The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 30, 1927, Page 8, Image 8

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OlfiOi'l ElftlC
Heads of ,De part men t s
-"Mingle With Big Crowd
v And See Exhibits
Th , of ficials of the Oreron
Electric and their families were
UnTepre9ented in the big -state
xair; rpwd yesterday, mingling
with, the throngs and seeing the
Among ,fhe Oregon Electric
people 'present were the follow-
In: -
At - J. Davidson, general mana
ger; Robert Crosbie, comptroller;
Mrs. Robert Crosbie; R. W. Rick-
ard, general freight agent; Mrs.
R, W4 Rickard. TM aster Bob Rick
ard; . R. H. 'Crcfzler, general pas
senger agent; W. C. Smith, gen
eral 'claim and tax agent, Mrs. V.
C. Smith,- E. E. Lfllie, superin
tendent of -car seTTice and tele
Krl'TArB. E. E. Lillie; G. E.
.Votaw superintendent, Mrs. J. E.
-Votaw, Miss Helen Votaw; J. R.
Williams, "assistant comptroller;
E . B.'- Heath, trainmaster; D. J.
Clongh, master mechanic; .'J. C.
Abbett, advertising gent. RJrs. J.
C Abbett, Miss Barbara Jane Ab
bett, Tates Betty Abbett; Lon
Ketehum.-clrfef "clerk to the pres
ident. Mrs Lett Ketchura, "Miss
Florence Anne Ketchum, Miss Ri
ta Clare Ketchum; Verne Ed Ice egineeiv Mrs. Verne
Edwards; Earl ShrOder, assistant
to the purchasing agent; Miss
Rose Schacht, -fmrchaaing depart
ment; Miss Edna Florence, pur
chasing department.
.Continued from Page Seven)
Bye.. Robert, -working on
bridees :. ---- 106 00
Dafeaean. ".Ted. shoveling
dirt, etc ... 76 80
T)inkins W. B.. do... 44 80
Wowe, Gny, grading..,.. 22 40
Dunn, , Leslie E., work
ing on Fresno 15 00
Fersbweiler, Fred, shovel
ing.'dlrt, etc
Glco&on, W. R.. do-,
Green, Elmer.L-, do
Lambert, U. M., working
"with Fresno ....
Lanbani, Chas., working
with. Fresno, etc. ........
Manning,' J. A., working
on bridge? ., .
McWwaln. C... E., work
ing with Fresno -
Millhouse, tllen. plowing,
etc. ..
NoB&ek Frank, 'haling!
dirt ---- -
Richter, Frank, clearing
1 of f ....-
Itichter. Nick, cutting
brush .
Smith, -Bert,: working
. with -Fresno
Stravens, John, -hauling
VdirV -
TaylorRaympnd, scrap- '
.. .Ing, tc.
VacMer, "Adam, hauling
. dirt . .'.
VanCleave, Kenneth,
working on bridges . .
Van'Creave, Melvin; do ..
Vinton. Lloyd 'J., cutting
brush -. .' " - -Walfmani
Chaa E., w?rk-
lngwith 'Fresno, etc.
Webb ' Albert, hauling
v' ritrt . .'. . . . ...
25 60
22 40
107 80
90 00
99 00
108 00
66 00
78 00
15 00
3 20
6 40
90 00
15 00
80 00
98 25
108 00
104 00
9 60
66 00
22 87
Vinton. Geo." W.foreman 108 00
JpnR(n P. E-.'do ...... 144 00
" ''Market "Road "So. 53
BlankCnstop, T. P.. "work
ing with TTesno .
Lairhaxa, Cnas. TV,, do . ?
PatJnpna; "John, grading
Pearce. Nile, 'working .
- twith Fresno . . . t
, SalchenbergT'-ML., do . . .
Zimmerman,: Jacob,' do
WNutt. EarrlKA"amt.
T2 00
12 .,00
28 "80
12 00
54 00
36 00
. dne tm exemrcdnf met 2919 20
Drager, "Fred.'Vcraping
24 00
Gllbertson, "Henry, do .
Giesy, 'Binger, hanling
x dirt. ...v.i.
Grtbole. Lowell, grading
Hayes, Leo. 'hauling dirt
- Hunt, TWlllard. 'do .....
