The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 30, 1927, Page 9, Image 9

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    -" A im
Supreme Convention of P. E.
v 0. Sisterhood Will be Held
rwext yv'eeK
VrThe supreme
convention of the
" -IJ will V. 1. 1 -J
ip Oklahoma City, October four
tji to seventh. Oregon delegates
vflll leave from Washington and
Hritish Columbia, for the trip to
Convention delegates from Ore
gin include: Mrs. Glenn B. Gu
ested, Mrs. H. H. Flower, Mrs.
Otis B. Riddle, all of Portland;
Mrs. Elizabeth Tandy, Clatskan
ii; Mrs- Virginia Gray, Bend;
Mrs. L-oulse McNair, Ashland;
atod Mrs, Elizabeth Littler, For
est Grove. Mrs. Alice H. Scott of
iWichita, Kansas is the supreme
president; and Miss Bessie Mick
jr is the state president.
I Many of the delegates plan to
liave early to attend the dedica
ilon of the Memorial Library
Minding at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa,
lected by the sisterhood to hon
or the seven founders of the or
&inization. Guests In Salem
From Eugene
Mr and Mrs. C. C. Gilmore of
lugene are guests today of Mr.
; ud Mrs. J. M. Devers.
letnrn to Home in
V aching ton
After visiting for several days
? the home of Mrs. Cordelia Ha
lter, Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Weber,
If ft yesterday for their home at
EngiecJur, wasnmgton.
Mrs. Karl Decks Entertains
n Honor of Small Daughter
Mrs. Karl Becke entertained
""Tuesday afternoon in honor of her
pule daughter, Miriam Becke, on
he occasion of her second birth
flay anniversary.
The guests included six little
riends with their mothers: Mrs.
'. W. Poorman and her little
oq, tmiy; airs. Konaid Jones and
ionald Jr., Mrs. W. B. Mott and
Billy Mott; Mrs. William Busick
nd her daughter, Jeanne; and
Jlrs. Walter Kirk and Mary Jan-
At the. close of the afternoon
the little guests gathered around
ihe dining 'table which was clev-
! . . a a : . i. , 11 1
ny aecoraiea uu uauuuus auu
ursery rhyme favors.
Tisiting from La Grande
iir. and Mrs. H; K. Hill or L.a
de are house guests of Mrs.
for the
brother-in-law and
Ir. 'and Mrs. F. A. Elliott.
mider of the week.
ftoiday School Class
The Gleaners Sunday school
as of the First Evangelical
Church was entertained Monday
t vening at the home of Miss Doro
lliv Hadertscher.
The rooms were decorated with
liaskets nf anandraenns and fern.
!W Members Of the class present
Iwere Mfss Helen Weider, Miss
Helen Rex. Miss Kathleen Thelds,
Miss Dorothy McCracken, Miss
('.lady FilMker, Miss Marion Cul
ber and the hostess. Miss Dorothy
In Internal Medicine for the
past fifteen years
Will be at
Of ice Hours: lO a. m. to 4 p.
No Charge for Consultation
Dr. Mellenthin is a regular
graduate In medicine and surgery
and is licensed by .the state of
He does not operate for chronic
appendicitis, gall stones, ulcers of
stomach, tonsils or adenoids.
He has to his credit wonderful
rrsuKs in diseases of the stomach,
liver, bowels, blood skin, nerves,
heart, kidney, bladder, bed wet
ting, catarrh, weak lungs, rheu
matism, sciatica, leg ulcers and
rectal ailments.
Below are the names of a few
of his many satisfied patients in
-Oregon who have been treated for
onof the above named causes:
mer Booker Condon.
JChas. Desch. Portland.
D. G. Horn, Bonzana.
Fred Shields, Klamath Falls.
Daniel Steinon, AUengany.
l E. Neal, Central Point.
Joe. Sheoshipa, Gibbon.
