil in iiWaaafcMassssaa.w, el. nl - i flJSta;
v -r - ....... ...
I JLfi J
ttiraeitivej iflJue latest
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