THE OREGON STATZ..IAN, SALCrf-sORrGO:T, JET.TnAV.-ICOTTG, QCTCTZr. 1,:127.,, id- ' 1 1 ii i BEIHTS KEBi COLLEGE OF B . . 4 s ' Probable Uneops Willamette C ot Idaho Jloch i .i . i . .E . . . JBaldridge Woodworth . .'.T. . . Wbittier &tMcKenxle . J.-. . Q ; . . ; . . .. S toel UAckerman . v . . . C, . , . . Cillaira . Jjort ......... G. .. Richardson Versteer . . . . -T. I , . " Swim Haldean ... . v jCranor . : Smith , Brown , Kim . i French . IT ; Burnett F . . Dille '-'Football season 1s coming to Salem fn dead ernest "today. Most v.. of the fans hare thought It was a - Jong time coming; six weeks after I U lb . trAinliig.'Beaeon. started, and ,1 -wo weeks after some big; Im " , j)ortant games have been played .on me coast. : But being late, .the season is all the more welcome, and with Ideal weather forecast,. Indications : are tthat one of v the biggest crowds ever assembled for a gridiron con test on Sweetland field will tarn tout to see the Willamette univer sity Bearcats bUttle College of Idaho, laet year's northwest con ference champions and . favorites to repeat. v ; f -The Coyotes, headed by Coach Anse Cornell, will arrive early; this morning. After, sweeping 1 victories over Pacific university And LinfieJdi colleae, Ipaho has .suffered no MjuriesHo Tfrst string men., and. expected to baat itfcr maxim jm. strength todays i 4- The Bearcats . ,on the other feaod, tboMtitttmia&ftmtk two maJariainesL.played-ju-,far, -especially ifinAhe-wingaw.-Thwwill' .not-, be,-erious unless some- rtarere ends are 4 rj p g Jbai nne'ame are a capable pair, but the Bear-' cat defence may .be weakened, if 'iur oi is loreeu io leave the field. .There is just a chance that Cranor may be shifted to end if an emergency .arises. ;aa. he' was. Willamette's moat capable wins: man last var - ;'. ; , i - The lineup given above is only tentative. . Rogers has been re-' covering , rapidly from bis injury' oi ten aays ago, and may, be ready to return to his position at cen ter; Glass. Cardinal of Van Nuys may be selected to start at one of the ends, and Deetz and Zeller might appear in. the backfield at the opening of the game. 1 These men are -all pretty certain to play at some time in the contest. Oth-i era who will probably be used are ,Beek.t.vEJmmons - and '- 'Querry, guards, and Propp.. tackle. PETER DE PAOLO HAS SPEED TITLE a? ".WASHINGTON, Oct. 20. (AP) Peter De Paolo of Los Angeles, to day was declared winner of the American Automobile Association speedway championship for 1927. The contest board of the associa ton which announced the award, said it was based on his winning 1440 points in speedway events during the year. . v fDe Paolo was champion In 1925 and is one of six drivers who have iwon the title twice. Frank Lock hart was second with 1040 points, retaining .the plac he won last year. George Souders, Purdue un iversity student, who won the In dianapolis race lasf'May, Jn "his first start behind the "wheel, won third -place', with 1,000 points. - ; Fourth place went to Leon Duri y and Harry 4 Harts, the If 26 champion, took - fifth.., - position, largely because - of . run rof bad i luck during: the seaaon " . , .. Lock hart led th others Jn in on ey earnings Sonv'the ratal tracks' with 143.110. scudert earned ; 31, S, and DePabJqf f -4 iMIKEIC: .. . EFFECTS PEACS , vXEW YORK, 0t.-AP)- ; Mike JVIcClRue eren tljk. shorn of llht heavyweight tiitlerrecognt itlon here by Tommy. Ixru'ghran tor day made h peace? with the. Na tional Boxing association and pav ed, the way for another "shot at 1 175 pound honors. McTigue'e suspension by the N. B.. A. for failure to fulfill a contract to . box Larry Gaines at Toronto was lifted by Thomas E. ' Donohuetpresldent i of .the' N. B. 