The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 11, 1927, Page 4, Image 4

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    1 he Oregon
Imu4 Dally Eert Mody fcy .
- i tl Boats OaauaareUI St. Balaam Oraa : .
9. 1.
Irl B.
h 0. Curtis City K(r
tatr X. Carlsoa f- Brti MW
. . MEVBXa. or TBS
I f TV AaaaelataJ Praaa ia aaelaaialy aatiti4 a (ha aaa tmr aa1laatM af all aawa
Klsvatekas aradiwd I. ar mmt ataarviaa er4iad la taia papar a ad alaa ka lacai
a pabitaaaa aaran. -
. u inimisomoEi
Sfaator Saleclad Orcfoa Hawapapara-rFarif'Mj Oaat RapracUtlTaa Taty 8typ,
Portland. Hacam ntft-l
Cfeaanbr of l aoaararea amg.
T&m r. CUrk Co, York, 138-1S8
Kwa Dpi53 ar 10
BaalsMS Offl-a 53 r SSS
fraaia Kdiaar, - 10S
Katsras at ta Poat Office la Saiaav
1 Belored. If our heart condemn
toward God. And whatsoever, wo
we keep His wmmanamenti, and
ia ilia aient., First John 3:21 and
Frank Jenkins, editor iof the
Sray east; writing Jus editorials
sxcerpts taken taken from the
I J "It was raining in Spokane." : : v : i i ; ''
j In the diner at noon a misanthropic Montanan was lectur
ing upon the climate of his home state. 'Oh!' hie said in re
sponse to a question; 'the climate of Montana is all right, but
)i hasis Jittfe'dra
ussea rotten in juiy ana August. , ; ;
tlt was raining still irt North Dakota." ' ; ; .
B. It is raining in Minnesota raining as if it never
ueant to stop There is reasonably dependable evidence that
t has beenfaining since somewhere back about the time of
me iiwu.;. Ana x am cuniiaentiy. anticipating tnat someDoay
4 going Iqindpn then tell me,
With ;-a pessimistic shake of the.head, that Oregon is a great
:tat3, uuc tnat ne uoesn tv Deiieve - ne u liKe to live out tnere
n North Dakota only a small fraction of the grain has
en. threshed. No wonder the
1 -
t. -
The following leading editorial in the Portland Telegram
avs'a ffood deal of what The
33UCUU iuanuiaciuriii iius uccu
og the facts and conclusions to
he center of great potential resources in the way of unlimited
upplies f rawl materials : for factories. Following is the
Telegranv article:) y - '.r;C:"?J:' 3'" - l
J r.'The greatest business growth of the next decade will be
ysx the Pacific coast.' y I" ;; " ' j;' ' '
j j Chis interesting prognostication recently came to the at
tention of virtually every business baron and outstanding
Inancier of the country. '
j It wasn't free advice, either. . - - :
It was a. report of. the Babson Statistical Organization,
vhlch, if nothing else, is the highest priced statistical service
mcTbusines forecast that - the American business men can
; .Zfitfe.Vpn.nirnjself is responsible foi; the prediction,
le'.toql a-swing through the pacific "coast states' during the
:ummer and returned to his east pretty thoroughly imbtfed
vth: the' idea that the Pacific coast is just about to have its
ing.:-7:-;,f..-:s-;:; . .--:;
There now are opportunities' to Jbuy property and secure
usinesa locations on the coast such 1 as one remembers ten
'ears ago in Chicago and twenty years ago in New York."
ie points out significantly. j tl 1 tVi -'U -
; In his copyrighted report on "Opportunities on the Pacific
Zoz'zt, he has but one refrain and he sings it lustily. t : ; '
file concludes, in type that Is larger and blacker-?:
!fAgain we say that great advances, in the next decade are
oriingon the Pacific.1- v. ,v' i .
'Wise are those irho make at Ieasfc some of their invest
nenta so as to capitalize 'these .developments."
