The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 21, 1927, Page 4, Image 4

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    -TOE OREGOS STATESMAN. SA 21, .1027 ,,;,
1 . " - IHily ErTt Ife'day by " 1 -
; 111 Bout Cmmrdl Bin. CUm, One
I fi. Me.-aTTT
O. Cvrtia City X4rtr
ietor JO. CarUoa : , - Sporta ' Editor
L.Ua Baaca . 6city Editor
rrni Editor
lUlpk H- Klotaiag artlinr Xnmr
Oo. K. Vsrtia - Snpt. Moekuieal Dopt.
W. R.'HudarMS Cirrolt" M :
K. A. Rhotos - JLiTat.ek Editor
W. C Comaor - . Fitry editor
- Tko AMoeUt4 Praw io axelaai!? tiil4 to tho m for pabWtio of all aws
f tch croditod to .to or aot tkorwtoo oroditod is this ppor 4 .lo Uo tooa)
pbliitd aeroWu .- . - - -.- - . - - '
' - --. xntorzii omcsii ' :
Usajtor JMlocte Oregon Vwtppn PeM Cot EoprUtl;o Poty Btyp.
Inc. PorVand. Seevrity Bids.; Baa riaacwe- Baaroa - mag.; M, uiH.
CTumWr of CoaMmreo Bldg.
Tkomaa T. Clark Co Sow YorkC 158-186 W. 81t St.; Cateago, MrqootU Bldg.
iaejtty Idltorl 10S wt-leptras ips CireaUtvoa Ofiiea
J Si
Eatarod a tho Pot Offleo la Sain. Orogoa. aa aoeoad-alaaa auttot.
vV.-v-t- V. V'J i October 21. 1927 -
Ask. and it ahatl ;b given yoo: seek and ye shall find; knock;
and It shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh reeelveth;
sad be: that seeketh flndeth: and to him -that knoeketh ft shall be
cpaed. Matthew, 7;? and 8
. " y- '. ; -.
Revealing to the rebuke delivered to the Nordic . snobs in
(he , Orient by United States Senator Bingham of : Connecti
cut, mentioned W this "page of Wednesday's" Statesman, it i3
interesting to 'refer tota message of a delegate from Japan
to : the Rotary International' convention in Ostend, Belgium,
inlwJune. t y ; . r. .-., ' (
i Rotarian Masatoshi Fusiwara of Tokyo, Japan, represent
ing the Rotary clab of. that city, presenting a: Japanese flag
to the"cOn'ventidnrsaid xT"" - ' "
It was the privilege of my country of Japan to enter into
Rotary in the year 1920uv We now have five clubs in the prin
cipal cities in, Tokyo, Kyoto, Na'goya,.Kobe and Osaka.
L "Not the least pf the things of which I -am! proud is the
fact that IraHa c wier membe $1 iSe Tokyo clubhand from
this club of Tokyo it is my great pleasure to bring you greet-
"Allow me to give you some idearas to why we Japanese
are intefeitea in Kotary. ' Jet me gi veyou some nq,tion of the
mbtives thstrevil'rn thminiirf th' Japanese people.
We are convinced that the true goal of human life is the same
all over the world and amongst all sorts and conditions of
people. We Japanese know as well as any other people that
no one is born into' the world to live a selfish life or to live
1 for himself. We realize also that no.;one would die for his
own interest; but rather for some Other person, or for his own
or xor some greac cause. ,
We believe that, humanity's supreme interest and purpose
hira a cool million J. It's a great business spearing ihese fel
lows with the money. If they happen to make the riarht Jdnri
of a husband, well and good? if not, that's all right tooRfThe
divorce court is always handy and a good lawyer-can gener
ally take friend hubby to; the cleaners' for' a" "handsome
settlement. - ' . - : - - ' '
The. Portland Telegram of last evening said 'lA" Portland
factory can deliver its products to' any seaport in the .world,
to any of the inland citief the eastern states, and: to the
eleven; western states, at l a lower transportation cost than
a" factory located at any pf the manufacturing; centers of the
middle west.' : Four transcontinental railway systems, three
Pacific northwest roads and a scoreof steamship lines serve
the Portland area's factories-and .mills. The railway water
grade through the mountains,; the only such in the Pacific
boast states, gives the Portland ; territory a rate advantage
hot enjoyed by other coast cities. .Portland's harbor is one
of the finest anywhere; it is' the only fresh water harbor on
the Pacific coast; and is from 32 to 72 miles nearer the ocean
than the Puget sound port Government reports show that
ships are less likely to encounter, fog . in , the Columbia river
thaji at any other Pacific coast port. These advantages as.
