4 Jrs. Liresley Hostess at A ttraetivelBridge Tea I One of the most delightful af fairs of the autumn season was tbe Mge tea for Mrs. T A. lilyes lwas hostess .Wednesday af ter iJbo on Falrmoont JIM. ''This affair was the first of a series which Mrs. Livesley - will give this winter., -..;. Mrs.; Charles li. 'McNary . won honors for pilgh score. Mrs.' Fritz Slade won second prize.. The guest group Included: Mrs. Isaac Lee Iatterspn, Mrs. Charles L. MeN'ary, Mrs. John H.'McNary, M rs. William - Boot, - Mrs. George Rodgers, lira. John Jj Roberts, Mrs. O. C. Locke, , Mrs. T. C Smith, Jc Mrs. Romeo Oouley, Mrs. Frederick Lamport. Mrs. J Shelley. Saorman,. Mrs. Ashael Bush, Sirs. Frits Slade, Mrs. Mae llofer, 3Irs. B. O. Shucking, Mrs Curtis Cross, Mrs. Louis Lach mund, Mrs. W. H. Lytle, Mrs. Dan J. Fryj Jr, Mrs Harry .Hawkins, Mrs. W. H. Dancy, Mrs. John H. Carson Mrs. Daviw W. Eyre, Mrs George : M. Dorcas, and Misa Flora Mason,' Mrs. Harry Cnsick, -and Mrs. Percy Young, all of Albany. The tea table was centered with a lorely combination of crimson and pink roses, and leep rose ta pers. Mrs. Will fa m Boot ponred. Mrs. Fritz Slade, Mrs., Dan Fry, Jr., and Mrs. Harry Hawkins as sisted fn the dining room. Executive Committee of Woman's Council of Churches The executive committee- of the Woman's Council of Churches met Monday afternoon at the Y. W. 1 C. A. , Mrs. Fred Erickson presided at the business session. The various committees gave their reports at this meeting. The; committee on Japanese work re ported that nine of the children! - graduated from the kindergarten j school maintained near Lake La bish and had entered Hayes villei and Kejser schools. Arrangements were made for the next meeting, which will be held November 10 at Pratum. Mrs. John Humphrey is chairman of the program committee. Entertains Her Bridge . Club With One o'clock Luncheon Mrs. John Carson entertained the members of her bridge club with a one o'clock luncheon, Tues day afternoon in her home.' on North Summer Street. ! i-Tbe luncheon table was lovely with a ",n(terplece of lemon-yellow chrysanthemums. Covers were arranged tor Mrs. Frank Spears, Mrs. Kejvh Powell of Woodburn, Mrs. Arthur J. Raho; Mrs. Harry Hawkins, Mrs. Fritz Slade, Mrs. R. M. Hofer, Mrs. T. A. Roberts, Mrs. Dan J. Fry, Jr., Mrs. Prince Byrd. Mrs. W. Connell Dyer, Mrs. Krcei nay, ana me nosiess, iurs. Carson. - Dance of Fri-Ni-Da Club This Evening ' The second dance of the club season will be given this evening by the Fri-Ni-Da Dancing club. Members of the entertainment committee are Mr. and Mrs. Louis Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. James Teed, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Young, and Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Jensen. president's Day Will Be uuserveaat woman a duo Meeting ! ?? Presidents, past and future, will he honored at the meeting of the Salem 'Woman's Club Satur day afternoon. The- past presidents of the club are Mrs.' Isabel Geer. Mrs. Lucia Cusick, Mrs. Sybil Catlin. Mrs Lulu H. Bash, Mrs. Edna D. Ray mond, Mrs. Helen P. Gatch, Mrs Iva H. Kirk, Mrs. Ida Fleming, Miss Mattie F. Beatty, Mrs. Flor ence Cartwright. , Mrs. Marguerite P. Elliott, ! Mrs. Alice H. Dodd, Mrs.- Elizabeth M. Albert, Mrs, Louise Riggs, Mrs.. Helen B. Ham ilton, Mrs. Nora L. Anderson Mrs. LaMoine R. Clark, Mrs. Eliza beth Peace Jones, Mrs, Lorah Spaulding. Mrs. Ida Ruth "Fargo, and Mrs. C. S. Hamilton. Each of these officers will wear a costume appropriate to the year when she was president of the club. , A group of club members will appear as future presidents, also in costume. This meeting of the club is a "get acquainted" meeting and all members are urged to be present Mrs. LaMoine R. Clark la in charge of the musical program. The committee in charge of the 'affair- Includes: Mrs. William J Bnsick, chairman; Mrs. William McGilchrist, Jr:, Mrs. W. S. Mott. Mrs, .Frank Jaskosi, Mrs. E. E Kennell, Mrs. George M. King Mrs. H. H. Olinger, Mrs. J. H Jennings, Mrs. J. C. Nelson, Mrs. George E. Lewis, Mrs. Roy H Social Calendar t Mills. Mrs. Will Moore, Mrs. A. A Siewert, Miss Esther Morris, Miss Margaret Schumaker, Mrs. Claude