The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 25, 1927, Page 5, Image 5

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    v; 1 1 1 ill till i i i i i iVfe m ty O j !MA' ' fj. 11 V ' V
i 1 1 1
a. ---
Gee, Boeev ie iajckv
W 0 (1 ll
He oot the ;
Bannisters in
hi& House to
Slide oovvn i
u :- ' : ' . " .' . ,
, ; - ;:y - : C-"-- '
We have a 1927 Dodge
Coupe folly equipped and
in perfect condition.
Priced at $725.00 ' )
703.708 First National Bank Buildinf, Salem, Oregon
This is to announce that the Marion Automobile Cqm
pahy have sold their business t 235 S. Commercial Street
to Mr. Wallace Bonesteele, to be known as the - ::
ASSETS OVER $142,000.00 "
L ;
VV 1
See us for monthly payment loans on city property
Pioneer Called by Death
11. H. Stapeton,tTice'oresIdent
of the Douglas National bank t
KoMCbnrg aiedharyesfsrday.iHe
wan born at Salem and one stater.
Mrs. JosepfcBaeuigsrl&BT, SUU ire
sides here. --'': $ ', J '
-'.-. ! i
Just RecHve4 Caripadrm ; ';
Of the Iambus Gulb,ransens. All
the new styles. The moat beautl
ful made.) Salem Music Co., 355
N. High St.
Furniture Auction
Wed, nlte 7 p. m.
O it n v a v fit
V. N. Wood-
Four la Kiwii
Lowell Jaeger. 920 Fifth street,
was. arrested Saturday night for
driving; his car With four people
In the Croat seat :
Ixt Snap
Large view Falrmount Hill lot
75x100. Price reduced from $4300
to $3150 to more. NOW, Becke
A Hendricks. 189 N. High St.
Ieam to Swiin j-
Crystal Pool, 1 to 10
p. m.,
daily. . Lady instructor,
and tnb baths., .
Xot Heard From . .j
, Report was made to the police
xsterday that Mrs. Stella Care
W. wno lives on route; l, naa len
her liome ten days ago! to visit her
sinter at 160 Grand avenue, Port
land, but to date has not been
heard from.
New Jacquard Velo
Daren port and new j Ivory Bed
Room Suite goes at auction Wed.
nite. F. N. Woodry's, Summer St.
i -- -
8 Oregon Pwrp sad Paper Co.
Preferred. Limited amount for
sale. Hawkins and Roberta. Phone
1427.,., i
"Kurner Get In A gal
H. F. Chapin, well-known chim
ney sweep of Salem, was given a
bed Saturday night at police head
quarters after be had got himself
into a badly intoxicated condition.
He is known to the police' as "the
Removaf fU3ai. f twt Unrnvt. ' r ''
Specialty 8ho;.5S Court St.
Floxlng Armory
Wed.. Oct. 2e, Jack Dillon. Pfli
lem, . rs. BaUling SUm, Belllng
ham for ten ronnrt. ' PoVLsta.
Pay 7 Per Cent
installment or lamp sum deposits
To Address Rotarians
,: Henry. H. Manny, district gov
ernor.of the Rotary club in, this
district will address the local club
at a dinner Wednesday evening.
Because of his talk 'there -will be
no noon, luncheon. Members. will
be accompanied by their wires.
Roller Skating
Dreamland, Tues., Fri., Sun., 7
to 10 p. m.
A New riano-
Only $295. Only three
Easy term. . Salem Music
355 N. High St.
Arrested for Speeding
..'11. L. Wheeler, 645 Ferry street,
was arrested Saturday night for
speeding. He also had four" peo
ple in the front seat and was
minus driver's lieense, it 'was
charged. ; -
Klks Dance
Wednesday, Oct.
26 th. Don't
Furniture Fpbototereil
And repairing. Qieae-Powera
Furniture Co.