sure for Portland a prominent role urine industrial develop
menrof the Pacific coast. r: -1 : ;r ? - . ,
- i
Br Jtobert QnHlen :
' - That is well said, by the Portland Telegram" And. every
advantage mentioned by the. Telegram for Portland will be
possessed by' Salem-V ''.'.. 1 ":. L 'J
When we have still water in the Willamette
When we ' have a barge i and boating stage the year
through ' . i ' ,
As we are going to have -f
With a difference of not more thari:.5 cents 'a ton for tak-
ng our products in manufactured, or other -form from Salem
o Portland and deli VeringJ .them 'directly Into, the holds of
ships : bound; for foreigmporU ':1?'t'.z !
And this difference of, 5 cents a ton will be more than made
up - by the cheaper overhead' in Sa3m -and the jlesspr labor
fcostsdue to lower HvingcMthereTT , -jjr Vv
Toorae uay, coin smesoi'ine wiuametie. river irom oaiem
tor Portland will be lined with factories and warehouses and
docks., -! .
; IS' numanity,- ana liim nuuis uesi.euueavur onuum uc bjwui,
i f orrmanh And we arTjffiermore iMrifideht of the trath of this
I gospel; because i it iias a scientific i Jbasis in the fact that all
i aniniai beings struggle, "not for themselves but for others.
; The birds build nests,.hot for themselves; but for the birds of
ine miure. ine lion-roars, jioc jor nimseu, dui lor me jmons
hat ireTeVtotje.t-- r
vln Japan we are endeavoring to 'play the game' as they
say in the West, especially in England, as a civilized nation,
f cager.tbjlearnjBrdent to love, keen to play our part in civili-
I zatibn's-'perfect-purposes. -There are those jwha have -the
I imtjression. that ther Japanese are a warlike nation.-r This is"
I veryi: erroneous and wrong.- i Eyen 'a- superficial study of
JapanV history Woiiildshow to any one that he has never in
her history- tried' to expand by her own will, .'she! has never
had' what are called 'imperialistic' ideas. : . . --:'
A former Salem man, now in the' east, noticing. hat great
rayon mills are being built J in sections of the country not
nearly as well; supplied 'with pulp woods as this section,
wants . to know why Salem 'does ( not go out after some of
these mills. ' Why ? Further reference will be' made to this
matter in a few days.; . -hi- i W--tr', " . j
It .is true that she, like many-other' nations, not least-the
immortal: nation under whose hospitality -we are so glad to
mset atf this interna tionat congress' of peace,; has) at times,
had ttflight for the nation's existence. : . . '. Japan has to
her great credit in this , natter of , national aggressiveness.
the very significant fact that for centuries she shut herself
buffcompletely from contact 'with the world outside herself
'-that speaks for itself . ' - Vl"ri A'--'':t; V r-y-.'
