4 - r . mt .- s. , 1 .uy.ti i s 4.1 , V- s.. - ft --' W w L.Min city, v t . AP Ecrear 1 6 how yea low to . get ZV -a Slmmor. J.-id, fpnr at. i . J " Mnt widow. 1 r ...s ihe.i.bcK.ir of Jo2v.iJ.an; . i the VilteJ 'State district: court1 Lere to "ar. The -woman opened fire fc ho eerpduto tbe,rf!rum In liii court room,; and missed. v ".Vten,the Judge turned-he fell C r the -steps - Rushing tbthe cf the. bencK!?fY. oraan stood c.r Hi end fired toar shots,, all ! - ..Is took effect, At the jios j -1 It vas -stated that -while the I. . - are'er3U3 linditipij la not ' consideTt 1 , danger suS jbb J, i cQinplkaXi&a-ani ..shbekse; hi age, develop, ?, Judge Jofca soa' la" past ? Clears. AtVv : ..icons : was everpower- ed aad takea toUhj-ounty, iau ' ere-'ahe W Iwlftjf 04 .wftbpaf tl rg'. pending tW catcomepf J i .',-; Johnson's .rlnjtjrles.: She lii i , steisifaaly efnse4(-;toi talk. .V"t & statement found tt her ijnt by . depart mantlet y justice rents dtecloeed Uatshe.beUeed alien had teen gravely, wronged- when JcSge J6hnson dismissed j.t tot 12500 ia 1924, 14 years erter her anfb- lwaakilled-te a tM-!n,aceWK5i. M. r t?.; In- her; TTTltteti- statepien.t,J SP- .jjarently- prepared .setreral;i days a 2 a; Wl Icli - corered 3tsfct ?ong typewritten page,the wpmaa 4-" 6 tlamed.vpo!te4 . feta'tes Senator " Wr.Uara-lL KUg "fat r her fancied wrs.ag, .land TTerTed,io I Judge . Johaswn as-"hard boiled" and too t' J' Jto-troserljC Pte".-?, ' In the ooly ofjifateBietl'r-aa&, We-the shooting she . said she 1-1 sttempted to 7get.;Sepator but tie -h4 gotten. away fro ". ; ( Continued, from, f age One JusIts brourtt here'i'Iro VotaefT cllle estlniatM the loss ' at ti tween - ISO.QCS&OO; a4 ?C5,00ff.' 009. v -.v " C Ely .one be si, that of a 3 an; remained n!deatlfled t.Ut. Tv, stEty persons had been report ad xalsii:g, hawerer.' ; - ', : IuqacKS Today ; - ' j,- '-As single! inquest ;to. cpter.Uke deaths .of all St. Louis; -rictJa was- set for.' tomorrow .-raorningt with the coroner's Jury expected Id tell a torfucctory heariagandr- r. .- a - ttriM( Of 1Plt1ll hf a w-Uk;-ha, elements. J,."; . T,"o plans had been .made. tonight , lor Joint funerals, and since the. -death list was, made npof .men. : a'oiuenV and children in 'COrtjpara-' tlvely-wHely separated; area-with , o intl m ate cen tac t ,s 1 1 " . w as belle- yed each bereaved .finally ,'wouW . alie care of IU dead iin individual ceTt3njoniciwlh tomarrow- .a.nd - SnU day a day f ftnerals and bur is:,. - ' -,y - Excepting for th constant epp- Ter-atlons everywhere about the loly fewuhUng death list, down 'townrSL.LouiaiTirtUfHy'was wlth- ' out a. reminder of the death and leor-" ;wftMn thrte-mlli3-. of the L-i .-i'iIHtrlcti-:Empolea" x f .5 la " E- any conce,rn9 'Were tlilantd ,s mn remained at home to la- ti e debris : for poaseesl cm' or to i..ike hasty Tepaln-j to rr - 's, ,crs and window against the frr-i c,t of .rain; ..y''. Otherwise b.s:nes- wt nt "afonir'yirtuaily as .' ' FltntW.H li-t'rrVrfull'y '' The 'sltuatk.3- see ' M far-'dlf f jrr at froni that of -JL malleT i ausy strner jy aytcrc-aao; T j a' riillarl i:ailat jlos3 jl-'of I . . 'henttrpuyborotlUwasf " '?tateti two and one half year t the TCtire commnnity of !13.- ro-:j was Bombed for days. f1 ! - innene area ot St. Louis t - !Tr-r--of.t!;g' foUt"mlnnts of r; - nJ to ave.;been le.st.ex-' r ' ' ' 1 the reslons immediate - i-r.e-.. 