Remember above - date, that
consultation on this trip will be
free and that his treatment Is dif-
L ft'rent.
Married women must be accom
panied by their husbands.
Address: 211 Bradbury Bldg.,
J-oa Angeles, California.
Ladies' Day at Illahee Club
Will Not be Held
Because of the fair this week
there will be no organized play j
at the llahee Country Club today, j
Mrs. Prnbert Entertains
Her Bridge Club
Mrs. San Probert entertained
the members of her bridge club
Tuesday evening in her home on
State Street.
The living rooms were very at
tractive with baskets of Michal
mas daisies and asters.
Refreshments were served late
in the evening by hostess assist
ed by Mrs. James McClellan.
The guest group included Mrs.
Charles Strickiin, Mrs. It. H. Wal
dorf, Mrs. Willard Wirtz, Mrs.
James McClellan, Mrs. Harry
Scott. Mrs. C. M. Loughridse.
Mrs. Iteed Rowland, and Mrs.
Charles Bussey.
In Portland for the Day
Mr. and Mrs. J. Shelley Saur
nian motored to Portland yester
day, remaining for the day.
Mrs. Bur en Home from
After spending several weeks in
Portland as the guest of her son
and dauKhter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs.
Wolcott Buren. Mrs. Max O. Bur
en has returned to her home in
Miss Prudhomme Visiting
hi Salem
Miss Prudhomme of Port
land has been the guest of Miss
Edith Mragg for the past few
The wedding of Miss Prudhom
me and Fred G. Deckebach Jr..
will be an event of the late fall.
Spending the Weck-End
With Her Parents
Miss Rovena Frye will arrive in
Salem this evening from Eugene
where she is enrolled at the Uni
versity of Oregon. to spend the
week-end with hpT parents. Mr.
and Mrs. David Eyre.
Salem Couple Married
At Dallas
Miss Susan E. Tucker and
Charles E. Miller were married
Monday afternoon in the parson
age df the First Christian Church
at Dallas. Rev. Orvil D. Peters
read the service.
After a short wedding trip Mr.
and Mrs. Miller will return to Sa
lem to make their home.
Attend Lutheran Conference
In Oregon City
A number of Salem people mo
tored to Oregon City to attend the
Oregon conference of the Luther
an Church which is now in ses
sion there. Among them were
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Weizel, Mr.
and Mrs. Arnold Schulz, Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Teuer, and Mr. and
Mrs. Conrad Fox.
Mrs. Ebsen a Guest
In Seattle
Mrs. Gustavo Ebsen has gone to
Seattle where she will be the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Edward N'o-i'i-ne.
Guest at Bisltop Home
Mrs. . W. Starr returned Tues
day to her home in Brownsville
after visiting for several days at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. P.
Bishop. Mrs. Starr and Mr. Bisli
op are sister and brother.
Ladies' Aid of First
Methodist Church
The Ladies' Aid of the First
Methodist Church will Vneet this
afternoon at two thirty o'clock in
the church parlors.
Attending the Fair
In Salem
Anions the guests in Salem for
the week of the fair are Mr. and
Mrs. O. E. Krause of Portland
who are visiting at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Albert.
Sallys Sallies!
II I M l W
There .Will Be . Same Tall
Hustling Today and All
Day Tomorrow
A model husband is seldom a
model anything else.
Poling and the Rev. Paul N. Pol
ing, have charges in New York
City and Belmar, New Jersey.
Salem Girls Pledged
At Eugene
Miss Thusnelda Koehler and
Miss Zfclle Ruble have been pledg
ed to Gamma Nu'on the Universi
ty of Oregon campus. This soror
ity is loyal and has been establish
ed this year with eighteen mem
bers and four pledges.
Professor and Mrs. Willistonl State-Chairman Announced
In Neiv York City
Of interest in Salem and Port
land is word of the luncheon held
recently at the Madison Square
Hotel in New York in honor of
Professor and Mrs. Horace Wllis
ton who have just returned from
a tour in Europe.
