!'' ' t : i 9 STATE SAYINGS AND LdAN ASSOCIATION r ; . 703-70G First National Bank? BuHding, Salem, Oregon ' I ASSETS OYER $142,000.00 r ' : j MORE THAN 1100 MEBIBERS ;'f iPay;7P Gent ."' .'" . An , OFFICERS - " Carl D. GabrieLson, President. : O.X Reynolds, Vice President. JaW H. Nicholson, Vice President: -V Chas. , Wiper, Secretary-Treasurer. J. J. Elliott, Assistant Secretary. "SAFETY LOCAL EWtlon tonight - - The Soi of . Union Veterans of the TClrll "War will hold tU annual electloaTbr of fleers' thls-;eTninc. Tne -meetin, will h held al ,tbe Woman;Xluov house, ff Used.' bat In rood condition. Special at 385. Terma month, t- George C. $16 a Music House, 432 State St. tlj WUl Speak Here : Mrs. Sadie. Orr-Dunbar of fori- tuberculosis " association. " will speak at the annual meeting of the Marion county public health association next Friday erenlng at the Y. M. C. A. auditorium. ! ' I Rnromage Sale. Many Good -' Articles. 224 ' N; Liberty. Oct. 12, 13, 14. : ; - Grapes for Jam and Jelli Four cents per lb. at Vineyard. Tel. 132F2. ' Fialas Satisfaction Acknowledged ' Atfneys for the board of for eign miaione of - the . Methodist Episcopal . churcb yesterday,! filed in circuit court 'an acknowledge ment satisfaction of Judgment entered in 1923 against the Ore gon Realty Exchange Iareiment company. John 1 White and tit; John L. White. The amount of ' the Judgment Is not recited in the acknowledgement. ' 4 r Five lxads l-inch MiU Wood ' 1 117.50. Salem I . Transfer and A Fuel Co.. J95Klgh. TeL 529 Cash Paid -.-.:s. For Tlnegar apples. Delivery can be made In bulk or" we will furnish sack. Gideon Stots Col, Salem. Ore. 4 011 Lnnold Estate Appraised The estate of ,W.-P. JLnpoldr de; ceased, is estlmAted-at $2074.52, according to a report filed In pro bate by appraiser of ' jh. e$tatl The property is both real and per sonal.. ; : Vl'Ci :::":?'' Falrmonnt Hill New Home ?. ; Three you will like at $7500 to $12,000. AU-Jiave double garage aridr-all modern Jeatnresr larger view lets Becke fHendrlcka, 169 Pi. mgn street Own F. Ogden Local Agent for The New York Life mad holder of the state record fdt appUfiationaJ written has announced ' that be tween October 23 and November 23. 1927 he wllf attempt to' break the company's worl record . t or life insurance applications written in one month. The record of 310 applications Is 1 beli by 7 Arthur j Berry of Vancourer, Wash.; Classes Dally - "- C - ' '- t -''-v In all the late dances Helen Hope. Rodolt StUdlO. 23 ; JTerry Street. t-t-- !-' ;0; Strav Doa Found ' A dog. colored tan andhiaca. has been found and turned jover to.Dr; W. Morebouse,lhead of StoclLlsrr iili nd a . . . ' ?'" . ... ruit farm of 235 cres . 5 miles irom Salem; Oregon Fifty bushels wheat, per acre this year.' Mod ern buildings. Pays -its way.; . No irort . gajre. Good soil, pure -water, pure air in heart of beautiful Willametteaney. Price $175 per acre. U. S -REALTY CO; 'i.W. m W A M mvesiment wortn, nvMi nun? - w fri.. FOR YOUR NEWS the state ' humane society. The animal was found, at the corner of State and 17th sreets. The owner Is aked te call Dr. Morehouse at 1510. Babjr Grand Piano, SSS75 Model, looked -; new,' special $495. Term 10; month. Geo. C. Will Music House 432 State St. Fined f or" Possession - A. O. Pendersen was fined $50 in, justice court ' yesterday oa a charge of lltjuor ! possession. He plead . guilty. a Mack Wood was fined $2& for girlag short measure on wood. ' , - - 8 Oregon Pulp and Paper Co ' Preferred. Limited amount for sale. Hawkins and Roberts. Phone 