The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 23, 1927, Page 19, Image 19

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    Iffre.yeaveace car; - -
1 5?r c1t3
! TechBlcat , writers Vis 1m
u. f w s va w. a w
drW tMUTtrt. aafcfcsl
t I ti f -Bsaart:if
tosuU JJ:aJ tSeSrrwattarwast tax ewrsrrt
rwnraomjort aI e33jrS
a -roaaasurer uu u
W T$Wh9 tar. i j
t-hsA.toeocH la
i m
'.Ten : Noted Aa Pxornlnent
c j - improvement'-
ijr Imarerenieate .ftered. on
r . w models br' tna urtoue autaf
rr 6Ure asaautaetarers tale all-la
;4eetta4 trend toVard airier
mprosstoa la . the . euxlue lead
;bter veiant la. bodies ejid ehas-
v Beta of Umh , trends, are ad-
' .- nuwu e u aoioniL re-
.w Ulna aa UUI7 do - la -creator fuel
-jd ttr eceaexn?r ; J . : i
Auteootrre efires now' offer
- I la taemsjoritf ot cam Dare
riout - reached - their. JBaxtmum
'snipresalon-ratio witaout.' resort
Is to speefal fuels On of the
' -nrer auWtctanrt' eata .oat
- cenuy-fw4tB a epeeial bixa
Waaler aa dcrelopeja? fact that
tVey are . not us tag the klxh-com-reseioa
much lu tetr f
tlk aa tier vu a? Immediate
ra-tlon from, " competitors who
pointed oat to their prospects that
fa doped and higher priced fa el
vii necessary tor that particular
ear. '
This fa uaethlcaV ae ft will be
hul l abort time until all ante-moan
xaaaufactarers wilt be . am
p'nyltg maca higher - eompres
tIo&s and these same salesmen.
. rHl be untax a hisa-compresslon
"sales tala
The most notable derelopmeat
toward lighter ears la the an
reancement ot H. R franklin
that a line ot seren passenger cars
am IrtflyiAmA In (k nw Itrmin
rerles ot air-cooled car. Mr.
y Franklin claim that' these seren
rauenger cars weigh from 400 to
so pound tees than the usaal
rir of this capacity -that they
are as easy to operate as the usual
tire-o'n and a lift taia-Ili I 11 OJ'Uii w
S7TlrMn&'-ahswi W'J? .'
ears or a ariander ' to the be
ire . anneal of .ametJUTr
n. . ' , :
i 5l .welghtlnBt .the j nvew .Terd
will probably: e : little changed
tfcomxV It U J5eeie4l (hi engine
will ; Jura: A higher , Mmpreaslea
thnn the present wglat.
fraWin'Orrjers Tfiree
' Unfilled ordera FnaaUia.
ato mobile comas ay at Bynaonse
are three weeks haMnd fulfilment.
aa reenlt c new -rolnnw of neJe
obieined elnea nMnnacemeat ot
the new Xlnaen' erwa ,of alr
cooled ear according to ettlclaiii
of the eotnpny mtory prod no
tion has been spee,e4 wpTlflT
paoity with. iaia department
operavttg. oo fair rx-day week
nle wltb
the f IrU week tavOc-
tobwri Franklin 1 d eaters - repoxC
more than 300,000 deaaoaetratkme
ot the. airman which hTe reuni
ted fen an laflax ot orders far bey
ond taotory xpectat!oa. Xa.ftyra
ense the Idtotrlhator reoorta to
per eent et his normal yearly sales
mad tn one week and In- ProTf
dsncov TL 1 It per cent ot the
yearly aormej was sold (n one
week. Sale of the new seren
passenger models hare snrpeased
expeotatlaiis, ofJicUla eald. .
