The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 11, 1927, Page 6, Image 6

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    '--.- . u..-:...,..- , ... onLm-.-iv"" t
quickie nouens UP
What's, the answer?, -'
Phil Bare. Mocal sUe Idol,
;sara it is that he . will "make jt
two straight orer Mackle i when
the meet tomorrow night at the
armory In- the second taxing com-
mission card of the tair-season.
Bayes,eren Intimate that ho will
, pat MackJfr to- sleep long enough
tor the referee .to count, ten. ;
y .-:A3 MacfcIe, of; Portland. 7 em
.phaslxed what he termed to. be
therrect reply! by discouraging
three r wna'criajr partners ( tJio
faced him at hisf gymnasium last
Sunday. v The three coming box-
era took it on the chin so vOf ten
that they were willing' to concede
Mackie meant business in his
come-back with Bayes. '
- - Manager Sax - relayed to Mack
le, Bayes' declaration that ' he
would make the: decisions--twb In
a row orer . Mackie.i . Mackie only
gTltted his teeth," and waded into
his sparring opponents, still
. harder.- XA-'rK
"The Portland boxer is anxious
to-.ppear'Q-fture-8alem cards.
.He, wania sa meet- Benny Pels
here.. BenhyT has indicated nis
wiiltn gness. jto, meet, Mackie ? it the
price is right. VThat's one bg ln-
centlTe- Mackie- will hare': to en-
rdeaTos -to-revmrse--the decision of.
twi.wteki d. Should he Ibs
to Bayes, his immediate-chance at
Pels .wonld-be losU.-s.l't-''4i:"K'
?s!If Mackie .wine,-it, won't be the
xirst time .be.naa. staged a, come
back. Sometime ago Freddy Wil-
gained & decision orer Mackie; in
m, six -rouna oout ;st. the muwsu-
kie; ,6ar. barns.,;: Mackie got peer
ed .then, just as lie fa now. u He
asked for a return, bout and got it.
The, re-match .waa- arranged. t . the
Portland, armory, Maekie heeame
suddenly an., aggressiTe fighter.
He wided tight-threugh WTIirams.
and the 'decision was rerersedi r
As to the knockout by Bares,
Mackie smUesw Pannyv rTooas
failed to do It Solllo Seamanv the
New York fighter failed to do it.
after, he.;had .beaten -Hnny , Kra
mer in the Portland featherweight
tournament. And Mackie consld
: ers these boys tough.: stacked on
to JBayes- i:v--ii:;-:Mvz:
Nothing bnt - the most vrcioes
' fighting between the two men can
- be- expected when theyapp,eax. in
the .center of the ring., together
next Wednesday. - The answer
' must -be forthcoming, one way or
the. other. ..- t-';-.
. iFor snappy preliminaries, the
coming card wli be hard to seat-
Eddie Graham.: Salem's "coming
bantam weighty c iWH be jpttedH
against Jack Piasrt.-. of 1 Oregon
fMtw TTn flwrnn Cit ftvHf fatiM
' support Jack ' -with a rim, -and: a
bunch Tf them, will be at the arm
; ery-Wednesdaj. , , - 'n'
'.Against Kid Lange, of jOregoi
City, Matchmaker Plant has- lined
up Si Flook; of Mill City. .
. In the semi-windup, Ted Fox
-will clash' with Billy Leonard la
.match which would be credit as
.a main erent and. Al, Sharp-. ind
Earl Morrison,' a JPortlaad -slug
ger. will box a tour round special
eyent. . - i
J - i: f y"4v - - ' - f ' ' s''--' A . ,
- Lssesass-MMKMsissBHBaiBMsSMMa Jra,rf.;., - lim Mnnoir, "
-'.;'.. ji. S - -, ' : .
J-iTeam.. .: , W. I. Pet.
Whitman 1
Colleget of . Idaho. ; . . 1.
