The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 21, 1927, Page 6, Image 6

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    . ,i fE!tE6iiE:-:
. . ' . ' , . , it
Decision of U. S. 'Judge1 Ex
pected 'To "Affect -Other.
' 'Federal Districts '
NEW YORK Oct. 20. IfAP)
The controversy lover the legality
of exhibiting the Dempsey-Tunney
figbt film ,waq settled for New
York state, at least, today when
' Federal -Judge 'Goaded banded
Sown' the opinion that 1 f fie T law
does not -forbtdexfalbitlon tn this
or aarvothH itt.;V:4v.,-;;;;.
; The -judge said an exhibitor may
receive films from' a person whom
he knojrs jo-baye Ylolatsd tne law
in transporting them Into the
bat as .long as the. receiver takes
no parif to." tie transportation; lie
' Is notdountable.r He explained,
howeyfr,, that""arpersen feay not
Iwlthfjtiujity receive fight films
rom another state ' through the
medium of the mail,-n- express
company, or other 'common - car
Judge Goddard's ' opinion was
I based roa-three. Question. which
j he was requested to answer by
the federal g rand jaiy. which is
ny wuS 10 pm toe responsibil
ity lor.the 'bring-In "of ' the Kims
into this state, as federal law for
bids Interstate . transportation of
fight Wms; XX- t
First', 'the. grand' JutV 'naked, is
the exhibition Of " the ' ffght l Urn
hrougEt" from another state ille
'gal?. The 'Judge. answered no.
Second the Jury asked, tartan
.offense to receive at firbt film
Into this state, if be is not an: ag
ent of an express company or coievj
iatm carrier t The replyagata was
- j"1- - x : : -
'Third,' the Jur asked.' ii'Ve;
son,' receiving, a " f im '.from, some
one he knows to hare violated the
law in bringing it tato the stale,
although the receiver had ho' Daft
in it, is guilty of aiding" or abet
ting In the Illegal transportation,
or -of rbeng'an - accessoryiiAgSn
the answer .was' no.' , ' '". .
". . f ) - i 4 ,.'" (:M.U t- 1 t
Mo'MelChttorBeCiit -..V,
: By :TeIsph6ne Xbmpany
, .-' ;
DALLAS, . Texas. Oct- 20.
(AP) -Sounding a new 'note in
American business, Walter S. Glf
f ord, president yof the American
Telephone and Telegraph company
told members of the National As
sociation of - Rail road andUtfttties
Commissioners' , : convention here
today that it was against the pol
icy of his company -to earn spec
ulative or f large ' profits lor dis
tribution as 'melons' ot extra dir?
idends. ; ; , ; - -.,,5
. The statement, it Vas beliered
would set at rest rumors In Wall
street that the "American ., T!e
phone and V Telegraph ; company
would ctit a melon, soon.- ?. i
The fact f that, the .ownership
of ' the r Ameflesu' iTelephone end
Telegraph eomi?" 1s. 'so wldei
spread and 41ified Imposes an;
unusual obligate ,'on ' the manf
agement to ' see ;i:it the sarings
of these 420,000 stockholders art)
secure and remain1, V Mr. Gif f
ford said-"The. management also
is-under an obligation to see to It
that the serviee at all times shal
be adequate, dependable and satf
isfactory to the -usr 4 v
BXTTt.E;Oct: 0.-i-(AP)l
Thomas L. Bransford of Portland
was among the four Rhodes schol
arship candidates' at' the Unirersi
ty of Washington who passed the
T mm tm A n W A a. m a
r ' irnnspora.ea. il u was announced tonight.--
- - ' ' " - " I ,
' Herman Bueche died at TJnder7
wood.Wash.fc on the nighty of jOc
tober tth, according 5 to Informa
tJon sent by his .brother, .of r that
place to Prof. W. X Staley ot Sa
lem. ; Mr. Bueche was a cirll enr
gineer and surveyor. He was well
known in the Santiam mining dis
trict, where -he did 'work forithe
Northwest Copper company of Sa
lem,' and' other concerns 'n'that
section, -and" many , people n . SaT
lem knew. him. '- ".-,"- '
Underwood' Is in' Skamania
county, .Wash., opposite . the Cas
ta. da. Locks, .jlla brother. writes:
fHef man passed away the night of
the t7tb, Ar rather J. found ; him
dead-In bed xn Saturday morning.
