The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 11, 1927, Page 3, Image 3

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Daughters of American Rev-
Jlution Entertained at Home
of Chapter Regent
Members of Chemeketa Chap
ter, Daughters, of the American
Revolution, were entertained Sat
urday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. Homer Gouley.: Additional
hostesses' for the Afternoon were
Mrs, Lewis Griffith,. Mrs. W. E.
Hanson, Mrs,, Alton. Hurley, Mrs.
Asa Fisher, Mrs. J. G. Reigel
man, Miss - Ellen Thlelsen. and
Miss Edna Mingus. i
Mrs. James G. Heltzel read an
.interesting paper r pa Carolina
Scott Harrison, the first presi
dent-general of the national so
ciety. v '
- Mrs. Isaac Lee Patterson and
Mrs. Russell Catling presided a&
the tea' table which was centered
with pink roses.' J v '
Special guest of the local chap
ter werer Mrs. W. FJ Edwards and
Mrs. Harry- E. Northrup of Port
land nd Mrs. C. C. Geer of Wood
burn, Mrs. Petteys and Mrs. Grote
Enterthin With Two
Delight fid Affairs , ;
Mrs. M. a: Petteys ,J and Mrs,
Lou Grote entertained, last Friday
with twattttfifv bridge parties;
One giren in 'the jaiteirnoori ' and
the other In the erening. j
The rooms, ot ahe Grote "home
were loyely.'with, baskets of Mi
chaelmas daisies and cosmos.
tr. ! Frank: ; Shaf er won bigh
bridge- honors In the afternoon
an Mrs. Ed Pratt and Mr. Ernest
Peterson, in the evening.
Guests for the afternoon were
Mrs. Herbert Hansen, Mrs. John
W. Orri Mrs. Charles Brewer of
Stay ton; Mrs.. EarLPaulsen, Mrs.
Alton. Cumminga, Mrs. E. Hodge,
Mrsv Charles McCarter, Mrs. C. E.
Cashatt, Mrs. Arthur Moore. Mrs.
H. S. Poisal, Mrs. Frank Shafer,
Mrs, ,U. S. Page', Mrs. ,'W I.
Neadham. . Mrs: Lee Gibson. Dr.
Fannie 1 Brown.' Mrs. Frank Craw-
fpfd, Mr. "Ira Darby, Mrs. O. A
Olsen, Mrs.i vWinifred -Herrick,
Mrs. Shoemaker, M Mrs- Harry
Crawford Mrs. D. X.- Beechler,
Mrs. 'Charles Miller- Mrs. Charles
Praatj Mrs." Rose Babcock, Mrs, I.
M. Dough ton, Mrs. r Charles Miller,
Mrs. Harold Brown, Mrs. Small
of Woodburn, Mrs. David Wright,
Mrs, ,W. T. McCall, Mrs. M. P
JNjasi - Mrs. James Imlah, Mrs,
VZ. Kuhn,and Mrs."Percy "Cup
The evening gueet group Includ
ed: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chafee,
Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Allen, Mr. and
Mrs. C. C. Page, Mr. and. Mrs
Wayne Henry, Mr. and .Mrs., Ralph
Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Peter
son, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pratt, Mr.
and Mrs. Karl B. Kugel, Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur TJtley, Mr. and Mrs.
William Franklin, Miss Nellie
Taylor. Dr.-.andv Mrs. Croydon
Blodgett, Mrs Nell Stelner, and
the hosts Mr.' and Mrs. Grote and
Mr. land Mrs. Tetteys. ;
Luncheon Compliments
Mrs. BirdweUV yh '
Complimenting " Mrs." Walter
Rirdwell on the occasion of her
birthday anniversary, a group of
her neighbors entertaind with a
one ' o'clock luncheon last Friday
afternoon. . 'U itSltfA'-
The luncheon table was . center
ed with a low bowl' et' cosmos and
snapdragons. Covers were "placed
for the honor guest, 'rMrs. Bird
well, Mrs. Thomas Dukey Mrs.
Lewis Cervenka, Mrs. Fred Ry
der, Mrs. Elvin La Duke, Mrs. C,
,Itellly, Mrs. O. J. Brown4 Mrs. El
mer Fawk, Mrs. W. E.,Tomllnson.
The afternoon . was , spent with
music and lonversatlon. l Vj
Snikpok of High School .
Announces School
Membership .
Tne names of the boys and
girls elected to membership in
the Snikpoh dramatic . society of
the Salem High School have been
announced by Miss Leila1 Johnson,
director of the orgainzation. The
competition was unusually keen
this year; eighty girls trying out
for the -ten vacancies, and forty
boys for the fourteen possible
memberships. , :
( The successful aspirants, are as
follows: .Miss Gertrude jWinslow.