Kiel. Ifugo P., scraping ..
Keti; Otto C, do '--
McAllister. Trank S., do
Ogle, James, shoveling
dirt ". ;
.Smith,' James F., grading
Smtth. J. T.y scraping
dirt of pavement .1 .
TJrbin,"C. A., grading . .
Urbln, Georgfe, se'raping . .
" Weich,Hemry, grading. . .
Snyder. A. C:, foretiian . .
24 00
24' 00
. 4 80
17 25
52 90
12 00
12 00
24 00
46 40
12 80
4 6 40
12 "80
24 00
12 SO
117 00
' . f Clarice -Road Xo. 1
Maya Ckrver &.Groff,
Shovels . V . . . ... "
CEpers, Ben. scraping . . &
- 2 50
'6 00
70 '40
135 00
35 20
McCfery, inrank. snovei
' Ing dirt . . . . .
Miller Vernon grading,
etci " !'.'"
Overland, Aady. shovel
ing dirt ...........
Ryan. James, fixing
Rvan. Robert, do
2 f40
2 40
. ' Market Rond o. 63
Choouette. F. A., grading 6 40
Hunt. Thomas J., do . . . , 24 00
.McCormick. James; fore
man AJ.....:.i 8 00
1 Blarkrfc'Road Xo, 67
Dlvely. Calvin, grading.. ; 12 00
Stewart. Harm grading.
etc. . 21 00
; Walker. Leonard. 30 J00
- Market Roada o. 23 43 I '
Satliner. Cuido. grading.: 162 00
Batllnger.4 Walter, do..... ,88 40
. Bredine.VKennetu, 4j0, 40
Brenner, Roy, foreman i08" 00
Clytner George, gTading482 00
Hurias Charlies,' gTadin:i5f 00
Klntt, Tan, do. 162 00
KiiSts. Roman ...TU.. ..w't:i9J0ft
IxKmis, Ij. A V carrying i -.
.water - 47 25
Jofe Vicfor grading .8M
Matter, Mike, carrying wa-
JtOTi .- - 40 50
&Ix, Arthur, grading
Raymond. Arthur, do, S3 30
Riggs.W. A., foreman "10S "-00
Rneff, Bruno, grading -157 50
Simpson, B. F.t do. ....... 83 20
Simpson, J. H., do 0 80
Smelser, W. H., hauling
dirt, etc ....145 50
Tangerman, Otto, gracing 83 20
Zuber, John, do. 86 40
Market Roads 23, 24 & 25
Denny, J. M.. grading 28 80
Hoean. Wh.. trading, etc 86.40
Lewis, OHie, do 51 20
Mnier A H., do 46 40
Ware, Eugene, grading- 318 00
Tilarlcet Roods No. 14, SO & 61
FabeT, r Virgil, carrying
"water - 12 50
Lux, Joe. grading 76 8
McVey. Sam. use of truck 178 50
Rubens, A. L., do 41 25
Slaby. Joe, grading ,83 20
Wolfe. W. G. F.. scraping 39 00
CTriesenauer. John, fore
man 192 90
Market Roads No. 47-53
Jungwirth Lumber Co.,
lumber V. 388 91
Miscellaneous Market Roads
McGee. J. F., tiransitman 150 00
Oregon State Hlgnway : ..
Comm., testing pave-
tpent - 20 00
Rigdon Bros., hauling
. gravel 4785 25
Salem 'Brick & Ttle Co.,
drain tile, etc.- 43 84
Swart, H..-S., deputy road
master 9v yv
Drager. R., chainman .... 108 oo
Hart, R. L., 'chalnman 108 00
Klemsbu, G. "W., driving
truck 20 70
Mead, 'George, operating
oiler z"
Minden, Anthony, !tuling
posts ..:.......:. io ov
Wcftnack, Fred, foreman:. 24 00
Sliscellaweons 'Bridges
Crabtree, Lumber Co.,
lumber 52 78
Drager. D. G.. piling.... 593 78
Klrk.'R. E., nails 10 60
Schwab, Fred Comm. Co.,
shingles 45. 00
Spaulding.C K. Logg. Co.