1427, Dairyman Arreete! J. W. LaFollette was arraigned in justice court t yesterday on a complaint signed' by W; G. More house, 1 oca! reterinarian. The complaint recite that LaFollette refused to have his dairy herd of cattle subjected to the' tuberculin test, as required by the. Oregon statutes. LaFollette asked for time in which to consult an attor ney : and i, bis case was set for October 15 at 10 a. m. Dad Watson t , - CryBtal Garden Wednesday r Some' Contractor' of Small Homes ..Three small lots for 3600 cash. Paving and bonded. Three Ab stracts:": You will take this if you aee.! Becks ft Hendricks. 189 k. High street ' i I .;':..' ': ':';;: California By Boat ; $1300 San i Francisco $26.00 Los" Angeles, first class.1 all expen ses. Cheapest way to California 8 salltag weekly Salem ; TraTel Agency, 175 S. High St. '-"-. f. Sbattnckt Pledged i:f ? V : : c - - T&'t Robert Shat tuck of Salem, fresh man in the school -9! engineering hal jbeen. pledged' to Tthe j Sigma PhiSigma fraternity at - Oregon Agricultural Sollege. - -i " - Fnrnfture Upholstered r ' :j j And ' repairing. Gleee-Powers Furniture Coi- ." : Center Street Corner---)', i', : L' m. m. . M m m AAA Tt - .A mu of-. - vp a uw sm viu Dv av t W UonTor JStorjii f LOTS of Front age. Becke ft Hendricks. 185 V. High streets Balemite at Moody ; ao0VUtfeVt''lr.V t. 'Salemii is! among. the hew, students! at the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago. Like all other students he Is di rected to.'TWlQuj rf lejd f; prac tical- Christian work In- the city churches, "prifloni. -hospitals, fac tories mndother instUutlpns. Standard Piano; VmcA : ; -'f Special $ fine bargain at this- price, - Tennsy -$5 - i month; Geo. Will i.Music. House 32 state ' St.- v : iir .4rir.? To Buil IIosrs-i?V--''i i-r', , E. 8. Thayer was granted- a per mit yesierday t) construct el one story dwelling ii 1910 Virgiaia street' at a cost of $3500.rt - -. II . .. I I . . . w Hotel Marlon' iM-'i- ' '': '' $1.25 Dinners served 5:45 lof Mvenr.etening.;v;k;''- rtrpalr DarlxT Shop ; - A. I : Tu m b lesoa wasranted a permit" yesterday- to construct 3500 worth of repairs to his bar ber shop at 371 State st. Emmons to Build ' , ; W. H. Emmons, took out a -permit yesterday to build a new homaf t' 715 ; North Summer street 'ai a -cost f $5000. O. L. Chase' Is the building . contractor. Melria. Johnson will build a'one- Etory sir. Cri ttd !iens at 375 Columbia ecst of $2500. Cherry THE OREGON STATESMAN SALE3J, OREGON, w DIRECTORS V m V E. B. Williamson. T. A. LiYesley. i E.F.Slade. John H. Carson. L. C Fanner, n. M. Hawkins. SAVINGS 99 h A Sues on Notes s t-4 ' .The Bonesteele Motor company yesterday filed two complaints In circuit ; court, one against Henry Taylor and William Taylor , and the other against . M.V J Coleman and H. B. Looney. The first-note has 3269.85 still unpaid, and the second $300, according to the com plaints. These sums are demand ed, in addition, to costs and attor ney's fees.. - - - v Kimball Piano, S330 Model j Used practice piano, speeial at 385. Terms $5 & month. Geo. C. Will Music House, 432 SUte St. Hawley to Address . Congressman W. - C. Hawley will address - the Salem KIwanis club at today's luncheon. ' ' t Bis Sale on Used Pianos Terms as low as $5 a month. We hare some dandies. Salem Music Co.i 355 N. High St. New Baker's Oven The Cherry City Baking Co., took out a permit yesterday! to construct a new oven in their bak ery at Market ' and Broadway streets af a cost of t i$00l :, Dad Watso; Columbus 4lay real old time dance. Crystal Garden. Oct. 12. VDmnJt" ' Fined ; ? 