The same sentiments'-expressed by the Portland. Chamber
f .Cornmerce, for instance, would beubject tora big discount
or;!bi&atIng.? . v. . '- - -'?; -;r
Expressed by'the: famed Mr; JfJabsotithey 'are going to
trt sorne thiaking'; aiid wliere;here hksralready think
ng; theyare going to provoke some' acov ; ! r5
..Was a time, "not so far distant; when. the New England
taes had a corner on the wheels of industry. They had
ater power, population, transportation and the notion that
hf ir industrial position wasimpregnable; 1 f z': t , " '
ANot sq today. This disintegration of manufacturing in the
TeV England states ' is a fact. .-i l i ':
; Cotton manufacturers are. going south. :"T - ; ' .'
'-1 Woolen manufacturers are going west," - ; . ,
5 Furniture manufacturers long since have gone to Grand
lapids, and now, Grand Rapids is coming to .Oregon. ,
;And so on, down the list.- . " - ; -' . j '. '
jje big manufacturing movement of totlay is toward the
Durce-of ,the raw material?. - t . , . r v j j V
f IialJorla something that industry finds it can take with it.
ITrAnsportation follows potential tonnage and is already
viJely diffused. 1 -l ;-j ' : ' ;
To v, tlr ' is"bnly Per cent of manufacturing "costs, and
an b? brought to the Industry,
uci 014, jnore cneapiy man raw
Hav rr;atemIs:are;ih.iroveTOing;factor
- Portland particularly Is tributary to the largest storehouse
i :.axmi resources in tne nation toaay. it is trioutary to
h brL'ust potential agricultural development '. In the
' rcrtbnd, however, haa mere than , th raw materials, ?
It tas hbcr-a better class
. c,?.S enjoying life and its
Portland -has the powerboth dsve!oped and Yatenti.'!
3 ccn:pare favorably with
r tl:c: a cf eastern cities.
r r-"'-r cf the nation is in
Ralph B. KltUti AilwXWg Maaacar
Uaw. e. Hartim ; - BBpu Maeaaaleal uapt.
W. II. Haadanaa - Cirrolatiaa Mtnacar
K. A. Kttotaa , . Livaauck Kditor
W. C Ceaaar .,.. Ptm.ttf Kditor
. , i .
rranfiaro. oparom isiaf.; Loa JLafalaa,
W. Slit St.: Ckieaja. Varsvatte Bldf.
: Job Woartnaat
CireaUtiea Office
Oragoa, m Me4-cUss Mtur.
It 1027 ... t. . .
us not. then have -we confidence
ask, we receive of Him. ' because
do those things that are pleasing
22. . . ,- . ,
Eugene Register, is on his
as he goes. .The following are
current- one
Nonpartisan leatmp flourishes
Statesman in its annual Slotran
tuiyinj iur uiue years, appijrf
Salem instead of Portland, as
even, in the form -of coal or
materials can oe Drougnt to
en tiro
of labor intelligent, home-lov-
luxuries at one-third less cost
any,cn the coast, and are far
"Nearly half of all the potential
the Pccifie northwest.
V Portland" has an an Ideal clinuite Wmdustfysubject ta
neitner extreme near nor cold : , - ;t '
Portland has transportation rail arid marine--with1 th
ships of the world calling at its port. " '
Portland already is an outstanding, industrial city; The
next decade should indeed see it a much greater one. r . ;
i Five tons of. pepermint oil 'started from Salem yesterday
to one of the great gum factories of the east.: Refined oil.
The buyers 'Enow what they, are getting, - from , the samples
sent. This advantage, with the others that affect quality, per
acre .productloni comparatively low -overhead, etd are bound
to fix Salem as .the great pepermint oil center of the United
States as surely as that water will seek its level. ;
The greatest man in his field of this age, or any-age, John
Philip Sou sai is a guest of Salem today. ' ; i,
Read the' Portland Telegram" editorial on this page.
