- -SrfSnnri Trf ' "k nnitiWi tit fmt ii ir H "' . rf r 1 v- TUP OTPrtOV 5TATtUN.SAmt0nEG0N SUNDAY flfORNt NG, CECTO&fift -23, 1627 JIUSKIESWIfJMft iVASIIIiieilSIAl! ' STADIUM SEATTLE, Qct.2 7:7 f AP) The TJnirerslty of Wash ington Huskies galled the clavn ot the Washington ' State Cou'sar. In closely- fought football con test here today, aaoexf ng "the mythical state title and the long end of a t4 to 0 eeore., .. "i Twice duKng the 3iar raising ' second "period. the Cougars brought the ball to within 3 yards of the Husky goal line but bumped Into a itolld -wall on both occa toftS. . The gun. stopped further efforts to put -the1 leather orer after the Cougars had buckedhp line twice for losses on the second scoring chance. ,vv Tn the early, minutes of the in r'tli period, after 'twovl5 yard passes, and pmaah'ng line bucks. Chuck Carroll. Washington half back, leaped orer the line for the first Huskj score.,. '. - . The Huskies marched down the field 'iTryiards In irfne downs -to the Cougar one yard - tine, and with one minute left in the third period. Carroll ,hot -orer or .tha other Husky score. v Captain Pat Wilson -converted both tries, for , poPnte-iwlth beautitully executed '.boota. ;.-; ". : ;k;V. i w.Carroirand .Louis Tesreau' car ried; the ball throughout. t& steady procession of Ihe Huskies making gains of five and 12 yards at each attempt. . The Hasky line opened great boles for the flying backs almost at will. Btttch; Meeker., cllminuUTe .and chubby Cougar etar quarterback, excelled' in .'returning the purple and old "punts, requiring the ser Tlceaof four or fire Husky tack ier i to bring him , to .the : ground. Lineup and summary": -r" " WASHINGTON ( 1 4 ) W. S. C. ( 0 ) Schuh , . llrks ..... Huxta .. . . .- Bonamy . v . Wright .... Broz - . . . Douglas'. . . . Gehajn . . . Carrol ...... Tesreau- . Wilson" . . . . ' Score; -Washington Wt 5. C. : - a 1 ' t 1 1 1 . . . .C.. . . . . 1 Bt . .Taylor . . ". Dressel . ... . Jenne . . Graham . .Hapson . Speide) . .Parkhill .qb. . . . Meeker (c) .lh ...... Horan . . . rb'. . .(e)fb.. . .Rohwer Gustaf son 7 0 , 7 014 0 0 0 0 0 Washngton's scoring: riT9uch dawits, Carroll 8; Points from try after touchdown. Wilson -2. ' " Referee. Vamell. CbicAgbIJ.m--pire,? Morris Seattle; Head lines man Huntington. Oregon; field judge,. Haebel. Michigan- STAF.F0RD RED BEATS j i OREGON , STATE TEAM i (Continued from 'Page" One) "... - ' i - , . . .- - - . " 4 .yard line " and In five consecu tive first downs took the. ball qver the goal line. Wilton and Hfll fig ured in the march but f Hoffman's great! gain ' through" " tackle and center were cbJalked up . with deadly consistency.- -i lt Gain on Long Pass The Cardinals scored..: against the very beginning of- tke second quarter , when Hoffman tossed a pass- to j Preston, end, for a , X yard gain. On the next play with the hall t on the Oregon Aggie, 14 yardline, JHU1 leklrtedMhrough tackle for the score miib the elus Iveness Of an antelope. Hoffman's deadly' kicking added a point to the score. .;,.'';' ; Dick HyUnd, ripe'edy litUe Car dinal half back, paved the way for the final ; touchdown when . he . In; tercepted a pass deep in hlwn territory, , and raced 15' yards to the state college 40, yard line. - X V'.Slma .Takes tfoW ' Then another Stanford march begaa which placed, the ball over ui GffiniEG san ; ;' FRANCISCO I ROUND TOIP $29.70 1 (Oakland, Sacramento) DrpUgm iU. , : ? M A" l . Is30 10:10 a. m. 7:20 p. m. SAfTT assured -the Pickwick wayrwlth finest type, coaches, best: terminal facilities; 'most' dally schedalea. Stop-overs allowed- trunks, al: baggage carefully handled. .