Shipment of Five Tons of Marion Cotintu Peppermint Oil Started to the American Chicle Company Yesterd Don't'JSay Yqu DM 3 Trthw forecast : soath It la said that the Wppoixtanl In -the .ri v era of Kat Atjra a .jya t, swj.r) and unfair with probably rains over north west portion; moderate temperature; moder ate variable winds becoming fresh southerly. J mine around sand upsetuaa canoes. win c puts them n on he; low-lefel!or the ftelio s the Wt. v r m f . , . . . who rocks mum 46, rfer 'T.l, rainfall .06. atmosphere clear, wind northwest. ;i1"T 1 ) j 4 SEVEOTY-SEVENTH YEAR SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 11, 1927 PRICE - FIVE CENTS : ,, . v BAPTIST PULPIT 'STILL UiflLLED AFTER lEill Congregation- Ad jou rjis Abruptly Alter Rev. Payne yiithdrawsiame 3r DEniS! CHARGES MADE Dewrons 'Hold Special twsion Bat Give Out No iBformatlon; Another Meeting Called . for Thnrsday The controreray over choosin i nastor for the ' First Baptist church, fanned into flame during j the past few meeks by potlWon and counter petition, was .elTen ail abrupt dramatic touch last night when Rer. K. U Payne, who hs been supplying the pastorate, withdrew his name from consider ation by ihe congregation meet ing to hold an election.- ' ; In , presenting his withdrawal. Rer. Payne denied charges con tained in a letter hicih he had t - read the oriKln ot , wnicn is noiiabont tnree muefl rrom saiem. known,, hut thai contents of .which were; said to he ajnaginS im-1 Dort, ' I Xettcr teta.jpenied( ,ki .hnrro. In (ha lAtter I leveled at Key. Payne was that he I had left, unpaid; hills -to,; tneiaaugnier pt il-.u. wa neoecca amount of t3S0In JVarrensburg. 1 J4o when,he left,Uia CUy., - ReV layne4 explained in ; Ws statement ii f.cofrgatte.n that the charge wa nnTrue. aeino-t :1H0 Ll ;' church , which i'andv'viathAtl.ihat: atata .with Jhe" immigration city was in debt to him, and he had arranged! that : hJ j ealaty money all du diverted .IRj had'hvrecerf-hWMfmlM that any ot tne aecounis were uu- oaid until he was Informed : by J 9 I th6-letter - it - " - I Gospel Minister Need . v. ..t shall remain in Salem land find something to do. I shall demon strate Jhat the confidence so many Deople of this chnrch have had la me has not bem misplaced, r "I hope that the man 4wh .1 J called here will be & gospel mln- , - SCOTT WSANE J U JY 'A gO"-"5 5 I QUESTION, H A D IT ZZXHJ1 COUHTS iFon a-TPAItS ;v.- Cbroner's "Croup Decides Issue- In One Hoar yhn Official inqneat Held; - '. CHICAGO. ! Oct. -.-AP) . A coroner's Jary. hastily recruited frrtnt. vitfgri ill the eheAD IodST- i.r hnnao lutrirt. decided in an hour today that Russell Scott was h On JJle yoyago to San Francis inoono Lion. or h ich Jfisrit-1 co the riant plane will carry Cap- mI lawyer. I and alienists had k nn the n- c i .r.whti Canadian financier who turned robber and vm h.imM Scott, who hanged himself with his belt in his cell In the Cook county Jail Saturday night com- mitted suicide while Insane, the 4 aiaa .Ah. r Scott in death a victory for which . x a .i,. ri.. tie lougni mm 7is iu hik. iivw . times Scott, who with his brother killed a drug clerk In a holdup. stood In . the . shadow of the : gal' lows and. when he ..took his life he" was awaiting- a sgw sanity hearing. Today's Inquest was brief and t..- .v. i.Mt ..Ttu-ii nt tii a wuiwa ui iu - celebrated ease by the sfit unkempt Wnr who listened to the lestl - man of relatives; guards V and alienists, returned a apeedy ver - diet and departed jingling lunch ' :k ney In their pockets. . i Xl Scott's stannchest friend In his.jwlth the murder of the woman s fliht for life Were present at the husband. Dr. A. Wllliain! Lllllen- i'Jquest tp hear the Insanity ver- dlct for which they iad fought hut which nroved an empty victory. They were jMrs Katherln Scott, the slayer's wife, and ' mother of Els three children, and Thomas Scott of Windsor, Ont, hU father. Alienist who had hoped to ex amine the brain of the slayer will not hav thn nnnortunltr as', the body has been embalmed. Scott's father said; the body would , be ' taken to Windsor tor tvrlaL ' ' -a " NOTED WOMAN " PIONEER DIES Mils! E. M; -V ANDEVORT PAHS- Came tb Oregon Witi 18-"53 Imml- gration; Iieailer In , -Prohibitaa Mrs. K. M. Vanderort died Mon day, October 10, 1927, at 11 a. m., aged 91 years, five months and two days, at the farm, home of her J . .' . 