. . . . .... ... .... - ... , .- - - : .... - - 1 . '.-' .'"'I- "' ' . i 4 - i - ' , . ' . - - 1 4 - -v- i ' . - ' 1 . , . - , ' - . r i . tr" - ' ' - ":- ' ' ' i - rs- . . i - - 1 -"S x?- ; crrracar "ox . o 5v; I ftatt'ul 1M1 IMMM. ;Bw. X t. - ! . y- ! . ' -1 "'.- mif ' -. i ne i ee n i , . ""- aBsasnmaW4BsmaaamaBBMaBBBBBBmnaam i 'ii S 111 rr j ; --'-,.'.-.:,;; ' , ..' . ... .... , Spaulding 1 1 Salem Oregon i uua ai-riara ia taa aitaflM graded . abla Beaoai CIZ- aa. Mr -W. 14. . w - lA ka' Aft' , rferW aad Daaa U. All ara latarasted la Mrieaa Latharma ebaroa akomld attend. etxt ataaU Monday P; -: Aid aad Miaaioaary tSoeiety aailda fca monthly ttoc Friday ftfr Vfi la tha ehorch parlors. f Victor Bchni , is koataaaT leather tnH social -eeting JTriday -l ,8 Veloek ia taa ehBrea P". taad br Mr. 8wiUr Hora aad Xta Vi- tor SebMidar. .. Oordtal weieoaia Iitber B. Dak. Pastor.' ; - to all. j;l cHMSTiAjr bchJtcb TtVLPT CHURCH Cwwr ol' -ndT ChaarekeU; t 0 arrlcrn at Plan'lmrfe Logging Jei,T 8oe ' yraitac-a of Wisdom.'! Prayar-BMetiag Tkaraday at 7:45. after which- tke-ekMa in "Personal BjelUm" will meat : ' , .. i . - . -- -' ' HOCA3TDXI BAPTTST i 8err!eea"w1S ba" Veil fa the YMCA fcniMi&g ea "Court Street. ' Saaday, Ort. 53rd. at 11 a. m. and "7:30" p. n. Son-, day school at 11. followed by taa preach' far Berries of which Bro. D. S. Turner will hare charge. Bro. C. D. Saney will hare, ebalja of the araning serriee. Mid-week prayer meet lag at the hma of tfn.;aaa Eajdahi. ; t0$ g.ob HilL BOOTH 8AZJEX FBME3TDS CHUECH Snpday HerrieM 10:00 a. m. Bnaday chooL 11:00 worship; sermon: The Bible. 8:80. p. to. Christian Endaarer Meeting.. T:S0 Krening Worship; sermon: God's Call. - Tharaday: 70 . prayer a-vating. The pnblie is cordially- iaTited to attend the.enricaaaa"i 1 ? -This -charming, two. story house planned by hL B. Bo iand, heaH of the Universal Plan Service of Portland, has six well arranged rooms with', all of the sleeping quarters .r; on the. second floor. .1 The living room on ; the ground floor, is 1 3 feet by 23 feet and extends along I one side of jhe house. ; , Having . r three outside - walls with many large windows . , this :; room can be made very home like and attractive. " " ? i: i The dining room isori the opposite side . of the house with the kitchen and break Fast nook to the rear. The living and dining room are connected by a reception ; hall. r : The house exterior has a distinctive ? a p p e a r a n c e through the use of a combi nation of stucco and shakes.' 1 Blueprints and "specif icat.1 tions may be secured for a, reasonable price on: applica-; tion. ; - Co. '4 ' Telephone 830 (A Cottaira Fans, at 3:40. Ta' ScbIot Cbristiaa adea tot 8itr will -proMat a moicai pro trams uaiMt n Barm aad. . !TrttB . 0a4tT-tiinaJ (bafehei wwbw. ioia ana ibu. . V ' UJUTAJtTJUr OHTJBCH Cottage aad Chemeketa Sts. Bar. afar tia ,P. rerry. ' minister.- ' Chareh school at 10KH a. m. Graded iaatrnction. Cl for High Sehoot-etadenta aad adnlt.; Ia tha adnJta- eUaa Mr. Perry rwHt give a coarse, la a ervtiraJ atady .of the bibla. Dcvotiohs! Services at! 11:0X . Semioa rabJeeV -."Shooting- Stars." ; Mrs. Msrtin Perry wlll:offer a .