-m.i. '-..,. Srv. r A THE OREGON STATESMAN," SAIf OREGON, FRIDAY MOItKlNG SEPTEMBER SO, 1927 7' r V 4, 5 1 r -I September Term Miscellaneous Account oyer. U. O., eohnty clerk ash to be Aav. as unty .$100 AlBson. Allona, assistance Coppock. Lula; Do ..... . Foster, Genevieve. Do . . . Ho(we. Christine. Do. . . . Kifne, Mrs Maud, Do.... Kllewer, Minnie Myrtle, 17 50 15 00 40 00 15- 00 32 50 1? 60 15 00 32 50 25 00 17 50 15 85 15 75 25 00 Rons, Mabel Lily, Do. . . Sawyer, Rose Mary. Do. Slavens, Blanche E, Do. Buihr, bounty Miller, Arden. Do Dunsnioor, Lyle B., relief for W. Carrel 25 Boyer, u. u., county ciers rash to be Adv bounty- 100 Rait R.. bounty 20 T.araon ' Harrv. Do 9 Bdyer, U. G., county clerk bash to be Adr. as jbounty 100 Bfrd, W. jtions . Bjrd. W. H., examina- 15 H., examina- jtions Sihith. W. Carlton. Do.. Byer, U. G county clerk cash to be Adr. as bounty 10 10 100 00 I - Poor Account wood, Mrs. A. C. relief for Mrs. Martha E. Apple " 8 00 Baldwin, Mrs, Lorinda, relief ...... . Bellarts, Kasper, do . . . Wengenroth, Wm relief I for Dare Bernier .. . Robson. Mary, relief for 10 10 o (Martha Bilieu ... 15 00 Boies. Bes8ies. relief , c 1 Boys and girls aid I daaIav oc !hthPiar Elizabeth, do SK I DUVlWJ. Ul .......... 4 , f Wjirinegar, Euzabetn, i yBnffun, W. B.. do 4 r ' ' in v w i dain, Mrs.' Gladys, do . . IsNk Carlson. C. Carl, do . . . . kjr Oasperaon, Flossie, do . . in a 20 - n qastPhne, wm., do Caswell. Mary, do ..... . 10 ii..t. a 1 a .his. tuaiigic, uu x w Churchill, Mrs. Belle, do i n nn Coldwell. Mrs. Mabel, do Smith. Guy O., guardian, I relief fro Lela and Milford Ceok, Dehaven. W. M., relief . . Dirks. Mrs. W. F.. do . . Dodge. Ulyssa Ellen, do Sngelhart. Mrs. Anna, do Ileischman, Eunice, relief for self and husband orrest, Retta. relief ... i r m w 9tl o in in w IK 20 foster, Mrs. E., do 20 f owler John, relief for self and daughter . . . tK ir Fremm, Mrs. Lydia, tSliet Groshong. John H., do . . 14 W bin, Lisette, d o aggard, Delia do Hall. Lucinda, do Hardwtck, Charles, do . Harper, J. H.. do ...... Hart, Grace A., do Hegarty, Mra. Hazel, do Hendricson, Mrs. Mabel,' do Hepburn, Mrs. Ella, do . . Ilitsman, W. A., do .... Jfoeschel, Gerhard, dp . . Horrom, Wm. P., do . . Tmfl.W Mn T.tzKie. do . . 20 10 K 10 8 10 in 12 15 vTJonen. Mrs. C. N-, do . . . 20 (napke, Mrs.' Jessie, do. . jacev, Mrs. Isa, do Jalbraith, J. C, relief for Mr. and Mrs. Prosper Lachapelle ..... . - .undquist, Emma, relief .yon. Mrs. Bertha, Do.. Uartin. Eve, Do Kartin. Mrs. W. H., Do. . UcDaniel. Mrs. C Do.. AlcDaniel. Mrs. Mae, Do. VicKnight. Lulu, DOff.. icriven. MrsA Emily, re lief for Harry Meeker. Ulrau, Antonia. relief s'ott. Cary C. Do. . . . - Jdman, Mrs. Kirsti, Do. . 10, 20 20 20 15 20 15 20 12 15 20 9h 35 n aquette, Mrs. Louisa, re lief for Mr. and Mra. Paschal Paquette; & Nora Pluard ........ arris. John 8., relief for self and brother. . . arris. Wm. H), relief. . . avelek, Antonie. Do. . . . 20 25 10 20 rokke, T. H.r relief for Olea Pedersen ... 15 ugh. Anna, relief. . 18 12 Heinhart. Rosalia, Do . . . ttenick, Mrs. Annie, Do. . 10 10 L felx, Jennie May Do iXiobinson, Mrs. Jennie fift M.. Do v 17 10 NSjUgSTold, Henry L.. Do.. Niandberg, Mrs. Elsie. Do. 1 Ichafflts. Mrs. Emma, Do 5 00 25 10 8 10 25 20 20 35 8 15 12 25 15 12 13 15 20 20 f T;onkiin, Mrs. is. n., re- I Hef for Cbas. Seely. Koker, Mrs. Sherman, re I lief for J. W. Shawley smveiy, Mrs. m. m., re lief Slyter. Mrs. W. R., Do. . Smith. Scott, relief for self and children Smith, Mrs. Wesley, re lief Stallings, Mrs. Virginia, Do Stripling. Hulda, Do.... Te Winkel, Mrs. Mary, Do Treiber. Anton. Do Walkoskf, Barbara, Do.. Walt, Ida. Do.. iWanless. Gilmer, Do.... vvarknier, William J.. Jr:, Do .... Wheeler, Mrs. Anna L., - do . i : Wilbanks. Hattle. TV. . . . I WiUiams, AUce Bertha, Do ... . 'yCalarles: , M' Purkhart. a. O.. danat sheriff 124 124 99 I Bher. W. T. d'eputy nenrf Richardson, w An xr . , . " " f . "riitmaii, F. T., tax . deautv ' xiia it ! I - T - " - ......