TraTelers returning from
rope are wearing snorts
blea la I tweed, a - Chanel model
harlng an inner rest ot wool ma te
la sse and n two-piece dress ot nov
elty Woolen ;
. The Soviet groTernmenf has
again thrown Leon Trotsky out on
his head. Bet Leon's bead seetosto
Coolidge all the .more
Complete Astosaotire l4tbricatioa
We Carry the Following Producta:
Valvolino Veedol
Pcnnzofl " r - Quaker State
SheU Oils
Court at Capitol Phone 2295:
Last Yea
" m anaansBasBBnenaBBBaBBanar-
aUaoiUa4al ynafaraalaad lata
train. staisd.U. O jUexcsi da-
tor, bareaa..ol' siatlsUcav . Xaiar'
staXe Oomnwrce Cdnisstoa. U-
day whemhe i4draesa4 ; -J&k. tG
leaath- jLaasaJ CJonxras hrat So;;C"J i f ;;
i ,3toe-f: thTaasone tor jtouonf ft"
InjroarselTes" nbomt the number oi
ptrsnaa !tia afcofr yaar la. ra
rfonw alasses ot rnHway- aoeldaata
la that effort any he cntosstrsind
n Ua types of aeeldant Ut oo
cattott especfsJOy targa nambers ot
deaths. Qnn may-dleoorer ttcm
oaeanl reading ot, the nrspapfa-
that Utere- are treqaens dnatha at
grade nrj-ajs J hat il tn&ly atb
atatlstSa Imra . bean eottnCod
that onw inake--aeaaral
aSGnaai that ot tha t.010 par
sons gtjljNtJh connocatfoa with tha
operation -steaal ralFraya; ia
were Btrespaaserant aravda ieraa
alngs aad'-,lf. or S7.I per neat,
were eiaeatfied aa treapaaaers , on
tha rlht of tray;: ao that taklac
these two gt togathorwa mny
say that T0.ff .xw osnt ot the raO
roadT tatalltlea oocar bacanso peo
ple, other than paaaeagara. or anv
ployeea on duty, are en your right
of way at the wrong time. Bach
facts show thai for tha most part
the redaction of tha a amber of ao
oldentnl deaths In railroad opera
tion Is oaa that raoairaa the co
operation -of .the pabllo and Is not
merely a qnastlon of oare in tperr
atln tha railways , ,
.Tha S.I II trespasser, killed la
199 taelnded-lSO chUdren under
14 years of T age nd 55? jovxg
persons from 14 to 21 yearn. Tha
majority of the trespassers killed
are not hoboes.
We, aa people, hare the capacity
to produce more food, clothes and
other-necessaries ot life than we
need and are spending untold bil
lions of dollars year, for luxuri
es. Such a people .can , afford to
make Us highways as-safe as en
gineers think they should be
made. The problem Is to cause
the money to flow in the right di
rection. This is a State and local
problem more than a Federal one.
But if the recapture of excess earn
ings under Section 15 a of the
Transportation " Act should erer
yield' large sums, It might be well
to distribute the money to the rail
ways tor crossing protection.
There were, at the dose of 1926
."1 i t
w;. .uroora cn aim
-cnialiaar vxala daWai1 -three
noars of thenight alsotnded tAj
asaaa .zaA'rjinnsasT cmienu. - -1
Thf ttoa af -poaslbld pialrfz
ox tha , mechanical panee-
Uon of ' the- Chyyater. said: iix.
BeJcaft ; aftar tha rna.ntJaoaid
nerret har bean done but. f6r. tie
roadster's, oipaclt. ta operate, at
satflned- high speed, eomblnod
with Jhsmnsual acceleration and
brakfaf? teatateKWaln enabled
as to keep perl2t4rol arary
minote, Tho- "Red-Hiad! also
played an Important . partT, ia tikej
rast time mrougn ltai addiuos to
tho car'f normal apeed.. while' the
new- alp It gires Oo drfrlai by its
wonderful effect ; on , aeeeleration
and an htll-climbiag ability makes
dnTtna a. constant joy for the
maa at th waaeL"
tS TTZd W tKTW that fa. It2
ortr Mo .tMGmSdfc trrctrtaj
itt d&ji od till aa
csriadr t tta aotoncbWi vara
rta.ttto d tlla of a trail- we
aaa 4tBat tha ftt that ad-
aatlaai 6rrroc tabe xaxtux cn
Of tha saost faafJortast features, of
tia feacMttDUttB
L Twaatr r .Od teain? ra
road operatSon taVolred'aboat I0
09 0. fatal aecilenr aanaaD. - In
racaat yaara;?notthatndfa"i' an
taeraaaa fnf mllemga and a treat in
crease tnr th rolume at bustnesa,
tha asnnal fatal railway accldenta
hara haai ilM& to abont 7,000,
a aarlng of t.Oft 0 lfres annually
aa aoiajsa .witk 4ha coadhlona
10 yeara ago. ; TbJ Jmprorament,
too, aaa been mostly ainca HIT,
that is, darluf that- period jwhaa
safety work haa baas . aaphasised.