'd. . ftv'tts Th e d e v s t at cd r e gion,- fi o wev er , "1 -ena rf horror ,and--at-Lhe tfrae. u intense activity to: ' r Traffic iato many quarters r i . aed to .bo Hocked of f whUe l it','.: st dxix In ruins, almaxo f " f :.cn .trir!. aa-4 tangled.-pow- - - '-fi ani; -us-rooted trees. f-; '-': I f a 'area, drregu'ar- in -: - 1 : J aryl.:.,r wi ! th, ahow I ; 'j'.-Iy t'.af tLs rxadcf, in v-cSii - tresotrt-ss ; J swath ' ' '1 rnhracDd'-t-.e tiaslte res- r.oier s a. 0 ires , ;, 5 had topt&d', . !.From,' Ltad- .: i z::.:, t ir 1 ,r l jur ; Tpvar.l, a' s ' o . . -nt-p f . ; r!?vc'-"sl t . ' ;;vf -t r -1 f . - '. tt t cf tall an- : 5 ; e Lomos. it t t:cks .to Van- r r-. e : !y the tnos t center f - Kt. i .'.r: a blocks' to r 1 r 4 : J . ' . -t end. tl - 1 irk av. 1 V.'f t f-d..Bjrf;4eJl .alar.- irortH Ninth ar 1 adjoining streets. . 7 'Of' all the damage ine ty-far tne greater seemed to hav occur red not t y the unmeasured, twist- is-", and lifting power of the lor r. - itself, but by the explosions c; .ir inside luildl-'U. IberaselTe e the-twlster passed en 1 created an outbid? Tscnm fato which, the inner air: rushed. , .s . .. .-- JTrqryvbrlck and, Vstoae ftruo tures today exhibited .entire- w alls gonafronv pressure . f romfnsl&e; while jfe-":some .Instances Jagged holes . were tarn as " it e " mlrMJr shell, had been fired through 'from the inside, ?' ; - ' ; In he relallTeJjrl: poorer' ra, rannifJes, wki thelc? xno're J rf structures, howeTer, ihe'full pow er of the twtsUng and lifting; abil ity of the tornado eraa yented.; " .jfli.risy :tractare existed-pfo more - excepting J. as broken ."an'd. twfateji.,piles ef ebris.' f K . ; Ther: were f pitiful rf scenes' -of honsewi res.' bent s -the. Kleaners. fnmble-inthe ialni :yt UielrK. uttle. homes, or. , fujl day; labor of Udjrrng np dpne.;sat disconsol ate on ;f root dapr ta,i pictures of fatter dejectfoa 'l a(J,st the wreckage. V: ' Boards,:; tarpaper, eheots ot. tin I:arclerei7 other noaui;eTr b. f rTer- lug-was. used in fjere,xr-q.Bil pwt ehfwpric, pending "tlni'; iTfxdn thorough, reh'abilltotton,v?,f - ' ! PossiWy th 'saddest "fetory "of thrralh,iflthe! eienwints was ire-- f Wa-tedahrhetf:VeMttera 'trelTt finjclactl dehrts of; the, huge. jpwj,. tralTilgh school on Grand avenue, Juttipposite . , th:aadeTen4ef Fiace; found -thepo1ie . of fire liUte. glrlv Sonre -of rthem were rJnnl down i by steel beams and. a fter -hoars: or digging." acetylene torches had to, be ned before the UPfiies craid Jie released: When the- school tw; strnek hundreds of ( chndren: were endakgered; Imt en- y' lire iiTeti and '18 L ehlldoren 1 were laliired. Sereh school ; pnHdlagaujlltheoe pn pilh were 4b the,-teraado pain. ' ? ; ' :tVlaltorsVt.:Pui8'. I ; A:Throaghot the Tast area of deflation. 8lgJeerJ.hTohged to- aay Tiewigog the damage and wat ching the victim work to restore jorer. Streets already narrowed oy Jmn walls,., -uprooted trees, poles aad , twisted wires.1 ww s.- riaaiiy , they were -denounced by Chfr Heliee qerK ateight- seein? maafacs- ajBdrt-gted td remain ut;of tnediatrlct. Mayor Victor MUlera anneal tor fan da for relief taat ia,readV re- cared for in national guard arm ories and . t etf from f eltf tlteheos placed 1n..erTjca -by: the. Red foea oiaaater $ force. DqWb tew hotels were' tilled to capeptty,. W iBome In stances. f' '..a-XvWsH't' With St JLnalat Uea" forced l,50a.mej fatigneoT by 24 and 3d howra of conecaandatr. -teHef nr them came tonight , when 550 iol- m.o vi iuc ; x.n - s. 