K CHURCH .ORGflrJIZES AMERICA iLUTrtERAX COX. CiRKGATIOX EI.ECTS K J? Permanent organization of the American Lutheran church of this city was effected at a-meeting of the congregation held "Sunday af ternoon. The congregation voted to affiliate with the United Luth eran church in America, which Is the largest group of Lutherans in this country. Its services are con ducted almost exclusively in Eng- (luctfci am ""50 Mil prvt&jf f4lldwingf rere elected to 7eacons: Victor Schneider.: A. F. Homey- er. R. C. Arpke. J. A. Sholseth, John Dyrland. Rudolph A. libra, George Quesseth and Joseph E. Finden. The property and building now. used by the First Presbyterian church has been purchased, and possession will be had by the jrw organization April 1. In the jaeanli me. services will be held Sunday afternoons so as not to conflict with, the Presbyterian services. , ' By unanimous vote at the meet ing Sunday, a call Was extended to Rev. P. M. Erickson of Seattle, who has had extensive experience in building up congregations, and has juy?t completed a "big work in Seattle. ' ' ; All of the services of the. Amer lean Lutheran congregation are conducted in the language of the land Which many of its members chose as one affording an oppor tunity to all to worship regularly each Sunday. REBELS CSAPTURETOWNS Federal Defeats Ity SrronIjf Armed In NOGALES". Arfzona.-'Ocff M.- AP)' Dispatcher to the HeraM tonight relate the capture yester d.iv of two small towns in" the state of Hidalgo, Mexico, by rebr- i el bands after battles with federal ps. rebel band of approximately hundred well armed and nted men took possession - of iithe Tahaalica after a short but sharp clash with a small group of federal troops. Santo Incia shar ed the same fate, Na death toll was mentioned in the reports." OLD JAP PRINCESSDIES Tonhlko Foshhnl PaAsea Away at Advanced Age of 70 . LONDON, Oct. 25. (AP) An Exchange Telegraph dispatch from Tokyo says that Princess Toshiko Fushiml, consort of the late Prince Sadanaru, died today at tha age of 70. ! The emaeror has cancelled the Tovktor of the Japanese fleet shiynled for October 30, and re turned to the capital. Airlk Hearing December 1 Hearing of the application! of the Southern Pacific company for permission to abandon 28 mjiles f the Air lie branch in Polk coun- has been set k for December 1 at Dallas. Tne Hearing win fie Id by the Oregon public seTvice umfjiission at the request" of the interstate commerce, oo'mmisison. The petition of the railroad com pany is being opposed try residents of .Ionmouth which is the loca tion of the state normal school. . . WIPER TO HEAD SCOUT COUNCIL; REORGANIZE (Gontlmied from Page One) - - J " and qn the basis of its benefits to the physical. mentifel afld triotfal life f boys over f2 oyarejOf 4age, ninire throwing their support to it aat never before, jjeclared Mr. otrtearer. . t i? , ' . tf? "There's a fiifaiidvkrf; for very boy in scout workorLi$k it-.varfs . the thrjll in a. movie "-tor itnessng a ibotball game.' . Mr. Oberteuffer came to Sal m last night at the request of President Campbell to outline the out movement and stir up inter est for the re-organization of the oiim-il which has been practical- y inactive in the past summer. 4 ' rm CONDUCTS TEAPOT DOME LEASE IN PERSON (Continued from Page One) . BU B. Eddy, another witness had tld Fall that all .the claims had b'n'ctysedpuL The final let ter ojOuhf notrbe. found in the tiles but jfalpwas quoted by this wlt n.'ssjas faying', had ho doubt it had -been; misplaced. ThenTall nianattr:buted'to the former cab inet Wttcet.