The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 29, 1927, Page 3, Image 3

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&OTr,( C4 save?
Mrs. W. H. Lytle Entertains
With Attractive Informal Tea
Complimenting Mrs. David. Ben
nett Hill. vrho with lier husband.
Dr. Hill, MS hef1 daughter. Miss
Charlotte Hill, hu recently ar
rived from eastern Oregon to
make her home in ; Salem, Mrs
William Harrison. Lytle entertain
ed Thursday afternoon in her
home on North Summer Street
Ah one of the most attractive
affairs of the entire fall.
Auttfmn flowers in colors shad
ing from lemon-yellow to deepest
bronze in comotnaiion -wun orange
tapers decorated the living rooms.
uu inn porca.
Mrs. O. C. Locke, Mrs. William
Walton, and Mrs. C. A. Downs
liteil Is tA llvlnv rnsimn dur
ing the afternoon.
The guests were greeted at the
door by Mias Charlotte Hill.
The tea table was lovely with
an nnusual combination of russet
chrysanthemums, sprays of red
; and orange-berried Cotoneaster,
and black tapers.
For the first hour, Mrs. TV. A.
Livesley and Mrs. John II. Rob
erts presided at the urns. They
were succeeded at the second hour;
by Mrs. George Rodgers and Mrs.
Rusell Catlin.
Mrs.. Dan J. Fry. Jn Mrs. John
Federation Meeting in Aums-
viue Today
r The ; Etoka Club, the Salem
Heights . .Woman's Club, and the
Salem Woman's Club, hare each
sent delegates to the annual fall
meeting of the county federation
which Is In session today at Aums-
Miss Mattie Beatty. president of
the county federation, will ' pre
side at the meeting. Mrs. K. C
Cross and Mrs. S. II. . Van Tramp
will appear on the program.
A number of club women In ad
dition to the fire official . dele
gates from each club will attend
the meeting.
Official delegates from the Sal
em Woman's Club are: Mrs. Wal
ter Pennington, Mrs F. A. Elliott,!
Mrs. Russell Catlin, Mrs. Paul H.
Hauser, Mrs. P. M. Erickson. Al
ternates are Mrs. George H. Alden
Mrs. C. C. Clark. Mrs. R. J. Hen
dricks,, Mrs. B. E. Carrie and
Mrs. S. M. Endlcott.
Mrs.: Mary Robinson, jars. Min
nie Stevenson, Mrs. Hazel Free
man, Mrs. Bessie Miller, and Mrs.
Stella Caldwell will represent the
Salem Height's Woman's Club.
Law 8 in
Saturday ,
Formal Hallowe'en Dance. Ula
hee Country Club. 1
Sacred Concert. ; Vested ' Choir
of Knight Memorial Church. 7:30
o'clock.- ' ' r
Film at First Congregational
Church. The Friend ot God.'
7:30 o'clock. -.
Monday "
McDowell Clnb Concert. Mlse
Ruth Bedford, pianist. Concert
Hall, Nelson Building. S o'clock.
Costume Party. R. N. A. Fra
ternal Temple, f ' o'clock.
Tuesday ;.
Salem War Mothers. Chamber
ot Commerce Auditorium. 2:30
o'clock. ; .
Ever-Ready Birthday i. ... Club.
Mrs. Mary Key hart, 900 Electric
St. hostess, i fi '
Ladies and Knights of Macca
bees. McCornack Hall. Social Ev
ening. 8 o'clock.
West Side Circle, Ladles Aid
Society, Jason Lee: Church. Mrs.
Thomas Acheson, 1060 Jefferson
St., hostess. -f -
Mr. and Mrs
New Home
Mr. and Mrs. "E. M. Laws have
II. Carson, Mrsm Allani ' Carson,,recently moved to their new home
Mrs. Paul Hendricks, Mrs. Clifton! at 2095 Maple Avenue.
Irwin, and Mm. Frtta ' Slade as-
muted in tme ainrug, jroom., ficw7ty scutc- i i
The guest jgrroup (nqtuded two! men t ntertatnea at fVetamerlu
Adams, Mrs. L. ."Brown, Mrs. 'Ray
Fergerson, Mrs Max Gehlar, Mrs.
C. N. Hathaway, Mrs. E. W. Pat
tison, Mrs. Ed Troutt, Mrs. C .R.
Schwartz, Mrs. St.; Pierre, - Mrs.