Commencing her suit just two
days before her 29 th wedding an-
niTeraary, Mrs. Carrie Krutz yea-
terday filed complaint in .circuit
court asking -a divorce from her
couple .--were-.' married In Polk
eoanty October 12 189 8. . ' v !
54-The plaintiff alleges . in her
complaint . that her husband on
a number or occasions impiDed too
freely of intoxicating liquor,
ting:; drunk, and assaulting ner. , rutt. i:-t . . ,
During the onth of JsnuaryA1" ??J&"
1925, he knocked her down and
wared a reTolYer at her, terrify
ing her completely, she claims,
stating that since that time : she
and her spouse: hare lived apart
from each other.
- Alk property- rights betweei the
two hare been settled out of court,,
the complaint explains. . . , - -
A minor child, Edna Kreuts.
who was born to the two In 1916.
is to be cared for- by Mrs. Paul
Johnson of : SllTerton.i a married
.inter, if the terms of the com
plaint are carried out. y ;
v (Continued from Page One)
man Stanley, -gave a brief resume
of the past year's' work 4he! first
year In the new- nuiiamr. "uwi-
Ing AheadT was the subject dei
pat ed to Mr.' Abram&J The speaker
stated that it was impossible to
look ahead; without first "looking
back; for the reason- that K was
only by rerlewing wbarhad been
accomplished that any predictions
could h "made as to what-tnight
be done In the future. !
!'A year ago sajd Mr.jAbrams,
vou 'People gare ns the ehaxge
of going ahead with, thia plant.
Then you -went about your busi
ness and .forgot, co to speak J that
are baclrHtgaln to see what ; - w'
At this-jpneture the saeake3r:r.f
f ee4;ihi ga Bering to.s, paofilv
lef a4; jafcr person's plate rerlsw
Ing? W ? delaTlj some -of ttm ftbM
ceomplished.f,r Read that, tiaid
MrAbramsr1and yon: won't need
f listen to me. . It tells the. story.
r. Atoob g th ; ma or actlritle was
listed .the ,frct "that 8000 people
had, beVW rjryared Job-i during 1i
year-':3 8.00 men and boys nsed
tWfgymns!um, rrllg'ousj irork
taaugnrsfed, gmd on dwnhe le
of snroe e 07 Jo ectfyltiei. started
and carried, to ' a" suecestol 'cons
cln-'-a.: J ; ' - , -1 .
The. Veret applause , -of lihe
erenlnV cme during Mr. Abrams
talTt,irhei b mentioned the liraams
of C. A. K1. a "human dynamo
s described by the jpebker.frt
ws nnnteesory , for more, to be
said: the applause at the, mention
of the Jame?v"Keils"told the, es
eem Jn- which Sie'a - 'held nore
Ttvidlf:than wards, could possibly
bare - done, 3 And, all . the ? time
Kells'-was : nowhere .to b een.
Someone" who did not know bhn;
personally;- but who noticed .blm
attending to some menial dejails
about; the; hall, jisked if he iwas
the chef In charge of the banauett
Such s the: modesty of greatness.;
- Kay joiner,. In charge - of the
work- ot ?lrenhlp being pushed
by the organization, gare h pretty
comnie'e report on the work of
that department.1" . ","-,;:
' Th wain itpeaker of the eyen
in g. Lawrenf J. Todnem ; was
then. Introduced' by Harry tone
of Portland., Jodnem has' spent
the patqi yean doH y. M. C. A
work, n Ohina.and that country
md if s present tanfortnnate cond
tions wKh a prediction of the' fu
tnr0, raa the, subject of his speech,
l IniffaitIijiia,pont the United
States sfnc my, return from
Chiarbegair Mr. Todnem, 'peo
pJ 7'hjV': addressed numerous
aestiona tar mr . a bout v China.
