The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 23, 1927, Page 12, Image 12

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    rg - ' - ; . , 7 TIIE OHEGOK' STATCSMANSAIJIM OREGON. SUNDAY tORND?GY OCTOBER -3 192?' ' - 1- - . .i J: j . -
feats, la Salem. Rey, R. L. Para
i rd the arYlce before the! fira
I place jwhlch was banked 1 with
6rygattUemnBis, jalms. and -fern.
; Candftlabra with white candles
.barned. on. the mantel. ,
, .The bride, who waa given in
marriage br iimr brother nr a
.T'K Kown t. white iilt crepe
j made, with ailver Jaee orer-dretn.
i aad a fall lentth tulle veil eanrht
"With branjce blosgoms. She eairrled
a ahower f Ceeil Brunner rosea.
Miss : Eihel Davto of Portland
j Vaa maid or boa or. She. wore a
j' froclr of layndar flat crepe trlm
, med with, bands of velvet and car
I ried an arm bouquet of golden
s ehryaanthemuma. - - : - . f.
j ' - Rollln Rhlnehaxt acted aa beat
maow "; ' , - s '.'
Mra. Clvde Sherman aW nh
Promise Ma." She was accompan
ied by Mlaa' Myrtle Knowlan4 who
,lso played Mendelssohn's we4
ding marrhi. 1 -K""l
; ; Mr and (Mra. Ellla left ' 6nne
dLately aftfr the informal tecep-
' tlon on a wedding trip to eastern
Oregbn. For her golng-awa cos
tume, the bride wore a black geor-
' geue dreso, black oat, trimmed
..1. : . -:"r-. ,
Seiidt&r and Mral McNary i
1 Leaving For the East ; ir , "
It I Sesator land Mrs. Charles ; L.
1 McIUry artj Jeavlag tomorrow for.
t waaaiagton D.jC. They will so by
f way of tbe Oriental Ldmlted.
i Motor to Tualatin i
i l-1 Dr. aad Mrs. George II. Alden
!and MrsAf letta, M. Page motored
j to Tualatinf Friday to Attend the
i fuaraT of Mrs. Lily Richardson.
' da; their return they will make
! their borne jix. Daiiaa where ; Mr.
EXUitia maaager ot tin SheU Oil
' Company. c. . ' J
f iQuaata at jth wedding included:
t Mr. and, Mrs. A O. Roen and Mlsa
I Kltbl.Ijavi4. of PeftUnd, Mr, and
i Mm. Roberts of Corvallis, Mr. and
I Mrs. Ruller of Tllckerall. Mr j aad
I Mrs Cole aind Ross : Fletcher of
I Dallas, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Dav-
ls Mrs. " Shermsn,: Mr. Blodgett,
Miss Mole Schwabbauer, Miss Ce-;-
cIMA : Hendrckson, Miss Myrtle
i Ksowland, Miss Vera Fender, Miss
Leota Wllsoa. Miss Frances Sher
man. Miss Mildred Sherman, Miaa
Jennid Drew, RoUin ; Rheinhart,
' Chester Llndsey, Leon Nelson. ..
I Interesting Meeting of r .'-V
lirooka Community Club
Y- Mrs. Italpfh stmrgis was hostess
il at the meeting of the Brooks Conj?
muplty Cluli Thursday afternoon,
"' October, toi Asslstaat hostesses
' were iMrs. Walter - Fuller, Mrs.
i Mrs.' George Campbell. Mrs. Em-
ml Mrs. George Far-
i Mrs. JWaltejr -Fuller ; presided at
: thehusia9ii jio,c.whJ4h was
i-. ) Thfettalnder'iof jthe afternoon
wiai ipent jttfngomfor4jers - aad
pjeetajt n't ZirfmSM:
ltW lIaltowenfresh
, nfenUw'sieJrVed M tbe.ter houn
. Ftaak. V.'heiler -pf ' Salem , Mrs.
Bessh '4layes of - TlHamoflk," Mrs.
'Akna: TliSMKiC rdf 'X&tt&lfil kpeclal
gnes,f 4'itaib.: foubw&r : ciiub
irifraberaf Mrs.f George- Campb"ell,
'aSlufgls,' Mrsl AddW Manning. Mrs.
Georgs." FerreCr Mrsv J. : Bin
; haci,. Mrs.- b.f F, "Ramp, Mrs. Al
i Wood, "il rs4 George Ramp, M rs.
j Ella-4Uwl,-.Mrs. Leah... Bailey.