-eoatralta olo, "He that Owelleth by Liddle." , Mrs. W. A. Denton at the organ." . On Tharsday even ing Mr. Perry will review either f 'Mather Indie" -ly-afBy,or,V!MeBnarhaa." by H. a Wall.. - ' . "i .' i FJtEX MBTHC9IST CHTTBCK a Corner of Market aad Winter 6ta Rev. D. Ij. Penwick will preach both morning aad evening Bnaday, Oct.' 28rd- : Tha Saa day school at 0:45 a. m. ia1 la charge of J, A. arhanx rapt. Emory Good will be ia charge of the Tour People's scaeting at 6 :80 p. at. Tha psid-waak prayer ser riee la on Tharsday at 7:80 p as. The pastor. Bev. W. N. Coffee Is in CTilfcsgo attending tha General Ezec-jffVe'aad Edu cational Committeea el the - church. He T: beea irota hig palpit aver. two. ya.. , . U.f; . ,';. ,. . t.r 8T PBESBTTEBXAIf OHTJBOR ureh -etrert aetweea 7hameketa and r. Bev. Jf. K. TaUy. D. D., paator. Vy school 0:t0 a. BLt followed by worship at 10:45 m.K m. Sennoa. 1: The Prophet of ' Catholielty." Yeeple' meetings 8:80 p. to. . Eva- ranip at 7:30 o'clock. - Oaiiaou. re of Boole." . The pastor will A both servicer . Mission stndy r area and women Tuesday, 7:80 t 1 : mi . jt n . r A he pablie is cordially invited. W ah aa . 48. M Peal am n ISMilaa Mock south of Center OB 19th. L. -Ak, paster. - Bnaday aehoolat 9:45 Mr. V. M. Littwiller. svpt. In sermon ar at :80 resident. Even- mg T:Z( Holiness.' Bcnnoa - aoLlect I to Mrs. h. D. Smith t-rene Smith will sing. "We W1U hid Preach Holiness' by Or raham. la Quartet will sing ia tha mora- r fa. Morning worsbip- 1 1 :00, fct "The Saddest Thing :1 ." Tonne People a meeti vCmranca Litwiller. p srice. Business and Farm Property r J v For Three to 20 Yeara ; - -W v. ; : .PrivHere principal ITT : uor lerxniv atamaaeaa laaam amam 5 ' fc4 W4k V Mr a j i .u-Jiivi -- H I , .. ... -V " , . , '.: ... . -: y ': - .- j Vj : i . " -j i.Oresom Cot - J.-? ' .-: imczizzmAJ i - ; ox; fiz V r., T ' ( v - v r - . s- . '-' ,t . . . - - tor rri4Ur. rmltr? ;0 ' Or - r OASTXE OKAPKZr V.'Bv;"."; If. BtrM(,, y(Ur,.,M4cti7il bM-T- OTtwr 11 . . Amos aabjaet '.'BVi7.: T:80 vpMtetMleB Ed. - WaiV Tt IW torn Baa iwc tra. r vmTu cwirar. Vk.- "Hut T aai ' : . - J CnrtM BTHBKT fTl?ODIl' ' 4 '. " rKC00rAXri "" ."i lStkMd Cratar; Mrs - Rt. E. J. AteKMbranari', pu(ir. IwriNM," 6S M. wtatsr rtmt, ph MOM- BrrlM -.-' uoDjee TV WH1 r Mm,'.' ?:M S. -.' "Bibla BtiHjy LU EpkwuMi 8tn- Mr. H.- H. ,GrUpp. - Tovsr . PwpW Topij-Crte Wtah Hi Onue.") MMtvar to. b led hy Mr, Mania 8chri-l bv. inn IS- huim . i- tb EBCttafc UarMfe. Jli-waek, coUr prayar m- V WediMMdar arvninf at 7:5. fa. tk hoa of Mr. and Miy. H. . H. Oralarrp, 10O K. CBpiaL flt. SBBdaT. a-hMri U aBdactd ia botk OeiBH aad KnriiaaJ Tbb overBinr aarrie la OtnMr tU BIB arTi. Ea(Uta.- - JTb 'ui;;w llly taTUedto r aad vBia U !H HMKPjJf.TA . SVA1TOSXXOAX Comer of Chranketa aad N. 1 7th. o. B. Erskine.- pastor, -rechlanca: 26M N. 17th St., phone 1998-W. . 8errieea. 11:00 Sermon . topic "Christ-Directed :0 Tna Heed aad Purpose .of IMTine Meixy." RlllfaT school' It) :00 a. a. Of K. StraasbangB. aaperlntendeet. - Yeung Peebles- Meet' ings: Senior, pad Interned lata Chrtatiaa Eadesror at 6 :SO. Laadar of Senior m eating: Effie Oriaiea. ". olid-weak proye er serriee- Tharsday eroniag. at -7:0; led by the pastor. ' "Choir 'practice Tnaa-day- ereninr - at T :80. - - To be - follawad with the Toaag People' Class 1 oa the ttady of Krair-Member - Evangelism. All yoaag people weloome to this- class. ST. PATTL'8 CHTTBOH (BPZ8COFAX) Chareh St. aad Chameketa. Bar. H. Duncan Chambers, pastor. Boly Ea- charist at 7 :80 a. n. in the chapeL Morn ing jrayer with sermon by ttae