' crj:cc:T tuttdat trornirci; i: rr. i, irrr i Ills tSerotiy EJttejrei Vwii Fall, Xda2uv and Ills llarcarit Warnk of Dolse, - Idaho, -jwerf taledgtil recently to JUjti Phi Air Sha Borority cn the tTUlamcttt University eompua. " v i Jr; DttrWn end ilr. Boise Entertain With Dinner Party Mrs.' Breymaa - Bolae and Mrs. ""Ot - Dnrtto.' : Jr., entertained "VlU.)a dinner party Saturday ar eata- fa the Breymaa home at 643; Court Street.' , r . . .- were nlaeed at tha dln- stable centered ,-with.ra lovely rfiMageaent- of tatama flowers. for Mr. and Mrs. - Asel Boff, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Slater, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Deekebaeh, Mr, and Mrs. Bert. Ford. Mr. and Mr. I o T rmi rjplf fllh unit Utrm TWnfc rahj, Miss Ruth Sberwin; Mis r.Juenee Patterson,; Milton' Stein .rlT .Eocene GUI, Mr. and MraInr Chinese Room, Gray Belle; 6:30 1 Din. ana Air. ana Mrs. Boise. 'o'clock t ' T.tr th '.' rronn ' ftiii1i .' ; n-nku nit.M , 11 vW.r : - : Today -Salem War Mothers. Chamber of - Commerce Auditorium. 2:30 o'clock. -W. C. T. U. IIalli,.S.' Commer cial and Ferry Sta.. 2:30 o'clock '-Writer's Clnh,' ,Dr. and Mrs. T. G. Franklin 1265 Marion. St. 7:39 elock,. . . . . - r.:A: A. U. W. Child Stody. Class Tenth Floor, First .National Bank Bids. - 1 Dinner firea by congregation of Unitarian Church la' hoaor of F.er, ely Blake, on San Francisco Attend Annual fHomectm ing. Celebration at CorvsUis Mr. and Mrs- Hark HcCaUiater motored- to Corralll Saturday te attend the annual "homecominc and lir. and lira, Percy Cupper, ::::lrt2. Tle czrzts fci .s.iocti&a..' c$ae, :ccryfcs'.t2: rresiieat'a tea. ta . ta erealas, lir. and -lire; lleCaXZter irere rnst at tie azan&l alsziaae taa- qnei. Other aUendlnar the came at Corrala "ere lir, and lira. lVoulc WrirhV :iir. jb4 Mi. Carle Abrama, Mr. Catherine Jelderka, trmSi Caliriay ereiacfroa weekaTrabtorntri to Jaliroraia. A. A. U. 17. CAOJ Sif The A. U. W. Chfld 6tndy Class win meet t seren . thirty o'clock til erenlac on the tenth floor of the First JJaUoaal Bank BnlMa.- -neredity win o the sabject for dJecusion. Ilcrxr XZsv. V:r!r,rj Liz!: fttadaeo-to tW honor tvtj Kt the ftiaaer whlci vCl bf cires at aix tllrty o"lock this erenlnc ta the CUaet 9 Tznvi at the Gray! Belle by members of the conxre- catlon of the TJnltartaa Caurcn. Rer. Blake ta the field secretary of the American Uaitariaa Asso ciation, Baring succeeded Mr., Carl K. Wetherell who la well-known la Salem. Of farther interest Is do fact that 22r. BUke. who U a rraaat of Karrard Law Cchool and at one time tracticlac law yer ta California, eneeeeded : Rot. Mr. Ferrey la hi charse at Baera- mento. Thi la the first rialt of the dlstlnrakael pieet to Salem, Salem Girls On Staff of Oregon Emerald " : UniTereity '. of Orecon Miss Dorothy Baker and. Miss Phyllis Van -Klmmell, both of 'Salem, hare been appointed to the staff of the Orecoa Daily Emerald campus pub V lication of the Unlyersity of Ore- , v con, by Robert Galloway, rnuwi- -lac editor. Mia Baker has the p-. P, altion of day editor, while Mi?s ; Van Klmmell is oa the news staff. His Claudia Fletcher of Port land a senior in the school of Journalism, was made - assistant -managing editor, and Arthur Sch- oeal, - Medf ord, was named . tele- Craph editor .to handle the leased " wire . which ha Tecentiy been ln- V'.'A "M " formal Hallowe'en dance at the niatee Country Club -. Mrs. Glover Hostess at' Meeting of Yomareo Class . TbejYomarco Class theFlrst Methodist Church was entertained last Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs.' Ronald , Gloyer on 'North Commercial Street.. "'X:s"r':-' , The afternoon was spent with a "kensinctoB.' Mrs; it Grand Day care jBereral Toeal solos, and Mrs., GioTer tok"4 an., interesting ghost etory.- y - A 81" letter was written to' Mrs. .Cecil Hawley, past' president of the. club, who has co'n to San Francisco to make her. booe'.v? The ' committee 'was selected .to make arrsnpement for the Thanks- Ctrinc ; pot-luck-.dinner whlf U.VwJll be serred; la the, rturdl dWng room a.- week from... this .ereciiic. Noyember 8th. : Mrs. Carl Abrams Mrs.-Harry Swaf ford,-Mrs; S.- AJ Beard. Mrs. H. H. -Kloepplnc and Vfs- Riedesei, are the committee member. '-;., '.'.' rv X'-f-- " Orange tapers and. a black bowl autumn flowers 'centered ' the table . where refreshments were serred at the tea. hoar. , . Those present were Mrs. B-. B. MJllard. Mrs. .Carlo Abrams, Mrs: . DeMolay Play. Elsinore - Theater- ; 1 S o'clock. " ' Wednesday . - . - Efer-Ready . Eirthday .'Club Mrs. Mary 3Jeyhart, .960 Electric St. hostess. Ladles and - Knights of Macca bees. McCornack Hall. Social Et enlng. 8 o'clock. ; ' : ; , Card party, sponsored by St. Vincent de Paul Parish. - Parish Halt. Z o'clock. ' B. and ' FV"-W.; Club. Dinner. Gray Belle. "6: 30 o'clock. . . v ':, W. H. M. 8. First U. E. Charch. Church parlors. 2:30 o'clock. . ..Thnrsday . '' - . Piety Hill Club, Mrs. C. H. Rob ertson, 277 H. Capitol St. . . . ' -Raphateriao Clnbi .Mrs. ' Ronald Glbrer; 635 N.-Commercial St. hostess.."." : r-' - v Ladles of G.' A. R'. Business Meetlnc Armory.. 2t. o'clock. : V ?y Friday'?- . 7 - West ' Side Circle, Ladka Aid Society, Jason : Lee - Church.- -Mrs'. Thomas Acheson, 1060 Jefferson SW hostess. J- : - '- - - Woman's Alliance, , - Unitarian Church. . Luncheon 1 o'clock. ' Father t and i Saa ':. Banquet. First M." E. Churchy 6:30 o'clock. ;". :--:.liT: " Saturday ' - - -vChemeketa Chapter.rD. a: ,R. WalterUttflern.iT,Hlck4Hrs;;.Ksrl Steiwert Jefersoa,Ore Mrs. Harry. Swaf ford, Mrst?S. A-Vson: hostess. : :': ' fEeard Mrsv B. B. SIsson;" Hiss Mary Elizabeth Sisson, Mrs. Grant J,w. Days, Mrs. Robert Boardman. Mrs. Eifle w. Dunlap, Mrs. w. H. Trs. Jl D." Foley," Mrs. Riedesei, lyars, and the hostess, Mrs.' GIot- I n irsr The Koyember social afternoon eetinc will be held at the home f Mrs. B. E. Sisson, 1635 Saginaw I Street, Norembey 18th. The time JU & tboember meeting has been enayrvrom tne loana FTtaay in the month to the third Friday in order that It might not Interfere with the ThankSglrinc holidAya,.5:J Lancing Party Honors Hiss Bed i - ; Complimenting Misa Virginia Reil of Prince Rupert, - Canada, who is rlsfting friends "la Salem. 38 Winifred Albrich entertain ed tut Tkandir with w attrae. 