THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 9, 1927 TSf I a.w. I - s I I REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY BECKS h HENDRICKS 18 N. High. TaL 369 P. W. GEISER Telepbeaa t913 JSHH w. orb. jjow BHgb Bldg. TaL 148 GERTRUDE JT. 493 N. Cottage. - M. PAGE - Tat 1188 TRIANGLE REALTY CO. 421 Court St.- ;v .Tel. 851 ULRICH ROBERTS ereiaL TeL 1854 'TL VICTOR SCHNEIDER. Eultor 141 9. Cess'l TeL 977 SQUARE DEAL. REALTY U. S. liil'l Biak Bldg. TeL 4t0 BOHBNSTEDT 1 41 W." Cnmmrr PATNR - TeL 8TT The Oregon Statesman Publish! 6ery sMralaf ( except Moa- dsy) at Baleen, the capital el Oww. ADVERTiBnnrr HONEST ADVERTISING Thee eoV sac Mil be kept free from earthing of a oaeatiaaable nature. Miarepreeea tstions will mot ba tolerated, laionaa tioa shewing aay tuestionabla intent ea the part at the . advertiser aheuld be reported to thi aewspeper ar the mm aa eree. - - - - HELP WANTED Feuale IS' WANTED EXPERIENCED OIRIi FOR general heueeworaw JlpplT .254 K. Church (treat. NEAT AND RELIABLE HOUSEKEEPER wanted. Reference required. tSO So. Cottage. : EARN $25 WEEKLY. SPARE TIME, writing' far newspapers, Msgeainee. Experience aaaeeesssry: detaiat free. Pre Syadicate. 803 St. Loui. Mo. TYPI8TS WANTING HOME WORK. apare er fall time, -typing manuscripts tor aethare write eaclasa -aamp. Rosa Co 21 Haaehrood, Detroit, -Mich - ; i -- - ' - LADIES MAKE $28 TO 950 WEEKLY sMMmsoin aad . mailing circulars at ku. ExDorieaca unnecessary. 2e iuan , briara fall particulars. Rose City Laboratories, Newcastle. Zadiaaa. WOMEN EARN 85 DOZES SEWING ' .iruuL Absolutely no selling. Ex- n,P;DM anaeeeaaary. Materials cat : iBhtractians. Stamped raretopa briars particular. ; Art Dra,r 808 Atlantic, Stanford. Caaa. V IJIDIES-EARN 81 DOZEN SEWING aprons home; experience aaaecessary; materials cut; initruetioue faraiahed. .ddreised enrelope briara paHiealara. Vilo Garment. 23 jsroaoway, nayonne, N. J. ' WOMAN WANTED FOB TKiVtUMU pj tian . not aramea. euiireiy. anm- cambered, with high school educatiXn. between 23 and 40. Salary, boaaa aad traaftoertatioa. Giro fuU Information first letter. F. E- Compton Co 1002 X. Dearborn St- Chicago. AGENTS WANTED 14 AOENTS SELL GAS 8 CENTS A GAL len. i High' commiasioa. Na fake. Guaranteed product Free pertieaiara and proof. H. C. Ambuht, 165 East 84th .St Port is nd, Oregon. ' SKM. PACKARD TAILORED SHIRTS a-d Neckwear direct from factory to wearer ; beautiful selling outfit -FREE. New Fell linee breaking all records; woaderfal re-ordea liae; proposition en tirely new: experience j anneeessory. Packard - Shirt Maaafaetaring Co 458 W. Superior, Chicago. - . - " OdltOPRACTORS 15 I v e ct-Am tan trrDAUR a rrna I i at v. a, owv a. ov. y . i a k M r ni.k -. Stl.IL m IT. DR. H. B. SOOFFIELTA P. 8. 0, 800 First Natioaal Bank Bldg. FLORISTS 10 CUT FLOWERS. WEDDDiG BOUQUETS Funeral wreaths, deoorations. C F. Breithaupt, florist. 812 . Suta Street. -Tel. 890.- , ... MAQAZJXES Farm: Pper. 17 f ' f ' '- . r.i It ta$ WANT 1 -T4'W' Tinr: BEST farm paper seat live a-ea stamp so taa aoifla Homestead. Salwax Oregaa, far a three meaths' -trial aubaeriptioo. , Xentioa thla ad. ;. .; . POULTRYMIN SEND EIGHT TWO cent stamp far ipeeUl tbra aaaaths trial for tha best aad eldeot Journal la the Wast, Ta artielee aad adver tisemeaU are af special toterest ta the moaltry breeders of the Northwest Warthwest Poultry Jaaraal. 911 8, Coav O . Salem eo .. INSURANCE 18 FOR SALE FIRST AND SECOND Mart- gagas. Trust Deeaa-., vaatracte bouse Will aet ta 90 par cant. BEnKK At HENDRICKS Heilig Bldg, 189 M. High Si. Jltf Insure r .ear. . Phone 18 1 : BECKE HENDRICKS Boilig Bldg, 189 M. High St. FARM LOANS PLENTY OF MONEY to loan aa good farm security- -CITY LOAN 8 W are loaning Pre deatial Iasuraaee eoarpsay money aa sity residence aad baiiaosa property at SH per cent, plus a eemnti anion Hswkins A Roberts. Ina, 205 Oregoa ; WANTED Employment , 19 MARRTalD MAN WANTS WORK ALL OR I part ttaaa. TeU 2696 J. . WANTED HOUR WORK. EXPERIENCE ad. City U(. Tel. 2316-M. ' . FOR Ol BDEN, PLOWING. BASEMENT dirring and to at work. TaL I9P. OREGON CHIMNEY SWEEP CLEANS flues nd alt steel brashes, cleaas gut ters. P. Rys a. Phono 1820. FOR RENT 31 FOR BENT 8 MODERN HOMES 4 TO S rooms, 839 W fao, , see na alrieks. 189 f, Higbt street.- FOB RENT, BUSINESS ROOM AT 960 Farrjr Street. 980 par maath. laqair at BUtasmaa office aad ask for Rha fee er StiffUa. -. - - STORE ROOM FOR RENT-r-860 FERRY atraai. betweea Front aad Comorwrcta i foraaerrv aocuoied by Withers Veal 820 a month. Iraha Uteaaaa Vf tea - ' '. ; 'FOR RENT Apewtineiits 23 DESIStABLE State. APARTMENTS 1335 IVTRjriBHF.D APARTMENT. $93 J Summer. vV---.. : --- i-"-- FTRST FLOOR THREE BEDS. 160 Uaioas - - - i- -- - " SMALL. WELL FURNISHED APART- r meat. 658 Center THREE rant. ROOM APARTMENT . 