The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 21, 1927, Page 5, Image 5

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30 Hour Liberty Bell -
Owl Agency
Car Recovered
- The Dodge pedan belonging to
Mrs. M. A. Ooe that was stolen
Tuesday night, was. found yester
day at Myrtle. Point. evidently--de-serted.
. i . ' ..-v' i. :t'ix.
Bridge Beacto Stove ,
Demonstration ;thls
Giese Power.' ' ' .
r , - W
week '
Mis Hout Rack on Job ,-C
r Miss rranke Hout "has returned
to her duties at the state library
lifter haying spent' a. couple of
weeks at Klamath Falis and Lake-,
view. ' Before returning -she vis
ited with er another. Mrs. C. E.
Hoot at CorvaWe.
f?7Fernery t.OO and Up-
Salem Wicker 2218 state.
Parked Too Ixng
A. Darts. ' T64 N. High street,
paid a SI fine Jn police court yet
terday for orertime parkins.
Wanted Thoroughly ; Kxperteneed
Stove repair man. None other
need apply. Oiese-Powers.
Sanndera' Bark From Vacation"
. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Saunders
hare returned from a week's hunt
ing and outing trip in the Drek
country, 30 miles aast of Canyon
ville. V.r
Old Tfmeliance Crystal Cardeas
Every Saturday NIte at 8:30.
r.M.Ca. Has Sit ,749
The total amount subscribed In
the Y.M.C.A. membership camf
paign up to yesterday noon was
$11,749.50. There were 10 work
ers Jit the Jnccheoav- . ,
8 Oregon Pnp and Paper Co.
Preferred. Umited amount for
sale. Hawkins and Roberta. Phone
1427.' ,V-;- .. -
Kscancs From Institntio:
' Isaac Compton, 45, an Inmate of :
the feeble minded institution, es
caped from there, early yesterday
morata. He Is described as weigh
ing 135 pounds. 5 feet, 10 inches
talk brown hair and : dressed - In !
overall. ' ; ,c:
Used Articles. Cooked Food
Chapter O. P. E. O. 487 Court
street- . 1 rr -U -
Plan Social Programs- ! :'
The social t commd tten of the
Y.M.C.A; met' last night and out
lined the Friday nlsfrt prognwna
for the year. V. The : first number
will be Friday night of next week,
the Bhel os-Chase trio. -These Fri
day night programs (have proved
very popular in. the pest and are
well attended.:- Usualjy,oeal tal
ent puts on the entertainment.
W. O. W. Dance Friday
Oct 21. Fraternal Temple.
Herbat at Holley " ?
The man injured In an accident
on State street last Friday was
J. P. Herbet of Holler. At the
time Ms indtiala were reported i
-J. J."
Association Vaudeville
Bligh's Capitol today. ; .
. Consul Announced i ' '-
' Governor Patterson Thursday
i reived a letter that Laszlo L.
Medgyesy, -has' been appointed
I finnrarian consul with headquar-
tr. at Chicaico. His Jurisdiction
; :m include virtually all of the
western states. .
! For- Sale
i irii'F lot 100x100 feet
'... nA hiru-v. from the busi-
m u, Mtitor of Salem. A cot
tage renting for $25 par nonth
and a garage renting for 2-50
r ?er month arej eo this lot.
i,rr threetory
jrarehouse in J good condition
1 ntert suit-
CUU Vl w . ...
able for storage purposes..
. , 1 . Jlnt .nil
reed cnopping piam,
. i . WTm ran liell
this corner bulldiars and all.
for $9,000, one-tnjra ?a
good terms on the balance. Ste
443 EUte Et. TcL z:Z3
Only 88c
This clock is a real buy and is guaranteed, for
T one 'year. Regular value $ 1 .25. ; ;
t v -j -:. ..- .f i a; ; . - " " - " ' j . " -
Nifty New Haven Clocks. Just the- thing for
. your dresser or writing desk $2.39
Telephone 119
Club fleets .Tonight ,
The': first fall meeting ot the
Hayes viT'a - community elub ! will
meet loaight In - the Hayesyille
school. Election j of officers for
the comings year .will take"; place
and programs will , d outlined for
the yearr The county federation
of community clubs will meet at
an early date at this school.. . .
