The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 06, 1927, Page 3, Image 3

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Elsinore and Oregon -Theaters
To Sell and Honor
'; Scrip Locally .
la an-Coast
- A sensational and rerolu
Innoratlon In the sale- of. "
tain m en t admission tickets'
noanced ' today 1 by - West
ineatres, inc.,'- wuu operates a
circuit of theatres throughout the
"west coast Including the Elsinore
and Oregon theaters. .
' A plan has. been .worked out. by
executives of the company whereby
the public will be aliJe to purchase
a "West Coast" "Scrip" book, the
"scrip being good for admission
tickets at the box office of any
. Yest Coast Theatre. , t '-
By buying the serial books, the
company announce, the public
will be able-to mate a consider
able saving' onth rejrnlar price
of admission' in Vest Coast Tbo-
. Announcement' of" the plan has
caused, a sensation . In .'theatrical
circles. The- plan ' has . - been
worked out purely ""as-a means ot
Ifsrins the.puhMc"p."intisenient -
saving and at thescrce .time of
creatine a follawinsf :for . vvest
. Coast Theatres. ,,,i-f' -
Interest in the plan is'anxtously
being awaited by th03e who are In
terested In amusenie?;t-ABl enter
tainment which' men everyone.
;VeSt Coast Scri.e-Vtt will be
called, means that XtA parte thins
that has already been done in
many other fields wt!t'h6w be ap
plied to the amusement1" world.
Railroads offer" yroffactton over
the regular rate to alperaons who
commute, between" ay large city and
a suburban town. -The same ap
plies to other fields. .
Never has it been done on such,
a large scale in the5- amusement,
world as will bo the case when
"West Coast Theatres inaugurate
the plan.
' West Coast Theatre -today an
nounced details of the plan which
has been worked oul"to give the
, theatregoers th benefit of a re
duction In admission. prices, when
such admission prices , are pur
, chased In bulk. Tn Elsinore and
' Oregon Theatres will sell and hon-
the sctIp locally.
MTiret general announcement ot
Popular Young Leader" To
; Score Hit During His
Fareweil Appearance .
Pararriount's G I n e m i racle
Returns To Oregon Wed
nesday Upon Demand
and thus become . dissatisfied.
Ro twang, an inventor; "creates"
another Mary, who causes death,
disaster and ruination in the city
before tke la finally put to death
herself. . -
r Even amazing sets are useless
when a story doesn't, "hold-up."
But in the case of , ."Metropolis"
the situations, acting and - photo
graphy, go hand in hand with the
stunninr and imaginative settings.
The Tower of Babel sequence Is
especially effective,- as are the
scenes in which. Masterxnan's son
"flees from his father's business to
the city of workmen..' The concep
tion of elevated streets, one above
the other and each jammed with
traffic hurrying in the sameiirec
tion, is a breath-taking spectacles
The episode in which Mary's
likeness is struck off from metal.
and is ' like its pattern " except for
lack of soul, is astonishing. In
fact, this highly imaginative tale.
by its excquUite handling; is in
vested with a deal of realism. -.
Karl Freund, who photographed
The Last Laugh" and "Variety,"
outdoes himself on Metropolis,
and Frits Lang, megaphone-wield
er, turned out an excellent piece
ot work.
The German players ;Vho seem
to be chosen for acting ability and
not sex appeal acq ui ted themselves
more than creditably in this new-J
est of the UFA films to reach ns.
Alfred Abel, Guslar Froelich and
Ileinrich George -are excellent.-
You canot afford to misa "Me
tropolis." It Is the best of the
best German films and will hold
you spellbound. ' I
Pooular Thomas Meirrhnn To Be ' -
--,- V a. c .-''" i J
. msinore itracuon otaxuzig x ucsuay
K .r . A .- '' ' ' 1 v"- '.
. ... -.; - .
