V : I. . It ??3& HSUEE iT REQUIRED Distinctive Design ofJgJeeve , Valve Makes" ft '."Adapt- " able To Trend. v.. One of the most Important de velopments of : tbe year In auto mobile design has been the steady trend by many manufacturers of engines to the high, compression type. .Marked evidence of this trend can be noted in. the special (Trades of gasoline for high com - presslon motors, now being widely distributed all over the country by the larger oil companies. . ; ; This trend, howerer, merely fol lows a pac,e set i more than ten years ago by the ! Willys-Overland company. It was back in 1915 that the "Willys-Knight sleeve ralve engine first employed high compression and 'since that date owners of this car hare been able . to enjoy the advantages of in creased power, greater vitality, unusual hill climbing ability and a trenerat smoothness and economy of operation throughout ; 1 ."Engineers point out that the patented design of the Wlllys- Knlght engine readily lends Jifi'f to the requirements of ha com pression, the limittn9 Imposed In other types pi Tigh compression engines be entirely abeiit tn the Kitght sleeve valve power One of the best proofs offered 'to justify the claims that the Willys-Knight engine is naturally ,; adaptable ' to ..high compression " work is the fact that this engine does not require a special grade ot i gasoline T to 'obtain the " maximum ; cmcieicy It la notable that other j manufacturers ,;ot high cdmpres . 1 Hon '-engines iooqmtd , the Jose Xi'4t special 'grade fit rueA In 'order : to secure the result claimed and to eliminate knocking. The Willys-Knight' engine, it to said, pexates mm succesjfulJj on the or dinary fael u i dees on the grades required tor alga compres sion saglne of other design. ' Namaroua teats hare bared the fact that tha WIllys-Kaight sleeve Talve combustion chamber where in the gases are highly compressed - before firing, is Ideally designed to " provide a rapld,j&e&oy burning at - the fueLStonatloasoareralent ' tn jit types of Mgk ompreesloa engines; thersfore.ls ahssut la the r wnixs-Snight. ! : ::.. - -With tit aflfitflaaal -, tares toe- r. partedoiaepteteaslaUMlTinys- ' .Knight acsav the ear Is , of greater - speed, catcher ' naval vtta&ty aae! smooth ; formaaes which as aSaavta - In other types f hlh englaea, wspecliTly sines -'. grades of It Is ths charactarlstls dastgrn at : ' the SalghT ilarrs tarra t tabes . tloa chaaaat, wtta ths spark ales ; ; located la the asset eeatar at comKassel ' fiat eharga. provide the ssssrpssisl high - coiuprssshra asifuisissn of this englae. - . othar caamber mt ta irByo-Salght ss glae Is MeaSy daatsaad far kfgh intlra emrtesv mt the - walla srtth . a . spats." ' The locatlam oX ths spark - ping recalls la xha spark thaishrtast ' asssTils' dtstsaca - to travel. In afl. It la ths ceeapsct - at ths slssrs -ralrs tiaa chamber that flsrsi gins as ths Ideal typs 1 this high omprees1oei BuicJc Sales Since Models -?4 1 fntrdc&jced, Break Rcccrd '-FLIrrr. . MlcXrf Bale laalss sines - tha tntrodnctlea ot : new models ts J sly hars shattered all records la ; Bnlck history. C. W. Chabchlll. general salee manager of the Bnlck Motor Company, an nounced today. The Jaly. August and September total this year Is 8 2.9 8 S cars, as compared with 70,941 cars sold daring ths cor responding period la lt2. "Ths average monthly increass daring the last three months, over the corresponding period la 19 2 1, . amonata to mora thaa 4.990 ears. said . Mr. Churcb.HL "This repre sents aa average Increase of 1,009 cars a week, or considerably bet ter than 10 a day." Llartiss Family Hc!ds,.f, I- si;AnniYcrsarv-' Reunion '-lis r Berlin ap -To celebrate , the : anniversary of -lire hundred r-.ij. rtart jof juplaterrnpted tamCy, his tory, men and women bearing the ' name ot Martins flocked to Ber lin recently from all parts of Ger- t&aay and several foreign lands. - The family .roll call showed . that taere are Martin uses In Austria. Garraany. Hungary, Poland, and hands of Georg Langv and ths America. , - ' jrotos f Judas sad tlarr tl?4a- ThA fftnnder of " the MaiUaruiUras ara played ty Xaax aal family. Caleotas Martlnus, 'was torn 142T la the Italian city of, . 