Three inain questions seem to dun
up their des 're for enlightenment
C "f lrst--What ' is the f u fare ot
Ohina.' J Second What is' It all
abbu t and.t third Tial ls'-tlfe
futnrc of the religious work being
done - there. - . , . . . !
..?il ma eevtaf tbo outset.
rmstinned the' speaker; vthat
China, wtll work but ber own prob
tema itf time.. She will. take her
pUr among nations but how
soon It U fjifflcult to ay.; Som-i
people thick. t,eri year from now
will see-all domestic problems Set
. ":: ....
; ?.lr.,TodT3 rather startled hli
&"?r-? r'fct on the Hrtart by
-Ur:ng. ttat .t-e United States
warre2?oE'Ue for the reyplotion
In C-lai, ttlr-.nlately wet
on to exr'ain.' ,
faith, baa gone Into China to ex
pand her trade. J She baa shown
the ; ignorant Chinaman " a "new
trick" so to speak. Our modern
clothes, our implements of industry,-8
our new. InventJons In . sci
ence; ' all of t beae new' things we
haye displayed before the Chir.a
man's eyes and be liked it.. ' He
aaldrt want that andrst commer
eiaf -trade ..was . set u-a that baa
completely, revolutionized c com
merce within tho'r own country.
Complications hare arisen from
this sudden change in business. -
get-ir - "
ext came our men of the
the products s ox industry. But
there was a faction that did not
take to all his new fandanglelsm
from the United States. Their
business was huctjt t.heir. religious
costoms were ' being ' disturbed;
their racial habits were interfered
with,,;it has resulted in the revo
lution that J3 sweeping over that
country tonight." . s ;
The speaker paid splendid tri
bute to the type of religions work
ers there , He. told his audience'
that the threat .of death from
those who are ndearo ring'' to
stamp out. the new religion has
been no deterrent to ther determl
nation to carry the . gospel . of
Ohrist to. the- backward na tires.
He declared that the Y. M. C. A.'
Is the militant religious- organiza
tion 'in China and' their -arnrV ta
going steadly on and turning out
a grist of educated youg men who
jut as fast, are identifying them
selves with the progress wine of
politics and are becoming' leaders
in the new Chtn.- S.-; I ' - v
"AH is tumoif there new said
Mr, Todnem. "tint don't worry
abont it. , All will come right ia.
time but k win only he by the
fork 'of thi Chinese themsoirea,,
No outside agency can .decide- thm
"olutfon." -
- ' '
a Wld-gTeaiest-bnad-manrrtR
n fionpr goest df Salem today.
Wbas'.not beeitr thrilled by Ms
. .-- f V- 't: Si m ' ' T'."
i -i-tV-iV'Av-;! .-..-st
Frolons of;"pcppermin oil In .
singfe shipment started east from
Sareroyesterday refined oil. At
the term cen tract price; this repro
sents a ' yalao of , $ 4 0,000.- to, t A 6 f
000.kAt'th top price of a coo pie
of years 'ago, ft would have been
around ' J300.000. : AThis product
runs, into money. When Salem is
be peppermint -oil center of the
country, as. It certainly wift bo
come, this will mean a magnet for
a ; high pile of $20 gold pieces each
ear; or 1.100 notes , And from
lqngt distances. And new monex
each year,;; minted from our eoll
and. showers and sunshine, f M
i i j A Ration's, men ace-r-her. chil
dVen.r l Thatiit ; f he heading, of
the; leadng news artcle In the cur
rent iaatis of the Dearborn Inde
pendent, Henry Ford's newspaper.