luniber 41 54
Syron & "Van ArnamMill,
do., Y 663 92
Ecker. John, work'lng on
bridges 72 Q0
Ecker. Louis, do 108 00
Jette. Arthur, do., 9 60
Prsyln. Henry, do 24 00
Schmitz. Paul, do 108 00
Schmitz, Peter, foreman 162, 00
Peterson ( Andrew, 'work
ing on -bridges 104 00
Peterson, Charles, do. ...... 88 00
R6bl. Greg A. do , - -108 u
Zeliniski, Ed., 'do 108 00
Phillip Ffscher, foreman 270 20
Miscellaneous Accounts
Allen. Geo. E.. rakes, etc. 53 85
Atlas Book Store, earbon
paper, etc
Anderson Motior Co., gaso
line ...-v -
Barr; Thee. M., valve, etc.
Bass, Charlton, naulSng
3 75
10 38
9 61
380 60
631 80
5 00
543 75
Beall 'Pipe & Tank Corp.
culvert pipe
Bayer, tJ. G., cash adv.
Brown, S. D... gravel
Bushong & Co., road &.
highways warrants 120 00
Case, L. M.. hauling
gravel 2908 02
Capltad City Transfer Co.,
oil ; - 201 37
Clyde. Equipment Co.,
teeth for scraper - 106 55
Collard. W. P., gravel. 1392 00
Colyear Motor Sales Co.,
fan, etc. 25 46
Cook, J-'L.. foreman 53 00
Cook, Malcolm, hauling
lumber, etc 39 20
Cronn, Leo., cutting wood 7 50
Culver, W. J., road mas
ter's sal. & exp 2,72 90
Donahue, Dan, hauling
ltfmher, etc 199 50
Doughton & Sherman,
palht, etc 22 02
Drager. D. G., cash adv.
for freight ...2836 93
Ebner-PIranell iHdw. Co.
naUs, etc 14 17
Farther, Ray L. Hdw. Co.
belt, etc., 140 87
Golverfs t Service Station.
gas, jatc. - 7 82
Hammond Lumber Co.,
powder, etc 20 50
Harper, S. W., . hauling
.grarel ... 658 49
Hlllman' Fuel Co., coal .... 71 20
Hunt-Tate Motor Co.. gas.
19 03
13 00
4 80
Jensen. H. P., sharpening
scarifier teeth
Johnson, F. O., caah, adv.
for freight
Johnson. P.. O.. salary de
puty roadmaster 160 96
King. P A., hauling gra
.... 460 60
Lamhert, L. S., u. dep.
168 00
26 84
La r kin CPrince Hdw. Co.
cahleetc .--t...
Link-Belt Meeeer St Gott
Fried Co paving .plant
parts, etc Si 35
Howe, ;L N., huling gra
vel . -io
Jorvensdn. Ira..' tractor
wheels, etc 30Z iv
Linn 'County. 'Oregon. 'u
of oiler, etc. - - 60 Z6
ManeoM F. A., neck
voke. etc. . .. 8 76
Misaler. J. , H.. repairing
"nlow. etc. e v
Moores. Ros" E. : & Co..
leaL blanks . 10 '00
Nag. John.?haultag gravel '721 64
Oregon Gravel Co.gravI 4027 o
Ore.State Highway Com.
truck arts. :te. .. :.. -133 25
Ore.-Wash. Water 8erK
Ice Co.: water rvlpe 2 86
Owlri. C. E. wagon tongue 19 35,
Pacific Tel. & I Tel. Oo.,
nhone service v.. 36 60
Parrish - Hardware Co..
shdVela. etc.L.U-.. 17 45
Portland Electrk-. Pwr. Co
. If ffht service.; etc 259 46
l Roebllnes. - John A. Sons
iiCo. of Calif. iHteel rope 33 us
Rowland . Printing Co.. claim
.i : JPrlatlne Co..
claim blanks, etc. 89
Salem Hardware Co..
creosote. etclw...w .... 69
Salem Iron - Works, oast
.- iron. fetc, ..2..-. 54
Kalm Sanrt Sr. Crravel Co.
gravel 941
0" Salero Traa. CN
I - coal 47 00
Saxtoa-& Looney, gravel 34543 72
F Shell Co. of Calif., ffas
Itstc .-. 667 96
Slegmund. J. C, hauling
gravel 1735 96
Smith, B. R., Sal. traffic
officer ..... 124 68
9owa, Paul, chain hooks,
etc 7 00
Spaulding C. K. Log. Co.
lumber 140 71
Standard Oil Co., of Calif.
gas, etc ......4421 13
State Ind. Acc. Comm.