WUiametto' . . - . 0
Paget- Sound . . . . ...0
Unfield . . . . . . 0
Pacific . . . . .. .I
Albany eoUegeVFWaynd Whit
man will? tackier its : tough coast
conference neighbor. University fj
tdaho. i while the Loggers and Wil
lamette meet in the most Import
ant "conference game, of .the week.
,. - .
onif ni-ni
Q i
In the
.JSdctie Grarutm one "of - Salem's " most1 cromisinir: youre
boxers," who wilf meet1 Jack PlairtJ of Oreirort City, in a pre
liminary event oh the Salem Boxing commission nert.Wednee-
Yankee Stars
mana, Jts
PmLADELPHlA, Oct. 10.-
1AP) PetarXatio, of ' Scranteh,
' former welter-weight champion.
knocked out Wyoming Warner -of
. Laramie, :- Wjro-, in the - second
. round of a 10 round fight here to-
aight. ; . -.. V
Pun inni a;(
p. ltfcOKti AAKCKU JK1DA
" The ' annual meeting of the
Marion county public-health Asso
ciation wil be held Friday evening,
October 1; at 7:r In theY; M
C. A. -. auditorium, : it. .was an
nounced yesterday by Miss Wilms
White, of the Oregon Tuberculosis
association. .'''" i :r i
I The health association has been
-inactive for two years since rthe
" coming of the Marion county child
health demonstration, .but at the
suggestion ot the executive conv-
- ralttee of ! the, county council. It
willbe reorganlsedwitii a riesr to
becoming the,permaneht health
organization tint the .count when
I. the demonstration departs , two
years hence. ' - - - 4j'-
The nominating, commutes , for
new association officers will meet
today at- the home of Miss Elsors:
Thompson ;t dtscus possibilities.
, Thecommlttee;; Is . composed Jof
Ilobert Graetx, of SUverton, chalr
jnani. Mrs. E." E. Fisher, Salem;
W. F. NormSia, Woodhurn; Mrs.
W.'.W. Allen; Mill ;CHy; and Mrs.
Paul Smith, of SIlTerton. Other
guests at the luncheon will be Dr.
. Walter IL ; Brownt Wil ma. - White,
and Mrs. Cordon, of 1HH aty.'
t ATrs. J A;, Carson, of Salem,: Is
the retiring president. Other re-
. tiring oficers are Mrs. F. A. .El
liott, treasurer, nd Miss Elizabeth
Putnam,: secretary.
1 J
PORTLAND, Oct, 10. (AP) -
Two cases, of Infajjtlla.. -paralysis
imi two pfsplnal meningitis were
i ; rted. In ; this city today, One
a-e of menisglt! was released by
' city health c trice, "t
baseball, estimated to be say
where from 250,000 to 1200.
000 for, the last season, i t
, j; The highest salaried individual,
the well known Mr.' Ruth, already
is under contract! for next sea-
fca lt;t92g tokvw4son as, well as 120 at an .annual
' l mm . - - M A IV A A A ft T . .f L
lucuro ui iiv,uv. ka low vi
YORK. Oct. 10AP)
refunding approximately
1170.000 to wprJd'a series ticket
purchasers .anticipating, saore than
tour- games, the next financial
worry for the New York" Yankees
seems, likely, to
roll. -
Contracts tor next season wont
be- sent- tnit for some months hut
there-i aires dyi:the-pspe that,
as 'a result of the ' startling se
formances of most of it starnthe
American league champieaa wll
LM obliged to "raise the ante'.oT
the coming . campaign. The - payJ
rol of Colonel Jacob Rnppert's
athl0Ce:atready , Is the highest in
ftvri- PULPIT Sfl!Gli
yuriuip after meet
(Continued from Pace One! 'a
later. That's what
the church
L iTP$Pr.t!9l his statement!
wf s eotpleedRev. Payne moved
that, the meeting" be . -adjourned.