'ijjrantry were oroered into the district from Jefferson; barracks. Major Genera "'n -Mm ter, commander of th 3lxt& -orps area.r came from fhi- armr'a"rlif work". 4 . HIR 'WILL IRUJJ EXTRA OATjCOARD'ANrJOUFiCES (Cpnunued; CrprnJge One) nMlnlarn:tBelr,dkpiiyVl- - -" 1 Tee horse show in the afU wnwBvrw be tae.big feature of ;t.uw uos7.,iiorse.oreeierB- ere able Jto hold 'orer mil their1 ahlmaJa fo porabetltlon 'In thU ehow, tbr Oregoa fair . la about Uie last' .r jth5 season oa the coasts v . I. N'CWB Of lhft -fair wnnl : is held, orer was broadcast oxer the entire state-' last Ight py radio, nd papers:' win bear the report to jtheir readers th U Nnornliag jtr ott l?iala r preparing for one ipf the greatest crowchR of the week. I tne ,weather rfnufna fzlr'. 2A :e t; The attendanc figure toVy jtenfay were eincourfigBxi'li5 00 'seopie bald Ihelr t - 1 fcbe-'ga ea; 5 0 6 ore'than attend- ra bsi year. . Tn; receipts eiced f Tabulated flgpres follow: ' this fear: - paid admioas,: this.25; grand tandf $l2ll.0-horge fshow, $8975, I for a fotal of 8 i f T.o 07 Last fear; - paid udmis- ,5i::aat isa.tdiQw iiTS" 00, r The pest weajther tof ilhe jreek free ted ;f fair rsifora yesterday, nd the crowd h4 jutAlr; of' sulety fo terjdeiicsd, he for e. tThs tscea were run of onj a fast track, and tUe people were; hilarious ..at the antics, of the push bait automo tils arrtstsV - I r.-i : rr. New attractions - are being . of fered, today "'which has sheen des ignated as fraternal day. ' Tex Rankla, "noted Portl4;i' aviator. will arrive at the fairgrounds . in the aJ 'ton. At 3 o'c: he will take h.is 'brother .Dick, up Ja the plane, and lhe'two'wtlgitage 4 wing-walking! vexhihUlon; o?r the race track ia ' front ? ef the srahvitai. ' 0 Anather fsjatttreVlilch will fa light1' chflijren ; Jaad grown-ups alike - will, be Uls er ased pig ea'tcL...si cotettt t-.-a far-all chil dren 03 t'. f:ro'.:adtW-The pig has L- 1 wc.l cjled. and 3 t!-e at s..al the one -who vi:i ssti-a :n. h. r . J r - ... f f 1 rn.! .... ill v U. . " ' 1 ' -r atlra-. t' i....- '"S the ' 3 r&-t 3 at ll o '1 '' ificrno . r:- ' - Orer; 15 0.artrcl?9 cf. cooking i efghtfi' katberine" Vaughn, 'flood sinr.-canamrwiti-" taking; po-J tatoes, corn -and gar.:ii products fa VsddlUoai o E'j :red"lirei stock and a rarg n. br of fowls are being "exhitJ. by the "boys' a"nd gJrbT.elwbs of, Oregon at. the state fair this "year ! '.' '' This extensive showing oa the part. of the v boys a- t girls --has brought orer.-56ol.of theni. to the fair and the lateresf - in their rar- ious prpjects!-t.hasx:' beea lot' the gttateat duripg the week.l; Their cxhjbltsare excellent and the com petition in all classes of the keeh ett Tweiity-threes, counties are refresented by team- for judging contest a4y.Teiilliit(a,- 4 $ A partial liit;of-the? winners in some . rjasses waa . announced yes-. terdayas follows :i 1 'X? g 'Lot -1--DiTisiosi' I First,4. Leo rrfandralrTiew.: ? Multnomah ; second, Leonard Hflilsv- Eugen WjtJ&Ugifi : third, mer Har- kins,5 Kugene R. n.j jjane; fourth. Viola :Lerahart; r VToiodr I burn. .Markm isf if thv Porothy KIelnsin$thCanby Clackamas. ; Lot 2--4-UlyJsIon Tb-FksCiJohn Velbest Troutdale : R-2,t Multno- m.f 3 .eecond JBskeJ.v,LageT;s; wma- K-z: Ciatsop tnira, ttooen hderoni; Falrriew H ultnftiah. Lot "3 Division. Ila First.'Vl- mas second dorrine McCey; . Ea- genr.M5R- B-Lane; '4hjr4' Her bert Johnson, Astoria JA-Z ; ' Cat lOrt oatiCh; i Vetlet, 3weeey, Ea gene,Mr -AB.Vt Lan?; fifth El- merHarKins;s Eniejxe'..v 11. B. Jts-XHrifilo Donald McKays Brofiks R-l Mar- lont'TBeccmd, Eldon rOltoit Salein, Ri; Polk t ' third, Glen' Wooten, CorviUlis Tt-4, Br?