- -f See snowy Cascades. Mt. Shas ta, rich Sacramento Valley from deep-cushioned reclining, chair. Our 'agent1 will lxelpr t;ian "font trIpiiiAi raervatlon give trarel information. ' , . Los Angeles S 27.35 R.T. S50.20 San Diego $30.65 IUT. 5f.20 4 1 the goal line. Bob Sims, half back. was the brilliant ball carrier that last, dash. ,- He , skirted end and broke .febrough, tackle until the staters were against their own goal line. On the final play he crashed, ;throusa tackle for the touchdown. , i , hevhigb, llgbjt t of the gam, came as long shadows were creep ing; over the stadium. 'With - a mighty flare of ofiensive strength, the Oregon team . swept the ball down theulleid from . out of the shadow of their own goal posts in the . most sustained, drive they had made- In,. -the . contest. .'-The march' was temporarily halted' but the Afcgie score was not to be de nied. Metten.t'half back, recover ed a Stanford fumble on the Car dinal one yard line. Maple, quar terback threw a short pass to Scort, ialf. for the Oregonians' only sctoreJ . Maple Elusive Runner .Brilliant, runs, thrilling passes, punting -well above the -ordinary and ideal weather pleased the crowded sections of the stands. Little Howard Maple, Oregon state quarterback and safety mar ran; , bsck .punis lime auer nm for, 15-to 2S yards, "breaking tfiri the field of tacklers with reckles: abandon. v . No ,lesaiOit.''-dtog was tht powerful grounl giri n 3 of Blfi Hoffman, Stanford fullback, and eiq shifty running of Wilton, Sims yfand and Frentthrup, Stanford halves. 1 Oregon State college the name adopted by tbe faculty, students. and. alumni, in preference to Ore gon Agricultural college was completely outclassed by the Car dinals, despite the brilliant mo ments In their offense and de- The line-up and summary: Stanford (20) Oregon State (6) Preston . le Robbing Sellman .J..;lC L Luce Post . Ig Badley McCreery je, Geddes tlQbesky, rg. Eliers Freeman t.rt Schell DjaVitdsbn re Logan Lewis :jg Maple Wilton lh G. Scott Hill .;.;..:.. rli Whltlock Hoffman f Gilmore Score by periods: Oregon : State 0 0- 0,0 6 -7 0 '726 0 0 6 6 Touchdowns: Stanford : 6 Oregon State 0 Stanford scoring: Hoffman, Hill, Sims (substitute for Hill). Point for try after touchdown :j Hoffman 2-.? Oregon state college scoring: Scott. Officials: Robert Evans. Ran Pranclsca; referee; Mulligan, Spo kane, umpire; J. C. Cave, Stock ton, field Judge;. Tom Loutitt, Portland, head linesman. M16BHT80.C. 'Sf E'M'O'R'l "A t STADIUM, BERKELEY, Cal., Oct. 22. (AP) A flighting CalifornSa eleven, rising to heights remindful of the great wonder team of years ago, lent -be- San Frandsco Olympic club down to a stunning 21 to 0 defeat, today. While 30,000 persons watched, the Bears ibombarded their rivals fromthe.fvlr. nndiibattered them ibn.- the Use 4o crach' Qverrtwice tor touchdowns dn the second pe riod and again in the third, Virtually a second string line up bearing down in the pinches and seising' , every ; opportunity, outfought' the" aH4tar club team from, starkjo, tinfeb. 1 The reserves Kaving their day while the varsity rested, tore the cluh.i line vi to shreds.' rushed the backf!eld;'CDmpbsed "of 'stars such as Morton Kaer and "Cowboy" Nick Kutsch and completed the rout with. as decisive a victory as anT tbissea-son, T-.0 , I ;.OnJyt' Kntsch in tbe baekfleld andiYtfdeirien th4ine cbwld show effectively against the eavage rushes of the Bears. i . BALL STAR PASSES J S A14 &NTONIO. Texas. Oct. 22. AP). Ross Young. former putftolA star of the New York Giants, died here tonight. Oregon , 'I ' j i Aiv'' CALIFOR TO OUR SALEM PATRONS & FRIENDS . . rTheif ollowing; figures areubraitted for your consideration: ASSETS: ASSETS: . . , i " SURPLUS: SURPLUS: INSURANCE IN FORCE: t, H v The ASSOCIATION Is ; . See its for rates on you? 