Miss Betty Shipley, Miss Kathec
Ine Gouley, Mi Yvonne Smith.
Miss Dorothy White, Miss Lpis
Wilkes, Miss Virginia. Page, Mias
Phyllia Day, Miss Eleanor Wright,
Miss Carol Braden, George Beech
Ier, - David Eyre, Robert Boals,
Ray Nadon, , Milo Ross, Herbert
Hobson. Aldon Adolph, Frank
Shafer, Aulden Reedie, and Ger
ald Simpson,
Initiation will be held Friday.
wo Solent Girls Honored
at Corvallis
Two Salem, girls. Miss Ruth E.
Backnerdaughter of. Mr. ,and
Mrs., W. , Buckner-' and Mls
Macyiea.HunteirV:daughter-of Mr;
and MrSxvyR C r- Hijnter, were
among the thirty-eight girls se
lected aa recent try-outs as mem-;
bers of the Madrigal Club,- the
girls "singing .club of Oregon Ag
ricultural College.
Last, year the two organizations
the Madrigal Club and the Men's
Glee Club, presented on the O. A.
C. campus and on a'tour of Ore
gon the flight opera, "Mikado."
which required nearly forty -voices.
Similar plans . are being
made for this season: according to
Prpf essor Paul Petri, director of
music at the college.
Mrs: Mohr Will Entertain
, - The Woman's Home Missionary
Society of the J Jason Lee Metho
dist Church will be entertained
tomorrow afternoon at, two thir
ty o'clock at the home of Mrs. Ma
ry Mohr, 694 North Twentieth
Street: ; v ; '
Mrs. Wynne Visiting
in Salem t . i
Mrs. Lillie Wynee of Santa Bar
bara, California is the house Mrs. Jennie Vincent, Mis.
Wynne is a former resident, of
Salem and has many friends here.
Interesting Visitor
in Salem
Dr.. and Mrs, Bj-L. Steeves hare
as their house guest for -. sereral
days, Mr. George M. Hunt, of Ma
dison, Wisconsin. Mr. Hunt Is a
nephew of Mrs. -Steeves and a son
of the late, Captain M. W. Hunt.
He formerly made his home jn
Salem attending the local .high
school and Willamette University.
He received his degree from the
University of California.
i For the past fourteen years,
Mr. Hunt has been an employee
of the United States Forestry De
partment, having his laboratory
ait the-State University of Wiscon
sin. He is an authority on .wood
preservatives and the by-products
of the national forests. ' life lab
bratory- Is the only- ' one of the
kind in the Vnited States. V
Miss'' Pauline "Johnson Pledg
ed at Corvallis
- Word has been received in Sa
lem of the pledging of Miss Paul
ine Johnson to Delta Delta Delta
sorority on the Oregon Agricul
tural : College : campus. Miss John-
,soai the daughter of Mr. and
Mr 8. G. W. Johnson.
" Jnnlor'Gilld of St.'.Paul'a. Epl
copal chnrch -4 MrsjE: Hi Ken
nedy. 1?4 West Waahingtan street;
hostess. 'dock. -;,f f. f j
Child: tftwdr 1 American
Association, of University fWotnen,
Opening- maeting i new season.
First National bank building, 10ti
floor. 7:30 o'clock;, v; ,
Royal . Neighbors! Sewing club.
AH - day 1 metin. Mnt Laura
Noyes, hostefcil. . ; V.l
Chad wick Chapter Eastern Star.
2 p. m. t .
Monthly snpXer meeting, Yo
mero Class. FlrBt'M.E. Church.
8:30 o'clock. I f ,K t .- ;
Salenr; Music Teachenrs Asso
ciation, -Miss illlzabeth Levy,
254 N6rth Church, SU,i hostess. J
o'clock- r j , :
Mrs. Walter; LL Johnson, imper
sonator and ' TeadSer. Spocnsored
by Sunnysde Conimunlt ClnbJ
Sunnyside school house. 8j'ckcki
' Wednesday- i-
Wedding of Afiss Xncille Moore
and Gardner Knc.pp at high noon.
W. F. M, S. oft First Methodist
church. Mrs. John jJ Canse, Kim
ball College, hostets, 2?30ioclock.
Ladies' Auxlliarjf of Veterans of
Foreign Wars. Mrs. George 5 E.
Lewis. 11 SO North- Winter streqf,
hostess. v ' ;
General -reception for all tea
chers. Leslie Junior ' High School
W. H. M.- ) S. o Jason Leie
M. E. Church. MraL Mary Mohrr
694 N. 20 St., hostiess. 2:30 ; o'
clock. ' ;
. . r TJiwrsday , ' J
Sweet Briar , Club. Mrs. M. p.