'A!: after the veteran boxer, .thru 'his" manager," Jimmy .Johnston, agreed to meet Gaines in the Can adian cily,' between "November 10 and 20 . . I Ut .tb.e same time 1 AIcTIgue's 'challenge for a match with Jim my " Rlattery of Buf falo,ecognii . light heavyweight champion tbythe N.B. A, was accepted, by Provident JtJonohue. v : Lifting pt MeTIgue's snspen- eason why (x o? UAN) r Quality the prodaa f 49 years of refining experience. -STANDARD 00, COMfANT CT CALIFORNIA n: ixmoneyx iif S CAUT EUY X AJETTZa OIL -V t THE NEW ' Vi XZEROLBIIB t. Wi 1 J.- - - 11 . Bion. Ir. Donohne aId, clears the last ' obstacle 1 tq ' his scheduled match with Mickey , Walker, tnid dleweight champion, via "Chicago, November lj , , -,"---". CARDS IN GOOD SHAPE FOR O. A- C. 1 S T A N FID R D i UNIVERSITY, Cal Oct, .'' 20.(AP) Thirty Stanford ; football" playersaceom panied by managers- trainers and coaches, , left .tonight: for Portland where the JCardinals will itackle the; Oregon.. Aggies. Saturday. - ' Coach Pop" Warner, and Line Coach - "Tinq" Ttoornhill accom panied: the players but backfield Coach Cbar7esyWintirburn 'was left at. home. to coach the reserves who are not making the trip. AH the players are .In good .condition, so, Stanford prill be at fall strength against -the -northern, -oteveiu.. BAYES TO FIGHT NASH AT ALBANY v Phil Bayea;. the local puncher, will meet Jack Nash in the meia event on the opening card-of the aeason at Aioany tontgnt. pun knocked Nash .oat' in .the first round on a Salem card last June, and is doped to take the- battle tonight. M 'v ::, - , Bayes has been keeping teadlly In training, despite ibis misfortune in losing his father by death re cently, lamd is pTetoarftvg for a steady reason of f Ights up and uowu tue cow,, s UNDSEY'SyiEWr-OTSO RADICAL-AS MANY THINK 4 ' Continued from Page One) ' J nsTffm umner appointment at a sorority houe. in Bugene, tonight BeforTfh?; address and -my Strain h?ves in ;len miaates.! Ije jttook biinas hastily with everyone , and departed, -..-i;" vt-;'--- Ul:' Ideas Not Radical ?; '7. Companionate marriage differs from the present system," said the judge, "only in that birth control would .be legalized, j information regarding it: freely t disseminated. divorce -made possible by mutual consent' of- childless couplaS.:and alimony for ' such , divorces ; abol- ished. . ; -i".-- "Under my : plan, every marri age would 1 be a companionate marriage until children came. So ciety i cannot have as much inter est in -the childless . couple, as 4t does with one of .family. - ZThe term companionate mar riage was: not originated by me, I adopted it, thinking that a ; fit ted . my meaning; and ; that' . it would attract attentIon. One has to -make a lot of fuss to get atten tion sometlmea. People have mis understood It. They would not fear it If they understood. "Please remember that I am a monogamist. I believe in the old- lashioned marriage. , But a new condition has arisen that must be faced. A great social problem has developed in which the younger generation held from marriage by economic conditions Is vitally In terested. : .'.-.". ' .; . "I am not eonceraed "with the! increase of divorce, f but with the decrease of marriage. lO'.OOO, 000 men in the Unlfed States -between the ages of 20 and 31, near ly 6,000,000 are unmarried. There are nearly 4 0,000,000 men and women In "this country between the ages of 17 and 35. Not half of them" are married, and yet -they are in the period of -fecundity and marriage. ; : !':'t:? My plan ; serves as - a lure to get young beople ':to marry. ' 'I tell them don't have children unless "you- want them. Nine times out of 'ten -they will want child ren -in' spite of previous-i Inten tions.. But 'they are urged to wait until they are certain of each ther." ; ' :,.' '; ' r. Rabbi Newman- is not funda mentally .opposed t Judge Lind ey's . views.ile, t however, objects to theNis? .of the term companion-a-t mart fage as opening possibil ities leadihsfVventually te the French j3ysteh with fits triangular .'