rector at tl a. m." The rested choir will sing at tha 11- . an. serr ice. . Camrcli eheal vat B:d5. a. at. in - the pariah honsa. I How- ship will meet at 7 P. m. in. the pariah kaosev " "7 ", Zj. - " vV GLAD TTDIKOS MISSIOK -843 H Coart St. 0. a Johnsoa. pastor. dis Cottars. Serrires t aad- T:0 p. nx Bnaday school t T- as. B. Berkey. ann- eriate a dent Taeaday. Tharaday aad -Sat urday orenings. Week-day seryicea. PTBST CONOBEaATIOWAI. CHURCH Center and Ifberty. Charles E. Ward. oastor, residence 40 Center, phone 691B, Memeea 11 a. - m. Borne FoIVa-Tne Onittere.' T:30 a. m.. "The Greatest Uore of All." The n-ernlng sermon is the second, of-a series of three sermons on "Santo Polks." The theme of the evening serriee is" Mother Lerre i Host rat ad hy a - seren real picture. Sanday school 0 a. m. Mark MeCalnater. snnerin- teadent. A new bible stody conrse has "t begna ia the tJospel of Matthew. Here is a good chance to take an in tensive conrse ia the life and teach in re it (.nnst. Tnnraday erenma at 7:30. The North Section of the Union win meet at the home of Mrs. 8taley 271 N. Sum mer on Oct. 28. Women should come prepared to sew for tha baser. - - ''" MUX 'STREET METHODIST - Ptfteanth and Mill- etreoia. Patrick nahltn. paator, 2009 Trade. Phone 1865-M. Services; ll'a.jn.. and 7:80 P. m. Sanday. school: :49 ,a.-ai Super intendent. Mm iE..Erieksoa.f, Week-day aerrieesf . Connnaaioa serriee . aad First Quarterly Conference ea Wedneday- at 7:80 p. nu. Rev. P. JLhnlnad from Set tie will preside. Ton are all cordially '-aniea to oar services. -- - v 7ASOV XEB XEMOKZAZ. MC E.-CHTTXCH OoTBarHorth Wiatcr and Jeffersoa streets. : Thos. Acheson. pastor. . Robert Witty, aad Mrs. A. M. Gentry, helpers. A eordial welcovce awaits the pub He at alt aemeea ef thia chnrch Sunday. , Sermon uamea at. ix a. nu. aaa T.Z0 p. m.. are a. a4--"A: Menace to Protestantism.' aad p. "aaj "Europe Today Ae-Seea ay estaoans.-- Church school with seven separate departments meet 9:45 a. as Marnr-carpenter.' aaDariatandent Three chapter at Epworth. League tneet4 o:au p. - tor devotional acrvioes. easier JMcn. - nign acaool,-and ., Young i aupiv uMiuf , ib aeparaia groups. ana- people, eapeeiall. at ran ret a. wel- eomea. upaa jrornm. for adalu :80 p. m.. tn church,. achoo annex, - Pree dis- enssiaa of- isrportana- topiea:' The choir win iurnien apactaj muie morning , and sycalng... Mr. James Rett ie, recently front Europe, -will bring m special message en conditions over there, at eveaina- Robert Witty -will preach, to yoang-peo v s 11 a. ba is wesiey xisu. ;. rntsr oHRisTiAir church 1 Corner af'Hia-h. ua - rbiaVv trMt ' TV 7. Howe, pastor, residence 785 N. Cot tage, phone . S 438 W.-T Services. -Jl :00 , a. m. 'The :s Teaching - Service of ' the Chareh," 7:t0 p, m. "A Final Religioa." Morning Music, - Anthem by the choir, Solo! TSelectedi Mlaa Riha Eveoing-Hyma : "Oo TeH" by tha cbor- ns. ' Sanday - school 9:45 a. m.-- t). - J. HaJL supcriatendent. Toaiat Peoples' 10 A. M. Sunday School. 11 A; M.-S0ME FOLKS .7:30 The Greatest Love of THE CHURCH TO LOAN to pay part ot all of ca any interest date ft!- - . ., ' " lnieresx rates ana -: j a, ah 4 lksaa amaa W h AT CVxresponxSeiits TX4&N TUUST OO; Li IXSTTIACT COW .Jr. aw-.-:- Mr Bt a4 Omi TImt1 1 M iff aw bv Ms. Lew?, jCJbtmt 4 OBpttal Bad UMiw 8U. Sm imy ckl 10 -a. and EbUbb BtriB 11a. m. M. IBar- MladBter.. . . Qoraer -State aad Cbarc.. Pi C. TT tork paator. 