'next FIRE.or .UTO Jnsurance, OREGON sllEBiTSiii BV 10 TO C SCORE NFW HAVE2S , Conn., Oct. 2 2. -f-(AP) The battle of the Jones es was won by Tad and Yale today when Biff and the Army went down to a 10 to 6 defeat that left little doubt that the better team won. The argument between the Jones boys was . brought byer from last year when' the Army team coached by Captain L. M. Jones routed Yale, under the per vonal , direction of Coach. T. A. ,D. Jones, 33 to 0. ' Today's game was nothing like that of last season. The Ellis were off in front with touchdown in tne first period when the game was not many minutes old and they added a sensational field goal in the third before Army could count. ' ) Army l:ad w-me great chataces clorp rinally scoring a touchdown a the final period. The West oint boys droveHhe ball to with q inches of the Yale goal line in he second period, when the ad . . ance was stopped a foot i from '.he goal line. The saying that op portunity knocks but once .was disproved, when army came Charging right back only to be halted on Yale's 17 yard line, i Bruce . Caldwell, the Yale back field ace, figured in all the Yale scoring plays. MANY FIGHTERS WORK OUT HERE The gymnasium at the Salem armory was taxed yesterday after- jioon when about a dozen fighters figuring largely on cards in Sal em and the Willamette valley worked out together. 4 Matchmaker Plant, has invited several good boxers to make Sal em their headquarters and he has a greater string even this ear ly in the season than he had last year. . Among those jumping the rope, Shadow boxing, bag punching, and milling about were Phil Rayes, Eddie Graham, Ted-Fox. Bobby Mclntyre, Shadow Grets, and Jack Dillon, the latter one of the main event fighters on the next card. : Eddie Graham is a youthful boxer with a teasing left and a smashing right ho Is coming right along in the fistic world. With only five fights behind hlmfe he has a record of three knock Outs in a row. Most of the boys he has met have been inexperienced, and he faces a real test Wednes day night against Mickey Dolan. wno has been in the game much longer than Graham, if Eddie shows tbe same stuff against Dol an In other bouts here, he should be a great drawing card in Cali BIS and rta anrl fad are . I - WrrKdUT CHANQC OF DIST what's: more yo(i can, baveiiV .'' mm W L ts j Mm VaA PhWcikn. For Tears I bare ; stoeaanxed in w. thflouiuu With excessive nesn, k prescnoc iox . . ' la be improve! a. wellaa ; their, wejght uc4 joa tke advanttge 4 my great offer? . w - : - y- $ y I'lMfBEl TRIAL TRSATKtMT Alkt VALUABLE BOOKLET f t wta Know from actual experience that hdned thousands of others, iceaa i.v n vmua im- I kt tot H pemm fa m i-jmR ol your ittlt iiir mtm to h tB ia bt U W 1 do sow." lUmJ S. Sons writetr a fa 70 iiuuiiil aa a rantt ( ukJaf your ticataeU Ftori kMtar i ewry wy. , I caa now uka loaf walk without Waaaiaa tw4 o. akoct aTbnata. I taaak nm wj aiuca tor wmat Always renbertHSt-fat 1 dangeroua. Your veryiufe UJthreattd by excess flesh. Get rfd of that Jet now. YouH feel better, look better and Hve longer, wnte ncrw, ttiis pefj,OT43 Kxvm E)R. R. NElr,! State of H. Y. 4 Fire Relief Association McMinnvillc, Oregon - September 30, 1327 September 30, 192G September 30, 1927 September 301926 September 301027 September 30, 1926 i1 operated solely for benefit of FIRE RELIEF ASSOCIATION., By STANDLEV & FOLEY, Agents, ; ; Bush Bank Building Phone 347 fornia, wbea Ph(l Bayes. his man ager, takes him south next month. ; Salem fana will be: 'glad'- to know that the gentleman boxer. Shadow Gretz", is back In training after a year spent selling' a mo rn obiles. TherShadoyr , bTpke hi? right hand la.ye'ar.nJiui earnest attempt to knock George Dixon, the negrp. fprt a count Inthq Ars round 'of a fouV round miil. CreVi stayed with the fight j. until the finish, but "he smashed the and up so badly that It took a long time to heal.GreU tsgoing';.tbrii his. paces at. the arraary' daily' in preparation 'for 'V' future 'Safein card. He probably will be ueed a week from Wednesday. "??lf l " STRAIGHT RAM t BEATS MONTANA ilOSCOW, Idaho, Oct. 22.