-... S, J., tax 109 ty . Clerk's Offtr A F., deputy 115 00 115 00 100 00 90 00 85 00 45 00 C. C, do. in. W. S.. do , J. II. do n, J. R., do man, W. T.f clerk . . , Nellie J. deputy jcorder 88 06 100 00 100 00 85 00 nn. Eva. do croft. Myrtle, do nch, Louise M.. stenogrupher. . Treasurer's Off! Richardson, W. Y., deputy treasurer ... 115 on Shelton. R., deputy assessor 115 aa O0ScImur. Philip, do 115 00 ouerts. Eva. clerk .... 100 00 ckerman. Alma, do 100 00 District Attorney's Office age, Lyle J., dep. dist. Atty 100 00 Oilson, Eileen, sten ographer 50 00 Court House Account fyatt, A. II.. janitor ... 70 00 obson, L., do 70 00 ill. W. W.. do 70 00 uvay. W. D., do 51 65 errell, D. H., do 31 65 School Supt's Office OOlReid, Cora E.. assistant 100 00 Fox. William W., supervisor 120 00 OOlReid, Cora E., truant 75 1 officer 15 00 95 1 Mea.it n officer's tmice Douglas, Dr. Vernon A., dep. co. health of leer . . 95 83 00 I Poor Account Byrd, W. H county - 00 1 physician o uu Juvenile I ourt Acct. 00lWnite- Nona, probation 001 officer v.. HO 00 Morenouse, w. u., co veterinarian 33 60 Sealer of Wts. & Meas. A cot. Jones. J. P., sealer of wts, & meas 69 oS County Court of Comr's Smith, J. E., sal. & exps. 00 1 co. comr. 11 1W 00 I Porter, J. H., do , .. 148 55 Y. M. C. A., saiem, ur. ' I . n A aa I eon. mainiftiuiuK ik emmovment oureau. . . au u Indigent Soldiers': Acct. An R9kir. J. S.. relief ror W. L. Baker 25 aa I Sammons. H. G., relief W I A a t 00 1 for Irving Bunce. . . . . -ia n tt n .oiiuf nn 1 ammuua. n. u., 1 - or aa 1 tnr fiarence ranter... aa I Ronhrr & Mole Bounty Acct OOlErnest Zuber. bounty... 15 nnlpan Clintnil. DO 00 Boyer U. 0., county clerk a a i casn to ue nu t . w - inn tl Doumy . " aa I Rnvpr U. G.. county clerk j r m -j - r 4 A A C f Tin Circuit Court Account nnlKnowland & Unrun, I ... J 9 nnl Drmting posicarus AO I Sherifrs Office aa IRiDenses nn R9rhr. W. T.. use 01 " i auto Rnwer. O. D.. use OI 15 no I auto. etc. 00 I Commercial Book Store 00 I file, etc, 5 State Ind. Aec. jomm.. aa I At Ins. on ueD. sner nnl - iff . " r. i"V."T 7 . r r. 1 " AAlThipisAn. H. William, use I ' OA 1 P lis. i 12.00 1 of auto 99 cnlThisiaen W tax clerk.. 101 00 I Western Union, teiegrapn 00 1 service 6 00 Clerk's Office 00 1 Rprtftlson & MC&nane, 00 I marriage licenses 34 2 Glass & Prudnomme, 001 legal blanks 00 1 Statesman Publ. o., war- 00 1 rant cancellation no- 50 1 tice 6 .SOOl Recorder's Office 00 I Brooks, Mildred R., cash 00 1 Adv. for postage.. 4 64 00 I Glass & Prudhomme, rec- 00 I ord book, ete. Surveyor's Office Portland Blue Print Co 001 nrint hangers, etc 6 00 District Att's. urnce 00 I Postal Tel. Cable o., tele- 00 1 graoh service 5 00 1 Western Union Tel. Co., 00 I Do 1 00 1 Assessor's urnce 00 1 Steelhammer, O. A., use of car 17 00 1 County Courtor comr s. aa 1 Canital Journal, Publ. 00 1 claim docket 70 no I Statesman Publ. o.. Do.. 7 Court House Account Aleo Sanitary Supply Co., mops, etc 5 2 2 OOlBrowneU Electric Co., lamps 00 I Farmer, Ray L. Hdw. Co., 00 1 brooms 00 1 Hansen . & Liljequlst, glass 9 00 Ore.-Wash. Water Ser- 001 vice, water service. .. . 109 00 I Portland Elec. Power Co., 00 1 light Bervice 104 00 1 Simpson Grocery, soap, etc . . v4 50 1 Snyder, J. M., sharpening . 001 lawn mowers 2 Justice Court Aeconnt 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Barrett, Blanche P., tak ing, statements, etc. . , . Brown, Emma Murphy, reporting, etc Commercial Book Store, filinar cases W. 15 23 29 Elliott, N. D.. legal blanks 28 Feeble Minded Account Miller Mercantile Co.. clothing for hoae Schrock ..U. ?:20 School Supt'w. Acct. Fox, William W., travel ing Exps. . . Fulkerson, Mary L., caaa Adr. to hlro elerk..., Fulkerson, Mary I., tiash ' Adr. for postage ..... Fulkerson, Mary 1.. tra veling Exps; 50 6 24 50 Kraps, the J. J. Co. j re port cards, etc. . . i . . 108 00 Marion Co. Child Hjalth Pern.. Quot afor lead quarters ...... .-J.;. . . 40 00 , . FVuit Inspectors Acct. Van Trtemp, S. H.JfruIt inspector .... 138 75 ; ! Poor Acciont ; Busick, J. L. A Son, gro ' cerleal for Mrs. assady. Busick, J. L. & Son. gro ceries for Opal Hoyt A Alice Garden ........ 