" f ' . . . ' ; I I
I tMTmnns nm irfim ww in 1 1 1 1 mi i iw : amMmmmmammiimmm$mmmieamm
ffiioraia Meiian and Marietta KiUncf in thfl ParajnourrtPicturO'
Topular and smiling - Jimmle
Davis, leader of the West Coast
Elsinore Theatre Orchestra, is ap
pearing - in his farewell -'Week
starting today. This capable and
energetic youthfuf master of cere
monies and orchestral leader has
made' an Indelible impression upon
his well wishers and the patrons of
the theater and It is with regret
that he leaves his post here but
orders are orders and he must de
part to assume similar post at
one of the larger West Coast The-
4 n fntirMt from he . DublJc atres on the big circuit.
th-l cfficiaIs.-Oith .Wg theatre
afuit decided to release details
now. r".- - . "7 "
West- Coast SctIp Books, as the
books with the exchangeable scrip
tre caled, are to be sold to the
public In three different amounts.
; Ten dollar books will be sold
for nine dollars.
Five dollar books will; be sold
for $.4.50. - vl ' v- . -
Tickets in the 'scrip : books are
in amounts of 5 tents, thus mak
ing it changeable for any priced
admission ticket. -'--"---
It is announced that. the West
Coast Scrip books are good for ad
mission in any West Coast The-
, aire, of wheh there are more than
400 scattered throughout the west.
That the discount of 10 per cent
offered the theatre patron when
buying admissions in this 'form
will prove popular Is already as
lured by the Interest taken hy the
public in the first announcement.
' There is no time limit whatso
ever i on when the script may be
used; It may . not. be detached,
but is interchangeable : In ' other
words, anyone may use the script
- -Scrip books are to be n sale at
all West Coast Theatre box offices
It has not been announced when
the books will be ready for sale,
-i -. -
! Dni4trfrTarewelI week he will
offer; some very clever .orchestra L
numbers and specialties including
many requests for solos and band
numbers which have received pop-!
ular approval of the patrons duri
ing. the past weekaand which have
been asked for by admirers for' re
The work of the orchestra un
der the direction of Jimle Davis
has met with ' continued success
and public aproval has been whole
heartedly enjoyed during its entire
engagement at the Elsinore. Their
appearance today and ' tomorrow
with the Fanchon and Marco "Po
lar 1 1dea,"presented in ; conjunc
tion with the showing of the spe
cial comedy drama "Adam and
Evil? which co-stars Lew Cody
d Aileen Pringle, will add. ma
terially to the colorful stage and
screen offerings.,. ,
The management lays stress on
Jimmie's farewell programs and
urges all those who have enJoed
his music here to atend these per
formances .and make hie "good
bye" week a rousing success. ' 1 -
The cinemiracle "Metropolis"
will return to the Oregon Wednes
day by popular demand.;7 ,The re
view of this picture as appeared in
the New York American follows:,
The German - motion picture
again score with "Metropolis" at
the Rial to. Colossal of sets, fan
tastic of theme and exquisite of
photography, this latest offering
from the UFA Studios, which was
two years in the' making, tops any
film we have thus far imported
from Berlin, the mecca ot movie
angles. " t "':;. . . . .,.
'Even superlatives seem inade
quate to describe the originality
of the story, which deals with the
problems of a visioned ."Metropo
lis," the city where once man made
machinery and -now machinery
makes man. The story is remin
iscent of "R. U; R.," a romance of
Robots, which graced .our speak'
ing stage several seasons ago -
In "Metropolis," the workers.
who dress alike, are merely called
workmen and designated by num
ber. They live miles below the
city, and above them, though still
under the city, is housed the ma
chinery by which the town is run
The only bright- moment in the
strenuous ten-hour day the work
men puf in is the respite they en
joy in hearing Mary, a girl of
their own class, preach the gospel
of salvation.