Ed Sommers, Mrs. Ross Damrell,
Mrs. Weathers, and the hostess.
Mrs. Van San ten.
Mrs. Dyer Returns to her
The many friends of Mrs. 8. C
Dyer will be pleased to learn that
sldedv "ttr "iVanniee j was In
charge of Che derotlona.
Several new members were ad
mitted to clnb membership at this
time. ' -; ; V; ;- ? rf3"v ' ; ;
Mrs. J. W. Phenlcie araa elected
treasurer and Mrs. G. W. Day,
corresponding secretary. -
Dr. F. C, Taylor spoke briefly
of the Father and Son banquet
which will be held .Friday even
ing, November fourth. .
. The society decided to hold a
rummage sale December second
and third.
The November meeting of the
society has been postponed until
November 30.
War Mothers Will Meet Tues
day Afternoon i
The Salem War Mothers will
meet at two thirty o'clock Tues
day afternoon in the Chamber of
Commerce auditorium.
Guest From Eugene
Mrs. O. B. Kessey of Eugene
was a guest last week ot Pro
fessor and Mrs. Ernest C. Rich
ards, in their home on Center
State Board Meeting of
D. A. R. Held in Dallas
Mrs. Homer Goulet, regent ot
Chemeketa Chapter of the Daugh
ters of the American Revolution,
was In attendance at the state
board meeting held by the Daugh
ters of the American Revolution
October SI and 33 in The Dalles.
Quintette Chapter was the hostess
A reception was held Friday ev
enlng in honor ot Mrs. Gordon Mc-
Cracken, state regent.
Following the morning business
session Saturday, the visiting del-
by the
Investigating Board To In
iulre tnto Details of
st a si
i : nane Acciaeni
1. 1
course, and I shall accept it is
such. ; - . r M it;. -
! very much regret having to
leave Philadelphia, but I am going
wherever I am - ordered ' without
Question.' It seems hard very
hard. I have worked night and
day here and have learned to love
the city and Its people. To be re
called before my tour ot duty Is
ended Is hard indeed. j
Peach Growers Group
Controls 80,000 Tons
: 1 vcnoiuii
sne nas recovered : sumcienuy Antit.ind
from the Injuries which she re-lmember. ot Quintette
celved in an automobile accident with - ieheon at the Hotel DaJ-
iMst Buna ay to enmbJe her to re-limm
turn to her borne at 330 North! nnntan Ifedrmdmn -mill hm
SAN ANTONIO. Texas, Oct. 38
(AP) Two student fliers, who!
made successful parachute Jumps
after their planes had collided
3500 feet above Kelly field here,
face possible courtmarUat charges
because of the accident.
Kelly field officials said that
the two pilots, J. D. Cleveland, of
Cleveland. Ohio, and E. A. San
burn, of Upper Lake, Cal.. were
engaged in unauthorized dog
fighting" at the time of the acci
dent. ; They were flying In a three
ship formation of pursuit planes
in a maneuver designed to perfect
them in flying solo planes. Offic
ials said, however, that they were
supposed to adhere to their form
ation, and not stimulate actual
duel combat In the air. According
to the officers this was what caus
ed the accident. :
After the planes Interlocked and
plunged together toward the earth
the two pilots made perfectly
timed parachute jumps. The planes
did not become entangled until
they were 600 feet above the
ground. Both were demolished.
even the motors being hopelessly
The matter will be referred to
an investigating board Friday,
which will decide on the' advisa
bility ot putting the case before s
court ma.rtla.1. ,
MARTSVILLE. Cal., Oct. 2 8. -
(AP) Calif ornia Canning ! Peach
Growers, Inc. announced has
that. 80,000 tons of clingstone
peaches are controlled by the or
gmnlxation in Sutter. Tuba, and
Butte counties. The tonnage is
almost double that controlled last
year. '
Declaring that the recent cam
paign had been a success, organis
ation officials said the drive to
sign up growers - would be con
tinued in an effort to get 120.000
tons in the cooperative body by
March 1. Twenty campaign teams
announced results . at a meeting
today of the committee In charge.