Kills Bobcat
W. J. Baker made a trip to Eu
gene Saturday to collect a bounty
on a " bobcat be shot in Lane
Wedding Bells Ring
Arthur L. Delay, 21. of Salem,
was . yesterday issued a license to
marry Bernice Wilson. 18, also of
Salem. ;
Syd Chaplin In
'"The. Missing Link" today at
Bllgh'a CapitoL A
f 1250 Amplco Piano :
: Only- used a. few ' months.
Couldn't be told from new'with
lots of rolls, at, almost one-half
price. We will accept your silent
piano as first payment and give
easy terms, on tne balance. This
positively ; the greatest Ampico
buy ever 'been offered in Salem.
It wil sell to the first one that
sees it. Salem Music Co., 355 N.
High st: ,; 4 ; "
Oregon City Car Crash
i Herbert Katurath yesterday re
ported at tha office of the county
sheriff that he collided with a ma
chine- driven, by , a woman naned
Mrs. McDonald half a mile south
of Woodbarn on Stfaday. '"Both
th I
a graduate of the Corvallls high
school and Oregon agricultural
college. Mr. Paulson recently waS
at the head of the 'vocational ag
riculture department of the Wood-
burn schools. He previdualy was
employed Tn a sfmllaCr capacity at
Ontario. ;"" '-.
Pine Practice Piano 5 Down '
$5 a month. Will accept it at
full price on a new one any time
In one year. Salem Music Co.,
355 N. High St.
Real Old Time Dance
Dad Watson Crystal
Wed. Come.
Marriage Arranged
A marriage license, was yester
day Issued to L. A. Holman, 21. of
Vida. and Ruth E.' Gardner, 18 of
During the Removal Rale-
10 Discount on Esprit d'Ar
mour Toiletries. The Swart Spec
ialty Shop, 453 Court St.
Wanted Closed Car
Or lot as payment on a strictly
modern five room horns. Phone
Owner 794 or 134 1M, evenings.
Suit to Quiet Title
Suit to quiet title to a piece of
Marion county property has been
instituted by U. J. Hort against G.
H. Sellars and Laura A. Sellars
Hotel Marion . ,
A La Carte service in dining
92O0 Down-
Balance EXACTLY ' like rent
5 room plastered home. Older
home, in' good condition- excellent
location, paving paid. Fruit and
flowers. Walking distance to Un
iversity, State House. See 1768
Court street Vacant. Price $3350.
Becke Sc. Hendricks, 189 N. High
Dormitory Club Meets Tonight
The Y. M. C. A. dormitory men
will meet tonight in the associa
tion club room to perfect plans' for
social and athletic .activities, dur
ing the winter. ' ' 'V
r 1 i-
See the Little Golbransen
Grand . Piano. : h Fiaeat small
grand piano made. Salem Music
Co.; 355 N. High Sti'-; '
Just Received Two 1923
'ord tourings, $?S "one.. light
very, $125: one 1924 Chevro
t on ring. $125; one 1922 Ford
$145. Used Car corner.
k west Ladd & Bush.
iltor HI
C.' Marsters, local realtor, Is
tt ls home with an attack of
lensa. s ;
dt Now811S7.
lie deficit in the general; fund
he state at the dose of bust
last l Saturday " was !8li;
19, according to figures made
ie by the Btate treasurer here
a acrs and an hy owner
Fruitland Nursery
161 S. 14th St.
: j Phono 177SM )
distinctly - Correct
Boy .
CToncen 3
John J. Rctlls
Expert Shoe Fitters
w- -:ia date ex.
last night' it was said that this
deficit would be wiped out tempo
rarily next month following ' re
ceipt of the last half taxes. Based
on the average monthly receipts
and expenditures for the past two
years, the deficit will reach an
amount in excess of $1,500,000 at
the end of the current biennium,
officials Bald.
Young Jersey Cow
$60. Tel. 35F4. R. 9, Box
Boxing Salem, Armory Arena '.
Jack Dillon vs. Battling Slim,
10 rounds. Bobby Mclntyre vs.
Charlie O'Leary," 6 rounds. Eddie
Graham- vs. Mickey Dolan. SI
Flook ts: b You eg ' Union; -i Snappy
preliminaries. '- .
Gnest at Rectory - .