-5tonj roprth, Npbla Vh6eler, Trent, Lane; fifth. G?orge Gronqnist, 141 Broadway Dri re Portland. t v i - ' ot.5--DrrJsIon 111 First, Lo- rinda4 8toneberit,.Ehgene;ikI.r R- B. Lanei second. Gordon Gatch, Cu- ma Moegnke Beaver iBTeek, Cltck amasij fourth! Seymour Johnston, "BirW3feldrolnmbmflttn Vlr iniai Spapgler , Oregn t City lit-. Clackama4 ' 'i it ' ". .v"J 1 :. ' Lt)t 5-T-Divislon. iV.-r-Fjrst, William Fagate. Waluga Ciacka- mas second StpnewaUjJackjwni AUrarp; Clackamas; third WUiiam Perxia, Oregon ty . R5i Clacka- fljas; Xourth, .pliter Tttty., vm. w R-l j. Lane 4 flUbv iSorman Reid,-Dayton,' TainhiU.-" Vj--' poultry Judging 0Btest ".1 5loS -fFji sVtJiWmwr TJCXlndfr.vBty. 9p'agpiiil,''tea Pan! .BuckneV .QJen j Blair, John Welbes, GreBham;-. second, .Lane. Arnold Collier, county clnb. agent, Eugene; itMrd'TmahipoIJ. 'H. Kennedy, .county cJub 'agentw Til lamook, .team. Mary ', js;ieaa, Marlon; Coates;; Mlgnoqi iBnatofli; third. Marion. Mrs; Mary Fulker- son ceanty ischoot superintendeaii, team.-William Bean . Dorothy Da Rette,f Florence .DuRetM, Salem. Lot 1--First; R61ert. Martin, Rogue River, J Jackson ; aecpnd, .Glea -McPanielri. Wilbur, iDonglas; third,' Volney JEckox 'AdflanrMal- henr; t fourth. Homier J James, Myrtle Oreek. Douglas; fifth. '.BaV tie ' James, Myrtle Creek' Douglas. Lot First, George ;?JMartin, Gervais.: Marion : K aecond, h Oliver Gusfafson Engene, f'ff,;R ;Bv La ne ; ; third, George Cline, Gervr a la : R-l Marldn; fdnrth,V Lloyd llylton. Canby. Claskamas; .fifth, ElmeriGn.fso&;C?'a;eel MJ ' fc- .. ,,CIsi;-atoe ; Lot l-Flrst, Barry Rutherford, Manpin.Waaco; second Wallace Fbater.illnaviile.Crook 1 'third Winnie Foster, Frineyille, Crooki fecrth.vEdwin" ErnesSi, PrtneviHe urooa; iiiin - inm noqiru rnas- ' LotZrFIrftirfj ArbeUeckard, Astoria Clatsop; eecondj Harry Jacoby, Croswell R.t1 Lan6' third, Kenneth. ;.Tayior,SItknm;4 C00S; f qurht AniornsIer!jn,. Gresham R-2. Multnonrah; fifth,; Walter Peters.' Sherwood, .Washington Class 21J3 Vegetable. Gardening r Lot i; First, ;' BUlyf Furrow, Hood RlVer.-Hood RJver second. Adolph -Eenscheldt: x TIamoo'k, Tlllarapok; third, Jerry 4 Short, Klamatfr Falls, llerr.ll Koute, Kla tnath fourth Ralph Hallman, 125 Astor atreet, Portland ; fifth, Bernlce Bonn, Aurora Clackamas. 1 Ciasa 21S-Wpeat iy JI -Firs t,-Augost J aegr;; Sherwood, Clackamas. ;;;t '':f ; . Class C14 -Canning - Lot 'sl-4-Divislm ; 1 -first 'Dor othy Ten,! 224 EL 37th. St., Port land; second, , Etta Jackson. AU' roVa, f Clackamac?; ith?jrd, Kadiact Frost " . iSlilwankle. . Clackamas; f earth, Margaret . Kewlands, ; Gre- si-ra1. R-z. Multfion4ih; Jiftb, f.Borghfld Jcnaionr ICtiippa, iciat sopflxth; Margaret Hohr, Ilood River Ilpod f River;, tif? atH ; Esther- : Davidson Foreii Grove. Washington;'-": eighth." . Elizabeth r. t herf erd,-Maar iar.W asco; ninth TI lESoleira,- lS46.W.-th U L a gene -Lane. : ' i - Let 2-r-riv! l-u II, T'.-. I'lth Joy, -Aahlo.. j, Jg'.'. " . : oM. 1 EiJs- J . . cr- ' : at r ' . :.5 IUvrlldod Riverr ninth, Marga ret (urioich. Forest Grove. Wasb- pton(v - t Jubt 3-DivisionIir, Firstt vMa bel ;E 1 1 on Eugene, Lane, - orch ard at Vatrmounfr second., mien Raad.'liiOO, Peacock" tane, Port land; foTth,i Annal Burnett, Mid land. Klamath; fifth,' Doris Down. 10T2 'E. Taylor. . PortlahdtSlxth. Viola X ilaasen.