248 North Summer. FOR I FTTREISTTET s ROOM APT. ON FIRST fW. With garage. 9361 natal. Pn , aa-w .-. ; ...... - - - NEATLY FURVIfiHED APARTMENT, -i furaaee heat private bath. 945 Oonrt. Phone; 1057. f NEW 4 ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW ' jeosaeut aaeement. f nrmaca, fireplace. . , nook, vara r", corner lot, paved street. , ruee 3600. Taraaa TaL AJLUS W. 25 ROOMS WITH BOARD AT THE ALEX eadcr. Tel. 1589r iQ30 Cbemekete. FOR RENT noojei , 27 r. ROOM HOUSE. 985 N. 20th, DESIRABLE 7 ROOM HOUSE ON STATE Street, 125. -I. W.Howsrd, Tel. 21. FOR RENT 5 ! ROOM HOURS ON . State street. O. W. Johasoa, A Co. TWO ROOM FURNISHED COTTAGES. Raaaoaahle. Dreaaiaad Aato Camp. FURNISHED COTTAGES BY DAY week or menth.. DreeaUaad Oettagee, SOU aed State. . ST-a-tS- COMFORTABLE i 6 ROOM 1 COUNTRY t fceme t mi. from Salem oa goad road. J Ranting - water, : telopbene. electric light. 8IS.OO per mouth. Call 2533M. . . - FOB RENT i 7 room house. With basement and fire-, place, all ia good clean eeufruloa. Close ia. Chance to keep roomers. Raata for C5.0tt per SDoath. i - : ' 6 roam bouae, good 930.00 per month. conditio Rent 7 room aoat oa north Winter. $25.00. 8 ream bouse, rente for 910-00 par ma. ULRICH aV ROBERTS 129 Ko. Com'l St. Phone 1854. - FOR RENT Farnu 20 FARM FOR RENT 108 acre farm,, improved for dairying, 7 miles from Salem aa pared highway. . SOCOf.OKSKY SON LAUNDRIES 83 TRY THE HOME WET WASH i LA UN dry. TaL 171.! 1859 B Street. U7tf CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY "The Laaadry af Para Meteriala" Telaphoaa 145.. - 1S64 Broadway THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WEIQER LAUNDRY Telephone 25. 268 8. High TAILORS 84 ID. 1L MOSHXB TAILOR FOB MEN ar.d women. T4 Oonrt Ht. WAVTGIIHiwllaaeoiii 85 WANTED A ROLL TOP DESK. 1735 X. 6th. Tel. 1814. FURNITURE- PACKING FOR SHIP- meats. Giaeo-Powera Faraitara Oa. WANTED PRITATK - MONEY FOR , t farm loans. Wa bare several applioa : I tieaa aa hand, ; Hiwkina A Roberta, i InCw SOS Orefoa Bldg. j ! WANTED GOOD WASHED COTTON Rags not smaller than 1 yard ta aaa for- wiping maehiaery. Highest price paid for good clean rags, apply . at ! Statesman office, see 8tifler. MATTRESSES 86 MjATTRESSES RENOVATED BY THE i Capiul City Bedding' Co 1190 North ! Capitol. Called for aad delivered. All : work raaranteed. Tel 19. flStf amiaaoMaawKBaawaawflBs FOR BALE 87 JELLY C RAPES. PHONE 58F1I. GRAPES. APPLES. RULIFSON'S, RT. i 8. Bz. 59 rtaooa 4f 4. KENTUCKY WONDER BEANS 3c A LB. ; delivered. Tel. 1387-W. SPECIAL LOW PRICta ON NEW CROP honey. Pheaa 8F5. i H. M. Mead Salem 7e8 BLACK DIRT FOR SALE IN EITHER i North or South Salem.: Reasonable. ; TeLx72F2. : i Y7dl2t GOOD COOKING APPLE 8 AT FARM 40 cents boa; delivered so eeata; a boxea 81.35 Phone 115F22 evenings. FAMILY LEAVING TOWN HAVE DAY bed. larre wicker rocker and ailk floss mattrees for sale, practically new, 1144 Cheateketa Street. l 80 HEAD OF PURS ; BRED DORSET breeding ewes, v SO bead af high grade yearling ewea. F. T. Fox Silvertoa. Pboaa SF19. 1 25 ACRE FRUIT AND POULTRY FARM for 94000, , Five srilea northeast state fair around. Some bottom land, tea acres cleared, drilled well aad springs. All fertile soil. , Fair baOdiags. Suit able terms. Herbert Miehelbrook, St. Pan V Oregon. FOR SALE Lire Stock 89 COW FOR SALE 10 a Pseifie highway. MILES SOUTH Rasa Kibsley. FOR SALE OR TRADE ONE ENGLISH Setter pap 8 months aid. Can furnish Bodirraa. Sea A. (L. Bark at Fitxrar- aid Sherwia Co., Uberty aad Chasne- xeta. Salem. - VETERINARIAN 89 FRED W. LANGE, VETERINARIAN Office 529 8. OommercUL Tel. 1198. Rrs. Tel. 1668. A89m23tf WOOD SAWING 43 WOOD SAWING. PHONE 1877. 1610 North OemaeereiaL . 42jlyl5tf CALL W, L. HTJTCHIN8 sswlnr. Phowe 1681M. FOR WOOD 42ol6 WOOD FOR SALE 48 !19 INCH . OLD FIR! WOOD. PHONE 12F4 evenings, aooa. FIR WOOD. 4 FT, and 14 INCH. TEL. 1788. : i FOR SALS FIR AND OAK WOOD. TEL. 68F12. 48a21 GOOD DRY WOOD FOB. YOU D. Larmer. Tel. 930. 43al6tf ALL KINDS OF WOOD AND THE boat ia the city at Traeay'a Faal Yard, i Tel. 2813. Priee reaaaaabla. COAL. WOOD. BRIQUETTES. SALEM Cnl an4 Trnaafar Com Don V. TaL 629 airbt 1988. 43a23tf 16-INCH OLD FIR SECOND GROWTH ak aaA us. TaL. Tin. as. , If. afar- field. ! . 48Iltf OLD FIR, SECOND GROWTH AND OLD fir limbs. Call ivu. V. v. oaraangn. 1A8 Hirblaad Ave. 48eS GOOD COAL DRY WOOD PROMPT DELIVERIES i HILLMAN FUEL CO, " TELEPHONE 'fS5. MINUTE MOVIES THE ! CrREAT AIR MAIL My-STERV , , a ay. . EPlDC 22 ? A rUtSHT PF ;fe?OrV I- YilGVATFALL- : and: snLL ! LVH2AUC5HT. A lUn CV C KC r lUANE PASSED VDS OF WIM , ;-k . v FOR REXT Rooms 43 BEST GRADE OF WOOD Dry wood, 4 ft, a ad 16 -inch, f Large Weds are cheaper ta hay. Mill weed ia aar specialty. Praaapt dalivery aad reaaaaabla price. FRED E. WELLS ' ' ?a,0 8. Chnn-h. Tel.' 18l2 POULTRY AND EOG8 43 FRYS FOR SUNDAY DINNER, WEIGHT 3 poon da. Phone ft2F21. Lao Hstrhery. 