- a ; . ..ilranguilax i r systems He 5 . 14 tC tt the"; destruction lof the hnlty '0 the imarriage H&eyl.- S ' 'TIia ,benefIU of companionate marriage .acaa be gained through the present marriage system wath substantial t modiflcatton," ithe Rabbi declared. T can. see no harm in legalization of birth eontrol knowledge in the right way, in the legalization of divorce by mutual consent for childless Couples. Btit I beiieYe that to tell young men they owe no' financial obligations to their! "cionipanionatea" is to give them a dangerous and irre sponsible' attitudes -towards -the duties of .permanent .marriage. "Young people should be helped to marry earlier provided they are absolutely sure of each other. W should hold forth to young people through our own : conduct the r pattern of good -manners, of respect by men for women, of faith and loyalty, of self-discipline, of perfect consecration by two des tired eon hv each to the other. Let "s1 reform" marriage from within not assail' it from with out, :i:-r':S',:i i fvv -w;' A The Rabbi end , the Judge are very good friends and have the utmost ' respect for -each - other's views. : 4,They atay at .the same hotel and jaat thertr meals to gether when . possible. ; -, . Judge ;L4ndsey. speaks fronv 27 years of "practical experience 4n imadllug youthful mischief mak ers. He lost his juvtenlle Judge ship la the recent Denver, election and at the (present time has no regular pob.jlle will continue for the present on the speaking plat form: , t " .As juvenile Judge for Denver he was author ot the Colorado juve nile eourt laws. One of the fea tures of these laws 4s that pt putting the boys, on their honor, when sentenced ?: to : the reform schooL .They are sent ta tha sch-ooJ unattendeit "Only "fire out Crowd Breialts AtExcitinj BARIS. 'Oct. 20. (AP). Ex cited: murmurs i punctuated with frequent volleys ef ; passionately protesting Remarks rose again and again today from the 'spectators who packed the " benches at the third sitting of the trial of Sam uel Schwartzhard for 'the' murder of General Simon Petlora. : . . 9 Despite Justice Flqrya banging gavel, and demands.. -for silence, the spectators '.apparently were unable to control, themselves and the attendants had to threaten to expel se verakjersis tent i offenders .before the crowd got a grip on its emotions. ..Today a session was by far, the most tense; thui far in the running oral battle between Henri Torres, chief ofthe defense coun sel and , Cesar Xlampinchf, -representing .! Petlura's family. ; The duel of ' words , gained in vocal power and hcrimony as1 the f two black-robed lawyers stood a few Xeet apart roaring at .the top of their' lungs. - , ' Schwarubard . alone among ; the actors in the court drama main tained calmJ ,Even at the moment whe,n he himself commented on the accusation of a former friend, his, attitude was- more one of res ignation than protest. This ac cusation was contained in a 'de position, by M. Dobkovsky, Soviet commisar for Jews affairs. at Mos cow in 1918, whoJs now In exile, fighting his former associates. Schwartz bard claims to have kill ed Petlnra in reprisal or Jewish po grams but', the deposition al leges - that Schwa rtzbard 'was & member of a secret committee or ganized -inv Paris by the Soviets to 11 Pettura in ' order to preveht his "possible-return to "-power 'In the Ukraine.' - - ' ' ::M ' : j I : chwartzbard'g r'h only Ifiare -pi of several hundred har 2itrAvn the trust. He was -also author of the contributory deliQuepcy Jaw which field parents responsible for thertr negligence. v . ' The Judge has oecom Interna tionally known