The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 30, 1927, Page 6, Image 6

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i J ir -A-" . V,. -V-t f. ,..;.- t-' t f ' i '
rinnnnn nnrmiRin
- ? if? ?
eeisioit tor
uauii a Iran
48Steaive :ghtln won h, de
cision for, Phil 'Bayes' lat night
otsrf thp cool, .calculating fistic
science of his opponent, A4 Mack
iel of Portland, in the main event
o the 'first ''winter season card.
I Boxing tans were uninlmoas in
tbeir opinion "that the fight-was
oye' ot the best erer put. on . at a
8 Bow here, and fully equalled any
of the 'Portland cards' recently,
liayes Was out to demonstrate his
ajiWtyto win over the Portland
man -wno nas cnauenea mm n j
to occasions 'here- He put a-frm
iatb'hl well placed blow, and
fireed 41m fighting throughout.
Iteferee- Stanley Fry& .gave Bayes
tie third, fourth, sixth, eighth,
nWh. yid tenJthTOunds.
Mackle showed nis worth as a
gtiter -throughout the entire bat
s' landing almost twice as many
lilows as did Bayes. They were
counter thrusts', however, and did
ttle damage" to "the laeal battler.
Portland fans at the bout were of
the opinion -that Mack ie put up
(n of the greatest fights of hia
oolorful career, and v-there were
many present who thought the d
I?ion ehonld havo been .a draw.
I TKe "two fellow 'did little ar-
tsiaT fighting In the ..first-: three
rounds, merely 4 feeliiig each', otl?-I
r out, anttjianains;iBni. uiyvs.
t?aye began '.sortie .good, work la
tjlie. fourth, but Mack'ie. pounded
iim all over in the-f if thj taking
ie rounds by a wide margin. '
In the .sixth; BAye and Mackief
i u m.ped,. heada . i Mack ie was; Cut
iadjy under the right .eye and
irtood began s to flow, from the
.'oundj Bayes became . more ae-
rressivte than ever, and had Mack-
le againtme Topes wnen ine
roup sounded. ' .
Bayes sank three lefts in suc-
fession in Mackie's face in the
ferttn round, and they didn't help
Mackie any. This round was eas
ily Bayes'S He daneed around his
opponent sinking mows nara
ni$a;, v - - -
Andy Joreg and Teddy Fox who
reTe -to fight in the semi-windup
Hid" not appear. Joregs lather
md mother insisted that he not go
fhrft'ughtwith the fight, as he had
in extreme case of tonsilitis. As a
substitute bout. 'Matchmaker Plant
presented " Gerald "Wattenberger.
if Independence and "Pete Willard,
f Salem, in a four round-mix.
(They put up a scrappy, exhibition
and pleased the crowd.
Tony M artel, of Staytbn. won a
IfTeftoi ovwBattHnK-lorey. of
Independence; after a- bloody bat
tle; the Salmon-Warren, figlit waa
: ijraw; ana jsaaie uranam, a
Salem boy. took the - nod over
Raymond Snyder, of Monitor.
;The fights last night were well
attended, much better than were
those on the -opening card last
yeajr. Matchmaker Plant may re-
ma ten" Bayes and Mackie for the
next. card, or he may sign Benny
i Peijf to meet Bayes. "'
Matching bag, shoes and hose
are. being sold in sets in the shops.
Thepfice is higher than for the
shoes Jlone, but lower than buy
ing tne things, individually.
f sphere Are Birchf ield Patterns
Ta surprise and delight home'f urnishers of utterly different pntT needs -and th
I ",f e-'f'" i wide as to meet every den-rand, " ;
7 3 1
All Eirchfield
Wntpfi Onr
f mt
I t a ' K Use Your f ' '
V? , -I,
I j. emflers Commercial Assw
. .J. !':! .
r1 . .
6ILL pitt:
"T am at the apex of my ring
career," .says Qene Tunney. A lot
of folks won't know what Jtie
means hut they'll swear he's right.
What this country really needs
is a good five cent cigar which
can be gotten for a dime.
Harvard scores great victory.
First string boyg beat the subs,
'3 to u.
Study and application wins
fights for him, says Champ Tun
ney. We'll take the old applica
tion every time.
Some college , girl teams stand
in great need of a bit of plastic
surgery. .They should have their
scores lifted.