-af statement that he was aooStlrig iat the matter from the ?andpolnt ' ' of a cautious lawyir'Vah ', was apprehensive that the claims might come Into the possession of "unscrupulous persons' who might use them to the disadvantage of the govern ment. ArthorW. Ambrose, one time etrolearlkhnoloeist in- the ' In terior;, plrtment. testified Fall calljm In-; told him Sinclair had made an'offer for leasing Tea- J)Ot Dnmv IntxJ.i i . V ,v" '"HumOTl Dim' IU oierator and-his attorney,. the n'aip w. zevly. and directed him io prepare a lease. . JReferred to Fa!I bliiwUy i First negotiations (Fall's office,, then nvapMif m y. -, -1 finally "Were Tshrfted-over - to- Zer ly's office where, the lease was whipped" Into. !Jnal faxin.rAm trross said he never consulted rhy lawyers in; the interior department aooai me tease, renerrmg au ques tions to Fall directly. Ambrose was present when Fall and I Sinclair attached their signa tures to the lease, but he did not see Sinclair deliver to Fall any or the quit claim deeds he ob tained from the Pioneer company or other claimants and for which he was to have paid more than one ; million dollars, had the gov eminent not stepped in to termin ate jthe lease through court ac tionL Throughout the negotiating of the contract, Ambrose treated the whole matter as confidential. WASHINGTON. Oct. 24.-WAP) f A. long drawn out and bitter le gal battle with Albert B. Fall's possible coarse ft matter of wide speculation, is developing in the oil conspiracy trial In the District at Columbia supreme court. Those following the hearing growing out of the lease of Tea pot1 Dome to Harry F. Sinclair would not be surprised if Fall should undertake another dram atic move such as that in midweek when he appealed to Justice Sid dons to admit evidence which he said was "vital" to hlg defense. Whether Fall will elect to take the 'witness stand irrespective of advice of his counsel is one ques tion generally discussed. Counsel for 'the former interior secretary declare that the question of their client testifying has not been de termined. Fall,, who la In poor health, has been nervous since the beginning of the trial last Monday and has had : apparent difficulty in sitting Quietly throught.. the sharp en counters between , counsel and the 1 hearing oftestimony. Sinclair's deraeanor has been In rattier aip contrast. ' He has dis played little nervousness; has fol lowed every move in the case with the 'greatest attention, and fre quently has 'volunteered sugges tions to his counsel. He has not decided whether he will take the stand. Government oil counsel hope to force both of the defendants to the witness chair and with that end in view they have been suc cessful in excluding on cross ex amination evidence which they hold Fall Is the moet competent person to give to the court and Jury. MRS. LOCKW00D TRIAL , BEGUN IN COURT HERE (Continued from Page One) Bhe left the Marion hotel at about 9 p. m. and started home, going east on State street. It will be shown, Bernard in sisted, that she was perfectly free from the effects of Intoxicants and that owing to converging lights at the place at which the accident occurred, and a defect in her car which was bothering her at the time, she ran into gawyer, who Stomach Troubles Headache and Dizziness YOUR DRUGGIST ; i SAYS t Stubborn Indigestion. Ou and Acid iKtomach (Acidosis) Must Oo Or Toor Money Back HmA this tinrrn tory and yoa cn b ord of quirk relief. Thousands hate, found this to be a lasting benfit to thir grncral health. Why bother with townd ely temporary in-torn "when V ow r of 8M1TMS I !f DIOKSTIOV RKf.TKF!; -cArnxf gas, haartbarn, and ya-J prpftia speeiiyvr diMipprar. ; .No saji or woman an ot indKtiuu witn t"(i- nxla or' Btghokia beeansa tby gir nly ' a wak and -'twrwmrarv rflii-f SMITH'S (, t.