The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 25, 1927, Page 8, Image 8

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    DWDpET FOB m
Only About -Half Raised, and
Activities for Next Year '
. Threatened y
A; meeting ot the board of di
rector of the YMCA wu held yes-
,terday t a noon luncheon. This
meeting was called for the purpose
of discussing ways and means of
raising the remainder of the 1527
j28 budget outlined some time ago
and which volunteer workers bays
been endeavoring to rates for the
past twiprweeks. To date onlV a
little otfrV$12.000 hat been pledg
ed and . almost twlcr that amount
,is needed". It this institution b to
.fanetionproperly for the next
.year. ' -r VY-?"-: -I
It l no secret that the i.
palgn ha not gone over this year.
Where the fault lies Is hard to
(say; definitely. ; Everyone, admits
.that the Y has functioned the past
'year la a manner highly pleasing
to all concerned. More work and
( better work has been done the
past year than was: ever dreamed
of when - the project for the new
(bullding was launched ' two years
'ago.: ; . ; - . , . - .
The tout budget outlined for
.this, -year calls for- ah expenditure
of 431,45. Tn this connection it
jatfght h Jnterettn'e;,', t&compare
jthis budget with other; ekies hav
ing larger poptf&Ucfr than Saj
.xa. Withoutvmconlng names.
a city U dte'd,that''has ia popula
Uon ofsampewhrW Is
about 'to 00, in excess of Salem.
.that" haV a,- reported - mem bersh i p
;Of Salem has 1242 mem
bers. The other city's Y spent
541.0QO last year; 'Salem spent
531.000. In another Instance a
city of ' 130,000 population has a
YMCA membership cf T213, less
than Salem,- ami its, expenditures
last -year were ia excess of $72,-
In both of these' comparisons It
'"VntJoft I. hht rlvH ihil the
undersigned has been duly ap-
potntea oy mewouniy woun oi
the Stats of Oregonfor the Coun
tr nf Marion, aa Administrator ot
the estate of Hattie B. Patterson.
deceased, and that ne nas auiy
Qualified as such administrator:
ail ntnnni hsvtnr claims aaralnst
the; estate' of said decedent are
hereby notified to present the
same: duiT vArlfled. to me. at the
viffJfo nf Ronald C. Glover my at-
toraeyv 80S? Oregon Btftldlog. Sa
lem; Motion county. Oregon, who
fiaelx -hvontbs ;troov theidat; of
th'.notlee-v-t :iJ?J; '. "; ; ; .
Iftth 6s H ' October
: Administrator of "the Estate of
Rattle.. B. Patterson, Deceased. .
rnaid c - Glover. Attorney for
Administrator, saiem. Oregon.
i '.. , ox-oi-s-xa
-Notice Ui hereby given that the
underlined baa been v duly ap
nolated hv the. County Court of
the" State, of OTegbir for the Coun
ty of: Marion., as Executrix of the
lait wU and testament and estate
of Ira W. Huhara, a ere a sea. ana
that Ihe has dnly qualified as such
executrix: all ' persona having
'claims against the- estate 'of said
decedent are hereby notified to
'present: the same; duly .verified.
to. me. at the office of Ronald C.
CAarer. mv attorney. 203 Oregon
tT)nii'fi -fiiUm "tnrftfnn.. within
!UUUiJUft ; ' f t " w -7
lx months from the -date of this
notice. . :vTV,t
Dated atSa!em," t)reRon.Tthlf
ISth dar of October. 1927. -
'; Executrix theIaiCwiHf and
testament, and estats" f Irat.V
Hubbard, deceased.
jRonald C. faloTer. Attorney, for
Executrix,' Salem, preron.
t r -018-25N1-8-15
Mbtbi Goathes
; cr5f ra$l servtct tn Vrtgom , r -:
-, 'Now ride in die big, luxurious silver gray motor-
coaches to Pacific Highway points. Travel comfort ".
ably and at low cost via Southern Pacific either by
rail oc highway. ' ,"'. '-: "' -
' The stiver gray motor coaches are of latest design,
. . with every modem improvement for your conven-v
ience aod comforc Experienced, careful drivers. '
I Your Southern Paciiic rati tickets are good on these
, motor coaches operating dally to and from Salem, .