- Moro,; Sherman; seventhEv4 Foster, Grant; Pass, Josephine;' "ei ghth.-,M elba Kraus, lliisbc. - AVashihglbnt C Ninth. PrisciQa Belgh, Portland ;R-3. Box 797,v Mnltnomah, , i". c . i''-r; Special Premiain lor -' Canning -- IlSiefcaiN..w V- DiTUien irsv aeima; 00- Kem, 1348 : Wv ,tXSt-;tLanei sec ond.;Beth Joy Ashland; J ackaon ; third ; t Hildred A.-Hansen; Moro. "Division ir.Flrst;;Lb.Is 3afley, Eugeae, xM." Ri B.",. Lane; second, MabeHEIdsoh, TEngene",Lane, ori, caaxd at Fairmont third1' Viola Hanten, Moro, nernuuu -: j Lot'l-DJvlsion I, First. Lois Bagel. 1329 E.31J St., Portland; second;, Dorothi;DurenC Klamath Falls. Merr lli Route,- Klamath ; third, FloraWiiiiamsolt Sherl man ; Jour tin IMargaret G ibboxi:. Hood TUter;':HoodRlvefi . Iftth. Neva Hedin, MattplnWaace; sixth Porothy Penn. 224! B.-Syhf St Portland; seventh, JCellaTwldwell, La Grande, Union?" Eighth,; pioise Wyman, -10001-3 Washington. Portland; plnth.f. Ernest Lthrop, Central Point, Jackson. Lot 2 Division?. lL-r-First. Vi ola Hansen. JMoro;',-?herman; aee pn1f,';Helen KirkpaerickzOl Ban croft .AVo., ; Portland j T third, - Get trude,Lee, Grehham. Multnomah; fourth, rya. Sanders.. tCj-esweJI. IneJifth, Ruth? Foster. 4 E. Main SU" Portland;; Sttth." Ttvian Colvin. Aumesville, iMerienr. sev enth. Iris Wallaco.LCresweiLsLane; eighth. - Elta ' Casebeer; ;Cilde, Douglas; ninth, Vivtan.DaVis, E. 33d St.; Portland, i v - r " ; ' Pia 213r CttojLery ; Lot 8 Camp Cookeryir-First Ross f npkm,' Cornelias, gashing ton; second, Ronald'. Hewitt Cor- valllsi Benton 'Iblrd, Donald Coon. Corvallis. Benton; fourth. ";aiarl Ltlea. 505 ; -4th -et., Corvallis, Benton; fifth, ' Jlalph kelson. Woodburn. - Marlon: -sixth-. Joe Aaron, Sheridan, Yamhill ; seventh Arwir;Bennett,. corneuns, vvasa- Ingtoca; eighth,, -illy. Furrow, Hood River;. Hood River; runth. Walter DaVls. HpOd -River, Hood River.- - f ' , '."m: ' v Oasa21--SewIns , X' . '. r. LjU 1 Handwork. First, Pern Lindner, . Hermiston, .Umatinai second, Rachel Buell, Henakton, BtoatUla'; third; . Ruth Holmes, Gresham. R-l; - Umatlllar xoarth Lois Barnard, ,v Hermiston. Uma tilla; fifth Herbert Rex Tadepend enceiPolk;" luth. Dale 5Fortner,1 Portland, Multnomah, r-i, box 834,reeventh, Thelmar rSolelm.J Eugene, Lane, 1346 w. 8tn au,! a a a. i w w . V- l Xane, eignvn, ii?rrKa.rctv . oruw Oaweso, Clackamas? ninth. rMary Potter, Forest Grove Washingf ot 2 -Division J First, Helen Jonderzejowaki, Hermiston, Uma tilla: second. Barbara Dunn. June- tidA City R-2, Lane; third". Flora Hawfley. Clackamas' Clackamas; foiirth,- Dorothy Mortimer, Herm; iesoa, Umatilla: fifth, Sylvia Dea kin, Clackama, Clackamas;, sixth, 'AttM - Ctiin,f ' .i-lTatabnr'- T.lnti . seventh; Elizabeth Rutherford Manpfn, , Wasco; eighth,? Dorothy Burn, V Troatdale," - Multnomah ninth', ;qertrude Smith Staytonl Marion. 5. ' . ,- " . - I v'iiOi 4 uivision i r-irsi, AJ1CS Ingram,'" Maplewood,.- Portland:' secona .Lvc)re owjes, .mountain dale, Washington; -third, Julia Qnlmbyl. Grants Pass," Josephinei fourth, . Lorraine Sparr, Ashland Jackson fifth. Helen Clark. Port land, n-i, uox 3B&,-MultaoiaaJii sixth, 'PrisciBa Deyeo.