DanclBg Every Saturday Night
" JsDoans Parilion McCoy;" s;
No New Cases Paralysis v ' . ; -Only
two cases of infantile par
alysis hare been reported to the
county : health authorltatires and
these are recovering nicely. One
of these cases Is in Salem and the
other In Silrerton. - -
Bridge Beach Stove
' ' Demonstration . this
Giese Powers.
Gram Valley Vtef tors i .!.
Mr. , and f Mrs. Geo. R. Dickin
son' were visitors In Salem yes
terday from Grass Valley.
Five Loads lft-iach Mill Wood
SI 7. SO. Salem Transfer and
Foel Co SI 5 8. High. Tel. 61$
Night l i8. ,
Barns Man Here
EL H. McDonald of ButnswaS
visitor in Salem; yesterday, r'
Wanted Thoraagbly , Experienced
Stove' repair man. None other
need apply. Glese-Powers.
fiwope Gnesta Leave ,
1 Mr. and. Mrs., A.' C. Sample, who
have been guests xf Mr. and Mrs.
& A. Swope; will leave today for
their home in Ohio. They are mo
toring and .will , return by the
southern route. . , ! .;.'.-".
Fernery's S4.0O and Up T
Salem Wicker 2218 state.;.
MrV and Mrs. J. A. Churchill
arrived here yesterday -by auto
from their home in Ashland. Mr.
Churchill attended a meeting -of
the board of regents of the Ash
land normal ; school, of which he
is d resident. He waa formerly
state superintendent of schools.
Beautiful Radiol
Everything I complete, " latest
IstyleV Cost over $400. Will sell
for $200. f Call .105 West Lincoln
street or Telephone 18 8-W,
Lafnson Sued for Divorce
Charging that her husband has
been disloyal to her. thatvhe hae
had surreptitious meetings witnj
other young women, and that am
attempted reconciliation has fallen
through, Dorelle F, Lainson yes
terday filed suit for divorce
axalnst Stanley B. Lalnson.' - The
suit is based upon charges of cruel
been so
C ankles
costume can survive the damaging
eHect of ssjjinj ankles j twmeJ heels
. I'ullesM -walk. '
i veary
S;At;ficUy rrt. ml trim, f&lfmt
feet, smartlj JikiwMtJt for
lu AKtuwK Brv
mi Sir.. Al.,.
;: Shoes ,
Expert Shoe Fitters 415
Alarm Clock
405 State
and Inhuman treatment 'and per
sonal -'Indignities rendering 'life
burdensome. He- frequently flew
Into a rage at hr, she alleges in
her complaint and she 'found It
impossible to - please htm. She
asksf S10& "suit teoney,1' $25 -a
month alimony, and custody of a
minor son. Earl F;HLainson, who
was "born .April 4;: 1025. The
Lainson's' were married, in Cali
fornia on February 16T 1924.4 ''
Wanted, by Oregon State Library
Statesman for May 8, 1927. De
liver to Statesman or Library.
- y : .
Nurses Take, State Board r.
Four nurses, I recent - graduates
f ram the Salem General ; hospital,
have - returned Xrom Portland
where' they took the state board
examination-. They are U Misses
Margaret Arthur,- Elizabeth Scott
and Magdalena Bartrnff and 'Mrs.
Phyllis Seabrook. ' ' .
Furniture Upholstered" i
And r repairing. Gleee-Powers
Furniture Co. " ,
Personal Contact ' Counts
A healthy Increase In attend
ance and interest has been shown
this week in the . night school at
the Capital Business. College.
Students are finding that personal
contact wftf rtstrurir-exceed:
ingly helpful and encouraging An
especially large enrollment J haemndr family of Sirverfon visited
been made1 In the beginning .class
in shorthand. . Registrations, are
still continuing..
