The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 01, 1927, Page 1, Image 1

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State fair Grat,-Promising Big 'Thiizgpf. for :Q?cj
1 uwvr P88- Generallr tairaBt t7r7 2 " ' s- i 1 ' ' -
,;J lowest poeot rising ipera- fr,T . ; if' ' ' Ti I x M V
interior; moderate souo west! I' . H I : h . ' M 1 1 T K , fl
Maximum .temperature yesterday 66, I K: ,. V U i I '('-'- i 1 1 7 i
rSm6lr.4.2r?r?4-fall 0. atmo-lVf VlJ ; M4, ' V "-Jl ILV-
--A, number ofldtstlnguished British 1
wben terved vil cora on tb col on i. .
mn ditier didn't know what It p.r.i
to be instroeted-ia the, proper metlioi r
in Sit. Jut tbink of ihe misfortune cf.i
ing nothing about corn oa tte cob. ,
HUl'r Ml !! f
uflT. iOu nor t ra u
f ; -
v ..4 4
. V d i
1 v
m:!I,".hii iti
.; liU.IlUIV!IJ.lil.MI
"Inr- rinni in Prurr Min-
f utes C--veeri $50,000,000
. , r , - J 5100,000,000
. . ' J i mi ii i . -f
x, -v
Only One led Stfll Remains Uiv
1 1 identiw,f Twenty ereona
StiJJ. 1 . tea n jutst or.
f APi -President
idg .caa
asked the JRea Crow and-tiftwar
department to participate In- ;tjid
$L Louis tornado relief work and
has received assurances that they
alresdr hare ' began their" aetirl-
ties.- - '
. ; Major General William Lassiter
U S Notified the war department t
f v telegraph toda that he would
fUke personal charge of; army re
let work In St. Louis tonight. The
'-.message said he already had or-
Tiered the Sixth Infantry to St.
Louis from Jefferson, barracks
Io. to aid in guarding property
and distributing relief,
;' ST. LOUIS, gept. 30; (AP)
."Work of relief and rehabilitation
was wen under way tonight when
darkness ! settled orer . the six
.Square mile area derastated yes
Iterday when a 'four-minute torna
do killed 8 sr persons. Injured more
t : 1 than 600 and
) 5,500 h
I t After a caT
than 600 and damaged or destroy
homes and 'business
careful tour of the path
pf deTasUtion, Building Commis-
(he minimum of damage done to
I property of all kinds at $50,0004
: ,06 and declared he bettered it
; might, reach $100.000.000., It
, . . would take more than S 10 0.000.-
f 00 Be said, for rehabilitation. ,
; The first of thirty insurance ad-
l- -r-r:i;, --v.-- - v.
-.f-;: ;j' feoatiaMd a par S. . iC5;
Attdlf-ure of People Thrills
, - 4. f t Slx-in-lIaiHl , Heavy
S; ':V-;.--trft Tejuna :
- The ! second stage In a thrilling
three 5 day driving .competition
ppeaed another memorable horse
show with 3 $00 spectators evinc
ing: an unprecedented enthusiasm
oveii the. six-in-hand heavy draft
eanis. To ft- C. McCroskey of
parfieid, WasblnKiotrf went the
tluej ribbon far honors, io the sec
ondl evening's competition, while
vth j Damascus .company of Porfri
land! Irecefved second award; po
sition exactly reversed from those
-ittlhe proceeding evening. ,D. F.
Barge made "bird. The driver of
-the ,six huge Clydesdales display
ed remarkable skill as did also the
four other drivers in the sawdust
A. Corinthian and Governor
Patterson's five-hundred, .dollar
take, offered 4n .the five-gaited
saddle horses contest, added kreat-
Jy io- the- enthusiasm of the crowd
yh'cn tor te third r successive
hight filled the stadium to capa-
'city. 5 Robin illood. a consistent
"Winner -in ; the I f ive-galted class,
again carried off the blue-in this
event: while the second prize was
won by i G, L.. A. Lauer's. entry,
Jiitty Beloved.
, Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Held oft Port
land experienced unusual success
last' evening, ihree of their entries
. :. anwood, Flying Fox, ud Ken-
I, . lucKy Boo, winning, iirsw secona
V h ni third awards - la thau.CQrin-
in.! inii event is uan
h it interesthie features el tne
, , tntire show. , 'our brush hurdles.
' thrpf feet, six inches of timber,
L ' toroed with six Inches of feruah;
A ( ' a t oit and rai; and a pen; were
I v' the crbstacles In this contest. The
dcUlon In tl
is event, however,
- 1 Were greatly rfesented by the dent
; Anstrative . crdwd, which had - se-
4ect.ed Lll ,Wfbh a small black
horse, enterel by Miss ( Dorothy
4" McBride of Pitland. as winner of
i; ' the blue. - I . -. '
i . 1 S eattle entnes continued to win
Awards, di; ru ins, thf lead which
fcrlland r.-jrsss have thus ' far
' r ' - siaed.
tteen: tlary, a bcau-
o.jL uprs cpwau At
New ' Superintendent's 1 Experience
Dutei from IOOO; Ilolds " i '
' " "; High loista " ' '!, '
CHEMAWA; ' Ore,, Sept. 3 0.
(SpedaL)-ToniDrrovri Octoberl,
Superintendent O. H. Lipps; jwill
take charge of - the Salem, Indian
C H; IJpps ; .
Training school, here, which means
that he .will direct one of. the
largest schools of its kind in the
United States, and one of the best,
if not the;rery best. - t 4
. Superintendent James H. Mc
Gregor, who for tthe past year and
a half has been, in charge here, de
parted tonight; for Flandreau,
South Dakota,' where he will have
charge of the Flandreau , Indian
school, and will also . be- what is
knqwn as a district superintendent
in : that particular territory. ,
A major surg&al operation sus
tained by Mrs. McGregor while at
Chemawa and cohtioued ill health,
caused thfls readjustment, which,
as has worked' oat, really means
invfliotioiiwrqai.rcqfegwf. im
As outgoing superintendent Mr.
McGregor Tcarries with him i the
confidence and .best wishes of ; a
host4of jco-workers at Chemawa,
who hav , had abundant opportun-1
Ity to learn oi nis aoie, quannca
tions for-the- high place- which he
holds, Inj jthe gorernment service
and of. his industry, honesty and
fair; playf policies. He has build-
ed h
mself a monument at Chema-
wa J-gi
l Inolr iri tlim ihorppr
tinaed Pr 5.)
Governo;!:. lu ; JWerwm Iksocs
l, i official Iroclamation
Governor Patterson, in a proc
lamation if issued here Frjdayi
urged tbe citltens. of Oregon to
observe fire prevention ween. Oc
tober 9M 15. ; r;r::c;,
The ijahnual loss by prevent
able ftr in the s United States is
steadily ! increasing;" read the
governor's proclamation. "The sit
nation itt our state :- requires con
stant jriplance and 'continual et
fort to minimize our hazards and
protect , pur people and pur prop
erty. ;'! 1.1 ' ' ,v-: " . '- f
"During fire prevention week I
especially urge that all civic, com-
and fraternal bodies.' aH
churches and public in
stitutions, and all citizens of the
state f ! Oregon; and the public
press give - thought and study to
ways n4 ' means ': of eliminating
fires aid' fire hazards, that appro
priate j programs A be presented
throughont-the state to teaph our
the value of fire prevention
and the1
elimination of ire (haz
: 1 -
At Fair 'Again Toj
of lay;
Salem Rid
.r 1 171" ' Friday
tma-Jm: -t
. Motorcycle rces will be a big
feature of theitair program today.
