The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 07, 1927, Page 5, Image 5

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Celebrating the ;
Owl Drug CoV
35th Anniversary
Continues Today and Saturday
I Pound of Filson's Chocolates Given Away
with purchase of $U or more of Owl Products
J. H. W1LLETT OWL AGENCY, 405 State, Corner State
"Dranks", Flaed ,
George Kennedy and a man giv
ing; the nama'ot John - Doe . were
fined S5& and $10 respectirely
yeeterdajr , in police rcourt for be
ing drunk and otherwise making
themselres a nuisance.
Heal China Tea Pots
Regular fl.Otr Talne 45c Fri
day and Saturday only. Giese
Povers. . "
Mrmfrrlns and Iloari Coats
Butterfly Linen Shoppe.
A Treat for Ladlew
At Perry's Drug Store. A beau
ty teacher from the Krank school
of beauty St. Paul. Minn., will
give you a free facial or scalp
treatment. Call for appointment
To Build New .Homes
Helen W. Plank was granted a
permit yesterday to construct a
one story dwelling at 1130 Fir
street at a cost of $2500. Clinton
O. Pitney will build a new home
at 2277 Claude street at a cost
of $1500. r Mary Woodruff was
granted permission to make alter
ations on a house at 1370 Norway
to -cost $300.
14retock S
: S. A. basar Saturday.
Cmtor Street Corner i
A buy for $13,000. Fair present
returm and suitable- Service Sta
tion or Stores. LOTS of Front
ape. Becke & Hendricks. 180
X. High street. V , v .
th.e local . weather observer. The
heaviest rainfall fell during the
24 hour period ending-on the ere
ning of the 27th. During this
time 1.24 inches of precipitation
was recorded.'1 .
TLlndy Boys
Dance band at Hazel Green
Saturday night.
Iron Two Rare Kinds '
Pep up that ' slugtsgh blood
stream with new red corpuscles
onf of ' the valuable properties
contained in soluble form in Pa
cific Health-Ore. '
Two Black Crow Records
Just received another ' large
large i shipment of Two Black
Crows records- number 3 and 4,
Geo. C. Will. 432 State.
Graham Fined $30
Kenneth Graham. Portland at
torney, who wa caught with a
small quantity of moonshine booze
on the Liberty road Just south of
the city limits Wednesday nignt.
was fined $50 in justice court
yesterday. One of his associates,
P. F. Plurad. also of Portland, re
ceived a like fine.
Famous Lake Lnblfch - "
Famous Lake Labish onto and
Carrots at Salvation Army Bazaar
Saturday. -
Rate Order Changed 1 -
The public service commission
Thursday issued an order elimin
ating asbestos or silica sand from
a previous order which reduced
materially the freight charges on
materials used for road construc
tion. The railroad companies
contended that asbestos or silica
sand should take a higher rate
than sand, , gravel . and crushed
-rock. ' ..'' " ..
AlkJres Dancing
School. Phone IJ8O7J. ,
' - - - - - -
OW Time Dance .
Crystal Gardens every Saturday
night at 8:30. - - -
Defendant Wins ,i
The Business Men's- Adjustment
company failed .to . secure a ver
dict against Clayton WJ Jones and
Charlotte Jones when the " case
was tried in circuit court here
yesterday. The company was su
ing on an account amounting : to
$895.22, with Interest dating from
April, 1925. i
8 Oregon Pulp and Paper Co
... Preferred. Limited amount for
sale. Hawkins and Roberts. Phone
-1427... .:, . .:i;eA-Z
Real China Tea Pots.,
Regular $1.00 value 45e Fri
day; and Saturday -only. Gleee-
Powers. ' 1
Nearly 4 ' Inch Rain m ' -' ,
. A -total of 3.91 inches of pre
cf pitation fell here during the
month of September, according to
a report made public yesterday by
Hear the New Zenith
Hear the new Zenith all elec
tric radio before 'you buy any
radio.- Easy terms. Salem Music
CO., 355 N. Hlgn fir -
Had Brass Knuckles-
Joe Solomon, arrested Wednes
day night for being Intoxicated,
was found to have brass knuckles
concealed on, his person. He was
bound over to the Marlon county
rrand iurv yesterday by Justice
Small on a charge of carrying
concealed weapons.