Anniversary of Birth, of Famous
-American Celebrated:
New Tork paid tribute to the
memory of the late , Theodore
Roosevelt on the anniversary of
his birth Thnrsday. The Roosevelt
association r presented v Herbert
Hoover, General John J. Pershing,
and John Bassett Moore, the 1927
Roosevelt medals for - distin
guished public service. i
tension of the work of tie' J
congressional committee en -atlon
toward slmplif lcatioff-c tl
revenue laws and adminUtJv
form. . - ;
The next congress was urjrea t
make the corporation tax the f ti'
Ject of its major reduction "1
cause it will remedy long stan
lng injustice and because such a
tion will confer the widest scci.
benefit.- - , ;
The office that has to go around
looking for the man is generally
a poor sort of job. Philadelphia
Inquirer. i
American Manufacturers
Plan For Wide Campaign
CHATTANOOGA, Tenn., Oct. 23.
(AP) Tax reductions, s, better
administrated system of restric
ted Immigration, a federal -devised
and executed plan of Missis
sippi control, are among the de
mands American manufacturers
will voice during the presidential
campaign next year.
Although the National Associa
tion of Manufacturers later "will
draft a complete platform of in
dustry, with 14 planks, its an
nual convention before adjourn
ing final session today, expressed
the sentiment ot the membership
In resolutions covering five ot tne
planks, '. ;
The association urged the
SPOKANE, Oct. 28. (AP)
Iafantile paralysis : has appears
in eastern Washington, a fath
and son were reported stricken.
hundred Smlem mM nd ma-fffome Summer Street. a guest of ChemekeU Chapter t MagiVder Disappointed
en saxu. vjawvo. NmuomMi't me. yeaUTnayY Int. and. IfvTa. 1. iOTTaoTiWlltveou -m c.Vva Vn ner b.ou-
...... - - - uiwuim 11 um uiuu uuv.11 iiiitc luiiv uu m vueir . gueaia vuibi Qr 1 PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 28
auwui um.s, jata. m -"'".jociocM at me no me or Mrs. uar-jweex, inetr aon-m-iaw ana aaugn-i I CAP) Announcement that JPrem-
.mrm. ,iMre neiaon, mna jurm. M-jry J. Weldmer, division chairman,! ter, Mr, and Mrs. Henry W. Wea-lffainOOW f lVe-SlUnarect OlUOlldent Coolldge had refused him
tnmnuer .odb an 01 , roriua;iat S9Q North Cottage Street. ItheraU or Spokane, Washington. Entertained las a hearing In hla controversy.
m"u " A J- rosters were made and Plans I Mrs. Walter Low entertained! SecreUry ot the Navy Wil-
GatUe tormerty ot London Eng-Uvacuaaed tor .tn CYttUtmaa aeallRetum From Eastern OTegon "";m minnow tWe-W Uer CAaawoVuV
lm, m wv v ruun, mw11)6MM, monVh u eaaXWU Ortiou, WA-,- mUT, niO ou - Wn (lttacW
so a guest. I The work 'yesterday was In and Mrs. William A. Locke have) Mi rasaU BiH wan thsWrt F010' command of the Fourth
Will Attend Gome at CorvaUis eh?rg? ot Mlsa WUm white- returned to their home In Salem. Lcore rU(t und MiSM jn TtylorA" district because of his ertt-'."fr'.-r1"
' director ot the Marion County , , LMLdDw.. Idsm ot nary administration.
jar. mmu Mira. raui n. trauace rutmnnatrutlnn IIS. -IS. S. IslltU JTltCf LUWICU I - . . I Tfl Af mlral mnnaara n..fl.
. I . I m f ilnrt tMSmnara AM UN fTlflFsl I - A
Those present were Mrs. E. tsUCS tsluO
Bragg, Mrs. L. H. McMahan, Mrs.) Mrs. George M. Patterson en-
Collars :
Nov. 1st
are motoring to CorvaUis this af
ternoon where they will- attend
the football game played by O. A
C. and Washington State College.
This will be the annual O. A. C
homecoming game.
Mrs. King Hostess at Meetingi
of Kensington Club
Members of . the Kensington
Clnb were entertained Thursday
afternoen at the home' ot Mrs.
George M. King.
The living rooms were very at
tractive .with baskets of pink chry
Members present were Mrs. Ot
to J. Wilson, Mrs: N. C. Kafoury,
Mrs. L M, Doughton, Mrs. Henry
E. Morris, Mrs. Herbert Hauser,
Mrs. P. S. Amnnsen. Mrs.. Albert
C. Smith. Mrs. Paul Hauser, Mrs.
C. S. Pratt, Mrs. George B. Grit
fith, and the hostess, Mrs. King.