There will bu six . speed events,
sUrting at 11 o'clock. Noted rid
ers f com alt over tha northwest
wJli ntr. f ,
i Yesterday morning,' Elma "4or-
genson of Salem: won first-place
in the thcte .mile solo race,: and
the three Xuile sidecar .race. Paul
Ramaley Portland, took honors
In the five mile solo; and Henry
Jaeger; another ? Salem . rider
speeded, under the tape ahead of
the field in the five mile sidecar
event - ' - 1
A. special race between, Rama
ley aid Jorgenson was . won by
Jorg? lOTLr -
; - ' Tl-: Vaces were impromptu! not
hav? vcn announced ' on the
ore- Xor'yesterday, and only
a -,ia;l crow d ".' witnessed " the
JudgeSustains bertlurrer to
Evidence in Case of Mary
AtkirisoW 26 ( ,
Young Woman Declares' Nonet. Bat
JiUnaUf Could be Guilty of r
.lcrielratInB Crime Laid.
At llcr Door
ENID. OKLA., Sept. 30. (AP)
--Free .tonight of ? a.' charge of
murder, Wary Atkinson, 26 year
old. trained' nurse accused the
Key. Thomas' Melrose j Episcopal
mfnister of Cleburne. Texas, and
three Enid physicians as being re
sponsible for her arrest on a
charge of poisoning Mary ' Jane
Bailey,; daughter of. the Rev.
Charles Bailey. Episcopal rector
here,. ...j, ? ... : -.1 A'
Justice of the Peace Foslesong
today sustained & demurrer to
evidence attempting to show that
the 18 year old minister's daugh
ter had been .poisoned, and re
leased Miss AtM nson. j
:: ." Issues Statement : . ;
In a t signed statement thie
nurse said .she held no Ul will
will against Dan Mitchell, county
attorney, who filed the murder
charge against her 'three weeks
ago ; on. h basis of a chemist's
tentative " report revealing , J the
presence of poUson in the girl's
viscera.. v . 'j;--'
' Protesting her affection toward
tne children. of Mr.: Bailey. for
whom she admitted a deep attach-
Report Given put by Industrial
i ' i Accident " Commission.
There were six fatalities due to
industrial accidents - .In Oregon
during the week ending Septem
ber 29,' according "to a report pre
pared here yesterday, by the state
Industrial accident commission.
The- .victims were Theodora
Swartling, tOtholla, Wash... labor
er;- Newton V. Downs, Wallowa,
logger; v ernon . . i jonguevuie.
North; Powder, ; pondman ; . Edward
Humble, Keasay, (logger; ..Albert
V. Evans, Keasey, woodsman, and
John Knutson, Portland pile-
driver. '
There were 770 accidents ,rer
ported to the commission during
the week.: .'C . " . ;
1 1 1 "' 1 1 '', 1
I ' '
Armcf. Parties in Outlying Prov
inces Clash With Federal Sol-
MEXICO -.CITY! Septv 30.
( AP) Twenty nine Catholics
both men and women suspected
of revolutionary . activities, were
arrested In different parts -of Mex
ico City, (today. ;The , police, search--.
ed the homes of other suspects
since tbey believe that : what the
Calles government termed "the
Catholic rebellion" because Df the
religious laws, seems to hare been
resumed. '' --
- -
The ' so-called "Qathollc rebel
lion" is reported aain to be
sweeping ' the ' ctate . o! Jalisco J
where within the past few days
89 rebels have been killed in bat
tle with federal soldiers. One Cath
olic priest was. captured and exe-
uted there. - . -
,- President V Callesa declared e
month ago at the ppenlng of, con
gress, and Prior, to. that In releaft-J
ing Catnollcavwho had been -lm-f
prisoned pn the cha.rge of rebel
lion, that uprisings, against the
religious laws had been suppres
sed, v. , .
: . Reports reaching Mexico . City,
however, ay that in Jalisco num
erous, armed rebels are Inr fhe
field; and ctasrhes are occurring
frequently with federal troops.; It
Is not known here how. many
pi ore rebels may have bee n kill
ed in- Jalisco pther than the 89
thus far reported In Mexico City.
