- i - -i-'- - OCTOBER ' am ssnwn am i a an ea a L , . - -. . t i a 1 'i1 ' ' . 11 r r 1 - . - I "I f- ' - -j I JIM In I . . Ny First Bank Directory BXSZXKXT D ! Hkimlnz Pari Krprts far Lttiw Mf Tal. T0. Orer to By THTKD FLOO& Mrns Optical 0. s MMOt-IOI Dr. fianrr K. Merria. Opotriat 0. F. OlllatM- -BbIW SlO-ll-lt Ltwftr TalaphoM 1055 Bocoloftkj 8am. Ti tTO. Dr. Iid B. H1U. Ortlwdimtn 1 (StraigBlmiBS ( imralar ta4a) Suit SOS. - Boors Ergry 4my wwpt Tharmday - ' FOUKTH FLOOH Ora. O'NaiU Pasoa 62S Bardattav. Ootcsaatrirti 401-0a-40-4040t WUlard H. Attoraeyt. Wirta aad Paal 410-411-413 9. Birru TaL 18S Laaa MorUy. 411. TaL TST; RaalSUW SIXTH TLOOS Cm. B. Takra Payiialaa Baita 60S. TaL SI18 U7I TS Bobim D. Pay aa4 Donald W. Kllaa Attaraara at Lav floDlaH t. - eiO-ll-ll ' eighth rLooa Dr, O. Ward Daria, Oaaaral DaatUtrr TaL fit. Kyarnly Jy apiat2aEi. Sr. B. B. Saial4 CalrovraaaoT. N uatiaaiiar Barrioa BXKTB FLOOB D- H. M. BrawB. Xya. Taroat gpaetaMat. r. Kaaa TXXTH IXtOOB Dr. W. i.-Jaiaaaa, ZDmtM Taapkoaa ltM 1001 Xia Oaaaga. D. D. B. ' u am xi aa 1 1 aai j mm r m n rk a ft ! ' V. K W "11 V9 ' TvUvaaa 11 " 100V1001 Local Rates For Classified Advertising. ding t-Ur DaOy ar Svaday . X laati pa vrd . f aaata par wrord 0J Tkraa tl: fllx'thnaa aaata par wara 1 aa, aWily aad amM aaata par ward la aMar ta aarm Uom raaa. adrartiaiac isaat ram ba aav aaea-tira liaaaa. ' - Ma Ad takaa far laaa taam SBa. Ada ram Baaday ONX.T caarfad at aaa-tlma ratav aavartlaaaaaata (azeapt Paraaaala aad Bttaatioaa Waatad) -wiB aa takaa arar taa talapaaaa 1 aaa adrartUar la a aabaerioar ta paoaa. ' " Taa Stataaawa wilt raeaira adTer ttaaoiaata at aay tlata f taa day ar aickt. Ta laaara ptvpar alaaatftfatioa Ada akonlda oa la bafora T p. as. TKUCPHOKB 1 OB M LODGE ROSTER CHEMEKETA LODGE NO. 1, L O. O. F. lie eta every Wedneaday evaninf. at 7)80 'clock; third floor af L O. O. F. Temple, earner of Cot ad Hick Sta. AUCTIONEURS a F.N.Woodry 12 Tra. Salem'' laadinf Aactaatr and ram it ore Dealer. Be. B Store, 1610 N. Sommar Si, Pkoae ill H. F. Woodry & Son Rl4ht deara tewm. Caak paid for naed . farnitBr. 8 tor 271. X. Cemm'l TaL 75. AgeaU for Laac Baas. 2 BATTERY EIEOTRIOIAN 6 B. D. BARTON EXrDE BATTERIES Starter aad Benarater - work: 202 Soatk Hick. , T! JC- TaL' IUJ: HIGH AND CENTER JOl WTLLIAK8 - FLEINIR ELECTRIO CO. HOUSE wiriar by honr ar con tract. Eatimataa f arniaked. TaL 940 471 Oonrt St. BICYCXES ,a REPAIRING 8 LLOYD E. &AM8DEN COLUMBIA BI cycle aad rapairlac. t1 Coart CHTROPRACTORS 15 DR. O. L. 800TT. FSa CrlTBOFBACTOB 650 if. Hick. Tal. ao-m r av. . DR. H. B. aOuFFXXLTA' P. 8. O, B0 First National Baak Bide FLORISTS lfJ CUT FLOWERS. WEDDnig BOUQUETS Funeral wreath, daeeratioaa. O. F. Braithaapt, faariat. IIS 8U4 Street. Tel. S0. - i 1 - ' INSTJRANCZB : IS - Insure Saki-BBCXa HXXDX1CXB HaUltT Bid, ! . Hick Bt , FARM LOANS PLXTT OF XOBBT t learn am redd farm aaaaitrr, CTTT LOAJ8 W ara manlag Frm- aeattai eity r at la tar aaai, aim a Hawktma 8 teWrta, taa, SOS 4rraa FOB SALB FIRST AND BFOOWD Mart- Vn'l ma r r RECKS 4 HXTD'lta tTefflr Bid, ! B. lWeh S4. THf WANTED TTai.)oyuimil IS FOX - G4BDE3I PLOWING, BAB H 3" dJcjinc and team wwrk. TaL Tr. OOMPRTENT STENOGRAPHER. years' xperieno. t la laCal work. Bex 4ii, rare mtermaa. FOU RTXI 21 WAREHOUSE FOR BENT BZAB VAL- ley onu isH S. Com'L Vary ar atorsra. lattoin 131 Uaiom REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY bxczz snnticxi IH . Bis- TL 1M mi Oma ( - . Tipimm nu )EI 1, Oil few Bllga Bid, i . .. - . 144 .. orarD jr. m. pagb an mv ummi ( Tal. 11M Ut Cwart St. . TaL SSI ! B- Oaaiatarrlaa TaL 1(54 ' . JOTOB BCHXHDBB, JUaMav 14T B. Coat 1 . xaL TaL ITT g. B. Sat' I fiaik Bids. TaL 4T0 d- a BOHEXSTTDT '4T BT. Ceuiaiai rial TaL iTT The Oregon Statesman Pmallaaad aan aii...l. ,f i w. aay) at BaUan, taa aapitai at Onkv i J- AD V CUTIS EKK9T ' HOWXHT ADVKBTIglJCQ Tkaaa ael aaa mat h kapt fraa from aaytUac f aaaaWauabla avatar, atlaiaptaaam tatioaa will mat aa aLamaad. IiIm. tia aWwla aay . apaaatUaabte tataat a taa part f taa adTartlaar aaM Salaar Ad 4V FOR BENT SI CPaiGHT LUDWIG PIANO. VEBT REA i FOR RENT ApartmnU S3 APARTMENT AND GARAGE. Tiaion. 110 Di DtTPT.KX APARTMENT FOR TWO. NO FOUR AND FIVE ROOM APARTMENTS, cioaa in. Adult. 485 Center. S ROOM FURNISHED APARTMENT. rnoa Z178-M. 770 So. Corn'L 9 ROOM FTTtN'ISHED BASEMENT "APT $35.00. Virginia Apt., Z79 K. Libarty, THE AMBASSADOR. 