1 V S.;6. "Olson was fined $10 in ptolfce" "court yesterday for being drunk Saturday night.' Paul Baa sett, L. ,W- EUiott and R. E.,Tor gerson paid $1 lines for overtime parking, - k :A "i't Ivers A Pond Pianos , $675 Model, In almost new like condition special at $315. Terms to. suit. George C. Will Music Hotfse. 432 SUte St. J r Court-Postponed i . The ..October term of court will not'. be" resumed regularly' until the. llthof, this month, according to annoyhcement made at the court house yesterday. The first ease-ito come before -: the. .court as AQpu as activities are resumed will ' be -The State vs. Lockwopd. which is ' expected to occupy three days - Beginning October 2 4 "This Is, the" case against ' Mrs. ; Ruth ckwoodTwealthy Turner widow under Indictment for manslaugh ter. Theease of KingysijVehrs is slated Uo begin on October 27. Mrss Lydia.King, a public health nurse, is ruing Dr. : George R. Vehrs f for ' damages which she , -. 1 I,. riDEHAPPY DyVcinenWhoUsedLydla i Em PinT-fiam' Yegetabla : ; Compound,; 1 have taken Lydla E. Pinkham's Veretable Compound and I think It is the most won derful' medicine I ever tried," la the 'Statement made : by Mrs. Goldle Ehoup of SL- Josephs IHH nois. , She ' de clares that after taking the Com pound she is in better health than before. - Mrs. J. Storms of 24 Lane btreet. Paterson, N. Jw writes: "I can not speak too highly of your medicine and X recommend It to all .my friends. These statements were taken from two enthusiastic letters which tell of the help that has been received from using the Vegetable Compound. Both Mrs.- Ehoup and Mrs. Storms Were In a run-down condition which caused them much nnbapplness. When women are suffering from lack of strength and from weakness, their own Ufs and that of theiT famo. Ily is afTecled. ' When they feel well and strcr; and are able to do their housework, easily, happy homes are tie result. " " " Are ra cn ttjB-Crillt Jlaad ,t9 jftiiflfiafifln W, il ii.,L i We have a late model 1925; f Podge, sedan equiped with j t..- ' ..sr a m ... i a r Dumpers, st m. spouigni, motometer. automatic wipe; rear view mirror and 0? new tires, t This car is in f i n e condition and well worth $650.00. i - i ii a ik ifvv U v UV in urn k vw7 n J "Tb Bom That Servlea BaUt" ' claims havejeen sustained by her due to an operation and ipther professional treatment at "' his hands- , Emerson Piano, S550 , Model. . used, special at $180. Terms-$6 & month. Geo. C. Will Music Mouse. 432 State St. Boxing Armory Arena v. Big re-match figbt. Ad Mackle s. Phil Bayes. Ten rounds, wo raise in prices. Also Ted Fox, of Salem ys. Blllie Leonard of "Port land. Kid Lange of Oregon City vs. Si Flook oi Mill City. Special Brent of f our rounds-Al Shary of Salem f s. Earl Morrison of Port land. Wednesday night at.8:30. ? Columbus Day Wednesday - Tell your friend. Dad Watson, real old time dance. No jazz. Crys tal Gardens. Usual 'good time. No Lights ' Erneft C. Knapp, 472 North Liberty, .was arrested Sunday nlte for driving without lights. Lynn Jones,; route 8, was arrested for driving without a license. Archie Heseman was fined '$2.50 for dri ving with four in the front seat. I Modem Renters -' Unless you have good furnace, fireplace, hardwood, ldry. .tubs, nook dining room, built-in tub. large garage., cement walks.' and paving, and in a nice district, see us now. At 940 Columbia is' 4 rooms and' nook,, home complete in all Ways for $3750 on any rea sonable terms. Low Interest, per fect title. Brand new. Other modern homes from $3760 on np. Becke & Hendricks. 