The' two' concluding sentences are
these iTTbei: menace wo -face Is
thafone generation can destroy a
nation, f ' No non-Cbrlstian nation
:,without..Fe9r z Told
I Doc? not affect 1c
rthe Heart
.Unless- .you ; see nhe - "Bayer
Cross' on package or on tablets
you are not getting the genuine
Dayer Asplria, proved safe by mil-,
lions and prescribed by physicians
over twenty-five years: - . '-
- Colds1' Headache '
. jreurltUr. Lumbago." :
5 - Toothache ' Rheumatism" ;
. t , ." Neuralgia ' Pain, Pain f
Each unbroken "Bayer pack--i
centals? - J roven5 directions;
1 sady i.rxe-5 cf t've'a titlcts cost
V err'
has ever'Pserre It clTll UMr
f'.-Ohr nation's -hope-v-her chil
dreii. That 1.1 the other side1 of
the Whleldi - Charles J. Finger; the
writer. of the article In Mr. Ford's
newspaper, should hare -been at
the Salem T annual meeting and
banquet last night. - ' . :
The full program of the Salem
Y.s" the : greatest hope we' have
for the youth of Salem. ' ;
Did you realise that the Salem
Y is the first and so far the only
association , to - the world having a
Jnnlor board? And euch a bunch,!
In .and -stren'r
nous arity,- tney : can give the-
senior board, cards and spades, and
the lieat them to a f raxzle.- And
this; Is not meant for an allegorical
stone cast at the:, senior' board,
either. ; . .. .,
. (Continued from Page One)
for -their usual conference with
General Alyares. The president
expreraed extreme happiness at
the outcome. He declared that a
l-death "blow had been given: the
rer olut ion and that the movement
had been utterly crushed. He de
clined, howerer. to gire a formal
interrlew for publication, leading
his chief of staff to make a public
statement. ;
Although Gomes and Alnuida
have succeeded in eluding capture,
headquarters' here is certain' that
they will be taken soon, or reduc
ed to the statusif mere bandits,
refugees in the mountains.: with
out any appreciable number of fol
lowers.! - if..-
The battle between the federals
and rebels began at 2 o'clock Sun
day,' afternoon, and continued
fiercely until 8 o'clock In the ere
nincv By that time. Gomes and Al
mada werei in flight and their fol
lowers were either captured, dead
In the -Circuit Court, of the State
,r of Oregon for the.. County ot
. Marlon. , ...
4. ; Department No. 2
George W. Jory and Sarah Jory,
his wife: Clarence C. Jory;
Herbert Earl Jory and' MIrapda
Jory. bis wife.' Plaintiffs,
' - TS.
, . Laura D. Jory-Page aid H. R.
Page, her husband: and Oleria
Blanch Jory-Miles, Defendants.
Notice is hereby giyen that by
the terms of an order of the abore
entitled- Court, duly M given and
made on October 3. 1927 I, O. D.
Bower was appointed Referee to
sell the hereinafter described real
estate; and pursuant to the said
order 'I will on Wednesday, .the
2nd day of No rem ber. 1927. at
thehour of 10:00 o'clock A. M..
at -the West Door of the County
Court House, in -Salem, -Marion
County; Oregon, selL to the -highest
bidder for. cash - ail r of .2 the
right," title and estate of .all.."' the
parties fn. this suit, in and to the
following described real estatfe:
Beginning bn the west' line of
txt Eight in Block Four of Geo.'
IU ' JOnes ; Addition- to : the -rCitr of
Salem, in Marion County, Oregon,
at a point thereon 50' feet South
from the Northwest corner of said
Lot;' and running thence "Easterly
parallel with the North line of
said . Lot, 12 ' feet, Ho the West
line of lb alley' running Norther
ly ' and Southerly .through.' said
-Block-- thence -. South along . the
West line of said alley. 60. feet, to
the Northeast corner of the prem
ise .described in' the deed record
ed on Page, 125 of Volume SO of
the Record -of Deeds In and for
Marlon ; County. Oregon: thence
Westerly along the North line ot
the t premises described In said
Deed,. 162 feet, to the West line
of s Lot 7 la said Block ; 'thence
North along the West line of said
Lots, Seven and Eight, 50. feet, to
the place of beginning. Also Be
ginning on the- West line otrLot
Fire in Block s One of, . George H.