550 X. SUMMER, maaern Tt and 3 room apts., electric refrigMation. ' Tel. 1973. FOR RENT Rooj as NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS AT 405 Marian fit. Call after p. av vaak day a. ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD at Alexandria.; , 1030 Cham ak eta. 2 BEDROOM8 FOR RENT, ONE WITH private bath aad shower. Oa let floor, eataide entrance. 248 N. 8nmmer. FURNISHED ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN. Strictly modern hem, near State Henae. Private bath. 1445 Chemeketa St. Phone 1894 J. FOR RENT : ar 5 ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT. 18 th. 45 & 4 ROOM HOUSE CLOSE IN 920.OO. room kouae 910.00. T. L. Wood. 41 State 8L HOUSE FOB RENT. 7 MILES OUT ON farm, also some work. Elvia Hrr, Rt. X.- miverton, ,ure. FOR UNT 4 ROOM FURNISHED keaae. Melvia Jaknaom, S20 C. 8. Baak Bldm, Telephone 497. 1 COTTAGE 4 ROOM MODERN BUN- Slow with nook aad xaraca, very cloaa . Adalta. Tel. 1422-J. FURNISHED APARTMENT HOUSEJ ctove in. Ineaaa 990.00 per montk. Rental 460.00. Call 1064 Oak St. SMALL BOUSB PARTLY FURNISHED 915.00 per month. Telephone I023M or . tee owner 1S91 .Waller Street. 4 BOOM FURNISHED HOUSE. BLEEP- tac parch, fall baeement, rnrare, -fav seaeion Nor. T. Telephone 204-. IAUNDRXES 83 TRY THE HOME WET WASH LAUN- dry. TL 171. 154 B BtraeA. JITtf - CAPITA! CITY LAUNDRY Tk Laaadry af Par kUtariala' Telephone 145. 1244 Broadway THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WEIDEB LAUNDRY Telephone 25. 248 S. Hlrh TAILORS 84 D. H. MOSHEB TAILOR FOB MEN aad vasts. 4T4 Oonrt St. WANTED Miscellaneous 83 FURNITURE PACKING FOB SHIP maata. - Giaaa-Pewera Fnraitar Oa. WANTED PRrVATTS MONET FOR farm loan. We bar veral applica tions oa head. Hawkiaa B Rokart. Ins, 205 Orefon Bide. WANTED GOOD WASHED COTTON Ran not amaller than 1 yard to nee for wiping- machinery. Hickeat price paid for good clean rare, apply at 8 ta teaman office, see StiCer. UATTRESSES ' 88 MATTRESSES RENOVATED BT THE CapiUl City Bed dine Co., 1190 North OanitoL Called for aad dalirared. All work raaranteed. Tel 19. fl9tf FOR SALE ST CONCORD GRAPES CHEAP. TEL. 250-W even in fa. onintit aiiv t ipdt ra f 4UP rT Q onions and all kinds vegetables. -10oi Broadway. 10 REGISTERED SHOP EWES: AND ram. Pattoa-A mort, Macleay, Ore. TaL 22F4. PORTABLE . ELECTRIO ehine aever beem naed. SEWINO MA Sea it at 1695 N. Soa QUINCES. WINTER APPLES. RULIF aoa'a, BL 9, Bx. 69. Pkaaa 4F4. BLACK DIRT FOB SALB EN EITHER North or Soatk Snlecn. Reasonable. TaL T3FS. ; 27dl2tf THOUSANDS FNGLEWOOD - GROWN Ornnmeatnl Sbraba. treeplanta and grapevine, -many varieties. Geerg Sfhreiber. 23 60 Nebraska Ave. VETERINARIAN 80s FRED W. LANGB. VETERINARIAN Offlee 519 S. TaL 1199. Af9m2Stf Rob. Tel. 1666. WOOD SA WING 43 WOOD SAWING. 1 PHOXB 14TT. t10 Nnrtb OnwoiTfttl. 49f1vl5tf MINUTE: MOVIES T3cS-wN:es vxskssxtirs I - . k"Rr-4iLOi tJtvt 1L S2SZ- y3a;iStl S ?rr S r h r 9l r"M,,Ut It f rtr 51 W r " Hr''-Zy . -fc- -..." 1 , "S---- A - -:.J'--'-----:rV J, t U.rV y- I... - v ' ,;' - ;.: ; 800D DBTWOOO VOX IOO-JX 1. YM. INi . - -. tatlhl ' - ... OCUX "OOD. BRlQtnrTTML 8IXEM . 1W u4 Traanfar niwitny. TaL 839, f iiOAO is -iircH inu WOOD JOB f X4-00. Ti7' W Tm. PkM Sltb 1B-XKCH OLD KB IOOHD GROWTH ek 4 aaa. TaL TW. ML 1. Ma. GOOD SND GROWTH FIR WOOD AJPT iaB(M, mantMa mm aad Brst . (inn an i. t t .. .x ; X 16 ICH OLD TTR. ItOffn rxnwta an aaa. o. u. HarbaagB, 108. Hisalaad Ara. TaL 18WL 7; GOOD OOAL- DBT "WOOD PROMPT DELiITXRIXa : HILLMAN rusii OQ. - TZLBPHOVB 155. BIST GRADB Ol WOOD ' pry wawd, 4 ft, aad lSnsa. Lavrn laaaa ara akaapar ta bay. M1Q weed ear aaaaialty. Praanjt daliTery aad bid - m. wxixa 8. Gkarea. TaL 1S4S POULTRT AND EGOS 48 FRTg FOR BTJKDAT DraiTEB, WETQHT m paaaaa. jraaea lea Bateaary. WE BUT ANT KIND OF IJTBlPOUL- try at kick market prieea. Briar tkaaa la Salem 12th atreet Poultry Market. 7zi ttonta lzta. 500 PULLETS. FOR SALE. SEVEN vanetiea ef pare brad cfaiekaaa. Priee T5e and ap . Phone S2F21. Lee'i Uatckary. POULTRT WANTED ANT KIND. SIZE or amount, top market, kifkeat eaah Sriee. Salem Poultry Oa 145 Canter t.. Foot of the, bride. Paoaa 2490. MUSIC STORES 40 GEO. a WILL PIANOS. PHONO rraphe. aewing- arm chine, aheet maaie aad piano atadiea. Repairine; pheae frapka aad awlr maekia. 