Bridge and Hand Embroidered
Luncheon sets. Butterny taneu
letter admitting his guilt and en
closing a one-dollar bill to pay the
penalty, adding, however, "If this
pay the bill.
hold . the
i if
ubv; o k yu
We liave a 1920 Overland 2
door sedan wltli 70 nevr rub
ber, several extras, finish and
upbolfttering In fine condition.
Tbis'is'a fine running rar and
Is well worth $450, Our prl-e
la 375.00.
s,lrf" 1 . 1 I'll J
m u u& i
The House That Service Bafif
erican revolution to be held at
Saratoga, N. Y today and tomor
row. Adjutant General Wite is
in iha unit' w ovt l fl con f er
with federal officials at Washing-
ton before returning to uregon.
$50 Portable Victrola ,
S50 Portable Vlctrola. 25
Terms $1 down and $1 a week.
Salem Music Co., 355 N. High
1 0,000 Ordinance Men Pres
ent as Firing Demonstra
tion at Meeting
shore. I Army officials claim that
this new ? model ' of the- weapon,
though not equal to the -range of
Germany's so-called "Big Bertha
used in the World war,: is more
powerful and destructive than the
German gun which startled . the
world tea years ago. . v ! ? : '
Wartime maneuvering of - the
various branches of the service
was vividly portrayed in detail.
Tractors and tanks of every de
scription and weight participated
in a sham-attack upon an "enemy"
stronghold. . . .
Intervention Asked
Charles Hardy of Springfield
has filed with- the public service
commission here "a request to in
tervene in proceedings launched
by the state highway department
looking to the elimination of a
grade crossing. The .beajrang
will be held at Springfield. ,
Grand Opening Domes ;
Grand opening Domes new Pa
vilion one half mile east ; McCoy
Saturday night, October eighth.
Be there.
Box in? Armory Are:
Bigre-match fight. ; No raise
in, prices. Ted Fox of Salem vs.
Billie Leonard f Portland. Spe
cial Event, Al Sharp of-Salem vs.
Earl Morrison of Portland. 28
Hounds of boxing.
Parked too Iyng
Among -those who
fines for Darkine. were A. C.
Bohrnstedt, C. C, Haytjer, Richard
Slade, RoyC. Harding and West
ern Auto Supply comftany. I ' -
Dance Every Saturday Night
Kents Hall. Special music 2
miles, north of Independence
on Salem Independence highway.
Big Masquerade Ball HalooWeen.
Beautlf nl Baby Grand
Beautiful Baby Grand Piano for
the balance due. You Jtist con
tinue to make the payments. Sa
lem Music Co., 355 N. High St--
'A la Salvation Army bazar. Sat
nrdayv , s .
Williamson to Build
John Williamson, called by
many of his 'friends, the "mayor"
of the' Holly wood district in north
Salem, took out two more build
ing permits yesterday to construct
two houses, one at 2140 Myrtle
street' and the other at 2130 Myr
tle. Mr. Williamson is laying
plans for a lot more building in
that neighborhood.
See the New
See the new Gulbransen Grands,
the most beautiful grand piano
made. Your present piano accep
ted as first payment.- Balance
easy terms. Salem Music Co.. 355
N. High St. .
Twn Wnrt In rtolllsto
Weslie, Kleinke. 1110 Center
street, reported to the police last
night that while driving across
the intersection of High and Mis
sion streets,, he collided with a
car driven by Jim Linn, whose
address he gave as the Marion ho
tel, resulting in a skinned leg for
himself and a bruised j hip for
George Douglas, who was tiding
with hl'm. Douglas' address was
given as 2290 South Commercial.
' ' i I"
Dance to the Pythian
Dance to the Pythian kings Ken
Boyl-and his golden glow tfanee
band Domes new pavijioni Satur
day night. October eighth. S. ,
Some Contractor of Small Ho"7
Three small lots for 1600 cash.
T9vinp- and bonded. Three Ab
stracts. You will take this if you
see. Becks & Hendricks. 189 .
Hign street. -
GROUND. Md., Oct. 6. (AP)
Thousands of American citizens
and , manufacturers watched the
army demonstrate its modern
weapons which they will be called
UDon to construct and man in
time of war. . ' ,
They were i members of th
army - ordnance association aoi
live and reserve officers, heads of
machine manufacturing compan
ies and civilians interested in
American preparedness. Ten thou
sand of them came-' for their ninth
annual meeting, here to see the
war equipment.