The. motion was- seconded, carried
and passed; leaving the election
ef a pastor ho farther along than
it ws,., .-' r . .' ' i
' Meet 'Again Thursday j
The board of deacons met In a
special session after .the congre
gation meeting, but any action
taken tu not given out. A busi
ness meeting of the congregation
war called,- heweverfoTThuTS-,
day evening, ' prayer meeting
night, and it la possible that the
election xf a pastor will take place
at. that time. ; . ; .
v Prominent 'among those men
t!onedis thet hamej of Ret. Earl
Smlthpastor ofJv the Baptist
church: in. On tario.j California.
The V deacons indicated tKat
Rev,' Payne would not continue to
tfppIy ";thV I pastorate ; nntll the
lection ,wi held, as he has done!
tor vthe past two, months. ' -1 ,
'Ever-; sfnee ?Ahe 7'departOTe of
Rer. Ei H.Shsnks, who' went to
a : larger pastorate ; in Loveland,
Colorado,; the" local pastorate has
been Without a ? regular pastor,'
Revw. Payne , supplying at the re
quest of the ; majority of the
chnrch members. - 1
' - A. certain faction : In the church
IS said to have" been opposed all
slong. to, Rev." Payne, and efforts
have been made to thwart his elec4
tlon as regular, pastor. -t.
; The deatoniS'of tne church were
named as a committee to invest!-
gate! possibilities and report t to
the J coagregatfoit'l their is recom-
mendatfoss. " By a petition.. lnitl
a ted. About a week ago, the con
gregation called the meeting last
night to choose pastor without
awaiting the deacons recommend
atlon. The, majorityat the meet
ing were said to favor Payne, and
were "oat 1 te Iect ' hint, when he
announced his wlthdrawaL , -
the; Babe's 1 record break In g home
run- streak during , the regulaj
season and his great work fn the
series,' . observers believe. Colonel
Bnppert, , made; no mistake ;whien
he signed. his ace to a three year;
agreement tailings for J210.0O0.
TheBabei has asked for'llOO.000
for 1927 and subsequent develop:
meats indicated he was "worth
probably --that -much. ' . -
" Wiley1 MboreVthe Oklahoma fir-
nrer"and 1 jmsster 'to he f sinker
batr freadyhas had his; salary
doubled, it is said. Reports have
it that Wiley, who signed for on
ly 12509 this year, fci first In the
big leagues ' later mentioned the
subject of a raise to Manager
Miller r Haggine. t After the mat
ter , has been referred to Colonel
Ruppert?,-' Moore -nra. advised f he
wou -get 15,000 for 1927. r He
now ' stands .to set another, bocet
for 1928. ; ;, . . .... t
Mark Koehig, Lou Gehrig, Tony
Lazzert and Earle Combs, younger
stars who all added lustre to their
records this year, seem in line fort
Salary" Ihcf eases, "aS" weir' as
m it tee .was held on Friday after-
right handed pitcher, wb rivalled
the tlran i Hffc rtncolr ! fori -
hills- of Idaho are some
coyotes who. are. going to give the
Willamette Bearcats no. end of
trouble when : the pack comes to
Salem a. week; from Saturday. - '
i i The slyway , in 'whisch they dis
posed ; of the : Pacific Bsdgers-
doped- as having one -of rthe con
ference's - strongest ' teams last
Saturday in Portland, indicate
that th esupposed weakened con
dition of ths- plekr by the loss of
Josh Lowell the triple-threat
halfback, who ran- wild last year,
is -an.,.- unfounded c supposition.