'm .T I S - - -- - t j . lei' Sirs. E. M. Vandevort ,.;t - daughter, Mre. U, Lehman, at Brush College, in ' Polk county, Thus. -.passed one of the saintly pioneer wbmen of Oregon, who naad v large, share In making this Istatea better land In Which to lire. ;She was born EmlliJy. M. Xuse, Luse, and the family ..soon moved to JJioomueia ana weB rv .Aues, Qhio and later to Millshurg In that; state,. .YjnVlSSJ the.went to of 1853 for Oregon, leaving by covered wagon train' in April, heyrrived that fall and settled w " '&"- erectea sawmiiis in rennsyitam, M f tT. .vmwa anil Uuio ana uubuw. - nc w w uu operated a nig mm x.p. was 92 when he died, a few years ago. The next summer after the ar- ( Continued on pf 2.) OTADT AUSTRALIAN HOP y ' Myarl.nHi-iHJi nyi Huge Tlimf) iana Seattle on . frst Leg of Pacific Flight SEATTLE, Oct: lp.-r-(AP I P.' C. SaUman," aviation engineer. h that the tri- motored monoplane southern lUrOSS Will SOP. Oil lUBiorrun uwiu- linv nt nVlnrV for Ran Francisco Jrom ' where it will attempl a flieht to AuslraUeby way of Hon lOIUlU. Tne plane is scneaaieu t" Rton at Fort Lwls. 4 ranes south of Seattle, to take aboard 250 additional gallons of gasoline. which will give the machine suf- fiint fuel to remain In the air from 15 to 18 hours. Decision to start tomorrow was reached after a series or test 1 flights yesterday and today. tain. C. E."KIngsford-SmIth, night I commander: Lieutenant George H. PondL- George Heddinger, mechan Ician; and O. W, Johnston, of the nnited States forest service. Pond will be at the control when the Southern Cross takes off. The plane, which was used in the Detroit Arctic expedition this Mr: flew to Fort Lewis and bacK today through rain and. tell and ttiA i9i veil, according to her nasseagers. New engines u additional gasoline tanas nT hn installed since the i plane s flights in Alaska. PAIR REFUSED RELEASE Ufanmnt TJIliendahl aaa VUI1S i - -- - ,t " Beach Not Allowed Baa l 1 : r. i MAY'S LANDING. N, J. Oct. l to. (AP) Mrs. Margaret T. LI- I lliendahL and Willis Beach,:; her reputed admirer. Jointly charged J dahL today; were refused thelr,?- 1 lease from! jail, on hondauer they had pleaded not guilty to slaying the; elderly retired, physi cian U:vklH "-v-i A;: Facing each other tor the first time since a few daya after ihe killing, September 15, they beard Fi-oa'Court Justice! Luther A. i refuse them their freer fixed Monday.-November heir trial. Neither xecbg- j pother, v FROM 2 SI French Ayjators Off ,on First Lap '.' of Africa South America Flight' U. S. PLANE GETS READY Mrs. " araytfon's alonoplane . "Dawn" Makes Hop From New York to Old Orcliard Weather Not favorable PARIS, Oct. 10. (AD Par is bade bon voyage to another, pair of aviators, who hope to cross the Atlantic this time with Buenos Allies, Argentina, as their goal. Dieudonnex Coates, as pilot and Naval Lieutenant Joseph Lebrix navigator and wireless operator, took off from Le Bourget f.ield in the biplane "NungesserrColi" at 43. They; passed over Poitiers, about 200 miles southeast of Par is, at noon, and over the air drome at Casablanca, Frenqh Mor occo, about 1,000 miles farlier along, at 9:48 tonight. They hope to have breakfast at St. Louis, on the Senegal coast of Africa tomorrow morning, and then cross the south . Atlantic In one hop to Pernambuco, Braril. Hop First of Kind If they succeed this will be the first time a non-top flight