Of one thing Boston is sure
pennant winning isn't contagious.
orroon state; college,
CprvaiHs, Sept.29. Their open
ing conference xame with South
era California in Los ' Angeles Is
hut a little more than a week
away so the Oregon State grkl
men putting all their stuff on the
ball. The weight losing period is
past n'owgnd the men have their
muscles hardened and are getting
used tqhard knocks.
Coach Paul J. Schlssler sent hk
men through a passing and punt
ing sorimmage Wednesday. The
ground was wet and rain fell' up
until shortly before practice be
gan. Long short. lateral and
back passes were ail tried and a
good percentage of them com
pleted. Completing pa3ses as they dif'
with a wet and -slippery ball
speaka rather well for what the
Orangemen are abl" to rto 'f tte
ball is dry. With the well knows
brand of weather that California
puts out awaiting them in Los
Angele? thev ought to be able to
put up a dangerous air attack.
At present tile Orangemen seem
somewhat stronger on the defense
than on the offense. Their tack
ling and intercepting of passes is
particularly outstanding. The for
ward wall, while cotriparatlyely
ne and inexperienced is big and
full of fire.
It lofeed at first tola year as
though Coach Schissler was not
going to be any too Well supplied
with reserve material but a num
ber of the men on the super var
sity are showing up very well.
George Scott, second string half,
;s in i fair way to make a name
for iiHiself before the season1 Is
over. " ? '
Ralph Twitchell. shifted from
end to half, seems to have found
his chosen position and is devel
oping into a triple threat man. A
humber of others are toomlng as
possible contenders for first string
I JL. J. v VJL
1 hi
vnfiplfT Guaranteed
Is built e5itely JJ IMAkofWiinn4o'Vof bmf employed to cheapen coat.
Sold in Oregon only
- -
Master Craftsmen Build "BIRCHFIELD"
atthe State Fair Today and lmprrow.
v furniture
ts mm
With its offensive power shat
tered by injuries to nearly all of
the backfield men and ends count
ed on for gains, the Willamette
university football squad, 22 "play
ers led by Coaches "Spec" Keene
and Lestle Sparks and Manager
Ivan White, will leave on the 6:45
train this morning for Seattle, to
seek to stop the "purple tornado"
of the University of Washington.
Last year Willamette was con
sidered so incidental a practice
game tlfat Coach Enoch Bag
shaw's men took the Bearcats on
the same day that they met Col
lege of Puget Sound; but when
Keene's outfit held hi team
scoreless through two periods and
was scored on only after most of
the Bearcat first string men were
injured. Baggy decided to take
Northwest conference' teams one
at a time or not at alj this year.
Willamette is admittedly not as
strong just now as it was for the
Washington game a year ago, and
has not had the advantage of an
earlier game as it had at that
time; but it may be good enough
to hold the Huskies to a low
Keene last night announced his
starting lineup: as followsi Mum
ford and R. peP6ej,,,ends; Ituch
and Versteeg, tackles; Emmons
and Propp, guards;. Rogers.scen
ter; Cranor, quarter; Waddill and
French, halfbacks; Heak, full
back. The others making the trip' are
Woodworth, tackle; Mort,. center;
Querry, guard: Haldean, ,end;
Beck, guard; "Mermen zie, fullbnck;
Eaton, halfback; Kaufman, half
back: Winslow, halfback: Curtis
Dietz. quarterback; Raymond
Dietz, halfback; Ackerman, end.
In addition to Zeller, Lang,
Glass and C. DePoe, who are out
with injuries, there are a number
of other good men being left be
hind who are showing up well and
will undoubtedly break into the
game a little later. Coach Keene
explains. One of these is Van
Nice, an unusually promising end
candidate who is counted on to
play a good share of the season
but who so far lacks the neces
sary experience.
The players who didn't get to
go but who are aMe bodied, will
work out toaay anaysaturaay un-
der Coaches - Joe Kasberger and
"Red" Denman. - -
' Last year the Willamette stu
dent body hadn't gained spirit
enough at the 'time'-of the Wash
ington game to give the team
much of a sendoff, but a year of
Keene's supervision of - athletics
has created -ar marked change, and
this was apparent in the "pep"
session held Thursday at the uni
versity. Practically the entire
student body will be at the train
this morning to see the team
Carson Bigbee Has Blood
Clot in Leg; Put in Bed
(AP) Carson Bigbee, outfielder
Livinfir Koom J
by Iowers 5 Stores
i :
- ' ' . .i......:: . ..
of the Portland club, in a hospit
al here suffering from - a blood
dot in the right leg, the result f
his having been struck Vecently
by a patched ball. - His condition
is said to be not serious. Bigbe
broken with'the Tacoma team of
the 'old Northwest league and' lat
er starred with the Pittsburg pirates.