Albany, Portland, Corvallis, Eugene, Roseburg,'
; Grant's Pass, Medord, Ashland and mxenncdLttea.-'
' ' Get your copy of the new time table folder today:
, - . . ,-.- '
,--- j. ' C.y 0
:CIly Tlrkct
was found that more work Is be
ing done In every single depart
ment In the Salem Ythaa In those
cases where 'there -was a bigger
city population and a larger bud
gef. . ' - . . - !'"'; ;-'-SVfv
The board Of directors will meet
again Wednesday soon to continue
their discussions Of what to do and
how to do It with regard to get
ting In the extra needed money.
Unless It is forthcoming Salem
people "are going' to -see their
YMCA go glimmering in 1928.
There is no other answer.
In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon for the County of
Marion. i
. Department No. S
George W. Jory and Sarah Jory,
. his wife: Clarence CV Jory;
Herbert Earl Jory and Miranda
. Jory. his wife. Plaintiffs,
Laura D. Jory-Page and H. R.
Page, her husband: and Oleria
Blaneh Jory-Miles. Defendants.
Notice Is hereby giren that by
tbe terms of an order ot the abors
entitled Court, duly giren and
made on October 3. 1927. I, O. D.
ower. was appointed Referee to
ell the. hereinafter described real
state; and pursuant to the said
order I will, on Wednesday, the
2nd day of November. 1927, at
the hour ot 10:00 -o'clock A. ILi
at, the West Door of tbe County
Court House, in Salem, Marion
County. Oregon, sell to the high
est bidder for cash, all of the
right, title and estate ot all the
parties in this suit, in and to the
following described reaf estate:
Beginning on the West line of
Lot Eight in Block Four of Geo.
H. Jones Addition to the City of
Salem, in Marion County. Oregon.
atf i point thereon CO feet South
fromahe Northwest cornerof said
parallel -with the North tine of
said Lotc 162 ; feet,-to the. West
line of the alley running Norther- j
Iy. and .Southerly through said
Block: ,thenca South' along the
West line of said alley. 50 feet, to
the Northeast corner of the prem
ises described In tbe deed record
ed on Page 125 ot Volume 50 of
the Record of Deeds in and " for
Marlon County. Oregon': thence
Westerly along the North line of
the premises described ia said
Dead. 162 feet to the West. line
of Lot 7 in said Block; thence
North along the West line, of said
Lots Seven and Eight, SO feet, to
the place-ot beginning. Also Be
ginning on the West line ot Lot
Five in Block , One of George H.
Jones Addition to ths City of Sa
lem. Marlon County. Oregon, at a
point 50 feet North ot the South
west corner of said Lot Five and
running thence North along the
West line of said Lot 5, and the
West line of Lot S, in said Block,
50 feet, to a point; thence Easter
ly and parallel to the South line
of said Block, 162 feet, mors or
less, to the West line of the alley
running Northerly and Southerly
through said Block;, thence South
along the West line ot said alley.
Fifty feet, to a point which la Fif
ty; feet .Northerly ot the Southeast
corner of sam Lot Five; tnence
Westerly.; 162 feet, more or less,
to the place of beginning. . Also
Beginning at : a point on the
West line of Lot Six Block One ot
George H. Jones Addition to the
Citt of v Salem.Marlon County;
Oregon, at a point thereon 25 feet
Northerly of the Southwest corner
ot i said Lot Six, and running
thence North along the West line
of said Lot. Fifty Feet, to the
Northwest corner thereof; thence
Easterly, along the North line of
said Lot Six, to the Northeast cor-
U-B. Us SiU ,Ma.-0 wvmwm .
along the East line of said Lot,
Fifty Feet, more or less, to a point
which Is 25 feet Northerly of the
Southeast corner of said Lot;
thence. Westerly,. 162 feet, mors
or less, to the place of beginning,
and being the Northerly Fifty
Feet of Lot Six in Block One of
said George H. Jones Addition.
i Said property . will bs sold in
three parcels as : above described
Said sales will be made subject to
tbe confirmation of tbe above en
titled Court. .' .