He was burled Jiefe.Jti. Underwood
last Monday at 2 p. m. . He had
large funeral, Lots of flowers. . I
miss nim rery much and can hard, : 1 $ '
Tliree-Indicted OrVtharge
at wuispcrting Pictures
" SAN -FlMNClSCO, Oct. 20
f AP f-The' federal . ' grand - jury
here today-ItwJlcted three men On1
a charge f Conspiring to 'bring'
fttexempsey-Tuirner fight pictures;
tetoCallfortta. Thfoae. indicted
were Hairry -Birf ke. former city
editor of theNew .York World;
H,W,vBIHy' Burke, file son, and
J1 Moored v I
H The 1 attlng United' Staf e attor-'
riey announced that he Jhaid not
pressed the-jnrofs" to Indict W. P.
Cu'len, manager ot the . Capital
theatre here, where the pictures
were seized during- an. exhibition
sererat weks . ego. .or. Ralph Pin-
eus, ; publicity agetxt-. for ? the
theatre. . - " " , - 1
1 The overt acts charged against
Moore 'and the BUrkes dn' the eon.
f X spi racy Indictment' Include renting
' r It
- i
And Every Vomah VU love5 the" wonderful
cejcction of finest Fall and Winter iShoes
Here -
v $10.Gfr to $15.C0 ,
QLIPPERS and oxfords copied; from Jthe latest Parisian v
Vf successes. Developed alongslim gracef ill lides. Adapted '
.'for every type of; lovely foot;'.: ' f . k 4
... j. 'i. ' ' , 1 .. V '''! ' : ' ' ,. .; '8
. In the fewest Ikatherpr isoh'
' f veHety Suede; plia-fit 'kidskin, . :
- , . . ahiny , patent' leather, 'reptilian
- d " fathers, satins. ... ' -V
IShoes. for every daytime and evening occasion. Stressing
guch hew modes as the step-in, the opera pump, the sandall
. xst, the modified" oxford. -
of otet headquarters here" t oYuse
in jtlhe: Eu&fness, .a "rtslt 'to-los
Anfce les, try the younger. Burke to
brinir the films' here: closinr of
a eal to siiow the hlmi in various
tLratres, and dlfrefy tf thr films
in California, after shipmeoat from
, Bail for Harry Burke and Moore
was set et S25ftOvach,and; fOr
H. W.Burke at, $1,000. -
Work bfifFJoftnal School .
At La -Grande Ordered
The board ef resents "of state
normal t schools Thursday authorT
Ized the building committee, to
proceed with - the ' landacatrtne of
the grounds fee the new 4 Eastern
Oregon normal school to be locat
ed " In lAGrahde. .? 'NOthinr1 was
said at the "meeting ' as .to when
actual buildmg operation would
get--nnderwy. -t- .isrfr'
ded 'to the normal school
site "was lpresenled''i6 , the regents
hy Ar T;'Hin; a'nd ChaVlee Prayle
mempers -oi' tne jjavranae. city
commission. A.v':.f..;; t V.?- .;
Af 'prerlous meeting of the
t efcenf S 4 U -iras deelded to defer
construction J of ' tfie ' new 'normal
school ' becadse of ' the 'nnsatlsfae-
lory condition of tbo 'state's fi
nances.' u..- v . .ii-1. t
h The: 1$27 legfslature approprti
afed '$175,000 to defray - the cost
of tlfd flrsftntt of the schdoL -Tkui
no1 rof ifiloii '.iraa niade' f Or raising
the' money. "'. . .' . " .