Miss Virginia Riel, of Prince
Rupert. B. C, is a guest at the
Catholic rectory this week where
she is Visiting her friend, Mrs.
Paul Cowgill.' Mrs. Cowgill is a
niecef Rev:' Father Buck, Cath-ollc-pastor
Five Loads 10-lnch Mill Wood
$17.60. Salem Transfer and
Fuel Co.. S95 S. High. Tel. Kit
Night 1948. '
Don't Miss Syd Chap!!
In "The Missing Link" Capitol
Newspaper Men Here
Fred Andrus and Will Carver,
Astoria newspapermen at Astoria,
visited friends in Salem Sunday.
Both worked on Salem 'papers for
merly. Dart Watson-Crystal-Garden
Houses For Rent
Five modern houses- two flats,
rent $30 to $40. Immediate potn
session on All.-.- Becke & Hen
dricks. 189 N. High street,- .-- .;
Saw Ijacerats Handi
While sawing wood last vefk. L.
II. Hams had the misfortune to cut
has hand. badly in the saw. He is
a patient at the . Salem General
hospital, g . " y- ' . . ' . :
Beck: Fined 100 .
Frank Beck, former Oregon City
hotel man, .was fined $100 in cir
cuit court there Saturday on .' a
charge of having assaulted John
Turner with a dangerous weapon.
Luper To , Inspect
Rhea Luper, state engineer, left
here today to inspect the - Fort
Vannoy and Gold Hill irrigation
districts, and the Meadows drain-,
age district. The Fort Vannoy
district irrigation, district has re
quested authority to issue, $35,-
000 of refunding-, bonds, while the
Gold Hill irrigation district has
1 i:
6, t and 10 cents per yard, Also
buttons stamping and Bleating.
Orer Miner's - Telephone lit
Three acres close in on paved
highway i! with modern house.'
F. L. Wood, 341 State St
Telephone $80 - . -JlS 8Ute 8t
Ladles' wool dressea cleaned
and pressed, $1.00 up. Men's
and Ladles' suits cleaned and
pressed $1.00. . :
Over nanlrks " "
Rewonnd and Repaired, New ot
fl : Used Motor
Thtnca CWtHcal
Ill Booth High : ' Tel. till
The Howae That
VT ;: ;
requested the certification of $15,
000 of new bonds. The applica
tions will be considered at the
next meeting of the state reclama
tion commission. . '
Just Received Twtf 102O i- .
Ford roadsters, one 1926 model
Ford touring, one 1926 model Es
sex six coach at' bargain prices.
Open evening and Sundays. Used
Car corner, Vi block west Ladd &
Korrell Declared Elected
Governor Patterson Monday Is
sued ' a proclamation declaring
Franklin F. Korrell of Portland
f the duly elected representative in
congress from be third congres
sional district. The proclamation
was issued after the secretary of
state had completed the canvass
of the vQtesjcastat the , .recent
special election held t in , Multno
mah county". ": " - '"''''.'i'-' '"
: ; ; 4- .u-...' i
Tax Ilatto , jMwtlii Homi
The. state, tax commfon today
set Ndveniber 9 ifbr' a conference
with elcmnty assessors- with rela
tion to toe .tax-rat Los lor the .year
1928. The conference will be
held in Salem. ' Governor Patter
son and other state -officials: will
attend the meeting.
Local Pair
In the presence of only Immed
iate, relatives. Rev. Martin F. Fer
rey, of the Unitarian church, last
night performed a wedding cere
mony joining in wedlock, Arthur
L. Delay and Bernice Wilson, both
of Salem.
., Sarrah E. Cross died at a local
hospital, Oct. 23. Age, 56 years.
Survived by her husband William
of Salem, and two sons. Earl L.
Farraer, of Salem, and Chas. D.
Ferraer of Kansas, her father.
Chas L. Fish of Pennsylvania.
Three sistersr Mrs. Josephine F.
Wildin of Pennsylvania, Mrs. Min-
nie B, Swanson of Wisconsin and
Mrs. Olive k Oldknow of Georgia,
'TOttferotherr. George" P. Pih Jof
Oklahoma. Funeral services will
be held Tuesday st 2 p. m., from
Webb's Funeral Parlors.
lester A.' Carey died October 24
at the age of 32 years. He was
late a resident of Independence.