Powder smoke covered this
reservation of 3 5, 006 acres,
tljrouhout the. day and into the
night. Guns more powerful than
those used in the World war
belched fire. Onlookers continu
ally held their ears. A battle was
being staged but the muzzles of
the huge weapons were directed
into the waters of the Chespeake
or upon the open spaces of the
Dwight Davis, secretary of war,
and Curtis D. Wilbur, secretary
of the navy, witnessed the dem
onstration conducted by nine
branches of the army. These of
flclals and John R. Sargent.
United State attorney, general.
Hanford MacNider, assistant sec
retary of war. T. R. Robinson, as
sistant secretary of the navy and
other staff officers of the army
and navy flanked the sidelines.:,
The roar .of the guns, the zin
zip-zip of the machine guns and
the blast of bombs released from
airplanes made these directors of
the nation's ' defense realize they
would be targets if the guns were
in possssion of the enemy
'The "main front", of the reser
vation; was ia action and the re
ports of the guns echoed through
qut this country' settlement about
30 miles from . Balimore. The
demonstrations followed in quick
succession and when the program
cnanged from the "main front'
to the aviation field, some miles
distant, special railroad cars car
ned the visitors.
The most spectacular feature of
the exhibition was the firing of
anti-aircraft gun which brought
aown targets, Inflated cloth
bags -towed by airplanes at an
altitude of two miles. The guns
were equipped with instruments
which detected the position of the
moving airplanes by sound waves
The nation's largest weapon a
lb-inch coastal defense ' gun
wnicn, rrom its position here
could destroy Baltimore city, with
a snort time. riiRniavH itc
A Treat for Ladles -
At Perry's Drug Store. A beau
ty teacher from the Krank school
of beauty St. Paul, Minn., will
give you a free facial or scalp
treatment. Call for appointment
Order In Willos Case ,
An order was yesteraay signeu
rMroutt J ud fa Percy R. Kelly
.n.4fir tuft each ta the three
- - -
physicians who examined James
Willos, convict, as to his sanity.
The three physicians are Dr. S. B
Joseph!. Dr. l. unuiw.
Dr. J, H. Robnett.
X7sa liava a Wfktl derful ' Soanlsh
"lstyla bungalow bollow tile
consirucwuu - i
the very best work oi construc
tion all through. hardwood
thit is a
iiojr n i"vv .
work of art and a basement
that's different wttn a rea
man's den with a iirepiac i
Its own. This plaeo is within a
block of the Pacific mgnway
In a choice residential -aecuan
and it's priced at cost ot con
struction only. You couldn t
build it lor less good terms
.too $'6500, :
442 Elate Et fSet
rtilna Tm Vrtta
- n.vnitp tl no value 45c Frl-
day and Saturday only Gleee-
Plant Hollyhocks Now .
: rhfttter's Double . Extra large
flowers beautiful colors. Flake's
Petland. 27$ State. V
Wedding licensed - . - r
A wedding license was yester
day Issued from the office of the
county clerk to noya mjw.
and Mildred J. Storts, 20. Both
are residents or nitmwb. .
pnrniture Upbolsered
And repairing. Giese-Powers
Fnrnltnra Co. - -; :
t : ; - .
Need Xarg New Ho . A,
n. ti., all rMdr for von
to move to.! to 8 rooms. Priced
apja t AAA .t Th best con-
struction yon have seen.
ced on reasonaDie leruis.
se Hendricks. xiis
Mrs. N. I. Gamble, xv
a i ?. in lured Wednesday
when a car driven by Tur
ner, 335 S. 14th .street, wuuw
,4w v.. ..'.h wax hacking out
WHO m -
of ber garage at kerf home. She
was taken to the Deaconess hospi
tal for treatment of some minor
Injuries., j
Dollar dinner served 5:45 to s
every evening. !
rniM 'CatKr Jeob
i n RfAvn. local attorney, set
: ' " . T
. nAAiAtit veaterdaV. He act
his own fine. Brown7 found a po
lice tag on his car. He knew ne
was gnflty, I as thecar had r been
.v.-. .imM IriftMn minutes cast
iUBIV , MWD . " - -
tli reguHUoii parking Jimlt. ' He
'scat Tial4 boy orer to Judge
- nkilM conrt. with, a
Elect New Members
Ten members of the freshman
class have been -elected to mem
bership in the Willamette uni
versity cubs. They are LaRaut
LewiSjRaymond Miller., J IJarold
Colgan, Frank Mason, van Bate-
son, Edward Wells, Donald Mid-
dletonVrKenis MarsteriBTT Ralph
Schomp.' and Francis DeHarpport.