for his books on sex problems. Among some of hhi works are 'Problems of Children," ine. east and the; Jungle," "The Rule of Plutocracy la Colorado." "The Doughboy's Religion," and "Pan-Germanism in America.": $ PRESS GATHERS NEWS FROM HERE AND THERE (Continued from Page One) F. R. Borger, of the Monon -road told the American Association of Superintendents -or Dining , Cars here today, is that .the dining car meals- lose money.! Income pays only for food costs and crew n. rolls, he claimed, the average loss per meals being 32 to 55 oArtt. The toss Is ''in creased too he, added, by the fact that 99 per cent of the Pullman naseeneers now eat in the diners. 1 ? : -"wifii i a a man may go nsefully about his .wpxk minus a leg, an arm and eye, his tonsils, appendix, 'gall i bladder, one kid- i-soi.nia iungsand bralff andf aa much as ,12.. feet Of his la- tea uses. v.- ;". s i r - s Dr. ' John V'' v T.rA m n n - V Tork, Is authority for the state ment. ; He tOld th intraft, post-graduate medical here today that the! number of or gans a numan -being can afford to lose to the knife Is steadily in creasing due to better methods Jn ourgery ana increased knowledge of thesfunctions of organs. ' " Scpat, Convention ! ? Girl scouts held their annual convention at New York, Septem ber 28-October 1. Mrs. Jane Dee ter Rippin, national director, dis cussed the problems .of the local director. .Jr Mayor Walkerkef ."-Nnw Vr saya he taught ; f unney how toTcoi use ms ien ana now maybe Tun- ucywui try to ehow7Walker how to run New Tork right. ; ! i i ;C0llg ' i - Willamette University SWEETLAND FIELD, -SALEM .! 3 P.I. Today r r ;General Admission 50c Restraint b: Murder Trial violence came when bloody details of - a nogram ' were .being de scribed. '.They cut them jdown with naked blades." he shrieked. Then he subsided, in apparent an guish, rocking his shoulders back and forth' and muttering, in" He brew. ; : I . Another elmilar moment came during testimony of the- ykranian general. Shapoval, who jwnred an-; der Petlura. -Shapoval 1 declared that regular . troops . never had carried put any massacres of Jews and that Peuara opposed, such tac tics. . - ' "Petlura was not antl-semtic said the massively-built Slav. "He was a- humanitarian a friend of the Jews." -.- . i - ; "no, no, - oe - lies ! " - came 'a chorus In 'the accent of a dozen auiereni languages. irom tne spec ta tors. Th witness threw back his ; close-cropped head. -'and straightened his shoulders in. dis dain. ; Shapoval told the court an anf archist named Volod ine assisted Schwartxbard. in the crime, w "At ten o'clock on the morning of the murder he came to me saying. Pet- Jura should .be killedi'l- eaid-Sha poval. ''Jlalf an hour after the crime he came back' to-me ob viously elated." Shapovii ; de clared that Volodirie stood euard while Schwartzbard fired the fatal snots. ' ., 3,-," '"r . To counteract Shapoval's testi mony,.; Torres triumphantly pro duced ; a' jjhotogTaplf .of Shapoval, been;" taken . a month' after Sbapo- vai .mafle .nia . original deposition apmusi, woioaine. , illi'iSlSlBUTII PUSfiS F Entiife World To Be Combed , For Markets For Prod ducts From Oregon - PORTLAND. . Oct. 20. (AP) Final details of a plan to comb the world for markets .for Oregon prunes were worked out- today by Professor -Geor re M. Weber of the school of business administration. university of California. jnd members of the foreign trade com mittee of the Portland chamber of commerce. :- - :'-..'