- Myrtli Point, Cpos; seventh, Alta CosadL Hood Rfjer,, Jlood jUverjr, eighth," Edna waiters, Ontario, .Talheur; ninth - . Bethel Johnston; Birken- feld. Clafsop. ": , W j f ., - Class 21fl 'Sewing ' ! .Lot ;4--Diviaionr:iIL-Firi3., Ill a JoneeV Oregon City Claeka- ed the, fIrt?twoacls of he ibref ais; AcoondlJois Bailey, Eugene,! to. ' - t , 1 . j I mas Ceoltllowt I ; 0rc5c,i7sheatrei 4 1 V .... . . : - -. : . t ... ."vi m;-I"4. Lanerltklrd Alice Stan geL ' Sherwood ; . R-5,- Clack ams: fourth Eftzbeth; -irole. Jennings Lodge. vXcCickamaa?" fifth.. Hen riettaf Frederick Astorix ... Clat sbp;'IathEsther.' Forbes, - Hood River; Tood .'Fjvt-rj- Seventh.; Lu cille s KaF&R9 City, Polk; eighth Mary-pfrrttaiHcW River. jlood Rfret; i Ninth. t iyelyn. " Spencer, Wasco," Sherman ' , ' "r.Lot. : 6 i-Bachelor Sewag. First, Emmett MalneJ Sclo, Linn ; second,' Ryd.Standley; La Grande. Calc; third (Vocrua StlUweH. Til-i-a-info-o-k: FTjllixmoCk; - f parth; Charles xWillisi'ms. Bandon, Coos; fifth, Delos SMn;; Bandoa, Coos. daiw 2f7-Hoine Makiag f. ' Lo 1 Division I, First. Bar bara. Dnnn.V i Junction City, R-2, Lane; second, ? Roth Foster, 1 884 E.-Maiat4? Portland; rthird. Lois Bailey. Eugene.M. Rj.A-,.Lane; fonr:h, Adena JTey., Ashland Jack son;' fifth Mar jbrie. Shearer,', 898 E. Mkin 'SLhPprilapd;- - ' Lot 2 Divistdd ji;Flrst. Dor pthy, Stevens, Ashland, Jackson ; seconl,'. Lorraine Spap-, Aahland, Jackaoa;.? third, MaryRnth Koou Joiictfon City, Liae ' Class 21 Hpme.Bcantiflcatlon L04 iHrsfi Cecdl Thompson, Roosevelt Beach; Lane; second, Mabel Eldson. .Kqgene, iorchard'at Fai. rsi6nf Lane;r third,"Elta Case- ,Bsi TIMa .TlXi,s.l!i.v ' .taase, Sl KabUU Le-Dfvisibn IFrrst Sim Sickafoos,-: Eiigepe J-ane; , aecond, Margaret Wooten, Corvallis R-4, Benten; third; J Maurice.; UhHg. Boring, VRfuRnoaiah; ouTth,' Ar thnrGraf ions, Corvallis, Marion; fifth UberU, Johnson,' Tillamook, Tillamook. ,.,..-.;, Lor 2Divlslpn . II. First. El ton .Ftehback,.-Monmutb. - Polk; second; Sam' f'S.ickafoos;- Eugene, Lane ;., third, t Leo Copeland, - Fair- view; Multnomah; , fourth Gordon Gatch;? Eugenei . M. R. Lane; tithGlprlagay;'Q Gatch, Eugene. M: R ff .'TAne.! i . , Lot "3 Rabbit Judging Contest First' A." D. Collier, county-dub agenti'EJugene.'t-'Lane, team,1Gor- aon jsatcn . i neoaoras u&ica uio riagay; Gateh, Lane; second, TD-! Kirkpartrlck. clab agent, -318 Ore gon' building Portland', team, WarU ren Nash, Henry Schwindf, ' Rapi ert Ceriey.- MA I " , Clase 31S-k-Bae Culture M f Let 1Extr licked Homey, First,9 -Joe , Rogers, .Independence: R-l, Polk; second, Charlee Wion Independence R-l, 'Polk; third; Kenne Blacky Independence R-l j Polk fourth, Mel vln Hansen; Moxe Sherman; fifth, Loweli Stockard, ! Hermiston, Umatilla i fifth, t Seymour Johnson,1 BIrkeh-o cl9 CI4,am J' , . L- 1. , ' ' a at-riwvBiini Kenneth; ' 'Black, .Independence, 1 Polk; sceond, Dorothy ,Mead,vSa-lem.R-2, Polk; third, Maxine Fer gaeon, Salem R-2, Polk; 4 fourth; Eugene Neketta. , Nehalem, Tillamook- fc4 v 4 " i - , . , Clasa 2ls5-Farm Accounting: Clab First. .-' Clarence .A.rney, Tilla mook, TJllamook; eecond- Clifford Ekstrom,- j' iGreshara R-2, MuJt nociah; . tiird, Carl; Ekstrom,' Gresham R-2, 'Multnomah ; fourth; Harold uahi, Troutaaie K-z, Mult nomah i ' ' t - ' - Rabbit; Judging Contest First Lane County Gordon Gatch, ' 2D 5; Theodwas Gatch 325; Gloriagay Gatch, SI Of.