The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 23, 1927, Page 10, Image 10

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vi'TUlly ; Day." Brash College
Sunday School. .
. ' Monday , ;
' American Lesion ' Auxiliary.
McCornack Hall 8 o'clock.
Glee Club, Americas Legion
Auxiliary-. v MeCornack HalL , 3
o'cloek. ... .. V. .
I Chapter AB. PEO. "Hallow'en
Costume .Party ,T Mrs.. Mildred' F
Flags. 1S31 N. 3L7 St. hostess.'
' f Monday' BiMel Class. Mrs. C. A.
Park. 1485 cihemeketa Street.
2:50 o'clock. t
Drill team. Auxiliary of Sons of
Veterans of, Union Wars. Armory.
2 o'clock. j "
Auxiliary of Sons of Veterans
of Union Wars. Woman's Club
house. 2 o'clock. -
2nd Division, child study group.
A. A. U. W. Room 1004. U. S.
Bank Bids.
Social Afternoon, Eastern Star.
Masonic templet. 2 o'clock.
South Division. Ladies' Aid.
First Presbyterian Church. Mrs.
E. G. Ford. 575 S. High St. hos
tess. 2 o'clock.
Faixriew Cbmnyun,lty Clubw
Community Hall. 8 o'clock.
Sweet Briar Club. Mrs. James
Imlah, Wallace Road.
Oregon recital. Professor T. S.
Roberts. Robert's home. 505 N.
Summer St. Benefit of Salem Arts
Elk's Club Dance. Elk's Club,
State Street. ,
Daughters of Veterans. Worn-
i 3Jl3 Club-hute. 8 o'clock.
, Members present were, Mrs.
Mark Baker, Mrs. Charles Brant.
Mrs. B. W. Walcher, Mrs. Fred
Thompson.- 'Mrs. John Berteloon,
Mrs. J. Seymour,' Mrs." Chester Ba
ker. Mrs. A. T. Woolpert, Mrs.
Virgin' Rehberg, ".Mrs. Buckles.
Mrs. Charles KInzer, Mrs. Lucille
Maiera, Mrs. Estes. Mrs,' Charles
McKinley Mrs. Carle Abrams, Mrs.
R. C. Churchill, and Mrs. C. T. El
Mr. and Mrs. Bishop Week
End Guests i7i Portland
Mr. and. Mrs. C. P. Bishop -will
return this; .evening alter spend
ing the week-end in Portland s
the guests of their son and dansh-ter-tn-law,
Mr, and Mrs. CJarence
M. Bihop and of Mr3. Bishop's
sisters. Mrs, Fisher and Mrs. C. T.
Mrs. Emmons and Mrs. Hayes
Entertain With'-Dridne Ten
Mrs. A. S. Hayes and Mrs. Carl
W Emmons- entertained Friday
afternoon with a delightful bridge
The' Jiving rooms of the Hayes
home on E Street were lovely
with tall baskets of ! Michaelmas
daisies, chrysanthemums, and
dahlias. Brilliant autumn leaves
hanked the fireplace. Marigolds
and: yellow chrysanthemums were
arranged in the dining room.
i Mrs. , Reed ; Rowland assisrea
Mrs. Emmons and Mrs. Hayes at
the tea. hour. . ' .
Six tables of bridge were in
play in! the afternoon. Mrs. Ken
neth FRrgerald won first prize
for high score and Mrs. Glenn
Gregg received second.
.V The 'guest-group Included: Mrs.
Herbert Stiff, Mrs. D. N. Simons,
Mrs. Cecil Swope, Mrs. M. B.
Wagstaff, Mrs. N. M. Williams,
(Contiaa4 P .)
ypper right: - Lottie Elizabeth Holcomb, 12year old daughter of Mrs. M. Holcomb. Upper left:-Mary
u , Elizabeth Sisson U ihe three year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Sisson. Center: Billy
; McCammon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McCammon of Portland and grandson of Mrs. J. A. Carson
w '.-.-Billy S 2 years old. Lower right: 'Margaret is the 13 year old daughter of Dr. and Mrs. L, R,
, Burpellte. Lower left: Miss Eloise Prudhomme whose marriage to Frank Deckebach will be
an event of November 5 at St. Stephen's Pro-Cathedral in Portland.
When leaves grow gold, and north winds blow,
October's brash makes landscapes gJow,
Decks monarch oak in cloak blood-red,
Her graceful elms chrome yellow spread.