28 68 68 68 32 Busick, J. L. ft Son, gro- cerie for Wm. Brown, G. Hi Derbyshire & R. I Alexander 68 Busick J r 25 25 ceries for' Mrs'eT hart Mra. Crook & Ira 29 00 Busick. J. L. & Son. gro ceries for Mrs. Ells worth. Mrs. Swanson & Mrs. Henrv 28 00 lizzie A., relief. ik nn Clark, Frank c., board of poor rarm inmates ... 355 40 Clark, W. IJ.. groceries IOr Mr. Hailti 8 00 15 01 10 00 15 00 20 89 Claus, F. w.. groceriea for Mrs. Grace A. Beck Cooley & Pearson, grocer ies for Mr. Buchanan. . Derbyshire. O. H.. relief. Digerness, N.. groceries for Mrs. Sand berg Doernbecher Mem o r i a 1 Hosp. for children, care of Kldon Farlow 94 00 Eppley. C. M., Groceries ror Mlna Kahler : . . . Fry's Drug Store, medicine for poor . . . Hammond Lumber Co., groceries for Nellie Watcher Hubbs Real Estate Co.. house rent for Mary Renick ............. Kimball, Charles, reil'ef.'.' L. & M. Grocery, gro ceries for Mrs. Jack O'Brien , Myers. E. L.. groceries for G. W. Beeman .... Oregon Fire Relief Assn., ins. on Wm.H. & John H. Parris House Pickens & Haynes, gro ceries for Alice Garden & Mr. McAfee Plant, Jas.. digging graves for Ben Cassidy, un known man & A. A. Hughes 12 28 37 35 5 00 6 00 5 00 10 00 18 06 2 20 14 00 18 00 Porter. J. H., cash adv. for R. R. fare, etc 15 33 Porter's, groceries fpr Retta for Rest & Delia O'Brien Porter's, groceries for Rosie Bloom & Jennie Rix 27 19 25 00 Rigdon. ".v. T. & Son, Inc., burial of Issaac Maurey 35 00 Rigdon. V. T. & Son. Inc.. hurial of Martin Mitchelson 35 00 Rigdon, W. T. & Son. Inc.. burial of Ben Caseday . 35 00 00 vv Dodgers, J. W., milk for Mrs. Swanson Salem Deaconess Hosp. Care of Donald Miller Slem Deaconess Hosp. Care of Addle Rigdon R.ilem Deaconess Hosp. Care of Mrs. Lillian Baker Salem Deaconess Hosp. Care of Nom Sing Salem Deaconess Hosp. A A 9 00 45 85 38 7 5 38 38 75 38 75 50 Care of Mrs. E. A. Parker Salfm Deaconess Hosp. Care of John Regner . . Salem Deaconess Hosp. Care of Mrs. Mary Johnson Salem Deaconess Hosp. Care of Kate Sehirman 38 75 38 75 o t- 75 38 75 50 19 38 Salem Deaconess UoBp. Care, of Beechar Frame, -38 75 Salem Deaconess Hosp. Care of J. H. Morrison Salem Deaconess Hosp. Care of A. Campbell . . Salem Deaconess Hosp. Care of David RatcliTfe Salem Deaconess Hosp. Care of Kate Sehirman Salem Deaconess Hosp. Care of Mrs. S. E. Morgan Salem TDeaconess Hosp. Care of Isaac Maurey. . Salem Deaconess Hosp. Care of William Brown Salem Deaconess Hosp. Care Of Valentine Viox 38 75 y 38 75 19 3S IS 38 SA " 25 89 00 47 8 75 23 75 20 00 40 00 70 13 11 Salem Deaconess Hosp. " Care of Mrs. Maggie Cave 8 75 Salem Deaconess Hosp. Care of Mrs. Ella Young . 7 50 Salem Deaconess Hosp. Care of Leonard Casto 2 00 Salem Deaconess Hosp. Care of Roscoe Drigger 1 00 Salem Deaconess Hosp. Care of Mable Carson , 62 05 Salem Hospital, Car of Mrs. Ethel Allen 72 50 The Salem Mortuary, burial and digging grave of Valentine Viox 42 00 Scott, Mrs. C. E house rent for Rosie Bloom . . . 9 00 Shrode. D. L., groceries for Mrs. -Northcutt- - 10 96 08 36 38 00 40 40 00 40 70 Smith. Gerald M. D.. pro fessional services for Martin Mitchelson 5 00 35 Smith & Fontaine, grocer ies for Mrs. Chain.... 24 96 Smith & Fontaine, gro ceries for Mrs. D. Chiles .25 52 Townsend,. J. A., grocer ies for Mrs. Amos Brown 10 19 20th Century Grocery, groceries for Clara Taylor and Mrs. M. F. Kephart 48 39 20th Century Grocery, groceries for Mrs. Tay lor IS 00 Webb's Funeral Parlor, burial of A. A. Hughes 35 00 Wenkenroth, Gail, trans. of Martin Mitchelson.. 5 00 Wenkenroth, Wm., gro ceries for -Mrs. Jose . Phine Jeaudioh 15 00 Willamette Sanitarium, care of Mrs. G. H. Wil liams 99 25 Jail Account Bower, O. D., board of prisoners 420 00 Juvenile Court Acct. Bower, O. D., use of car.- 17 40 Dog Tax Fund Keller. C. H.. sheep killed a 09 &u 50 80 65 00 90 60 00 00 00 00 by dogs 36 Kruse, Jos. L., Do 6; Minto, D. C, Do 18 Schmidt, Steve J. Do... ,18 Thomas. Roscoe C. Do. . 24 Herd Inspector's Acct, Hanrahan. John W- Asst. Herd Inspectors...... 