This fact should enoonraca yen
to yanewsd 'afXorti'td laaka a still
fttrtlier reduction.; ' The decline in
tha Buntberot , accidental deaths
abort noted, was, shared " oy- all
three classes, passengers employ
ees and other, persons, but not
equally. Tnking the T three-year
period ended June 10, 1107, aaa
base for comparison, the number
of killed was reduced nearly, 70
par cent for passengers, nearly It
per cent for employees and about
10 per cent for other persona.
That tha dees, "other persons,"
shows so little improTement is to
be explained by the krowth In au
tomobile accldenta. They neariy
neutralise the remarkable pros
rasa made In reducing the - tres
passer fatalities, which are about
halt aa many now aa they were 20
years ago.. Here, also, the gain Is
most apparent after 1017. . The
Railroad Administration seems to
hare alren a great Impetus to
safety work which the resumed
prlrate control has continued.
Twentieth Century's Tihie
Buffaio to Albany Beaten
From Buffalo to Albany 18 min
utes faster than the time of the
New York Central's crackr train,
the Twentieth Century, is the lat
est teat to be credited to a Chrys
ler car equipped with the new
Chrysler "Red-Head" high com
presalon engine.
Drlr.n by its owner, A. J. Eck
ertJr and a mechanician who
accompanied him, the Chrysler, s
1928 roadster with more than 23,
1 1
Ltmds&e World in Motor Cor Wu
i - - ...
i l Ifo Aw , : -y "l Advanced Six '
i t Delirered Helena
light Sporting Suit v -
-ptigulse For Pajamas
BERLIN, - AP)PaJamasr it
would seem, hare not... yet pene
trated to the town of Ooettlngen,
writes the well known journalist.
Oeorg Hermann, in the Vdssiche
teitung. A young adjunct . pro-
lessor of-his acquaintance, recent
ly transferred to Ooettlngen tJnl
eraity, was completely stupefied
when on tha bill be reeerred with
his freshly laundered -linen his
pajamas designated as "a night
sportlnc suit"
Berlin Restaurant Serves
More Milk to its Patrons
BSRLIN. (AP) The consump
tion ot milk in' the. restaurant of
the German Reichstag has increas
ed 60 to 70 per cent, according to
Wllhelm Sollmann, socialist dep
uty and former minister of the in
terior. Herr Sollman, leader in
the German "dry" morement.
points to these figures' as hopeful
signs that the use of Intoxicating
liquors, eren by legislators, is on
the wane in Germany.
Restaurant keepers in Berlin
jiwj , si if it ((viri ritrr if.
5 IdeIoptntftho Pontic Six, ;
yixia sax ojit to produce the
uriaaixCTUxr iear tvf nffVr
i'MWP i10 fw Pouc accept
" If - V ptevlooa marlc ewer
;'p7pT" ......
vNwafa dj a mw nuM ot car
durlnj Its first ypmt S ::..r.-:,-r
yi y'fjntiaaiounced Hhaa- been
- satisfaction of Pontiac j Six
: ownaray: that Pontine." Six sales
7 have alraeidy jpaaaeMi th 120,000
" mafic for 1927, 7: : ' - - t f
Oakland rewa with ioedfiable
. 5 !. , - pride the implicit confidence and
j: trut the public hae bestowed on
J " Pondac Six. And Oakland pledge
worn luii inii Driuunt car
ahall always represent, supreme
Value in tha low-priced six-cylin-
; ,.-. ... . . ..dcT field. . ' " -SV;. . j,- i- -. y
VXti July 1Sth)t Cupi. iuS,
fW XeWew Srn,.$44S; Dm JLuxm
" I immfVL'?dmti 2sf Th Nm 0.k.
IttJAp-Arioen tit tl4Sto$IUS.
mrimlm minimum AmmMrtg ehmrgvn.
guy t9 pejr t thm GmmmI asWers
nmerajrmeHfaut, .