'musio stores 1 48 GEO. C ; WILL PIANOS, PHONO. graph, aawiag auaehinea, aheet : maaie and piano atadiaa. Kepairiog pheae grapba aad aewing maehiaaa. 442 State atreet. Salens - - j NEWSPAPERS. 47 THR PORTLAND TELEGRAM BALEM Agearjr. Tba Ace. Tel. 9. : - THE- OREGON STATESMAN. SO CENTS par maaih - aeurerea to yaar aa earlraeorlngTel2or683 PAPERHANGING BO PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE deeoratiac paparhaagiag, tinting, ata. Reliable workmen. PAINTING 60a CHAS. BENNETT. PAINTING CON- trateer, paiatiag, paper ; aaagiag, 22S-J. 187 West Miller. MISCELLANEOUS 81 FOR SALEM f SCAVENGER CALL 187. FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING AND RE- painag. Giesa-Powers Faraitara Store. BUY USED MEN'S CLOTHING, JEWEL ry, eaaa. Toaia, Hicyeiaa, eta. star ExebaAga. 824 N. Com'L Tel 85 S. FOR 8 ALE OLD NEWSPAPERS. 10 eeata a bundle. Stataamaa afnea. 215 8ooth OommorciaL . . 51jatf OUR CU8TOMERS ARB OTJR i BEST boosters because whea we do your wetdiag, 'tis doae, aot yoa. Sieetria aad hcetyleae weldiag, - Urge aad smalt O. D. Oppen. 65 Mill St. Tel. 872 aad 2088-J.- i SlmOtf 8TOVE8 AND STOVE REPAIRING STOVES FOR SALE REBUILT AND repaired by expert All kinds af wevea wire fence. Fancy aad plaia. Hop baskets aad books, logaa hooks. Salem Fence aad Store Works, 250 Court .LOST AND FOUND 53 JERSEY HEIFER. 1190 Rural Are. PIANO TUNERS 04 EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Plana tuner. Ijeave coders Will Mnate Hfor. PERSONAL 55 EPILEPSY HOW POISONED BLOOD cause fits. How to stop fits promptly. Free treatise and- instructions. Write Western Medical Ass'n. 132 W. 62nd St.: Chlcsio, 111. PRINTING 88 FOR STATIONERY. CARDS. PAMPH lets, programs, books, ar any kiad of printing, call at the Statesman Print ing Department. 215 8. Comauareial Tel. R as. LOST AND FOUND S3 LOST--l KEY RING WITH 10 KEYS. en Court St. last Tuesday. A. lioel. Phone 433. Sward. MONEY TO LOAN- 87 FEDERAL FARM LOAN 8. F. L. 57m7tf Wood. 341 State St. P. H. BELL. 219 U. 8. BANK BLDG, end business oans. TaL 607 r 2141-W. PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL Estate, city or country. Salem Realty Co, 462 State St. i MONEY TO LOAN FOR BUILDINO AND oa city property. B. 8. Martia sod u. R. Martia, attorney, 419 Qrefoa Building. .Tel. 2084. CITY AND FARM LOANS AT LOWEST rases. oass term ootaiaaore. , ur insurance dopartmaat offers' yoa ax part advice aad service ia all liaaa.. HAWKINS ROBERTS (lac.) TeLjSTOSOreajonldjrj FARM LOANS 88 HAVE SOME GOOD FARM AND CITY 7 first.' mortgage application la sums ranging from 9500 to 98000, What Have you T . . A. C. BOHRN STERT i Realtor Loans Insurance ; 147 X. Commercial St., Salem, Ore. WANTED LOANS 59 WANTED Private money, ta . loaa aa REAL ESTATE. W. H. GRABENH0R8T CO. 134 S. Liberty St. - PLUMBING , 80 PLUMBING AND GENERAL REPAIR work. Craber Bros., 144 8. Liberty, Tel. 550. - ' RADIO 82 Radio las For every purpose, for every an AU standard sixes of Radio Tube. HALIK a EOFF ELECTRICAL SHOP, 833 Oonrt St. Tel. 488. " REAL ESTATE 63 FARM FOR RENT 220 ACRES, ONE 35 seres. See Bechtel or Sear. 841 State St, Room 2. i '- 6 ROOM STUCCO BUNGALOW SNAP Built , a rear aaro. beat part of north Salem. - Strictly : modern, nothing lack in r. Price 84000 aad street - asaaasment, terms. Worth 350O0. See Ixiais Bechtel or J. D. Sears, 841 State Street. Room 2 ? 4 ROOM NEW MODERN HOUSE. DIN inc alceve. 92250, only 820O down. 4 room house, pared street, corner, 91750k easy payment. Basinea lot, splendid locatioa. Apt, aad Acreage for sale, Vi rl and Aato losaraaea. ! ' Protect yourself by insuring with :. the - Niagara Fire Ins. Co. GERTRUDE 4. M. PAGE -484 Oonrt St. CiweyiL ce FferS: C AS TWST WlCKlMCSr - 1 THE U)tNt CAJT v OF Tt 5UARC To SLOUJ VJP ;, ,JAS A CLOSE CALL . siv ; rOU' - 'v f1 ?r- WOOD FOR SALE 'SNX w 83 FOR SALE ONE OF ' TOE 'BEST . little raafevtioaaiT aivd lunch parlor. : Alaa a laaeh eounter. Saa Louia Bwh let W J. 1 1. Sears. 341 State St, Room 2. -,." 8lo POWN-TAKES CHEAP LOTS ' getting better feat, $3 a meata. Becke Baadrleka, 189 N. High atraat. INSIDE ' SNA P BRICK BLDG 25i52. . ia axrelleut I oration and leased for two ! rare at j-eatal that neta better than ! aa a priee af 83700. 8700 rat will handle. ThU ha a good futare and ia a fine email laaaatmaat. Sea O. K. DE : WITT with . WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor r. 175 S. High St. GREATEST TRADING ORGANIZATION i - ON THE PACIFIC COAST Wa have over 3000 properties listed for exebange. Every kiad at property. ry arico. aary location. ' We caa match year eaebaage EXACT LT. : If yoa weald like ta, trada your property TO DAY, come in TODAY. Sea GA8K1LL A EARLE. Realtors - . 