189 N, High street. ' ' '" ". Howard Playerplanp Used $ 1 9 5 with rolls and bench Termjs to Buit. Geo. C. 'Will Music House. 432 State St. ;' Special Communicati Pacific Lodge No. 50, A.; P.-ft A. M. of Oregon at the Masonic Temple, October 11th, 1:15 p. m. for the purpose-ef conducting the funeral sesvices of our late Broth er Merle Hosecransl JMembers. and visiting: Brethern invited. By or der of Acting W. M. . Lot Sacrificed Fairmont ' district. Address owner, Box 4 2 care Statesman; ' - . - ... i f . - mi 11 I 11 Card of Thank We wish -to thank our 1 many friends, for ; their kindness and floral offerings during . the death of our husband and father.' Espec ially the boys of Camp 14 Silver Falls. Mrs. Louise, McGee and family . . , Auto Aecideut L. - D. Waitersonv "who 1 lyes - at the corner , of South' r -13th and Htnes street, yesterday reported to the county sheriff that on Satur day he collided "jWlth a car driven by I. W. -Pearsov.: ': Vateramin was" driving a oar belonging to bis wife,; h f, reports. JThe " aco'dent occur red at th corner of 12th and Mis; I ' . .. - . . ..... .... A. good buy. 57 acres about five miles -out. paved road all -the way. all under cultivation,-- good Cherry or -Walnut land, good location, good spring on, the place. $90 per acre, easy terms. F. ti. Wood. ' .- .4 Geo. F. Reed . . . 341 State St. f 1 a St BEU OUR - - V!10ai the Wallace Boad I v;. ;C. T. ' XSIOTXXAUP ' Telephone t$t ; 112 Etatt EL Ladies, wool dresses .cleaned and pressed, f 1.00 up. Men's and Ladies suits cleaned and pressed $1.00. ' . v 'y Y: VARLEY CLEANETI3 . V" ' 1 -l v . Over Buslcks - ELECTHIC MOTOna ; Rewound and Repaired," New or O Dae! Motors ; : ' : iy r -rV rC r I' r , ' '. ..MZZZll? H. TODD 7 ' it i,fth 1 j.nt -.tcl ?nt, TUESpAY JMOBNING. OCTQEER 11, 1927 ;, , ., , ; - - - .' - slon streets, Waterman declares that a pedestrian 'stepped out from the curb and while taking notice to avoid the pedestrian He collided with Pearson's machine. -' r McCormirlt Kpeaks r '..- f Rviyv Dt Mccormick was the guest of honor, at a dinner served by the ladies of the Y. K. K. class of the First M. E. Sunday school In t the church, parlors last " eve ning; Dr. 'I McCormick J recently returned from a trip to the holy land. He spoke . briefly- of . bis trip. -.j,. i - i-' . . Schramm's Motlier Celebrates The 71stbirthday of Mrs. C. G. Schramm ,nvotfaer. of A. 'A. Schram. new state superfntendent of banks, was celebraled with a ' dinner at the Sohram home here' Saturday evening; .'in addition to the new banking superintendent, who is to make his home in Salem Jn the near- future, Rndie Schramm of PortJand, another, eon. 1 wa pres ent."'. Mrvaaid. Mrs. ljK J. Kuntx of this4 elty were also guests at he affair., ' . ' ;'. TEACHER MEET, CLOSING T0DAY;rATTENP THEATER ; (Continued from' Page One) al day1, of the Institute, will be as follows: ; .,.-. Forenoon (Capitol Theater, State Street) - MusicsXena Belle Tartar, dU rector. - ; ' - Address Kew Types of Teach ing Efficacy- H. D. - Sheldon. Illustrated lecture, Boys' and Girls'; ulch work in- Oregon H. C. Seymour. T: ' ; . .; ' Address, Educatsan and-Demo-craey -J. R. Jell ' , . j fV. AfterntSSB" v :Vv-' " "General- assembryfr ;V Music Lena Belie Tartar; di rector. Gretchen Kraemer, pian ist. . ;.. -'..' Departments Primary, Language Emma Henkle. . : Intermediate, Reading -Kath-erine Arbuthnot. Advanced, Managing "that Or der.,:, - t . v.. Advanced, Managing "that Oth er school" -Thos, H. Gentle. ' .High schooFf the School in the Forming of Character H. D. Sheldon. - ? . .Principals, Diagnostic and Rem edlaL : . - ; Work in i Fractlons-r-Robert Goets. 