Woodburn J. P. Here i 1 ,
H. Overton, justice of the peace
in Woodburn. transacted business
here yesterday. h.x l: i i
Open for business. Ladles and
childrens hair cutting by MILLS
fceMorrMAN.i, iaay operators,
Mr. Conger and Miss Clearwater.
223 N. High Street; ?t
Bridge Beach Sto
Giese Powers. ; .
On Homecoming Committee 18
' James Campbell. ' Salem boy at
the state university, has been ap
pointed on the : welcoming com
mittee for the anneal homecoming
at the ' university,-? according ; to
word - received : nerej
Make Date iUvJTourself b
' ' To see the Association. Vaude
ville bill at the Capitol today.
Divorce Demandeo
Viola Hodge yesterday i iUed
suit, for divorce in- circuit" cohrt
here v against Arthur Hodge., ai
leging that he has been convicted
of , a . felony. - They were married
October 24, 1925. He was convic-
tria feet an J
neceixary. No '
Kul wSik SmmJa IatS v
Ei - ck KlafJPotM.
State- St, " "Vi :
0) frlktl ID
We have a 1926 Ford coupe
fully equipped new 1 Duco,
80 new rubber, In perfect
condition for $375.00. .
"The novae That Service Bans?
ted of forgery In Multnomah coun
ty on September 17, 1926. she al
leges, and has been Imprisoned In
the state penitentiary since' that
lime. . , ' . - .;.-
Bridge Beach Stove .
Demonstration r this . week V at
Giese Powers. .
Schools Visited
W. W. Fox, rural school superr
vlsor for Marlon county, Is sche
duled to visit schools In the Elk
horn dlstrfc today. - -
Hotel Marion
A La Carte service in' dining
room; v ! - - ,
Home on Furlough ,
; Bobby i Hutcheon is spending
week's furlough from the . United
States Navy visiting his parents
here, : Mr and Mrs. Robert . T.
Hutcheon. He Is stationed at San
Dlego.; :. " .
i ---.f . r ; ,,i .
Hayter Move to SaJenv i
Mr.? and Mrs., . Charles Hayter,
who moved to Salem a couple of
weeks ago, were here this week on
a brief .visit' to Mr. Hayter'a broth
er-ln-Iaw and .sister, Mr. and Mrs.
H. R. Patterson. The Hayters are
now pleasantly located In Salem.
Mr. Hayter, who operated the Hat
ten Parts store in the old Blue
Mouse theater - location, have
moved the supplies to Saem'and
la engaged in business there. ; He
states he has a larger territory in
that city and is progressing. Cor
vallis Gazette-Times. If!
Wisconsin People Return ;
Home After Oregon Visit
. . . ..... , ,. ,
(Special). Mr. and Mrs. John
Hettwer.r Jr., and family: of Wis
consin left for their home Friday
after visiting Mr. He ttwer's par
ents at Crooked Finger. - si v
.. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Bennettvaind
son Jlmmie.of Milwaukievltited
with friends he're Sunday evening.
The R; K. rA. :club' niet at. the
home of ;Mr8. Ben Thomas Friday
afternoon, Alter . CbeAieetlng a
delicious luncheon was 'served.' -
Mr. ana- Mrs. Henryr founder
Mf. and Mrs.' Walter Scott on Sun
Ray' .Teller vTslt'eaTTfrlends in
Portland Sunday.' ' y .'
Mrs.-MamteMnll,xf San Fran
cisco is visiting her ; parents, Mr
and, Mrs.. John Hettwer.
; Miss i Lillian -Fratier :of . Salem
is visiting; her. father-in-law and
eister. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Delano.
