Ignore Theater . Down to the last "graphic detail,: me name ot Juneau woodone of the mafor enaeneBts orthe World 'war In VhichJ American ttoHiers took part, vu reproduc ed Jn. motion pictures as on of the sequences' of Sfetro-Goldwyn-Mayer'a The 9ir Parade. "shows at Elsinore, today' with John Gil bert as the star.. r ' 'The battle was planned ly gen eral oflceraf ;thf gBecbndtlMTl. slon U.'S. A. and to their rank and file It was both a school of instruction and a review. The newr redrnits learned howtwas dohe.but the Tets !" re-lived t the jffhosettable reality: Several thwiand ; Yanks, most' i. vrhom had -been in the real , Broadway.; i . r . j y r "thint. adTan-ea througH BelleauK. In -whimsical fashion it sets Wood, supported by artillery, air-forth the'st6ry of a JIoTable. ab planes. tank?.- observation bal-l sent-minded. eld character; who is Ioon3, signalmen, engineers. sup-T re-made with a; Croidway imusical ply renrif-e f and div'eion train. Raked ' by machine - gun f it and hatted nowlah-agan.bwexplod-ing amines, I the , boys In, khaki i torjtacd 1; the. t enemy; trenches, cleaned out machine "gun nests, and "mopped-ap-the field of ac tion .' .'. . ' f '.. - . ' , ' .. - - - r - . -;'M ; I '" ' Capitol TlwMter Patrons -tt AesoIaUoQ- Vande-j Tills will find a worth-while bill on the brtards at the, Bllgh'a Qapltol, theater!' Thete 4 - some thing ot0tandig-in erey;aet-for FrfdSTaherirooir and irening," To h?fcMn fnpm ar gwuof m.ore tiaa pOjflOO and to be-.detlar ed the most (perfectly . formed ; of tho group is the distinction won , by M hs ,Piiysical Cultnresoted health and beauty expert, who is headliaed, l!j3s.JPhysical Cnl-: ' tnre,, an eastern.. society -girl;- wasj refently , selected ey Bernard Mc Fsdden ' aa the most . perfectly Vormed woman in the conn try nl since that time sb has jeep mak ing a tour of the Vountry Ja: vau 'devillo reveallnr her secrets of health nd-Jbeauty to the women- in the'.Hties where she is appearing. On the stige ehe ges-; startling exhibition of, f ,gym2alf!ds- ni ;acfobatlcs 'displaying the' results of perfect . training and, -physical vigor. - , . ; . - ; y j "An Electric1 Revue" a scien tific demonstration. - educational as4, well as nerta.ralng. : t is offered by Irene Parks and com pany. ; Recent r press dispatches state that a aciepttet. ef-'Norway has' offered jjto submit hlmelfto the electric iThairJn." order improve ; his" contention that the' volts pass; 1gTBlfoigh r-perr-i4r are not necessarily faUU Miss Parks ; a"as already proved this to be a fact as she ? allows one million vplt of electricity ojxass through bcr uody. ;s i'-y. ';- X:' .A -trio, of .southern , boys, the lason-Dlxon TrioP wili be heard in a group-Of songsThey accom pany themselves) on thef banjo and guitar. ICacfT ot the boys has an eptlo3tIn.ofc all times."; r :.- ! " ":!'' ; Wanda Ludlow -and . Fred Wright will be see in a eomedy skit written by Eugena - Conraa, titled "Hold i the Onion. r - Miss Ludlow, is cast in the role of .a .modern day i flapper who meets with an old gray-haired aan with siielk Ideas. The act' is vrepletQ with , humorous . situations and wnyinK. and can be. counted on for u flock of good laughs., . .-, ; ; c.'Ther J8 Bffal comedy, farorlles. CJene Dover and -Connie Soltan will present SSon and;'Danca .ftits if t927." T"heir songs are., the Residence Loans .. .6;' V - Straight or Monthly Payment . i HAWKINS RoMiFtTS, INC, AAA:, - 20S Otegon JSldg. - tp. j , . !' - - - "-i;:- -.