4L y''"b prir. " S-fi -tnose present were the honor s sja 1 . cuest. Miss Reil; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fields. Mr' aad . .Mr George Heenan, . Miss Rata , Hag- gerty, Miss Catherine- Cook. Miss Ilreora Reidy. Mlss Jo Mauldlng. Miss MardeUe Heenan. Mies La Vlda Cartel1, His Velmet Emmett, kIs Margaret Daridson, Mia Fre da White, Miss Schoemake, Hiss j aye uresco, miss . Mane uim- 1 tnjnes. Miss ''Catherine ' Oearin. I Florence Karat, and l the hostess, t Miss Albrich, Clark Jacson, Bob j McFarlan, Doyle Carter, . Al Ad- blph, Mr. Soeks,. Mr. Booth. 1 Charles Flacky Edmund Cardinal. i Austin WalkerrAlTia -Karta,' Mr.' presco, Aalden Reeder,' Lawrence, Heenan, Joe - McFaraal, Win ,Hathaway,' .Gordon : Bennett, "C o r- j 'don Shelby, and Lelaa Medlar."-" 5 IF riends Surprise Mr. and ' tilrs. Lloyd Lee t - I " Mr. and Mr. Lloyd Lee . were pleasantly surprised oa Friday er 'eninc when the members of the O J 'band entertained them with-JU-housewarminc-in their new iV153 n tne yruItlana Road. t C. Ji 4e ; program " consisted :; of a brief speech by AI 1. Undbeck; pi ano solo by Hiss Opal Peltier and Mrs. Lloyd Lee; and Toeal solos by Mrs. Willie Morgan. were serred at a L. Llndbeck, and Mrs. A. !A. Lee. I Tbe guest croup included: Mr. .and Mrs. Lloyd Lee,' Mr. and Mrs. (Av A. , Lee, Mr. and Mr. E. 41 J. Ayers, Mr. and Mr. A. L. Linbeck, jMr. and Mrs. K. P. Peltier, Mr. and iMrs. Ed OliojIMf. and Mrs H. lArmetronc'Mr, and Mrs. C. Kreh- ' Tilel. Mr. and Mrs. L.' Sutter, Mr f jcBd Mrs. A. Fnestman, Mr. an!,ij jpirsKoy Hammer,' Mr.-and Mrs. a.nd ' Miss JMeme Motor to Eugene J . - . " : Mrs. C. D. Gabrlelson.'Carl Ga brielson." and ' Charles Kay 'Bishop motored . to 1 Eugene Sunday " to spend the day with Robert Bishop at the Beta ThetaTi' house on the Unlyersity of Oregon campus. 1 JJTT ,;: M (7 r mil - r - w 1 1 T fj. - v J J I 8wmc sadiadkf H esva' rted (I HmgeA Li J. The" hinced-ea lid make-, a. handy work bench when open convenient table when dosed. . r Biz Capacity The tub has a BMaua3y lecte , capacity a there is no machin ery la the tub to take vp space. Ccssxt 1 I Z . . ',..."'. The Uayta only oecapte . fioor space of a cbair yaaCan ose it la the kitchen or anywhere most convenient to yoa. ," The eatt-alnmhurm . tub keep water hot for an entire washing. TTt .... , , . . f v. kiitttxruizt it an ornament la any home, weMsrtsBjwwp'tfijisyVM eapas V & ,i'- - wC ,11, 1 . n. '.'y- r . S IndejtrocliUe Tcb .. The tab 1 made in one piece from thick, strong east-aluminum. Will not corrode, rot, rust, split crack nor break. - jfby Mrs. Willie Morgai Refreshments, were Huta hour by Mr. A. 1 UMrs. J. W. De Lapp. Jew 'models greater yaliiea easier terms GULBRANSEN now offer the famou RccUtcring Piano ! in attractive new style sat turprisirty low prices. - More beautiful than eret to meet the needs of the mod cA Araerican home. ' ' These Wcfladertul Instru ments brina to any home the happiness of sclf-cxprcasioa la music ;- - : Exclusive features enable von to C13T DT toiI-XKMOOt- nedal with all the naturalness and beauty cf hand pUyias - - M "---v. - f V. ' . - - . . E Sptedv 7crk X The Uaytas washes bi tubfals j in, J to 9 miaates doesawboU . waaUag m osw hour. . For homes without electric- ; ity, thm Maytag is available , , tsHth in-built gasotiha motor . f ' H .:, Self Cleaning The tub drains and clean itself . iq 30 seconds after the wasninc . ia done. - - -.' "4 Hand to Operate Operating switches on the Msy ta are conveniently placed- just where you would naturally reach for them. BMBaMMMMMr Adjnjtable Heiglit Through adjustable legs, the Maytag is easily raised or low ered to suit your height. w 7 S5JO 73 S700 GulbraEssa Small 0JA Model - - or lunuJ-pIoyta - . . ..