i i . i : ; . 1 i ' - ttTTE OREGON STATESMAN. SAliSM. OREGON," 7HDNE3DAY MOIUnNq OCTOgEB ttfiW' 7'' i-r ' 1 v.. . , , M-W811 JO PRDVE TliRSLLER VIGHfS FIGHT CARD I Main Event Jack Dillon, lem. rs. Battling Slim, Bell Sgham, light heary weights, 10 nnd. L"'H- - r v. j Semi-final Bobbyfclntrre; !alem, rs. Charlie O'Leary, ortland, six rounds. p j KdJIe Graham, Salem, Vs." like Dolan, Poland, four j SI .- riook. Mill City. yb. i'onng Union, Portland, four rounds. . ' : i " -j One additional four round J With plenty of new bloosJ in fidence including mala eventeirs j-at.-are away np in the ''iijht uvyweight class and eoraj rin Lhout that WGld ii itstKvliris? U plenty 01 caglt customers, i fjt-hmaker Ilarry I Ini;t be eirea he has a c.1 tl.ti -a 2 ease- eTerybody feven" the faV 1 i 1 ;ara. sheila, that -. -haven't b'en! ase heretofore ' j fakjpnion's record 13 jwell! Icpp)nent-tiiTTea-ah'd to hf 'aoiSff-to Salem fahs, ana thkt of mi eausractioa of the f istld ex erta, with the resylt that ,they re not doubtful of hia ability to ope with the local boy. i T Il0 SiX rOlind ei fa alan itrgr. o - uav t. n vt I -Z-fL BUttI e ot auennon. Here, f aamea doa't lie, we- hareohe of hisei 5 International affairs-Irish ightfng spirit ; versus Scottish punning. - However, Bobby :i Mc intyre, Scotch ?name to the 'con trary . notwithstanding, is known jiereUs.a fighter. Fans are not U so sure that Ted Saikeld, Port-1 .ciuu rjpen, n xignt in preaictiag pat ; Charlie 0LeaVyV good luck shamrock will prevail. ..V ; -( The rest of the"ard contains the right mixture of homa favor ites' and tough strangers to - naa lrSPaty of partisjasMsVand .hatt-aJtSies to Vake a fighfc card not paying thatTvthe class isn't-there along with; ib persona Interest, for it la. 3EL ANGER WINS H10 ROUND BOUT Portland, Oct. 25. cap) -Charlex; Belanger of Vancouver. 13. C.won a ten roand decision from K. Brown, Lo8 Angeles negro battler la the main event on the armory boxing prpgram here tonight, - a They re light heavyweights. "jLJ " Y: - '-In4h oJd of the double pro gram, Del Fontaine, Winnipeg middleweight, won a decision in ten rounds from George Dixon of Portlaad. . " ' LAWYER JAELED ! PORTLAND Oct. .24 (AP) Dan Ki Powers, Portland attorney, epent SO minutes iu the county -Coday because he was tardy vlng kis appearance ia Clr- ' -1' .... iHweui court ; as a ittorne jrr In a criminal philosophically, pointing out that kef had : clients among the prls 'cners with whom he wished to - consult. "i x -"';r ' r I u -More 'Days Till White Collars at ! 1 i ! I t The Elsinore 73c Blank's That Are Legal We carry in stock over 115 legal blanks suited to most any business transactions. . We may have just the form you axe looking for at a bi savins as compared o made to order forms; ' 'i '-j :?: '11 -'-."-f ?'';. if ji'?lJ'--z':V pt'y ' Some of the forms Contrail of Sale, Road Notice, WEI forms. Assizn- n2!'tga?e, Mortgage forma, Quit Claim Deeds, Abstract forms 111 of Sale, Building Contract, Promissory Notes, Installment Notes, General Lease, Power of Attorney, Prune Books and Pads, Scale Re ceipts, Etc , These iforms are carefcuy prepared private use. Price ion forms ranges from 4 cents nd on note books from 25 to 50 cents. The Statesman Publishing CoJ . LEGAL ELANK HIlADQUAKTIir . 1 r 'At eiccj ernes, Grcmj,n:?:;i ' ' ' . Combination j SAMMY BAKER DEFEATS DUFFY SAX FRANCISCO. Oct. - 2 5. CAP Sammy Baker,; fightiug soidier . from New: York, esiab- Fishjed himself more firmly as a contender for the welterweight titl tonight when he stopped Jimmy Duffy, flashy Oakland bor. In the fifth round of their scheduled 10 rounds bout at San Frsjnclsco baseball park. The rugged New Yorker clipped Duffy with a right to the jaw about two minutes 'after the fifth round opened, and floored him for a nine count. Duffy Vegained his feet, bul wag reeling around the ;rlng helpless when Referee Bobby Johnson, . stcpel the fight and awarded it to Baker. JntlL the ending the fight was ifairly eten, Duffy taking an edge lin f the I first round by scoring steadily; with left Jabs to the face, and splitting Baker's lip. 