2TamL"-: Us . achlsrsd .'.talis.' aj a( . tnicher of ...jthOososhy;" as! a.ad-';JJologna. , Lstef he ..satertJ; else at ths universities of Tain tie service of Kins Hsthlas Cor- -xm cT Hungary and throttth hi -rti- . to a nwiariia glxl IL J. Khagler, general sales man ager of the ChTrelet Motor Com pany. Is now on a tour of the west ern territory. Bringing a message of optimism from the east, middle west and th -Pacific northwesji KUngler reports an unpreceqxed oemuKi ipr the new Giroi8t a demand that will nfessltate a pro-duction-Moord-V year ta eX. cess of million ears. ' AWatt and September mamtatoed K.elr sales stride throughoot the cosstry, according to KUngler. and tall baring has been remarkably strong especially on the Paciftc Coast where seasons do not play so important a part as they do In the middle-west and the east. Chevrolet production records for ISM which -established a new high mark, were passed the mid-part of August whett four and a half months remained to add ts the tre-lof -- " ; ; 1 ; - - CBIBSI6B fSm'DKlElS Rush of Applications for ' Agencies Accompanies Remarkable Demand Record breaUag sales of Chrys ler cars this summer and fall ars bains; accompanied ty a corre sponding increase in dealer sentatloa at ths Chrysler Host awwrdtag ts "aJstssrCl??:- ' T li " yamarkaMa rscapUoa whidl fcas greets tha three ,bww I Chrysler monels. ;'' together 1 the strong demand 1t tha Imper ial to," Is saarmg ant ar - tatlsn at ths -best fan an4 w Ateesa la evr cosrpanya tory.- says Br. risssr. mssaet rlt mt b that thai secoad six maatha at 1TST wtlj taraarpass the ttrst liaU s ar books. :',f'-- 'f -fli V".: -Qratlfybag as this at Chrysler car moHt naturally Is to as. wa teal especially pleased wh tha targa prays asw isman that is eactlaf tram small towns aaeV tana oommunl-J ties. Tbls teatnre ot Tecent IS plessfeg ta as set nly be-j cause u raraais easrai recognj-i tlon ot tha aartorsisaea shuttles 1 bant mso. nr cars bmt It radacts an tanproveisentl In ths agrlcnlloral sltnatlon that cannot bat result la benefit to the coantry ttsnerally.l and that assures a ceatraaance oil lltT coot times wsa Into the! eamtar yaar.? . Hew Biblical Play For City of CbT2mmcrgM piy; mx: Cross?, JahaWKsrrrra.: Chrls.tl snnearsuta? it. only a jaon- work ; ar ' citamt: ; U 1' tbros a visions f rilats's srtfa , and the daughter ot Klag Balliasar. Ths balk at ths action Is aomesntratsd arwand 1 Jadas and Harj Mag la- lens. .". I I Ths slags managsment Is la ths Traeulela PraSslcser. tt raatloa wisv fame. : Since tha Passion xiay is pra-- seated onr ayery teath year. hecamaa aacassaxy t tralaap asw slayers, and ft ,waa ta Xi&t end that the "School ot the Cross: was cUSa, waaks'-aT-'Stsw' gsslsrs svpOsd Car aad:. wsr: gransed Chrysler tfesKsBVaBBsBsMsBsa CastsMVk " "fftffMssaal ' 4ftsVtss Tha assihsr is sail ta a Caa Ur csst that has sjssr Jalaad ana MMr tosebOs atxtslsitlsm ta aach a shan tteta. mm - trbatad by J. V. Tis sar. Chrys ler amiss saaaagsr. ts tk caasisl knraiadgw that a tatxaarks&Sa ra ssptlsm has hsssi wrtsadad hy tha fisiaa tm tha tlras ssrsr caaCa2s tha ' Crya3ar.:' cars ar aflasi - tslra- tha aav tha CcssJtaasr-tl-Bd tha Oastrtaaa ajasr Tr ts pssUsg'ta stsilsss Csijrtss salas assrks ta aatSrstr asrsr high ImiIs, "km atatssy whfla at ths sasss) tSass tha IsapsrhU "Is.-Iks teaaaTs; s,i ss sst iTTi s ta -tha laxary car class aSsa asOsytas a aata asijasrisflsatst la Oa aasa- rehearsed ta "i-Sil ot jiaa I , . . , Instituted. , ThT5h the w r.b- lical ray added taterest Is ti ths werJc ... ; '- , ygEjORLGQN STAlItAM, AXJypHaS ; - V " ' " ; : X1 V - -: '-i' w V-- ; '5;-.: defe4B$Usap4 mendous totals which h!j.