The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 28, 1927, Page 1, Image 1

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    for South Commercial Street Bridge. Call Issued for Bids; Actual Work Yill Sicri
i r
Cow Testing Association To Be Permanently Organized Tomorrow, Work Begins Next 1
- - u
rl rl
Weather Forecast : Generally fair; moder
ate to fresh south winds' on coast. -, Maximum
temperature yesterday 52. minimum 4$, river
-.1, rainfall none, 'atmosphere cloudy, wind
southeast. L . ' ,
In. the last twenty years woman has re
gressed forty years according to a staternr :
in a prominent woman's magazine. ?Ia; '
so. hut her clothes have been steadily rs
".ceding? -
-1- Y
f .
J - -
Krs. - Ruth V. i Lockwood
Found Guiltyr Jury Out -I
Little Over 2 Hours .
Case -ok Pedestrian.; Death
- Drews Crowd To .Court
Penalty for Involuntary Man
slaughter One to 15 Years;
Bitter Debate Features Ar-
. guments At Close of Trial
After remaining' ont two and a
half hours, the Jury In .the case
of Mrs. Ruth W. Lockwood. Tur
ner widow, found ' her guilty of
Involuntary-manslaughter at : 30
o'clock last nlght.:-":;:.. ;"
Verdict was returned without
recommendation of any kind by
the jury. November . 5 at 10 a. m
. . was set as the time when sentence
Is to bo imposed. .. - '
Appeal Forecast : .J ; ';
Strong probability la seem that
an appeal will he taken to the
state -supreme court, counsel for
Mrs. Lockwood having Intimated
that they would do so, claiming te-
Rufficiencr of the ' indictment .as
. well as. a few incorrect rulings cfa
f admissibility of evidence at the
t... time of trial. r ,
: Tne inai, wnicn oegan jnonuaj
morning of this week and contin
ued for four days, .drew crowds
that filled the -courtroom to over
flowing virtually every moment of
the time.; It was found necessary
to post a deputy sheriff at the
door to keep out' spectators after
the last inch of Standing room had
been taken. "...'" '
John Carson, district attorney,
wound up the case for -the state
in a closing argument late yester
day afternoon, following, speeches
by James) Heltsel and John Collier
w7.o between them spoke for three
and a half hour la Mrs. Lock
wood's defence. "!
, Maxim am 15 Yearn'"'- r
Penalty for the erime of which
the defendant wis convicted is
- ' f
Civic Organizations Send Repre-
f sentaUves to Greet New 7
Belden!a '
Upwards of a thousand-people
attended the opea-honse. - get-together
meeting of the Newcomers
club last night at the armory
hall, la the absence of Mayor T.
A. Llresley, who was keptr away
by a bnstness appointment, 1 TJ; S.
Page, wrvsldent of , the .Salem
chamber of commerce, presided at
the affair and tntredneed the ef
ferent speakers and numbers.
" In addttlon -to an address of
welcome by Mr. Page, there were
twe other: talk, one : b: ', Dan i J.
Fry. - vice ; president of the First
National Bank,, and the other by
C. F. -Gillette, president of the
club. -All three speakers stressed
tb importance of the dub's ex
istence and urged n Balent peo
plo to get t know mere about It
and its members: fn Met, to fat
acquainted with the "'new blood
of the city. . - r
' Possibly- the beat nnmfter on
the program was the Legion drum'
corps, formed f rom the members
of Capital Post Mo. 9,They were
" tbe first onthe. program' Ind were
highly received.- The chamber of
" coram err was represented by
Fred 'Ertxon, : Retary, Klwacis.
and Lfons ;cIttbstaiso: had . repre
sentat'Ve there, A half hoar's
lnterraiiOBu from the program
was Riven over to a general mix
Ug of the gathering.
The aaturan dance, by the Kt-
Misses EUzabetS Waters Afar-
Jort. Web and Grace Day, and
rT"' -
rrne Ellis, end Margaret C'
were nitrW -axemred n .iimr
to plea-w the atidleace irreatty
- The fact ; that th Elks hsi a
social iiffc cs: last BMt. added
to the nrsf!oTVy mical( p.
KWnof. lippf. l3-ee noRVn. ti
Officers to be Selected sad Tester
Selected Fair Actual Field
- V - Work '.. 'T.