National League Standings
W. L. Pet.
Pittsburgh 93 58 .608
St. Lonis 91 61. .599
New York 90 70 .563
Chicago- .8T. 67 .559
Cincinnati 73 77 .487
Brooklyn ....... C8 87 .420
Boston . .' 57 93 .380
Philadelphia .... 51 99 .340
CINCINNATI, Sept. 29. (AP)
The Cincinnati Reds almost
sank 'the Cards pennant hopes
when they won 4he third game of
the series from- St. Louis today. 3
to 2 in- a mud and water fracas
amid the cheers of (he Pittsburgh
Pirates who formed a- large part
of the crowd.
The Reds bunched four of their
five hits in the fourth inning off
Frankhouse who tast.ed . his first
defeat in the. Cardinal uniform
and. with the helping hand of one
error, scored the three runs that
meant. victory. .ii- .-
"' Snyder and. Maranville singled
and Snyder scored on an infield
but in the fifth inning for the
Cardinals' first score, while Frisch
hit a home run In the utxth 1n
niirg" for the second St. Louis
score. . ',' ' "
jJackie May allowed St. Louis
eight hits but , kept them well
scattered. The infield was mud,
while outfielders navigated around
small lakes created by the day
and a half of almost incessant
rain. Under normal 'season cir
cumstances the game would have
been postponed.
R. H.
St. Louis '.2 8
Cincinnati 3 5
Frank house and Snyder;
May and Picnich.
Philadelphia 7 14
Boston 1 11
' Miller and Jonnard
i an(j
Only two
games scheduled in
Greased Pig Contest Will
Be Attraction Saturday
A feature event for the child
ren at the state fair Saturday
will be fi greased pig contest to be
held on Ione Oak track in front
of the grand stand immediately
following the afternoon races.
The fair board will offer two
prizes of $2.50 each for-the boy
or girl catching the pigs. 'Every
boy and girl on the grounds Sat
urday is eligible to enter the con
test. They are requested to assem
ble on the race track as sooh as
the races are concluded.
there is a price range so
e Union Label.
We Charge
; No Interest
t --a
, ";
- . ...t -iilliKMyj,,,,,........:. ...
1. 1
? I W ft (ifvrftm-i i u .a M.Mlyy.M.iMn,H,,w,HlltM) m,tm m mmto.,m MllblWU,
NEW- YORK. Sept. 29. (AP)
CarrvinB on in a furious Sep-
tetuber finish. Babe Hutu today
knocked out two mammoth home
runs to tie his great record 'of
accomplished in 1921. The mighty
sJugeef of the New York Yankees
stands on the brink of establish
ing a new mark since he has two
more days left in the campaign.
'The king of the swat is c-ne
home run in advance of his out
pat in 1921. for at that time num
ber 59 fell during the Yanks'
153rd game, while today's was
New York's 15 2nd.
iSome 5.000 'fans rejoiced with
Ruth and gave him a great ova
tion when he equalled his former
standard. Ixu Gehrig, his team
mate and rival for home run hon
ors, this season, was the iirst to
congratulate Ruth with a hand
shake at the plate. At the Yanks
dugout a warm reception awaited
him from his co-players.
This has been the greatest
"month n Ruth's home run car
eer. With fifteen thus far. his
biggest previous monthly assort
ment was 13 in June, 1921.