1 ; Special, TratelAbnoad Ethel Hickey. ; V:',4: ... Hearth Education, Group III nne Simpson. " ,1 Recess - ? " . , 'i Departments ' ' ?3jPrimary. Round Table Discus- sien led by Emma Henkle. axlne Arbuthnqt.: I , Advanced Round Table Discus sion led -"by Thos. H. Gentle. High echooL '.Round Table Dis- cusslon led by, Robert Goets. -: ' Business meeting of the Marion County Principals' Association. '" iSpeclal.-FjcikKD'ama - In this UnHed States-Ethel Hickey. .; ; - (Health Education. Group IV Ahne, jSlupsoa. bs? -. ;-r-' ; . Rural Department -Supt. Fui kersoni-;: -JJ"V.""1?-' '" v " ,Recess-5vli4V'. - "' :-"-1" ; I Add ress. Tn. Ideal Teacher J. RJewelLi .t Filing attendance .certificates, r iAdj6rnmeas.-. tv - 'i'' -v- -;" ',-"' . : -v SEA CROSSED FROM . SiDESSAMEkjlME (Continued from Page One L wind helping them onward. I. a 11c. jp rcucuiunu uiauts U .wr age of mcre than 100 miles an n Casey's Ouaranteed '$ ' RHEiniUroJI JIEZIEDY Money ref ondsd' If It does not . BfKlJBON HTINT, Drrriets Cor. Court and Liberty TeL T nmzsrrrcniNG' t . , 3 and If cents per yard. Also buttons, stampiag and pleating. " "AJiNX- EU KRUEGEH Over Jiaisfs ii j-slf phone 117 1997 STtrn T7A1XIAPJ3 F,:';, - SAHPLH C"C f , tTt jN. Commercial JEalsi YiciisQiiznDcb ..-Li Our n!?'i - Wcrk has rrj. "teen trsat la studying - V-J'"r tis. t?:i!2g properties V .-. tiflW "v- w Mltav. f thoes- taff trins from thoei safftrlag frei " toc-. iier and klJ .... cry Xt izilt,. rtzir:'. kU- r t "1- rzi' "ll tc?:i. women 1. ii m. i j j t ii m H1..L i i.,' 1 .'U n.-hi. hour as far aa .Casablanca. " :Frotn t htre -they had'' some 1509 miles to goi; before they would . reach St. -'.: ' Louis. The jump foom Paris, to St.: Louis. Is 4,3 00 kilometers, or 2, 7 0 miles, more thin a thousand kilometers longer than the Atlantic hop from that point: to Pernambuco. " Yank Plane Starts ROOSEVELT FIELD. N. Y. Oct. 10. (AP) Mrs.i , Frances Wilson Grayson's v v amphibian monoplane , "Dawn" after many delays started tor Old Orchard. Maine, on the first leg of a pro jected flight to Denmark." , , The ship, with WiLmer Stulx at the stick, made a perfect take off at 2:10 p. m... with Mrs.; Gray son and Stulz, the plane ' carried Brice v Goldsboroujrb, -i ' navigator and radio operator; Boris Ledln sky. engineer; T. Jlaol,Klnkaid; motor expert and John Frbgge, a reporter for a, New York newspa per. Mrs.i Graysttfj planned; to remain atld Orchardtoi tests' and a few trial fUgh ts but Pthe hop-off for Copenhagen" will be made; at the first, indication of fair weather. The New York weather ' bureau, however, advis ed her; that conditions probably would not be good for a week; Two Motors .Carried ' ; i -The big plane is equipped with two motors of the same type OBITUARY ; v ROSECRANS Merle Resecrsns died yesterday at the age of 38. Survived by his Wife, '-'.Margaret - Hodge Rorecrans, Vis i tfalher; W. E. Rosecrans of Cprrallis; and one hrother, Rich ard, of jtCorvallia. Funeral services-will be held at Webb's chapel Tuesday afternoon at -2 o'clock, with Rev. Norman Kendall Tully and Pacific; Lodge j No. , 50, A.F. and A.M.. of which he was master. In charge.. . Imtenmeat in City View cemetery. T ' ' ' The body will lie in state until 1:30 p.m. Tuesday at the chapel, I: squiek Lydla Squjier died in Portland, October 10, at the age of 68. She Is survived by the following chil dren: Mrs: J. . W. Harmer of Sa lem. Walter H. of Eugene. , Mrs. C. W. Sauver of Yakima. . Wash.. Ruth B. and J Lye of Salem. Funeral services from the Seventh Day Adventlst church Wednesday St 2 p. m. Webb funeral Tarlors lit. charge. 