Jones AdOtion to the. City of Sa
lem. Marion County, Oregon; -it a
point v xeet nono oi ine bou in
west corner of said Lot Fire- land
running thence North along the
West line of said Lot 5," and the
West line of Lot t.-in said Block.
SO feet, td a point; thenee Easter
ly and parallel to the South ; lino
Of jsaid Block, ,1 2 feet, more or
less, to the West line of the allay
running Northerly and Southerly
tnrougb-saia Block; thence South
along the West line of said alley.
Fifty feet, to a point which Is Fit
ly teec rortneriy oi ine BOUtneast
corner of said Lot Fire; thence
Westerly,"! 2 feet, more or less;
to the-'plaee of beginning r Also -,
? Beginning, at a- point i on the
West line of Lot Six Block One of
u eorge -II. Jones Addition- to the
City of, Salem, Marlon County.
Oregon, at a point lherebxi jZS feet
Northerly of the Southwest corner
oi saia. tot six, , ana ..running
thence North along the' ;West line
of said Lt; i Fifty: Feet;- to -the
Northwest corner thereof; thence
Easterly, along th North line of
said Lot Six. to the Northeast cor
ner 4 of- said .Lot; thence , South
alon g , the East line . of. said Lot,
Fifty Feet; more or less, ta point
which Is J$ feet NqrtherJr of the
Southeast corner ' of said Lot;
thence Westerly, ;H 2 feeV more
or. less, to the place of beginning,
and i being nhe Northerly Fifty
Feet of Lot Six In Block One of
said George H.- Jpoes Addition-.-
Said property will' be "sold In
three parcels Mboya: described.
Said sales will be made subject to
the confirmation 6t -the aboye en
titled Courts , - ;
J Dated this 4th day of October.
- ; - O. V. EOWEH, v
JAS. G. HELTZ j 'r"?-?
Attorney..- ... , . T.'-.;'.'. "
Date of First PublicLtloar VOcto
. ber 4, .1927 . " . '...--' ,
Date" el Last PntllcationWcvem
J tsi-.X1327,- o4-ll-12-25nl
ot ;waii scattered Wlth ihe rebel
Casualties esumaiea, ai ov, vi
whom SO were killed, there is no
Information thus- fa made public
as to the federal casnanies. r
Xogalee Checks Up:
NOOALKS. Oct, i 10. (9P)-
Offlclal adrlces tonight to the No
gales Herald report a-majors bat
tle between federals and- revolu
tionists under Arnulfo Gomes in
the state of Vera Crsrzv within 22
miles of the city of Vera Crna,
Thei federals claimed victory. No
details were given, i
, Mediano Teilechea. half broth
er of - Gomez. 4 who made vhls es
cape following his arrest at Nav-
ojoa, Sonora, .Mexico, last week
and with 25 followers headed : sou
th Into the state of - Sinola, was
f reported t in-anotherf dlsphtch 1 to
hre been killed by f ederaJ ..troops.
Tbe: pursuing torops overtook
Telleckea and his followers near
Rosario, Sinola this nibrnmg. The
majority of Tellechea's "fbnoweri
fell on . the field of battlo with
their leader. ! !
4. Revolt Near End 1
(AP-AIr land and water florces
of the Mexican government are
beng concentrated in an effort to
bottle up the rebels under Gen
erals Gomez and Almada In the
rugged- mountain country 'of, the
Perote region, sUte of Vera Crus
where they are hidden, to prevent
them from reaching tbO seacoast
and. escaping from Mexico. . j 4.:
The v federal strategy seeks to
drive in on the rebels from every
direction by greatly, superior for
ces and destroy them. . by aerial
bombardment.. The Authorities
at every Mexican port and the ofr
fleers in" command ; of all the
ships of , the Mexican navy have
been ordered to exercise the; ut
most vigilance, So that if Gomes
and Almada do succeed in reach
ing the coast, their escape shall be
cut off, -' ; h
Reinforcements Sent
In the meantime, ' heavy rein-
No. 6833
In the' County Court of the State
of, Oregon For Marlon County:
la .the matter of the Estate of Geo.