TICK BROS., Salem, Oregon
Byerly Motor Co Albany, Oregon; .Benton Motor Co Xae CwraJlis, Oregon; SQvertoa Motor Car Co-,
BUrerton, Oregon Fred T. Bilyea, Scio, Oregon, Bones -BreUiera, Tuner, Oregon t C. J. Stireere A 6oe
Dallas, Oregon; "Henry C Hollemon, Harrisbnrg, Oregon; T. D. Poneroy, Indpndnce, Oregon r F. 1.
Miller, Aurora, Oregon; Jf . i. Arnold,' Monmouth, Oregon; Toledo Super -Serrice Station. Toledo Orcgou.
and greater smoothness and quietness
e i i
i !
; i
1 -'
Yon know how, Nash enjjineered ease never offered a motorist before
Jy as you ride. Upholstery Is
TLrr, of select mohair, tutted. All fit
Now DRIVE this Advanced Six tings and appointments are of
4-Door Sedan and see nil Nash h
done in the way of aevelopin2 . . , - " , . . - :- r
SPEED Genuine, walnut is i used in the r
a. il L j It. i tteerins wheel Doot paneling
with its erspeedthis witiaow! moldings instrument ' J
abilirv voaVo ever cxpericnccxL
Ifa nevvne amixv?s are boik of t!wr - ' W ; r
Another outstanding feature ia its once and get oor exceptional f
new-type N&sh rteerins mecha -TERMS on- your present car be-1
msm. iou turn axxu psxk. wuu sa ; aoro you Duy
' V ; 365 North Commercial Street, Telephone lSO
Extra Ixmg 'Wbeelbase
Adranced Six Series
T-pasa. Sedan ...... ..f22es
8-pass. Ambassador . . . 220a
t-pasa. Coupe (Rumble
Seat) ................ 2030
4- pasa. Victoria . . . . . . . 1831
Begular Wheelbaso '
5-Vass. Sedan (4-door) . .f 1802
8-paas. Sedan (S-door) .i iTO
- Special Six Series
6-pass. sedan 4-door) . . f 153
6-pasa. Sedan (S-door) . , 1430
4-pass. Cabriolet -r.'i . lt5
t -pass. Coupe isto
Standard Six Series
5- pasa. Laadaa Sedan . .$1258
S-pasa. 4-door Sedan lies
5 -pass. 2 -door Sedan .... 1083
4-pass. Cabriolet , . ..; nea
t-pasa. Coupe . . i. iotl
W. i i, -
- eiB" . . T .......... 1 : A - - s
ffltvig MilllOlaSVfc.;'--
Never before was a low-priced car effortless gear . shifting that have
so delightful to drive as today's . made Chevrolet so decidedly
Chevrolet 1: " popular for congested traflic.
1 Fast get-away . easy, smooth op- And never before was a low-priced
' eradon high speed roadabity C2LT go comfortable -for Chevro
unfailing power . . and flashy , let gpring, are 88 as long as the
acceleration wheel 0 . . . and built of chrome
--Exactly the t?ype!bf performance - ' vanadium steell
ithat .everyone wanU , amein!Leamt
- . W ut0mob.ll.e wW a feeling of confi-
t 7. rtz .:;, - Ylte ilTTTt a; . ; dence it gives yon to
And the source of v
this matchless per--S
formance is the'
Chevrolet: valve-n-:
T y ,1 head motor, a motor .
-;" J . that has established T
vavfOTld-wide"reputaj'; "
J ' "tfion for! its reinark
;. t- , able power, depend v
'r "5- abUiryandecdnomy
- alL the ; finger-tip .
: gteering, alt the pos
, itive braking - and
' m v.
-. ,.: Cli 1 ' ' .
"drive a car" that is
" -j powered for every
, need I that is
' j smooth' and -quiet
j at every speed 4 a
. that r espotids to the
- slightest pressure oti
-r j the : steering wheeL
ii iTheniyott'Il know
- why millions have
J acclaimed : today's
- Chevrolet as the fan-
i est performer: in tha ,
low-price field I ;
ra3i: A '525
ToTnck - S-IQC
Br Track. . SIQC
Only) "-'
Douglas McEay Chevrolet Co.
v . Temporary Address, 487 Center Street, TeL 745 -