Ins on traffic officer.... 3 31
Stay-ton Switchboard Assn.
phone service . 6 71
Syphert. W. B.. chalnman 11 10
Tweedle. L. R., hauling
gravel 766 40
Union Oil Co. of CaJif.
gas. etc 219 31
Valley Motor Co.. traclor..l047 60
Valley Motor Co., reamer,
etc 26 63
Westenhouse W. W., fore
man - 189 00
Wiggtins Company, Inf.,
Files, etc 15 41
Willamette Equip. Co.,
Buckets, etc 17 55
Branch. A. C, hauling A.
C. etc 106 50
Burns, J. A., operating
roller 129 50
Dutton F. A., blacksmith-
ing, etc Ill 50
Enblhart Anton, working
on shovel 83 20
Faber Ed., grading, etc., 82.40
Herren, J. H. surveying
etc 104 00
King Wm. R-, grading 98 00
Kubiceh, E. G., ditching,
etc .,. 48 00
Mcllwain Lester, operat
ing tractor etc 124 13
Ogle. Alvah. grading 81 60
Poujade, Oonald, hauling
A. C. etc. 102 00
Shaw. A. C-, chalnman
etc 108 00
Sneed, J. L., working at
crusher, etc 76 14
White, F. J., hauling gra-
veL etc . 24 00
Wilder, Calvin, grading,
etc 100 00
Branch, Ralph, carrying
water 12 00
Wilder, Francis, patching
pavement, etc 105 50
Hawkins, Ben H., shop
foreman 164 25
Casey, Will, shoveling A.
C. etc. 108 90
Chard, E. E., do Ill 03
Davis, Tom, sweeping
pavement, etc 80 80
Deppen, L. A., raking A.
C 118 75
Gleason, Miner, do 120 52
Lathrop, K. J., putting in
tile, etc 83 20
Parrish, H., do 83 20
Tade, Henry, raking A. C. 122 91
Way, S. D.. ditching, etc
83 20
White. Fred, shoveling
A. C, etc
. 115 28
Wilder, Calvin, ditching,
Wooldridge, Walt, raking
A. C. etc
Mcllwain. William, fore
man -
Sprogis. L., cutting "brash
Miick, L., land deeded for
80 00.
127 65
162 00
16 80
35 00
Community Fair Planned
Next Week At Falls City
FALLS CITY, Sept. 29. (Spec
ial) Falls City will have a com
munity fair next week, October
and 5 in Victory Hall, with
special entertainments each even
Mrs. Carrie E. Jobes, who has
bedn general chairman for the
two former fairs, is again in
charge, with the following assist
ants: Entertainment. Miss Mild
red Thompson; Art and Needle
work, Mrs. Raymond Criswell:
Domestic Seience, Mrs. D. J.
Ct ran t;Cecrat ions. Rev. H, H.
Miles; Gtt Flowers. Mrs. R. L
GrfjWold; Canned Fruft & Vege
tables, Mrs. M. L. Thompson.
Popuration Increase Here
Revealed in House Demand
'Salem tnut certainly be Til
ing up. withipeople" said Ed Peetz
local realtor, yesterday. '"We have
calls for houses every day and we
don't seem to be able to fill half
of 'the orders. There apparently
are very few vacant houses. Every
new house that is built is imme
diately occupied by someone and
newcomers have difficulty getting
a place to live in."
Mr. Peetz reports that hkj firm
has had an exceptionally fine bus
iness the past two months, most
ly in business property being sold
and leases taken. Farm sales have
been slow. H looks to see the
present growth continue right on
as it has in the past; in fact, can
ee no reason why it should slow
down. . . 1
Special reduced fare vkA to . .
peedy, -ch oitor every
Sudy. Tsday mnd Friday.