'"She awoke 'seventy; years" ago, and .at once she set ; upon
the vork of raising humanity to a higher place of life and
happiness. ' She ' took eagerly- all the good motives that tend
j in thai direction and embraced all the advantages the West
I had to offrr -Hence. Japan's constitution, her -civil code, her
rganizati ncrcourtfiher process, "of law, and not least her
: ..;;f:u;x this country;.. of mine' bring
yaU jn sCh
J f.'?Thts i
greetings .
tt JThose a-
r.inrepregenting a people
: v-hose rida isonis4jintly woundedy theNordic snobocracy!
j of icrtjbr pSt tysxipnals i.thirxountry; and theioationals
cf -England and other; land&l7.N 'wndejSehator; Btagham
was bitter in his words of rebuke. ; He saw enough to make
the iiJbod boil; the blood ot any one with the instincts of a
fjcntleman or the ideas of common justice and decency, v
Salem manufacturers are" taking care of some of the by
products. There .are many ; other opportunities in this line,
and will be more as we get more factories.
Bits Fo Breakfast
. - '
Busy days here -i.
Getting ' the new
And It will print a section of the
Sunday paper, -according to -jjres-ent
plans. - ,
The great trouble with infantile
paralysis seems to be that no one
knows the' name or the exact char
acter of the bus that makes the
scourge. " '- .!
- The county, health, .heads tell
some things in The Statesman of
this morning that are rery "Inter
esting to the. mothers and fathers
of this section about how to, pre
vent the spread "of; the-disease. r
During his vistt -to - rtllaee
school a diocesan inspector Of re
liglousknowledge put this ques
tion Jo ff class of little girls:
r "If 'all - the- good . people , were
white and all the bad people were
black, what color -would you be?"
Some i promptly answ e r e d
"White," and others . ''Black. Vr. But
little Mary replied. "Please sir.
would he au streaky!" T -i : -t
The'l 9 27 cider -product Is a de
lectable beverage compared to- the.
: apple Juice" of grandfather's day
especially. If the drinker- hap
pened around-w4iile the cider was
"in the makln'- . Flavored hy
rotten spots, worm holes (to re
frain from mentioning the occu
pants of the holes), and' other,
things .too .numerous to: mention,
from outside sources! - But today
what could be more, pleasing to the
modern ; taste J than ; a drink .oft
sparkling red Wealthy or milky
Maiden Blush cider, made from
dean,- -unblemished fruit, the re
sult of proper -pruning and spray-,;
ing." and - pressed eut in a - elean
cider press that is dirt and weathr
er TrO0f ?-r; X ;.;
:The great tragedy of Autumn f
that the handsome life guards at
last, have to slip shirt over those
bjg, brown sbouldefs. , . : L
-J ; ; -.v .
"Providence don't make no mis
takes; ah' I don't believe a man is
called to preach unless he can
preach."'. :
(Coprrlrat. HIT. Pabllakora SradJeatot
By Clasde Callast
- --
"Ma's goin to ask her preacher
if It's wrong'to claim she paid the
regula'r price for an article rshe
bought at a bargain.'; ; . I
(Oopyriskt. 1917. yakliakora flyadiaato)
Continued from Page One) -
Coolldge wiir be drafted;' I tan-
1not see now; any .man-eouia turn
TOdwn such an appeal unless it was
because -of poor health- and; Mr.
Coolldge is not in poor., health."-
Declaring. that in spite of the
scolding he ' received today, he
would - .not discontinue', "talking;
about the "president's future." the j
Ohioan, said even the president's j
statement that he had no desire
to have the country" think ; that
Senator Pess was talking for him j
would have "no ; effect -on, him;"--' i
"Mr;i Coolldge afTaid ihat thel
people "will 'think I km reflecting!
his views," he added, "but I told .
him plainly that I have never giv
en out that impression and, in
fact. I was always careful te ex
plain 'that : I was airing solely my
own' TieWS;'" ' -'ii-- ; ydc ,
Personal Politics Hinted
Senator ' Fess.' :Who --must' stand
for re-election in Ohio 'next - year
fn case ; he chooses to run - again
for the senate, declared also that
Mr. Coolldge had expressed the
view4 that his statements might be
taken as accelerating his own sen
atorial ambitions.
"Nothing is farther from the
truth," he addedr "We could not
elect a delegation in Ohio that
would be anti-Coolidge. My state
ments have reflected only my hon
est Judgment.?