1 Dated", this 4th day ot October,
I ; ' )
J Attorney.
Date of First Publication: Octo
ber 4 i 1927.
Date of Last Publication: Novem-
Iber 1. 1927. ' o4-ll-lS-26nl
Southern Pa i
"Sfi rTJ
lliotto Ht
- ' n n'u nrai'iii'G nppniTinV
' The planing mill of the Chaa.
K. Spaulding Logging company at
the foot: of Ferry street again
started up Monday morning after
haying been shut down since last
Tuesday, due to the .blowing up
and wrecking oC lue sieami cylin
der of the big 400 horse j power
engine which - droTe 1 the planing
milU r- 1 ty.
After a hurried Investigation,
Mr. Spaulding decided to discard
the engine and replace it with sey
eral electric motors, as this was
in line with the plan of replacing
the steam engines with electric
motors that bis company has had
in mind for some time. I This
plan would alBo - facilitate the
starting up ot the planing mill at
an earlier date. " ( i
Through the cooperation ! of the
General Electric company, . the
Fobes Supply company. Vibbert ft
Todd and the Portland Electric
Power company, the installation
of the necessary motors to replace
the engine was completed Sunday
night,-and. the-planing milt start
ed up yesterday morning aa usual.
The big engine was replaced
with one 300 horse power motor,
one 75 borse' power and one 25
horse power. Vibbert ft Todd, lo
cal electrical contractors, had a
large crew of men working1 stead-'
lly since Wednesday installing the, window over the White House res-
am As mm w.twMW t. . W IT. ..i'i. rr-i - . . . .. ...
necessary wiring in the mill, and
Lthe Portland Electric Power corn
nanv also had larp frw run.
o;n a 8pecU1 2300 volt circuit
"m. . !- powT . llousen ; Mill ,
- l u mm !-i me
foot of 'rry street. .
It would have required at least
two or three weeks lo have re-:
plac, d the engine wvti' another i
engine, or' :o ave repaired the
o!d engine, and it was necessary
fo get' the planing mill running
ag: in to fill the many rush orders
or lumber which the Spaulding
company had on file.
Ia order to remove the old en
gine quickly so that-the big 300
horse power motor might! be in
stalled in its place. Mr. Skeels, the
superintendent of the mill.; resort
ed to the use of oxy-acetylene
torches and dynamite to cut the
engine In pieces and to break up
the big fly wheel and other large
parts of the engine.
These explosions were heard all
over the business sections of town
on Thursday s and many people
wondered as to the cause! of the
explosions. It was rumored that
they were blasting for foundations
for a new planing mill building,
but the truth of the matter was
that they were blowing the old
engine to pieces so that they might
remove it quickly. ,
What football really needs is a
role regulating cheer leaders,
. j
The Portland Telegram makes the most Sensational
offer of Travel, Accident and Pedestrian Insurance Ever
Of fered in Public.
: , I-.' , - - .
; No Physical Examination Necessary. No Red Tape.
- -. . ' J - '' . ' . - - l-
This policy issued to subscribers of the Portland Tel
egram, ivho! are over 15 and under 70 years of age. It is
issued ? By : the ; North American Accident Insurance Co.,
the oldest and
health" insurance
Read the details in the
r.,,,.. .,
. j.
(Continued from pr 7.)
' ,
speaker of the evening. , - .
' A federated organixation" of the
local o. A. R. and allied organiza
tions is being considered and may
be discussed at this gathering.
Sort h Division. Ladies A id .
Will Meet - t 5 '
The South Division or the La
dies Aid of the First Presbyteri
an, Church will be entertained
tjils afternoon at two o'clock at
the home of Mrs. E. G. Ford. 537
South High Street. .
Meeting of Kappa Alpha
Mrs. C. V. McKelvey will be
hostess at the meeting of Kappa
Alpha Theta alumnae society
which will be held; this afternoon
at t'aree o'clock in her home at the
Court Apartments.