164 ft. Liberty. Tel. S242 BUNGALOW SNAP MY ' LOSS YOUR. GAIN. Business connection compel me to leave Salem at onra. J Will sail my 6 room bungalow at sacrifice Drice. It is tors ted an a We high' lot in South Salem. - basement. b rosea, fireplace, as rare. Jnat a splea- did home. - Price oalr 93200. Call for appoint ment at ' : " '" ' LEO N. CHILDS. Realtor 820 Bute Street. Phone 1727 GOOD HOUSE' BUYS room modern bungalow near high eehool, garage, 91O50, 9150 casta, bal ance 915 monthly. rooms, modern. Coop, barn, 2. -onier Iota, walaut. fruit, pavement. 92250. 91000 cash, balance terms, room ftrietly modem Knglish type new heme.; Garage, pa retreat, east front, large lot. 94200, 9250 down, balance terms ; ' i SbCOLOFSKY A SON. First National Bank Bldg. TO EXCHANGE 4 acres with good buildings, all kiad of fruit and berrtea. 3 miles out of Hslem. Price 9400O. Will trade for home is Hslem about same value. Wa have a nice large lot to trade In aa firat pameat oa a email bouse ia West Salem. '. room house in East Salem. Price - 92000. Will exchaage for small farm , near Dalles aad a nan me some. SEE Thomason with LEO H. CHILDS, Realtors ' 320 State Street Phone 1727 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE A GOOD-70 ACRE FARM 7 MILES FROM SALEM, VALLEY LAND. PRACTICALLY ALL IN CULTIVATION. PLENTY OF SPRING WATER FOR STOCK in mi lure, all fenced and cross fenced with woven wire, would make a good dairy sod stack farm, 4 acres set to straw berries last spring ia nice condition ta produce a good crop next -year. Owner too old ta farm and will exchange for a email acreage home en a Salem, resi dence as part consideration. If yoa want a good dstry and stock farm yoa shonld see this st once. FOR THIS AND AN EXTENSIVE UST OF OTH BR GOOD PROPOSITIONS in Salem City: Homes, suburban sereatre homes and good farms see Wells Tsllmsn A Son. 216 MssomeTemple. Phone 618 LOTS LOTS LOTS 10 down, 3lO per met lot on. Hare! Ave, south of Iligfalsnd, 9450, 10 cash, 810 per mo., lot on N. 13th St.. 52x128. Price 9500. 50 down, 810 rter mo., fine lot on N. 23rd St. Price 8"00. 11) down, sio per mo., fine lot on Hirh St. Priee 8175. 50 down, bslsnce monthly, lot on N 14th, .V-"Axl2S. fi fruit trees, east front, 3750. Subject to paving. 100 down, balance to suit, lot 00x132 between ' Winter and Summer, Hood, 31350. Paving paid. 20 cash. 310 per mo.. lot an Stutterer and Norway. X900. 91600 Fine lot on Market and Summer, east front. ! Loan 'nwrawe Rentals ' MELVIN JOHNSON f 320 U. S. Bank Bldg. . Phone 617 A REAL BARGAIN i Two fine lots located aa paved street Price 9900 for the two. 920 down. 920 per month. Pevemeat paid. See U AT ONCE. W. H. GRABENHORST t CO. 184 S. Liberty St. SPECIAL BUY i roam house located oa paved ! street Price for a few days 9210O. 92 0U down, balaace 935 per tronth ' to m erode interest. , HERE IS i YOUR CHANCE.. W. H. GRABENHORST A QO. 184 S. Liberty St FOR SALE Modern up to date home Ena-liah type, located near the New LeaHe School, -modern ia every way with garage, base vmeat, furnace, fireplace, oak floor, tile drain board, 4 rooms with breakfsst nook, large attic, new vacant, itemed late possession. Price for Quick sale 94000. 32 SO down, balance 940 per montn a raeraae interest at 7 per cent. OLE UB AT VME, : W. H. GRABENHORST CO. '. 134 8. Liberty St. BUILD HERE j One acre all in bearing apples' ? located soota or tne MeKinley School.: Price ?03u. au down, - pafanee aio per montn. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. v 134 S. Liberty 8L WE WILL SELL 60 ACRES GOOD land 7 miles from Salem for only eouuu. , f auw a own. aai. to utt. HAVE YOU TOLD US ABOUT TBAD- ing your small acreage for a fully mod- era new bungalow ia S. Salemw Price 3B700.. FARMS AT BARGAINS. 25 ACRES with buildings oa good road at 93500, eay terms, . CITY HOME. 7 NICE LARGE ROOMS. basement, fireplace, close in, all clean aad in good repair. . See. thia home. Price 93500, 9S0O down. baL like rent HOMES IN SALEM "ARE SAFE IN vestments. New fully modern 5 room bangalow at a reel bargaia. 92700, Jbaay payments sad terms. AND WE HAVE A VERY FINE FARM of 122 a-res. with new arodern baild tags to trade for income property ar city homes. Tell us whst yea nave, INCOME WE HAVE A BARGAIN ON 20 room hotel. A nice Income.: All farnitare aad equipment goes at 93000 for qoicx sale. Good terms, ; PROPERTY OF EVERY KIND. 5 aerea ' with building, running water and wood for own aaa at 94000, easy term. If yea hsve anything ! to trade tell as about it. ULRICH a Roberts: 129 N. Com'l St. - Phone 1854, after, me. as sh REAL ESTATE . HeWNCy : A MOMEAiT, V4E AGA1S FELLOW CAl ALA M J. (ga nvsht whs : "SC2AI5 fMOMA . . RVW3 te2PEI2A7E W nM --THROUGH . n W0iA WCOD? A,D . ; FJW ' 1 .a i aaam, a. faf VtLL. AMD DCUW. Dale, - 83 EIGHTY ACRE8 Olt GOOD ROAD, 8000 earda ax timber. Taa timber will mora than pay for the. place bet idea aoat af haadliar- Priea 320O.OO. Sea Salem Realty Co.. 46S State St. - PrtTCEu FOK QUICK 8AC.K. 7 ROOM jfeouaa, lau aaaemeui faraaaa,- Morta '12U St.. aaar Saprema Caart, f540 eaah. 92500 mortge ga ta ba aaaaBed, balance 82 S a auaath, fatal priea 98700. . Shown ' by appoiatmaat anlj. A Tel. 2400 W. tSOSa HAVE A PINE LINN COUNTY FARM folly equipped, valued at 916.00O oa whk-h owner s will eeevpt atrall farm ln neighbor hood of Gervaia. Woodbara. Mt. Anirel or Hal em ia part payment What have : yea f : v , : - - '. - A. CHOIIRSSrTKRT Realtor Loeraa Inaaraaea 147 N. Commercial St., Salem, Ore.. SPLENDID i RANCH v 127 ACRES, with more than. 4000 cards af wood, considerable old ' growth. 