29 Lange, Dr. Fred WW Do. 62 Sims. Thos.. Do.tt.. ... 15 00 Indemnity for Slaughter of . Itts. tettle RnsseJl. Earl W.. indemn- 95 nlty . . . 5 RkonetinL Francis. Do.. 5 Divorce Fee Jt Dist. Atty. Salary Acct. Kay. Thos. B.. State Treas.. divorce fees 90 00 State Fair Account Farmer. Ray L., Hdw. Co.. paint Leiehty, Miss Lall. work on booth . . . v. Miller Mercantile Co., burlap Penney; J. C. & Co., bunting Taylor. Alf. repairing Co. booth, etc Taylor. Walter, working on booth Wain, A. T.. walnuts 2 40 4 00 3 75 26 24 34 00 16 00 17 50 Miscellaneous Accounts Atlas Book Store, carbon paper, etc . 5 50 Boyer. U. O... cash Adv. for postage . . . . 5 00 Bushong & Co., general fund warrants 121 00 Capital City Bindery, binding tax receipts, etc Capital City Laundry, laundry Capital Journal, Publ. Treasurer's report . . . itfoores. Ross E. & Co., legal blanks. Etc Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co., phone service Patton Bros., erasers, etc. Dodgers Paper Co., enve lopes, etc Rowland Printing Co., printing, etc o Smith. L. C, & Corona Typewriters Inc., rib bon coupons 14 00 4 65 27 40 25 00 90 50 6 40 11 4S 6 75 7 Roads and Highways Fund September Term, 1927 Road District No. it Feller, A. E., cutting grass Hathaway, George, work ing on bridge 6 00 3 20 30 00 3 20 3 20 2 40 20 40 Hubbard Lumber Yard, lumber Frank McCaffery, cutting brush Andy Overland, working on bridge , . . Stratton, Roy, do Miller, J. H.. patrolman. . Road District No. 4 Bernard, P. A., work done by hired man . . . Van Damme. Emile. re pairing bridge Road District Xo. 5 Smith, Kenneth, repair ing bridge, etc 6 40 6 40 9 20 Road District So. 6 Rubens, All. hauling gravel 89 33 Savage, J. C. bolts, etc. . . .105 Fahey. J. W.. patrolman 4 00 Road District No. 8 12 Livesay, J. II., lumber .. 47 76 Wengenroth. Wm.. nails 2 93 Butterfield. Gernald. hauling lumber Butterfield, Bert C, re- . pairing culverts Wengenroth. Albert, do. . Vincent. Walter, do .... McCormick. James, pa- l trolman Road District No. 9 Gentemann, Arthur, hauling gravel Monitor Lumber Yard. lumber Van Cleave. Gordon T., -removing planks Van Cleave, Howard J., 3 00 9 60 8 80 80 20 00 60 80 10 90 1 repairing culverts, etc. Watts. R. F.. rock 4 60 152 00 Van Cleava, Joseph A., patrolman 8 00 Road District No. 10 Genteman. Arthur haul ing gravel 110 10 Watts. R. F.. gravel 192 00 Road District No. 12 Ames Hardware, pack ing, etc Bellinger, Allan, lumber Bourbonnais & Schwab, hauling grader Brougher, Al. babbit, etc. 4 9 2 5 5 6 55 35 66 40 10 59 Johnson, Chas.. repairing plow, etc Myers. G. W gas, etc. . . Schmaltz, N. lb Sons, nails, etc. 1 2 10 36 00 168 00 22 40 54 40 41 60 70 40 60 80 52 80 56 00 72 00 65 60 47 20 24 00 38 40 3 20 27 20 Smith. Fred, use of engine Bigelow. G. II., hauling rock, etc Shepherd. Otis, digging rock Shepherd, Louis, loading i trucks, etc Shepherd, Glenn, digging rock Shepherd, Floyd, plowing Haynes, Glenn, digging ; rock, etc j Bjersaek, Jake, feeding crusher Semolke, Anton, digging rock - Dunagan. Shirley, nig ging rock Shepherd. Carl, XK Shepherd, Newton, Do . . . Bellinger, Allan, grading Teller, Ray. teamwork . . Muckens. Tom, digging rock Rich. Almond, Do Hogg, W. T., patrolman. 150 00 Road District No. 14 Neal. E. G. plank Dunifer, Roy. hauling 29 86 sawdust, etc 10 80 Thomas. Edgar, shovel ing, etc Nelson, Ed. hauling scraper, etc Opris, T., grading, etc. . . Brown. Arthur, clearing right of way Leikem, A., taking ont rocks Oeder, A., patrolman. . . . 18 60 4 50 28 2 16 58 Road District No l&H Gabriel Powder & Supply, powder, etc. 64 King. Mrs. A. E., rock.. 11 Molzan, Fred, hauling gravel Eastman Brothers, labor, etc - Heater, C. E., working on rock pile Patten. J. R., Do Hubbard. H. E., Do Storm, Clif, Do Charpilloz, F. M., Do ... . Sutton, F. C, Do Johnston, G. C, Do, . . Brown, H. S., Do Van Nuys, L. T., Do.... CharpllloE, Abel, Do.... Strom,' H. C, Do. ...... Mulkey, Ralph. Do .... . Loske, Fred, patrolman . Road District No. 00 00 00 00 00 70 10 90 Bnnn. W. E.. checking. i tc 17 00 00 Cnmmines. 