Petteya, Wallace 'i Road, hostesi.
; Reception In ihohor(' ot Ry.
and. Mrs. S. Darlow Johnson. lies
Ue. Church.. 7: 30 oclockv .
Norcn, saiem. yv. v;, . u. jrs
Mary Wooton 2255 N. Church St.
hostess 2 o'clock. v '
. Salem O. A. C Club. . Woman's
Club-bouse. 8 o'clock.
Demonstration of Moore Funda
mental school of music.) First
Evangelical church. Cenber and
Liberty streets. 7:30 o'cloi:k.
Rummage sale ' by Ladlf;s" Aid
society of First Methodist ."church.
460 Ferry street. . -; '
Brush. College Community
Club. School house. 7:30 o'clock.
Rummage sale. Ladies' " Aid of
First M. E- Church. 460: Ferry
Street. ;
-f -:'..' i.
- Because its leaven-
ing strerigth" al
.ways has been and
always will be
? the same. You em
ploy' the same
:-.tauAt every,
tixoe, and secure
' the same delightful
t results every bake'
?dayTTry Calumet
- and find out what
a biz help it iv
Social Meeting of Eastern
Star This Afternoon w
The regular social meeting of
the Order of Eastern Star :W.ill be
held at two o'clock this afternoon
In the Masonic temple. .
Members of the committee In
charge of the meeting are . Mrs. ,
Nancy Teed, Mrs. Minnie Stewart,
Miss Leila Rlgdon, Mrs. E. Nis
sen, Mrs. Elida Moore, Miss Mar
garet Lewis, Mrs- Alice Meyers,
Mrs. Florence Chambers, Miss Al
ice Doane, and Mrs. Pearl Hutch
"V ; -
Sunnyside Community Will
Sponsor Entertainment
The Sunnyside Community
Club is sponsoTimg the appearan
ces Df Mrs. Walter L. Johnson,
popular reader and Impersonator:
The entertainment will- be given
this evening in the Sunnyside
school boose. j
Among other Impersonations
her. program . will - include "Mrs.
Bogs." "In Waiting for the Train"
and "Sis Hopkins."
Mnslcal numbers will be given
by the Salem Harmony Quartet
composed of Howard Leach; John
Mipnty Dr. L. Barrlck, and Harry
Pearsom , V I'l
This interesting program will
begin at-eight o'clock.
atMom8 ClubiMeetingtt
MrsF.'r Ericisottc presided
At ahe. roontWy business mejetlng
of the S3lem Woman's Club which
wnfChed. Saturday afternoon tn
the: cluii . house, i v . ;. i ,. h , .. ; !
, The' Urat social event sponsor
ed hyi the clubSrill, be a bridge tea
giver, in the near future.. ;
Xn. Harry Weldiner, chairman
of jthe community Service depart
ment, has asked, the members, of
her committee . to. rpeet; Wedpes
dajy afternoon at two thirty o'
clpck'at her home, S90 North Cottage-Street.
Mrs. Paul Hauser, chairman of
tiiei school cooperation . depart
ment, invited tne club mem Ders
'to attend the "open bouse" of the
new Leslie Junior High School
which wUl be held Frldr event
ing. October 14.
' The' piano number: "Romance"
and "Minute Miracle Walts,"
were given by Miss Pauline Orey,
a-pupil of Miss Lena Dot son.
Mrs. .Myra: L., . Shank was the
speaker of the afternon. Her talk
'on 'social problems was most in
teresting., and 'Was - followed by a
free discussion between speaker
and audience,
Daughters of Union Veteran
of the Civil War
The- regular meeting of the
Daughters of Union Veterans of
the Civil.War will be held at eight
o'clock tomorrow evening In the
'Woman's Club-house on North
Cottage Street. . ' .
North Salem W. C. T. U.
WUl Meet Thursday
The North Salem W. C. T. U.
will meet at two o'clock Thursday
afternoon at the home of Mrs. Ma
ry Wooten, 2255 North Church
All those interested are invited
to attend this meeting.
Congregation of Leslie
Church Will Honor Pastor
The Frances Aubury League of
the Leslie Memorial Church Is
sponsoring - a reception Thursday
evening, beginning at seven thir
ty o'clock in the church parlors
in honor of their pastor and his
Wife, Rev. and Mrs. S. Dartow
Johnson, Rer. Johnson, with his
family, arrived a short, time agjo
from St. Helens to assume the du
ties of the local pastorate.