482 SUt atreet. Be) em. NEWSPAPERS MAGAZINES 47 THE PORTLAND TELEGRAM Axeney. The Aeev TaL t. THE OREGON STATESMAN. SO CENTS per month delivered ta year has early each morals. TaL 31 ar S99. tF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST tana paper eand five 2-ent atampa ta ta jraeina nemesteaa. aaloax oracaa. for a tkraa month' trial mhriptiom. Maatlam tkla ad. POULTRYMEN SEND ETGHT TWO eaat axamp for apweial three month trial far the beat aad eldaat : Jamraal in tk Wan. The articlew aad adver- thaamenta ara af special iatereet t ta pamltry breeder of tk Martha eat mart west Pamltry JearmeJ. tU BvOsam- -SaVasa, Oa. PAPERlTANGINa 80 PHOXB GLENB ADAMS FOB HOUSE deeeratinc. tsmtlac, .aaa. Keuaale PAJNTXNa CHAS. BENNETT. PAXNTIBGi O0N- tratcer, paimttaa. paper hariafc 2188-J. 197 Wart MUU. MTJ3CEIJLiANEOT7S 81 FOB SALEM SCAVENGER CALL 147, FURNITURE UPHOLSTBRTNO AND BB pairtaav Of rower Fmrmltar. Store. FOR SALE OLU NEWSPAPERS. 10 cents a bnaai. Hmteacmaa am, 215 8tk 0maisrtll, l 51j9tf BUY USED MEN'S CLOTHING, JEWEL- --ryjr "nna.- xee la, Utcyelea, at. Bt Exeaaac. 924 B. Com'L Tat 950. STOVES AND STOVE REPAIRING STOVES FOB SALE REBUILT AND repaired by expert All kiad of woven wire fane. Famey aad plaim. Bap baaket aad kooks. lor a a kooks. Salami Feaee aad Steve Warkm, 250 : Oonrt Btraat. 91Jly27tf OUR) CUSTOMERS ARB -TUR BEST booater becaas when w da yamr weMiac. 'ti don, not yam. Electric and .acetylene weldiar, mrf and ' amalL O. D. Oppen. 099 Mill St. TaL 872 and 208 4-J. 41m6tf LOST AND FOUND 88 LOST BIRD Do, FEMALE, PUP. 8 months old. White, one black aye aad FOUND WOLF GRAY POLICE -DOG. Party may have same by paying for aa. Hollywood Jakery, zooo N. Cap itol. PIANO TUNERS 54 EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Piano taner. Leave orders will'a Mneie Store, PERSONAL 65 ASTROLOGY, PALMISTRY, READINGS. Maxwell. ffcon 3748. 38 ferry . PRINTING 68 FOB STATIONERY, CARDS, TAMPH lata, programs, book, or any kind af ftnnting. call at the Statesmen Priat nr Departmeat, 215 8.-. CummarBlal Tel. 583. ; , MONEY TO LOAN 67 FEDERAL FARM LOAN (.: F. L. Wood, 241 Stat St. 47mTtf P. H. BELL. 219 U. 8. BANC BLDO. Keatdeaee and bnsiaaaa aaaa. TaL 007 ar 2141-w. - . - - i ; i ti " MONEY TO LOAN FOB BUILDING AND , on. city property. B. 8. Martin aad L. . Marua, attorneys, 419 ors BaOdiac. TL 2094. 1 CTTT AND FABM LOANS AT LOWEST rate. - Bast term obtainable. Oar : laemramce depertxaeat affara yam ' axM - part advise and aerrie la all ; Umaa, I HAWKINS BOBEBT8 (Iae.1 TaL 14ST. 209 Oraemm Bldg. WANTED LOANS 69 PriTeta aaaaay to team am BBAL ESTATE. - W. H. GRABENHORST 4k CO. 194 8. Liberty S PLUMBING PLUMBINO AND GENERAL' REPAIR work, era bar Braa, 144 8. Liberty - ai sua - - - - , ,BCt,T MAWStt Gaol laas . wrVfat jam ana xor aaOC. UeX SI ' " ri-BTii , , ,-gaiia far iliafc bM wr lia V. U. iT5.oo i Burs lie,ow trmam Maoa, laaaac By AxUrtCA Fjdility Oa. a. Or. 400 pa ii .Writ'511 RADIO Radlolas M er arary parpaaa, fay arary paiaa aataadard aiaae of Badia Takaa. BOFF ELECTRICAL SBOpri Goart Bt. TaL 441. REAL ESTATE es TUBJaSHBD APARTMENT HOUSB. XX- aoa 90 par maatk. Priaa fftoOO. A roed ayaeaJatioa. Phone 1004. BUXXJD UxBl . all la bearing; apple laaatad f taa ktoKinley SckoeL Frlaa Oaa aaatk af $050. 60 down, fci laaaa 410 par W. H. GRAB INHORST A OA 144 8. Liberty 84. IJCAVINO CTTT Mnat aell ar arm rare home, larre lot eaxl IU ft. ideal loeaUen fi. Halem near Capitol St. Price $2000. Alaa raeaat lot 50x140 ft. Price 41125. tana. Be BECHTELi or BEARS. 441 Stat St uaea z. 8 ROOM NEW MODERN HOUSE AND rarer to rent or leeae. 9 ROOM NEW MODERN HOME TO rent or leaae. These bonaea are mod era and very dealrable kooa. BARBER BOND 300 Gray Bldr. 125 N. Liberty THINK OF XT ONLY $100 DOWN aad 920 per month oa tkla mew 4 room aad nook, beemat fireplace, pared atreet. PRICE REDUCED 500. See tkla BUY NOW. . TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY 421 Conrt Street Groand Floor HOME BUY HEADQUARTERS" AN INSTANCE OF TRIANGLE SERV lee. Ovrner listed their property at 11 a. m. aad before erenine; that day WE HAD IT SOLD. For property Sneed rirnt ani oa tarma you can andle SEE US. TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY 421 Conrt Street. Ground Floor HEADQUARTERS FOR BUYS" ONE OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFETIME SI ACRE RANCH NEAR SALEM 9300 down, balanoe 10 or 15 year. Health and 10 per cent ambition will handle thl deaL Old ara and ill health is tk teaaon for tarma stated above. 