Thirteen to 6 was'thw score. '
Joe .Kaslerger, assistant coach
at Willamette,, scouted the game
in Portland. He saw through
the plays that Pacific didn't, and
between now and the clash a de
fense "will bo built up. by the Bear
cat squad, which may discourage
someof the scoring sttempts of
the Coyotes. .'
i'Puget" Sound, Willamette's op
ponent' next- Saturday In Tacoma,
was ripped up by the Washington
huskies."40ao 0 This is a note
of encouragement .to local off!
cials,' a the- showing was poorer
than,1 that made- against Washing-
tori by the BeareatSvt Too, the
Loggers lost two weeks ago to the
team from small St. Martin's col
Linfleld took the measure of
Columbia university' 19 to 0, in a
one-sided struggle. - and Whitman
demonstrated its power by hold
rng Gonzaga, a strong team seek
ing- membership In the pacific
coast ' conference, ' to a single
touchdown, the game ending
to 0-. : - ' - ' ' '
,Tb- Wildcats will , Journey to
Caldwell -next Saturday to meet
the Coyotes rn a game which the
Idaho college should, win. Pacific
stays at Forest Grove-to mix with
California travels faorth
Thursday to Meet Oregon
. : u,i.r.
The .UnWsMlty ' of - California
football jsauad . U to leave ' for
Portland, Ore.,' Thursday, Coach
Nibs Price, announced today. Th
Bears are expected to arrive ' In
Portland at 3 p. m. Friday and 'go
directly afrom the train to Multno
mah field for practice. ? ' - . -;;
Thirty, men ato traveling, north
to meet the -University fOregon
team: Saturday t afternoon Price
said ihe had '.hot yetpleked -.nis
p Layers. .. . : '1 - -' ; . : '
puirir lira
The CapUol City Bedding; com-
.' . . .
pany, wbose plant was aesiroyeq
three months ago by fire with a
Iremendous loss,, Is ijuat about
ready to open-'sv brand, new S 30,-
000 plant,; bigger and-better than
eren In fact, is claimed ;by the
Owners to be as modem a mattress
factory as can be found on the Pat
eifje coast. . .The -new plant is .lo
cated on the Pacific highway Just
outside.! the city limits. ,-
This factory, was established in
1919 by the same men who have
rebuilt It now. Dona Paunn,, the
president . of the company,5 came
here' from Spokane ' in . that year
where .he : had .been? superintend
ent of the Carman 5Tanuact tiring
company,. the biggest bedding fac
tory on the coast Associating
himself with E. W. Muller.- he
started here.. Mr. Muller at that
time knew nothing about the mat
tress business, but in the next few
years, under , the direction of his
partner, he mastered-the detslls
bf.the work and. finds himself new the. beet of them in this
line of work. i'.V.'. ...
At the present time the Capitol
City Bedding company ielhf, only
as far- south aa Medford. -, Begin
ning January 1, the states, of
Washington, and Montana will be
added to their trade1 territory.. In
this state, the only one-they have
operated in thus far, they, are said
to. be mighty hard, competition for
other factories. And as matter of
tact, have more than their share
of the business. .',
? A biff part of their business is
the rencvatmg of used mattresses
People .who,, for instance, hare an
all wool mattress of high grade
wool for which they have paid up
wards of forty dollars, can. have
that mattress torn apart and com
pletely ;made over for about eight
dollars, A high grade wool mat-
tress lasts indefinitely; In fact it
series Jtwirt ersv'
t. - . i.
never wears- ouTTTTie wool Inats
together and becomes hard, but
he wool la there and Just as good ,
kg evenH la the factory it is torn
aparti and the woof put through
nst ; exactly the same aina oi a
machine that It4 was at the time
he mattress was first maae, i nis
renovated wool Is thea packed
p a hew covering ; and thst is au
here' is to it. The cusotmer na
brand new; mattress. Jnsts iden-
tlcally the same as tne aay . ne
bought-it new. fc
"The big part of our businesses
the I higher grade ; mattresses, as
you might think," said Mr. Muller.