Mrs. J.. .N.,. Amundson ' and
daugh ter Beatr ice spent the week
end in Portland and attended the
football game. :.v '
J. a, Dixon and W. IT. Hogg
were in Salem Monday afternoon
on business. r r v t "v-
Miss La Vern Rich, attended the
foojtbaU game, in Portland Satur
days , r L ,
Miss Loralne -Hogg of Salem
visited her parents over the weekend.'-'
" - . " ' ' ;
: i- Mrs. X Vina Loslfarer 1 lf t t Ar
Gresham Fridarto visi an uncle
wflojt seriously in.
l- S. Dixon-- attended! the foot-
oaxi game In Portland stnH
t Mr.EW;;BarthoIoiw wh
-g .T!Itin er,, daughter,
Mrs. -Wi LI Taylor, and tfamily at
.Tillamook; for several jweeks has
returned homW' r '
Buy Statesman Want Ads
' See -j
Telephone-ISO- "ill State St.
A good - buy ET acres about
five miles optf paved .road
all the way, all under cultiva
tion., good Cherry or 'Walnut
land, good location, good spring
on the place. 890- per. acre
easy terms:
T, l Wood. - Geo. F. Reed
' .841 State St
Ladles wool dresses cleaned
and pressed, 81.00 up. Men'e
and Ladles' suit cleaned and
pressed 11.00. ' ' -,T ' 1
- VARLEY' CLEA?nrf-3 . 7 !
. Over Buslcks
Rewound and Hcpaired, New or
Ced Motor v
virrznT a todd -
Thiar ElectricaX
ltl Cacth lil;b -Tel. 11X1
FOil r.issso GI
Inez 'Fredericks Rests in
" Hospital at Hood River;
:., Speculation Rife :J
HOOD RIVER. Ore., Oct. 20.-
CAP)-a-Did a railroad accident
spare Lnex Fredericks, . 1 6. a far
greater tragedy? - v.
Tonight she rested in a hospital
here,- a. footerusbed by the wheels
of a freightrrain. Monday night
she and a girl . companion disap
peared. Her companion' has- not
been found. Fear that the other
girl, Alice Walters, 14 years old
is the victim of a far worse mis
fortune 1 than tnat which befell
Ines, is spurring police in a search
for the girl. Sheriff Bdlck said
tonight be has Information that
the young girls had a rendezvous
with .a t former convict who
schemed to bring them to Portland
that he might turn them over to -a
white slave ring of foreigners..
" Ines was Injured. Portland po
lice . who were here today, said,
when she, Alice and two unidenti
fied men were trying to board a
freight train at Cascade Locks enr
route to Portland, t For an - un
determined time the two girls had
been In a lonesome shack at Cas
cade Locks. ' A hand bag - and
clothing belonging to the Walters
girt was found in the old building
today. Officers believe the girls
and men- who had lured- them
away, " had used the shack as a
meeting' place. ,
VA11 roads leading to Portland
are being patrolled by policed Ad
In Portland, all - bridges . are - under
guard of officers. The .Women's
Protective division of the state has
launched an intensive . effort to
solve the mystery . 1 1 :
(Continued' from Page One) ! "
council fa.Ua tn wtthAraw itn nTan
an attorney will be employed, and
temporary Injunction applied
for..':" ' ' .. ,
Dancv dnened the aneetlnr with
a presentation of- why the com-
acre pDot - He, pointed out that the
city was oaaiy pressed for money,
that the plot had "been offered for
xz57. th&t theene was one-where
there were' nt tnvmrtlatj root-
dences.' and 'none" in prospect, and
that the site would not be covered
with water . at . any . time of the
year. -
One of . the oltizens asked why
the tDresent citv dumm. cottM nnt
ibe converted' into an Incinerator
site. "It would cost 85,000" de
clared Mr. Dancy. T-- ;;!;,
" Other . members - nronoaod itha
Oregon" Electrfc 'travel tttt: n utta
in Polk countv acrot Jv rlvAr.
and various places along the river
in tne north end. . - -Vf
All- of them were declared f
Mr. Dahcy: td be Impossible to' se
cure, eren if j they Were desirable.
eruian rurin wno razors
erecting the Incinerator on some
ste Nortb Salpm unitflhlrt ttir
thor'sewer disposal plant contem
plated Tor, some tlmd. 4n the fu
ture,, suggeRted the Bush pronerty
hear the state Mute eehool. "We'd
face an inwnediate Injunction from
tne toard of control," - returned
......... .,- ,. --J 9 , (.,
that a year ago the United States
gov-ernmen t notified the cl ty of 0
cSals that the s Willamette ,river
weuld have to be cleaned up, end
that. the. city would be required to
Thfeei- acres close in on pared
highway iwith modern house.