Ai group of- the progressive
dairymen of Marlon county is to
have .a cow , testing association. It
Is ready to function. The name is
the Marion county Dairy Improve
ment association,- a ; meeting of
which is to. be held at the Salem
Chamber of Commerce roomi be
ginning at 11 o'clock tomorrow
The Important business is the
election of officers and the selec
tion of a tester. Arrangements
will be worked out to get the as
sociation fully started next week
Enough cows have. been signed up
to warrant permanent 'organisa
tion and functioning to a'regular
manner: Every part of tho coun
ty Is represented, including Stay-
ton, West Stayton. Marlon. SUver-J
ton, ML Angel, St. Paul, Ankeny
bottom, .and other; districts. ; '
- Creameries Helping
Some of - the most , successful
men In the, Industry are members.
The dairymen themselves are the
men -who have led. In the move
ment for the. organisation. It or
iginated with, them.
The Capital City , Cooperative
creamery : and the 'Marion cream
eryof Salem, and the ML Angel
creamery managements have heav
ily cooperated. , These creameries
are to contribute towards the
cost of the testing apparatus." -
A few days of the month. are
still reserved for the tester, but
it is expected . to close them up
very eoon; likely at the Saturday
meeting; so if any dairymen wish
to join .In the movement, who hare
not already signed up. it would be
well for them to attend this meet
In. ' .-
T. H. C A. Board of Directors
i Takes ; Direct Charge . t v
? New We' "has 'been put into the
T. M. C. A, budget drive .by a de
cision of the 21 members of the
Doara . ox airectors to take per
sonal . charge of - the work of so
licitation.' i They met Wednesday
noon to take a survey of the sit-l
nation at which time they found a
little over 113,000 had been sub
scribed., ru""',-' --i. V':.
i'The board will meet every day
at noon beginning Monday at i
Y. luncheon until the total $22,-
budget has been raised. The
board has taken the bit in its
teeth so to speak, and its mem
bers are determined, to see it
through.,. They are convinced that
tho peoplo f Salem as a whole do
not wih te see any of the splen
did activities at the Y. curtailed.
now that 5 everything sailing
alone in such splendid fashion in
the new building. They expect to
raise ; the. entire budget easily br
tne end OZ next week.
Situation Gets More and More
j Hilarious at Indianapolis -INDIANAPOLIS,
Oct. ' 2 8.
(AP) Mayor John L. Duvali of!
Indianapolis' resigned .his office
at noon yesterday, according to
an announcement early this morn
ing by Jra M. Holmes, prominent
attorney who, declared that he
is now the mayor.; t Holmes t de
clared "Duvali asked for- tho res
ignation of his wife, Mrs. Maude
E. Duvali as city controller, an-
polnted Ilolmes In her place and
then resigned. Holmes said that as
city controller he succeeded to the
mayorallty as provided by law:
Duvali mailed his resignation to
the eity clerk. Holmes said"
- Claude E. Negley, president of
the city eoancll and named by that
body as mayor yesterdayt also
claims the office which the city
council said we vacated br Du
vali Allowing his recent- cohvIc
Uoa for Tlolatlon of -Ua eorrupt
practices act, '
Total of 631 Persons Who Wero
On HI Fated Liner Arrive .
The rescue ship Athena, with
I3t survivors, of the Frlncipefssa
Mafalda disaster,:: arrived her1 at
1 1 : 8 S o'clock tonight, The res-
sued Included tea first' class, 27
second class, 3 43 third. class "pas
?erigerf and. 143. members of the
Mafalda's crew." -' '-' '
2 BAr;;c plants merged
Aurora lustltotlon -AbporL? One
Located "At City" of DomUA i
, .VTr mt r -'
''' w-. t
of thi most, recent canEiag
ctaasrs of tbe state of Oregon lias
"Z the absorpt ion of the First
State Wnk of Donald, the oalj
lank in that Marion county'elty.j
1? th First Natio--l tank cf An
BY- URli
Passengers Declare At Least
400 Must Have Been
Lost In Tragedy
Early Report That Alt Sxcept C8
Saved Not Accepted By Sonne;
i First Relief Vessel .