-JM is the modern way to rambat indition and tca disturfar anfrM. And why.'kfiould any man or wo man goffer anothvv hnr with s, ind geatibn or ';tm& , ain, when tha remedy that doei tlir mKt rood and c-ivM troiftjit resnlta ran M.pasOy prororedart ny Arng storo for 9t,O0 special price. Smith's Indigestion M , Relief . Demand SMITH'S Yoa WSU sever be satisfied with anythina; . else. Avoid substitutes. . Try rear draggiat first. Broken Peppermint Sticks . ! t . ' I Fresh from Portland Hegular Price 35c a lb. FOR SATURDAT ONLY - f 18c a lb. , T Two lbs. for OTcf3 We reserve the right to limit quantities '-'i ' I Only at ' ' Schaefer's Drtr;a storb " i 135 . North Commercial. St. ."j y :r Phonal97 1 ; ' i ' Penslir Agency -A Original Yello w Front THE. OREGON CTATESlIANgALESI OREGONf J-wa:'jay-'wlWjig' ad-HBo4Wlth- The Jury- left the courtroom long n0Oga tot .inspect the scene of the accident -hear the southeast corner of th county court house grounds, . The first witness to be put on the stand by District Attorney Car son was Hugh G. Fisher, deputy county surveyor, who showed a chart to the jury demonstrating the two streets. State and Church, at the point where they intersect. This is he place where the acci dent is said Xo have occurred,, and it is expected that the exact place where; Sawyer happened to be at the time he was struck will have much to do with the way the case is finally decided. usher was cross examined by John Collier for the defense, ;wbo asaed particularly about the di mensions of the two streets and and width of the strip marked off for pedestrians at the east side of Church street across State street. The second witness was Miss Maude Williamson. Sawyer's aunt who reared him from childhood. and who lives near Wheatland. Members of the jury as well as the crowd smiled appreciatively as a few questions put by Carson in advertantly tended to bring out the woman's age. "How long , have you lived at Wheatland?" Carson wanted to know. Instead of answering immediate ly with the number of years, Miss Williamson answered "All but three years of my life. "And that would be how long?" There was a second's hesitation. and then, "Fifty one years," ; she said. ' 4 Miss Williamson Droduced a let ter and-a lock ofhafT.1, The letter she said was found' on" Sawvers body at :the time he'was'flled. wtf.. a3 rpedestriantotheTwlse hei wdUld not have been struck 4 ' - I? It Exceptional efficiency of MONARCH electric ovens is due to the use of "abeteeel insulationlin the oven walls, which stores all the heat obtained from the oven burners within the oven itself, this being lined with rust proof iscavy uaef;het;aJnminum. The oven automatic yent, assuring proper operation, eliminating excessive' moisture. ' Thi pveofieat indicator, standard equipment on all ranges, assures' pferfect : ;,;? baking results. t , ' ' ' -; l ' ' aaBtepMSyfei'iHMhn L- yft3gjj Jjlj 1S" j jfc r ' " ' i sin. ii ' ; i .. ' II . electric is equipped with the most v 1 ' : - . U ronvmlent typin of rerlprooating '"I ,T . ' It' wlrehes, tho'destredMieat belnse I . , .: " ertsily r btalnrti !;' ttv tnrnlns thU I M i -j twitch ' In - eltbe 4freettoti.-. Each 1 ' ' 2 ! - u - borner U Individually fused And con- 1 fe.. venlently located. 1 n - 71 " ' ydtTR OI-p RANGE Laeer :-evldne - tended -to-.shwJOB -oftbfcs peBdia4he-arr4vai of that : he . was on . the way to . the postof Hem ttaai! the Jfitter.-mhamJ Hie fatal ticctdent took .plaee The lofk of hair-she. identlfled-as'ihjivj tag been cut from; Sawyer's head.fme-vlewswheiJ lia . returns fon Both were" introduced in evidence by the state, Mrs. Bertha Compton, Sawyer's landlady, was placed on t tie stand as the last witness to testify be fore court adjourned for the day. She testified that Sawyer left her house at about S:45or the eve ning ofWiis death, that he had a letter with him and that to mall the letter at the postoffice it would be necessary ifor him to cross State street. Circuit Judge Percy R. Kelly s presiding at the trial. NORRIS' NAME BROUGHT UP BY SENATORS GROUP (Continued from PageOne) & v. ' r -'V den to Norris?" i While not commeniinr Hpon the candidacy of Lowden, Senator Borah said he fully realid tbi? movement