F. L. Wood, 841 State St
' i ' Casey Guaranteed
Money refunded If It doe set
. i eurp your case
i NELSON A HTJXT. Dmgitat.
Cor. Court and Liberty TL 7
. . 4 . . . imiSITTCIIING. ;
8, t and 10 cent per yard. Also
button, stamping and pleating.
anna:il krueglh
Over MUler , Telephone 117
h v. I
' ;iS2t TTJT.73 T7JXLPAPT3
:r baiipl3 coos:a
Call, phone or write
179 N. Commercial galea
yici; SO HERB CO.
i i ' - J. 'XL icosa,' uzr - . ' .
. --tOuT; life' work ha
f": teen pent ta. studying
- the healing properties
V ct Chinese liarb and
; i nowi daCy w relieve
v those t raff siing from
t V i atoBHieh, Hrr and kld
' .r ney .trout's, t rhenma
"iri!iri and gall stone.
90 f '; disorder ef rasa,
srrea t-1 111 Ire oT .,
5t Cezzolfatldm Ci-3 cr TTrtte
- ci o Avt. t p rt'-- i
VI. t-Uj tii LJ., C; -:3
build a sewer disposal plant. r The
city .of fPortlantt was i notified to
that effect also, and ipvestigauoas
were started to determine the cost.
ft was: found that , 855,000,000
would be ".required f o effect such
a system In Portland, eo .the mat
ter was quietly dropped. It is
understood - that the government
will not press Installation, of the
plantar-. - -
Alderman Roeebraugh declared
that It would be 15 or 20 years
before the ity : would build a
sewer disposal plant, and by that
(jme another incinerator would be
required. The two, he said, could
be built together then in the north
end. J'r - : ' ' : - ,
The fact that the incinerator
was , odorless in , operation, was
stressed by the councllmen. ""Th
incinerator will be sold to us on a
guarantee to rhat effecV saJd
Alderman Dancy. - fIf it Is not
odorless, we will not accept tt.
Among other obiections raided
by members were that the v&tnoa
passing to apd fro in that district
conveying garbage would be un
sanitary, and that tin cans would
not burn in the Incinerator, re
quiring much re-hauling , because
Steve Ringo died October 18 at
Sacramento. California at the age
ef 67 years. 1 He was Ule husband
oi Mrs., Maude Kingo, and the
brother of Robert -Ringo. Albany,
and Alva of Washington. - Dollv
Buchner of Albany. Kate Key of
rortiand, Roy Felger,.v Dallas,
Jessie Ringo, Gervals. i and Mrs.
Mike Riteher of Salem. Funeral
services will be ; held Friday, J Oc
tober 21 at 1:30 n. m. at the Ria
don Mortuary and interment will
oe tn ; fioneer cemetery.
' ' Skagsrs'
At " the ' - residence, 839 North
Front; street, James Skaggs died
at the aire of 58 vears. He waa the
husband Of Laurw Skaggs, ' father
of George Skaggs . of Lewiston.
Montana, Mrsl Jacob ' DuBois of
Portland and Mrs Marion' Panter
oi aiem. aiemper of i.o. ou.F,
lodre No. 30 of Lewiston . and A.
Fiiand A. "M., No. 37 of Lewlstion.