- To counteract the girl apostle's
influence, John Masterman, who
runs tne city, orders that a ma
chine-made counterpart of Mary
he struck off which will prevent
the workmen using their brains
The world's greatest character
actor in the most painstakingly
perfect characterization of " his
lire." '
"The soft lights in; the studio
projection room flashed on like
4 ' I H " A ' ' - ' I '
i I , '-' ' . v '" I '
I J ' , . ' V1
W :- - 'T J
It 1 - 'r r "J -i
Here is Thomas Meighan In a
new type of role two new types
in fact. No Meighan vehicle in
recent years has been crowded
with so much action. '"We'je All
Gamblers" is the name of the pro
duction. It. was directed for Para
mount by James Craze,' maker of
"The Covered Wagon" and "Old
Ironsides" and It starta at the
Elsinore Tuesday.
It's a great story. It shows the
star as a youngster at the start
a waif on a New York East River
dock who is picked up by a police
man - and' taken in by a kindly
woman as her son. By the time
he reaches manhood he is a con
tender lor the heavyweight cham
pionship, a celebrity who stirs the
interst of an aristocratic woman.
An automobile injury prevents him
from i winning : the. title and - he
eventually becomes the proprietor
of a night club. .. .
; - The early scenes of the fight, an
auto accident, and East Side life
are tense and exciting. The night
club's New" Year celebration later
brings about a thrilling climax. '
Supporting Mr. r Meighan - is a
brunette beauty ; from ' 1 Viennat
Marietta Mliiner. : She has; ap
peared in only one American pic
ture before this, but her future is
assured. 1 That dear old ladyj Ger-
truae vuire. tne. uranarotner in
The Coose Ud4ga Ui'rSQ&s
charm to Ithe film..-".-- -.- ---
.The- screen play by Hope Loring
is based on Sidney Howard's stage
play "Lucky Sam McCarver;' !
Don't miss it!
Then tt course there ; will be
Smiling Jimmy Davis and hia ul
tra-modern orchestra, too! tt Wow
folks it's going to be some
show! ', - , - . ;-
Read the Classified Ads
TODAY Continuous 2 to 1 1 P. M.
It's en Intimate Picture cad IIow!
l 1
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1tL X
" it. t m
Ii x J
Statesman Classified Advertisements Bring'Quick Rcsu!!
The Pit amount Pioturo
7he WayoTAU Hcsh. j
Princeton player breaks .leg In
Wr'lk:?. -t T rth,ng to do wit J
Aileen Pringle and Lew Cody
Score Hit; Fanchon and "
'.'' -." Marco on-Bill -
No better screen vehicle for the
Initial co-starring " appearance ot
. Lew Cody and ; Aileen Pringle
-" ' ' coald have been J chosen than
- ' " "Am and EvIl'MetrcK3oldwyn-
: - Mayer's pew feature , comeay.
""-'which opens at the Elsinore The-
atre today.- ; '- )"
Cody and Miss J"Prinjle make
Ideal team-mates for comedy and
- there is little doubt thre will be a
lot of genuine surprise x the part
' ,s of picture-goers to, learn that tne
HaUWODhl8Mcated' Aileen. Pringle, who
ti always appeared la society
dramas, bearing iitue reiauon io
comedy. Is a genuine .comedienne
at the first class. .-. tl. i - -
Thu nicture-goinz world has
V. iad to the (Pringle of
Three Weeks." 'His Hour.- "Soul
Mates' and other such s rod actions
as d there U prcthly net one pie-
nrroer la & thcujar ' who ever
vanA AUsea couU do
MmnrllVt a veteran, s. -'
It must be that Miss Pringle, off
the screen, is somewhat of a cemo-
dienne. Otherwise no plcturewise
producer would ever have switched
her from the niche, la which she
was already estst!';!:??. to pioneer
la c o-starriag rcles.
At any rate, Aileen proved tLat
she is a comedienne; Just as Lew
Cody, some fears ago, made an
overnight switch ' from - "heavy"
roles to sophisticated - comedy-
and made a huge success of it. ,
'The co-stars of "Adam and
Evil. however, are not the only
comedians fa the cast. ,
There is Roy D'Arcy noted for
his black. villainy la such produc
tions a "The Merry "Widow,"
Tardelys, the Magnificent,". The
Temjrteras,". 'Winners o tlis .Wil
derness' and many other box of
fice attractions. Roy proved that
he is aa actor with a wide range of
histrionic ability, yet he has
proved such a popular "heavy"
that It would almost seem a shame
to switch him from the sort cf
rcles that hj,ve stamped bJci one
Director Robert 2L Leonard has
succeeded la getlag a lot of comic
al acting out of G wen Lee, Ger
trude Short and Iledda Hopper.