Five Loads 16-inch Mill wood
$17.5 0.; - Salem ? ' Transfer' and
Fuel Co.. 395 S. High. TeL 529,
Night 1988.
Iron Two-Rare' Kinds '
Pep up thaC slugisgh . blood
stream with new red corpuscles
one ' of the val uable : properties
contained in soluble form In Pa
cific Health-Ore. ; ; i
General White Appointed -
George" A. White,' adjutant gen
eral has been selected by Gover
nor Patterson to represent i ' the
state of Oregon at the 150th an
niversary celebration of the Am-
Casey! Guaranteed ;!
Money refunded li lt doe not
. nr your casa ;- .jy.,
NELSON M HUNT, Dragglata -Cor.
Court and Liberty , . TsL
6, 8 and 10 cents per yard. Also
buttons, iflmplnx and cleaUsfJ
MUlers - Telephone 117
Call, phcas or writs
XI I II. Coantrclzl ;:K i . Ctai
Another Pioneer Gone-
Mrs. M J McCoy. 86, passed
away yesterd'ay afternoon at her
home. 1075 North CapttolJ She
bad been a resident oi mis section
since 1879.' Death occurred at
4:15 p. m. yesterday. Her 86th
birthday was on Wednesday of
this weelr. lust the dav before she
died. Funeral services are to be
held at 1:30 p. m. Saturday from
the RIgdon mortuary.
TMir Ba on lel Plan
Terms as low as S5 a month.
We have some dandier?. Salem
Music Co.. 355 N. High St
Make Your Own Term"-
Make your own terms EXACT
LY, to any responsible party we
can sell a small COURT Street
home. Total price $3350. 5 plas
tered rooms, bath, hot water.
wood basement, paving, cement
walks, fruit and flowers. Vacant
at 1768 Court Street. Becke &
Distinctly- Correct
Woinenu Girls
John J. Rottle
Expert Shoe Fitters
4ia state st.
power by hurling its projectile 30
miies aown the Chespeake to Love
Point on. Maryland's eastern
A good buy. 57 acres about
five miles out, paved road
all the way, all under cultiva
tion, gqod Cherry or Walnut
land, good location, good spring
on the place. $90 per acre;
easy terms. ' ,
F. L. Wood. Geo. F. Reed
341 State St. '
. 6X38 OTJB. :
Perennial Gardens
On the, Wallace Road J
Telephone 380 512 Stats St.
f Ladies wool dresses cleaned
and 'pressed, $1.00 up. Men's
and Ladles suits cleaaedVand
pressed $1.00. -'
. Over Bnnleln - y I
Rewound and Repaired, vNew or
; Things Electrical
191 South High TsL till
Annual Harvest Festival
" - "Bazaar" --j
. ih 24t State) . f
From. JO . m. to 10 p. m. ;
... .
. s
I :
AH Day Saleof I . ' s "
Exhibit of "Handiwork" by B. D. L. Men of tSate Prison
' ' : ,--". 111 ' "'!" f -'- :;'w
Sold in Quantity or Served With Coffee.
; Program and Auction Sale; 8 p; rh.
Actress Rescued Prom" Junkers
Plane Comes Ahore . .
LISBON; Portugal, Oct. 6
f AP)LillI DiUenz, noted Aus
trian actress, who is a passenger
on the air voyage pf the Junkers
hydro-airplane EM 230 and who
stuck by the ship when it drop
ped into the sea off Santa Crus,
m lomxm tuat she was
"charmed" with the flight thu;
and mea'hs to be the first wo
to cross the Atlantic. ' ;
v The D7I2SO was towed toda
the entrance of the bay of Tai
and then flew to the. naval r
t'on .camp here. - Pilots and
senger were rn rood vpirlta ,
unhurt. Mme. Dlllenz said i
was longing to see New York 1
undertook the Journey from
love of flying. She also wantf
bring; the name of Austria a
before the world.
Aviators must be good poker
players because with; those guys,
the sky's the limit.
At the residence, 1075 Capitol
street; Thursday, October 6, Mrs.