-beQ piled up due to the ftaordinary demand for thew Chevrolet. KlingWJ, jjj associate with ln cJ.arge of ealrs. tor many years. He joined the Chevrolet organisation in 1924 as sales manager for the St. Louis aone. A year later he Was called to Detroit as assistant sales manager and his appointment; as general sales manager for Chevrolet was announced tn June of this year. This Is his first trip to the west tn his new capacity. KUngler was met lai the Pacific Northwest by X. W. Fuhr, regional sales manager of the Chevrolet Mo tor Company and. after a week's stay la the bay cities, will visit Los ngeles and Southern California, retnraing to Detroit the latter part October S. Barber Secures Agency ; For Willys-Overland Here Bbawnayhlcago. has been' appointed iWlUys-Orer-j land dealer In Salem, dt was a nonaced here Friday.' 1 Mr. Bar bar's son will- be ln active charge of tha agency, which will ha local ad la tha new huQdmg now being completed tor the TsBey Motor conspanx est Center street aear Oecimsrclal, vhsra ! tha Bana steele Voter eompany need car lot was formerly wRaated. Ths aew company lisre will Wlirys-Kalght and Whip- Tfce state alstrtbutor Is th BOUngaley Motor company, ac l'arUaAa. -Ctztua cf Etzd Pwmoved VBSllLmljfAl't'-iTha .sacaat OarsMra Aassc li Moo Jeetlnx tear-1 aamsnt ta tSnalck was aaarksd by an arsce4aats4 attsadaaos. . : Mara thaa 4.M Irsrashaatai 1.X Ot msxkasaes at ssaani ttctg - tha C14 0zmc halts pending a plajci'g return to Tim-fa n tha f2 o lonj tsa- . . i -e . IE rv tea ir-ccci TSPffl sa i i rw - . Turkey Bean i Event Gels . Jnto FuIJ Swing During . Month of October With more than 27,000 persona who make up ths selling organic ation ot he Chevrolet ijotor com pany involved, the unique "tor keyrbean" contest Inaugurated by by this company a year ago Is again Jn full swing during Octo- per, , This huge sales organization has been divided for the duration of the contest Into conxpf tfve groups of which the, rlnaers will eat turkey ra'e the losers wlU dne only oa beans and pay the dinner check. Two major divisions of the country hays been made, with an assistant general sates manager of the Chevrolet Motor company in charge of each, D. 12. Ralston has the western half of the United States, and M. D. Douglas the eastern half. Each of these ecttons has been subdivided. The Flint sales' re gion has been pitted against the Atlantic coast region, tne bouih eastern against the middle west ern, and the Great Lakes againet the Pacific coast. Every one of the 4S cone sales offices in the United States also has beenj squared away against another: zone; cities are competing against cities, as are dealer organisations and Individual salesmen.'. Officials ln the sales depart- ek mm - as at - aa . u it : em Let us suggest a few needed accessories which are needed for comfort and safe win ter driving: WINDSHIELD SWIPE SPOT LIGHT TIRE CHAINS 5 Krw its . . . : G. & L. Cocdct Vary & Ufccsix never cadlrdfe - - csfr Va the dde liaeaeJf tfam-is to be cisds, yoa caa depend on Bcldi to Ifiiciiiii ttrtd h field - U il ; Arlocs rrojl.? . XL Gtzji fiZMpteur tp jhs Great Lakes region, lot (me week and then wQ justs Id other regionj; IL-J..Klliiglef, general sales XBA&Ager, 20 ctatloned pa the Pacific fcoastl iMr. Halstoa Is Con centrating pn, the middle vesti Mr. Ponglas on the) outheast; R. K. Whits, sales promotion jaina ger, has the Atlantic coast; and Sidney Corbett manager ot ; the truck dlrislon, is at Flint. ' Mr. Grant, in an address to dealers at the beginning of the contest, , stated that Chevrolet plans to sell 71.451 cars this month He also stated thfti 'sell ing condition yti Cctober loom considerably Vrighter than in Sei tembr. " j. lI i "l am optimUUc also for No r ember and the ensuing months, ie declared. ."Last November our sales' caota called for 43,000 units, .whereas we sold and de livered more than 73.000 ears and tracks.. What we accomplish tMs jyear in wovemoer ana iUeceraper will hinge largely upon pur Octo ber fiiowine. I Iook forward to 1988 with confidence in fontTha.' leadership &ni costinued t-rcgiTs for Chevrolet rei-ord nrsafcltis success." WcmafVS Hair OCCaSlOOS Quick Death by Lathing BERLIN APt.-rHcr longhair j proved a fatal conductor of ;e:et:-! triyity to Grtttchen Schaprer i young, peasaat v.-oiuan of SteltJ. i She was struck aud instantly Ikill- ed by lightning wliioh shot down the electric lisrhUng to a lamp, and from there to iifr hair as eO was combing it etiL. HEATERS . 