While making his rounds about
3 o'clock Sunday morning Police
Officer Kuykendalt took a stroll
down an alley leading south from
State street. Ry so doing he prob
ably was responsible for prevent
ing a disastroue fire. When about
half way down the alley he noticed
smoke pouring from a bedroom
j lauraac. - a nurnea invesiigaiion
thowed that- the" room :. was in a
mass of flames probi.1 started
by 8Qmeoae leaving a "lighted
cisarette In the room. -
; me nre department responded
promptly and xp nt about ten min-
ute.: extinguishing the flames. No
one W4S in the room that was on
rlre-( Occupants of the adjoining
rooms were awakened by the man
agement of the place and made a
wild scene as they scrambled, hel
ter, skelter from the building. No
one was injured.
Potato Digging Under Way
At Lauterback!s, Rickey
RICKEY. Ore., Oct. 24. (Spec
ial.) Ellis Lauderback has a
large crew of men digging pota
toes. Mrs. W. J. Culver is substitut
ing as bailiff for. the present term
of circuit court, -
. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Harris spent
Thursday at Mill City, visiting Mr.
and Mrs. Andrew and Mr. and
Mrs. D. C. Hutchings.
Mrs. Arthur Binegan is visiting
her sister, Mrs. Andrew Baker of
Mill City.
Mr. and Mrs. H. McMillin are
entertaining friends from Colo
rado. .
Any college town can qualify
as the land of the midnight son.
largest company writing accident and
DALLAS. Ore.. Oct.. 24.
(Special) T he First "Baptist
church of Dallas, which stood on
the corner of ; Church and Court
streets fcs. being razed to make way
for a" modern building of, stucco
being constructed by members of
the Apostolic Faith. This was the
first Baptist church built in Ore
gon and the first church built in
Dallas. It was built in 1858 on a
lot deeded by Isaac Levens from
his donation land claim "No. 51"
for the sura of f 1,
Among the early pastors was
David Hubbard, and also the Rev.
T. F. Campbell, father of Dr;
Prince L. Campbell, both deceased,
as the building was shared with
members of the Christian church.
Among the early trustees were
T. J. Haytftr, David Hubbard.
James Holman, and George Brown
and here many of the oldest resi
dents of Dallas attended church,
some of them under protest.
Tbe church did not Incorporate
until 1919 as a considerable in
debtedness had been incurred and
was left by David Hoffman.
The membership grew less and
less until June, 1925. it was decid
ed to discontinue holding services
and in October of this year the
property was sold for $2000 to
tbe members of the Apostolic
Faith. . . : : ' ; . .
Weeks Family of JPringle
To M ake Home in Salem
PRINGLE, Oct. 24. (SpeciAl)
-Mrs. Anthony of Albany visited
the family of her daughter, Mrs.
J. M. Coburn, Sunday.
T,, E. Meeks and family moved
Kidneys cause backache! No!
Your backache is caused by lum
bago,; rheumatism or a strain and
the quickest relief is
soothing, penetrat
ing St. Jacobs OiL
Rub it right on
your painful back,
- and instantly the
soreness, stiffness
and lameness dis
appears. Don t stay
crippled t Get a 35
cent bottle of St,
Jacobs Oil from
your druggist A
moment after it is
applied you'll won
der what became of
the backache or
lumbago pain.
In use for 65 years for lumbago,
backache, sciatica, neuralgia, rehu-
matism or sprains. Absolutely harm
less. Doesn't burn the skin.
to ISO LafeUe' &reet, calem. The
Meeks farm has been rented to
Mr. Myers of Woodburn. The My
ers family have moved onto the
place. .
Mrs. T. E. Meeks has been a
dependable' secretary for Pringle
Sunday school and will be missed
by the community.
The play given at Pringle Fri
day night by the Knight Memor
ial people of Salem, was much ap
preciated by those present, but
there was not a full, house.
A. J.'Duncans are remodelinn
their car. for winter service.