NEW YORK, Sept. 29. (AP)
The Pirates were shoved virtu
ally into the National league
championsliip today- without-' a
struggle as the Cardinals were enf
down by the Reds-to diminish the
St. Louis flag possibility to thi
event of a tie. The idle porsair:;
assumed a lead of two and one
half games on first place while
the Cardinals defended thesecond
hung by half a notch against the
Giants. Who wera also without a
schedule. " V?' ' V
The Corsairs stand chance of
definitely capturing the bunting
. , . - ' ;
louiwrow Dy a victoryrtjver me
Reds. All Pittsburgh needs to take
the banner i.-. one triumph .in
three remaining starts. However,
if the Buccaneers drop the three
games and the Cards and 'Giants
sweep all their encounters, the
clubs will be tangtud in a triple
tie with the Ktaruitnif as follows:
W. U. Pet.
Pittsburgh ,.$2 61 .604
St. Louis ... ..93 i .604
New York .93 ji .604
- . . - .-
Fight fans in Salem not only
get the championship fight news
almost as quickly ns the' people at
the ringside, and know more
about it than the spectators in the
farther seats; they ah-o get to: set
the fight itself -via the clnema
before the discussion hasr died
down. .
Just a week ago last night "Gene
Tunney won a decision over Jack
Dempsey and retained Hir cham
pionship of the world; this after
noon at 2 o'clock the pictures of
the fight will be shown on the
screen at the Grand theater.-They
will be on view from 2 too 5 p. tn.
and from 6:30 td- 11:30 Friday,
and will also be shown Saturday
and Sunday.1- 1 ' '
, This set of films, secured
through W.ert . Coast Theaters,
ring., shows the entire ten riunds,
iwith the much argued seventh
round, in which Dempsey knocked
Tunney down for the count of
nine and allegedly for 14 seconds;
, appearing in slow motion as well
as natural time.
Finest Showing of Ranges and Circulators Ever
Shown anywhere. See this Wonderful Display at
New Pavillion State Fair Grounds!
mmt . 1 111111 11 inn mr n i iiMimiilh iimi i mmmmm mmmm mmm wph
IJ ' ' t . e, '..-1 r:
T7. rr m C?r7l
7 11
J- ' ' - ; "i i rr-f. '-w ' 'r .3? -.n '.s - ' t J ,
if c
Siitete (El
F"? lt" rP a
1 ftf.t
Your choice of the following with each range or circulator sold
uunngrair wet
. ' .' i
Electric Waffle Iro
or ' . :
f2 gece Sejb. of Qvlslt
or , 1 - .
26 Piece Chest of dodgers Sqverware
Old Heater Taken aslPart Payment
Member Commercial Associates, Largest Furniture Baying Oillzatlon in the
r-T.nmlrwn,Hiwww...M mnwMmi "THIII Mllll II' III ITlTTnUI'Iiniln WllllllHinmiillllUIHUUJIil L-L-i.J. ti l.lil. 1 1 i milrtlni
O- : O
I ' American league Standings J
O ' : O
New York ...... 1S r, .T)8
Philadelphia fi2 .R89
Washington &4 fit .r82
Detroit "8i 69 .f.37
Chicago ... 66 S2 .4 46
Cleveland ...... 5 M .4.1fi
Sf. luis 91 .385
Boston 51 101 .336
H. H. E. !
New Y'ork .
L.isen bee,
and Tate;
10 2
19 1
Mar berry.
Shawkey and Collins,
R. II. E.
Boston fin 1
Philadelphia ......... 1 S o
Ilradley, Wertz and .Moore;
Cantrell and Perkins.
Only - two games played in
Spaniard Defeats New
Yorker in Ten Rounds
NEW YORK, Sept. 29.-(AP)
HUario Martinez, hard punch
ing Spanish lightweight, 'scored r
sensational ten round over Sid
Terris,-crack New York tit! con-
See It Now
Oregon Theatre
It is built like a furnace.
a stove within d stove
Will heat three orr
four adjoining rooms
Phe cold air entera at the bottom,
A is heated and humidified between
the fire-pot and the outer casing and
passes out through the top, CIRCU
LATING the warm, moist, healthful
air to the most distant corners,' of the
.adjoining rooms. Has wonderful
heating capacity will heat three or
. four rooms comfortably in the boldest
.weather takes the place; of . ievefsl
Stoves and requires no more fubl than
" an ordinary heater. The price , is less
than yon would expect for a heating
!stove of such outstanding superiority.
;Shotf a in various finishes-1 the mahog
any enameled finish is especially
popular. . J, ' ; '
; 1. i : -
anteed Dinner Ware
1 1 -
tender ' in the featpre match at
the Queensboro: etadiumi tonight.
Terris was knocked down for
f hree counts of nine in the second
round and bawly Ittjpt his feet un
der JWartihex" merciless attackin
several otJerg. , ? - '
r -
See , Big Ad,
Page 2
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