'Arthur, grad ing, etc ........... . t Doner, Frank, plowing, -etc. ' Evans, Bert, general re pairing 1 Holden, W., grading . Lambert, Ray, Do Miller, J. P., mowing road side Oldenburg, Louis, general repairing Pearmlne, W. G.. patrolman 6 40 2 00 6 40 6 40 6 00 12 00 37 AO Road District No. SO) Syphert. W. B., chaintnan Road District No. 21 Hoots, R.. plowing, etc.. Magee, M. M.. patrolman Road District No. 24 Cladeks Garage, x bolts. 5 30 4 80 8 00 etc Riesterer & Hassler, nails Star, Wess. hauling tile. Van Handel, L. C, lum ber 24 00 50 3 75 21 50 Rood District No. 25 Neibert, C. P., lumber... 16 69 Road District No. 26 Jensen, H. P., sharpening pick . . Denhem.-W. J., patrol man Road District No. 27 Gurgurick. Paul, repair ing bridge Fabry, John Jr., cutting brush Fabry, Henry, repairing bridge Fabry. John, patrolman . 23 8 00 3 CO 6 40 6 80 20 00 Road District No. 2H Kubeler, Lowell" cutting brush ". . Query, C. D., spikes 3 20 1 00 4 80 66 00 100 50 00 ! Ryans, Oval, grading. . . . saicnennerg, l,. m., nam ing Bettercourt, Raphael, pa trolman Road District No. 29 Harpst. W. H., lumber. . 16 L2 Harris, Clarence, hauling t lumber, etc 15 20 Riffe, Charlie, checking gravel trucks C 40 Harris. John, patrolman. 12 00 Road District No. 30 Bojie. Elmer. working with Fresno 15 00 5 35 Smith & Fontaine, shovel. etc Hutchinson, Gerald, grub bing 32 00 Pease, S. A., lumber .... 72 86 56 00 96 00 80 00 78 00 51 00 120 0 Riffe, Charles, grubbing. etc Relfe, Grant, working with Fresno Simpson, N. M., grubbing, etc Skelton, W. M., working with Fresno Thomas. Percy, Do Wells, Lee, patrolman. . . Road District Xo. 33 Champ, R. H.. nails, etc.. 1. 60 Carver, Norvel. hauling gravel 30 00 36 00 2 40 Carter. Will. Do Mespilt, Fred, Do Taylor. Ed., Do 42 00 Montgomery. R. S., pa trolman , 20 00 Road District Xo. 34 Ronesteele Motor Co., hauling gravel 77 76 Linn County, Oregon, Do 268 38 McDonald. L. G.. Do 285 8T4 McAllister, S.. E., shovel ing gravel, etc 65 60 60 r Myers, A. Y., hauling gravel , . ,: 66 00 Myers, Gilbert, general repairing 9 60 Myers, Louis, shoveling gravel, etc. 57 60 Pettyjohn, D scraping. etc 126 00 Ransom, A. Ransom, nails ; 4 20 24 00 78 00 76 40 82 00 Rhoda, Charles,- hauling gravel Roda. John, Do Shafer, Lee, hauling gra vel, etc. Roda. Selas, patrolman . . Road District No. S5 Work. Charles, raking rock . . . . 3 20 Richards, E. J., patrol man . . : 24 00 Road District No. 36 Bewley, Frank, general repairing 108 0 Booker. Millard, Do .... 60 00 Newport & Booker, gas, etc 21 52 Santiam Garage, tires, etc. 33 75 Road District No. 38 Blinston, M. W., cutting brush 6 80 8 50 Needham. .O. D., patrol man . . Road District No. 40 Bonesteele Motor Co.. " payment on truck . . 1.1000 v0 Work, C. H., scraping,; ; etc. ...... 36 80 Cribbins, Irvin, shoveling. etc. . . : . i, . .. ....... 41 60 30 00 12 80 30 00 8 00 6 40 3 20 Hesseman, Reynold, scraping, etc Spencer, Ray, general repairing Sharmos. John, scraping. ete. Dec kerr-. Walt, scraping.. Holman. Charlie, Do.... Hayward. Orrill, general repairing . ........ . Caraway, Frank, scraping 18 00 Richards, B. J.. patrol man . Road District No. 41 Welty, Raleigh, hauling , gravel Road District No. 43 Schmaltz & Sons,' nails. . Road District No. 44 Jungwlrth : Co., damage caused by blasting ... Schotthoefer, William, grading with tractor.. Nieman, Henry J., patrolf man ............... Road District No. 43 81 00 8 40 00 10 8 60 00 00 22 75 10 00 12 00 12 00 Hennies, A. H., plowing, 132 30 : etc 11 20 Rokus, Frank, grubbing, E 55 etc 8 00 Rokus, M., plowing, etc.. 12 00 24 00 Hennies, L. E.. patrolman 24.00 28 80 Road District No. 46 23 60 Gotbart, Jacob, cutting 16 00 brush 9 60 19 20 Gedelman, John, Do.... 11 20 19 20 Presnell, D. H.. burning 19 20 brush i . . 3 20 14 40 Snider, , J. K., cutting 12 88 brush 8 00 9 60 Strong. H. C, Do.... ... 11 20 4 50 Rosenbaum, N., patrol- 10 50 "man ....- 24 00 40 00 - Road District No. 48 19 , Ri'ffe, Cbas., checking grarel ............ 