has been made between Africa and South America, although this is the seventh air trip between the two southern continents. Reports indicate that the avia tors are having the advantage of a full moon, with clear skies and . I Continued n - TWO KILLED J fJ WRECK Injuries to Thir.tetpected to be Fatal in Eugene Crash EUGENE. OreV, Oci. 10. (AP) Two men wereVkilled' and one probably fatally ; Injured pn the Florence highway' fear miles east of Cushman last night when a car in which they 'Wert riding went over a precipltious ' grade and landed on the railroad track. ' A. C. Schoonover was instantly killed and Herman Hnntinan died on the way. to 'tne hospital 'here. C. B. Stroup was taken to the Pa cific Christian hospital at an early hour this morning where doctors said there , were only meager chances of his recdyery, , PERENNIAL DES AT SIE TIE i w sir i em r jt " r m r r wMfLs1 ii r j , y-ia & wsjwr :r s9 s x r sr y y i RICH HOTEL MAN IN DAMAGE SUIT SSO.OOO ASKED IN ACTION FOR BREACH OF PROMISE JnlLa , .Crawford Demands ; Heart Halm of Bernard Shepard; 3 , Counts Cited PORTLAND. Oct. 10. (APJ r Bernard Shepard, declared to be half owner of the Commodore hotel , here, was made defendant today in a $30,000 breach of pra ie suit filed: In circuit court, by Julia Crawford of Portland. f The plaintiff declares that be cause of the defendant's failure to carry out his alleged promise of marriage, she has been "great ly humiliated 'and mortified; her expectancies in life ruined,"-and that she is a "mental and physi cal wreck." For 'Swhich rihe claims she has been damaged to the extent of $10,000. V Because she has thus been "deprived of the society: and com panionship of a husbaiid of the wealth of the defendant she asks that she be decreed an additional $10,000. Because of the "deceit and wan ton injury" she has been ' sub jected to, she wants $10,000 more. ''' The plaintiff says she first be came acquainted with Shepard in September, 1924. They, ."kept company, she says, until Septem ber 10, this year. On this date, the complaint sets forth, when she requested that he carry out his promise to marry her," he ad vised her that "she was, but a sweet memory." BANDITS' SWAG SMALL Ixs Agelee Holdup Men Get Away With Five Sacks Paper r LOS ANGELES, Oct. 10.--(AP) Two holdup men who to day robbed a bank of Italy mes senger of five sacks of register ed mail, probably with visions of a fabulously; rich . haul, are ;due for a sad disappointment, a'eheek up pf the contents by bank; offic ials showed, instead of the ex pected fortune, the mail sacks contained only cancelled checks, or approximately $1 a ton as waste paper. SPEED RECORD SMASHEDL Frank Lockhart Drives at Rate of -.; 144.2 Mllea an Hoar SALEM, N. H., Oct. 10. (AP) m A new world record was estab lished on the Rockingham speed way here today by Frank Lock hart, who attained a speed: of 144.2 miles an hour in qualifying for the Columbus Day automobile race. His time for one lap of the mile and one quarter track was 31 1-5 seconds. DARK HORSE POSSIBILITIES IN MEXICO PERENNIAL ROW iNEARS SOLUTION FISH AND GAME COMMISSIONS , ' TO ADJUST ACCOUNT "fs Interlocking Expenses to ; - .,be T Checked up More Frequently Hereafter PORTLAND, Oct. 10. (AP) A controversy of seven years standing between the fish and game commissions, of Oregon over joint expense accounts, neared so lution 'today as a result of a joint meeting of the two commissions. The discussion opened with the presentation by the. game commis sion of a.. bill for approximately $2,000, purported, due. from the fish commission. The fish com mission then resurrected claims against the game commission for $3,000 In tle aggregate, and an other deadlock seemed inevitable. Batv- a happy solution was evolved- Harold Clifford, master game warden, and M. T. Hoy, master fish warden,-' were named media tors with full powers to peruse the