- - - ' Reaches Port ' t
BAB2A, Oct. J7. (AP Be
lief that the captain and at least
400 of the passengers and crew of
the sunken Italian liner : Princi-I
pessa Mafalda went down with 'the
vessel as expressed by survivors
who reached here today despite re
ports from other sources that only
a handfull of the more than 1200
aboard Were lost, .'.HI :A: : V
V Tales of a. horror-llled' night
were told by the first of the vic
tims . to reach : this port today
aboard the French, steamer Moxlla,
one of the half dosen ships that
answered', the Mafalda's distress
call . and saved approximately I 62
persons from drowning. - The
Moxlla had no Information as to
the number rescued by other ves
sels, understood to include all bat
(8 of those who were aboard -the
ill-fated liner. - i
Exposure Kills Four ' ; j
Despite warmth 'of : water and
calmness of sea, four of those res
cued by the Moxlla died from ex
posure and exhaustion , before
reaching port and survivors r ex
pressed the belief that many oth
ers of the rescued would not live,
They said it would not be surpris
ing to them if the final, death toll
amounted to between K (J 0 andS00
persons. , Some of 'them Insisted
that a number of victims were de
voured by sharks as they strug
gled . in the water." r
Members of the Mafalda's crew,
(Continued on para 9)
Man Locked hk Radio Cabin Be-
. ' licved to Have Gone Dowa ; "
(AP) The radio operator of the
rescue steamship; Formosa re
ported here by, wireless; tonight
that the last radiogram he re
ceived from the . Mafalda's radio
operator was: -;1
"I am locked In the radio cabin
I don't know" what is I happening
except .that the captain has -ordered
me to call for help". '
- The Mafalda's operator is " be
lieved to have perished with his
77e jmzmwez
if '..v .
f -H iv.ri: Jr ' .JT " : 'V.' l:
Proud Aristocrats Arrive For ..Pa-'
,: dfie International Live
- stock Exposition
PORTLAND. Oct. 27 (AP)
One million : dollars worth of
prise livestock from eastern points
rolled into Portland today in a
de luxe. traJa of .34 cars for the
Paclfie . International Livestock
Exposition which opens Saturday
for eight days.
In specially equipped ears aris
tocrats of the animal world ar
rived to compete lor $ 1 0 0,0 0 0 In
cash premiums. There were dairy
and beef cattle, sheep and swine,
huge draft horses with bulky mus
cles, and nervously alert, riding
mounts to thrill spectators at the
horse show. .".
It was the longest train of iu
kind ever , to reach the ; Paelfle
ooast. in the opinion of raflrond
officials. : tWHh the anlmsls came
the owners finin three Pnll
mans. V day coach, a diner, ob
servation end baggage car.
The greater part of the stock
has been on the circuit of ' state
fairs, and dairy- and livestock
shows since the middle of August,
and. came here from the national
dairy ahoy t Memphis, Tenn. ;:
Grand chaauplons, junior cuam-
plons. championship groups and
rnnners-up for grand : champion
ship honors at many eastern fairs
and exhibitions were Included in
the groups. : ...
Miners Ask Governor to Act as
Mediator With Owners t
DENVER, Colo., Oct. 27(AP)
Overtures on the part of the
striking coal miners today found
Governor Adams acting in the im
promptu role of mediator in ini
tial negotiations between the op
erators .and "regular" miners for
settlement of the controversy
which had partially paralyzed. the
coal, fields. ,4 . .
TTNlne miners, -who said they ibad
been selected to represent : the
workers of the state conferred
with Oovrnor Adams this after
noon and decided, to Invite , the
coal operators to meet with them
Monday to see if a basis for a set
tlement could be reached. Coal
operators have not signified what
answer they will - make to . the
miners. " .'
Manuscript on "Elmer Gantry"
; Destroyed By Veiller
NEW YORK. Oct. 27 (AP)
The New York Sun says today
that "Bayard Veiller has destroyed
the -manuscript of his dramatiza
tion of Sinclair Lewis5 nover E1
mer ! Gantry,1 ; and -. returned bis
1 2,0 0 0 advance ' royalties because
he believes production of .the plarj
(-would offend - "too manyi people.
especially clergymen."
f""r mi r w .
W Wm m .
10 V)E
!.,' I.
Experts Aree "After Investigation
: . . That Bullet Did Not Hit '-
" " ; Groond First ' : . " .';.:
-. PORTLAND, Oct. 27. (AP) I
Earl Price, 13 year old Eugene
boy, whose body was found in-the
Coast range mountains after he
had been sought for a week, died
from -a bullet from his own rifle,
fired accidentally, in the opinion
of Inspector Robert ' Craddock,
Portland police . ballistic expert.