8a MR. MORLEY IIS- First Nat. Bank Bldg. TaL -757 SOUTH COTTAGE STREET HOME Of 8 rooma, bnilt-iaa, batk aad toilet, fall basement, akad trees, lawn and; shrubbery. Urge corner lot 62x105 ft.. atreet paved and walk In. A good bny for 93500, eaah 9500, balance aasy. For SaJ BT LEO N. CHILDS CO, Realtor 20 SUt Street. Pkoa 172T ACRXS E8 BEAR SALEM, ON FAVB aad aleatrla Bmav Taiams a early 0 laat year. Ooavnnieatty ar- neat aa 900.00 raagwd aew koms Waf kallt. Law ziuaa aaa. aaao. us wo, aaa mad aarm. Maat u am aeeoamt af ear- bassaaa. Prle 99500. aaata- tsi HAVE GOOD 914.000.00 EQUITY TN A aaatimaa, Nebraaka Incom Property paying excellent retara ta axekanga for good ran. What bar your jt. a BOHRN8TEDT Realtor- Loans Inattranee 147 N. Oommarcial St., Salm, Oregon. NEW 4 BOOM. WOODSHED 93250. Splendid 6 paved atreet, do to achoot an bna- line 440O. kigkar- priced 5 room new .homes. Splendid bargain la 7 (warn, aad am 9 room new, eeerifie. If la meed af kens ar tract com up aad taTJE it orer. BARBER a BOND 200 Gray Bldg, 125 N. Liberty. GREATEST TRADING ORGA NIZATIQN1 ON THE PACIFIC COAST . Wa bar over 2000 propartie listed for exchaag. Every kiad of property, very pric. vrr location. W oaa matek yamr axekaaca EXACTLY. If yon would like to trade yamr property TO DAY, come ia TODAY. See GA8KILL a E A RLE. Realtors 166 8. Liberty. TL 349 5 ACRE SNAP Beautiful 5 A tract, rick black loam soil, good drainage, good buildings, fam ily orchard, berries. 5 R. house, barn. chicken house, ' good deep well, fiae wa ter. Electric lights. Phone, on rural mail, cream route, good gravel road, near paved road, not far out. rri baboo, with terms. See BECHTEL ar BEARS, 341 State St., Room 3. 4 ROOM NEW MODEKN HOUSE. DIN lag alcove, 93250, only 9300 down. 4 room bouse, pared street, corner, fl750 aaty payment. Business lot, splendid location. Apt, and Acreage for aale. Fire and Aato Insurance. Protect yourself by insuring wltk tk Niagara Fire Ina. Co. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 484 Court St, WORTH MORE BUT OWNER SAYS . ha ' needs the money. 25 A. 10 in cultivation, balance pasture and tim ber, all year creek. Good 8 room boose, barn, large aew poultry home. This is a fin place for POULTRY, : DUCKS. FISH. GARDENING. Near good paved highway and sehooL Aad ONLY 940OO for quick sale. - TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY 421 Conrt Street. Ground Floor "HEADQUARTERS FOR FARMS' , NEW HOME BARGAIN New 5 room cottage, located aa eiew eerrer 60x100. Living aad dining rooma. 9 ' bedrooms and kitchen witk alcova. HW floor thrown t, beautiful fireplace; fall concrete baa em sat and furnace. la laid liaclemm in kitekem aad batk. Built for a borne aad a bargain at 94800. wkick Includes 9500 worth ef faraitur sad - incidental. Very aery tarma. ,8m O. K. 0 WITT witk , WINNIE PETTYJOHN. . Beattor il . .175 8. High. St. : JOOO TRADES -Good property, priced right',- no inflated values. Modern bnn r lew, 9 fin larg lot located in north Balaa. Prie 5000. trade for acreage with a good house boat th same -vain. - Another good borne. 6 room. 93750. for acreage tract.. 4 roeen bneralow. 2 lota, 925O0, for trade. 40.OOO BUSINESS BLOCK 90,000 Trade canity far farm, This Is a new two story bnildinr with a good income. HIGHLY IMPROVED , - 20 acre farm, rick candy, loam. saU. modem bldga. Ideal dairy farmt,- alio. Priee 97500, take a borne in the city aa p"1 ?Ili.TsrT rnrn trades With na for -qniek action, i BECHTEL or SEARS. 941.8tat St, Boom . Phone 754. 6UAe fit: choic wjj?cro Wltk kaanlirnl aaZ (rae en ana e4re paved, watt aaa never UL Pmee aw. . j roT Bala BT ,UO N. CHILD S CO, JUaitora. 20 Stat Street faaaa itt eOOD VALUES i reeaa heme near the LeaKe Sekael. Prtoe 92850, and aaaama pariaa. Small eaak payment and balaae ta aaaC . KJau&Um Taa Baaltor -" ' 14T KiXWL i Pkaaa 11T 91000 BACBIFICB j 41000 Far a fooa eoioraiie noma i a rooma. ranodaled laat year, mice porehea. wood abed, nrmca, ekiakea i coop. fratt tree a, werta mer bat ovaar faread t aell at tkla lea prlca. -' , BvZB - . . - ' ' . LEO X. CHILD S CO, Realtor , S30 StaU Street. - Paone 1T2T WHT FAT RENT T ROOM HOME a fine lata pared 81, 92000, aary terma. 10 A. rtrer bottoaa mad 92000, take raal- dane In 22SOO. Stack dairy aad -wood Taaek a ear Balam aacrlfiee a ay tarma. 