THE OHKCbll STATESMAN ,liif OltEGOM, SATURMY MARKING. OCTOBER 1. 192? 1 i::.;lui;g EiiNORjbvs today's; vXubEViLLE 1 " r" 1 1 1 ELXIA NOVAK e-""""- 1 T I - I You riUlnoreT Theater ' hare all beard the 1 ' i ee, and you're all seen j doll -eesbat wait till you see' and .r. Faaehon & Marco's e'andy I d ca Dolls; whfch' la tn its ay tn Silfm and wU be on pie stage at lie West Coast Elslnore thea tfr tomorrow and Monday.: , Tho producers of West Coast Theaters presentation hare cone out into the open .market, which in things of ibis kindr 'extends: clear, around the world, and they bare gotten together 084 'of the greatest f aggregation of 'human dolls., erer seen in Salem.' i yy ; There ...jare rag dolls. soldier dolja. dog 'dolls, saw-dust dolls (remember "the "sdnx about the dn!l 'thaft -had a paiatn her saw dustl) fri red beaded dolls, bloude dolls (for the gentlemen who are said to prefer them) and brunette dnllf (tie brunettes say thai gen ilejjien. may prefer, blondes ; bat they tmarry brunettes)T-and more dolls for. erery body. '1 . Christie and Daley. Introduce new thfngs in pantomfrne dolls ' and their "dances, that are popu lar in Europe.- and - the Andrieff Trlor . direct fronj Moscow, ; .with new and different kinds of dolls - that you have nerer seen before. There' are the Sank 1st Beauties, too' In the presentation, . that no one in Salem wants to miss., This show will be presented In conjunc tion irlth' - the f feature picture "Becky" starring Sally Ocelli, Owen Moore and ' Gertrude Olra sjead starting tomorrow, .j i of " nphearal. ' Servant . . becomes master, and master servant. The highlight of the picture Is a great ball of the aristocrats interrupted by the- shells 'of the Reds. lAter we see the- aristocrats in their i silks , v an d, satins forced into . the harness formerly worn by the Vol- ga toatnien.T;Tv.: 1 The story, points no moral and takes no sides. Jt is Intended slmplyas aloTe. tory; of a man and a woman , played against the most Interesting tapestry of recent history.- - 'The .Volga t Boatman" will be the big. feature at the Hol lywood theater Sunday and Mon day. -It Is said to be perhaps the most , massive picture ever pro duced by Cecil B. DelMille. IRK1ID DIVOnCK -lOUHT t BECAUSE OF HOME BREW MAKING ': Grand Theater . ' j Thongh Mother has been the ""theme of ' many - great screen tory, ' "Dad" hap been compara tively neglected, -He gaU his Inn ings however. In Warner BrosL production of "What Happened to Falter- directed by . John G. Adolfl. f ,v:ij'; -. A.y-'i ? ; ThW deUghtfuI -film at lapt , ' brings the much slighted father of the family into bis own; Warner Olaad, ' who i has ' won an -enviable position on J the screen" as a char acter actor.Ms seen at the begin ning of the picture in the guise! of In ; rather absent-minded old fel low;, of that carpet-slipper, alpaca coat variety which is fast vanish ing from all but the odd corners of the world. : One would not exactly say' that jie is henpecked, but in his easy oinjr wgy he allows mother, who is a bit domineering, to order; bis r life He has a hobby which be dares not divulge to the family, . namely, : the writing ; of i musical comedy revues, using a pen-name which jbas become . famous on "One dajr-in the confnsldn of his jdaHShter'g wedding preparations, e si ins away to a dress rehearsal Jin Yesponse'to'aB'urgent t ' Alleging that .his wife, whom he married -six i months ; ago, insists upon manufacturing and drinking home - brew in their nome, and that when 4 he objected she told him she had lost her affection for him. and that her actions - consti tute cruel and inhuman treatment, D. W. Shafer yesterday began in circuit court , a suit for divorce from Mattie Shafer. s Tbe. couple were married in Portland on March 15; 1927. . Shafer's complaint alleges in part "that defendant ' Insisted plaintiff allow her, in the. home of plaintiff and defendant, V not only to manufacture but drink all the alcoholic beverages otherwise known as "home brewT' that she wanted .and whenever she wanted. Mr. Shafer. the plaintiff, pro- , - I : Girls Girls Girls and What Jazz Oh Boy! 1 j ' , , r. ; i ; .;--. ' .t . 