In reply to a question as to why
he elected to ' unburden ; himself
regarding his conference with the
president, ' Senator1 Fess declared
he did so bec&use he wanted it
clearly understood that. Mr. Cool
idee did not wish hiiri to be put
down "aa the White House
snokesman." and that It Would
hereafter be known he was speak
ing only his own judgment. , , .
s Fees Ptirt Recalled - .
In addition to . having always
been a strong Administration par
tisan. Senator Fess was one of the
first. to predict tte president's re
nbtninatin afte.r" Mr." Co'olldge's
statement in Rapid City that he
lid not. choose' to' run In 1928.
This , prediction 'drew ,.no reaction
from tne White House' but today's
rebuke was the", outgrowth of sev
eral repetitions by the Ohio senator-
in Washington - New -York
ao&, fiis . own,., state of ..what: he
thpughauidU banpeii next year'. : 1
? This .repEimanau was -recanea.
is-tbe eeond to-he administered J
to Senatqr ..Fgss, Jrom . the Whit,elr
ftouse. - X-ast wjUfiter.aurmg a aie
qusslon ' of, . wJhft .; he president
would do regarding farm relief , it
was stated on behalf rof Mr.. Cool-ir
Idge bluntly- tnat neither Senator
Fess nor 'any' ,o.tber. senator was
commissioned to speak for him
on the floor of Jhe senate -
We are. therefore. Issuing. this bul
letin for the ' information ' of the
teachers, and to solicit their active
cooperation in carrying out our
plan. The best public advice that
we can secure is that It is very
much better lo keep the sehools
open and Inspect the- children
dally for any symptoms of begin
ning disease., . ,
"lt may be well to say to the
teachers that infantile paralysis
affects children almost exclusive
ly, and that the teacher need have
no fear of-contracting the disease
if she exercises ordinary care.-
'We would suggest the follow
ing procedure during the preva
lence of this disease: ' '
1. Each teacher should - look
carefully at the children each day
at the opening of school for any
manifestation- of Illness. Any
child who shows any symptoms of
fever or vomiting should be sent
home at once and the nurse In the
district notified... The nurse will
visit the home and either readmit
the" Child to - school, or have him
seen br the county health officer.
r 2 ? B Lsure and'enforce strictly
the ruling that no child sEfcll re
turn to school after an 'Illness
without a proper permit from the
family physician. he nurse, or. the
cofinty health;o?flcer. : .
"We' arei-advisiag parents as
follows: '-'-: ' ".'V-;'
1. Any child who Is ill should
be kept at home, and the family
physician called to jdetermine the
nature of the illness.
2. Do not have your child visit
In homes rhere"there- is sickness
of any character, until the danger
of-Infantile paralysis Is over.
3. Do not Invite visitors having
children j from, outside of Marlon
county. tDarticularly" .from areas
I (Continued from Page One) ;
Marion codnty health unit, The
full text of the letter reals as fol
lows: : --. ." ;
? t"In view of the prevalence of
infantile paralysis - in various
parts of Oregon, the Marion coun
ty health unit has been planning
the ways In jwhlch we can most
effectively protect ' the : health of
the children, in Marion county.
i ' - V V- - (Portland Telegram) ;
' The valuable Oregon library of the. late. Frederick V. IIoI
nan will go-to the Historical society which had for twenty
flaM hnnnroi riim ac Ira nroeirlpnf:. - . . .
i ; j : ' ' " ' t-' ?