and Sheriff Frank E. Taylor of
Lane - county. . This decision - was
arrived at -today during an exam
inatlon of the gnu, - shells and
pieces of the bullet taken from the
boy's body. The . youth - became
separated from his . father . while
they were hunting In the. moun
Inspector Craddock explained
that the primer of tho exploded
shell in the carbine ahowed that
tho hammer had apparently struck
something .hard on the ground as
the boy- pulled the weapon to
ward him as he was backing thru
the heavy underbrush. -:
. The path of the bullet through
tho boy's : body was such that ft
could not have been caused by a
richotted bullet as was first be
lieved. The ; pellet entered the
thigh and ranged upward. In such
a direction that It was apparent
It came rom below. '
Craddock advanced tho theory
that as the youth was scrambling
through the timber, he held the
rifle by the barrel and allowed
tne hammer to strike a 'log or
rock causing it to strike and ex
plode the shell.' The dent in-the
primer indicated the hammer had
struck with more than usual force
a force greater . than that ex
erted by the spring when the trig
ger is released.
Sheriff .Taylor returned to Eu
gene today.
Back of Car Sawed Off to Save
': Woman Found in Distress i
BtTRBANK. Cat. Oct. 27 (AP)
Chivalry of the Burbank police
officers was demonstrated today
when they drew a cloak of anon
unity about the. case of a Bur-
Dant woman, -wnose airairs re
Rnlted in calling out a squad of
firemen as ' well as the police
strong man.
The police call was made when
a passerby noticed an extremely
fat woman squirming desperately
In the rumble seat of a parked
automobile. - - " -
"There ought to "be a law
against these silly ' little Beats,
she replied to inquiries. "I'm
stuck. . . .
A: husky police officer tugged In
vain: to free her. The firemee
came and went away, defeated. A
helpful plumber cut away the rear
of the automobile body to free the
' 1
' 0 1 II ' . . r . 1
,. .. ii win mi ii qnin . ii I i
i U I .. : '. V
' saw rssjrssss, -: - w j
First Unit of Long Awaited
Program Under Way
With Call For Bids
New Vladact on Sowth
clal to be' Four-Span 'Affair
i .. fc . , -
With Five Sets, of Concrete
' Pillars, Decided ..-.
Tho first anlt of Salem's bridge
construction program got' active
ly - under way last night at a six
minute meeting of the city coun
' Councilmen " assembled at the
special call of Mayor Livesley.
Adoption 'of "plans and 'specifica
tions for the South Commercial
street bridge and passage of a res
olution calline for bids on the
structure to. be subniitted Novem
ber Tth were rushed through with
out discussion In one of the short
est meetings- ever held by the
body. - - -- - .
The plans call for a four span
vfaduct' bridge constructed, of re
inforced concrete. - Five sets of
concrete pillars will serve as sup
ports. Metal hand railings of
temporary type will be placed on
the sides. ' .'
UTill Be Attractive
Permanent railings were not
provided for as it 'is- expected that
the industrial section will build
up around f that vicinity, making
them unnecessary. ,
' The bridge as planned is said
by engineers to be markedly at
tractive. It "is of a type highly
recommended . by competent au
thorities; and-will, cost, it is est!
mated,) nearly 355,000, 1
Competition for the contract
among bridge builders will be
brisk, it is believed.'- and there
may be - as many as ten bids to
open, with'at least one particular
ly slow1 one In-prospect. -f
' i Start Not Certain
- Whether work on the span will
be started this fall depends large
ly on the weather during the next
month.' The-contractor 'will;' b
expected to get on the job imme
diately, but heavy rains may make
operations impracticable. Local
(Continued n pg 8.
Chicago Reported - Four Degrees
- Warmer - Than Day Before
-CHICAGO. Oct. 27. (AP)
Many found "heat : of almost sum
mer intensity calling them to Chi
cago beaches today, "'but- discov
ered Lake Michigan had not been
influenced by the excessive tem
perature for this time of the year.
The thermometer reached an un
heard of. figure 83: here, four
degrees ..warmer than " yesterday.
Both-t yesterday's J and today's
marks are unprecedented for late
October, .
High r thermometer; - readings
prevailed - over ; the. mlddlewest
with no prospect of an immediate
decisive drop. The unseasonal
weather will continue at least 36
hours, the government meteorol
ogist forecasts." " "V "
Antl-SaXoon - Leagno Officer
--- rase Episcopal Lender,
NEW YORK. Oct. 17. (AP)
Orrille 8. -Poland., lexal advisor
of . the eNew. York Anti-Saloon Elston, counsel for Remns, exam
league, -charged today that thel!aed dosen men and - women.