1 FLOOR MATS RADIATOR COVERS All mmm Telephone 666; the line-up. i Jm-JI.1, -ha? '' COLODffiSBDi Winter AnT5oyanc6 jn Form of Imperfect Equipment Jo Be Warded Off ? U- ' . !'. FLINT, . Mich., Oct. 22. It's time for the car owner to prepare for cold weather. This is the re minder Issued by C. AW Jacobs, service manager of the Bnlck Mot or Company, who adrfses ; atten tion to batteries, oil, tires and brakes as a precaution against winter-annoyance. ' . The following suggestions made by Mr. Jacobs hold good for most cars: ; ' ! 1. Have battery checked land If necessary charged to insure vlg orors cranking in cold weather. Hv? generator cleaned and "charg ing rate advanced to maintain bat ter j- in proper rendition. 7. 5wie to liahter; oil fit the " f ' T , ; ' , nrrS2Z2S2--Z3 r DEO AKOUND l Wben tou can trade in your old slick tires on new Miller Tires. Slick tires are the cause of many accidents Now at the start of the rainy season you should have iew tires with a tread which prevents skidding. , r T; Miller Tires Are Equipment on ' America? FOBD I OK. ESSEX WOLTERim MARMON 19? S. Commreial . - ,4 Bonitele Motor Co. - 474 So; Com'l. Does Youhf Stsurlteir SiLsuriL? -4 , t.-4 rA- ;. ' - - ';--' .1-,. " ;..r : t - 'i A - having hard wort Cranking the engine. 5 tires ate sodhd. tt lk lees troublesome Xi tepalr them Aow than to mako emergency changes ini cold weathef. " I 4. Have brake action equalised, particularly oa two-wheel brake cars. 'The 1 newer the car, of course, the less the chance of In terrupted service due to cold weather. "With the new Bulcks, for Instance, most of these pre. pa rations may be omitted Bulck of 1 9 2 8 Is equipped with an auto matic charging control which pro longs the life of the battery by preventing over-char gin g. The charge Is adlusted for winter and summer operation without any at tention. 'Addition of water is all the new Buick's battery is likely to need for a long time. I 5. Sufficient, alcohol,, should be added to radiator to prevent dam age by ireeaing, but not until weather requires It. I 'The crankcase oil In Bulck for 1928 need s not be changed very ef ten. - It must ot course be re lefcprt from time to time, and fas cold weather approaches, tnese should be made ;-rr i i all winter; f OLDSMOBTJLK - REO TRUCKS , MOON MILLER TIRE SERVICE "Ross" Smith Profit Jby:Mcnsy Fx.rnincfPricea USE THE BIG TENT txDEPEiDADLE Firm 'V5 EtKQ'1 " autoSol'na electricians. ' flxfag , self- sartrr Cry'Tsi ctirtand rcpsirtag them1 A'-. -t-v as ;Cirti li.e7fc-wia perfinitt their ! .w.-ptwpesyhik,. ta- iayBstleaJa-"aroa; "1 arwliavln any UCad Ntr tr6Ci: erlth yomr starter. " ' I brtf yctr cr L ia Voremedled. It wm V t rc4 ca 'a fLa rata and yoa wfll know froai ' : Um Uzoo yoa feri&s yoar car la aatfl yoa take tt V. (mt-r-r Just what It Is fofa ta cos yea to have '-' Jfhatf atartar repaired. . i 1.H.BURBEIA T ' . : . Battery & Electrical Service i. liberty SlI PHONE 23 with lighter oil. - : ? "Unless they fare very Svidpaty Out A of : kdjustfaent, the Baic preparatloh tot winter Jjut for iub bici ge vai, iue snouiij a Checked over carefully, for jt7 streets and badlyequalizod brai;. 4 are a dangerous combination. "Pretty nearly every one , , Is driving a car today can rp:r;r, . ber when the majority of owc,'M tne winter, drained the water, and deflated the 7 mat o tumosi unneard-o' There Is no reason why, with a little extra care, the modern tr.oto car should not So through tr 3 winter without a single Int ttrru.. tlon of service.' French milliners are makh? many models of velvet. Brovn aa,i yellow as well as black, dark T?i and dark green are favorit. rr ors with Beboux, as well as be:a and gray. Agnes makes us 0f &- the blues and bright rink aaA black is also used by her. Man In Kansas City Bays ho ,a, a cigar 37 years old. That' Both Ing, we got a box full last Christ mas. Iwest Caw Sachas DIANA 1 : yAXOON KNIGJIT; u COLUMBIA it t A f STTJTZ .. JEWETT Telephone 313 -1 sirs To Sslt yc'rJeda To Fit Your Puree .v laacuoas If Slide - . : i ' : i J V I