838 StaU. Phaaa '974. "Dlraa. tar enrioaa adnatial Masrn'X-' nVa a. aa. aatd 7:30 p.-as.- Sermea topiea: Tfce" PrW of m.; 'Philip, the Lay Evangel." P- as. Special mmaiti Solo. -Mr: Ik D.-Bartaa, i'l Beard- the Vataa f Jesas Bay." Karbiaaac Offar tory vUtkem, "Awaka; Awake J,r Rarar. SaadayMhooI: 9:4 a. aav H. I. KhaaU. superintendent. Tonng . peoples saeet lavgs: Epworth Laagse. TJaxvarsUy ."Chasr ter -Tooic s "Mr -Crowds Saaiag Christ Through Ms." I4eader, . Paul. Geddaa; nrat. churear Cnapter Tepie: vjeaan Wlamiag HiaQosnpaBiona.,. Leader Afar-. Ion Eehman. Janior High Chapter To-r-r'l4aderahlp.-'v " liader. Harrjr Moaher.- .Weak-day -servioes? Joiat aseat iag of Xea'and Women's ible 'classes for upper aad 'yroftTsmr os. Taaada iweulae Cajreral Aid. maetiag Wedaeeday ' after aaoa la chareh parlors. Mid-week-prayer aad ' praiae arvtca - oai Tharsday. night. led -br aha pa tor.. Other aentaVBier ehnfrh M 11 tn the ehareh tine M, aags.- A -aaraery sponsored by the ,Ep- wen leagna girl wtu no opoa dorrar the morning . worship aei too ' waar mothera caa leave thair littla aaea . in charge of- tha gtrla had one of (he ladies or to .eharc-, - CHRISTIAir AKD WISSIOSART ' - - - AXi-AJTCB r hi 655 .Perry .stress. - Bandar- aeboal at 9:45. Claaaea far everybody. Mrs. Mol Ue Wilsoa. - superintendent. : Morning preacbiag aeiwiea. at 11 o'clock. Barman subject: Vad'a Paver Upon .the Early Chareh. Evening service at 7:80. Sub ject i "Modernism." - Tuesday night is to be an all-night of prayer for mieeions: wadaeaoy eveutng at tha pastor' name, 153 N.. llth street. 7:00, archastra prac tice, '7:80. choir practice, aad 6:00, young' peopls'a prayer . meeting. Prrday night.. Bible steady, and prayer for the sick. Saturday night, young people's -de votional service. . J.. Q. Kinon, .pastor. tJesxjr memorial church - (Methodist Bpiseopal) -' -RontV Oocemercial - and, Myers , streets. S. Darlow Johnson,' pastor, 848 E". Myers street. Phone 276-1. Services 11 a. and 7:80- p. m. Morning service: ser mon," "Reading and, Living." Solo: by Mrs. 8. Darlow Johnson. Evening aervice : Sermon, "Playing tha Game." Solo, "I Am Thr. God", (Cera Roma), rang by Mlaa Henrietta ' Bishop.' ' 8aaday school at 9:45 with -a clean -for every member of the family. It 'a better to bring the children than to send them. Praneis Aa- bary ' Kpwerth League,. d:0,-. Twit, Christ Winning Hie Comrades. . in termediate League 8:80 in chnrch par lor. Junior high folk Invited. . Topic, "Our Pield. ' Junior League in Leslie Hall at hour of morning worship. TTia Leslie. Caa Do class will have a Hallo ween party at the borne of Mrs. Mason Bishop. Wednesday evening at 7:30. In termediate League party Priday evening in Leslie HaJL tiallowe'en party ny Praneis Asbury Epworth League in Les lie Hall. Saturday evening. 7:80. Mid week church night, Thnrsday evening. Leslie folk are happy - and friendly. Strangers aad those havmg no enurcn hoooa are invited to come and get ac quainted.. . HOUSE BESIDE ROAD AUTO CAUSE (ConUnued from "Page One) types of Construction. ' "The need for the extension of heavr trucking roads will kot course develop as intercity- traf fie grows, but what of the remalhihg two njilllori or more mile??" Must they wait until the placing of the last stretch of pavement on main traffic routes before serious and well