-y. 4-'.:--- I rr--aft'- -t ' ' i - J- 'SBBSBWMBlBBBBSBBBsasWMBMBBSBBSBSB 4 " : ' i ' - ALUMINUM ..... . .niCTAilC, -?. w . c. a l. PAi;TssTo;.ziiiCs I'omer Wiry and LlUrty . Telephone CC3 latest of the. popular claasifiea- tioa rendered In harmony. They are also excellent dancers aod not the smallest part of their act is made up of offerings, in. .'this line, , .-. i i '- i '. .i ; ... ran Thfary, ' 'YVhat 'Happened,, to' PatherV' directed by John O. Adolf I and with an all-star ' cast including Warner Oland. Flobelle Fair banks." William Demaregt.v Vera Lewis, John MHJan, Cathleen Cal houn, Hugh Allan, and Jean Lef ferty is a sprightly.; good-natured comedy of the adventures of a 'se date; but willing old family man who "'suddenly " finds "himself a Ptiest at a back-etagej party along comedy troupe. :,Theee include .an undrces rehearsal, a gay celebration-party, :a raid, a; ride in the patrol waeons. a night behind the bars, and a, thrilling race against time to sate his daughter f rpm marrying the wrong man. . f "What Happened ; to Fatheris ronxlnj; to the Grand Theater, next Saturday .for,. a" run of Jtwo days. Matinee Satnrday, -; ' - . , . ." I ' I .1-;.. i- ' Oregon Theater ; , ' i Marion. Jackson.' author and adapter of ."The Red Raiders." the -current attraction" at the Ore gon .Iheate, - based ' her . story on the5; tnost .unfamiliar happenings of the White Invasion into the Indian'terrijory of the northwest. Choosing the -territory known as "the- Indian hotbed, and made memorable by the brave stand of Custer. ,Mir Jackson . probed far nto the pages of,lhistory:to gain facts fer her thrilling adventure tale. - y; W ... .-.irf ." . While s Montana,1; the : locale of the story. was not? the first to be Invaded bytt the , white 'settler, it was : this territory" where the fierces tbattles - raged and i where the government succeeded in per suading the Indians. to peace, and settlement in-reservations.. -LMiss; Jackson is r close student of the' early"' history of -the west, and as .wyl.tlen"contless - tales, of its adventures and, rpmanee.v ,'The i, ed Raiders,' J?roduced by the CbarJesH:"Ej?ier8 co'mpanv," for First. National, marks the first of the second series with the pop ular western, st'ar Ken - Maynard. ia- the UrrinwoJef Su pnorUng. him'Tare Ann 1?rew,tPaul Hurst; Ton ' Bay; f .vP,--McGoaJi Harry Shtttapr. Haf -'i5aiterTnd! ; " Chief Yowiacherj';; JOHNSON HEIRS SEEK -; ESTATE OF BROTHER (Contlou.ed from Page One) jZ, marked attention 'toward hini, eventually working, upon ihis feel- factrtcfi.'rM add by other means. and that if the deceased 1 made a will at all in Jacob's favor it was by reason -of these wrongful acts that he was Induced to do io - '.. Jt A, - -j .----r - --j. - r In 19 yearr-baseball -Catcher Ralph; Perkins of Philadelphia was inrt only once-, -t When, you con sider the fact that Athletic, tans saw their team in last place for eight years, tnat ' doesn't seem possible. " i j rj-i' Vf- .The dope sheet paid our horse would; win by a, whisker. The dog gone nag mst "have; shaved Just GLASSES FITTED . I? . ... Tcn'i Ycafs. j Practice in ; rr:T Salem i ; r rr ' .Phone C25 Dr. 1- R. Burdctlc Optornctmt "t : ."