Low-cotrmMM In diner and
i lua&cmr. V; ;
Trains leave Salem i 1 :'43
. . ttu, arriving to Sato
I Franclsfco 1 10:30 a. tn.l
; 'Similar service Tettfrnlng
; from San Francisco 'every
Mdnday, -Wednesday and
f ft2 Q rewndtrlp-golng na
; - h raiaana re-
, turning on any train carrying
i ' coacnes. umu ia oay . . - .j
Coutlicm Pacini
. City TTtcket Office
', : 184 N. "tfberty .Thone'BO
Will Be Held at Elks Club
This Forenoon; Interment
To Be '-At tugene
The funeral services for Walter
L. Tooze, who passed away In Sa
lem on Wednestlay evening, is to
be held at the Elks club at 10:30
this forenoon. The remains will
then be taken by auto to Eugene
for interment in the Odd Fellows'
cemetery there, by the side of his
son, Lieut. Leslie Tooze, who was
killed on the firing line in the Ar
gonne forest nine years to the day
before the death of his father.
The services at the grave will be
pTivate. The Eugene Elks will
have charge there.
At the funeral at the Elks club
the eulogy will 'be given by Sena
tor Gus Moser of Portland, so long
associated with Mr. Tooze in the
upper house of the Oregon legis
lature, where the latter was read
ing clerk. The music will be by
the Salem Elks quartette.
The pall" bearers at the Salem
service will be: Hon. Ralph Will
iams of Portland. Harry J. Wied
ner, Frank Wrightman, Wal,ter
Stolz, August Huckestein and Wm.
S. Walton of Salem, and Henry
Hall of Woodburn.
, The funeral sermon will he
Davenports and
Know Their Construction
Nachman Spring Units
Hard Wood Frames
Only the Best Velour and Mohair
Coverings Used
Easy Term
preached by Rev. D. H. Leach, Sa
lem district superintendent of the
Methodist Episcopal church.
Youth Untwrt When Car
Leaves Road at Stayton
STAYTON, Sept. 28. (Special.)
Cecil Riggs drove off the road
near the T. J. Ware home Satur
day night, causing considerable
damage to his Ford roadster. The
young man escaped without any
serious injury.
Dr. and Mrs. H. A. Beauchamp
of Stayton enjoyed a pleasant visit
Sunday from the doctor's brother,
F. E. Beauchamp, and his wife,
from Albany.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Dorhmann
and children came over from Sa
lem Sunday and were dinner
guests at the home of Mrs. Skill
ings and her sons. Mr. Dohrmann
was formerly manager of the 20th
Century grocery here.
See It Now!
Oregca Theatre
L -v? R mJ I
. ' . " 1
See Bfltwell Boot li at
MM! HtMtlMIMtlMIIH I II til 1 1
Piece of LeR 'I,,oBe Replaces Brok
en Vertebrae
A most remarkable operation,
if it turns out successfully, and
which the next few days will tell
was performed yesterday after
noon at the Salem hospital by Dr.
Geoige Vehrs on the spinal col
umn of Wallace Burnett, of Pen
dleton. Burnett is suffering with
a broken neck, received five days
ago when he ran into a mule near
Pendleton while going at a ter
rific speed on his motorcycle.
It was found that two of the
main vertebrae just between the
neck and shoulders, were badly
smashed. The operation was per
formed entirely by means of local
anesthetic. A second operation was
performed on the patient's lg,
also by local anesthetic, from
" h25np toils
- M M M M .. fTf-M"!
vv .
t ?
fTrrrrr mm m
d i,1 rp -liffiSrv:
v. !
J which a piece of hone wa
I out and grafted into the
coiumn 10 replace me nrcfk
of vertebrae taken out.
The -spinal, cord was foun
to be seriously injured, but
es of broken vertebra with
edges were passing tl
against it and in time would 1
severed it. The patient Is i
cast from his hips, up,' unable
move a muscle from his n
down, but is in perfect use of
mental faculties.
ai rir a c
Liiivi -ViJ a vv w a
PcerTeKs Bread, comiarnbIe to ieaa, Is as uniform In th main
tainance of its high quality, a nature is'to'tlrc pM. That'w
one test oJT quality in Itself uniformity. ou will find all'Paer
less IIreal uniform.
1 TO N. Commercial . ,
The Most Comfortable ,
By Day or By Night i
Vaquard Velour
, m i . , r- -. -
Covered in. Vaquard Velour
Mahogany Trim
i .
Statc Fair
r ,rtf
. :
Trr DC A Q
4': 1
Dayenport and Chair J
Custom. Made
No Interest