Rst. Jtmes Empringham.' secre
tary of a society that conducted
a poll on tho llanor .Question
among Episcopal clergymen, was
la the pay of4ho Atflociatlon
Against, the Prohibition Amend
ment. " " ' "" 1 ' tj::iJ: f I
'l ta not and Jiever hare been
on the payroll of tliat crganlxa
ftoa, Mr. Emp'rlngaam,: replied,
"but I wish. I were, for Ifs noth
tc to be ashamed pf and I could
ui. the jnooey.:::;:;.: r?-y?r ;
Talklnut Coif Player - "Instructs
'rue Too Well at Game
. . YAIIIM A. T-'as!:,, Ocl:. 27.
(AP) Walker Ilorcn. Is coaTi-.c-ed
that ti$ v,.' ca 'lollow ttra"
5!f she can't flay Eolf. 4 ; '
-;;ot Air. a, .follow tVroujh,"
;Morea urri v!.3 t'Js - rVz
jiErw?tins ttr Li .the ett cf the
r.'ni,-" Jlsres
i r.ia
3 a
t V- 7 -
I. '
. FALLEN . .
Dallas Man's Head Partly . Torn
Off j t Team Runs Away
; With Corpse
DALLAS. Oct. . 27. (Special.)
While driving a team on the
Bartholomew road about five or
six miles from this city this after-
noon., Herbert D. Parker, t 5, was
accidentally killed when a shot
gun lie evidently had been holding
between his legs," slipped - and hit
the wagon tongue as- the load of
gravel : passed over a run In the
road.i'': 5X: yyK:.s ' 1
It - was said by those who
stopped tho -team shortly , after
wards that Parker had probably
attempted to grab the. gnn-Just as
the i trigger nit the wagon tongue
causing It to discbarge. .The load
of shot bit him between the eyes,
tearing off the top of his head.
The " team, frightened ' on the
explosion of the gun. ran ' for -1
short distance and then . proceed
ed at a walk. A. O. Hlnton. who
was! at his home, which Is located
along the road about 100 yards
from 'the scene of the accident.
heard the report of the gun and
ran out in time to stop the team.
" In the absence of a coroner, C.
Wr-jHenkle, who was notified by
telephone; went i to thef scene 'of
the tragedy and brought the body
to Dalla .... : ; -: :
Mra. Parker, the widow, faint
ed npon being notified of the ac
cident and was not fully recov
ered this afternoon, so that little
information about the victim
could be learned at the time, and
no arrangements for the funeral
had been made late this evening,
:;Mr. Parker is survived byJ his
widow and three or four children
all living in Dallas.
; ." .i . ,:.i
Second Postponement Asked
Case of Stranglcr Trial i
WINNIPEG, Man.. Oct 37.-
(AjPJ. A second postponement of
the! trial of "Earle" Neteori reputed
"human tiger" who is charged
with strangling two Winnipeg wo
men last, June, may . be- asked
when he is arraigned, in assize
court here Tuesday, it was indi
cated today. ,
: A request for further delay may
follow the failure of Nelson's, wife
and aunt, regarded as main props
for-tbe defense, to arrive from
California, said J. R. Stitt. the
aeejttsed'o counsel. While Stitt
ntys he has received no Word. of
thejir inability -to come, " dispatches
from San Francisco aid Mrs. Nel-
toh was. too ill to make the trip
Transportation expenses, it was
said, was forwarded to 'the wo
men lat week:
Nelson s trial - was originally
90$ tponed because "of public pi-e-
tudice": shortly after he was ac
cused of killing Mrs: Emily Pat
terson and Miss Lola Cowan and
his' name was linked with more
than a'doren unexplained "strang
Uns in Pacific coast ; and raid
westers . states. - . -r-v
Depoaitions of Startling Testimony
- - acafcen tor Trial 5
'CHICAGO, Oct - 27. (AP)l
Assertions that Mrs. Imogene
Holmes Remus, recently slain .by
her husband, George Remus. f in
Cincinnati. "v first planned a raid
with or without marriage upon
Remus bank account, then fell in
lovo with tbej prohibition; agent,
who gent' her husband : to prison
and herself planned to slay Re
mus, .went into depositions taken
here today tor use in the murder
trial. . -V- K:-, V.-V v."
Charles P. Taft, JI, prosecuting
attorney at Claclanatf and Charles
some of them character witnesses.