Burnett, Deceased.
Notice 4s hereby given that the
undersigned has been appointed
by the. County Court of the State
of Oregon for Marlon County. Ex
ecutor of the' Estate ot Geo.; H.
Burnett, deceased,' and has quali
fied as such. -All-persons having
claims against said estate are here
by notified to present the same
duly verified as required by law to
the undersigned' at the office' of
Page, Page & Ray L. Smith, Attor
neys for said Estate, Bush Bank
Bldg., Salem, Oregon, . within six
months from the date of the first
publication .ot .this notice.;. The
date of the first publication of this
notice Is the 20th day of Septem
ber, 1927. and the last is the 18th
day" of October. 1927, --- -i".-?i,
Execuf orilof -the Estate .of .Geo, H,
.- Burnett. Deceased. V;i ; -r -PAGE.J
UiOrneys far;the Estate-- ; '
L V. 2 0-27O-4-1 1-1 8
Notice Is hereby giyen 'that, the
Common Council, of the City, of
Salem. Oregon,. will,' at or ahout
7:30 p. 1 m., on the 1 7th day" of
October,a1927," or at any subse
quent meeting of the said -Council
thereafter,' in the council chamber
of -the city , hall ; In Salem," Oregon,
proceed , to t assess upon and
against each lot or part thereof or
parcel 'of land liable therefor, its
proportionate share of the- cost of
improving Norway Street -from the
east line of-'Winter Street to the
west-line, tt Capitol Street, in the
City-ef -Salem.-Oregon - -
All - persons interested In " the
Said assessments are hereby noti
fied to appear ; befdre the said
Council at said time and plana and
present : their i objections, It any
they-' have. - to . said assessments,
and ;' apply to ; said Council to
equalize their proportionate share
of ;same.'; ..i ; - .-' ; - - s
By order"of the Common Coun
cil October 3. 1927:' ..
M, POULSEN. City Recorder. .
,uaie oi ursi puoiicauon aereof
October 7, 1927. -
Date, of final publication hereof
October?, 1927, V Oll-12-lS
. itrs county; Oregon, from
Notice fjLjhefeby given that the
Common". Council . of the City, of
Salem, Oregon,, will,- at or - about
7;20 9. -on.j.the ,l?th'. day of
October,' 19 27,ior' any- subsequent
meeting of the said Couacil there
after in. tbe council chamber of
the -city hall of Salem,!1 Oregon,
proceed to assess,: upon- and
against eacbrlot or part thereof or
parcel of land -liable? therefor, Its
proportionate share of the cost of
improving the Alley in Block.
Seven of the Original Plat of the
City of. Salem; - Marion County.
Oregon; from - the north ' line of
Ferry Street to the south' line of
SUte'Street.X -
Air persons interested In the
said; assessments are hereby noti
fied to , appear: before the tAld
Council at said time and place and
present- their .'objections, if any
they have to said assessment, and
apply to said Council 'to equalize
their proportionate share of same.
' By order of the Common rnmi.
ell, October 2J 19 27 - - -
j M. vPOULSEN. City Reeordpr."
Date of first nublicatlnn y-
October 7 1927. , ' '
.Date of final publication"! ereot
October 4, 1927. . ;. 011-12-13
By Robert QnlUea f''t
"Brother Ben. got a lick on the
head when he was young an Pa
ihrnwod it nn to me once when he
was mad, but I gave him ash for
eight days an' bKaint tione u
since. - ' '
Uopyricftt. 1S97, TMlnaT gysflios'
forcement are joining the field
forces to f complete the surround
ing mbTeniehl. -Simultaneously
the; air forces are scouting in-ap
effort to destroy, or bomb, the
rebels -Into ubmsion. ' ; -
Lieutenant - Carranxa, who , re
cently .made.. -the. first non-shop
flight from Mexico City to Juarex,
is expected to be one of. the fore
most aces ' In the air ( campaign.