1 - i ; EVERY, FRIDAY YOUTH, 17, KILLS -SELF Fifth Snfckle Attempt Made Sup rcssf nly . by Ieonard Kro ASTORIA. SeniJ 30. (AP). Leonard Erai 17. of Dahlia. Wash ington, an Isolated community on the' north shore of the Columbia river, committed suicide by shoot ing himself with a fit le Wednes day night, a coroner's .Jury at Cathlumet decided tonight. . .The coroner's jury had been assembled by George T. Hannigan, prosecut ing attorney of Wahkiakum coun ty.:. J p.:f ti ' Ifro shot himself in' the home of hl nireiit. Mr and Mr ' Oaorfa . s I - i I . . - - ilcu ,T.srH.i,., ":j;,i!ro Wednesday night. Evidence her, he claims,' (hat the manufac ture of home ? bew. Is illegal and might lead to serious difficulties with officers of ,the law. There upon; be says, his wife decided to leave him, indicating that his atti tude caused her no longer to care for. him. '.. ' v, , '. Collision of Big Steamer , Itivestigated at Portland No 'sooner; does he' gejtfbacK ftage i than things begin to nappen. more interesting things than had ever happened in his life before! ; Flobelle' Fairbanks. ' .William Detjarest. Vera Iw!s.' John. MH jan; Cathleea Calhoun, Hugh Al lan; . arid; Jean Lefferty are the other meimbert ot the all-star cast , of .Whit Happened to Father,! which "comes to- the Grand Theater next Saturday and Sunday. ' PORTLAND, , SeptT 30.-(AP) Continuing an- investigation in to : the t collision f of the steamer Ernest LHf.Meyer withl a fishing boat in the estuary of the Colum bia, river In the latter part of Aa gust. 'a hearing Is. to be held at Astoria at ;;2 i p. -m. October 7, It was .announced today. r Testimony Of witnesses will .be heard by In spectors ! Edhtofer and - Wynn . of the United "States -steam vessel ln- snectlon$ service. . The. insnectors af ter their; hnpual lea vC Captain 7 1. A . Hollrwood Theater Filled! with the romance and drama tit Russia after the fall of the" Caar, The Volga Boatman,' Cecil Bi .De Mille'a second Inde pendent1 production for' Producers Distributing Corporation release. strikes oat Into an hitherto unex plored vein of strongly entertaln- tnc chotonlay background. " The great seng, 'The Volga" Boatmen' served as the Inspiration for the , story : which t JConrad Bercovici wrote for the screen." ' Leon ore J. Coffei made the film adaptation. The tale is laid In Russia at the time of the outbreak of strife be tween the ed Army and the While Army of the aristocrats. The dramatic Interest reenters In . the contacts between Elinor Fair, : a lovely aristocrat; and : .William Boyd, : a sweat-etaiaed, toil-ladon boatman of. the Volga. Theodore Koslatt Plays , striking dumb blacksmith, Victor Varconl. an ra perioas prince and Julia Faye. an exotic .' Tartar 1 character. Robert Edeson Is giten one of his Inter est in g character roles, a the last of a great, line of Russian land 'The story, starts on the Volga, be r ore ' the Revolution, and then swings' info its stride "when jthe overturning of the Czar make 'the whole nation ; a seethlnf i caldron voncB op mAL bettle- : .:i--v; . MEXT - 'M 'i Notice is hereby glvea that ithe andersigned has filed la the Couri rty Court of ihe State of Oregon, for the County. of Marion, bli du ly verified final account, . aa ad mlnlstratcr cf the estate of Bar bara J. Leslie. Deceased, andjthit said court has fixed Monday the rd day of October,, 1927, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. of j said day, as the time,- and the County Court Room In the County Coiirt Hoase at Salem, ' Marion County; Ore-cn;- a3 tne place for bearing eai flaal actouat an.d -11 Qbjec tier? thereto. .' .''..J;rt r !- I tt- fjil-an,. Oresoa;,rtth 2r I i :r c f : f rt nt. if. lS27. f i -; - r lj."':"" n. L""Lin John K. Bulger, supervising In spector of -the first . district, "who relieved them.' lias returned to bis San Francisco-headquarters. Most of. tie tworlds emeralds come .from .Columbia, Son th. Am erica, according tq ; an answered question In Wberty. ' y v! brought but at the inquest tonight showed that he, . had Attempted suicide . by drowning four times previously. f; Early, reports of the -shooting containine intimations of foul play involving a brother of young Ero were proved entirely' false at the inquest. ' 4 SALMON EXTERMINATED Fish- Found Djlng Oat Rapidly in Klamath Rliver, : Report f YREKA, - Cal.,! Sept. 30. This year's run of the. Klamath river salmon is threatened with exter mination.,. George -A. Coleman, state biolOKiBt afcd fish and. Game Commissioner W.'Llppencott of Yreka declared tjoday after having Inspected - several dead, salmon found 4n the riVer. . ;.,!.'