Eric i Hagenlacher Takes Kecond
- rRlocs: by Score of 00-370 "
, CHICAGO, Sept, 30(AP)
Eric Hagenlacher pf Germany to
night strengthened his grip on
Welker Cochrane's ; world 18.2
balk line blllard crown, by. win
i nlnthe second block - of - their
titular 1500 point match to gain
a lead of 1,000 to 708. " r
-. Hagenlacher won the second
500. point block 500 to 370. . He
also5' won the first, .played last
night 50 to 332.
:-;V- t - ;.(
Russian Challenger Resigns After.
' Thirty-Fifth Move - ;
.?! BUENOS AIRES. Sept. 30.-1-(AP
Jose R.i; Capablanca, t de
fendlng lils 'jrorld chess ; titles
against Alexander - Alekhindi.. of
Russia, won the seventh game of
their match tonight when jAIekr
hine resigned after the ,35th move.
Capablanca ; now is in the rlead
with two victories as againct one
for Alekhihe. '.'The other games
were drawn;:.. .
Speech Ido at Rochester Before
v ' Jf Republican Stale
'Conveutloat , ; ll
ROCHESTER N. . Y.. Sept.' SO;
-"(AP). For the; first. time In
history "the shadow of .Tammany
lies athwart the White House, in
the candidacy of Governor Alfred
t!L Smith for the presidency, Col
pnel Theodore Roqsevelt declari
ed today .4ni ih Is. keynote address
to the republican 6tate" conven
tion. "
He urged New. York republi
cans -to take -the lead in a cam
paign to 'dispel" that shadow, as
serting there was no uch thing
as '"the new; Tammany." ' .
i With, more than inference, .Col
onel Roosevelt cited t Governor
Smith "th'eJ leader of the-, demo
cratic party la .tbi r.sf ate, who asr
pires. to be ; the . nominee jofj tha,t
party ior tne pesiaeaci"rTs the
alley of the "same pjd" Tammanf
Aman must' he judged, by the
company he keepav' -declared ,he
temporary, chairmani, "and though
we do. n ot question, . the personal
Integrity of Governor Smth, he if
sponsored and backed j. by Tamma
ny. Hall. Next to. te.lng corrupt
yourself : is. tolerating (t . in your
supporters. : ..Tammany has lived
too long by corruption 7.ta tet
rorm,' ,.r . r .,.
v.4 References ! to President; Cool-
ldge8 administration brought, the
convention to its feet for prolong
ed applause, ! . t;
i'TTieuplatfornXioadoptBd. unanl
mottsly, 'made r. no..refereocef to
prohibition, s -i AttacksHon; Smith,
fiscal, policies, his opposition to
four year terms for governors and
alleged delay, in- cleaning -up cur
rent milk scandals, Involving the
health, departmentj. wers- th& prin
cipal planksr i .
Heavy Rains Result in PhenomJnal
' Jump of Three Feet . .
Following on. the ; heels pt a
three days rain storm-earlier. in
the week, the level of the Willam
ette, river rose exactly three feet
during the 24-hour period ending
at 7 o'clock last ni?ht, according
to a report given 'out by the local
weather observer. . The - level of
thovriver at 7 o'clock last night
was 4.2 feet above normal, as
compared with . 1.2 above normal
at'; the same ; hour Thursday eve:
ning. , . s- i':f-:-'l '-;rr'- :
: Although the river was; still ris
ing late yesterday, little addition
1 rise, was'.-antlcipateid. Unless
more rain develops within the next
few days, it: is expected that' the
river level . will again! begin to
subside-slowly. . ' - ' ' i
Edgarl Grimes; 'iif Harrisburg
Outstanding irt Achieve
ment This Year ;
Will Also be Rewarded WitU Trip
to Crater Lake N?xt August;
Unusual Records Claimed
by 1927 Winners
Two boys and two girls were
the recipients of unusual honors
yesterday afternoon when they
were announced as the winners in
air boys and girls' club projects
exhibited at the fair this year.