'm'-V i s:', : . TERWILLIQERS Perfect Funeral . Service . For .Less Licensed Lady Mortician 770 Chemeketa Street ... Telephone 724 ESTEEM Well earned and a reputatien worthily r gained through the refinement, of . a service long ,and honorably established'. "YYebb Funeral Parlors -i Telephone 120 , ; : K-':."V'. JjC-I " .fcSj -.1 Nome Powder One of the several tints of Cara Nome Face Powder will blend with your complexion- perfectly! ' And the powder will stay on until you want it off. Fragrant with the en trancing Cara Nome per fume. - .- - $2M 1 , . jrerxy s Lrurrocore 3t 115 & Ccraiaerdal -W 1 ('.. uara Often von want " old nriotorrftriri!i reproduced but ; fear mem to trar2rs. Our reputation assures the proper care of. your picture, ' will opy, enlarge, frame or. hand color at a price lower than the unknown agent ean offer, s- . ':. rowriziii-izLLis; stu: ..1 1 i. . i .1. -j , l.iiMUft J, F ; Then You'll Know ; iThe soles on WALK-OVERS , list . for. 'a . long iwhile They are ' cut from . the strangest, heaviest South Americafti "Winter Cowhides that have been tanned graded, and rigidly in spected in the WAL.K-OVER " jTelve pair of soles are cut from one hide Yet jcnly seven of .this dozen, pairs are actually used' in WALK-OVER shoes The others are sold in L the open market TEST these selected coles f Wear them Then "youH'knov J '.' i JOHN J. HOTTLE Expert Shoe Fitters 413 State St 1 '.. which carried Lindbergh,' Cham berlin and Byrd across the Atlan tic, and jit Is capable of being landed on the sea. Its radio will keep the' world in touch with the flight and the ship' will carry a tfuber life .. raft, and emergency distress signal. vy t. .,7..' .The fuselage beams the name Kryptok - Lenses $12.50 Hare us give your eyes a thorough examination. Thers bjisextrs charge or obligation connected with this senlcel a; I. ; The best optical service need, net Thompson & Glutech Optical Co. III iif n. vuuiuuu,uii GET -.. 'S 1111 in. : : : ".- -v.-, 'I. .. I..:, -TTTT - 'V i'.! Starts Wednesday ELSINORE 'THEATER . Popular Prices L ' 1 ' f ' !' " ' ' ' 1 -.v. v- - - . .. .... ..- TRANSFER and STOSAGE . Lons; and Short Distance IlauIlSj j v ,': ! Public and Private Storaje ;1 JJ ( v . u Fireproof Building .. - v" , GRAIN, FEED ANd 'SEED " Fxe DeUvery.to any part of the city j ; v Quotations on Applicatica t i I ; rarmer ' - PAUL TRAGUO, Prop - J Day Telephone 28 . MM Tdcphcss ir:7-T7 , , apns - X lU23':' "X Vf' '.and VNT entrustinj, safety which we ..v ;i.i .-r 1:..; .. . j. -: f:.lji. ttt.. t - L-fc I" , 1"-' ' rfV. :.-l! . 5 i V ; :. - f; ij i-s-.fftA. tanneries-- r'i ' H .... M ti- i pawn' and on .; the v' rudder "Is painteH thej Danish f lag. f ,j ."l -1 . B?rs, Grayson boughther p!an'U' in September but .bad weather and protracted tests constantly delay ed, the: take-off.: ..-'.-j j ; .' 'i Old. Orchard was the site of thVr" take-off of J the Ill-fated Old Glory on its. flight to Rome. be expeaslvs. Credit If desired. . einiuin diaiu . r . : ' lienses T rxeVO 1 r. rit t- ."-.:' ). ' READY 1 x . ; , , ; r ., ; -1 . ., I . j.,, .. i' II. . - w- "r ' .- S ii:u ii '1 L-----' isi3 i jM ' . .. ... -..j .- , ; .. I- :. i V - 1 j 4, j .. 11 1 . ..- s Estate Et. :tructlon Co., . will do i , .. ". : -It - - . 7V.i r -.- , . 4 tj 4k 4 e s -. a) 4 e AVA M M ''i4'. JHH if