-- (AP) The Montana Grizzlies at tempted an aerial game in their annual 'football contest with the Idaho Vandals here this afternoon and were defeated 42 to 6, with straight football. . . . ' Tne Vandals' scored a touch down in each of the first three periods, and in the fourth made three more. The extra point was added in each instance. Montana scored t her single touchdown in the third period and failed to con vert. ; ' ' Trrln ttulvuHtui n lft "'Half v . iZrZ Z"rvv;.t9l--r"1'' . ". - - . , '! - six toue&downs. Davis carried over tne Montana score, but Kain and uhinske were the most conven ient ground gainers for the Grizz lies, and the only Montanans who were able m penetrate the Van dal defense. Four of Montana's passes wjere I Intercepted, while but three of the seven passes undertaken by dahol failed. The Vandals, relied almost entirely on line bucks, essaying few end runs during the game. PRINCETON TIGER BEATS CORNELL ITHACA, N. Y., Oct. 22. (AP) Flashing an attack of brilliant power and versatility, featured by the thrusts of a 175. pound sopho more . halfback,' " Ed. ' Wiltmer, Princeton scored a thrilling vie-J these ancient rivals in twenty years. Throughout most of the last two periods, Princeton carried the fight into Cornell territory, set tling the issue with a spectacular 75 yard advance to score in the fourth period. Except for a IS yard pass by Baruch to Mqeser; most of this distance was gained by Wittmer but Miles plunged the four yards, tljat ,jut the baU be- hind Cornell's goal line for a third! t rtn rS rlnvn f FacMoimaMo mortal enemies. You can't be stylish and fleshy. The two don't, go togetl&r But there is no need to be sSout. Ydu can hae ' h alenr&r fiktfa wrAcKftsriion aemandsl and i i v wv.-t.. v. OR tWHECtSSABfY m men Him' 'women omvuwcBai w H""1 S T7.1-'. .. . . .L., 4k. .MP.l lu.U1l ray treatment-Jfill Ijelp you it bas wna a xew Bero v - it U MMnl mi it radyen. ix docs tot as rm My ndaccd pooad a day and tod &ae Mas. Aitka. Scbtkidt mwHu r,". wf&i 17S Doaaoa Aatore I atartad yoor toealawat am! I sow wrigh lit pooada. Yoa (aay priat 634307.68 " 8i,715.65 GAIN $ . 27585.81 -Aj.. -220,790.88 ' 64,494.93 GAIN $ior9,7gbo;;"r,r 97.971,746.00 4,008,034.00 Gain r 1 its Policy holders. AT THE Gloria Swanson . in , 'The Love of Sunya' .... - I m j- h r CADI Y UUHnRPn nRnWW I. ..r .. . J . Great Floods Sweep Valley in Mexico; Damage Great MEXICO CITY, Oct. 22. (AP) Nearly a hundred persons are believed to hare been drowned in the, villages 'throughout the val lav nf the Orilalva river in the I state of Tabasco . owing to the floods, dispatches from Villaher mosa, capital of the state, report. This river has overflowed a large area, flooding the farmlands and a dozen " towns and villages. The losses are estimated at (some mil lions of; pesos) . The waters are subsiding "and villagers and farmers who took refuge on the highlands are turn ing, only to find in many cases that their homes, usually small unstable structures, have crum bled under the flood or washed away TRANSIENT DIES UNULH PILOT OF FAST TRAIN ' (Continued from Page One) build, with dark curly hair, and was dressed in a nearly new gray suit, but wore two colored , hand kerchiefs Knotted . about his neck and had about two days' beard on his face. Cq pflti PASSES AWAY vULCWlHW rAddCd HuH I I " ' Father of Ralph Coleman of O. A, , .C. Dies at Xewport NEWPORT. Ore., Oct. 22. (AP) P- L. Coleman, 57. princi pal of the Newport public schools, died here today. He was. a former instructor in the Canby schools. and had been here lor several years. He was a member of the Masonic lodge of Newport and of the Elks lodge of Albany. ;The funeral will be held Mon day at 2 o'clock from the Presbv ?n ehnT.ch here' Mr Coleman l survived by four grown chil- i This Vi . 