accounts, to discover in what direction the financial balance tends, to make . an adjustment, and to wipe the slate clean before January 1, 1928. f Thereafter the two commis sions will adjust interlocking ex penses quarterly, or more fre quently, If it is found necessary. Expenses of the two bodies have Interlocked in numerous, ac tivities including joint operation of patrol hoats, hatcheries and fish ladders, it was explained to day. Division of fines collected from law violators has been an other issue in controversy. ' The two commissions also reached an agreement whereby the same commission will con trol hatchery and re-stocking operations on the Nestucca river, recently closed ' by ref erendum vote to commercial fishing. Ex change of fish eggs will be ar ranged and the game commission will keep the Nestucca stocked with silver-sides, steelhead and cut-throat trout for. the benefit, of Oregon sportsmen. fThe game commission granted permission to the United States biological survey to trap gray (Continued on page 8.) NEGRO FIRES INTO MOB 13 of Attackers, Including Offi cers Wounded in Fight BIRMINGHAM, Ala., Oct. 10.r (AP) Barricaded in this home near the downtown section here, Charles Pinkard. a crazed negro. wounded 12 officers and on-look-ers. one officer perhaps fatally here today before Detective Woody Sandefer climbed to an adjoining . roof and, opening fre at close range, fatally wounded htm. SPIRITED , AFTER ATTACK - Sam Weinstein of This City Found in Dazed Condition At Portland H TELLS STRANGE STORY Was Employed in Father's Store; I Hint Robbery of Local Estab lishment May Have. Been Manned T An attack upon Sam Weinstein 24, of this city by one or more men who subsequently carried him off to Portland In an automo bile where he was found' by the police, came to light last night. That a robbery of the local Ar mv Goods store, in which Wein stein worked as a clerk, may have been part of the plot was hinted last night : by. J. Weinstein, the youth's father, who is proprietor of the store. He was called on the telenhone from Portland at about 10: SO and notified of his son's condition and immediately rushed Sdowntpwn to the store.! So far as could be learned last night. however, nothing had been dis turbed.' 1 Attack Story Told "He said . today that he had a date with two Portland fellows . ... . . - . , FT W n . n to sell luem gyme iuii. i ut the Jast I heard, of him until 1 was called by long distance to night,'? the store prbprietor de clared. . . ' Sam Weinstein .was discovered in a dazed condition In the rear of an automobae, parked at the . cor? ner of Front and Alder streets in Portland. ' He was suffering from a severely bruiseijl back, and was immediately taken to the police emergency hospital. Assailant Unknown When questioned; Weinstein sad he' had walked out ot his father's store at Salem when ' a man struck him in the back with a wooden club. Who the assail ant was,or how Weinstein reached Salem, Weinstein was unable to explain. -. Who was owner of the car in which the youth was Miscovered, and what were the motives behind the attack, were questions . that completely baffled authorities, last night. I ' The license number of the machine was not designated in, the brief message received at Salem. It was not expected that the in Jury to Welnstelnts back would proye fataL He will probably be retnrned to Salem in the near fu ture..';; j,;;,1 ., , ; INDIAN -GIRLS ACQUITTED Charges of Setting Fire to Dormi tory Not Proven MEDFORD, Ore., Oct 1 0. (AP) Twelve Indian school girls Were acquitted late today . of charges of setting fire to a dorml- X or on rthf f eaervatlon at Kla-1 inath Oaat'lMarch. The. tense introduced no teatlniPy. : It was announced .afew days after "the fire thatnarks of in cendiarism htu been found and that eyider." pointed to the twelve girls as'ne Instigators of the plot tto ftre the