20 A aear Salaam, tx kemee. bam. timber 44000, take r idaac. Sm4 mii TMiff team for ale- For Beat WeU . laxsrarad tana af SO aeras do la. PE&RINB MARSTXR3 212 Gray Bid. win ih orrtx on THIS Vea-rasideBt owner la willing to take au a 6 rax. modern keva. located la oaa af tk boat raaidaae district 9 ik. from center f city, hwo. xmors. lire place, very large living rm, diadng ram. kaa kandaom bmffet aereaa entire aide of rm, kHekea extra wall bnilt la, large bedraoma, sleeping porea, raraaea, gar ara, large lot, aewly painted aad tinted. Hoar T yra. 01a. , WINNIS PETTYJOHN5. Realtor 175 8. Higk St. SPECIAL . 96000 for a 10 room modern bom eloae in on N. Church St baaement. pipe furnace, fireplace, garage, lot 50x105, price cut irons (iwu Terma. $3050 for a new modern 8 room bangs low, basementr ' furnace, gsrare, - paving, etc, price ent from 43600 for quick sale. iuu aown. 93950 for a new 5 room bnnrnlow, mod ern in every way, garage, paring. Terma. 11700 for a new borne. 2 large rooms. fine lot and good loeatien, partly modern. 6200 down. MELVIN JOHNSON 320 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 637 EVERY foot of tkla 82 acre ef Howell Prairie land la good aad the price i only 91800. . ONE acre aad 5 room bungalow, chicken hone aad otker improvement. Cheap at 93000. WORKS like rent 8 room modern bnn galow, fall basement, pared atreet. Prie 92150.00 9100 down, 934 an. AT 83200.00 tkla S room modern bung low ia cheap. Bleep lag: perch, dining nook, fireplace. Term if deal red. OUR. T rooam bom 1 on Union St, ia far aale at gsaoo.oo ar win rent witk option to bay. See a at one. HOUSE aad 9 lots aa North 15 St, goea ' at right prie aad am easy tarma to right parry. iair aeons saw. CLRICH A BaOERTS 199 North Casein sreial St. Phaaa 1454 SPECIAL 11 aerea. mart in fruit, S roots feoas. aad barn, small creak aa plao. H mil front aekaol aad pared road. Will trade f or kerne ia Salaam- or email TlilTnaiaa air Wnadliain 35 acre. T room aomaa. nam am z raod -ekiakea -henae: A arile aft aaa road and 1 mile from high ackaoL P11' tl of frait aad berries. 4 rood owa. 3 al era . aad 100. fiae chick ena go - witk piaee, all far 950O aad will accept aa first payment Salem or Portland bams not ovar 92500. Wa bar a- fine let witk aid bona la North Salem to exchange for modern borne. Win pay difference. 2 houses la Salem to exehange for land near Turner. A mrutA a mm hnnne nnd rarer. larga lot, close In on paved street with B9on n,wn . T room boas witk 1 acre, all kinds of frait aad berries, joat outside city itsmts. Will exehange for house la town. SEE Thomason with I.IO N. CHILDS CO, Realtor 820 Stat Street. Phone 1727 FOR SALE: , ' SMALL ACREAGE ON EASY TERMS 650 Fin one-half acr witk city wa ter aear the rtste fairgrounds. 925 down, 910 per acoath. 4650 One acr in bearinr frait. located 1 aoutheaat of the MeKinley aehooL aso dawm. 410 oer montk. $10OO One acre with excellent view, lo sated cloae in south. - 925 down. 310 ner montk. 91100 One acr located on Fsirview Ave., near bus line ana -scuie aignway. 2S down. 410 nor month. 91575 Five aerea located on paved road one block from school. 925 down, 1 ft h, month. tl 03 Five acres of excellent soil near paved road. 950 down, 910 per month. S12A5 Five aerea with Dart Ut timber lo cated close in south of . Salem. 4100 down, balance 910 Per mo. 42000 Sevan aad one-half acre witk old house and barn.' few fruit ' tree, part in fine timber. 4100 down, balance $10 per month. 41250 Ten acres red hill land all under plow located sooth. - 910O down. balance 410 per month. ' W. H. GRABENHORST a CO. REALTORS 134 8. Liberty St. Phone 515 REAL ESTATE TRADE 86 TRADE NEW FIVE ROOM - BUNGA low for fir er tract. Gas Station and Barbecue for Home. 20 acr tract well improved eloae to' Sa lem for anartment bona am to- 910.000. For Sale New modern six room - house. 15 blocks ont. a real buv at 94500. 7 Room house with basement and fr- mace, 7 block out, 94500. F. Lv Wood. Geo. F. Reed, 841 State St. I ; - REAL ESTATE Farm 87 FOR 8 ALB 9 acre af river bottom boIL with beariasT grapea: 4 room kouae, barm aad machine shop, located 1 nU from city limita.' Priee 93900. 92700 down, bal- ane 4M interest. This property kaa plenty af water for Irrigation tk year aroamd, real bargain -for com oaa. W. H. GRABENHORST 8 CO, Realtors. ' 134 8. Liberty S- Faesrtli TAXIDERMIST 8S W0BX GUARANTEED. F, X. WIGGINS, Taxldermiet. 