20 minute drive from Salem an good road. The wood will pay for-the ranch Besides eaat of cutting. Will accent . Sale w? property aa first payment. -This in -the boat tract of timber adjacent, to 8a lenv - See Slem Realty Co, 46 State St . ' . i i . FOR SALE 20 ACRE TRACT 7W miles S. on Liberty road, good soil, fine Spring, lota of apples, SO or saore wabint trees, some, cherries aad pears. Forced sale. To be sold for less than -1-8 priee. ' 1 ' . Sea my agent' at once. LANEMORLEY a CO. 413 First Nat. Bank BWg. Tel. 757 WE HAVE GOOD BUYS IN 6 ROOM heatea. Aa exceptional bargaia ia 7-rootr- honse. Some of these require quite a bit ef cash ta gef bast price., if yon want houses to rent or buy sea Barber A Boad. If it ia a tract or exchange.- we are at your service. BARBER a BOND 2f0 Gray Bldg. 125 N. Liberty '- BEAUTIFUL HOME In the Oaks Addition. Worth 96000 bat offered for a abort time .at sacrifice price af 95250 with terms. 5 Isrge rooms, built-in, closet, bath room, fire place, tcreened-rn back porch, basement, furnace nd laandry tray. Doable con structed, select material used throughout, nice lawn, shrubbery and flowers. See this home to really, appreciate it. ' LKO N. CHILDS. Realtors 320 State Street. Phone 1727 ROOM BUNGALOW AND GARAGE. Snap 91650. 6250 iwe . 20 A alfalfa ranch near - Hermistoa Good bldrs.. 930410. Tske residence or small acreage. 7-room house, 2 nice lota, paved street azooo. 250 down. A. suburbs n, good' bldg, fine? soil. fruit. .SBOOO. take residence. New business block, good income, take farm far part. ' Ore, stack, fixtures aad leas with liv ing rooms, 92000. PERRINE a MARSTERS 11 iid '', HOUSES FOR SALE 91500 4 room hoime. Bath, eleetrif hght, paved St. Very essy terms f!400- 5 room house. ..Bath, electric ligat, rirepiaee, paved St. uiose to achool. Easy term. 925005 room house. Baseurent. paved St. Close to school. Easy terms. 94000 New 1 4 ' room buagslow. Hard wood floor, fireplace. furnace, paved 8t. Close to school. Easy terms. H) New 5 room bouse. Hardwood -. , floor. Fireplace. Furnace. Paved St. Well located. Essy terms. 9d00 New 5 room English type house. Unfinished upstairs. Paved St. Close to achool. Easy terms. We hsve many good bargaina on our list. Lt us help you to select the right Dome. RICH L. REIMAXN. Realtor lift U. 8. Bank Bldg. Phone 865 RMS. NEW STUCCO. CORNER LOT, both streets paved, 94150, will trade for small acreage without buildings up to 82500, prefers Catholic district BArth. ta. semi-modern, in good condition and good district, corner lot, variety of fruit, $2600, will take used car part Birarnt 6 rm, N. Liberty for 91500. Make US aa offer aa terms. We have buyers for two farms with1 part oottom iaaa, electricity svaiiaoie1 ana fair buildings, also, small - farm suit able for a few eowa, will trade good noose wait loeatea ana pay caaa ail ferenee. t WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor 175 S. High St. HOMES FOR SALE 91050. 2 room house located on Fsinount .Hill, H cash, balance 920 pa? wots, pins 1 per cent interest. 91600. -3 room house located oa Fair- mount Ave, ; Soth Salem down, balance 925 per month, is? terest o .per eent. ' 91650. 4 room home with lot 50 x too located ia West Salem, 9200 down. Da la nee xzv per montn. 91900. new modern 4 room-house with breakfast nook. , fireplace. $250 down, balance 990 per month. 99100. 9 room hotre located close in on 8.- Commercial St, now rented for , 932.00 per month, H cash, bsV anee term. 12100. rood 5 room bungalow located oa. N 20th St, near Crater. 2 dawn; balance 835 per month. 93500c good -5 room bungalow with base- . meat located oa paved street, near C enter, va cash, balaace terms. $?750. good 9-room borne with fireplace aad large lot. located oa corner, paved street aad bus line, double garage, cash, balance . terms at 7 per cent. 9800. attractive 4 room buagslow - lo eated oir paved street and bus line, reasonable terms. 93000. new modern 4 room hoo-e with Vt acre, located north aear city limit. mxvo easn. balance easy term. 93320. modern 6 mom home with base ment, furnace, aad fireplace, lo cated oa N. 5th Street, 9500 down. balaace easy term. 92100. 5 room house near Yew Park School. 