' Mrs.v Leonaj Harris, Mrs. '--Walter
. Fuller.' Mri.' :Nellie Ramp Mrs.
unloel-Sturgls;.- aad Mrslalph
;;stargis, T'- ) ' . ; :
State Voltrd "Meeting of" i
"American Board Mothers
: iThe State Board meeting of the
American War .Mothers "will : be
t tkld ' In Salem ;Wedaesday. Octo-
br-f6tti.: i- ..' .,. ',' -i ' '
? X Women.from Albany. Portlaad.
Jind Salem. as well as other val
, ,ler'. points will attead the meet.
( lag. The bijislaess Besslon will be
C held-la theiafteraoon but no def-
inlte eatertalameat plaas have
. been 'made.' - Z'
I Meeting of Daughters - '
of Veterans V '
; The regular, meetlns of Dang farters-'of
'Veterans of; Union Wars
I will be ? held Wednesday evening
; at eight oMock In 4he Woman's
f Clubvhousei J on i; 5arth Cottage
Street. fv,' v.
I Vniversitv Women's Club
BnTemineTtjarATden-irffMe T
f Jie. Willamette University Fac-
ulty Women's Club "was eatertain
e4 at'lheome of Mrs. George II.
"'A4dAibft trTbiyIbn9oni
MraVTFIoVlan! Yoa' Escheh, Miss
Fraoceg ,yrgJni Melton and. Wl3
..ucttlleRars- sirs, assistant toosv
" tesiiVS '- , " f
f The;affa!r ; wfra given a5 wel
to8 .Jtn Mrs; Cart Tregg 3oney
i who .retura.'ed October 1 3 "from a
: two montlw visit In the east, and
, tq Mlas OlfTO M. ,DahI,' dean of
t women Tall Willamette University.
MenjbrS,c.f the lub are: Mrs.
! Doaey and , M-iss Dahl, thehoaor
' saeutsi .Mrs! F. XL Erlckson. Mrs.
II. Brown, Mm. Herman Clark,
-Irs. Alice? II. Dodd. Miss Edith Be
;Nl3e. Mn:c. A: Downs. Mrs. Gus-
tav-Ebseo. Mrs, F. G.- Franklin,
! :.Irs, . Robert M. Gatke. Mrs. Roy
1 Iteene; Mrs. C. A.:Kells. Mrs. W.
'IVIIJrk. Mrs S. N. Laughlln, Mrs,
' Janes T.i Mathews. .Mrs. .lorton
; ; . rec.i M133 W3tifrel "McGiU,
" 't". I". Richards.- Mrs. Charles
I.. em in, llr. FlorUn Von Es-
1 1 B I I I t- ' 1 ' 1 1 I - T I I ; 1 I - n 'II I 1 - I I .."-.:' " I I I I I I VV ;i 'X II I I I I ft I , Ill
JSr--U K: : : VtM:: '-. 1' ' . ;-v-: .- . :, I
... -! . How: Would Your- Room Appear With . ' . r. k
Three Piece Suite
Bed, Dresser
' $168.50 .
This Suite finished in
combination ' blended
. r . j.
.... .... . . i
. .-' ... ' ,
This Suite will add to
the beauty of your
K 4
Wrought Iron Base with
Parchment' Shade
, .
is,'. ...
' ' ' - ' - . i v . -
A .'j ' :
, i-ji'J T - ,
; 1 t
Is fust the 'Table dii: '
havien wantmgri V'
i-i- .- - .t . . - .
TERMS:. :':K.
Will help you to add
that desires effect
r'-v Prices :jl
$25.00 to
Steel Beds
With Real Walnut Finishr Can Hardly.
I be Detected from the Wooden; Beds '
. Prices Extremely Reasonable
i - , -
: See Our Selection -
If It li ft Mill - I .' ,' J I S f f f J f r ' . I l f f iv . j f
(finiiVJyiUini ISIOIUJ
' , . .: . . ; jrJ 1 4 . r-V
- r
" By." 'V
Caswell Runyan
- a
Graceful Lines Rich Walnut Veneer
Simple Design Enduring Fashion
Table, Buffet, 6 Chairs
$156. 00
i' f
' no ; : ,
1 -Three Piece Suite
Bed, Vanity
. Extra Pieces
Rocker $13.50
Chair $12.50
Stand $13.50
Bench $ I 1.50
L, ; C
Enrich Your Living
: Room With
I i
i I
: )
f r
V t
1 1 j
V. :
v i
k A . kaAaali Aaa a ;