Announcement of funeral will be
made-later from' the Rigdoii Mor
-Perfect' Funeral Service --.'For;
Licensed "Lady Mortician
770 Cfkemeketa' 8treei a
' Telcpbone 724
A Sunny.;;
restful and ' peaceful abode
wherein a- service " is dis
pensed that is just thought
ful and reverent to the final
.detail. :
, Webb's Funeral Parlors
Telephone ISO
. Call, phone or writs
tti N. Commarelal - lalem
.agr.-n.;fBONa, LXgr. : '' '
' S; '' Owr Uf .trorlt" has
O - been ipent la studying
VT the healing properties
. 0 ot : Chinese hsrbs and
www., .mij m m m u. , v
those snf faring from
tAm.ali If.. bM
, iiner tronbls,', rhsnma
5? tiam and gall stones,
i " also, disorders of men.
omen and ehlldren. . ' r
r Oenltattm OaO ee TTrUe
iPm. m AC U. ta f. if. -
annnnunnsansnwar MaaSMaiasMMaMssiiMMeMaBM
i At this time we take pleasure in thanking you kindly for your patron-
age and hope you will continue.' your business with the Marion Garage
Company, in the future as in the past. ' - j
! All accounts and notes will be payable to F. N. Darby, Claude Morse,
Secretary of the company, or A. J. Shumaker, Bookkeeper, at the old stand,
235 South Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon Anyone knowing themselves
indebted to the Marion Automobile Company will kindly call and settle, r v
Ttlllllllllllllllltlill'''IIMIIIIMIMMMtMIMttM MIIIIIHt
Win BuinT Jfew Home ' E -
' FDavid B. Benedict was granted
a pfrm It .yesterday to, construct,
one and" one-half story dwelling at
1035 ' daVnVtt ''street ' at 'a cost of
$3000.;- . ;u : f
Cooked Food a nc Fancy Article
" Sale Saturday, "Southern Pacific
- -
office, sons or veterans auxh
y iary. ; .: :.r
Fined For Overtime Parking
, The following paid $1 fles yes
terday for orertime parking: N.
Ferrey, H. H. Branch, Oolda Swe
gle, William A.Bond"and Merrett
E. Hart. Dana F. Sanders whs fin
ed $5 for speeding.
Usual Good Time
i Good'music. Dad Watson real
old-time dance Crystal Garden
Wednesday. '
Club to Disruas Problems
Internal affairs of its own will
be discussed by the Kiwanls club
at its luncheon today. The topic
according to the weekly bulletin
sent out to members, is "Whither
Are We Drifting?" r
O " " ' ' '"
four srr five room apartments.
f1o .in,.,- Adults. 463 -Center.
' ' rauir! rlnsrsntssd
Money refunded It It does not
ears your case
NSXSOIC HUKTbrsjgglsts
Cor. Court and Liberty ; TeL 1
When the Doctor
Milk of
Magnesia '
For , the treat-
ment bf constipa
1tfon,'' heartburn.'
' oV'-etter kindred
' allmsnts; use
!t at'J.;,,annnnnnl'
Milk of
ih-s. -v.- - Magnesia ; ;
An especially high grade
'.product ' of tall official
strength- and purity.
Highly recommended also
as an alkaline mouth wash
to protect the teeth from
erosion . by' the mouth
. acids.
; Smooth as Cream -i
Pleasant to Take
Rexall Milk of Magnesia
straightens out your stom
ach and gives yon back
your- appetite. J Sold only
at the Rexall Drug Store:
; 39c
Pcrry,i Driis Store
'115 S. Commercial '
Often you want old -Dhotoirratiha
reproduced, but -fear
Ourr rapnUtlon assure the safety and
proper rare of your picture, which we
win copy, enlarge, frame or hand color
at a price lower than tha unknown agent
ean offer.
' A
Marion Garage Go. . !
F. N. DERBY, Manager
Couple.XIarriee , ; ,.