Through ivies' green, makes ruby flow.
And pentian blue, so loth to go,
Greets golden-rod, while to and fro,
Soft fringes wave. Bowed sunflowers head,
j , . When leaves grow gold;
Ir wealth of nuts glad squirrel chirps low,
-'Midst sigh of leaves caws luckless crow,
Atic sad our1 hearts when comes the dread
Cold snow as swift departs the tread
Oil Autumn fair-fall loved her so,
4 I t X ' Wnen leaves grow goia. :
H v I' -Viola Price Franklinl
K' ' .
Pri-NiDd Club Dance ' i
Event ofi Past Week
- A delightful affair of the past
tfeek was ftho dance given Friday
ftrenlng 14 Castillian Hall by the
Fri-Ni-Da Dcncing'j Club, I -'
ii Officers! of the felub this year
are: president Glenn H. Cregg;
Vjepresixlent,' James N. Smith:
and secretary. Elton H. Thomp
eon, . t ' .
Menvbeib of the' committee In
charge of khe affair i. Mr. and Mrs.
Louis Anderson, " Mr. and Mrs.
Howard rou. Mr ,and ' Mrs.
James Ted,. a:id Mr.: ahd Mrs. L.
tj.Jenftent attired as ghosts and
f anrlny ack-o-lantrnv niet th
luests at! th door. They' a!s
ravd two tlevOT ajie9 whih they
had arratked' features lof h
eveTIcwnler?uaent.-' fc. '
- The cKjb membership Include:
i- M- vj. 1.:Mrs. Jaines. - ii " F'tt
Crald. H '. and, Mrs. .Jesse Ceorp.
lln and Mrs. -.7.' tl. ' Holt." Mr. and
Mm. C. ft. Kajie.tMr. end Mrs. 51.
E. Keita. Mr.',, and Mrs OrsB
nion ".. Mr, and, ,Mrs,-ft , W. ' Nei-wyer-'Mr.
aad Mrsx Ralph ; Olson,
jir. and; Mrsv Oscar- Olson. Mr.
snd Mrs. Earl raulsen, Mr: and
Mrs. Reea nowland,1 Mr., anji Mrs.
Merrill nth, Mr. and Mrs. 'James
Teed.Ttr. Hnd Mrv t-aban St per,
MrL and Mrs. Thomas Wolgamott.
Mr, and Mrs. Cuy S. , Yang.'Mr.
8 nd v Mfs. j Leo( Johnson, Mr. -and
Mrs, Haddbn Bond, Mr. and Mrs,
Kenneth Fitzgerald Mr.: and Mrs.
CofiL A' Shone, . " Mr. and j ,Mra.
Lloyd Lfce Mr.' and - T n.Patrick
Havls, Mr.i sad Mrs. A. S. Hayes.
i llt. and , Mrs. Lester 4Sande Mr,
and Mrs. ! George . ReyTtoJds, Mr.
'and Mrs.Whward ' Xj, ' Mr. end
?Trs. Clifford ; TrrvWend, MrWnd
rs. Thoiias-- Woods, '; Mr; and
llr$.GJ.A$ Hathaway. ' Mr. a hd
?Tr. L. L. jenwa. Mr. -and Mrs.;R.
II: Kennedy. Mr.' and Mrs. Duane
C'hsott. Mr, end Mrs. Howard Hnl
r y, Mr. and M rsl Rov FoIHv Dr. ;
F-1 Mrs. Kenneth. Power, Mr. and
: rs. Carl Schneider, Mr; and, Mrs.
; ;;worth;ltick"; -:.Mr and "Mrs. i
r. C. Charlton, Mr. and Mrs. Glen
shoeraoker. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold i
Krueger Mr. andMrs.'-- August
Glutsch, Mr. and i Mrs. Glen Pax
ton,; Mr. and Ms. George Nelson,
Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Zellef, Mr. and
Mrs. Howard Young, Mr. and Mrs;
Albert Smith, Mr.a'nd Mrs. Car!
Chapler, Mr. and Mrs. Louis An
derson. Mr. and Mrs. Cart "Arm
strong, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Arm
strong. Mr. and Mrs. A. -E. Ber
ger. Mr. and Mri. Ralph C. Bid
weU; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Booth,
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Burch, and Dr.
and Mrs. Carl.w. Emmons.
The Fri-NI-Oa Cluib has dance
every third Friday evening of each
month at nine o'clock in Castil
lian Hall.