A relret todue draped exactly to
fit . the' headr with . the ; fallness
drawn back and tied .with a large
knot, was a chic, model; seen r re-
t. steVkxs v Alleged to
i V . ri - -: j j: ,
Facing charges of assault and
battery and . threatening to com
mit a felony, D. Sterena was yes
terday haled before Justice of the
Peace Braxier Small and his case
continued for hearing after he had
deposited bail in the-form of $500
Officers relate that Stevens had
been in the habit of purchasing
numerous tokens of affection. In
cluding -: clothes fori Mlsi ; Blanch J
Ray, a waitress at the oriental tea
room. Sterena himself Is c66k
at the fTermlnal t restaurant. .
, The rift in'' the clouds appear
ed. It is said, when Stevens reach
ed the : conclusion that Blanch
was'trffltngrwith hls atfectidns.'A
meeting ofeenrred atJ the -Terminal
and Stevens is' charged ' with' Hav
ing threatened I " wilt kfll ' you.?
At the same time, he struck her)
according to the charges egatnst
Wm;!nd rendered 'her unconBd
6us. i 1 ' -X. X : v.-f
DeDbation To; Be 4slcecf :
iiT fmbarSootletf Trial
mrder. first degree nruTder charges
In Ctweinnatt er killing tiis wife,
Mrs. Imopeno Hc4me Remus.
Testlmonyto show intimate re
lators between Mrs; Remus and
Franklin L. Dodge, Jr.. depart
ment of .'.Justicetmafnstay Jn the
investigation that led to Remus'
conviction, : will be pought by
Charles Elston. defense attorney
'who Is! accompanied y XJarf E.
Basler, Cincfnnatl proe;utor; ; v
t Elston asserted that be would
nncover proof that Dodge and Mrs.
Remus conspired to seize . Remus
fortune and " Mil him (and con
tended that the plotting had de
atroyed his; mental balance. re
dultinsr In his ; ishootins: of his
wife. .-;.
fcently tn Jparis. i m
, WASHINGTON, Oot. -20 (APJl
Attorney t General Sargent , and a
number of . others prominent in
official circles .will . be asked to
give depositions tomorrow for use
in the iifsanitr hearing of Geora
- (:Reonse"tii4e tootleg: klngi'Ransdell bill.
public Health '6r6up
Holds" Smoke Nuisance
CINCINNATI; Oct. ' 20. '(AP)
Branding smoke as one." of , the
greatest- energies to- health; the
American - Public Health associa
tion today adopted resolutions
urging all state legislatures and
municipal authorities topass mea
sures to suppress smoke' nuisan-
The resolution declared ' that
smoke produces serious effects up
on health, by keeping out the sun
light and' intercepting the ritalis-
Ihg rays of the sun. and through.
Its constant inhalation.-
' ' Other fesbrutions declared for
the ""poorer " sanitation ;' of "swlm
tnlngpools -andhathing places,
urged greater effort for the ear
lyrdJagnosis of tuberculosis in its
Incipient stages favored .the,0
erdintl6nuof public ' heaktt atv
itlea of the' federal government:-as
planned by 7 the . Parker bill, and
approve ...the . principles , of ..the
Congfessman.'Wanfs More: -'Tr &iyfiion.
Airplane, Sub - Equipment
-Construction ' of a.' subms.tine
base at San Diego, Cal., and proH
vision tor another large airplane
carrier In addition, to the Lexing
ton and Saratoga: now "undereonf
struotlbn are suggestionsi that? Rep
resentatlve Updike, republican, In
diana, said today he would make
to the house naval committee, i of
which, he la a 'member. '
i Declaring his ; conclusions were
reached after a visit to every nav
al base in the United States, and
inspection; of naval activities L in
Hawaii, ,Guam. ; the Phllliptnes.
Pa&ama, and China, the Indianan
said; he was convinced more of
ficers of the construction corps
should be stationed at naval posts
1. , -. c
nrar? t ittij
ition stored' noon h in-,.... .