; "In addition these- four young
people had the honor of dining in
a private car with the governor,
secretary of state and the super
intendent of a railroad system. '
i : Honored at Dinner
E. L. King, superintendent 'of
the Southern, Pacific lines in Ore
gon, acted as host and the four
honored '. guests were: Edgar
Grimes,! 17, of 'Harrisburg, Linn
county;' Millard Shelton, 19, Mar
cola. Lane county; Barbara Dunn
15, of: Junction City, and. Viola
(Oontinm4 a paga 4)
. ii 1
Bolshevik; Headllner ' Dismissed
: From. Internationale '
; '-v:--f.; ni' : r-V . ,
MOSCOW, .Sept. 3 0. (AP) .
Leon Trotiky .was exepelled from
the commtinist: Internationale to-
i The dismissal k)f Leon Trotzky
from the j CQmrnuitist Internation
ale of thel All Rust-.ian Communist
party .was recommended June 25,
1927, by I the presidium of the
central Icdntrol committee. 'The
reason cited in the: recommenda
Uon wis Holatlon of party disci
pline. i .: H
j i Trotzkyf was censured ''? In , May
by the; cdmmunist internationale
for having criticized Russia's pol
icy In China. This was considered
a breach 5 qf. party discipline.'
I Trotskyl was Lenine's commis
sar for wart and marine. and .as
such dtstingnished himself , mostly
br ''- the I martial tenor of his
4 Ua4h nt . T r in ft marked
.. . M. MAX! JU.t.f . v. T w , -
the- beginning of " Trotzky's
ecllpsei jj
AnniKtlc Day Plans to be Announ-
:;!" ced; at iitn Session
;t Armistice ;day plana and a spec
ial program! will be,the features
of the meeting of -Capital . Poet
number: 9 off the American "Legion
on Monday evening,cOetober;3., V
i 1 ; Biddy Rlshop Witt divulge the
latest - plans for the I big . eelob ra
tion whteh will be staged Jn Sal--em
on 'NoTember. : 11 and then
call upon th members of the post
for tuxther.sugelona as,tx meth
ods for making the affair bigger,
and better than ever.
f. Songs, instrumental selections,
readings,: and. nonsense will make
tip a special program which will
be of great Interest, .
: .,: Attention i-ofi ex-service men , its
called to the fact that the time
for filing the adjusted service cer
tificate 4a rapidly drawing to ; ai
cloee. January 1, 1928, Is the fin
.al date - and those Interested
should .seer . Adjutant R. II. Basset
at once. - .
List of First Five Cavs on Docket
--t - MadeInbUc Friday: I '
iThe. October .term of. circuit
court for Marion county. will begin
here on Monday, October: 3 the
first case to be tried, being Pie
trok vs. Linn county, it was an
nounced yesterday.. A list of the
first- fjye -cases, to be scheduled
are as follows: .' -
Monday. October 5, 10 a;- m
Pletrokvs. Linn county.- -'
' Tuesday, October, 41; p. m.',
Ualseth vs. Linn county. ' . )
Wednesday," October. 5, 1 p. m".,
Korley vs. Strode.
Thurfday,' October 9, 9 a. ml,
"i"'vi. William Bon. v ;: f
irsdsy, October 6. 1 p. m.,
.cfs Men's Adjustment It-ague
ones, tt ft. . ' :..
i 'i i i . - .-
Fast Time Made on Track,. Which
; Dries After Recent Stormy
iHMt Weather
iStaging a comeback In the sec
ond and third; heats, after placing
ninth' In the first heat, Relnetta
Logan, a 4iorse owned by J. E;
Montgomery ; Davis, -California.
won two firsts and high money
In the 2:1? pace, feature race of
the Oregon state fair racing pro
gram yesterday. The best time In
the race was 2:11 1-42
Barondale, - driven by Tom Ire-
and, veteran racing driver, and
ownetl by T- R. HowitttGresh'am.
took the ; first heat and "won sec
ond "money, while George McFp-
ier. Bailey driving, won third mon
ey. ' v V:" :'S:''J, i i..---V'
The track; was -in the best Con
dltion of .the week and some fast
times were ; reported. The grand.
stand was. almost f uU s it has
been on the' last two days, and the
crowd was appreciative. V
, r The running ; races, ' two claim
ing, and one for the owner's con
solation purse, proved to be the
best of the .card. Two- Jockeys
were thrown from their horses.