115 Norway. Tel. 2241 W. TRANSFER HAULTNG 78 LOCAL AND LONG DI8TANCB HAUL- iag. Reaecaable prktaa. TaL T2-F2. CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 226 State St. TaL 938. Diatri bating, for- werdieg aa atorag amr pa malty. rt oar rate. SALEM TRANSFER a FUEL CO. ' . Leoal aad aeag diatamoa . haliBf Storsre aad . fneL -; . . - .- - aaa a. m ?f Snag Buys 19? 09 lei I fort 4-4w Bad im Oeaadaarl Tiwiia 04 04 1920 Ewaak Ooack . 1928 Chavrelet Ooack 1S90 Omrlamd. Onatn . 994.0 .945H i: Newton Motor Co. ati v ' Hndaua Eaaas Dealer ' ' .Tt Oppeeite Clay HaU atjtl Two of the Best Wa alwar kava a complete . line af good need ears. It will par Fm to. tool ear stock ver If yam ara iatarastjaT im 10L aff far I Opam 8uaday and Evaalags. Capitol Motors Inc. ; 950 V. Hick St. Valley Motor Company's USED FORDS 134 Pick Up 192 Tteadeaer. 81 so 4305 rabb 192T Tudor Sedan 4456 1924 Touring, a aw paint , 1938 Touring 1920 Tauriag. new paint . OTHEB MAKES 1924 Cher, lust. verhaaled 19S3 Buick. Im excel lent running 9150 .9110 -0 49 1165 : comdraom 4950 -8275 Studebaker -0 T5 FORD TOURING. STARTER. EXTRAS, good mmnng aamditioa, 975.00. TaL 86F3. PETTYJOHNS BETTER VALUES " 1927 Nask Stamdard Coop 1927 Naak 8pecial Coup 1926 Nask Special Touring 1925 Nash Special S- Door Sedan 1936 Dodge Roadster "Sport" , 1925 Dodge Coup 1925 Essex Coach, new paint 1926 Jewett Coach 1926 Chrysler Coupe 1925 Overland Sedan a Coupe i 1926 Chevrolet Tearing Ford Tourings -Ford Coupe Ford Roadster Jadre the of far in ra for yoaraalf. They raprent a apecml opportunity to obtain splendid value In naed automo bile. They ar good, dependable cars. Tk performance will please yon. Prices reasonable aad term convenient. F, W. PETTYJOHN CO. 988 X. Oommarcial St. Telephone I960 After we sell we serve 192T Studabakar Victoria Coup : 192T Hudson Standard Sedaa : 1924 Hack Special Coup 1926 CkryaUr 8ixty Coach Rednead prjeee oa all Ford KIRK WOOD MOTOB CO. Ill V. Caat'L McKay's For Used Cars W ara th largest bayere aad seller ol aew aad mae-4 cars In marioa coaatvy. Our stock -i complete natd priced to -elU Chv. 22 Kds 9 1 Ford 24 Pick Up 4138 2 38 Chv. Trgs. Each 9125 2 28 Cher. Trgs. Each 9145 Ford 24 Trg. 9200 25 Overland Trg 93 SO 24 Star Trg. New Paiat 9250 36 Ford Trg. 8385 35 Ford Ooape Ballooma 9298 25 Chev. Touring , ,.,.,.939Q 95 Chew. Conpe 805 26 Chev. Coupe 9326 Trucks Dodge Screen Del 4150 Ford Ton Truck 4l50 Chv. Ton Truck 4250 Douglas McKay Chevrolet Company 48" Center at Hlrh. - Phone T45 TRANSFER A HAULING 70 WE MOVE. STORE AND SHIP HOUSE held good. Our specialty la plana aad furniture moving. Wa alio make coun try trip. W kaadle th best coal aad wood. Call am m for prie. We give goad measure, good quality aad good service, learner Traaarar (!o Tel. vao. WATER 74 OREGON WASH. WATER SERVICE CO. Office 804 South Commercial 8L Tea per cent discount om domestic flat rata paid- im adranee. , N dedaetioa for ab sence or any cans unless water Is shut 011 your premises'. - TRAVEL 78 T-B-A-V-B-L Safely, 8wiftly aad Comfortably la kaaea af tk Parker Stag Lin. 8-T-A-G-E-S L-E-AVV-B F-O-R 8ilrrtoa T a. at, 11 a. at, 5 p. as. Mt. Angal 11 a. at, 6 p. as. Dallas T m, 9 a. at, 1:38 p. as. FaU City T a. m, 3 : 10 p. m, 4 :16, la dependence 7 a. m, 9 a. as.. 11:18 ' ' a. mv, 8:10 p m, 1:11 p. m. Sam day only 8:90 p. am. Men mouths 7 a, as, 11:11 a. mv, 9:10 p as, 8:18 p. m. , BaJiday only T:10 p. m.; 8:10 p. m. MeMianvill 4:90 a. m, 3:10 p. as 8:16 p. mv Xewberg 8:80 a. mv, 8:10 p. am, 8.16 p. m. . - Tl llemook 8 : 3 0 a. at, 1:10 p. mv OaU 932 or 696 far information AUTOS WANTED 77 OA BP" PAID FOR FORDS EIKER AUTO H4: General SXaxaxetB -U' , DAIRY PORTLAND. Or, Oct 28. (AP) , uairy avsennnga, a prices : ' Butter, extrsa 45 e standard 43U: prim, first 48e: firsts 40c. Ages, . extraa ae; lirst 6e; pullat boc; nnaeraued. ; t PORTLAND GRAIX u PORTLAND, Ore, Oct. 98. (AP); I Wheat bid 1 BBB hard white Oct. 1.T8J act. l.zstt; Jute., 1.33; nerd whit. H8, Baart, federation, soft white. western white, Oct- A.I4, ov. l.zs. Dec 1A2H ; hard winter, northern spring, all 1.20; wecterm red. all U9V Oata. Na. 2, 96 pound W. F. aad gray, all 937. Cora, Na. 2..E. Y. ahipmat Oct. 8T6, ditto Na. 3. Dec 894.25, ,' Millrun, standard Oct. 41T.80. Kor, lac. fai. ...... HAT Or.: Oct. PORTLAND. 28.- -(AP BTay kay' " f pries : Eaatara Orerna tha eAy Jii aheet 414 jSO; X4I casta vauay aia-au iii; alalia 417: aat hay 414 lA4e: a iw 97.40 pa tarn; saLiac priee 49 a la FBODT7CB PORTLAND, Ore,, Oct. 2. (AF). Bide to faroer: ' Bcttevfst down . 