Margaret J. McCoy, age 86 years;
mother of Mrs. Dora .McElhaney of
Salem and L. C McCoy of Los An
geles.! Funeral services Saturday,
October 8, at m, from the
Rigdon Mortuary, Interment in
City View cemetery. , '
' k ' . KIRBY
At the residence, 1310 Capital
street, Thursday, October 0, Mrs.
Nellie M. Klrby, age 72 years;
wife of Alden Kirby; sister of Mts.
Frank 'Mason. Mrs. James Thayer
and Geo. Herring of Mass. Fun
eral announcement later by Rig
don and Son
At the residence. 174 5 Hickorv
street, Wednesday. October 5,
Charles S. Huff, ace 61 vears:
husband of Minnie Huff; father
of Mrs. J. H. Klinger and. Mrs.
Floyd Bacon of Salem; brother of
Samuel Huff of Bralmvrd, Minn,
Funeral services will be held Fri
day, October 7 at 1:30 p. m. from
tbe Rigdon Mortuary. Interment
in Hayesville cemetery. :
In Astoria. Mrs. Jane Olsen.
43 years; wife of Neal Olsen; mo
ther of Delbert and AroMo nisen
of Astoria; daughter of Mr. and
Mrs.-B. F. Robertson of Turner;
sister of Mrs. M. A. Nicely of
Portland. Mrs. Annie Aahfnrri nt
Jefferson. A. E. Robertson of Tur
ner. H. H. Robertson of Salem and
Mrs. A. S. Cameron. The hndv ta
t the Rigdon Mortuary and fun
eral services will be held Friday,
jciooer 7 at Z p. m.. from the
Christian churiSi at Turner. In
terment m.the IO. O. F. Ceme
tery at Turner.
Perfect Funeral Service
For Less
Licensed Lady Mortician
; 770 Cbenekets Street
Telephone 724
J. H. LEONQ. Mgr.
Oar life's work 1 has
been spent In studying
the healing properties
of Chinese harbs and
now dally we relieve
those suffering, from
tonvich. Urer and kid
ney trouble, rheums'
tlim and gall stones,
also disorders of men
and children.
Free Ooassltarloa Call or Writ
Ores. H. a P M.
4 9S suau at, HaIcm. fwsjaa
Aspirin Tablets
fetyr-H.4' rvi J
When Purtest Aspirin,.
Tablets are taken for the
relief of pain, you can
depend on, their quick. ac-? '
tion; they are usually dis
solved within 30 seconds. ;
These tablets" are made
from the highest quality
of pure, true aspirin, j
We i recommend . the purl;
chase of the bottle of 100
, tablets because Puretest
Aspirin- Tablets have so
many usesx that it is wise
to have a supply Bandy.
fO Bottle .
Hr&C of 100
Perry's Drug Store
115 SL Commercial
Business and Professional Women's CIuI
Corner Cheinckets and Liberty Street's.
Cpme and Forget Your Dally Cares.
When Glasses Art
New Location
Dr. C. B. O'NeiD
: Fourth Floor
Tlrst National Bank Building
I Phone SI
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
BsUbllshsd 18CS
General Banking Business
Office Hours from 10 a. m.' to I p. m.
' !
11 11 -
Insure lourseir
agalnst trouble j by using A
Schlitz Malt Syrup
Made in the famous Schlitz way,
giving this fine malt syrup a richer -taste
than any you have ever used, f
Depend upon Schlitz for reliable j
quality. Inere are many uses for ,
oiifffannmrrltr tm. onI 1.1L
, catcly flavored malt syrup f
in vour kitchen, Buv J
Schlitz the best ' V
to be sure
i'i'l' 'its
"?S. V
Long and Short Distance Ianlinj ;
Public and Private Storag
. t , ,:: Fireproof Building . .
Free Delivery to any part of the city -
Quotations on Application
rarmers waireiioiic3
Day Telephone 28 I Night Telephnne
Often you want old photographs
, reproduced, , but , fear entrusting
them to strangers.
Our reputation asaurea the safety and
proper cars of your picture, which we
will copy, enlarge, trams or hand color
at a pries lower than the unknown agent
' can offer. - .
bllca court
. - Y
- vN-sA AAAAV A V" S V
. - . . . . , . f. a . . . , '
L ...... . ....... . . .-.4 W... . V . ,