9250 down, balance terms; 94000. practically new 4 room home with large attie, modern in every way. ' located at 1670 S. Church St.: near the new Leslie School, 9250 down. balance 940 per month tor include interest.. , f 945O0. good modern 5 room home with 1 fireplace, basement and- furnace. located close ia oa North Church Church St, $1000 down, balance easy terms. 94750. attractive 6 room -modem home lo cated on N. Winter, near D Street, - now vacant, a real bay for tba money, reasonable term. $3800. jnew modern 6 room, home, loeeed oa Trade St, aear sooth Cottage. lot 45 x 70,. 91300 down, balance soldiers loan to be assumed. 97500. attractive modern. 6 room home. wonderfnl location on Fairmount Hill, this hotre - ia complete in every way, now ready to occupy uiouo down wilt osndie. : W. H. ORABKNHORST A CO. Realtors 134 S. !.ertr St. Phone 515 to REAL E3TATB ( OH. IP X COULD llp t ONLY FREE, J3slU&2 ALLV TPftU' ."kr AVOflMTHE V5OR01MS UKAK AND EXHAUSTED; WIS CLOTHE 83 FOR; SALK SEVERAL BE AUTIFTTL small . acre re t raata. Vary eVeaa ia. J Each with city water, electricity, gra vol streets, tree, view. Teraua ta suit. -Phoae, awaar. 2716. . 8al7 A GOOD INVESTMENT. i A CLOSE TR bouse, seven large1 roams, with bath, .all plastered and ta good eoaditioa. good basentent with pipe faraaaa. gar age, largo tot. eaat freat, will rent far, 940 per n-oath, and 84000 will bny it with 8500 eaah. If yam want a hone where yaar property ia aare ta iacrease ia aalaa hottor let as show yiwi. I ; F. WCVr. GEO.i F. REED. ; 841 State's. SMALL ACREAGE ON EASY TERMS 1575 Five acre of .excellent land Wst ed within one block ef the Swede school aa pared road. 925 dowa ; balance 910 per maath, int. 6 par cent. 100O Five acres, aa better eotl. located near paved roSd eaat of Salem. 950 1 dowa,. balaace via per montn. , 1 Tin Five aerea well located na the asy : lorn road one mile from city limit 4. 1 : 9IOO down, lis I a ace 920 per month, t A dandy olaco ta fcnild- 3113.1 Flvo acres located 1 miles aastb 1 af taa baa line south at saiam Part ta timber, balance pasture. '1 ; 8100 dowa. balance aio per mn 450 One acre aear tba MeKinley school 1 all in beannr. apples.' 95a dowa, 810 per month. 600 One acre aear Fairview avenue - 950 dowa. 910 per month. ' 91100 One acre well located near Pacific highway on Fairview- Ave, 950 down. SIO xier month. - 91200 Tea acre red bill' soil with await shack, ail plow land. B50 dowa. 810 per month. For bargains see Wj H. GRABENHORST A CO.. -Realtor 184 fl. Liberty St. 1 -Phone 515 REAL ESTATE TRADE 88 APARTMENT Horsn oN N. COTTAGE St. for 85200. W II take 5 room bouae aa part naymemt. - 0 . For Good Values KRUEOER v- "The Realtor' N. Com'l. 47 Phone 217 WOULD TRADE 8180O HARRI8BURG residence on outlying Sslem. 8 rm. Bx, 415. Statesman. REAlt ESTATE Farms 87 TRIANGLE ACREAGE EXCHANGES 181 acres near Oregon City improved and rlesr to exebange for larger farm same man also has 500 acres with wonderful improvements and clear. Will turn both on good farm of 10OO acre or more ta 8100:000. 185 acre mostlr in cultivation, large house with fireplace, bath and water System, bare, sil, sheds, etc. Near good school and two paved highways, f5 acres corn and stock and equipment can be secured. Wants 40 acres near Salem. 40 seres east of Salem Bice variety jfruit. good 7 room house,: wster in all buildings, barn, silo, etc. would in clude stock snd equipment and- asvame on good 100 to 120 acres no hills or residence in good town. MANY OTHERS. 421 Court Street . Ground Floor i ''EXCHANGE HEADQUARTERS" TAXIDERMIST 88 WORK GUARANTEED. E. E. WIGGINS, Tavidaywiist. 1145 Norway. Tel. 2261W REAL ESTATE Rah. r tut n 69 FINE 100 ACRE FARM :$ 12,500. Not far from Aurora. Best ;of rich dark loam soil, good building :m ownr a -widow trust sell at sac rifice price. See Louift Bechtel or. J D. Sears. 341 State St, Room 2 SUBURBAN HOME 5 ROOMS. 2 ACRES 82500. for aoick deal. A modern and a beautiful suburban home with water system, electric light for 85500. Ope and a half acres land for acreage sea Louis Bechtel or J. D. Sears, 341 State St, Room . HOME OF 9 ROOMS ON ONE ACRE tract aoioininx tne cut 01 aaiem the northeast. - Garage, ehickea hoase, Price 93000, i small cash payment, bal ancs lika rent. See KRUEGER The Realtor" 147 N. Cowj'I Phono 217 V ACRES NEAR SALEM, ON PAVE meat and eleetric line. Income nearly 9800.00 last year. Conveniently ar rested new hoase beiag built. Law filled aad graded. Good wood shed aad Lara. Maat sell oa account other business. Price 98500. inelud ing stock aad machinery. Terms. See Owner.' 1316 State etreet. ' TRANSFER a HAULING 70 LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE HAUL- ing. Reasonable prices. Tel. 72-F2 CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 226 State St. Tel. . 