3 60 Road District No. 40 Faulkner, D. J.. cutting '20 brush .............. Z Art, hauling Genternen - prarel 277 20 Hegenauer, Conard, cut- ting brush ; . 3 zu McHoIiek. John, Repairing plow Nelson. A. K.. lumber. . . . 2.00 1.35 Sweaney. G. W.. cutting brush . .Taa Watts. It. F gravel 264.00 Zurlinden, Geo., cutting brush , Knutson. Orley. working on fill Dodge. Walter, teamwork Reiger, Joe. shoveling... Reiger, John, shoveling. , Boyle, Hugh, shoveling.. 6.40 30.00 12.60 9.60 9.60 16.00 Hove. A. C. working on 'bridge 17.60 Hove. Ernest, shoveling. . Hove. Reuben, ctvtting brush, etc Schoenecker, John, shovel ing I Schoenet ker. Hugo, shovel ing .". Anderson, B. A., shovel ing , McColouk, Total,", shovel 12.80 16.00 16.00 16.00 17.60 ing 12.80 Ramage. J. W., working on fill .- Ramasre. W. J.. working on fill Owre P. W patrolman . . 24.00 30.00 62.00 Road District No.- ii Rarr, G. I., plow beam 4 90 8 00 28 80 32.00 25 60 9 60 42 00 30 00 6 40 44 80 25 60 2 00 27 20 3.20 58 40 Cox. Harry, cutting brush, etc Hagen, Henry, cutting brush, etc Hall, Lewis, serap'ng, etc. Hansen. Hans, driving team "... Hilliman, Dan, scraping. Holland. Frank, scraping. Krug. Fred Jr.. working with fresno, etc Loyelin. Hans, cutting brush Mathys, Alex, scraping!! Palmquist, Elmer, scrap ing ; Sitarr Hardware Co., brush hook Stortz, Sam. cuttinsr brush, etc. ....... Underdahl. Gilbert, cut ting brush Krug, Alvin, patrolman. . Road District NV .t Langsen. Nels, hauling rock i r aa Fuhr, Pohn. hauling rock 9 60 Hobart. A. F.. patrolman 8 00 Road District No. no Baldwin. A. J.. nlowine. etC IK fin Beoient. J. E., plowing, etc 21 00 12 80 De Yoe, Paul. cuttinr brush Douglas, George, shovel ing: dirt . . c in French, Alfred, grading, etc ao n Hunt, W., digging ditches eic 28 in Robertson, E. E., grad- mgv etc . . ee 9n Judson, Lewis E., patr'ol- raan 83 40 Road District Newberg Iron Works, re pairing road grader.... 35 00 Road District No. A4 Rubans, Al., hauling gra vel 34 20 6 00 5 25 1 60 39 80 15 00 6 80 15 00 22 40 3 20 A 80 3 20 6 20 18 00 9 00 12 00 9 00 Manning, Pohn FY- patrol man Canard, 'Frank, damage to narness Shivley. Tom, ahoeling gravel ' Patterson, Pearl, working on fin Brown, Gerge, do Eldrldge. H. G.. do Hannegan. C. H.. do . . Keene, Wm., do "".. i"itchel, George, do Loy, Merle, do Patterson, Ray, do..i !! Nusom. A. W. Jr.. do.. Canard, Frank, do Klenski, Jo, do Martin, L. H., do Scharf, Ed., do fauerson. Richard, pat rolman 30 00 Road District No. aa McClellan, , P. T.. wood.... 6 53 McClellan, T. Y., powder. eic ; - Stewart, Harry, working with FRresno .. . 5 50 6 00 14 00 Walker. Leonard, patrol- rotman ... , ;r n.;.. oviJfRoad District No. aa : Loose Cecil W., wdrking on bridge .... 3 20 Ransom & Ransom, nails 1 50 Loose,- W,H., patrolman 4 00 itoad District Xo 88 Jonnton,,c. F.hauling gravel, etc, . . ,.,. Marlatt, Geo., working on " bridge, etc . i Mitchell, Otto, cutting 14 00 14 20 3 20 27 36 6 40 15 75 6 40 12 00 6 00 nrusn Pease, S. A., lumber ; Riffe, Chas.. loading trucks . Tharp, G. H.. hauling gra vel, etc Wash. W. L., cutting brush Whiteman, Claude, haul ing gravel Reeves, Ray, patrolman."! Truck Account Burns, Dan, piston.: Dave Johns Service Sta tion, tire, etc. Downing. E. C, tire, etc. Four Corners Service Sta tion, tube, etc. Green, Bert, gas, etc . ; Patty Motor Co., coij points etc, .... , Red Arrow Battery Co., battery, etc . ..... . . Smith & Watkins, ?ire. Western Auto Supply Co., bearing ; Binegar, O. D., hauling 1 44 10 72 13 50 4 47 9 06 2 30 28 82 15 15 1 88 lumber, etc 112 Binegar. Walt, hauling gravel, etc. . 80 Burnham, A. E., hauling asphalt, etc. ... . 109 Chard, E. E.; hauling gra- . r el ig Hanna, Chris W., driring truck -.;. . 47 Woodruff, Clyde,' hauling , 50 50 .50 oo 00 gravel, etc , ...... 113 ,50 Caterpillar Accounts C. : tt L. Parts Store, Inc spark pings, etc :, 20 Loggers St - Contractors for scarifier ,110 20 Diesterer tc. Hassler. mail box 1 The Terminal Service Sta- 20 tion, oil 2 Ashby. Claude O., repair- ' - ing. tracks, etc. . 162 00 Bartrnff; Omer, operating caterpillar .... 