-A 1 t V j' --- -v . ; , ' ; THE OREGON "STATESMAN, S ALEM; OREGON. STARTING : f $- , -?; If , C ' v I ... . . . JM t. 1JLC-J - '1 i ii iii i i '"-"-' ' " " ' ' -'tnMriinMiJ KARL DANE AND T0M.0BRIEN TTHE BIG-.PARADE, OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC FIRST TIME AT POPULAR ADMISSSION MOSTlPOIlWif ; lira ikst Third ..Vote Period Closes 'Saturday; It Is Time of V Biggest Votes : .HOXORjROIiL TOHAY , ilovrard KMJutt, Xo. 1 Ralph Kyro, Xo. 2 : Kdmnnd .Weisner, No. 3 (by Radio Contest Editor. Saturdaytnlgbt should be one of the biggest nights of all, as the second -vote period comes to a close,, and aa-you go along the; votes-decreasev - After Saturday ; night yon will not , be able to get as many votes ae you are 'now get- ,:-:2:AAAi- ? i - A Yesterday there -was I continued activity all along jthe line, more people having4 Voted , than in the previous day. There is a new lead ar in the contest today. Don't forgetlthat for every $7 worth bf 'subscTiptlons you secure piis weSj, you secure a coupon good-fdrr.r 25,000 'extra votes. You ire entitled to as many of these axtra coupons as you can secure. It ie" very -simple to understand. Turn In 'your subscriptions Just as you secure them We will keep track pf them and issue the extra eoupoTas you hit the $7 mark.; j Everyone in the, contest; should, make plans ; to " capture, just as many of J theseiclub " of fert as he possibly can, for that will play a rery important factor in the win- aias . .oi.-. the. .Valuable prizes at 4ha $Io3e pt thej-contest o.n Octo ber .22. .. V ; i Every day until the cfose of the test," I 'am, going, to. ran the Honor Royiaiid the name-'of the "iandidates who secure; the mos money 'daily will be placed onit Be sure to get on this Honor Ron at least jonce during the; week, foi it "means much tot you., The peo ple whof turn, to the most money on subscriptions vWlll be tho peo4 - TWtHpriropCvslsstw . aslTLr'', "' ) cial Caataw of" tbht aplendi4 sSS- , . -J" "aryZ fcastlw U does tha baatias. . 'flA ' ' ' AmrAjnS ' 1, .. I, A "... U Cjk ; Sjl ''' A AA'yA V : " Muminuni 4-titR)tT?oiast Kettle Special Sale also- ..spcciaUy : pneed I . 'I .Tf ' M-T X .1 . 4. , - ! II i I ..''II'. .1 ? TODAY AT, THEsgjSJNpRE , - v. . r. : i . , r: . .-. ; " '" i ' " ... . . i A.: ( ! ple'who will be placed on thetHon or Roll. . . v ' There i3 nothing , hard, to un derstand . aboiut the .Honor' Roll. Just go ahead and do your level1 hU and if at the end of each' day you have turned in the most money 09 subscriptionjs, you will go on the Honor Roll the next morning i4 "This special vote offer is one of the greatest, opportunities of the whole contest, so every candi date should make every ettort to take fullest advantage of it. ; Remember if closeSatuxday at 6 p. m. and will never be repeat ed. ; ' ' ;' i: ' STATISMAN EADIO CONTEST IXST or CAJTDIDA.TES j . OCT. 6, 1927 - .!-' Sme ! AltrMB VnlP Howmrd Adm, R. 2, Bos 80 89.200 Vera Adams, 23fi 8; J 8 43.00O rl Arhjirt, 517 Capitol.. 66,51:5 C. E.TAllnbr. 11. 1. Bi. 4B. Tnrsrr ! .;.".-... 48.80 Jimei 6elt 1040 Norway... 1 !9.n'-5 Walter Bodyfelt. R. 4.-B. 13 A t9.223 Hemsr Brawn. 2205. Laarl.. 5tf.ttul fonaM Cannon. R. 4. Bx 124 S.000 Geo. Causey. 1016 N. 20th 267, 5.W Kenneth Coffey, 1353 Marion 155,250 Robert Connell. 975 front. West Salem, 132:275 S. Ielaywood, 1 Anto Park ' ,475 Alfred Dnwas. 880 N. 2lst... 97,250 Warren Kiaonfeimndt, R. .2, Bo 90 .. -s.ns Albart EMer. Monrao'nth, Ore. lrts.OSS Howard Elliott. 1444 Center ... 273.10O Ralph Ejrr. 870 V. 17th ... .... 268,025 CHaren-e Fart. 130 D... 265,675 Alfred French, Route 4 66.025 Mis Hernii Go-loey. 375 N. , . i4ih 14650 Lawrence Almont Orime 13 "3 . mr . 21,275 Bert . Ualneth, 1505. te...... 257,100 Wilbur Harmes, 1910 N. Sura. mar' V. li-a-i. 278.000 Glen Hmrdman, 614 S. 21st. .. 