! The plan involves the usO of qnesttonnaire3,hlcn,;if, they..ra-i; tcivo vuo approval 01 - ine a e part men t of commerce In Washington, Di C, will be sent .to every Amer can : commercial attache through out the world. The questionnaires were sent to Washington tonight. tt.One set of 'guestlotis has been made .out especially lor non-producing countries such as England : another set la for cquntries which are t-aeml-produclng . such,; as; France,. w.Wle . a,, third set is for producing- countries: where is is hoped markets for Oregon prunes, too, can be obtained. A fourth questionnaire Is being -sent to Washington 'to be answered from data already -in department "jbf commerce archives. . Two major attempts 6li the Questionnaire plan are to find per manent .markets for the; Oregon tart-weet pruney and to find mar kets -where quality, rather than price. Is the dominant factor. r The move on the Dart of Proi; HTe&sor Weber is in .line with the university of Oregon's new policy of actively cooperating with the ho 1 professes o ie anti-radical. In compatiy : withyoipe. . The photograph Vas. certified to have .uHneiJ $hH. state in the '4E,aa!SnrPJAgricultural cooperating with the far mers, other professors in the school of -business administration are working on similar problems. . . r ..1 .-. I 1 ... . ' ' When Glasses Jkxc ; .r, iNeeded , "APPEAL TO O'NEILL" . t. -New Location ,- Dr. C. B. O'NciU .Fourth Jffloor "3 rirat; National: Ban BnUdljr ! Phone C2I IT?. .TliWTO Fffl : emiiiAMWEDraiiy Bobby Mclntyre andllddie Gra ham. - ?two vof Salem's - own , fiat swingers who have been establish ing themselves as unquestioned erowd. pleasers. will -have ;a place on the boxing -card at. the armory arena next Wednesday night.. Matchmaker 'Plant In putting these boys on the card did -so at the. request :of multitudes ot fans I who know t that, they are in for, a session of good, hard fighting whenever and against whoever the two boys appear. I - Mclntyre has bee nmatched with Charlie O'Leary. of Portland In the six -round . semi-windup event.. Ed die Graham takes on Mickey Do- Ian; another .Portland - scrapper. who Is just, two pounds heavier than Eddie, and who is -said to pack A mean punch. ' - i -Si Flook, of Mill. City, and Young Union, of Portland, have been matched in a four-round pre liminary mill. One more four round bout will be added to the card in a few days. Jack Dillon, headliner In a fight asainst Battling Slim, will work out this, afternoon in the armory at one o clock. He has been tak T Henry Wolffs Marliet ft ,; iPmfSi 'Peoples Market ; 155' T Iiberty-St l . Saturday and 'it?. 7 GROCERIES' ,0J . .. '. -1.:. . . ilif ; 2 packages Citrus ' Washing'; Powder' M i 6 boxes, ; ' QUA 1 Matches ; .,.. " C Pint Mazola OC on .. .........SDC 7;lb3.- Bst Cane ylA - Sugar ..-......-.:...sT!aC ' New Elsinore Peas, 20c value ; ' - s for Best ' Swift or - Marion Butter .. 3 Gulf Kist . Shrimp i.s.... , 45 c 49 c 45c 10 bars -Royal White Soap ...jOOC 4 lbs: . ' ;' Macaroni jLuC 49 lb. sack Per- 41 fift fectfon Flour v eOel . W. NottS COMerciai QKt groceries r 1 pound HiDa Bros L J. B. 7 jMBhd boxlTra Blu Crax :' 8 pounds Sweety -Potatoes 10 Bars JYhitd Wonder Soap,, 3 large cana EineapplejOrLo , 3 large carl3 l! 3 ldfcs;tLi Ultei -. - .if" We have ?i wonderful Tajse'in brccra ,J 4.poundboxof Xni Bljct 1C3 pctij.Cane Scgar;; 2 larsratjacfesrea White i M Half, or whole Ha Hams ber pound 2 poanda Peanut Z pounds Ginger s Com, Peas and String Beans a .2 cans Tor 2 pound Loaf of Impound WtJtmtter lit" 14 uartnrrr i ? 6 potrndsS. W. 6 Fr-nd3 EkiUcse Ef,ead '--Jtf ffa. ',f- f -t d pound sack Rolled Oat 49 pound sack of Ci&wn ijiour log his "daily doaen" everyj after noon this week and Is in Up-top shape for the mysterious Belling- ham -bay 188-pounder. . Dillon has moved to Salem and plans to make It his home if he can take the match from the Bat tler Wednesday, night,' so that he will be established in the .valley; here as a vreal fighter. Battling Slim is now In: Port-i land preparing -for 1. he , fight here; vv eanesaay. , . mm RAiritER ;i!AY0R CHOSEH .t -.4 RAINTER. Ore..4Oct.: 20.