Jockey Collins, astride Pay Me in
the first, claiming , race, went .off
jUat before entering jthe straight
way, .and In the following race.
Jockey O'Haro, asrlde' Amazon
Maid, was thrown. Neither was
vaa.iT injurea. O'Haro was knock
ed unconecious for a few minutes.
jockey Yerrat continued this
consistent work, by guiding hor-
fee to victory in two races, the sec
ond claiming race, astride Stan
ford, and the owner's consolation
purse race which he won with
Zinnon. A time of 51 flat was set
in; the .half, mile claiming race
won by Fast ' Denny, Harrington
uick-,uudiey, Merrill . dcivine.
owned by J ohn Bloom, of Salem:
wen first money In the 2:20 trot,
wlthme-ttmBddeconde" "in
three heats. rBopdHne,: a Yakima
norse; won second;" and Golden
uaay, ewned by W. O. Rvnold4
l Denver, tnird. The ; beet time in
wis race WHS Z:Z0 1-2.
i ojMxc.i-miutLieHTS
Or ' V - " -
It Isn't often that an ffi.ep "nf
tne law loses hjs gun, but Officer
F. R.jBurtch has lost his. Burtch
is ione of the policemen" assigned
froim the Portland staf f to protect
visitors at the fair from wrong
doers, and he came "heeled. "Yes
terday, Of fleer Burtch walked Into
thei automobile .bu'WIng wash
roam and laid his 3 automatic
Coljts on a railing. When he
looked around it was goneOfficer
Burtch is chagrined.. He , wants
hi gun back; and has offered a.
substanUal ; reward to the person
whf leaves ltat-the fair; board
officeno questions asked. if,
newifenofSVeli known
stage driver In Salem iost her gold
wrist vwatch at ithe i fair! grounds
yesterday.. It was an ancient piece
andof great; sentimental) and r In
trinsic value. Officer." Farris found
It, tnmed it,- in, and now is safely
In the hands pf i(s owner. Objects
of ievery kind and description are
turned in 'every day, a the police
station.. Among those now i'on
hani are a pair of glasses, a wo
man's purse,, a wallet; which ap
pears to have been cut open by a
pickpocket and the 1 money ; re
moved, three sets of keys, a knife
with a broken blade, a: woman's
silk scarf," one .baby's I shoe, - and
one woman's kilk glove. :
In the excitement oti.-riewlttg
attractions 'at the fair," parent and
child are. often separated. When
they do,i'tne child .usually makes
Jcnown the fact that he 'is lost by
crying.' la picked up by an officer,
and taken to the-'"lost and found"
bureau of the " fair grounds police
department. ' A r few minutes, or
hours .later, IheTparent rushes 14
to elalm his offspring, : Thls hap
pe ns 5 about a dozen ; times a day,
and officers at Jthe police desk aro
kept busy, entertaining the littl
tota until thcyare claimed. J 1
--v Mayor Albert VToxier of Tent
City recalls the year .when a total
of J.260i bales' of straw- were tfcld
to denizens of .- the- ;camplng
ground.' vThis-year; only r2 ft. tales
have I been' nsed. . .Paving of. the
streets . has made the difference.
In past years, the people found it
necessary to spread., straw ..all
around around 'the tents to bury
the mud. . . .
George a M..f. Brown, associste
Justice of the supreme court, ran
across his pid school. mate Sheriff
";ael a
or je extbii o,;;
' - . , , ... t . ,. . .....