13? 00 Ktrby.' A. B. operating grader 135 00 Scharf, Dan, operating caterpillar .- 162 00 Woelke, F. R., do -. 162 00 Silrerton Crusher Account Allen Bros.1 gasoline........ 3 75 SHrerton Foundry Co., sprockets 5 60 Wolfe. Julius, gravel 345 60 Belemier. Peter, working at crusher . 121 50 DavU, W. M.; do ...... 108 00 Hanson, H. P., do 17 60 Parrish. W. E., do . 109 75 Wagers, J. I. do 120 00 Wagers, Robert, do. 108 00 Hoven, Oscar, foreman at crusher .imp........ 251 10 Stayton Crusher Account Case, J. I. Threshing Mach. Co., crusher v parts1- . 268 40 Hesee-Ersted Iron works clutch band......... 52 80 Mountain States Power , Co., electric light & ' power 170 20 Smith & Valley Iron Works, steel block . Keighley, B. F., working at crusher : Lambert, E. G., do.... Spicer. R. E.. do.-.."" Stayton. C C, do ;. 8 75 85 00 12 80 94 00 97 00 Turner Crusher Account Turner Elec. Light & Pawer Co., electric power ". 1 . 239 80 Brigs, Herbert, working at crusher 110 62 Ciymer. George, do 132 00 Denyer, U. E., do., .. 147 88 Robertson. A. E., do.""... 115 06 Joint Polk County Account Steward, Avery, cash adv. for battery, etc. . 20 40 Stewart. Avery, ferryman 85 00 Ward, Harrey F., adjust ing pulleys Yetter. F. B.. oil, etcf. 6 00 1 25 Clackamas Construction Co.. amt. due on. bridge . contract 9055 26 McNutt, Earl L., amt. due on fill contract . ..1702 11 Motor Patrol Account Mc Alvin. W. R. & J. H., repairing curtains, etc Russell Grader Mfg Co, cutting edges for grad er 13 10 20 00 Salem Paving Plant Account Bureau of Labor, inspect ing plant 10 00 Beckner, B. L., working at plant 158 03 Beecroft, I., watchman 108 50 Brow, B. A., do '.'.".! 108 50 Davis, John, shoveling gravel , 85 97 Davis. Harold, do.... 85 97 Davis. Leslie, weighing at plant - 122 81 Kron, Ervln, oiling at plant ; 136 88 La Flemme, Wlllard, working at plant... 158 03 Lickel,- L. II., fireman at plant 131 56 Mattson, Chas., mixer at plant . 131 25 Siegmund, F. L., time keeper at plant 117 43 Hoven. Otto, foreman 192 90 ' Road Roller Account Bnrralo Springfield Rol ler Co., valves ..'i..-..: Gonsalms, Ben, wood Jefferson Garage, repair ing pump Mc Clellan, P. T., wood Nelson Bros, . valve ........ Sllverton Plumbing Co., union, etc. ..... Judson, R. T., operating roller . . 7 4 2 6 1 2 93 Zollner. J6e,.dOl .-123 75 Shovel Accounts charging .battery ...... "1 00 Ehlen G. A., bolts.. 1 20 Latture, J. L. Equip. Co., cables. ete..... ........... Miller Tire Service. Co., '.r 88 60 soapstone ........ Nathmans Hardware Co., Hammer ..i Smith, C. L., chain, etc. .. Smith Machine Shop, , welding, etc 2 40 1 35 6 80 13 55 I Sacre. Lyle, working on shovel ... 11 50 j van xjieave, K. operat- 1 ing shorel . . 104 63 Wheeler. John H do 147 75 Market Road No. 3 Calrin. J. L-. grading. 162 00 Chatman. H. F., do 120 40 Culver, : R... scraping.. - 12 80 Doerfier. Joe, grading.... 108 00 George, Walt, do .c... . 108' 00 Houghton, West, do 36 00 Peerenboom, Wm., scrap ing ; ; 83 20 Scofield, C. F.. grading 144 00 Schoflold, W. H.. scraping 59 20 Smith, George, scraping . 86 40 Snider, Marshal, general repairing ...... . ... 12 80 Stewart, Harry,, grading.. 118 50 Wilson. A. scraping.... 86 40 Wilson, Vera, checking gravel ... ,..;. 90 80 Ru$aell. :S. H., foreman. 183 60 Butterfield, Bert, scrap ing . : . 6 00 Miller, Henry, do .. 12 00 Miller, Jake, do, 12 00 Smith,-Wm., use of truck 122 25 Vachter, John, scraping 12 00 Cachter. Matt, do Whitman, C. ,F.; clevises 30 00 Wolfe,: W. .G. .TV.,, scrap ing . 30 00 Mc Cornilck,. James, fore man 10 00 Market Road No. 28 Denthem, W. Jay, hauling drt.' etc. . S2 20 ; Market Road No. 29 Smith. J. A..& C. E.. land deeded for curre . 25 ao A'' Market Road No. SO ; ' - Boedlgbeimer, I. J., haul- ' ing dirt . .. .... t 20 Murphy-Gardner Lbr. Co.. I lumber T 1. , , . (9 34 50 See It Now r Orcsoa Theatre 97 60 75 ....... ... i-. - 1 .. - - - - Market Road No. 2 Direly. Calrln. checking ; ' gravel, etc 31 60 Walker, Leonard, fore ;:mn ;.