Steusloff. and Mrs. H. L. Stiff. Leisure Hour Club Has Opening Meeting of Fall Season Another of Salem's social or ganizations, the Leisure Hour Club, opened activities for another year with a one o'clock luncheon Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Seymour Jones. Mrs. John H. Scott and Mrs. John Albert were assistant hostesses. Mrs. R. E. Lee Steiner was elec ted president of the club for the year. Mrs. Wrillis Moore will serve as secretary-treasurer. An interesting talk concerning her recent trip around the world was given by Mrs. Dan J. Fry, Sr. Members' of the club-are:' Mrs Milton M eyers. ...Mrs.. DanJ. Fry; Sr., - Mrs. U.4 tS. Shipley-; MT. IioX L. Pearce, Mrs. R. E. Lee Stein er, Mrs. Fred Steusloff, Mrs. Kitty Graver, Miss Oda Chapman, Mrs. John H. Albert, Mrs. Willis Moore, Mrs. E. C. Small, Mrs. John Scott, Mrs.' George Pearce, Mrs. Charles Weler, Mrs. H. J. Clements, Mrs. Alice H. Dodd, Mrs. Elizabeth Lamb, and Mrs. Charles, A. Park. Mrs. Steusloff, Mrs. Moore, Sirs. Lamb will entertain the club in November at the home of Mrs. Steusloff, 607 North Commercial Street. Woman' 8 Union Will Meet, This Afternoon The Woman's Union of the First Congregational Church will meet this afternoon at the home of Mrs. D. R. Ross, 771 North Cot tage Street. The missionary box will he packed at this time. 'FricJajr -----. . ; Woman's Auxiliary of St, Paul's Episcopal Church, r Mrs, James Walton, 1077 Center St., hostess. Hal Hibbard S. W. B. A. Mrs. R. .C. Chnrchill, 145,.N. 21., St. hostess. ' t Frl-NI-Da- Club- Dance. Castll- lian Hall. v "Chicken-pie supper. Mill St. M. E. Church, 15th, and Mill St. 5:30-8:30 o'clock. s Woman's Union. First Congre gation Church. Mrs. P. R. Ross, 771 N. Cottage St. hostess. 2:30. .Woman's Alliance, Unitarian Church. Emerson "Room; ;2:30 o'clock. : . .. Tea. Y. W. C, A. 3 o'clock. Pub lic Invited to attend, Friday Bridge Club, Mrs. Cv A. Olson, 1782 Reservoir St. hostess. west siae (Jircie, , laaies , aio. Jason Lee Church. ,' Mrs. Albert Vlek, ll 9 5 N. Liberty St? 2 o'clock. .Past Matrons 4jAsso'ciaioni, Or der of Eastern StarT Mrs. Jams Godfrey, 4 9 5 , N., Liberty St. hos tess. ; . 4 .. , ,- W. O. W. Dance.' Fraternal Temple. Center St. 4 , Golden West Club. Wr. B. A Mrs. Jennie Miller. 351 S. 19 St J'Costume Party." Saturday ; Woman's Club. President's Day Club-house. 2:30 o'clock. v , Monday "Hallowe'en costume party," Chapter AB, P. E. O. Miss 1 May Rauch. 17 Court Apartments.- , Mrs. Paulson Entertains Adolynk Club Members of the Adolynk ; Club were entertained Wednesday aft ernoon at the home of Mrs.; Earl Paulsen. Bridge was the diversion of the afternoon. Mrs. James Tee re ceived the club prize for , high score. '. The rooms of the Paulsen home were very attractive with baskets of chrysanthemums, dahlias, and cosmos. ! Mrs. James Smith assisted the hostess at the tea hour. ; Club members present 'were Mrs. Oral Lemmon, Mrs. James Teed, Mrs. Reed Rowland, ( Mrs. Carl Chapter, 'Mrs. George , Nel son, Mrs. . Jesse George, Mrs. James, Smith, and the hostess. Mrs. Paulsen. t. ' tifcrs. Wright in Portland For the. Dnti a IT" 7 TPJ ' i r- ' ;Mrs. Fay Wright is In Portland today where she will be In attend ance at the luncheon given for the officers of Daughterstf the Nile. Mrs. Wright is out-of-town officer of the local organization. Coiint-Chi-Me Sunday School Class Entertained at:Davlest Home , f .The Count On- Me Sunday School Class of the First Baptist Church was entertained .-Wednes day afternoon at the' .home, of Mrs. T. W. Da vies on North Cot tage Street. - , Hallowe'en decorations and bas kets of yellow and white chrysan themums were used In the living rooms. . , t Mrs. W. C Pickens was in charge of the devotions and of the business meeting which followed. Officers elected for the year are: teacher, Mrs. S. Willis; pres ident, Mrs. Ida Meymyer; vice president, Mrs. Hoover; secretary and treasurer, Mrs. F. W. Edgar; and assistant secretary, Mrs. Har ry Ralph. ' The songs of Fannie Crosby were featured at the social hour Refreshments were served at the close of the afternoon. , Those present were Mrs. New myer, Mrs. Ross, Mrs. Hoover, Mrs. E. Mundinger, Mrs. M. Olem Mrs. AJ. Mathis, Mrs. W. 8. Tay lor Mrs, E. .E. Barster, Miss Jen nie Robinson, Mrs. D. D. Socolof sky, MravF. Jl. Clare, Mrs. W J. Way man, Mrs, D. Standifer, Mrs. G. A. McAdams, Mrs. M. D. Skjff. Mrs. - F.; A. Erlckson, Mrs J. E. Summers, Mrs. J. C. Lamke. ,. Special guests for the afternoon were Mrs. G. W. Rutsch, Miss Gladya Edgar, and Rer. and Mrs. R. S. Payne. Members of the refreshment committee included Mrs. W.