"Our big demand is for tne cneap
er cotton product.1 Lumber camps
use a lot of tbem. auto camps,
rooming houses and places of all
kinds that need beds. ' The - silk
floss mattress it .the linat. kind
pf a inatress to sleep on and costs
much less than all wool, but It is
short lived compared to the latter
Wool lasts almost forvere." '5 1 :
This firm's, new pant is being
built In three units, one building
4 0x8 0, which Includes the office
nd I factory; . two other rooms
20x40. one, for a storay room tor
new mattresses and , the otner.ior
raw wool and cotton. - From fire
to six cari loads of raw material is
carried, fh. stoqk, at all times. The
plant, when compieiea,. win na
a canacltv of 60 mattresses a day,
employing II people.
The1 new plant - is .of fire proof
construction throughout .Wnger
Bros, wera the bnlnilng, contract-
ors- Mr."i. ui
fhB : ornoration. Mrs. Muller is
vicoi presidejalaad Mx. Muller. Is
secretary-treasurer ,
Prohibition can't last much
longer. ; No one can think up any
more good Jokes about it.
Hazel Green ntoioriary
Society Meets "Thursday
HAZEL GREEN, Oct. lfJ.-rSpe-
cial) The 'WomenV: Missionary
association) will meet Thursday af
ternoon ;at 2 o'clock wltlt rs.'jC
U. Van Oieve. This Is the Jraera-
tnrer meeting, r Mrs; Charles Lan,
ham wlU be leader,
-' The Shinday School has1 chand
the date, of tally . daV ! from rw
teber 16 to, fctober 23, n account
of the illness" of members, i
ReacJ the Classified Ads
'.'V" t' 'j "Vl''i' I ' - , !
Wednesday S:30
... ,. - , " .. ..... i 1
Phil Bayes vs. AdMackey
Ten 3 Minute Rounds 4
- ' ' V - f ''4 ' .-" . -r ' -' f i-"M ..'; -
Six Rounds
other 'Good ttreHmlnariesj 7
- . .. - i
A 'H - ir -; i' . ' V V-T 'K '"4' -J ; 1 I' 1
f Speciar Event of Four Rounds " I i I
j Tickets at AjrJblph, Gigiur Store!
"ii IT..., .1 ttr " M
Starts Wednes
- a ' -
; Popular Prices
joy tne l
. t: . .. ; 1 mm it . .... , r.
3irt iOFives
'- a-. . .4 ; !
I . J , 1 , . ! -' .
. l im:, ; itTj 71 1
1 . .-
3 T
t y-
w I Gem 1 .
J926 Buick Standard
Go.upe. T .'
1926 Buick , Standard
Coach -'''
1 926 Buick'1 Standard
t- (fjedan '"'-' .
1 926 Biiick: 4 passehr
. -ger Coupe .
1 2 1925 Buick 5 pas-
senger Master be-
1927 ' 5 "passenger
Master coupV
Master Sedan -
3 .1921 Standard Tour-
926 Old am ob' He
.Coupe ' . .
1925 Studebaker
y-' Standard Coiipc '
y These Cars are Re-
. -
rem. " )
I had always used a safety xazor, :Id, insert
y X a new bkdea good enough first shave,
then each shave worse. ' L
"The blade got duller and. duUer untUrin ja
fret rd: thro wit away and insert a hew one.
Ji constant annoyajicetath expense. ;
f't thought Td go thfough life shaving this
way; Ever dissatisfied I was in a habit rut.
: .Then fortune favored xne I leU heir to a
neW shaving delight. LL('";
r UI get a-'first-shaye everyldayjaoW with a
c JoewjJikeuper 1 t
Tor I own a Valet AutoStrpp Razor! I
snarpen the. blade,' I shavej I clean the razor,
all-without removinir the?bla'de? f t
AntoScrop Safety Razor Co 656 First Arenae, New York Orf
. . ." . . . .'. , . .... :
i .... . s ..i . ; . .' .
1 . , -
. - - -i . .... .
- ' , f - '" .. REC.U.S.PAT.OFF. , III ! f ; j. .
, , ' . . . -n"- ;.,.:-.:V-..v :U. ''I L;."""-.1 :
A '
A .A Jk
v 4. A . ,
4 , A. A. A 1