LFuneral services will be held ;Frl-
aay, uctober zl, from the Rlgdon
Mortuary. ; ,
Perfect Funeral : Service
g. v;',-": For-. Leas
Licensed Lady Mortician,
770 Chemeketa Street !
V4 Telephone 7S4 pg4
, W. Q. W. Dancej
' TONIGHT, OCT.: 21 1 1
. Everybody -InVIled f
Gentlemen 50c Indies 25c
A dance every third Friday I of
' l each month. , .1. :
: Prescriptions
The' confidence our cus
tomers hare in our pre
scription service has been
built up--by years of
painstaking -effort--- We
use only the very best ot '
pure,' fresh potent drugs, ,
and dispense them- witi a ;
system of checking - that '
prevent - mistakes. And
the charges, are moderate.
Perry's Dru: Stcri
115 S. Ccmctrdal
r - Ir f f - - v - , . -
,-- - l . -a?'.-.:' - ; .r r f L,
Often yoa want old ohotorrj!r,h
. reproduced, bat fear
them to Etrauers. i
Out repntatioa airarea tie safety tzl
proper earn of your picture, which tr
"will copy, enlarge, frame or t-d color
at a price lower than the unknown agent
can offer. -
there were no. sanitary fills in that j
jdistricC J -
They were assured that wagons
were at the present time passing
to and fro la that district, that
the wagons would Ibe covered
when full of garbage enroute to
the plant, and thoroughly scalded.
when emptied, and that the res
Idu. f rem tin cans would te etna.ll
a amount " . -.- .
'Two members testified that in
cinerators In other towns in which
they had lived toad been odorless,
and Alderman Dancy' cited two or
three cttlee "which had incln-
erators In the downtown, sections
and thought nothing of it. '
Councilmen Dancy and ! Rose-
faraugb, when ' leaving the meet
ing. Indicated that they would go
ahead with plans to locate the In
cinerator on the site contemplated.''
They expressed confidence that
the city . would be - successful in
case a legal fight was necessary.
Smith and Watldns
; Center at Liberty Sis.
i $2.20 Portland and Return
i for the big OA C Stanford Game, Portland Stallum. Oct S2nd.
i Tickets on .sale ' Friday and Saturday, return limit Tuesday,
f Oct SQthi .., .... .... ,v .. 1 ,
-- ';- . - ;. :
O. E: Ry. trains leave Salem at 7tlO aV hiMOtlO a. m.,; 1:0.1
p.'id.,. 4,p. m. TJiso'p.'m., pv'm.- v : ' ' -
Returning Irnve Portland d:05 pv- tn;' Other trains al .8:C.
i a. ni,,lO:SO n. m., 2;05 p. m., p. kn ji. tn. '
-';: ";. Tickets or further informal ion
F.KndwJton- " ; .
, Trav. ass.; Agent j.' "i
. - -- ' . v ? . -i
. -
:-': -
.. .a.
, Lfi"- Sicrt
r' t r . i
i"Ui.:c ana iriTste titcrs-e
Hrcprocf Euililrj
V "
; , rree Delivery to any part cf tha city
j ; PAUL TRAGLlO, Prep.
y , " - ; ; -
- - i
entrjrtir ,
; t
T -"'v . f.rT
--1 r -
Wife of . Adolph Menjou dvi i
-v Final Separation Decree
' LOS -ANGELES. , Oct. 20.
(AP)' MrsJKathryn Menjou w& .
granted her fnal decree ot dlon
from Adolph Menjou, star of t! r
films. In superior court here to
rttiy. The -. tnterlocutjory decre.-.
made final today,' , was ; grants.'
Mrs. Menjou more than a yesr aga
on her- cross -complaint In which
she , charged desertion. Menju.j
had charged that -his wife .w
guilty of cruelty toward lilinaB,l
had developed a' hostile attitude
which caused him 'acntevmental
anguish." '. - .
The Menjous were married in
New", York City In 1920 and eejiy
arated November 8, 125.
Our Tire
Is At Your
I Service
We employ nothing but efficient
vulc&hizing and tire repair men.
I ill The House of Tires
J. W. Ritchie
' Ticket' Asnt .
J iTi '
Phone 727
Distance nauILrr
A- -r