- - -, - " J- If E:2i Itself . The Maytag l oent to your: home to do a whole washing F1ZImS. There I no obligation. If it doesat aeH. itself, -don't; keep it. .. ; -Ik Super Efficient The Maytag washes so thor oughly that even collars, cuffs and wristbands are washed with-' out hand-rubbing. Greasy over all are washed clean in .10 nuautc. it ; a fJ. vWXteUpp, I : HLisiiSijKnionTftjA School I ' t v Ar recent meeting of the Les- i M Junior High School iGirl .Re-' ; serres. Mis Boris McCalllster was 'elected president of the club for (the year. Other officers are:vice .president. Miss Charity Watson, . secretary. Miss Betty Mae nartnng treasurer. Miss Betty Martin. ..Miss Evelyn llartung Is adriapi " t of the group. - . - -. Writer Club TVtB Meet at FrcnJdin Home - The Writer's Section -of the Sa ri Art3 League will be entertain- I i ' ' $ evecing at tte home olj r. : -.1 Mrs. P. G. FraEklia, 12 6 S :: r. :t,,.'L cLTcrence in - size l- comparison witii full-size urrfiht. For the naall home ' Vzzd Piano C-5 up ..Terra 3 law rt3 53 a - . - . 't zs0nt!x ---- - ' Colcia IIui:ic Company TAG 1, 467 FERRY ST. TELEPHONE 2218 SALE1V1, OREGON, , IAYTAG SHOPS AltE OPERATED BY MAYTAG PACIFIC, INC. IN . THE FOLLOWING CITIES IN WASHINGTON AND OREGON:' L. LUNSFOHD, i.l-AI 4b ' 1 1 AnrTMmrv. wnw soo s. 1 sc. :H ALBAXYV Ore 115 Ferry St. 5 ARTOTUA. Ore., 100 12 St. - BAnrit, Ore 11T Court St. " BKJLLIAGUA5L Wn 1.10 State St. 'i BBNH, Ore, 7S3 Wall St. . BOTIirXL, Header BJd;r. . t BB,n?.IEIlTOX, Wn 03 Partfic. i ' cr.XTIlALJA, Wn, 117 S. Tower CO I, F AX. TVs, S00 N. Main T nr::xm'f wn. COLniJLr; Wn.. IOC 8. Main I s KI.LEN-SBUnO, Wn 107 W. 5 St. i El'fiTIxr!, Ore., OOl Oak St. ' h Ki":nrrrT, 2S10A nockcfeiie ' ' cnr.rnAM, Ore. - riILLCIX)r)t Ore 11&4 Third Et. lTOOr ItrVER, Oi-e 15 Oak St. HTLLTARD, Wn COOS Market St . KEI.SO, Wn.. 113 W. Main KLAMATH FALLS, Ore., "24 S. T St. LORANDE, Orr Holmes Bldg. -liYN'DEX. Ws 517 Front St. " t A TtSHTTELD, Orr., 4C3 N. Broadway MfSnXXVlLLE, Ore, 2S3 Third St, MnnFORD, Orew 31 X. Bartlett ; SJT. VEBXON, WiL, S20 Kfncaid " MOXKOE, Wn, CO E. Main. ODESSA, Wn. OKAXOGAV,' Wn, Secoirf Avenue OLYMPIA, Wn, 21 E. 6 St. - -z . PASCO, Wn, 'ISO S. 4 St. PK.VDLETO.V. Ore., 127 W. Alt ' .rOAIEIXOY, V.n. POTtT ANGELES, Wn, 204 8. Lincoln PORTLAND, Ore, 152 Foarta bt. PUYALLTJP, Wn., 03 K. Meridian RAYMOND, Wn, 121 Iurye ROSEBURG, Or, 124 S. Jackson SALEM, Ore, 87 Ferry St, . ST. HELENS, Orrw ' - - r ! ' SEATTLE, Wn, 1CIO Third Arenne. SPOKANE. Wash, - W. Ci5 Spragne HUNNYSIDE. Wn, Slxtli Et. TACOMA, Wn, 7C0 Erc.Tsy T1IE DAIXIS, Ore, 433 Wa&LSastca VANCOUVER, Wn, 1113 ??alni Et. -- "WALLA WAULA. Wa, 17 S. 4 St. , ' WENATCIIEE, ATn, SI S. ?.riion .L" ' ' - YAKIMA, Wn, 203 V. YaMma Are. OREGON CITY, Ore, II Eros, R04 Jfafn EL ! O" 1