Wesley Dlckerson, 19. yesterday
took out a license to marry Eva
M; Rice. 17. of SilvertonV'1 o)
- - . ":"v r b
Port lander Hurt r
P'en Myers of Portland was In
jured in the knee when the car in
which he was sitting whs kifvtcli
by a car driven by J. H. Scott-Ql
Salem, according to a report filed
by Scott with the county sheriff
yesterday. The accident, took
place five miles south of Wood
burn. Myers car,- Scott says, was
standing beside the road, and
Scott's car swung around and
struck it . ''
Warrant for Hernsberger
A warrant was yesterday Issued
-out of justice-court for the arrest
of a man. named Hernsberger, res
ident of Salem, who was cited to
appear in Justice: court to answer
a charge of violation of the game
law rand failed to put in an ap
pearance. He Is charged with
having killed two female China
pheasants at a time, which is one
more, than allowed iby the. law. ,
Portland Dealer JaUeo
J'tt :l!ew1s7 53 4 bran9ta ven"
:te. Portland,. Vatf yestferdiy. lodged
in , roe- coouiy ja 1 1 -w ntyi - ne proTra
unable, to prodiice a line, of V $100
which 'waS 'assessed ragalnst h,im
by ; Brzifex Snja)t; ' justlpf!'the
Ptace. rfpnoVihg:hls . convict ionon
a charge of: haying improper"; li
cense plates pn.his "car. Officers
declared that after 'the car ..had
been confiscated and placed in' a
local garage7 Le wis "attempted ;to
remove the; plates and carry, them
away 'r- 'V, .." s .
: , -V ' ..... , , , : -
Smith Gets' Contract- " ; .
i Homer 11. Stoith, local Insur
ance man, has' been successful in
i; i i in nfi.iiniLi.iii
Long and Short Distance flaulinjr
: ; public and Private Storage '
"".Freo Deliyery to any part of tha city '
QuotAlicn on AppUlfca T
' , if. (
i PAUL TRAGIJO, Prcp.: ' ' , .
Day Tele-phone 2S
entrusting - ;
i r i
landing ance slice , of . ipsuranre
business atjhe state house. All
automobiles owned ' by ' the 'state
w'ereiinsure1 last' week "with the
American' C An to mob lie I nnnTa n ce
V?t J?" SULouJfrj tThe contract
was let by bids and their bid was
$3009. Smith Is their local agent.
ta;i?".j a - -
Half Price Now
.Best pansy plants 25a dor.; $l
per 100. Baieham's Floral Gar
dens, Wallace Road. '
- " - - iV-'i
Pacific City Men Here .. j
F. R and B. L. Deals, of Pacific
City, were business visitors In Sa
lem yesterday.- They state that
fishing is exceptionally. good at
Pacific City now.
Visit Independence- Cluh
' Four members . of , the; ti local
Lions club attended the luncheon
of the Independence club yester
day. ' The'y went; there primarlly
in the interest of the Moronl-Olsen
Players, an attraction that is being
brought to Salem under the aus
pices of the local club and which
will appear at the Capitol , theater
November 1.7. v. Those who attend
ed the Independehcei club lunch
eon"" from .7iere"rere;'. ;MerHll
Ohlinr. marry V?y Scott. Cecil
SwopeaBd- nalpti'Tjletstnp.
Don't M"ihoVA'uHKn-- '!!
V Weds iilte. 7 .pi it ;F. k Wood
ry's, 1 C 1 () N Summer; St Fnrn I-
tii re and everything. .
; - r . ' i. " .m ". . ' . .
Woman 1 more efficient She
can talk f of forty. mtnji tea without
a; pltclrer;, , of '. water ;,pn a, gtan 4
near?py.-:San Francesco Cnronlcle
r - f , - 4 ..... t
tAn"6ptIm!st is anyone who be
lieves, any, p( the European nations
really wants to reduce armaments.
Philadelphia Inquirer.
' . i
Building '
It, I . I ..' .
; N!s;M TefcricTta WAi .
r r
i . -.
i'-,. i : -