- "Adam and Oil" is presented at
the Elsinore la i addition tot the
Fanchon and -Marco "Polar fdea
and smiling- Jimmy Davis and his
Elsinore Theatre Orchestra. Al
together, It is conceded, "some
, The or as re, Isnen, and grape
fruit are act catlve American
fruits, having been introduced In
to California and Florida by the
Spaniards, according to aa an
swered question in Liberty.
Steamship passenger rattee
to be reduced 10 per cent. Is the
airplane's competition felt so
of the "besf' 1 villains la celluloid, soca? New York Sua,
a mechanical dawn following the
final ladeout on the screen: for
a few poignant seconds there had
been absolute silence.
Then the voice ' again in the
half-light; a
A- perfect performance.
The tribute came from a nation
ally known motion picture crtic;
a man who has eeen more films,-
good, bad; and impossible, than
and other person connected with
the industry. It was made in the
laboratory projection room of
Para-mount's West Coast Studio.
The critic had Just witnessed s
preview of "The Way" of All
Flesh: in which Emil Jannings,
the supreme ' international film
artist, makes hie American de
but. . .
"Jannings has portrayed a char
acter in that picture who will live
as a vivid .appealing and mighty
personality for all time,? the crit
ic continued a? she turned to his
r And then this connoisseur of the
screea started analyzing: 'what he
had just witnessed." Point by point.
scene by scene oe went 'over the
picture, booking Tor some one or
two things he could decide upon as
having' the greatest bearing in es
tablishing its pre-eminence. Final
ly he chose a word.
"It is its simplicity, its human
ness. its stark realism; the faith
f ul manner in which it tells the
bis dramatic moment that came
into the life of a kindly, common
man. he said. "Wherever that
picture Is shown It will", create
thought and comment : it will
send people from the theater, sil
ent and wondering', fn aa latros-
nectlve mood. I feel that I have
seen the summit, the masterpiece,
of . the motion picture maker's
art." . .. "- " '
This wonder picture, acclaimed
everywhere as one of the finest
films f the year wil lb shown at
the Oregon theatre, for 3 days
starting today, being- transferred
from the Elsinore -and held over
by nubile demand to accomodate
the crowds.-'
Belle Bennett, the star of "Stella
Dai: is and Phyllis Haver, who
made fame and fortune for herself
In "What Price Glory' head the
supporting- east. "The Way of
All Flesh Was directed by Viet
Fleming, producer of "The Rour
Riders. Donald Keith: And Fred
Kohler play important parts. .
Mayor: Walker of New York Is
talking about enforcing the ' cur
few at three o'clock in the morn
ing In the night clubs. The trouble
is that by three o'clock the boys
aren't in any condition to hear the
ewrfew ring. . -
tf 5-.B
i t!
" OP
1 y' W
ill k Yk'jl
a m a
Belle Bennett
Phyllis Haver Donald Keith
A" Victor Fleming Production
TTest Coast Theatres Inc. is the Gibraltar of - the entertainment world because the
whole wide world is searched and the cream of what they find thia earth's beet
entertainment talent Is yorars.
'.SAVB' fn
' ' ' -. V- ' 11 "'V - "
' CCDY ' ; U j '
!. pnn:GLi: vl : .
Polar Idea
; . Featuring tha
- SmiIing"
; and Hi3
Read tho .Classified Ads
Lor, lanhs, tar!Ia, la.s
nodcrm Gardca c ZHea
3 Ccimy' cJ !H0
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.ihi3X3jirrinii2 c
l Farewell Tccl:
; - "Hear Him -
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