buildings. - In placing a motive for the crime, the prosecution had de clared the girls set fire to 'the dormltoryr in order ' to - provide some excitement and to lift them from' the- commonplace routine of everyday life. . , - I , I BALKAN CONFLICT . LULLS Indications are Clfferencee "Will be Patched Up", v SOFIA.. Bulgaria, Oct. 10. (AP) The diplomatic crisis be-J tween - Bulgaria- and 'Jugo Slavia. over ' recent raids by , Bulgarian comitad Jis r and the' assassination of the Juga Slavian general. Mo vachevtch, is believed here sur mounted as a -result . of conversa tions I between M. Nechitch, the Jugo Slavian ambassador, and M. Bourotf, the Bulgarian ' minister of foreign." affairs. ' 4 (M. Kechltch and . 11 Bouroff hara i held aeyeral tonsultations growing ;6ut of the recent Inci dents, the JJnlgarlan minister, of foreign affairs expressing -the re gret of- his government for - the acta of the, irregulars. . . .... WWW ANNUAL DINNER WELL ATTENDED 242 TURN OUT TO OBSERVE 36TH ANNlVERSARIT.pF V-( Conduct Lively Program; Speaker ' Says V. 8. to Blame for , Conditions in China "v Tro hundred, forty-two people sa 'down to the thtrty-ix,th an nual dinner banquec of the Salem y.' MC.' A. held last night; tn the gymnasium room et this .fine new Institution. It waa a gala night for the -Y.. Flower In profuslo'h decorated the room; a fine. or chestra furnished ' the beat of music and all of the leaders In this wonderful movement were present m Last night's meeting had - one thing of : distinction about j tti something new "under the sun." It was the presence at the ban quet of about fifty members of the. junior division . of the Y., M. C. A. Fifty young men, consti tuting a sort, ot a pre-trainllng ground for the real Y. M. C. A, work.. This new. idea a junior division An the organisation is a child of the. brain of, C. A. Kells, general secretary herlt There' is nothing like it In tMe' United States. And they had their part in the program. The banquet hall was arranged 'in six long tables with a table for "notables" facing the others nnd raised from the floor. At this table, which faced 'the gathering, were seated the following: Mr. and "Mrs. W. I. Staley, Dr. Law rence ;Todnem, ' speaker of the evening; Mr. and lira. Harry Stone, of Portland; Rev. and Mrs. N. K. Tuily of the PresbyteriaD' church; J. M. Canse, president of Kimball school of theology; Col. Cart ' Abrams, i Dr. H.' C- Epley, song leader, and L.' C. Howard, secretary of the' Y at Eugene. The Rainbow girls, under the direction .of Mrs. David ' Wright, bad charge of the serving, and their proficient work was gen erally noted. Mrs. F. A. Elliott was in general charge of the ban quet. Poc to r. JSDle y, . ,w ith. h i 3 2 0-L pounds or enthuaiasm, led the gathering in many rousing songs. A male quartet lent color to the affair. - , i - , : . Carl Abrams, first' speaker-: of the evening introduced by Chair- (Continmd on pita .) i - i i ii POLICE SH0QTS BAWpIT Seattle Patrolman Kills One Rob ber and Wounds Another SEATTLE, Oct. 10. (AP). C. L..Norri, a patrolman' of the Seattle 'police department tonight shot and killed one bandit and wounded another :,waea the pair attempted to hold him np on the Seattle-Everett highway near the Snohomish county line. ' Norris, who brought the body of the slain man to Seattle, relat ed that he was driving toward this city from Everett when-two '"men with drawn pistols halted.-him. He "shot It ouf'with them'. The slain man-waa unidentified. Hi mm- panion escaped alter being wound - ed, Norris said. POSTPONE PRIEgTRIAt: Motion Allowed p-J Defer Case' tor r -r'-1- Twore Weeks f7';;- CkB, pre., Oct letCAF) TrCn -motion of defense counsel, a two weeks' delay was granted to day in the murder trial of Irving B.t Priest, indicted on a first de gree: murder as a result of the shooting to death of George Wer- llne of Independence on .August 30.