Additional guests were Mrs.
Ceorge JU Arbuekle, Mrs. W. J.
Nelson, and Mrs. Earl Gregg. .
Ever-Ready Birthday Club -Will
Meet Wednesday
Mrs. Mary Nebart will be hostess
in her home at 9 SO Electric Street
at the meeting of the Ever-Ready
Birthday Club next Wednesday. A
pot-luck dinner will be. served at
Mil irrJlMJl
srrv - - ri-
Edwin Nissen. Mrs. Roy Burton
and Mrs. W. F. Fargo, chairman
of the American Citizenship de
The group will meet again ear-,
ly next week.
Royal Neighbors Will Have
Halloxci I'en Costume Party
Members ot the Royal Neighbors
ot America will have a Hallowe'en
costume party Monday evening,
beginning at eight o'clock in the
Fraternal temple.
Games will be played and a
short program will be given. -
Members of the committee in
charge ot the affair are Mrs; Ber
tha Ixveland, Mrs. Sarah Nelson,
Miss Virginia Ahalt, and Mrs. La-
Verna Fiala.
All members of the Royal
Neighbors Camp, adults and Jn
venues, are invited to attend.
Attend Brailotcsky Concert-
Professor and Mrs. Paul Petri,
Miss Constance Cass, - Miss Row-
en Hanson, Ben Pryor, and Lur-
al Burgraff, all of. CorvaUis, mo
tored to Salem Thursday evening
to attend the concert given by Al
exander Brailowsky, famous Rus
sian pianist. ' Mr. Brallowsky's
concert was the first event ot the
Salem Artists Series.
Book and Thimble Club
Entertained :
c The .Book . and Thimble : Club
was entertained at the home of
Mrs. George Van San ten Thurs
day afternoon.
i'.AxAumA flowers and , Hallow
e'en novelties decorated the ' liv
ing rooms. ." : ' ! 4'r
- As Interesting progrant had
been : araaged for the afternoon
by Mrs. Ed Troutt and Mrs. E. R.
Schwartx. ,. - -
Those present were Mrs. Charles
tertalned the members ot the O
D. O. Club with a one o'clock
luncheon Thursday afternoon at
the Elks Clnb.
Hallowe'en tarors marked cor-
era for Mrs. C. A. Brown, Mrs. T.
A. Boeheringer, Mrs. Adam Engle,
Mrs. J. A. Karst, Mrs. W. E. Lee,
Mrs. Eugene Eckerlin, Sr., Mrs.
T. Wlndlshar, Mrs. A. A. Mickel,
Mrs. J. M. Schmld. Mrs. A. M
Church, Mrs. C. A. Johnson, Mrs.
Quackenbush, and - the hostess.
Mrs. Patterson. L :
Bridge was the diversion of the
Guests From Tacoma
. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brown
have had as their ; house guests
recently, Mrs. N. B. Arnold and
her little daughter of Tacoma,
Meeting of General Aid
Society of First Methodist
The general aid society of the
First Methodist Church met
Thursday afternoon in the church
parlors. ; j. ".
South Central Circle, number
one, was the hostess group."
Mrs.H. Hi iVandervort presi
dent of the general society, pre-
Club members are Mrs. Clara
Adams. Mrs. Caroline Johnson,
Miss Lena Taylor. Miss Bertha
Hensley, Miss Reva Thompson,
Miss Fannie Bard, Mlsa Rose Har
land, and the hostess, Mrs. Low.
The club will be entertained
next Wednesday afternoon st the
home of Mrs. Thompson, 155
South Nineteenth Street.
Chemeketa Chapter, D. A. R.
Wul Meet November 5
Chemeketa Chapter, Daughters
of the American Revolution, will
be entertained November 5 at
the home of Mrs. Karl Steiwerat
Motor to Portland for the Day
Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Stearns and
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Ashby motoTed
to Portland Wednesday, remain
tag for the day.
affected by the president's de
cision. He said he would accent
it as final and go wherever he
was ordered.
"I had hoped the president
would give me an opportunity to
review the controrersj with him,"
Bald Admiral Magruder. "and I
bitterly disappointed. The
president's decision is final, of
l wV NSv J "Jl .AW
Week End SpeciaT
Vbgans and Krauso
' ia Light and Dark Coating
Regular Price 60c a lb.