The Society; acquires the precious collection through the
nerosity of ;four piibl are: Judge
Charles II. Carey and Leslie 'Mi Scott of Portland, N. Bush
(' ! SaLb and T. C. "Elliott of Walla Walla, all of them collect
t cf books on- the. Oregon country, who would have wel-
r i rriany of the IIoman: volumes on their; own shelves,
I who'have bought the books and self denyingly eurren
rediem'to - tho guardianship off the 'Oregon Historical
: a' -t ' ' - .',y ;. ? 'v-:"s (' ': :
i$cd by-this- quartet of behefactors. The treasurer
. Ve sayeti to breonf arc Elready ; interesting and valuable,
t r." the years pass; they willlbccome priceless mines of
cc' f ; .tcrin!V in jthr history clr the Paci northwest, the
.Tl:iCouslry".-bf..thc pioneers.; ; " :! ' " ; '
: .::::;::: x
r ' - s , ,',,f Sit
' v A t A i
. ;y-:::;xi-x-r:: 1
Walter Ilill's lir" I ts been "just oner darn' wife after
r,'Ccn:c3 ro; : lire Ivvay bcauty.j6f.the-eW York
n J 'ask for C 2Z, Z.Z 3 cttornjjy-fees to dish out. to. sortie
.Izn'C ? torthsr Httia--matter cf' her di4
: .3 ;cu!I li:i3 iztOO a week main-
.i :t: TLi3 mi!:c3 ths" third -t! .that ybucj
.i v. J tri."..Jr The hst cr.3 cost
"cr. while
Why do so many,' many babies
of today escape all, the little fret
ful' spells 'and infantile ailments
that . used . .4o worry-, mothaca
through the day, and keep them
up halt the night? . ;
. If you don't "'know theVansWer,'
you ' haven't " discovered t pure;
harmless Castor ia. It Is-sWeet to
the taste.: and sweet In the littleH
stomach. And its gentle i Influ
ence seems felt air through" the
tiny system Not even a distaste
ful dose of castor-oil diesaq much
good. - And It is o pleasant to
take. Taste it yourself, and you'll
know why ''Children Cry for'It."
- Fletcher's . Castorla la purely
vegetable, so you may give it. free-,
ly, at first sign t colic; or when
yon- eyen susiect the approach of
constipation; . or " diarrhea.-" Or
those inany times when:you Just
don't know what : Is.the.. matter
For real sickness, call the doctor,
always.' At other tlmes'a few
drops of Fletcher's Castorla. See
how?" quickly all ; frctfulneas- r
wakefulness. will ceasei- -
Onlrona word of warning: the
above advice la true of cenuine
Castol-ia.; the kind called Fletch
ef's, i bearing" Fletcher's signature
Is genuine and does -notcontaln
opiate or any other drug that can
harm your- babyxOtheE. prepara
tions may. be just as free, from
harm ; the' writer doea- jjoi know
aa to ' that,' 'but' doeknow one
famUy whose children -will never
make the experlmentf'T
K SPECIAL 'NOTEnvWith -every
bottle of genuine Fletcher's Cas
torla is .wrapped a book, on "Care
and .Fetftimg of 3abiest worth its
weight ra gold .to every--another or
prospvctlve mother. v
. . . .. - .- : -
- 111 . J -t ' - "TJa ' rr .-. V ' 'rAX -Vv.-'r---rf S
Proof Against ih
Splitting seconds in record flights from coast to
coast,' bucHngJhe fiifie ofa HeiLCorV 'j&eCbver-.i
sun'liaketi "fields and.
planes of; the U. S. Air Mail Fleet, built in San
Jei6gM brHe! with thev
eiementsrorpiotect0 jtuv
and weatherproof your doors otecting them
from the rage qt the elements.
'Use Versatile Soar Varnish on 1
' -4
Drain Boards, Tables, Doors
or on any surface, exposed to moisture
Gal. $6.00 ; Qu. $1 .70;
Pts;$1.00; Pte. 55c
Thanksgiving is comings Why nqt brighten lip
your rooms wun attractive vvall faper at
moderate price. . :r , , f .; w.
i -. i
Childrcn Cr fcr
Let us show you our samples .We have i some
special oargams. in attractive patterns. " v
- ' ' - -.-:- -
i t. 7
Corner Chemeketa & Liberty
Low Cost! Easy Terms!
A dependable good looking car.