The guests were all alumni of
Reed college and included Robert
Osborn. Ray Wilson. William
Stone. Howard Hopkirk, and Mr.
and Mrs. Williston (Elizabeth
Havely. )
Professor and Mrs. Willi.' ton
have been studying in Cambridge
University at Heidelberg and at
Paris, while on a year's leave of
absence from Willamette Uni
versity where Professor Willis
ton is head of the English depart,
ment and Mrs. Williston is an in
structor of mathmatics.
Third Son of Dr. and Mrs.
Poling Enters Ministry
A family of ministers-, includ
ing the father, mother, and two
sons, went to Pittsburgh. Penn
sylvania to install a third son as
a co-pastor of the Second Pres
byterian Church of that city.
The Rev. Charles S. Poling is
the latest member of the family
to enter the ministry. His father
Dr. C. C. Poling is district super
intendent of the Evangelical
Church in .Oregon; the mother is
an Evangelical evangelist; while
the two brothers, Dr. Daniel A.
Bu D. A
State chairman of the Daugh
ters of the American Revolution
announced by the state regent,
Mrs. Gordon MacCracken, are:
Legislation in United States
congress, Mrs. C. ('. Clark. Sal
em: Americanism, Mrs. Clyde E.
Lewis. Portland; better films.
Mrs. Albert J. Kircher, Portland;
Sons and Daughters of the Repub
lic. Mrs. Harry G. Melvin, Port
land; conservation and thrift;
Miss Jane Snedicor, Medford;
Constitution hall finance. Mrs.
Walter F. Edwards. Portland;
correct use of the flag. Mrs. Wil
liamBelI, Roseburg; student loan
fund, .Mrs. V. C. Smith. Portland;
Angel island, Mrs. J. A. Buchan
an, Astoria; genealogical research
Mrs. Wilbur Jones, Klamath
(Continued on page 10.1
Howard FJliotf.
Hobeit Skewis.
Kalmau Vadney.
(By Radio Contest Editor.)
Saturday night is the last
chance you have to win the
special prize offered to the ambi
tious candidate who turns in the
niost money diiring this week.
Don't say after it is all over that
you wished that you had talked to
a few more of your friends and
turned in a few more dollars to
be the winner of the splendid cam
era. It doesn't take one cent of
your money, just -some pood work
among the many prospects in
your neighborhood. And, also,
bear in mind that the money turn
ed in now will also count heavy
on the grand prizes that will be
awarded on October 2 2nd.
It is the eleventh hour. There
is no time for delay. Every min
:ute counts and counts heavy for
you. When you take the radio
home to your folks you will be
the happiest boy in 'the world and
will never regret the .sales train
ing that you received during this
enjoyable contest.
.Let me remind you again, con
testants, that on every club of
ST you turn in we are going to
present you with a bonus ballot
good for 2.r,.(HM) votes on the
Rrand prizes. If you work ym
will be surprised how your votes
will count up. For your own
sake don't lose by a few vote.
Don't leave a stone unturned until
you have accomplished all that is
in you. t
All during the clay there are
contestants and, others not inter
ested in the contest admiring ihe
radios, and other prizes, for truly
they are mighty fine and the win
ners are surely fjoing to be paid
well for their work.
Wilbur Harnic-s told me today
See It Now
Oregon Theatre
-lives up to its
that he intended ;to win and the
boy who secured mort votes than
he in the next few days would
have to step on the gas. Good
luck to you. Wilbur.
Howard Elliott is a new hoy in
Salean hut-is making friends very
fast. .My opinion is that big
smil? of his is doing good work.
He isn't making much noise hut
the people who are backing him
will be' pleased with his final
count of votes.
Kalman Vadney was out on
Route 5 working" today. One lady
told him she was glad to help a
boy who had the energy to come
out and work during the rain, hut
it takes more than a little'rain to
stop him. Keep up the good
work. Kalman.