1 k ' . "'"'7 Special EASY TERMS . v TOE SEALY MATTRESS .CAN BE' BOUGHT FROM ; OUR ALBANY . OR SILVERTON STORES AT.TOIS SPECIAL PRICE. CfcSINORE 4 . 1 . ' P Uren, Ralph Coleman, instructor of athIetlca at 0regon state lege; Glen, Edward ' of daughter, Newport. living in 'Marshfl Oakland, CaL, ai Emma Coleman ATTEMPTS TO KILL S Mrs. Marguerite Jenson Bew to Have Taken Poison LOS ANGELES, Oct. 22. Mrs. Marguerite JensenJ wife of Martin Jensen, whof second place in the" recent trans-Pacific air flight to Hd lu. was taken to an emerl hospital here late today sut from poisoning. Investigating officers ren that she apparently had attea to end her life, but Mrs. Jd recovering partially, denied tion of suicide and declare accidentally took an overdo steep producing drugs. After receiving emergency ment Mrs. Jensen was pronoi out of danger and ordered moved to a private hospital t physician for convalescene. will be able to return to her within a short time, her phys said. GOXZAGA LOSES BUTTE, Mont., Oct. 22. Mount St. Charles collegd Helena shattered the football here today by defeating the fvored Gonzaga university eld 21 to 0. It was a battle of bre and the team with the most f got the breaks. CHICAGO 13; PKNX 7 STAGG FIELD, CHICAGO. 4 2 2. (A P) Chicago defea! Pennsylvania 13 to 7 before a 900 spectators on Stagg field aay gooring- ine rirst victory o tne JJen Franklin's In 29 ye during wnich time seven gsM were played. 1 , ; SEALY TUFTLESS EXTENDED MONDAY AND TUESDAY 'td S - ' ... FOR 395 . is a $55 value, .Buy now, as; BOIMffillK IN UTO 1 Extensive Automotive Busi ness Taker Over. Con sideration $20,000 The Marion . Auto company which 1 started business in 1918 under direction of George Halvor sen was purchased Friday by Wal lace will continue the Automobile business at the same location un der the firm name of Marion Gar age company. A definite organization will be formulated in a few days, but the present staff of employes will be retained throughout. Mr. Bone- steele is the sole owner. The building is still owned by the .Marion auto company but it has been leased to Mr. Bonenteele. . The new, owper. -will retain the Studebaker automobile agency, and all service departments will continue as usual with night and day service. It is Intended to build up a ser vice superior to any in the field at present for repairing, greasing and equipping cars. The Marion auto, company .was Incorporated in 19 19, -one yearaf- ter starting business. It was pur Anouncemeut MATTRESS SALE this is Scaly!a. third and chased from . Mr. Halvorsen by George Griffith, preeident; and Claude Morse, secretary. Other stockholders were Albert - Smith. TV Ralph Tbompsoa, and Otto PauT; us. Kaipn Tbompson will continue witn me new firm as salesman. Missionaries Win From Pacific by 18-7. Count WALLA WALLA, Oct. 4 V?. (AP) The Whitman MijJiir les defeated Pacific university lg toj here today In a scrappy game, and thereby kept their northwest conference football slate clean. Whitmans first touchdon came Jn the second period when Emerson of Pacific punted o at from his own 30 yard .line and Captain. Meckleson of Whitman , carried the ball across after half a dozen bucks and straight foot ball. . .XOTKK D.1MK WIN'S V BLOOM 1NGTON, Ind.. Oct.tyr Af) unieasmng a npnine dashing attack and a sterling de fense, Notre Dame defeated Indi ana 19 to 6 today. Indiana scored in the first six minutes of play when Rhinebart broke through the line for a 40 yard dash. ASHLAND BEATS KLAMATH . MEPFORD. Oct. 22. ( AP) The Ashland high school defeated the Klamath Falls high school feotball team at Ashland today 68 to 0. It was the first game of the southern Oregon conference. Af , 1 last sale. " NO-INTEREST A ,1 - J 1 A AAA It Ml M A.A-- A A A tm m. . A 4.