Members f the November com-1
L'mlttee are. Mr, and :Mrs.; RoA8 C;
Bidwell, Mr. and . Mrs. Earl Paul
sen vMr. and Mrs. Albert : Smith,
and Mr. andMrs. E. C. Charlton."
Sites Juanitd Hockett Be
comes Bride 'at Lovely Home
j The wedding, of Miss Juanita
Hofketlt, daughter of Mr, and Mrs.
L. C.- Hockett, and Henry Glrod.
son of Mt. and Mrs. A.-'Glrod. was
solemnised at-the home of the
bride's parents at two o'clock
Sunday atterhoen October six
teenth; ' - r ' r;v;i. r
" Rev.' Thomas Acheson read, the
single ring service in tho presence
of intimate friends and Immed'ate
relatives of the bridal' coapleT
Preceding the service, Vernon
Tyler, accompanied oh Jlhe piano
by -Miss Eleanor Whftford, sang
"I Love Yon Truly". ' . .
The bride was lovely In a gown
of white 'satin, with full length
tulle veil held In place wtth a cor
onet of orange blossoms.
Y; Te m aid of .honor wore yellow
georgette and carried aVbouquet
of .yellow , chrysanthemum and
lavender asters. - - '"". ,
V Mrs. ,HV D. TVatson, played Lo
hengrin's wedding march as the
bridal party took their (places be-
chaelmas dal!ea and ehrysanthe-mums.
A reception followed the cere
mony. Mrs. L. L. Hockett, Mrs
V. E. Hockett. Mrs. A. Glrod.
Mrs.Della Girod, and Mrs. O. Gar
ner, assisted In serving.
Mr. and Mrs. Girod wUl: be at
home to their friends after No
vember the first in their new
country home on Route 8 near
A numiber of pre-nuptial affatirs
were given In honor of Mrs. GIr
od. Amqng them, the luncheon
for which Mrs. Harry Scott and
Mrs. Lloyd Hockett entertained,
and the miscellaneous shower giv
en by Miss Lois Hockett.
Guest In Hubbard
Mrs. H. F. purkhelmeri is the
week-end guest of her brother,
Mr. II. Mack, in Hubbard. I
Add Scalp?
Social Aftemocn of the
Eastern Star
T"- '-e:"'ar iocial afternoon of
the. Eas'ern S'iar will be held
ne day, beginning at two o'i
clock. I
A silver offering will be taken
for the "Cheer Club." to benefit
the Masonic home in Portrand.
Members of the commdtte In
charge of the meeting are. Mrs.
Clara Olson. Mrs. Florence Pugh,
Mrs. Dorothy Pope, Mrs. Florence
Reeves. Mrs. Edna Rowland. Mrs.
Nellie White, Mrs. Grace Crater.
Mrs. A. L. Blampied. and Mrs.
Rose Kurtz.
All Eastern Star members in
that city are invited to attend.
Deliahtful Meeting of Hal
Hibbard Auxiliary
Hal Hibbard Auxiliary of the
Spanish War Veterans was de
lightfully entertained Friday af
ternoon at the home of Mrs. Rich
ard C. Churchill. Mrs. Clattde T.
Ellison was joint hostess. .
Following a short (business ses
sion presided over by Mrs. Mark
Baker, a' number of clever games
were played, the prize for the af
ternoon going to. Mrs. Charles Mc
Kinley. The living rooms of the Church.
ill home were beautifully deco
rated with baskets of dahlias.
The Hallowe'en motif was car
ried out in the decorations and re
freshments at the tea hour.'
' Tf
N s
If your hair won't keep the
simplest wave for several days,
there Is probably too much acidity.
A condition that causes hair to be
stubbornly straight and stringy,
and to lack all lustre. Acid scalp.
From the hour you check this
excessive acidity your hair will
act and appear very different. It
will arrange easily in any style
that becomes, for it "will have
lovely softness, and all the sheen
all healthy hair normally has:
Danderine will neutralize the acid.
and actually dissolve every par
ticle of dandruff scale. Your hair
won't need anything else to keep
it fresh, wholesome, and free from
the least objectionable taint that
is too often noticed in otherwise
fastidious women.
Danderine sells for only thirty-
five cents at any drugstore, and
as only a few drops on comb or
towel will do the work, a bottle
lasts for weeks!