- C. Pickens, Mrs. S. W. Edgar, Mrs. J. C. Farmer, and Mrs. H. Lottls, , The November meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. E. J Ross. ; 1 Miss Marjorie Sherwin Be comes Bride at Lovely Home Wedding One or tne loveliest weddings of October was that of Miss. Marj orie Sherwin and Kenneth C. Perry which was solemnized at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Sherwin at two o'clock yesterday afternoon. The Christian wedding service was read , Rev. Ession of Albany- before i ther fjfeplace. which was banked with chrysanthemums and brilliantly-colored ; autumn leaves. Seven-branch ' candelabra with white -candles burned In tbe background ' The bride, who was given In marriage- by; her father, wore a gown of white flat crepe embroi dered with crystal beads a,nd with a circular headed flounce on the skirt. She ' carried a shower bou quet of Cecil I Brunner ;roses. - . . - She was unattended. - Mies. Ruth Sherwin. a sister of tthe bride, played: Mendelssohn's wedktffcg'-marchess the bridal cou ple Voolr tlieirjPlaces. , " - Folio wins the "informal recep- (ConfinitrS nn pa 10. ;miiihiuhuiihiim If fiealifi is wealtfL are cure cold fot 4 CRACKERS : your children gold that is invested so that it pays them consunt dividends all through life. Health means earning power, thinking ability, poise, confidence And Tru-Bla graham crackers BUILD HEALTH. . Made of TRUE graham flour that contains the roughage' and the nourishment of the en tire wheat grain in nature's own proportions Tru-Blu gTaham crackers regulate the bodr as they nourish it Sweetened with HONEY nature's own healthful sweet Tru-Iu Graham crackers are delicious. That's important for it is en joyable foods that are readily, easily digested and assimilated . Order From Your ocerGW. ySK for tnt ww Corf FAMILY Packajt AM UNBIASED BALLOT 5f iytgl LESS HAN Plk BAKING DOUDLC ACTING m2H ' ! fSif ffifils 9 1 ,n -tr- - -Ti T n ifc't S (SV ERvlCE IFFON n ;.h Rarely ore Style and Service More Smartly Combined in These Hose at Shipleys Evengl Amber Silk from toe to top in medium or service weights, also service weight silk.' from toe to welt. Biskra' Pandora Aloma $1.75 ' 1 Chiffon hose of exceedingly fine texture, kilk from toe to top'V line JififelThis number can also had in service silk. 1 $2.50 Service weight sila with, garter Wocit' which lessens the garter strain.. Also chiffons and med ium weight silks. $1.95 Rochell French Nude 4 , Marron Chiffon hose with V-line square,, or: brilliant heels. Self tone and contrasting clox from top or an- We Cater to rllEN: Who Buy for Women kle. j ... ( '$2.95 -j :; - - - .... s 3 S i s i Prince lofizel (Announces the Appointment of the . : , i mi I 1 Til 1 . Yvzei ( iwcoidtes ... Crown Drug Store Exclusive Distributors of - i I i for Salem, Oregon 5And Commends hese Choice Qhocolates to All 'Who . S&k Confections1 V Xiade "0 a Queen's aste" I 1 s MmMmnurainmimiiuniuiMmwwMiHMMMMMiNMm aniiMwiHMlniiiiniMUHiriMHMtwimiiiimiu(iiii 1 :, 1 Incorporated " ' -r JSvT ll - ....... -.. r: ' - - : : I $1Q0,C00 Sn Premiums pJ "'n ' ' " .17tlx Aiirii Expitioa , I aVvnL Combines Dairy Products ShoWworldro ) . f. Oiii otted HorseSho, National Wool Show, :l i l I , 'XvAHyTm Northwest Tot Show, Mannfactsrerr" sad Uai lyv I Product" Sbo,, Boy and, Girla Club Work. I l'l t) i mtS0m Ct.ForwihowninAintric,.ioMgn. fff( r' -fKV "f .f1 Lfatcr offered. ?jty 7--- f .A YV ? 4ooo- THy Auction of Beef and Dairy t'i Wl Cattle. Judge of internatioaal reputation ft 1 A - ''''' i- ft . I y f ' " ' I - ' taresf 'livestock l$Kov iri the World -16 ncrc 3 un-cr cno rczt S 1 T .. : . , , . ; , ..... . ...... r : ,:V..: r; r ... ' I lj "II. I i1 i n r ' , - 4 t k,iA I :..-l4.- i ; - - 4.,4 AkA.. 4.'4