'Baker floored iDuffy in the second. with a ightlto tfce jaw, but the Oak land boj vas up before a count w'.t started. ?qP-fupon mmm ldc t,T ' l-JTTLiaiK.NT OP FRENCH- Y,E,aCAX I5LSPI TK 1JKFJ.Y - L fARJS, Oct. 25. f AP) The laiest American note on the tariff offjers a hope that France and the LBped States can reach a basis for negotiations in short order, ec- vviuii,; iu ojiiniona ireeiy ex posed in official quarters. sine Bote.., delivered yesterday ieape3 several small points to be settled before the two nations ean getj down to a working basis for negotiation of a commercial agree ment. It was said today there-was ao Specific comment, so the nature utr, mese points can only be guessed. 0 i 1 . Evidently they wer . t' con sidpred iltalJj-HrTw of the gen eraljpinion that a basis for ne gtrfiatlon should not be difficult o lestablish. It was pointed out, however, that no angle, however unimportant, should remain un settled when tha experts begin work. Te probability now is that another.' French note on the tar ffrfjrili be sent to Washington. reryone gives Washington credit tot showing a desire to make all possible concessions in connection with Its protest against th French tariff meaanrea which ar4 held to discriminate against American goods. On the strength of this apparent desire the optim ists, base their predictions that th few remaining obstacles may De readily removed Sport -Ritftcisms Jjbport Table Eastern college cotich had a stroke. So he gave hija a job with the rowing crew, again there,, -waa thjt re- it, as atpi oVicii ,rnir . There YA - i, itJ hoi4t- Dispatch says that New York Corb Bear sold; for 132,000. Gosh, and in this town a fellow can park smack up against . a fireplug tor only S25. .vs.. Connie Mack says that the Yankees are one of the greatest teams of, all times. Is he first finding that out now? ! The Indians are a downtrodden race. And after, looking at Cleve land's final standing we agree. It won't be long now until bas- kietbatl dope starts dribbling in. These cigarette testimonials sbund -like a lot ot puffs. , NEW MANAGER NAMED p LONG VIEW, Wash., Oct. 24 (AP) H. E. Smith has been named to succeed Chester D. JfTdore as office manager of the west coast lumber trade extension bureau, at headquarters here, y j ' - " - V- rimrmD and fob sale bt MIITIES RILED UP AT OHIO STATE COLUMBUS, Ohio, Oct. XI. (AP) Din of the "anvil choras'f which began Its knocking as soon as Michigan football team had hung np another victory over Ohio State last ' Saturday was heard far and wide in Ohio today. A group of lrreconclbles to the present regime of things athletic at Ohio State became more out spoken as a result of thes -de velopments: ; Claim of Dr. John W. Wflce, head coach of Ohio State, that the Ohio State team which played Mfchigan, last Saturday was "the best that Ohio State has put In the field. this year," and that the team's errors were in funda mentals. Rpsignation of A. W. Raymond, city recreation -director, as presi dent of the varsity "O" alumni association., after the organization jkaj givxrt Dr. Wilce an ovation his appearance at its meet- Suggestion mads at a meeting of Ohio State alumni at Cleveland ihat "two thirds of the players who participated In the Michigan fame turn in their suits, that Ohio ijie get a new neaa 'coacn, or that, a decided shake-up of the team be instituted." Taking the ovation given Dr. Wilce, as an endorsement of his regime, Raymond resigned, saying tnat he felt "there is something radically wrong with the system in vogue. I don't feel that I can continue to serve as president of an organization that is supposed to be a loyal backer of the present regime." he said. Raymond, var sity tackle in 110,' 1911 I and 1912, was one-time all-American' choice of several sport writers. ftcowcwr ISSUE SEEN IN INCINERATOR LOCATION (Continued from Page One) community, a 3.1 mile haul from the business district and an av erage of approximately the same distance from the canneries. In addition, the haul to the Court street location would be entirely over paved streets, whil Uhat to the site outside the city limits peyond the Southeast Sal em residence district, will neces sitate a haul of one mile over un improved streets, no matter what route is chosen. Extra Fuel Needed At certain seasons when the canneries are operating oa cer tain crops additional fuel will be necessary to keep the fire going in the incinerator. This, city of ficlals have said, is