-.!,: Lippeacott reported that the great number ot dead and dying fish found from Orleans j bar to the etate fish, irap above Horn brook, showed gill infection which caused - strangulation.;. Outside of tbe gill trouble the fish were -. of good color and flesh, i; - H '. ' Drastic measures are. planned to savethe .flsh.f i 'The majority; of Siskiyou county presidents depend on the salmon catch: far their liv- f.ite .c-d. - of THEATRE t LAST TIMES 1 TODAV. ITS ANOTHER WINNEljr ' L-CiL" r. : r . ; I WITH SMH.INO JACK MULHALL AND DOROTHY, MACKAILL . NOVAK & ON. THE STAGE ; . nuyof-. . . :- THE,:-OTARRELLS SOME , HOW .STARTING TOMORROW BLACKWELL . THE GIRL FRIENDS WELDON HYDE ; I AJAVAYS THE DEST v ? - I ' . ... - ( .TUli .llIGOKST SHOW IN SALE3I .AXD-THE w : : '?..,; " -AVIJXASIETTE.VAIXEY -r .j (TD mm 1 mm ftPPfl i i - HTAGK PRKSEXTATIOX 1TnE DOLLS ! 3 Moir? of Those Ravishing Girlies' In a Whirlwind Show i , : - - And tm tlib Scree: i( 1 C f S- J ij AS. II . i Trom banjom-count f sally o'Ns::i.T,orr,x moorhgektri-dk ol.mste.i Champ Log Roller r 1 I " 3 f ' : ' , v - J ) J ' " i WILLOS REPRIEVED AGAIN -nitC:.: Wilbur Marx, 16-year-old Eau Claire, Wis., high school boy, win- ; ner of the world's log , rolling; championship with some of his' trophies " The big cup is enable- ' ma tic of the world! title. SPIRAL- MENINGITIS FATAL PORTLAND, Sept. 30. (AP) Two baby girls, sick but a few hoars, have died-within two days from spinal meningitis, according to reports to the city health office today.. They are the first such deaths ' reported : since the four deaths a month ago. There are no other cases In tbe city. i Carrying, out bis announced in tention of preventing the execa tion of James Willos until the fate of Ellsworth Kelltey. sentenced to die' for the-same crime; Is settled, Governor Patterson Friday; ex tended Willos reprieve for 30 days more. M : ' ' ; Both; had been sentenced to hang Angust 19 for the slaying of Milton Ilolman and John.. Swee ney, prison guards, at the break here two years ago; jbut Kelley was saved temporarily) by a peti tion for a writ of habeas corpus hwhich Is now awaiting hearing on appeal in the state supreme court,' and Willos was reprieved pending the result of this 'case.! , j See It Now! Oregc j theatre I fTHE WORLD'S GREATEST MUSICAL ORGANIZATION i TV- AMD S r- y. OUSA"1 ii V "V t IF? S -1 .1 :i1 1 i t ELINORE PLANE CRASHES, j EUGENE EUGENE,, Sept. 3i; (APr Abiplane built at Long Beach, Cal., by the International Aircraft corporation, carrying E J. La Duel and L. S. McClain was wrecked here today when it ofershot the local airport and crashed through a fence separating the airport from a field. Neither flier was Injured. . The pair were on j their way south to the California city from Portland and attempted to land here. They did not see the fence and took to the j ground too near It' to stop. The landing gear was badly damaged and one wing was bent when the Bhlp turned over on its side. ! j There were 2,400 military en gagements in the Civi War con sidered important enough to be identified by name, according to an answered qnestion'in Liberty. m it I II l imiii ir ELSINORE-U MATINEE & EVENING OCTOBER 11 V. JIATINia: PRICES j 1 ! A ) 4 ffVIIBf imiMuvt: VI saw f p w . mi -w - t - " " ' t mfnanine, SUBS. . mexzanine, fia.atx !vi 'A,Vi-,. ' -f Baliraay: ist 2 rows, fl.63; next 8 row, $1.10; t. Kalcony; 1st 2 rowL ?2J50, next row, 1.( last 7 rows, 75c. liWfi V.kivLH: ' Matt orders now,. Send self addressed stamped" envelope with remittance io "' H : . a. 'j -. . . . .' : .. , .a:, , - 7 1927 ' ! XTXO PRICES ' '' balance of floor, f2.2o; entire ; One of the most popular of tbe millinery offerings of, the season is a helmet entirely covered with velvet petals. :j . THEATRE- J 4 1 NOW PLAYING WILL TURN SALEM UPSIDE DOWN r - . - - with cuve BoooK' Geodge Bancooct LYELYN ! 2PENT LAPnySEMON " QtrnxmouM picture 'BulF Weed Is the uncrowned klngr of the- underworld - a towering terror of a man - ,Feathers, is his girI4-RoIys i Royce" clever j handsome ; aBuck' Mulligan is ja. rival jang monarchi-what! color what action never, never be fore anything lUte it J j Stark real men and women . - flesh and blood people Uvingloving tf iercc-j prim- -Hive dangerous! ; .! The Best SHovy in. Salem in Years. f 'Wow What a Show and :bn';tKe Same Program: VI) v.- 'iV- '-v i'iT "'ViiBswi'' s . 1 H.'UtfdiiV, III .-tv- t vCi Mf(0lQfl !Coms6mi Fell'ersI OFFICIAL - ACTUAL - RINGSIDE TOM . BEMP:SE Y : ! j ' ..-""i "'A ;- -?:,i,'iv -.v Jr. V';' -::r' h: : -fstiaataa - - - " ' ' ' Slow Motion : Showing Fatal Knock Down . .-. -t 7 -. ";'''' in 7th Round . ENTIRE 10 ROUNDS 2 to 5 -- G-30 to 11 P.M. III r - . " i Jrw Ir, ihvt- ' ; -17-21-3-1