1926 Chrysler. 60 coach
1926 Chrysler 70 , coach
1924 Chrysler 70 sedan
1926 ; Chrysler 58 coupe
1924 Studebaker sedan light 6
. .. .U;. Motor Co. ,
Corner Liberty & Chemeketa
; '!-, . : Telephone 1133 ,
TheHouse of Courteous
Service" .
Had a Bad Cold
i j But Accepted!
The theatre i that evening.
though her nose was red and eyes
were running!--".For six hours I
enough r to conquer almost any
cold. Here's what to do:
Take a plain, pleasant-tasting
tablet which the smallest drug
store Is never without, rape s
Cold Compound is what they call
it. Harmless as it is. It will knock
th worst cold so quiciuy you ii
hint it wu luck the first time.
a . atDhhArn. chronic coia is
broken up the same way;, it jusi
takes a little Jonger. - , ?
Notice is hereoy given that the
Common CounclL of the City of
Salem,: Marion 1 County, Oregon,
will, at or about 7; 30 p. m., on
the 7th day of November, 1927,
or any subsequent meeting of the
said Councils thereafter, in the
Council Chambers of the city hall
of Salem, Oregon, proceed to as
sess upon and against each, lot or
part thereof or parcel of land
liable therefor, ; its' proportionate
share of. the cost. of dmproving
the .Alley in Block 2 of Yew Addi
tion to. the City of. Salem, (Marion
County, Oregon," from the -south
line of Jdls8lbn - Street- to a .point
six'feet south' of -the-north, -line, ot
Lee street. pfi',Z"";'-:i:'':r
'. JM persons I interested jin tAha
said asseasmenets are -hereby, noti
fied to appear, before J.he, said
Council at said time and pJace and
present, tneir. objections, vlt any
they-? have, to. said -assessment,
and apply to said Council I to
equalize their proportionate share
of the same, v - - - - .'
" - By order of the Common Coun
cil, October 17 1927. -
, M.POULSEN, City Re'corder. :
y Date of flrstr publication hereof
October -21, 1927.' -
Date of final publication here-
where there are known cases of in
fantile paralysis.
"If .in: doubt ahout anything
pertalninio this master, call the
county, health,, officer at 2288, or
th.njii-se.'i yopf district.
Notice is "hereby given that the
Common Council of the City of
Salem, Marlon County, Oregon.
will, at or. about 7:30 p. m.. on
the 7th; day of November, 1927.
or any subsequent meeting of the
said Council- thereafter, in the
Council Chambers of the city hal l
of Salem, Oregon, proceed to as
sess upon and against each lot or
part' thereof or parcel of land
liable therefor, Its proportionate
share of the cost of improving
Academy Street from the west
line of Myrtle Avenue to the east
line of Laurel Avenue, in the City
ot Salem,. Marlon County, Oregon.
All persons - interested in the
said assessxnenets are hereby noti
fied to , appear before the said
Council at said time and place and
present " their objections,, if anj
they have, to said assessment,
and apply to . said Council t
equalize their proportionate shar
of the same. ..
...By.erder of. the-Common Cou& .
cll,v October 17 1927. k
M. POULSEN, City Hecorder. .
Date of first publication hereof F
October 21,-1927.
Date of final publication here
of October 23; 1927.
. o21-22-23
of October 23. 1 9 27.
Broken Peppermint
Sticks .
.' :; Fresh' from Portland
Regular Price 35c a lb.
18c a lb.
.Two lbs. for 30c
; We reserved the-right to
' J t? Sm. - ....
135 'North Commercial St.
v ,. j'hone 197 '
Penslar. Agency
Original Yellow Front
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
CiUbIlst.ed 1IS
l.-i - . V.'" ' .
General Banlrinrj Business fy
Offlc Hourt from; 10 a. m. to f p. ta. 7 ,
: i :H;R.-FRESNALI;-'
Phone .485: 455 Court1 St.
you my J .V . vrw h y "
MAICB YOTTTl VTPrj.-AKrn ccv r? ivvcf a t . njn.
; 'VCaU 951 . y v r ,
' '. " Orcca Eld j. ... ;