SEPT. 29, 1927
Name AJdress Votes
Howard Adams. K. 2. Box 80 89.200
Vern Adams. 23f, S. 18 43.000
Iale Acrhart. SIT C'npitol ?r.55
C F. Allnnhy. K. 1. lix. 4B,
Turner 3.0
James Bell. 1040 Norw.. 16S.U25
Jck Biriry, 1165 X. 4th 5.000
Walter Bodyfelt. R. 4, B. 134. 86.225
Homer Brown. 2205 Laurel- . 69.000
Donald Cannon. R. 4. Box 124 5.000
tiro. Tausev, IOlti X. 20th 165,550
Jack Clark, Moamonth, Ore...- 5.000
Klden Cochrane. 113 S. 13 ... 5,000
Kenneth Coffey, 1355 Marjon 155,250
Kobert Connell. 975 Front,
West Salem .... J 132,275
J. Delavwood, Auto Park 92,475
Alfred Downs. 880 X. 21st. .. 97,250
Warren EUenbrandt, R. 2,
Box 90 5.025
Albert Elder, JTonmouth. Ore. 102.025
Howard EHiwtt, 1444 Center.... 174, 70O
Walter Ejplin. R. 3. B.143., 5.000
Ralph K-vr. t S. Ftth f.lll.13i)
Clarence Fast. 1330 1 129,575
Alfred French. Route 4 Sti.025
MisR Bervis Cfodsey, 375 X.
14tli 146,450
Lawrence Aluionfc Grime, 1353
S. 12th .-. 107,275
Bert Halseili, 1545 154,700
Knnii Hannoa, 507 X. 20th 5,000
"Wilbur Harmes, 19-10 N. Sum.
mer ... - 117.250
Pan Hamilton, 809 . 21st.. 41.850
Glen Hardman. 614 ,S. 21st .... 167,725
John Hansen, Home i.; Wood
burn, Oregon 96.275
Konaid Hewitt. 1311 .V. th. ... 150,450
Walter Kieper, 1840 KaKi"w 10o,475
Kenneth i.ewis. 1429 .Lee 112,600
Kobert Lone. 2060 S. t'ottage 144,325
Floyd M.iddy. 1369 S. 13th . 140.225
Lyman Martin. 1850 X Vinter 61.225
Byron Menis, 2995 D 126250
Leon Mickenham, 1295 . 3.
12th .....
Herbert Morley, 7$5 X. 17th
Mace Morford, 1715, K.
Church ... , .
Robert Payne
Robert Pickens, 865 X. 17th..
Willy Pearcey.2150 Sooth . ,
Chfurch .........
Johnnie Perrine, ,1096 X. 17
Harold Peraey. 115 Shipping
Mildred Petera. -K. 1, BuoIub-
ity, Orejcon --.. 173
Ronald Kaamuaaeu. 1309 Wal- i
ler 1
Robert Kammaje, 813 Market
Frank Ridout, R. 1. Inde
pendence Marie Rothweiler, R. 4. Box
Georfre Self,. 870 X. Liberty....
Jim Sehon. 1645 Mission. ...
Maaon Rhutt. 701 V. 14th .
Robert Skewis, 1967 Center..
Eldon Slavena. loud Otauiuy-
on -
Robert S. Stalling. 1140 X.
Front -
Paul To wa, 275 X. 20
Sidney Van Lyderraff 1235 N.
Summer ..;
Kalman Vadney, 431 8. Cot-
Lorine M. Walling, xv. i, at
Edmund Weisner. 1072 Union
Maxwell White, 101O Oak.