Travel by Water
To San Francisco f 10.OO,
S20.00. 923.00. (
To Los Angeles $26,00 $31.00.
3.00. j
' . . - ii
Berth Meals Included
All First Class
Sailings Tues.-Wed.-Sat.
175 8. High Street j
Special! Sunday Bill
Oct ober 23, 1927 From 12 m. to 9 p. m.
Cocktail j
Crab or Fruit
Ripe Olives Celery Hearts . Pickles
Cream of. Chicken
Lettuce and Tomato
Chicken Fricasse with Egg Dumplings
Steamed Chicken with Home Made Noodles
Baked Virginia Ham with Sweet Potatoes
Roast Prime Ribes of Beef au Jus j
Baked Chicken with Celery Dressing , '
- '' String Beans v Snow flaked Potato
Jello with -Whipped Cream Orange Sherbet Rice Custard
Tea . i Coffee ' Milk I
5 - f "
Chicken Soup
Lettuce and Tomato Salad
" ' :. , M ENTREES
Chicken Fricasse with Egg Dumplings
. ' Roast ,Leg of Pork with Dressing
- Chicken : Wings and Giblets in Cream
, Roast Serloin of Beef with Brown Sauce
v Special Vejetabln Plate Poached Egg
String Beans ; Mashed Potato
i . : DESSERT - i
- Jello with' Whipped Cream Ice Cream
Tea " , . Coffee Milk
, SALADS ' .
Combination. .... .. . B0c Crab or Shrimp...
; Head Lettuce. 4 . .25c 'Tuna Fish..
'Sliced Toraato-j. .. . '. . .20c Fruit Salad .
v A ?' l :. MEATS AND FISH
, T-Bowe Steak, ,Frcacr Fried Potatoes ..... .
dnb Stek with Rasher of. Baron.
Mlnto's Sirloin Steak Chicken Fried.:;;.....,.
' Half -Reef Tenderloin Steak. French Fried.
- Grilled Salmon- Steak with Lemon Butter;
Old Fashioned-Steak "with Country Gravy. .... i ...... .4Se
'." , Home Made Pie, 10c - t
. . . . .auc
........... r.oc
.,. . . . . . . 55c
,' . . . .... .63c
Mlnto's New Salem Restaurant
Opposite the Elslnore ,
Versatile and Practical
Win Unusual Popularity
AtJeast one crepe satin dress is a necessity this year, and prefer
ably two or three. One dress may feature f the flare, another
pleats and tucks, and yet another smartly tailored at a price with-
in the reach: of the slenderest purse. From,
$10.95 to $49.50
Why a Charge Account?
It is more convenient- to say
"Charge it than to make
change, or to write a check, in ei
ther case one is subjected to the
usual inconvenience and delay of
waitiner fo reliance, or having the
check O. Kfd. .
In this age of budgeting ones in
come, a charge account is the
best insurance. In checking the
monthly account, one knoivs
definitely how the salary check
is to be spent. It is next to im
possible for one to keep suclf a
record of cash purchases!
Salem Store
4AO Statfl st.
Phone 877
flVi-A Wumen's Store
Portland Store
863 Alder St.
Phone Beacon 7013 t
r r " ;"" 1,1 1 iCTrr tt""' it" a""m I I
r -' J - i 2 I
'i V M
t - - A I
ri. '1 - - , - . j - I I
L I !
i - 1 4 - - - ' , 1
: :' V . ;. i;.iP.v... ; t . .
s f r' ,
. 4 1
i " i. " f ' '.' "'oil''
n A!-
international Fame
Next Thursday Eve., Oct. 27
November 25th
Janjiary 26th .v
World's Greatest Charf&ber Masfe Oirnl
Llarch 22nd
lUilliHnt and benatlful . MdroiioliUn
operatic fame from "Follies, one of
Opera Star. Her rise o
musical sensations of age. '
Why go to Portland or
New tYork when these
artists are broughtto
yoiir own theatre. . .
Season Ticket, Four Events, S6; Students S4
A' season ticket reserves your favorite seat for each "per
formance. Those who have already subscribed are re
quested to call at Els j hore box of fire -TICKETS NOW.
READY, or if you wish .them mailed, please: call by
pbone 307. ' : j - ; ;
ELSINORE NowOpen 10 A.M. to 5 P. M.
m '
t AAA, A AJk-A kA JA. m.Jb4k Al1'
1. A AA J A mi A mm AAAAAAA.JhA m h .m m m, m