' Week End only
t. VWO "ttiTi. tot'
' "' It
We reserve the right to
Becke fe Hendricks,
189N.High .
135 North Commercial t.
'Phone 197; tt
- The Penslar Store
. Original Yellow Fron t
., Drug Storm
-f t Sis of tZ" ACs
Monmouth, Oct. 28. (Special)
Mrs. F. E. Chambers, president of
the Monmouth Parent Teacher as
sociation is a delegate at the Ore
eon Congress of Parents and
Teachers at LaGrande this week.
What has become of the old-
fashioned girl who used to put on
more clothes when the weather
got cold?
' ' 1 Call 51
429 Orejca Bids.
"Enjoy f2&bKd7S at home
this rear - take advsntafie'
of the Spdal Christmas
and ; New Year sa2iro
. aboard rnasniflcent Censd
ian.Paci5c Cabin Class
- ers, Economical, del&it
ful serrlca with mazirmut
time abroad. Get detailed ;
Iniormadbn. 1
Nov.z5-iX. UttUm tron Moatreal
for Belfast. Gcwcaock. UvarpooL
Pc S. S. UomicUr from Saint
Jobaw N- B. to BUasa Crssnock,
c. t- 4L t JfMffsa frees Saint"
Ml to Ballast. Grsaoock,
ivafpooL ;
14 1 i Utmtnatm fron
Joha. N.B. te Cohn, Char-
Soutbaaaptoav -
1J-S.S. Ifontadm tn ra Sa!a '
, N. B.S9 CaUaO. Lm rpouL
8 - 3. V -a Saint
KB. to Grawnk.I,jvwrpooi.
its I
t Special sucftfctf car ama
from Vsacswwr. B. C wits
urart coaaacuona at aa
nia. .- .
- . m t a m
WHDescpnlycf-Paf'f Dr-tr
pThiiuitariLuid hlilincsit J. 'j
Comadion PAdflr Trrot"r$ Vhtf
""' ' """"" 1
. - J -a
. - .j-.. -... , . i i " j. ' - -. ..
This is to announce' that the; Marion Automobile Com
pany have sold their kusmess at 235 S. Commercial Street
to Mr. Wallace Bonesteele, to be known" as the
i Marion Garage Go. : . ;
At this time we take pleasure in thanking- yon kindly for your patron- -age
and hope, you will continue -your - business .with 'the -Marion Garage ,
Company, in the future as in the past., ' i -
All accounts and notes will be payable to F. N.Derby, Claude Morse,
Secretary of the company, or A J Shumaker, Bookkeeper, at the old standr- -235
South Commercial Street, Salem, . Oregon.!' Anyone knowing themselves
Indebted to the Marion Automobile Company wjtf kindly-call and settle.
4 '
. Respectfully," i . -
;V-. , l ' ; F.-"N.DERBY, Manager ' -
. ' . ' r I '
The. Statesman
' " . (For Mail Subscribers Only) . ; -
Daily and Sunday Statesman,! regular price
Northwest Poultry Journal, regular price
Pacific Homestead, regular price
Off icial Oregon Road Map. regular price
Valet Auto Strop Safety Razor, regular price
Total value " ' '
. 1.00
. 0
. 0
. 1.00
Bargain OfferAll For
- fv
Hi 1 Beglrmirig the first Sunday in November, The Sunday Statesman wfll
contain an illustrated comic section, in colors. The Sunday Statesman will '
contain, each issue, 24 to 50 pagqs. The price of the Sunday paper will be
20 cents a month, or 5 cents a copy after Nov. 1. .
I But you get the Sunday paper with all the rest in the bargain offer.
The Statesman is the paper of progress Its Slogan pages and other
constructive development features will be stressed more than heretofore
In every way. The Statesman .will be a bigger and better newspaper
"than it has been in the past, '
i It has press and other facilities superior to those of many newspapers
in cities of 100,000 or more. -
s- - The Statesman organization is committed to the growth of our in
dustries on the land, hooked up with the growth of our industries in our'
cities and towns - . " m - - ;
'. - Committed to a program of progress and prosperity.
' ' It solicits your subscription strictly upon merit; upon service rendered
as a complete newspaper, and one that .will help its own welfare only as.
it helps yours. ' v , - - -
k You will need The' Statesman. Yon. will, subscribe. later if net Itow.
Why not now -this month while the' bargain price lasts?