44Vs fob Pert- JfUk. raw 14 r oeat). as. 4 wt. fb PortUad. Poultry steady: kesry bass 333e: Urht 14ai4Us: spriaaa 20(92: breU- or 38c; -pekta wait dek S2o; kard ntmmJ; enraoya anv -roars sc. Oaieaw ateady; leeal ToOe. fUUl.t a sac. " UTEBTOCK PORTLAND. Ore- Oct.- 28. (AP).- Cattl aad-ealvea (toady; receipt a cattle 75. including - Z5 through aad aaow stack. Her steady : receipts, kegs 900. in eSndimr HO dire OS. .- saeeo ana lama , aaaaay; reoeiPMi abewp 100. i OHXOA0O GRAIN CHICAGO. Oct. 38. AP). Uadoiar af aura ad trade . between wheat aad earn ni larrel v reenonaibla today far a downturn ia wheat valuea. a Lei ens the eora mark aimmltaaaaaalr want htgaer. The undoing af spreads eonaiated at aalaa or wheat i acaiaa pmrraaaaa at aarm. Wheat closed nervosa A to le met lower. corn at 5-8 to 14 advaaea aad oata advnnee aad oata 1-4 wa. Salem Xaraxet8 o- OBAXX No. 1, wheat, whiter .91.10 -91.08 Ked waejat, aaca:d. Oata, per km. miUiag- .66 PORK. VOTTOI AND BEEF Top hog ., 1 aa.ow m ) Spramr lamb. 0issn4 Jl Top lie real .;, - , , JS FOTTLTBT Light ban Heavy ben Springe Rooster .12 .18 .14 .20 .19 .18 Q .20 EGGS, BUTTER, ZOTTERFAT Standards ,, .. , , ... .44 Pound .19 .48 0.48 Bntterfat Print butter .47 VEGETABLES t Beat, Backed ; Onion. . do, baaek i New oabbaga ,,. , i New petatee , i Celery, 1 bum eke Local lettaee i Laoal plaaek , .03 .80 ,03 .03 9O01.35 tU1064l.75 .08 LISTEN IN I SATURDAY AFTERNOON 12:00 KFEO (214. Weather report. 12:00-12:80 KEX. Neon concert. 13:80-3:00 K XL. Courtesy program. 3:00-4:00 KXU Mnsie nd houaeli hints. ! 8:00-7:80 KXL. Xveninx nreeeatat 6:15-6:00 KOIW. Topey Tnr-vy Times 4:00-:30- KEX. "Oar Pang' 1 SATTTRSAY NIGHT 6:00 KFEO 214. Weather 4:0O-9:90KTBR (291). Dinner 4:00-4:90 KEX 940). "Our I 4:00T:00 K4W (403). Dinner co-cert. :00-T :00 a-Oim (!. tTrgam 6.-00 T:90 KXXt :ro-Tioo m. 4:30-7:00 KTBB. BT. T. ' ehcage.rAu A. A. Taa4 rw pert. T:0O-:0O KEX. Ooneert trio. ' 8 :00-9 :oO KOW. NBO nwaaraaa. :0O-a-i0O- KEX. Cittae-ek-io xnwarnas. 19:00-0:00 (a, mv Sea.) KXL. "Steep NBO 9 to 8, Professor Harmaa BakalV sel: 0 to 10. Phile hour. KPO Sam Fraaciso 423). 6:30, er- ekaatra: 8. NBC. 10-12. daaee mnalc KGO Oakland (484). 4, daaee mneie ,8, NBC; 9, quintet ; 10-19, dsaea at ; ain. n KFI Lea Angela (468). 6, plan; T. 1 piattis aad voeeliet; " 7 :80, plant at) 6, i NBO; 9, claaaieal; 10, -radio elub; 11, i Trone. t KHJ Los - Anxeles ( 405) . 8 :80. bil j dren's hour; 7:80. junior club; 7:43 music; 8. ziaiowe an frolic. KJR Seattle (348). 6:80, jaaior hour; 7. 10, danoa muaie. KFOA Seattle (447). 6, apart: 4 1 Tnrf , . .-. KFRC Ban Franrfao (484). 4. T. 0e- i eiliana; 8-10, dano areheetrn; 10-13, KPLA Los Angeles (153). 6. T, Or-' 1 goa Aggravators; 8:80. string quartet; ' OrSO. trio; 10. dane music. KFWI n Franeisca (268). , T, 8, . claaaieal; 0, 10, dane muala; lI-I:o ' rwentin. KNX Loa Aagele (387). 8, arekestra; -1 7, 8; 10-13. orebestra. KOMO Seattle 30. 6:15-8. music . 8, NBC; 0, NBC, 10:45-12:30, danee i music. 1 - ryn Taeomm f54). 9-1L daaee music KOAO Comllis (270). Broadcast of : komeeominr football game. . O. 8. O. vs. W. a. 0. First Newspaper Ad r Discovered In London ! LONDON1 (AP) What is be lieved to b the first newspaper advertisetment bam bee a discov ered In j the ; files of a London newspaper. IV is exhibited at the Advertisinir Exhibition and Conrention held In London dur ins July. -'-.. j The ad is from a newspaper called "A Collection for ImproYO- ment . of Husbandry and Trade,' publiahed In London, Dec. . It, 1695. Ie reads as follows: : "A Commander of a very rood merchant ship wants an appren tice that hath his Pen well, and understands Arithmetic.: to assist him In the keeping of books and doing of . Business, and hath Friends who will be bound for his true and faithful , Service during , .