Honolulu, and that, $i,50o 008' 1
wort&Vf stored airplanes at p-Zi
ama .wei-e, without sufficient fir '
protection, y adding , hat he iad
called these matters to the atten
tton of the secretary of the navy
1 JSeen on , Fifth . avenue, Kew
x orx, was a coat aress ot rough i
brown tweed, with yellow and-biDe j
yarns, three patch pockets, but- 1
tons, pi Que vest, brown , aiiigatot
shoes. ' X'..'. W r
Cat6n".no hatdcarboa.
ii trtiiM everr
Spedalteduced fmrpobd in
peedv. alUcoac
-SundayrTutaday and Friday.
, Low-cost menus in diner and
lunch, car.
Trains leave Salem 11:43
a. m., arriving In San
Francisco 10:30 a. m.
Similar ' service returning
.from San Francisco every
. .Monday, . . Wednesday and
: oa
-60 roundrrip going
tii4 tfalns and
' turning oa any train carry
coaches. limit LJ days.
.CotliCMf Paddle
City Ticket Office
- 184 N. Liberty .Phone 80
V "
' 'v- U V .
. ! OF i
; JOlt b; btgtson
i . r
4 ' '
'w : . ' I - tk aj ' :
i: si .
-r- H
. . ... . if. . M.-f . .-- " ,;".-' : 1 - . a .. ",... .I'Sii ivi'if. t
; Slssiis :lMis .Morning wfee O-Gloclt
- , - - : rl' - It is" our "oolicy to'speW tfpHhe-oVer. Aolunte bf Business means I ' . T"" '
-- .. t,' 4, t f " " vi-f r - . X I "! l ' , '.." - i'i" s. ' ,
, ' --
It is' our policy U'sted upHhe4ur-6Ver. Volume bf Business means
thrift and 'efficiency. iVe.have set oar quotaJandve arc going "oveV the,
toj foIks-:(Cut IiricesrMust'Do:l);,Triererdre' nave s!ashTeJ prices rigtif,
arid left and haVe shoHvn no mercy to cost or profit. k Come here and expect
txai iKtrgains ana you wiu iiui ue uisauuuiuicu.
: Yoxing ' Iten'B Trouccra
-All the new style tweed intxtares; light and
medium patterns . 1 CQ QK
now ........... tju.yej
TouriUlIen's Coitiuroy;
jMea's OVercoats-
An odd I6tr of different' kinds and makes.
All fi-ood styles!1 They ran1 in medium .and,
dark colors, worm1 to" $25.00 Qf QfT
ow'.:....;....:.4......f... pliOp.
. v- .. . r " i -v'-ft
Jlleiis mproof Overcoats
In Cravenettes"' and Gaberdenes, all small
size 'worth to $39X0- ! ! g-j ggi
s lien's Top, Coats '
The new light colored ' snappy weave.' &igh
igrade tailoring, swell looktn.Qf - 'Qjr
Oarments worth: $25)0 Njw D
' Klen's Top -and Overcoats j
.Itf; Bagltns etci all liew designsj - tajgrif
'grade tweed mixtures.'' different ' isatternir
wtth'tO.40X0--v,, QCWtQ't'
Now Oii.OD
J rldlesSlickers '
Ladles SUckersand Riibber Rain doels
AH the new bright xoZarm.' A small lot only.
sBale price a'lemras"- . , XGO it?i
they Jast ...... aOa
Klin's Suits :
A lot of ' larbken sliesih light and dark'
materials, plain and mixtures, good tail-
k' . . . . ; $14 ;95
Ajvip.n'a suits
ot of broien "sizes, medium mhd '.light'
colored tweed i mixtures, wen msae .ana
ffnlshed,' worth to $30.00
"Now tV ; . 1 .