All members of the congrega
tion are Invited to aatend.
Meeting of Salem Music
Teachers' Association this
Members of" the Salem Music
Teachers? Association 'will meet
at eight o'clock this evening at
the home of MIbs Elizabeth Levy,
254 North Church street. ' v
Spend the Week-end at .
the Beach
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Dowing
spent the past week-end at Taft.
Brooks Community Club Has
First Fall Meting.
Monthly Supper Meeting of
Yomarco Class r
The monthly i supper meeting ot
the -Yormaco Class of the First
Methodist Church will be held at
six .thirty o'clock Tuesday even
ing' at . the church.
.Members of the committee in
charge o the affair are: Mrs.
Harry Holt. Mrs. Wal ter M in ier,
Mrs. Prince Byrd, and Mrs. Wal
ter Pennington. , . V;
Mr .and Mrs. McCammon
Recent Guests in. Salem
Mr and Mrs. Hugh McCammon
of Portland spent the greater, part
of the past week in Salem as the
gaests of -- Mrs. McCammons's
mother. Mrs. J. A. Carson.
Anniversary Observed - ;
A group ' of .their friendsl gath
ered last Thursday evening to
honor Mr. and Mrs. George Ramp
of Brook on the occasion of their
twentieth wedding anniversary.
Dancing was, the di version. ot
the evening,; : ;; '
Refreshments were served .at a
late hour and Mr., and. Mrs. Ramp
were presented with many lovely
gits. Xt'ft-i? .;. -. !'-.:vJ
ii'taose present, were . the honor
guest, Mr, and Mrs. Ramp; Mr.
and . Mrs. John Imlah, , Fairfield;
Mr. - and ' Mrs. 'Richard Hanlm,
Gerrals; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey
Evans, . Salem ; Mr. ; and j Mrs.
George Campbell, Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Fuller, Mr. and ' Mrs; Al
Ward; Mr. and Mrs. Gene. Min
ing, Mr. and Mrs. Wlllard Ramp,
all of Brooks; Miss Lenora Jones
and Miss Jane Evans, Salem;
Robert Glover, and Lyle Grover,
Brooks; Luther Harpole and Late
Harpole, Bropksu Ralp Sturgis,
Brooks; Mr. WiUard Mathis, Sal
em i Hattie Ramp atnd Everett
Ramp, Brooks, J
' ?- l ' . - - v ; ?
Dorcas Society Will Meet ,' -1
, The Dorcas . Society of , the
Christ Lutheran Church-will meet
Wednesday afternoon at two o'
clock at the home, of Mrs. W. E.
Miller. 1289 North Commercial
Street. .
First Fall Meeting of Brush ;
College Community Club "
The first meeting of the Brush
Ce-Uege Community Club follow
ing the-summer recess will be held
next Friday evening at the school
house., -x . .. , : . ': '
The first f ali meeting of the
Brooks Community Club was held
last week at the home of Mrs. D.
F. Ramp. '"
, Mrs. Walter Fuller presided at
the business session which .(fol
lowed the social hour. Plans for.
the year's work were discussed
and arrangement made for a ba
saar to be held soon. f
- The next meting of the club
which vOl' be In the . "f o'rmv'ot aVdlsastrbus '3tW was I'Ahi ' Salem;
Haloween' party, will be held Oo-
tober ;20-arthe5 -home of Mrs.
Ralph Sturgis.. '-.
Statefs Fire toss Totals
- $250,41 7 for Ust Month
4 Fire .losses. in Oregon,; exclusive
of Portland, during the 'month, of
September, aggregated' 1250,417,
according to; 'report i prepared
here Monday - by JEhe .4 state, fire
m'arBhaU-S, " , . l;y:
i There were a total ot 67 fires
reported. : Two :of these were :of
incendiary otlgin : The most
Women Wcalc Tired;
" ' Randown and Nervous "i 5
; -...
or who isuffpr ovarian pains, pa in in the
lqwer part of the alomarh, boa ring down
painK. female wrakaeanaa, - fiaada-chea,
backache, melancholia. lepondency, nerv
osa derangements, flashes of heat,' fleet
ing and HMlefiniW"-paina.-white. -painful
or irrprnlar periods, honld, write to Mn.
Kllen Laivell. OOO ; Ma8.. Kantaii City. Mo.