' An effort was made to trace the
defence's; ; allegation , that . Mrs.j
Remus and Franklin L. Dodre,
prohibition agent. Were interested
la disposal -,of whliikey obtained
byjllemus la his guiae of bootleg
Wag after he.deserted his Chicago
law practice and went to Cisc'n
aatL ' - ' ' - -
IvOTi. f Former NortTnvrest Tll
Z roatl Cuililor cm ironeynioon
J .SSATTLC Oct.- 2 7 (AP)
On a "secrrsd honeymooi," Wal
ter J. Hill, ion of the late James
.Til II'II., railroad" Tb-allder. arrive!
here, today with his wife, Mrs.
TK'Mred-" Richardron Hill, former
ntar r.vr.:ty.;-Mra. Hill-filed suit
tor-Cl; -2 la Montana 10"d?vi
;in I t!'?i wefk a r?"Roi'.i-;rlt n
wai effected .with the annoahge
irc-t ttaf. . tlie mbur.dersetand'r z
in . to 'ant!ruly sr.l ;. vn-!'.--
!?nr-.-T;V'rti . r!rcn! vy
t - 'The . .1
- : M t '?!.'; cj '. .vr."l y."
.hi ui
Jury Trying Irving B. Prl:;
Still Deliberating After
Eight Hours
"Justifiable" Ccntcnticn
Aged Man's Counsel
Range From Justifiable Ilcr
cide To Murder In First E.
gree ; Instruction To Jcr;
Requires More Than Km
DALLAS. Ore., -Oct.
(Special) Twelve men, deci.: .
the fate of another, were still ,
liberating here at an early fcoa
this morning. :
Charged with the responsitSHt.
at B:f0 o'clock last night of deter
mining : wblcn". of six "verdicts
ranging from justifiable homk:.;
or acquittal to first degree mur
der should be "given in tbe cas
of Irving B. Priest, 'Jurors Lc
been unable all evening to reajl
an agreement.' .
Act Admitted
Priest by his own admlse!-::
shot and killed George M. Werl.i
at the latter'a hop ranch soutL. - -of
Independence; snuffed out tit
life nf m man Via ht&ia-mtA K-i1 . '
old red haired -wife,"
lie. had. sought to bargain -hxid
orfered to" leave his wifa c
the hop ranch for 15,000, but tl
offer, had been scorned, so he rj!
leaving the ranch " to inst;:
court proceedings when the i ,
cessful competitor: for hi3 wl '.
love approached his "car, tantallz c
him. made a threatening gestvrt
to the. hip pocket then the ..
shot from Priest's gun. -
This was the testimony of Zt
year old defendant on the witcc?
stand -testimony vigorously tt
tacked by the state's attorneys a
"eleventh hour'1 defense, hatcLt
up to save a man from the gall ova
Ask Kxtreme Penalty
; The state-demanded the d? ,5
of Priest in concluding argurmr.
today; demanded it on the grc n
that Priest had shot down Wer:
in cold blood.
The defense, urged acquittal c-.
,1 g .(Cottnid on pxf T.)
Keeps Mum as to Source of f .
500 la liberty Bonds; JI
... Co to JI1
WASHINGTON. Oct. 17. f
Plat refusal to reveal tl.e
of the $230,500 in Liberty I
which bulk so large in U. 3 T
Dome" conspiracy trial, :
today in the District cf L '
bia supreme court by tbe man
government contends can fur
that information. ;
lie is M. 'T. Everhart, Tu
Colo.; banker, and ton-ia-lan-Albert
B. Fall, who, after a
la. -New York. WashJnftcn -
other eastern points, returr '
his home town with that t:
of bonds. wLich went into t:
box beld ia the First JC.
back of Pueblo-in Fall's n;
Government Shows Ca. -Eefora
Hverhart was-ci"
the, stand, . the gOTC-rnir f r t
presented to the Jury ev;
Show tt i ttB bonds were v 1
pay' off delta cf rv?
Fall's Tres mio "tatsi-s jr.,! :
cca;' ny. ' Tl I -v:- ' 3 - " r-
ceivel ty Ilvf-rtirt c'lcr t; '
cf .Teapot 3
i c!
to Harry F. Sisc!
er iiiterlor tecretary.
" Aa WE3 tho ( - 3 V. J
callei in the trial cf
Doras civil suit ct c:
hart fcaieJ fcU rr-fu-: I
on . h!i -ccTi't'' 1
tecdlas that such t
tend to isrri
to Jr. .: t:t :
tto1 facing I, ;r:ra a t
women -r I t'"'i .
rr, (mm ui t A i 'nor. . '; TCT0.. '-. : . . . ' J