5 Mlsa Evelyn Caburn spent the
week end with her parents here:
Pringle Sunday school vtery
much appreciates the addition to
Its small corps of workers, of Mr.
pdell of Hilicrest.
; Mysterious invitations . to i a
ghost party are being "circulated
in this vicinity, for Hallowe'en
.Melvin Dawson, who was killed
Saturday night when 'struck by
the Cascade Limited, Southern
Pacific crack train, may have been
hoboing it at the time of his
reath, but if he was there cer
tainly Was no need of it. 'A letter
from a. trust company found near
the scene of tragedy showed that
he was receiving a monthly in
come .of f 100 a month from an
estates In Columbia, Tennessee.
Besides that a bank book showed
two deposits of 9400 and $200 in
a Seattle bank,mader on -September
t9 and October 10.
cf Beitig
Sharpens '
Itself ,
4 I
Just how he came to tils death
will; never be known. It la Just
possible that be was hit while
croslsng the tracks at the cross
ing Just south of .the city. Train
men concluded at the time that he
had! attempted to board the pilot
of the en gin e. Even . If he had
been broke and unable to pay his
fare It does not seem likely that
he would have attempted to jump
headlong onto the head end of a
fast; moving train.
Cproner Rigdon has wired the
I trust company in Tennessee to
see if they know anything of his
The governor of Constantinpole
has j sealed up ;the- home of the
leader of the woman's suffrage
party. But he will-find It a lot
harder to seal j up the suffragists
themselves.1 ; '
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned have been duly ap
pointed by the County Court of
the State of Oregon tor the Coun
ty of Marion, as executors of the
las will :.nd testament and estate
ot Josephine Graber, deceased,
and that they have duly qualified
as such executors; all persons
having claims against the estate ot
said decedent are hereby notified
to present the same, duly verified,
to us, at the office of Ronald C
Glover, our attorney, 203 Oregon
Building, Salem. Marion County,
Oregon, within six months from
the date of this notice.; '
Dated at Salem. Oregon, this
4th day of October. 1927.
Executors, of the last will and.tes
: tament and estate of Josephtnt
. Graber, deceased. "
Attorney for Executors, .
1 Salem. Oregon. ' .
! .o4-Xl-18-25-Nl
-,. '' :y:-:r' 7 - :;V.. "' .
A barber-like aye-r- riotamateurisKf
- r that comes to all who u$e a
AtitoStrop RazorItis" thk ;
only razor that strops its own blades
without any unscrewing or taking to
pieceskeeping blades as sharp as new
for many shaves. the simplest razor
to usethe most economical in blades
by far the most efficient.
Safety Rsxor Cow. 656 First Avenue, New York City
1 . :
Notice Is hereby given that the
undersigned has filed in the Coun
ty Court of the State of Oregon,
for the. County ot Marlon. liia duly
verified final account, as admin
istrator of the estate of Maria
Thompson, deceased, and that said
Court has fixed Monday, the 7th
day ot November, 1927. at the
hour of ten o clock A. M. of said
day. as the time, and the- Oountj
y Court
hearU 1
Court Room in the County
House. In Salem, Marion c
Oregon, as. the place Tor
said final account and all objtoj
Dated at Salem, Oregon, this
1st dy ot October, 1927.
Administrator of the Estate of
Maria C. Thompson, deceatied.
Attorney, for Administrator,
Salem; Oregon.
v o4-ll-l8-23-M
Tells How To Get Quick Re
lief from Head-Colds I
It's Splendid I
la one minute your cloggtd nostrils
will open, the air passages of your
head will clear and you can breathe
freely. No more hawking, snuffling,
blowing, headache, dryness. No strug
gling for breath at night; your colli
or catarrh will be gone.
Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream
BaJm from your druggist now. Apply
a kttle of this fragrant, antiseptic,
healing cream in your noatrihw It
penetrates through every air passage
of the bead,, soothes the inflamed or
swollen mucous membrane and relief
comes Instantly..
v irs jifst fine,' ixnt stay stuiTed up
with aoeokl or nasty catarrh Relief
comes so quickly.
n-.t I-; i