- team total, 93Q.. , . Second ----Portland --- ' Warren Nash, 235;THenTy SchwIndt,; 320; Rupert Verier, 220; team; total, 576. ' ht .s - 1 . Famous Cornposer Finds . Compatible Collaborator NEW VYORK; SeptJ3 0 '( AP ) . Deems Taylor. compoierV. rThe -"fKing's; t Henchonan, ' fbr which the poetes&r Edna St. . Yih- ceTrt MUlay iwrate the book,, has discovered anof her, librettist t Jtb neip nim write-.the new American opera commissioned by the Metro politan Opera company .t "I havo found.- Mr. Taylor said to the - Associated Press today. "the miost charming, and compat- ible, 1 the. most accomplished And prudite of collaborators. We.get along splendidly togethjer.1 It Ls! true that I 'fuss and .Say' .-crude things to ; this- collaborator, some times, but It' is ull taken In good grace., .-We irhare 'alreadyconclud- PARIS. SepV. 30." ;(AP)-rThe assertion, that do and horses al- fej are thinking animals and raan jreea,nov iay .a .." popnlarty -admitted - definition, was, discussed by the third Inter- natfbnal coixgresa for Psyctucai Research today.' , ' ' Dr., Karl. Krall, . Munich, .f- tnany argued that all aaimals,. es pecially j dogs, and rborees. t have powers . of, toanpreheasiQa apd ,'ln- terpretattoq rareiy ppretHw their fu.ll Value y their prouier thinking animals men. r - - rr; ; WilJ!elm,;Neamann commujjkaUon on hia rthlniang dogRolL."; intended to prove tele pathla contact, between man and ether- animals,; and emphasixing thethinkldg -.posajbimies . of . the so-called lcrwer animals. . - Gifts of aweets and .carrots witn f , tewjf.in4 rords - dr .one 5pat .on the head are worm more, mw hundred Jgtntl words in bringing; out-wha (hest n "thf mlhd-of dogs end jj?org3H .Dr. ffHrgnld. CROSKEYrVJfBlUE,;. ;;.Rnnorj-FOR!oRjvraG Continhed from Tage.pne) " tif or black piare, owned Jby .Frank McDermSti pf Seattle,' received the blue-ribbon -in the ladies " and gentlemen's ? threergaited ; pairs event, ! competing against- six oth- er' splendid Entries, aad Kitty Be loved, another horse from the sta bles orO'K A. Lauer? in Seattle, won. Cue ..first award in the -five-galted 'marea; entry ;V .-'Tlie two' little black-beauties, jMoma " and . Fjaloma, ,; .wped ,jjby Aaron.' M. Frank of Portland,, were Additional attractions, carrying away the blue ribbon in, the tan dem event.' 1 - ' -.-A drill by 20 girls; members of the; Portland Hnnt club, under the directions of Harry Kerron . con- stifned the closing number of the program. . - .1 ' f1 , .Mrs.. GenieveHoward was the soloist of the, evening, Additional music was furnished by the Amer ican' Leg Jon; band'of Sheridan. : I .The complete list of ribbon-'wln- ners last night ttnelude: . f . : ; u Jvent. I-4Drlving "Competition -'First prize; - McCroskey and White, Qarfjeld, . .Washington; second;" Damascus Milk Company, Portland; thlrdr D. P. Burge,- Al bany; fourth,' HT-W; Merritt Ros- 'aa."WasMirgton; flfth.t Andrew Schab. Sllam. nWmt mM a a . ... 1 SIr,t t.H . ft - T. a oJ im: Bsiccmd, Mrs. Leroy R. Fiel Event 4 Roadsfjra.lAfi-J Firsl prixe, H. M,rKerron,.X3ard f. en - : v.,. -v.. - .::J asvy :r ..v"" ' !:,, ' yf ;"'i . offer of Travel, - ' ! j f . I i ' , i -s. u . -.?:"' . , -?"': t ' ,'!.' --T : - -r ,f- 4 - f j, t s - f ' . ? ! " f ' g -- t " - - f s. 4 -,s , t.i -, rOfferW;iivjPc; " " 1 ,.:;No. Physical Exaniiniajtion Necessarr. K I ?KJ -s,j; , . V. t " fi ,: - j I 1' THis policy. issued tQ. subscribers ;:f "!.- 7 "nrrntti ..!.