354.725 John JIanKen, Roote 1. V. ood- bnrn. Oreeoal ..... i fi.,27S Boaald Hewitt. 1311 X. 4UrU.. Walter Kierer. 1MO S(in 101.47 Kenneth Lewis. J4C9 le 270,600 Robert I.onr, 260 S. Cottaee 272,450 Floyd Maddy, R. 3, Box 106 201,675 Byron Manis, 2995- 0 177,375 ueon Miekvntiajit. 1295 S. . . 12th ......... 27S.425, Herbert -Aiorley, 793 .17111, . 279,4l83 Me"- Mwrfftrd, 171i ' S. : Chnrrh ..J '. :.. 2S6.fiOO Robert Payne . .204,600 Robert Pickens, 865 . X. 17th 201,42a Willy Pcarcey 2156 South . i Clmreh ... i... . 74,425 Jnhnnie Terrtne, liSH 3J. 17 ..S9l;250 ifarold Perey, 1315 Bhiipinjr 59,000 M Hd red Pt-rs. R. 1. Sublim- ity, Oregon Ronald Rasmus-Ten, 130U Wai- lr-r...r...-j....v - Robert Rarhmage, 613 Market Georpe Self, 870 X. Liberty...-. 4;m Mehnn. 1645 Mission Mason 8hntt. 701 X. 14th... Robert Skewis. 1967 Center.... Eldrm ataet103?j Tnomp- o Robert S. Stalling-, 1140 X. front 1, . laBil Tuews. 275 N. 20.; i Sidney Van Lydegrraf, 12ZZ IE. . Sumnier ;....i;..i..i. ... J78.275 -Trrmrtsi-TMITfili T2).07.T :S3,550l 102.600, 242,8504 68.750 "264325? Q&fyfai$i&, WearrEver! .t. - ALUMINUM.. Cookv-Caiidv bneet :i2anAvide V 'J THUTJSDAY - MOJRTOXG,; OCTOEEn 6,1027 Kf'miin Vadn-y, 431 ' tfe Lorme M. Waliinic, n.. Cot- 20.0 71,400 277.125 '279,900 234,525 109,250 258 J .... T.dfrmndi Weisner. 1072 Union llaxwHl White, 1010 Ook tV'Hpr Wetts. 1431 N.; Cot- tape Chem,f r .'-I w ludmiieud- ente. prtiiB ... . ACCIDENT BLAME LAID :A TO COUNTY; DAMAGES f .(Continued from Page One) against Linn county was tried be fore Crcut' Judge Percy R. Kelly. It was claimed 1n behalf of Halseth that at the time of his accident he sustained a fractured skull, that he was unconscious for about a week following Ae acci1 dent,' and up to the present time he has not fully recovtred and that he has not fully recovered and that ly. JUNKERS PLANE FALLS - INTO SEA ON HOP WEST (Continued from Page One! the D-123G. LISBON, Portugal, 'OcU 5. (AP)rfhe Portuguese admiralty reports that the Jpnkers plane I)-1230 fell into the sea off Santa Cruz. An SOS was received and the. government sent the warship Vaseo da Gama, oneof a small fleet Imanenvering off the coast to aid th flane. which was believed to be letween Cape Mondego and Santa Gruz. - Chess fan faints. He probably lieard they were going to play a dopble-header. LtlST - A... TIMES TODAY. OAAMeV e i On the Stage- Monte and hiM hitrse "Month;" 123 EI Ll I 7 iw AA I 3 Concert to Begin Promptly On Time at Elsinore' Theater October 11 ; There is only one Sousa, and he will he here at the Elsinore Tues-' day October llj Matinee and eve ning." Tain j or shine. This is tho j thirtv-tifth season of Sousa . and j His Band.; Although the March King's fame has been such that he might have sent out other musical . organizations trained and present- ed by! hlmj the only Sousa's Band ! has been ' the ' one with which Sousa himself has appeared- And never; but once in his thirtyfive years on the roads of America has Sousa- been compelled to disap point hia audiences. That was six years ago. when -a fall from a horse made it' necessary for him to cancel his engagements for two weeks. i- . There Is an element of luck, of rourse, in a career which is unin terrupted by illness for so long a period. " But baclt of the luck is thoroughness " of preparation. Sousa's tours are planned two or three years in advance. Railroad experts check train schedules, and arrange for special trains when ever, necessary. The