933. Distributing, for . wsrdhig-and storage our specislty. Gat our rates. SALEM TRANSFER A FUFL CO. Local aad long distance . hauling- Storage aad , fuel. TeL 629 899 S. High WE MOVE, STORE AND SHIP HOUSE hold goods. Our specialty is plane aad furniture moving, we also make eeun- . try trips. Wa hsndls the best coal and " wood. Call an aa for prices. Wa give - good teeasure, good quality , and good service. Lsnner Trsnsfer Co.. Tel. 9t WATER 74 OREGON WASH. WATER SERVICE CO, Office 304 i Booth Commercial St. Tea per eent discount on domestic flat rata naid ia advance. No dedactioa tor ab sence or any canaa unieee water is shap TRAVEL 78 i T-B-A-V S-L Safely, Swiftly aad Comfortably la bases of the Parker Stage Liaaa. 8-T-A-G-K-8 L-E-A-V-E F-O-B Silrertaa 7 a. as, 11 a. m, 4 p. av ML A a gel 11 a. m, 5 p. m Dallas 7 a at, 9 a. as, 1 :5 p. aa. fatU City 7 a. m, 2:10 p. sa, 5:15. ladepeadeace 7 a. m, 9 a. aa.. 11:15 a. m, 9:16 p nt, 6:18 a. aa. Sun day euly 6:30 p. as. . Maaasaith 7 a. m, 11:19 a. at, 8:10 p m, 5:15 p. .' Saaday aaly 7:10 p. m.; 4:30 p. m. MrMinnvtlle 8;30 a. m, 9:10 P. . 5:15 p. a. Newberg 8 :80 a. m, 9:10 9. sav, 5.15 P. av. - Tillamook 8:90 a. m, 2:10 p. at. 222 or 696 for information AUTOS WANTED 77 CASH PAID FOR POMl -CIKBB AUTO w,taa 'Ji ArJD NOW W ALL" DlRECUONS . m)sw rut MASKED 1 WEN IN Pursuit of the escaped t AIR, MWL PttOT; , e REAL ESTATE 1 , USED CARS FOR SALE 79 Gingrich Motor I Coiripahy .1 B u I iai6 Baick Master Sit Coach. ; ! 1925 Baick Maeter Six 2 door Sadsa. ' ,1926 Buick Standard Six 2 door 1 Sedaa. 1925 Master Sia Touring. . -, ' 193 Buick Staadard 'Sadaf.. ' ' 'T - - . i ' I . ' , 123 Baick Touring. 1 j I 1926 Buick Coape. - - I . . i. C h ry siers i ' 1 9:6 Chrysler .,5ft" Sedaa. , . ' -i 1S27 CbryUer '6rt" Coupe. ! " 1926 Chrysler ,'5" Cosch. . , j M a x w e 1 1 3 , 1925 Maxwell 4 door Sedan. r 1925 Msxwell Coach. i t 1926 Maxwell Coape. ! - - ' - 1824 Maxwell Touring. , Many More at r Bargain Prices ' WE BUY. SELL AND TRADE USED CARS J (WE BUY FOR CASH). Let as convert your ear lata monev. WEEK END SPECIE r ON USED CARS 10 per cent reduction on all cars under $450 See them at -RIRKWOOD MOTOR CO, r 311 N. Commercial We Buy and FORDS I HAVE TWO AND ONLY need aaa. One is a Fordar Sedan, the other p coupe. Take your ehoioe for 9350. terms If yea wish. Call at 1595 8. High St4 or pboae 2538-R. We Buy Used Cars as Weil as Sell Them FORDS FOR SALE NOW 1926 Rdter, gun metal blue lac M " - , m 1926 Touring quer, new. tires, guaranteed. $305 $325 iZB coupe -9380 .9150 1925 Steel Panel Deli v. 1923 Coupe, new grubber .A150 :-9 "75 ..$.-75 tax inaor neaan ,, ,,- '-.-, OTHER MAKES 1919 Dodge Tour. Runs good .. 1024 Chevrolet Tour., refinished a beaatiful rrar 8193 1925 Overland Coupe - Sedan, pew f paint and new rubber 9283 Valley Motor Co, - Sslem, Ore. LOOK- THESE - OVER 1927 , Oldsmabite Coupe 1926 Pontiee Coach 1925 Chevrolet Sedaa 1924 . Baich Sedaa , 1935 Star Coapater 124 Chevrolet Sedaa Lata Ford Coupe .9859 .9650 ..$450 $57S .9400 .9300 , . 9800 bars ta ehooaa Several other good (rasa, prices ranging from 950 ta 980O. Capitol Motors Inc. -Biddy Bishop 350 North High Street Two j of the Best PACKARD OLD8MOBa4.X : Pettyjohn's 5 Better . Automobile Values o27. Ford Roadster - , -1926 -Ford Coupe ; ' Ford Totirina . . i 1925 1935 tft2S 1925 '927 n 1926 Overland. Sedaa r . Overland Coape '- - - -. '. Nash Touring Special ' . " Nasn Sedaa Special - - Nash Sedan Special, . ' ' 7 ' Cheyrolet Coah j s Oakland 4 Sedan . ' . , Dodge Roadstar ' ! ZU..- Dadge Tourie ( Dodge Track 5 Overland Six Sedan, . . 1929 Essex- cosen 4 , Kssex Roadster ' . Jewett Cosch, Late Model Franklin Daml-8odaa . - - 11 Excellent need automobile values, Look them over today. . - 4 Fa W. Pettyjohn Co. i 35 ,No. Commercial Street, ,Tele-phoae- 1260. . "AFTER W SELL Wfi SERVE" Used Cars i . .V .V 1920 Stadenaker Speotal Six Touriag. ' A-l shape, many extras. 85 . tires. 1920 Hudsoa Speedster. , la b.H af 'shape, soma extras. . Tires almost ; r - aewv .,' I . 1923 Maxwell Sedaa, New psi at, front and rear bumpers, seat covers. Ma- - tar O, X. ... ..- ..... -. 1923 Stadebaker Special '8lxr" Tonrinr. This ear is la the beat at shape. i toss of exirs. -j ires saw. 1 024 Willys-Knight Sedaa. Duce pslnt. hampers, balleoa tires, A real good ear cheap. .-.-; " Ford Coape Cheap. .-. ; '. NOW ON DI8PLAY ' . Commander Regal Sedaa and Dictator 8edsn. ' v- Stadebaker aad Ertkina Dealers Marion Auto "Co:. " ta7 rm'1. - : f ' Tbone 862. By Ed WKeeliLn DCMT T5-rXfC?JS( a-s ..- It-.i. t . I 1 TTEcamT eel A' - FAR OFF-; , , tfk JELL'CET IMj ''" i ' , - - ' in i i ..a - . . i - - - i i USED CARS FOR 8 ALE - 7: Tl 4 -J I! c k!s. J Telephone 311 Sell Used Cars T. 1 MCKAYS FOR FORD Touring FORD Coupe . . USED CARS 1923 9125 19SI - ISO 1923 1924 CHKV. Tauringi CHiV. Touriag 17. 