to be hog fuel from, the Chas. K. Spauldlng mill. and, this fuel, too, would have to be hauled 3.1 miles instead of three blocks. All this, the Southeast Salem people point out, is based on-the council committee's assurance that the incinerator will be strictly odorless, and that It therefore will not be amiss to locate it near as they propose to the center of the city. NEW INCORPORATIONS The Norwesco Investors, with headquarters in Portland and cap ital stock of $20,000, has been in corporate dby A. H. Allen, Roscoe O. Ashley and Charles S. Barton. Other articles filed in the state corporation department follow: Duntborpe Motor, Transport company, Portland, 25p0; W. B. young, Lt. E. . Hlatt and Otto os- choff. . . Eu?ne Notion company, ; Eu gene, 15000; C. B. Getty A. McDermott end George A. Getty. ' Lane County Lumber company, Eugene, $$000; George F. Ben nett. R. W. Rundlett and E. O. Immel. ' Royal Electric Products com pany, Portland, $5000; F. J. Gott- ron, J. G. creignton ana jestes Snedecor. , H The sorriest fellow we know is the one who lost his money on Jack Dempsey and then tried to get It back by betting on the Pi rates, -yt-. I i - for the courts and to 16 cents apiece, .0 ' Aiiraciions. on Sports Done Brown Br 'onuajtt E. Brown Whatever ele may be written of tha sport year of Ml It can be said now hat It will mark ia history the passing of two of the greatest sport Idol as well as stars tha athletic realm has ever worshiped Jack Dempsey and William T. Tilden. ! The attribute thsjt made both of these men great and popular Is exemplified In tha manner of their passing. They went down to final and lasting defeat fight ing age, the toll of years of com bat, and the overwhelming belief of the public that they were doomed to defeat. Both were game. Tilden went first, a few short days before Dempsey. Tilden lost 40 game attempts to retain the taanls supremacy and prestige that has been his. Single handed he tried to turn back the French team in the Davis cup matches. Playing both In the single3 and doubles he tried to check the onrushing youths from France and keep the cup in Am erica. He won his first singles match. He and Hunter held the foe at bay in me aouDies. men, witnm a point or two of victory in the last of the singles matches he faltered. The pace was too hot. His heart couldn't carry his flesh. The cup went abroad for the first time in Tilden's seven or eight years of reign in the tennis world. . Then came the national cham pionship tourney. Again Tilden faced the picked field of American and foreign stars and gamely tried to fight his way through to a victory once more. Again the pace was too hot. Dempsey's fight to defy tradi tion, youth and his critics, is iresner anq possioiy a bit more 1 m - . clear In the minds of the public. Regardless of whatever errors there may have been In handling him, Dempsey trained earnestly and tediously for his great effort to regain the heavyweight cham pionship. His victory over Shark ey, young, cocky, clever, a few months back had given him the (confidence that he could aeeom- j pliah that! which bad been tried ) before by ex-ehamplons la bis class 1 without success to win back th title. ; . I His verr popularity the kale about kit head. If jou willcaused most ot the rattk sad file to pray for his success. His standing ts the sport; world was Indicated quite clearly by the fans at the last battle with Toaaey. when they left the ring yelling to Jack in the hysterical hope that he could hear them say that he was "still the champion." " Dempsey goes Into the past with the distinction of being the man who made I the boxing sport a "big money" game for not' only Tex Rickard and the opponents Jack met, bat for Joet Spfvis Jn Main Street, who finds himself selling tickets for $5 each where once he peddled them at 91 tor the same kind of a fracas. The deeds of Tilden and Demp sey will come back to us in, history and they can't be embellished much in the telling. SIEGMUND CHOSEN UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. Eu gene, Oc t. 25 . ( Special ) . - Edward Siegmund, of Salem, has been' appointed chairman of the vigilance committee for the an nual Homecoming bonfire at the ITnlversitj; of Oregon, on Novem ber 11 and 12. The duty of the vigilance