Walter Wiena, 1431 M. Cot-
' tafte , :
Chester L. Wiltse, Independ- .
ence, Oregon
1 67.400
5,000 V
88.200 '
The illustration shows the exact size and shape. Observe how nicely
fhis dainty cracker FIT3 the" BITE. Think how much nicer it is to serve
a shapely, slenderized cracker with . -
Soups Salads Hot Chocolate Cheese ;
or Just Buttered ' '
Nips off clean 41most crumb-less. Crisp, flaky and has a rich cracker
flavor that you will like. .Order Tru-Bakes From Your Grocer
. - J -
' Baked and Guaranteed. First Quality by the
TRU-BLU BISCUIT CO., Spokane, Portland, Seattle
Originators of Tru-Bakes and Tru-Blu Honey-Sweetened Grahams
fi ' ' - ' i ij ' ' '. "' - --i-rasss !li V ,
l 1 - -- ----- -- ' --. - - - Ti... . i ft ' it-' i
I QU ALITYhose torthose who really want QUAIJTY 1 7
p V . . fM
Mi If
l& d JJi . 1
ry. s-
ZK--:? wf w
f -J, -!-r-V 4'
i5 Vi1"
Our Fall stock of quality hosiery are now ready
for your approval. A shade to blend with every
costume has been our aim and we can conscientiously say that
we believe that you will find here the largest and most varied
stock fo silk hose in Salem. We do not make this statement
from an egotistical standpoint but it is the truth and the only
method which we have in conveying the information to you.
Regardless of what your hose requirement may be we feel
that you can find What you want in our stock.
Full Fashionel silk hose, silk from
toe to top, this is in sheer chiffon.
We also have a very good service
weight silk from toe to hem that
sella at this same price. Shipley guar
antees every pair of hose.
You will find that the "salesladies in our hose, depart
ment will be a trre,at hehi to you in selecting the proper
hose for jdfts. Remember there is silk hose and siik lipse but
that assurance that the recipient is going to marvel at your se
lection is worth a great deal, Our salesladies are in direct
contact with women many times each day and they KNOW
what women want. Your purchase will be wrapped for any
occasion, and sent by messenger direct fro mthe store if you
Vfzi . 1 desire. , wit
h i 1 lAfvK-vrxi.1-. , -i I " ' -"v. .0 ouo. neei ana snaaow or seu lonea ciox. we ii i
I .t-1 1 M L.VIiimuI Unra elllr I L'A Sft"-: r.: i i m Imm T.fW TO TOTV AH tMP nPW tllpnrtinff I J l,S V. . t I tfl
IlimiiHi, iuii joMiiwiicu ou rii-- - ' XTW&r&t' I ---- 3 1 icvuiiiiiicnu una uuoc tut wuiiiru wuu
from toe to top, double reinforced XfZZttpi J shades are represented and one should must have reliability for important
heel and toe with double garter top fc . V-' ' kl tind just what they want in this ex- I functions. Shipley guarantees every If
!3 weittht silk from toe to hem that Excellent quality, snipley guaraa- VlriM, '- i- lr wuen' WIU' ompiey guarantees i pair ol hose. II 19
I tees every pau" 01 nose. V ' - J f
$175 .'$1.95 , -Wm I $2.50 $2.95 I - :
'ill ' V",e"4'' f I
i HI for everydav and college wear we feature Vi.'"-?"itiJ'' , ., . . ... . ... i ' 1
Ml "Shipley M" which is a sUk service hose. . VvTj 2 Ught ch ' . ; V
Appropriately silk from toe to hem. This number also ; VCI , SSiS'S. 'SJiiHS-i SLPP t" G- 2 PPCJ fr - ! ' f
r &rarTed for all comprised Chiffons, silk from toe to top. ' vTm L T occas ons. We hose by the
I - wrappea JOT OU nlevBua ran tees every pair of hose. All feM would Iad to have vou EtP J" and see bor
iU . occasions. m,u 1 V ' new 'aU shades. Shipley guarantee , 00X' ' !l
U V rirst quality. . V ?T-- - very pair of hose.
0 ' W $2'95 0-r'
W.- -ft-