planned programs are direct ed to the "secondary or feeder road betterments?';'5 --' -' : - . ' "Such-a policy. the bulletin (concludes,- , "would be far: more wasteful la. the form of restricted transportation Kand - -- repressed grennd .alues-. -than - would, be gained by con centra tlon- r bpon main routes td the.peglect of teed f roads." . The wiser course '"may be summed up-in-the-ppll,catlon bf good, drainage as, a - practical and -inexpensfre means of attain ing -a vastly greater mileage of serviceble. roads with an attendaht gain in"; realty', values far . beypnd the $OBt of roads so improved. . . - , - L - - Health rules are enforced by Miss Gertrude Sterling, health of ficer of Bleomsburg, Pa - She- sue ceeded her father at th6 post. - r-x First . . - . 4 Congregatioiial Chnrch Center and Liberty THE QUITTERS. . All (In moving pictures). WITH A HEART w"" J S-jri i l!a' . - 5 9 -w. i'saaaaa, 1 7, fVaaa - a Ilk 4a-a aUbkd. VP W W W :41 ii-ii- VaAJr U vM. . , 1 1 aameai.Waai.il a - . 1 ' ! " -th . . I j Barjgaiin, Ofifer J - , .C- ?44r rs:-'-..if"".r---t 4 :""-'t' "ir-i y' "..-- -v.'-".': ;.'.:"..;. ;;''j;.s. '-i-, V.- -':T4 -; ; . .-. v-'-irV't-'- '"'r: 4. t- ."'ij-i--:' .;-(For Mui Sub1ber? Only) j s. '--- i.-.-' IV--- : --4i- . ..-;. ; -J. tfv -- : : - 1. - i - ' . . 2 , -,..,-.-...: I . Daily - and Stinday Statesman, regular price. -Northwest Poultry- Journal, regular price -JL-Padfic homestead; refiiiar price -LL::.t.i.j. Official Oregon Road Valet Auto Strop Safety Ilazor, regular price iS '- Total valued . Afl for $4, till midriiglit Beginning the first Sunday in November, The Sunday Statesman will contain an illustrate comic section, in colors. .The Sunday Statesman will contain, each . issue, 24 to 50 pages. The price .of the Sunday paper will be 20 cents a. month, or 5 cents a copy after Nov. "1. i ' - ' : ' ' -1 - -. - - ..- . ' -' But you get the Sunday paper with all the rest in the bargain, oiler, THE PAPER OF PROGRESS T The Statesman. is the paper of progress. Its Slogan pages and other" constructive development features will be stressed more than heretofore . - . ! I' " 1 i- - - In every way, The Statesman will be a bigger and better newspaper than it has been . in the past. - ..-i.. - ' ' . . - . - .. . c ; f . - . - - i . - It has press and other facilities superior to those of many newspapers In cities of 100,000 or more. - - -.. ;? . '": ; . "" WmnTTED TOGROWTH T- The Statesman organization . is committed to the, growth of our in dustries on the land, hooked up with the growth of bur industries in our cities and towns--' J ' , . , . . " i ' . ' '- " :. 1 Committed to a program of progress and prosperity,. , v j " It solicits your subscription strictly upon merit; upon service rendered as a complete newspaper, and one that will, help its own welfare only as it helps , yours. - You will need Vhy not now this -'I Pin The Statesman Publishing Company. " - Salem,- Oregon. '- f- 1- " v Gentlemen: I Offer. Enclosed bargain cf f er, c ' Name' Post, Office . JtaFaD. r -Map, regular price: r "-r j-.--. . i- '' 1 The Statesman. You, will subscribe later if not now. month while the bargain price Subscribe Now! USE THIS COUPON this to your check and send in desire to take advantage of find $ r in accordance' - 1.00 0 .50 1.00 -J8.00 of Oct. 31 "i lasts? today your Great Bargain with the terms of your - :i a? V- N