committee is to guard the blaze, which is Bet off on Skin ner's Butte In the shape of an O. from all marauders. GOMEZ i SENDS MESSAGE Request Given Out For American Government Neutrality NEW ORLEANS, Oct. 25. (AP) The New Orleans States Sunday published a message purported to be ' from General Gomez, leader of the Mexican rev olution, .to the American people. asking that the American govern ment remain neutral, describing the present situation of the rev olutionists, and asserting that General Francisco Serrano was assassinated Instead of being shot at the head of a revolt. We certainly learn with age. It was not so many years ago that we didn't even know what a run ner in a silk stocking looked like. r An hottest eigcirettei. 'fo advertised Delihtftil tobaccos, the choic est grdwtu Blended with skill and fearer Sold without bunk ' : ' . " ' . . . ... ... r of ate it leads the ! world' by billions Tonight's. Armory Card NlftD Mil KTOtBXBS FTKXISH KIWAJTCS ; CSLUS PROGRAM Many people think they have to go to a theater to see a magician. Tha Klwanls club got It all free yesterday when they discovered they; had a high-class performer in their midst. There wasn't any special speaker listed on yester day's luncheon program and Presi dent Becke called on various mem bers to furnish their "bit" to wards the program. E. Cooke Patton, local .book dealer held the floor for a few minutes while he demonstrated about all the sleight-of-hand tricks there are with a deck of cards. He admitted thst it was all "bunk" but added that there was lust as much magic to his work as there Is to all of the other j "bunco" artists that travel about the country promising to tell your past, present and future, Including crystal gazers and the rest of their ilk. Douglas McKay, Chevrolet deal er for Marion county, was Intro duced as the club's newest mem ber. McKay is a transfer from the Portland Kiwanis club. Called on for a few remarks, McKay - said that he had been In Salem only nine weeks but that he liked it so well he never wanted to go back to Portland. Bill Dunlap, visiting Portland Klwanian, 1 mmediately replied that very few of those who leave Portland to come to Salem ever make money enough to get back. . President Becke rapped-for oTder. The attendance prize was won by John J. Roberts. It was a small ' savings bank and was fur nlshed by Fritz Slade of the First National Bank. LISBON GREETS YANK AVIATRIX ON ARRIVAL (Continued from Page One) awaiting the arrival of the girl whose fame had long preceded her. Crowds gathered early to glimpse the first coming of the Lima. On the bridge of the ves sel when it came in view, were Ruth and Haldeman. Overhead, escorting planes swung easily in the air, among them the Ilelakel D-1220, which soon Is to easy a trans-Atlantic flight to America. The crew of this plane had wait ed specially to pay due homage to the American aviators. vKuth watched It ia its roaring flight and wondered If it would be more fav ored by the fates than her own plane, the "American Girl." Two planes flying down the riv er dropped flowers oa the decks of the Lima; one hovered low and took pictures as the vessel with II I Vial "i "P J i sj P f m . ?- ' ! BO X v 23 ROUNDS WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER Jack Dillon, Salem v. " VS. 10 Bobby Mclntyre, Salem vs. t ltounas N Eddie Graham, Salem vs. Milce Dolan, Portland 4 Rounds . Si Hook, Mill City ONE GOOD CURTAIN RAISER Hckeis oh sale at Adolph's Cigar Store If aU cigarettes were as good as Cczid you wouldn't hear any thins about special treatments to make cigarettes Cood for the ihroaU Nothing takes thz place of chcics tohacccu the two aviatcts'on the captain's bridge, glided slowly to its anchor age. . ...-! - Discus-sin r the possibility of a future flight Miss .'Elder 'sail it would be impossible this year. Both she and llaldeniaa thought that the ets.rt-of their recent flight had even been too late. lie also was glad. he said. , to be on land. But he modestly remained In the background, conversing with oth er 'aviators, who were eager for., details of his flight. Elsinore TODAY EM h Si 1 1 tj 11 Ijr Battling: Slim, Bellingham t J Hoards 8 Charlie O'Leary, Portlar:! Young Union, Portland ll 1-. V 9? V I il 1 r, ori fcoc he; ay -lTi mttam - ttm. I. C