for 7 Senator Xerris would cut into the strength of tlw former governor from Illinois. Meanwhile beyond acceding to the movement for him in his own state. Senator Norris has made no announcement of his candidacy nor has the conference decided whether to go into other fields in hfs support. In fact. Senator Mc Master, of South Dakota, who Joined the groirp todayi said Nor ris is only ore of several candi dates under consideration by the west, which he declared was more Interested In farm reiief and cause than-ln oiefe-. , . ,: ,,8tin lacking a solution of the farm relief nroblem. fnvolvfne o- ppsite views on th rotirrovferfiai j equalization fee provision of the vetoed - M-eXary-Haugen bill, the j conference postponed considers-1 CALL Mail TUjEsiltitfORNIN-(XTOBER 25. 1927 others-western senatprs. Hop U Held- oak "tfcWO feeaalpir aiary' f jcnairmaas.r jtne ag- ricultflre committee, rflar have farntr relief legislation affording aiors to united, senator Boran has opposed the equalization fee as ineonstUutional and around this etumbfing bjock the conference of the independent group has split so far. ; : "We are interested in the pres idency," the statement-issued by the six senators after their' con ference'' today saJd, 'asd are fdis-' eussUng matters relating to -thai satxject. We are intere&te In farm relief and we are discussing hit; matters relating to farm re lief. , We are not attempting in the absence of many western sen ators to reach conclusions.' There to) no disagreement as to our ptii s and purposes, but as to de- Uails we will endeavor to reach conclusions when more of our f riends are here." '; The agricultural discussion was declared to Jiave centered about frerght rate and credit problems. Details of a definite farm pro gram were avoided. ' MURDER TRIAL JURY CHOSEN, PRIEST CASE (Continued from Page One) . Curtiss, Dallas: and Mr. Soehern. William W. liar cam be, district attorney of Polk county, in charge of the prosecution, and Walter S. Winsiow, , counsel for the defen dant, quest ioned . prospective ur--ors thoroughly and , eacjiexerc-, ed almost the irait of peremfrtory challenge. Th,el( state's, attorney appeared to., favor elderly Jurors, ' In hs ope.njnjs statement. to, the Jury tomorrow, pistrict Attorney Harcombe will ask the.de.ath Pjenrj IT-; tnn TODAY .eaMe .omiistiraooB 1 feplil; s:-: A MONARCH ELECTRIC RANGE FOR EVERY HOME; YOU ARE INVITED TO CALL AND LET THE FACTORY DEMONSTRATORS SHOW THE MANY SUPERIOR FEA TURES OF THE MONARCH ELECTRIC. is also equipped with an 'T v.a,l u a b 1 e aluminum cooking set worth $12.00 - will be given with each range Sold! during this demonstration- -Get yonrs' now. - - i' r av asaaw . y- m . a . m i m aaaa s jbbb w m TT akyizfe nesses to the tragedy; irill.he.caH-; led to testify as to iwhaf crrHr: - The, defense counsel probably will , rely upon the testimony of Mrs. Priest, the defendant wtf e, f who. it is said, will testify tiatf Mr. Werline, endeavored, to Jiare intimate relations wflh'rner; nd that her husband was justified in shooting the man for that reason. On request- of Arthur K. Mo McMaha'n of Albany, associaited with District Attorney Harcombe in the prosecution. Judge Walker ruled that the jury might view the preniises'tan yhicb. the killing took place." This w ft! be done im mediately lifter court convenes at 9 i. m. tomorrow. Judge Walker and the cohrt reporter will accom pany the Jury. : fr "i The Werline ranch, where the tragedy occurred ,1 rs IS miles from Dallas, southeast of Indepen dence, .and it is probable that the entire forenoon will be consumed in viewing the premises. The jurymen were allowed to go to their homes after instruc tion by the court not to discuss the case or read any account of it In the newspapers. j, , . Most of the witnesses subpoen aed to testify at the trial were hop pickers at, the yard