Matinee H brse Show to Be
Special -Attraction; Alii
Exhibits Remain
Friday 'Attendance and Rwelpts
JKxcccd Corresponding Day i
r Year Ago; Special Events .
' Planned for Today ; ' '
; ' Morning ' .
;: 9 . a. : m.- -Announcement ( of '
beiatted awards In all. compet
itive divisions of the etate fair.
9:30 . m. -Concert, by Am
erolcan : Legiori band ef . Sher
idan,' with solos by Mrs; Gene
vieve Howard. i " . ; . '
10 a.- m. Numbers by fife
and' drum corps . of Grand Ar
my, of the Republic ,4 . ; t
- M0:30 a. ' ; m. -Motorcycle
races on Lone Oak. track. - v.
. ..11 a. m. Free, , attractions
in front of the administration
building. . . I 'r.. '
; 11:30 a. m. Viewing of ex
. its, and demonstrations in ed
ucational building. . ' . ;
a : Afternoon - . . ;. ',-
1 : p. m. Concert ' by Amerl
can .Legion.- Band- in grand
SUnd. - - "..-.!; ,
: 1:30 p. m.-T-Races . ou half
mile, track. Card, Includes ' both
harness - and running .events. ;
- i 2 -..p.- m.--Numbers . by 'fife
and drum corps of Grand Ar-
JVi-fs Bfpnbjicr.; . : .1-
2: 30 p.- m;Ftee attractions
. in front, of 'the administration
building. r . ; .4s ':.;';. .-'
3;30 p, Tn Catching of the
greased pig. for. prize of $5 on
Lone Oak track in. front of the
grandstand. All children on the
grounds are ..eligible to partlc
pate In this erent. , 1 .
; .4 if. m. --Demonstrations; In
uationai'pavllipn. 4. ;
;:l l'i::-:mg-':: ;-:j; )
7. p. m. -Concert by. Ameri
can Legion band near the sta
dium. ' -'.'.i : ; ,'.,, : '
'ni. 7:30 i. m. -Final horse
show In stadium, featuring . all
animals entered in these events
during ,tbe week. ;!
. . 7:30 p m.- Carnival and oth
er attractions on the midway.
cp. .."-.-f- ; ,i . - -'For
the . first time J in -many
years, the Oregon etate fair; will
be held over Sunday with ,all at-,
tratclons on the program except
jraclng and dancing. ;! . , ,
Decision to add-the extra day
to tne program this year, was rea
ched yesterday afternoon by mem
bers of the fair' board after exhibitors-1
had - unanimously, agreed; to
. "-'iv?: if-' .;: ' -
Person Vukwown ,Wlie tieiids MJJ-
v '.'j sives Tot;-Received llarh .
- A IUrthday -:
"" ' .f :.'"!,'.. .
i VINELAND,VN. J., Sept. 30.
(APIToday was "Dick" Stev-1
enson'e seventh birthday but tho
fact'was Incidental. Tho big thing
waa that a letter came for liira
again today,' 7' -'.'-. 'pp... .'-'''
:, This-waa the second letter Dick
had received on hia.' . birthday,
when h-fs' -dadj j, whom. he wan't
eee again In' this life, Dick's fa
ther, John SJ' Stevenson, dio t a
year ago last ; Easter.1 Up w as i
lawyer, borough', recoriior . an--t
World war "veteran and diod ir-the-effects,
of being gassed.
js in. the lather's private : i
was' found an. enveloi-e, "to 1 .
enedafttr Jiy i"n-h." It t u
dressed ' : to "i irt -1 i -mine,''' ; - r tl.; 4 ;'
letter said:
-"JEacu ' yea r , i n n t ! ' i .
you - will get' a ' 3 :
dach'y'on your-l 't:
you will -t y; -you
ero i ..irr!? :
: T: I. ;r- , r;
v 1 tf
r:t i. . r v.pPt
r. I. . ' .-..'-,
Nc ithcr t'
er : v,rx -. '