- ' 22 0T- - Market Road No. S3 Wells, -Iee, 'forman.U.. 18 00 Market Road No. 36 River Garage, gasoline ? etc. .' 7 47 Fahejr,; Virgil R.. Jraff- gtng road 18 00 Hannegan, C. A., do. 24 00 Fahey, J. W., f oreman.... 28 00 Market Road No. "39 Pease, S. A., lumber 19 15 Randolph, J. A., repair-, Ing grader, etc. 16 05 Doty, W. E., -moving "fences.: - Emery, Charles, shovel ing dirt .... ..,. Hamoton. Fred, tlo 67 20 28 80 35 20 Miller. , A. C, checking gravel ...4 --r- U. Miller. Forest, loading ' trucks 98 60 Riffe, Chas, do.... 12 30 Thomas. Percy, spreading - gtarel, etc. 7 00 Wells, Lee, foreman 18 00 Market Road No. 40 Von Behren. H. q., mov ing fence - . 25 00 l Albus. John, scraping 44 80 Baxley. F. S., driring team . . - - Bowers, "Frank, ahoreling, - fete. .!..-:, Forrett, Clarence, plow ing .... . ...... Henberger, Henry, work ing with Fresno Jensen, Chris, spreading gravel KltCheh, Ned. shoveling.. Miller. I. N-. j use of team .....4. ;-. Mills. Lea, grading Porter, Harrold, carrying water ."....U . Porter, H. W., plowing 51 20 57 60 55 20 6 40 57 60 22 40 SO 40 54 00 7 00 83 60 19 20 76 80 i Porter, Kenneth, pump- I ing water .:.. Prunk Harry, grading. Prunk, ; Orvil, carrying water .... . ,-tl 00 Read,. Geo., working with f Fresno ..4-.. .....- .61 20 Rollins, Rhea, grading ... 60 00 Shafer, Day, do. 108 00 Stoddard, Austin, driving - team.. , . -40 Porter, C R., foreman 84 00 Market Road No. 41 Earl. H. L., nails, etc. 5 24 Turner Lbr. & Mfg. Co., lumber , :.. Bones,, Mollis, grading 12 88 9 60 . 72 00 Bones, J. M., do.... . Cook. J.. - grading, etc.... 156 40 - Culver, R., do..., 73 60 76 80 39 00-' ,81 Oft , 33 00 78 40 " 17 60 67 20 6 40 Kunke,' A. E., do McKay. Gr. A., do..... Neer. Earl, do... Purvis, A. R do ; Schampier, Frank, do.... Schorield. V, do.. ..... Twonsend, M. E do .. Webber, Eimer, do... ..... Robertson,' B. E., ore- man .J.I.: .. 182 20 Market Road Xo. 42 Pohle, H. & Son,' plow beam 5 00 Speer, A. P. & Co., Kero sene, etc , 2 01 Square Deal . Hardware - Co. shovels "Mi ... I 84 Hartlet, ; A. VEri hauling' , T ix&ljutd...;..- ' 57 06 Larsen;-John, -do. i.-.L;. 45 Of Mauer; , Frank. 'carrying " J water ..;-..-.i.:.vi.'..,.." 4 50 Shttor Irvin, hauling dirt '25 50 Market Raal No, 43 Brown, Henry 8.,' check' ing-gravl.-.!.t.t.-..!.t.i - 25 25 Griggs C It., Atnt. due on , Exca, contract .J.1463.56 Lafidingham, C: J.; haul- ing tile .:.:.-..t.i.t.-.,-.-. -v 1 50 Statton . Cement '"stone Jorks, Culvert :pipe.... 14 80- Market Road No. 45 26 00 ' i 00 52 60 87 75 MtrKutt, EaH L.i amL 'dtte : 6tt e?car.' .-contract..;; 2240 i5 Moofe, jr. U:, grading.. . 27 oo SuttdeJ Ole, digging ditch 6 '40 . . Market Road Xo. 4T . Aubfey, R: - II.-.- driving teAm isU....... ... A ( 40 De Bart, Wesley, grading.. -.3 20 Hansen, Haw,, grading. 3 20 Krug, Alvin, use Of team, t' 80 Storts; Sam,' grading ''' 1 o De Sart BftrC foreman....- 13 60 : Market Road N04 ,40 , Old Construction : iCoi. .amt, dua'dri brldg cob', V 1 ' tract v.... .......iJi..i482 . 52 Coppe, ; '.shoyelJhg; 4 dirt lJ.. ii.;'-' it 80'. Curtis, ;w'dQ;vC., lj2 so. Hoffer, E.j H.;f grding. j 1 8 00 ocnaeier, .y r.t snoreUng dirt. etc. ' n rayipr. iisymond; grading 3 20 Balnje, Geo..;4do.A.---. -A 86 4 0. KDgman, ;j.. ni', sbove4-f ing flirt .-.. ' , 147 75" Fuller Waiter, foreman', ios 0u Haffer, .Goo.; , grading.:. 76 SO Lambert, U. hauling - -dirtetc. 4-. "62 37'' Moores,,W. B.. do ' 139 rt Moores,,, Wn.; do:.':,;.. 162 oo- "HU'o. o. a-., graqing.:., , 9 . t Smith. Bert, hauling dirt Tl 37 Weninger, John, grading - 3 2 o Wledness, Arnold, hauling- ' : -. dirt .4. : .V;,., 60 . 8 Van Cleave; -L. M.fprK maa ;..:.;. r 2 w Market Rpad Jfos. 40 51 Amss 'Jlardware, : spikes, tC- j.. ..I.... ; 37 Gof fin, Axioipn. . danjage" Tr: caused -by fire ..: r.. 1 75 Wardesry-, ; ' 'autlpg ' gryei eo& 70 Hoffman WeldlfagVShop. -welding :......,..... 6q Silver Falls; Timber Co . . lumber - i '..:.-. -?s-f 15 9 6 Star Frelghl tlney, freight , r 78. Market T.oad No. Ol ' Anderson, A.' JL.,- scrap- , log. etc. - ... ..u. . 83 20 Brusseli,: Wnivforemani35 Od '' 1 " '' ' ', 90 f