when the shooting occurred. As,.'', the hop pickers usually -lure of anitinerant cla5a, It was necessary to trans port some of th,em :fromv long dis tances for ' i&e- trial. The trial, originally set for. two weeks ago, was postponed so that an impor tant witness could be located. The defendant Priest sat thru th,e questioning of jurors yester; day seehijngly ,with great, interest!. Now. and then he leaned over and held whispered, consultation with his attorney. .PriesJs of a heavy build, t and appeals,; tx, be. .much younger than the. ,58 years Jie is said tobe, . His iface is- smooth "TtTtTT And see the ' . I . - ''.-..-.... c cwicicncy oi aiuLWAttuti raaiant type burners is due lo the Use of the ;n . highest grade of electrical wire obtainable. AH of . the heati f rom these ',4 "-"' burners is concentrated' on the ers is concentrated' on the ea AmomNT neat -resisting block placed below the, element preventaMn i, iilt.t all downward radiation. The entire unit is also encasedjn.a mVtaIfjfeeepi','f tacle. EnfrnhArnvrid tnrurtiUAfnr- m ntin rfsi 11' ' tacle. Eactobnhrer Jfi frudrantedfor one vear against merltatnienl HpiNfY ' ' 1 ' "'-' u t I laiaomewhatjcadM pearance as result of confinement, was t catniitf rpajfhout a nd evinced no nervousness. Sheriff Hooker'tat beside him during the rr JaliJl P,) ' i U JMrsj Meaai appeared for the af ternoon: session. taking' a . seat alone In the rear of the court room, j She was heavily veiled. She may be called to testify tomorrow afternoon. While Mr, Priest has been confined in the Marion coun ty jail she has lived "inVSalem to be near her 'husband. The j circumstances of the kill ing which have come out to date, were that Werline was shot, fatal ly, following at conversation which took .place ati the Werline hop kcamp between the two men. PTiest was in; an auto and Werline had been standing beside it, . He died without? making a ; stafement. Priest,) who gave, himself "up' im mediately after the . ehootlnig, stated jlhat Werline ha3 been over y familiar with- his, wife.. ' ' , The prominence of Werline and FURNITURE AUCTION SALE Thursday; October 27th - , i:3p;p. M. . J 1950 South Cottage St. 'J-' Beds, rnga, dressers, sanitary couch; 1 cabinet, Vic trola, watottt finish, with records: and many ether things.- ...: wayne uonat. Owner H. P. .Woodry. & , !Uash for HUsedFarnItutje 1' V a' --i bottom of the kinty-ntensihl''.Th,ff''mttiiitJd . i"h"" bottom of the cooking utensils. 4' At iffii -' im-"i.. IjynjKJBlllililiiiniiiiiimiiiiiiiuiimiiiiiiin ' ' ' Hl"m L-!iiiiii.ii. i. ' Another important f eater on MON ARCH Electric Ranges is tbe spec ially designed oven door" handle which is so constructed as to make the oven practically air tight, . in creasing the efficiency of the oven by preventing heat loss. : i : SOLD 01T EASY II01TTHLY . PAYIIEITTS ges- made by the . defendant have combined to' arouse pby iJfrest.? t f The coartfooni today J'. pearly 3 . full of 1peopte:and.the wpebing.cf,, , testimony tomorrow ls expected. t draw k'cTtrsrd wbieht will pverflow J m IF YOTJget up many times atnisht byj , reason of Bladder TriW havtj Stop,Getniij Up pains fa back, weakness or dizhcsil general debility, painful, kmarting ana ' ' difficult urination, lack of control of " " urmeor symptoms of jprostate trouble, -.! try PALMO.GLQBtEes. This 1, roarkable treatment has been used tuo-t , cessf ully by thoosands. So eonfident' ' that it will succeed, we will send a triali " treatment ABSOU?5RELY FREE toi " -any suffearwbo has never and its iix oougawon or cost. Write today. . THB PALMO COUPJlin' " '"ep. 0000 - t-gi, " , Consisting nf -.- .1. Son. Auetioneera I .'I'' . 4 v The i na-tent- , . ifii . ' .1. ' If. ' SIT 1. i taBaaaBkssMa 1 1. . I 'tin y.x l,'ll.,tr, III , 1 1 i-:-. 4xi 1 . I -r .11 'l.t A ...it V lam. 1 1? j e-lWWbrarj la the, next room and Mr nvr- ar Tnk!4ah!lKaa-