Fire nlanes ; flew to ' the front
from Mexico City today to rein
force the airplanes already oper
ating,' the strength of-which- has
not .officially been, revealed.
1: ; :- Campaign ; Active -
'i Extensive ? ' troop , morements
continue. Trains are bringing in
to Mexico City soldiers from vari
ous parts of the country. Some
are remaining in the capital, In
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has filed In the Coun
ty Court of the State of Oregon,
for tbe County of Marion, his duly
verified final account, as admin
istrator of the - estate of Maria. C
Thompson, deceased, and that said
Court has fixed Monday, the 7tn
day of November, 1927, at the
hour of ten o'clock A. Mi . of said
day, as the time, and, the County
Court Room- in the County Court
House., in Salem. Marion County,
Oregon, as the place for-hearing
said final account and all objec
tions thereto. v v :
Dated at Salem, Oregon, this
1st day of October, 1927.
Administrator, of the Estate of
: Maria C. Thompson, deceased.
Attorney for Administrator,.
t . Salem, Oregon.
04-11-1 8-2 5-N1
v. -
Starts Wednesday
i t ' -ict iPif: Popular Prijpcs-:i.-'v,-f'.
1 - ' ,"-:
'."' t- -"-- j.,-'',--.!v!''; j-'.-.. -..--.,--. . . . .
LADD . & BUSH, Bankers
Bstamiaxiea lt - -
Office. Hours from
' 4'.- . s- - '
I- i
' By CJaade Callaa
"Neighbors say no matter which . '
of Bella's children Is guilty she
whips George because he looks '
like her husband's people." i
(Copyright, mi., paUahara Byadleau) '
readiness to use wherever need
ed; others, are being dispatched
ta Vera' Crux, yitb their ultimate .
destination the fastnesses where
Gomes and Almada and their men
bare 'sought . refuge. Unofficially
it. is estimated; that 5,000 federal
lr oops are at, present moving to
wafd Perote. 4 , ' i "
: If this and previous unofficial
estimates are correct,' It. means
that the - governmet-j; soon will
hare' 15, 00d troops-engaged in -the
movement against the two chief
leaders in- khe revolts -: ... .
; Official information. stjUJ plac-.
es the Qomea-Almada forces at a
maximum of 1500 or 2.0Q0 men. ,
Notice is hereby given hat the
undersigned hare" been duly ap- 1
pointed - by the; County Court of
the State of Oregon tor tbe Coun
ty of Marion, as executors of the
last will and testament and est ate
of Josephine Graber, deceaged.(
and that they have duly qualified
as such executors; all persons
having claims against the estate ot
said decedent are -hereby notified
to present tbe same, duly verified,
to us, at 'the office of Ronald C.
Glover, our attorney, 203 Oregon
Building, Salem, Marlon County,
Oregon, within sit months from
the date of this notice., :
' Dated at -Salem, Oregon, i this
4th day of October, 1927.' ,
. . JOHN GRABER, . : . ,
Executors of the last will and tes
, tament and estate of Josephlnt
Graber, deceased. i
Attorney for Executors,
; Salem, Oregon1. v -
- ..: 04-11-1 8-25,Kl
i . .1
10 sCm. : to 't 'tCtaa.
Ten Years Practice la .
; ... - -.Salem'. :
;Phonc: 625 i :?.-f'-
.- " ' :: ' Vs -"-' '.'-.,--''- - l ' j '
Dr. L. TU UnrCzttz
; . v " Optometrist , . '
,401 First National Bank
- v-a r
, av . Jk. ,