8h; WlU eaUl'alT riTEE and without
charge TO the Inquirer auriM or a eon,
renient Siomo method! whereby he ' and
other women aajr they -hare avcceialully
relieved hnilar troablea. 1
The most common expression ot Ihest
thankfai -women 1 I feeI like?- i mv
woman." And others. "I 'don't have any
pains whatever anymore.",. 1 fan, hard
ly believe myself - that your Wonderfal
Method has dona so mo eh good -for m in
snch a short tkce.? ' Write today. This
advice ia-entirely free to yon. - She has
nothing to sell.'- . v . - . t
where' a4 ''Second-hand r. store-and
contents 4 were '"destroyed ' wHh' -a
loss of S40,001. -t ' . " , ; r
very often . trimmed with leather!
' Striking! trectTTff-lJLti J-il..'
furs -arai shown .n : thei it
cjootj. .x. Par brJWn polnica. cr
V , git H' , H
-Read 4ne Classified- Ads
. i . w ......... v
U 1 ' 11 ' 1 L-J i .i a ii n
tit si
vt w ' !
Starts Wednesday '!
Popular Prices
).. , '
4 -r- i
it , Nir- r ,
If )
r 7
pen 0AK1T13
'1 r'
, J t
ROBINSON OIUSOE had no telephone.
.Xhcrc was no one on has island to talk to
butTriday1 who was never beyond the reach of,"
Crusoe's .vojee. ,r:v : -
'- But there Is no reason fox ahv one in the
United Sctft to live like Robinscuf Cruioe, .
JAnyorxW telephonereachei anvwhereand
everywhere In the land. It will put people in
touch with tJKe nearest vilge or. most distint
city. It wiO run errands tiuough rain and snow
just as cheerfully as on surishiridiys JtVelf?s v
people keep in touch with their neighborhoods
; and it, makes one neighborhood of tlie whole '
i Country - 'M'--'fT- ; ;- ; '
Moreover,it is the constant aim of the JJeil !-'
bystcm which serves the country to make its
service better and to fit it more closely to the
- particular needs and desires of its telephone- ; - ' 1
users. ' : '"' ""- " ''"" - " '- " '
The Paqrc Telephone AfiD TiixcRAPHCofif AH
On Policy On System - Unwcr-tal Strvicm, i
Better Health
Longer Life!
For & normal thoroughly
relieving urinal flaw,
cleansing the system of
wastes that poison and
impair health, take ,
And feel again the urge of a
beelthy, aetira, ache-free
body, q alert mind, good ap
petite, otta4 lp. Men and
women Terywhem. hare been
sing and recommending
them for years. Try them.
etat I Aa
;r, TQ 'THE. BUS . U:
t : - . - r ' ;
i i f f - , ! ; -i - .
.1 J 'I'i -sit 'H ; -'
Mv office will be openf until 9:00 p m. jbX3c .
evening and on Sunday's." from. 10:30 ,a.,.m...tOwt
1:00 p. m. '
DR. C. A.
Ask About My Liberal
' . '' " ,-rf '') ''i :--::;. ' - .
All work , GUARANTEEl and backed tisr . 'il t
years of practical experience. . ? ! , ,r: , . !
I have one of. the largest and most modern '.
equipped dental offices in the state of Oresonu. ;'
All operations done absolutely WITHOUT PAIN
I accomplish this by using-the-best local an-
aesthetic known to the dental profession. ...
- - . . :..; ; ' ,r".r r f "Vi--
Cor J State' & Commercial Streets; Salem; Oregon
ir ,7--. :
! Iff ' .
i ' I h i I
Sheer Ghif f on and
Service Weights
Pull Pashioned silk hbse, silk trom toe
to top. this Is In sheer chiffon. 4 W t ,
. also hsve a very good serjrlce .weight K
sSk, from toe to hem that sells at this . '
price. '' ' '4-- ' - 1 .v4 " ",- ''C- 'i
,. j -u . " ; r.i'v'-.,..'-'!;
Chiffon hose of f Ine quality for tM bet- ' '
ter wear.' Has V line hear ana is sux
from toe to top. A the new hndisr '
shades are represented and one should
find Just what they want In this excel
lent showing. 'v ..'-.. 'fUH-
Pure thread silk in light weight ihiffon -wiu
pequpt -tops. An excepUopally, .
popular number for better 4ress occaj
sions.' We would be glad to have you!
stop in and see tne new fall shades.
. :J .
For everyday and college wear we fea
ture "Shipley's 98" which is a silk ser
vice hose, silk from toe to hem. "This :
number also ! ! comprised Chiffons, silk
from toa to top. "All first quality' 4
I 1
t ..
VI: k "Al
t ,ti ii
. 1
j ' - . r K .;- -y. - ... , r . .. . i-. . .v.k . . . . 'A Jr- - ... ...... . : i - ' ;i- . 7 : . -- , j , ' j ' j - . ....... . r : r . - . ' ' f ...