- : -j-:, .,r . :- yi i-cs The. case, set for today, will go on trial October .24. Priest ahot Werline ' following trouble pver the former's wife. DEATH WINNER IN FIGHT Carl . Berry Dies "After School " ; Chum Put Up Game Effort -PALACIOS. Tex 5ci ? 10 - (AP) Carl . Berjy, 16;; lost" 4ila eight with death here today after his -fellow high; school students, with onii brief intermission o give .way to an Inef Helen pnteio- ter,,had unceasingly pumped hla arms np end down. for. 62 hours and 1 & urinates to keep breath in paralyzed longs.," , l-j! a ' CHESS CHAMP DEFEATED Resigns' After GCth Move fn Close a? v y Gaine With Challengrer ' ' .i BUENOS' - AIRE3, Oct. 10. (AP) Jose j-R,' VCapablanca was defeated by f- Alexander. Alckhine, in the eleventh game of "the world chess : championship 1 series,- after the Beth move tonight, when the champion gavt up plaj. mm. V ' ' , I I. i m :I,IEHC Officjal Anhpuncemcnt Capital Confirmed 'V- Reports at Nog ales GOMEZ, 'ALM AD A FLEE HURRIEDL Revolt Declared Crushed I !Kl)ecisive Battle Ends! t, - r-.: PSCAPE CUT O? 15,000 Calles Troops Corivcrj : Totvird Mountainous Regio Where Rebels Took Ref us;; -Election" Won. - - '( ''-nr.".' " r , , a MEXICO ,0, Out . 1 0 ( AI The government announces th the Qomez-Almada " ! rebels ha been! decisively defeated and rou ed by federal troops in a six hoi battle and that the revolution ended-"' :... t'' 'j; ' rr'-y . Presidential headquarters oj nounced that 3,000 federals, ui der -Gomes and Almada Sunda afternoon near Ayahualnlco, ' i the VPerote region. Vera Cn state. ; -six .hundred v rebels wei captured jind probably fifty rebe were kUledaad a hundred woui ded '. ' ' ' - ;'. - . v Gomez and Almada-escaped. They had 'with them only abot 50 men each, and federal trooi Fr e, . immedia tely . In pursiut. The remainder tof - the rebel the official lannonhcement say: scattered aad are -seeking an ci portunity td surrender. ' i General : Alva ret, chief of t preaidenMal start declared th revolution Is. absolutely ended?' L Calles Well Pleased I- President " Calles face . ra beaming as he stood at the doa of his prltate office In Chapulti pec -castle when the correspoac ents arrived' there this evenin (Coatihned a pff . - ? . . : A ' ' 'I TEACHE& MEET r CLQSING TODA COUNTk.. INSTTTUTK ' TO CO' VENT5 AT TJEEATEH . JR. JeweJ.C. 4 Iloward, It. I , ., Sheldon and K. ' F. Carleton " Address r W program, of education and'er tertalnment at, the Capitol theate will mark this morning's part c the annual ; institute ot Marie county, public school teacher following opening of the Inn: tute in Salem high school au '. torium here yesterday. v The -moving picture .'lies ziit erablea" will be shown.' The gpr eral program will begin at 9:3 o'clock, 20 minutes of music ! Ing presented by Lena pelle Tai tar, instructor of music at Sal:: high schooL ; -.-'i 'f Approximately 400 . teacter from every part of the county ra in attendance at the Institute. ; The teachers yesterday after noon listened to a 40 minute ac dress on .modern education ty R,, Jewell, in - which the, prescr trend. in educattion, and method used by instractors, were discu sed j i--.::,: h ,v . . i - The Institute began at 9:30 c clock Monday morning with general session at the high scho auditorium Following the lav cation, given by ReV. D. Jv How and musical numbers presented t Missj Tartar, an address w as d e ivered by .C. A. Howard, flat superintendent of public Jnstru tion.i Short: talks concerning t Oregon State . Teachers - assoc! tlori were made by E. F. Carl: of j Eugene and Mrs. Mauds I Mocbel -,of T.'Dodburn. Mrs. Mi chel ; is head of the Marlon cou-l O. S. T. A. . , JOepartmental meetlnsa vt held yesterday afternoon. M bers; of the teaching claff at tl University of " Orcpyn. O. A. and ..Monmouth., were nlaced ia cl normal t !; rp.Ki of !-; departments. ; -The progrut i for to..! r.'ti: . . . itt 4ft