-AP) -Pr.vI. S. Ditto was elected roay-i ojf -of Rainier by wthe' ity council tonight to succeed A. E. Veatchn recalled on .Atrgust is. and with J this election scame 4he announce-1 ment that recall proceedings have been started against Mrs. Florence E. Bowen and M. W. Brown.coun-i eil members. . Those In touch with boh aides of the political situation s believe the bitter strife ol the -past few months is settled only insofar as the . Question revolved around Veatch. . . ' i-v Ttie second recaU ,is setfor No- vember 1, -but inasmuch as Mrs Bowen and-Brown has withdrawn their support f fVeatch, ho tight against them is , anticipated. Read -the Classified Ads , i ' '.L 1 .-Phone 994 : : t f- 1 -i A - lift.'. v Monday Specials ; ; ; 4QUAIJTY MEATS jiV. 1 S. inspected No. 1;. ' ?.: .ui. ; -Steer ;.Beef . ; Boned and rolled roasts 22!2c Choice .veal Ik Q rpasts '10C .steaks . Our own Pure Lard, No. 5s ... 70c In bulk 14c Our own Lean Breakfast Bacon 30c Chickens : dressed sl Q & drawn; lb. ... OC o!ey Phone 1371 and 1372- Attractiv Prices r PluslSerrico . ;' ' . r cr Golden West 1 MlMMMMMsrMM I . ; Graham G5;93' 8c 3i5c '25cX' -49 c; ,4.7c;: "47c. Sl;39 ; 49 c 39c i25c 5c '1 I i- f-gp j; 49c -,- ;c i YOU J U S T K N O W SMS W I A t T M S M f1- - i ''jJ- ol'.il- '-, -n"' . i , .. '.".7'.: vM'" ';.'i v . "iM-"' '"lis - r ' V " 4..' - a-J! 'IC HUM ; Ask AJbput Our Hosiery I Ju at, been' in ieffect one month, -in vthis .time .has mere, than .doubled ur business. We are giving our .cus.tom ters .a .finer and .better selection ,o.f hose at a .yery .low 'cost. All the latest shades now on display in the hosiery section. Special Good apples are very scarce in H;heWillamette Valley jthis year and a ,short crop the country. over. vQur buyer hf''-bn;putYera('ay8 ftndbpusht 20G 3 boT.23 cf i apples so as toassuife ,us i good supply. '.for. tha -.r.c;:t ;two or. three month s.!f .Lay in a supply -at '.these' pricij. i Delicious, llome Beauty, WlnteilCx.iar.a ; ';. r ' " 1 i ' ':si:56;per.i)oi;Mv-'--'i ' rr 1 Fancy. :Spitzenbergs -$2.00 ,Qoking Jpplei $i.C0 -box. j . jPatterson's Dehcious.fancy . wrapped and paclced" . . $2.75 to 53J5 peri box , Meat SpeciaHor Saturday v Prime -Ribs of Steer Beef, Boned and Rolled, ZZc Young Rabbits to fry, 35c lb. ! "New Crqp'Valnula i B Just received1 the .first , of the ew,.Crop Valnuts and they are fine J)ig nuts.. . ' ' .' ' ' ' !2 pounds -for 53e : . ' . ' . r Chinese Ncqb JDqk' At!c:i '. l ComeJn and -try 'this,delectable dish. prepared hre by a jcefined Chinese lady, .During the sale we will ecII ; 3 , packages Chinese Noodles 23c For, making Chop Suey-we have the Qhc)? Suey -Z , Bean Sprouts and J5amboo Shoots, i ; j?;;hA ; .TheXyPsAre In . iXiast yer .we could not;supbly. the, demand fcr th'I " akigs in jars. We have ordered just five ; Vmany'thia 'year.-'--;'; :-v -V I Two Sizes---40c jar and $1.23 jir .... :WEZI END FEATTinnS LIptsns Coffee pour. 4 :Zz sW va O UWAsVvw V -aw v- :L!;t:.r..lTc-,r:.:i r C! New Crop Prunes Large, 2 pounds : 2: Ilediura, .3 rtd3 2: WfxIIcrf Tcilit Pccr; lCC'-C-T Sales Mari .She 'is always -thinking ,ct 'them and their .health, plan- ' ntng .oueals that-v?Ul iut ire Jhe family the proper proportions ; o the various foods they should hare. vC he depends 'upon ithe .jseryjea . grocer to adTiae .her what 43 tnew in.the market md is-bea ' things are at their best and - prices' abont as low as -they 'wUl-get, Then, too, ahe-caa use ;her itelephone, orcler tla things .she .wants aud fcave them sent to her not leav ing home -to ,go to town-.and carry back the heavy pack- ages. ' Delivery and 4hlrty day.aertice accounts save lr r time and energy - and tl.a whole ' month's purchases ipaid or at one -timo. - Applo Salo J vv ;v':;BAi:En PiteiX::--.!:. i r ( 1