touring man ager take? with him not only an itinerary but full instructions con cerning alternate routes to be followed in. case of railroad wreck, storm or other emergency. And Sousa gets there on time. Even fransfer facilities, when ar ranged for, must be demonstrat ed as more than ample to trans port the band's baggage quickly and with' a margin of safety for emergencies. Sousa is a stickler for prompt ness. Every concert begins at the FRIDAY &k B u I Pi I tmm J S I' W 1 a WLi STARTING SATURDAY MATINEE 2 IV M. t'ontiuuous Sunday Tin; Laugh Riot! - "VRVTR OLAND nosmt imcsavks I WHAT DID HAPPEN ; TO FATHER? ASK DAD HE KNOWS! V 5 WANT- TO LAUGH? i THEN COME CjANYJ SEAT " GRAND THEATRE ! at A ' KIDS! SPECIAL " BIG THEATRE PARTY ? SATURDAY AT 2 P. M. I BRING THIS AD AND 5c -,v. AND HAVE A GOOD " :AAl;- TIME. - . ., ! SAN&llSrVrR&j nn nim rinsn i BAD C DULED R E THLATRE THE YiriST.flME AT V i, kUs u U I 'iT ' ill) t advertised hour and to me min ute. ' Tardiness is the one unfor givable s(n on the part of a bands man. !' - -' Reserved seats are now on sale at the box office of the Elsinore. The date;: for the concert is Tues dayOctober II. - - ! AN ORGAN 1ZATTDN BAPJ D LicitctuntCommaHkt JOHN SOUSA'S ti:k toli; oi.mmksiokatiss i-ifiktu anmvijksauv or j MIt. SOUS.A AS OXIrtTOll . ! f , lWgrara':nsfctiiK '.pt th'fatst.1n'CljiK.Hienl. j f Humorous, Jazz, jMarUal and Vocal Nov Itic. , j j . WH SA'S XKW MAIM'IIFS , i Itidors for the I'Iac I ; lnsitriirjjehtal JJOVISLH QUATKTTK OF SAXOPIIOM1S : ' ' TRIII.K mrTKTTE OF CIniKTS " ' ; j At each performance Mr. Souja I ; est marches ever jwruten, lnciuaingu ine oiars .! ,r - . T :- nnd Stripe's- Forever." --' j - W)IISTS WITH Miss JIarjorie MooI.v Koprajto Miss Vlnifrl UiimbHck, Harp Ilowanl Goulilt'ii, - Xylophone Kdw. J. Heney Saxophojne It. i- Si-hueler, - - - Trombone EISIXOTtE-.MATIXEE & EVENING OCT. 1 1," 1027-ELS1NOKK 3Iatinee Prices ;4st 7 rows, $1.10; balance Of "floor. $1.65; entire inezzan- i ine, $1.65. Balcony: 1st 2 rows, ! next 8 rows; S1.10: $1.G last I rows. 7'5c. - 1 Mall onlers now. Send self.adretwed Msniped envelope . , remitlame toi."THE ELSINORE.'- i THEATRE STARTS TODAY Where the sunburned . d es e r t stretchea into a glorious adventure where bur forefathers gave their lives for the West where hostHe Indians roamed the plain-there3 the 1-caIe for this stirring drama 1 and Ken Maynard, vith Tarzaril his wonderful horse, i re-enacts jscenss so daringly Jso thrilKngly you jwfll cheer him to the"J echo. Don't miss it! '''''''"Www- ' Also Comedy Latest Events Novelties.1 Special; Matinea Saturday 11 o'clock fc the Kiddies. HERE NOW TODAY WHAT A SHOW POPUL Alt PRICES ' r?t?W:AAu 7 A&A ffftf! V41 it srKfcnY; too- fast OAKLAND,' Oct.' 5.-(AP).- Speedy 'Dado, Filipino, Jronr Maa. ila, proved too fast for the veter. an, Fran kle Murray, Philadelphia ctelon, In their : fight pat Oaklanj I auditorium tonight. or too MEN PHILIP SOUSA. -Conductor1 (FEATURES . . i3Iinurola : - 'MaKnn tliaH; Novelties by the I , . ! i SKXTKTTK OF TKini:s will play a selection t the greal- SOUSA'S DAXIl U j Jos. Jlelucit, - -'.- - "lOuplioniuiii Joint' Dolaii, - - - Ckrmt , Williani Tong-", - - - - Cornt-t , Edmund AVall. - - -! - Clarinet Jay C. Sims,' TromlHmc, 7 r ".Evening Prices i 1st' 7 rows $1.65; "balance, off floor, $2.20; ientre mez zanine, .12.20. Balcony: r 1st 2 rows, 52.20; next rows, $1165; last Z rows, $1.10. Milh ; those 0SE5S NONE BIGGER : 'AND HIS ,' ' rs.'-ryfe -or - Li v.. - 4A .4jfci .