In light ' and dirk material, mixed an-
'plain, of better makes and iJOQOCI
quality, 'Worth to $3.00 Nona OiO.Oti
-of. high grade make and fine grade bl
' clolh.well finished, good assortment yal
Men's Suits
de make and fine
finished, good ass
'patterns, worth to $40.00 'dO'flK5
now :. . . v. . : . . ; . . : -drivD
Mfj"; ' x " 1 1 "
- . ,. frr ("i,., v ; srr 1-'- V'"
Tor One ores and businciis wear. A-l cual ;
Jty material and etl tailo'ced. up-po-dau
tyles. In light, medium land dark pattern '
Ieirs FlnnelShirts
semi-dress 'shirts ot good weight and pat-
rhe mixed ivool kind, medium weight, WkD
grade make . , (JO QQ-
Sale price. .e?.0
"The classy hJh school kind, all 0"Q5C
light colors, worth to $4X0 NowtJiliiU
lien's IIolo Skin Panto
A standard brand Mola Ekln, rCO'OK
'and well mads Wow.. OflOu
lien's TJnion'Siiife,
..' food weight, worth
Men's Dress Shirts
of mixed wool.ETeyisir material; rtn OC 1 Odds' and ehdi Vfth colar' attached, only
S3J50 Now VUl , t all
Pancr fifeaLters
'A small Iot mly:6f sllp-iovfers,'V-neck eiidl I X yYiaaHirvUMts
coat style, to close out the lot e 1 OC t M f V . 7-f
' Uow .....i. &JLJO of ttadras and jpercale material. "good as
good. patterns, worth to I2i)0 .jo
Now r,...t..".t....'..........'i....:Ot-
. . inen'sDrccsPalita
WcgrsUdatcasemeres and Ecateh-tweeds.
'Men's.JDress Hose
irook aMortment Of patterns, all C 4 5 K xne-cancyrayon sole kind, snappy patterns
aizevwprth to $w-row . fiJIU 'iJ7.;;-:V.;;39c
Men's DrccsHato
Men's Dre3 Hoio
sortment of colors and patterns,' Q-i ATT
worth to $ 100-rrNow . . ; tJ x U
Men's 'Drdss Shirts ,
of nice grade broacloth In stripes and fig
Xlen's Hose Supporters
rhele'Lujce Brand, In different OQn
desiens, worth " 'SOc No': ; . ; ; : a. . L :
, - - . '
i : Men's Belts
All leather of 'fancy designs and '-QKp
colors Now - O O
'This Is a great bargain. These bits are aa Of good quality lisle In plain and non
new. snappy styles and colon. fQ -Xancy. worth 35e Now.. .ii,: ..: .fuC
tCal price now m. OUiU - ,
- - . - --1-i.en's -Cashmere Hose
Men's Drccs Cips
, in.
Itehrs "Silk, Ties
S&iJlS1 . 6i . 'Rl 9.. " Pdyr-hi-hands. nlcCgrade ot silk and swell
worth $20-Now..:....t..:.... Ol.JJ patterns, worth 73c- - -N AQ A
' ' - J' t, ,. ; - X rNow r
Men'aDrdss Shirts ' . . . -.: . . ,,
of hlgh?gra(lebroadcktW swell patterns. . Xleh'S SllSPSndCrS
plain and fancy, worth 50c 29C
' lien's Hdkerchief3
r' - mIXed '. t SJSE" rt5ht. r-.Q9 ; .Vidt kind. Wood -strong, webb..
wen mads, worth to t3i3 Now OXt-KJ . ...
Men's TTnicn Suits
This ii an 'exceptisnal good line and value,
: m.i riiSed; tod-un ,TreJt, QQ
1 Vhite onfy. a good gr ade . ' '
Now .......... r
. (5 to a customer)'
" . glen's Gloves
' Croisn 'Jersey' knit M ; " '
srih -tizz i;r' ; mtOb
... ,.-v . ' . r-r, 4 ; ! fc . ....... -
r-T TTni 'v : ". " ,
The rstchwsy ITo r:.fT nsrl t
1 LJ.,'l't,
Ljirr; - .
Miuiw' rz-.- v . . i, t