-- ; 1 1 1 ' French Like Razors That Can Work As Can Openers PARIS. (APK-In Montmartro even -the street-hawkers are differ ent from their brothers in less Bo hemian neighborhoods. : At the market along the Boulerafd Roen- echouart, the men who sell razors demonstrate the fine quality of thels blades by using them to open cans or cut chips off of blocks tvf wood, i - - By Ed Wheelan Bwam. rt aad atoak Women Dc!csate3 FcI Before Shopping Luro. PARIS (AP) The. women delegates to the Interparliament ary conference were torn be-- t ween their assignment 'to help : settle world problems and the uni versal feminlae urge to do some shopping when In Paris. The d res- maker proved a stronger lure than the seats of the senate cham ber, where the conference was held. At the opening session. .There were a dozen feminine delegates listening to the speakers who had come from many lands. The next , day only four women appeared. ; There were never a dozen again ' until the final session, when M. Briand flayed oa him vtoloncella, ' vocal chorda, famous the world orer. The vole) of tha French, , foreign mlaisiar, who ta a bach-' elort Is always aa attraction for women. At league of nation con ferences In Geneva as well as In ' Paris It has been observed that the galleries always hare a crowd of fair auditors whoa at. Briand' Um floor. FLAMES CLAIM BIG TOLL AS FIREMEN FIGHT ON BBRLW (AP) Frra houses, 1 stables and agricultural machinery 1 were the victims of flames near s Illkofen, Bavaria, because the ftre- brigades from' two rival towns pointed the water hose at each other in a fight over Jurisdiction. In response to the alarm thWi fire brigades of Regensburg and of t Illkofen arrived at about the same time. There was solemn parleying t at, first, the crew xf each brigado? claiming that it had the sole right to qUench the tire. As arguments proved Inefrect-. fro. the Illkofeners reimorcea , their point of view by turning on. the hose against the Regensburg ers. .These Teplled In kind, and soon a merry battle of shower baths was on. Meanwhile . the farm buildings burned to the ground. Daughter of Aviator - Takes to Air in Baa RERLnf AP KargareU- Battnigmrt. datLrlrtsT of a GermsB fwar aee. htm gone back to tha very begtanlags of aviation and has taken. to the aky la a balloon borne upward by hot air. - She called her balloon "Mont golflere, after a balloon of sim ilar nature In which, back In 17$ J. the brothers, Stephen snd Joseph t Montgolflere, ascended In Annon ay, France. Since then, Fraulel Baumgart claims, nobody has re peated the experiment. - A special Iron stove was con structed for the new "Montgol'. flere, In which straw aad wood were set on fire. The hast was let Into the balloon, and as soon' as the -Montgolflere" was filled FYauIeln Baumgart took her place fn the gondola and started off. She rose to a height of about ftKO feet. Then, as the balloon be gan to eool . off, she descended slowly, reaching the earth three minutes later several hundred feet, away from where she started. Qleen Will Dispense With Maids of Honor LONDON". .(AP) The ancient position of Maids of Honor to the Queen will soon be abolished. When Miss Ursula Lawley, daughter of Sir Arthur Lawley, marries . Colonel George Gibbs. Treasurer of the King's household. In a few weeks, the Queen will allow the sppolntment to lapse, it Is understood. Miss Lawley Is the last Maid of Honor. During the last few years the Queen has allowed the number of Maids of Honor to decline from eight, the number In the days of Queen Victoria, to one. As vacan-. cies have arisen she has not made new appointments. ; Will Claim New Center - Of Mathematical World BERLIN (AP) Thsnks to lib eral assistance given by the Rocke feller .Institute of America, the ancient ' University of Goetlnpen will soon lay claim to being the "center of the " mathematical world." - The" Mathematical Institute of the university Is In process of com plete oyerhauIng and extension. Lecture' halls seating up to 200 students, seminary rooms, ample space for the mathematical li braries snd other collections, and experimental laboratories are be ing added which, on completion in iz. wm make the Mathematical Institute tha most complete of its kind In the world. London Typist Goes Home By Wcilcs, 500 LI tics LONDON. (AP) A girl em ployed In London and ' living at Ealing, a London suburb, went homo recently by way of Wales, a Journey of 500 miles. She boarded the wrong' train at Paddlnffton station, London, which unfortunately - was a : non-stop train, going to Criccieth. Wales. The train conductor decl'ed ha eon Id not stop the train for era Frr?2er. lie threw out a ties sage at High Wycombe, aad tha girl's parents were notiffel of her whereabouts. She reac.el her home the next day. Moscow recently pu!II shout a score Cf "legal ntr" without any Reds In other ; of the world blowing up cL;r or fciadsrsartea sctoc! i. I