- h-J . . i issuisjd cby the North1 American ; Acc :lz:i I r, ? u r . thebldclrind-iarfjest urancGcxcit. jr.. il i!ic detail; in ih ' - if The jgpeaker told .of one . of his horses, Hans,' which after a few months. tfrndship M and training could count up to 5. v t fAaimala do' not .begin .to xer else logical,.. thought immediately; bat they.' soon- respond t thoughts tranimlttecj Jthem by- humsna," Dr." Ktali jiald. ; , "Don't expect. an ani mal to anVersft witji you," but k will understand you . -and will make, himself understood." ! I - Dry Neamann said, that h) dog Rolf understands and - aignals with,'; a series ;of - barks so that something resembling -a reasoned eoaversatjou an ; .bj"; carried; on with his master. V. . "Kindness- and mildness must ruleV Dt. , Neumann-.atd. You must ,befetrateH the' very soul'. ef the animal- Once; he reallzes-4.hat you Are iah, .frjendj he willjmanl fenM'ii. many ye markahlo ways. Horses and idogs t-will .understand 4nd translate, nyour . instructions with atoost - phbelievafle a'ceur- 1 v . Home; second, ;Haryey Dick Port land.,,: ' v " . .: Event's-' Tandems --Fjrst prize, .Aaron" Mt ; Prank, 'Portland, Oregon- - ' . Event 6 Ladies?;, and Centle ieai Paira ThTee-gaitedFirst prize Frank McDennbtt.',TSeattl; secoiid, W. 1 1p'Jt Turner, , Portlaad ; third; Mra. C? H. Wheel poft land fouTth'Mrs, Claud D, Starr, Portland,", - . - . -1 JESvent 7-Governcr'' Patterson's fivefhundrpd dollar stake 4- Pive- gaife4 ,addle horaea-nr-First, prize, W.fP.T ,Tttrrner: Portland ; second, Lauer, Seattle t third;-Mrs f'r! I, y tv tj.ss nn rn t We will .be. closed after ,6 Pfjivl. Saturday Oct-'il jst on account of moving to bur new location comer of Court and rsT. Com'l. We ,wIU: be open there "for Jvlqny morning. Watch f pr; fdrrnal opening t'ate 'next wee!:. : . 4c j cm fa w. is,- -. 'J. 4 i I 1 - c- :'U.O- Ik. jr .... -,; ... , - - - ' - ) ;5 - , ; " ' - . ' 4 .7 V i ,f S. t- .'V : mmf rnr" ' ! r :-'-'. vr ...... - '.i, ..,; l : f . v .a.-.!' fr" -i Vk .. Hnai'-4- Hvil ., ,. .,J i: - ; j . . v- -; -In - . .;t--v. .. f -V. S 4,),- 'rm. 4- .... ,'iV.;.,M(-f...1;..!5 '-V. 'P- Tne'PortlandTJftltVrarrt iflir.' Accident ahdJ?cdeatrian ntt 1 -4 Ji'.,.". J 7: company ..v. . 4.X. ; .... 1 ' ' 1 i:' Ierc. bars. rort- . Heavy Sze, Aar- -First I s. A ,.ortl3-i. ' 'Frani roTtl nd. , Con " . 5 J. Portiiud. . (Continued from Paa Cae) ment, her statement assorted that "only an lrar.e perron could have j been guiltylof, such aa -atrocious j crime.'' . -'I "i ' , she asserted that Mr. Ilfirc-'e, 1 1 who was a a guest: fa., the Lai ley homer t,th time Mary Jane . ! . came 111 early this, month, turned imsplcion ' toward : her ef ter the girl's death And eld that perhaps. ';" the tauthorijics ,at the ; hospiltal - where the ilrl died, "thought they V were rendering a. public service in trying tb create an mpre&ilon thai I 'was guilty; . ; HOFER rHEAD3. WRITERS SEATTLE Sep, 3 0."--(APi Colonel E. Ifofer, of Salem, Ore., today was elcted president of the parliament of-letters, organization Ot. western -virltersi which, opened Us" annual convention here .today. ;.Speakers at the session Included J; Ftertch Dcrrance of New York City. VBen .Field o;.Los Angeles and'L. r.BQU'i' V.'etster of Vlc-teria;D.-,C IviTead tbaXlassif ied. Ads . 5 1 ' k t- "1 ' ' ft? .' , t . st .... . tnn ,( Ir: u. cl o.t . 1 X r 1 1 bctt,"3R e e J ; o 1 ' . -f-. 1 :. j - id,; . . 1... - - jsil el a. ; rails.1 ::i:-..h- - : iraterta, -'' ', 'W ' . vs. . s, ,s i t: car . of : ::qt :fjf . Hit milt