1 95 FU&P Toariag 200 1926 FORD Touriag Balloons) 30O 1925 CHEV. Coupe (New tires-fiw- 495 IHfcV. BtOtn 5U5 ' 1 i TRUCKS ' FORD Truck, hew rubber, cab-stake body .........-..j 225 j DOUGLAS MoKAY CHEV. CO. 487 Cantor St. V - Phone 745 See: These First 1923 Ford A-Door Seda.. .8225 ..3225 ..$185 ..8SOO 1024 Overlsad Touring ., v rorq tioaasier . 1929 Overland Sedaa J 926 Essex Coach $50O 1926 Chevrolet Coach .$535 Newton Motor Co. - Hudsaa-EsMz Dealers I I Oattna Mn.ratets GRAIN-1-' r ,-: ". - . "';, V No. I. wheal, white : 91.13 Red wheat, .sacked ..... 91.11 Oats.' tr ba. millit-g .9 .46 ., PORK, MUTTON . AXJ) BEEF Top hog , . $11.50 Sows -i. .w. O6H0.OT ; Top steer ...oar.07H Cows .3.05Vn 1927 lamb, under 66 Iba Top liv . real , .11 .12 .15 messed plft POULTRY fvigbt t-en .13 .20 - Henv" 1ea : Spring -i-. .I2tf.l3 " Roosters .... ..18Q.20 EGOS, BtXTTER, BTJTTERFAT Standards , , .8 " Pound : .1S- Butterfat . , .45 Prrnt; batter -. , 48Q.4T VEGETABLES Beets, sacked Oniont. Aes, , bueeb .03 ; iv ew eaoosge . New Potatoes .03 .03 Celery, . bunchee .90 C 1.25 Local lettuce . Local ' spinach 1.50O1.75 O- -o - n cj 8. (AD. f LIVESTOCK PORTLAND. -Ore.. Oi-t. Cattle and calve- steady ; receipt, aa cattle., Sm . u a oai 1..:... eight, - for -week- 165; 1 Receipt, calvea for week '303. Steers 900-1100 pounds, good., 8.50O.O0:: i,tto a 100-1300 pound. gdod! 2 8.5J9.DOf --difte medium 80O pounds "af np :.7.70-6rv-&O;"rditto eommom w.wvu. i.f. . toll V. 1 r I tS', ditto fed calvea aad year- lines 750-91& nounda rood 0.00(2 6.50 t heifert good"- 7.33 W. 25: ditto cum mom to raedinm..L0O7.25: caws good 6.75 7.25;- ditta common to medium 5.00 (.i" 6.15; ditto lew cutters to. cutters 2.50 fr ' 5.00- bulls, yesrliags excepted, best, goo A.7506.25; ditto -cutters and .mediuaa -4.50iJj5.T6; : calves 60O -pound down, tnadiusn t choice 7.50 (S lO.fcOl ditto eullst to common 5.50 Q 7.50: vealerg, milk fed, good to choice ) 10.50 (J 12.50; ditto me dium 9.00 10.50: ditto eulla to commxta 6.06. :. U .....-!.'." ; ; Hog steady; receipts none, :for week 5,985. - ! Heavyweight i 350-350 pounds medium to -hoiee l0.00 10.50;. medium weight 200-360 pounds,' medium to choice 10.65ll.15i l light j weight 160-20 pounds,'-mediant to choice: 10.75 W 11.25; light 'lights '180-160 pounds, medium to choice, lp.50 11.15; packing bogs, rough and smooth ' 7.00 9.00;' slsughter piit 90-180 pounds', medium to choice 10.60 11 M0- feeder nd stocker pige- 70-13U pound, medium to choice 11.00(11.55.. : (8oft'fr oily hogs sad roting pigs excluded A ia above quotstions.) Sheep and lambs steady; receipts sheep 1,585 . on 'contract; receipts, for week. 4.155.. Lamb. 84 pounds dowa, good to ' ehotee .10.50 (2 11.50 r ditto medium 6Z poaadi down 9.50(10.30: ditto culls to common. all ,j. weight-1 7.00 Gi 9.50; year ling wether, 110 pound down, medium to , choice 7.00 8.50 : ewes 120 poundw dowa. medium ta Choice 5.0006.50; dit to wiedivn; to choice 120-150 pound 4.00 05.00; -ditto culls to common, all weight! 8.000 4.00. ... PRODUCE PORTLAND. Ore., Oct. 8. (AP. . Bid to farmer? - ' MUkateady; raw milk f4 82.4 S c1.'; fob,' Portland; -butterf at 45o fob Portlandr.4 j Poaltry-steady; besvy hen 21022c; light 14c: sprmrs 20(jS4; broiler 206V 24e; ' pekin white duck - 22c; colored Bominat;Murkrva alive nominal. . Onions' statu y; local 75Q80c: pot.itoe stoady.31J5(1.6S ssck. , '. PORTLAND SRACr IVmTLND. Ore.. Oct. 8. API. Wheat bidr BBB bard white Oct. 1.2., Nov. 1.2i hard white, B. R.. Basrt Oct., Nov.-1.2flf: federation." soft white, west ern, whits Oct. 1.24 W;' Nor. 1.25; bif winter Oet Vav. . 1.25; northern tpria; Oct. Kov. 1.34; western red Oct., Ko 1.73. . i-:f v-jK' OaJ. ?fe.'?. 36 pnnad W. F, and rar Oct.. Nov.- 937. , f , Barley; Na. i 8, 43 ' pound B. 4, Oct.. No. 93.;.. i , . .. ,v Cora. Na. t. E. T. shipment Oc. 41,2.-.. - M illrun,- alandard Oet, Nov. 7. ; , : .. -!." - :-'-''-; hjy' ' Portland; ore., o . ( api . Hsv bnviar price r Et'Tti Or.gnn tim othy 920621; ditto vp.fley 9 10.50 Ci 1 7 ; cheat 914.50; alfalfa 3,7; oet 1 sv lr 3.50: straw 9T per bn.i . Sell ng pri. . 92 a ton more. ,.-... , ,.- .....- -: - I ClilCACO CRAI miCAoo, ocu,h. (fv).- woh-1 ifh grade Wheat la Winnipeg teiortcJ a conHrsnding a 'premium of ,'ETVtc for i -mediate 1 doiivery,. the wheat market !--velooed 'an advancing tendency tixiiir. Further advices ef rain n-j . snow like! ta io'pede . Cunsdiin.' threalaing and t eooil the quality of wheat ,ware at han.l. Cloainr auotittions.' here on wheat rt r firm H tf , c ;act higher, fynnt was n rhincd to S-He.-pp and oat at 1-8 to advsnce. , ;r . - . . m ;'. 1 ' l .r 1 a i 1 Detrx:i3' wealthy st lasts ihaTa furr- named it IL" i- 1 rf l., I ax.aeaMe'-ef- - V x.iA8 ,MA44aM4 TTTTTTT!!TTTM(' r,""'v 's -1 jgjr-"V -.f"nr'-ee',ery-rrff-rrrrxrx , & m m it .1 a..'aaae.aaoaa4a.