The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 29, 1927, Page 8, Image 8

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bib ant
There Were 72 Entries, and These Counties Won 11 Prizes
William Patty of Amity Took First and Sweepstakes on
Gray Winter Oats and Second" on "White" Winter Wheat
ar a wwrM m m w a . . mm -
Hannchen uaney cesi nniameue is a xnite wneai
Valley7' : ' "
Iran Stowart. field representa- H;annchen springy barley, and E.
Jtlve for the Archerd Implement
company, reports that there Is an
t unusually fine exhibit of grain and
'email seeds at the state talr his
yfcar. There were eventytwo
entries in both these classes' which
iare representative of the main
grain and seed growing sections of
- the Willamette valley. The only
exhibits from eastern Oregon are
from Wasco and Malheur coun
ties. Marion and Polk counties
won eleven prizes out of the total
of Be venty-t wo entries,
j The keenest competition was In
the gra'y winter oat class, and
William Patty of Amity won first
, pn'se and sweepstakes over seven
-other entries ,-wkh a bushel which
tested '4 J. 1 '
The next keenest competition
was in the white winter wheat!
class. Sherman Seely of WUson
vlUe won first with a bushel of
Jenkins Club which, , tested .-.out
61. 9. ' Wiilllam'Patty"o'f Amity was
. second with a bithel of write win
der wheat which tested out 59.6.
Best for Valley .
, There is very little Jenkins
Club wheat grown in the Salem
vicinity, and it was interesting to
note that this variety is being
'used extensively as a winter wheaA
in Washington and Clackamas
counties. Professor Donald Hill,
judge of the wheat, classes, re-
' marked that Jenkins Club and
white winter wheat are probably
the two outstanding winter wheats
"which should be grown exclusive-
- ly on the well-drained soil of the
Willamette valley.
He mentioned that this is a
6 white wheat valley as contrasted
with the red wheat of Eastern Ore-
gon. . He further mentioned that
"be' has not observed any red wheat
which should be extensively grown
here in view of a price differen
. vital of several cento a bushel in
favor of the whHe wheat over the
red.' V
There were six exhibits of
Varner of Cornelius, Oregon,
first with a bushel of out-
won first with a
standing barley which tested 57.1.
Varner has been growing Hannch
en barley for about four years, and
he won the first prize and sweep
stakes at the state fair last year
as well as at the Pacific Interna
tional. The field from which his
exhibit was.' taken yielded 80
bushels to the acre. In the four,
years Varner has been growing
Hannchen barley he ' has learned
several practices which have en-:
a bled him t o increase his acre
yield1 from twenty-five bushels to
seventy to eighty bushels.
His first seeding was 60 to 80
pounds' to an acre' as contrasted
with his present seeding of "110
to 116 pounds to the acre. He ap
preciates the vaue of a. firm seed
bed which he packs down with a
corrugated roller because such a
seed bed causes the barley to
stool out. During' the past -two
.years he has counted as many as
thirty-e'x stocks to a single plant.
He plants his barley on fertile,
well' drained .soil, reasonably early
In the spring after the ground is
warm, that Invariably if there is
a good rain after the barley is up
that -It will stool out and make a
heavy yield.
Good for Marion
Hannchen barley unquestion
ably is destined to pay a most im
portant part as a spring grain for
Marion county, because, if proper
ly handled, it will yield more
pounds of grain per acre on the
average than ei'ther spring oats or
wheat, and furthermore It is fine
feed for hogs a well as dairy
John Kanffman of Woodburn,
Oregon, won first with white Six
Row winter barley. " He has been
growing this type of barley for
several years and finds that it of
fers great possibilities as a fall
sown grain to help clean up weedy
land because it ripens about the
first of July and can be harvested,
before the' weeds have gone to
seed. ' Moreover the winter ' bar
ley' provides early Jhog feed dur
ing the months of July and Aug-i
mst when feed Is scarce and high
On Kinney Wheat
Harvey Walker of Salem won
first on Kinney wheat with a bush
el which tested 63, and Roth
Bro3. (Earnest and Henry) won
second with a bushel of Kinney
which tested 62.6. The Kinney
wheat seems to do exceptionally
weir on the well drained soil of
Salem and Howell prairies, where
the humus and nitrogen contents
of soil ns high.
On the Clover
Ed Loop,' who is farming near
Perrydale, won first on red clover
this year. Loop had a wonderful
110 acre field of red clover which
was outstanding from a standpoint
of. size and color of seed. Henry
growing section of Central Howell,
won second in the red clover class,
prize for Alslke clover.
Pohn Kauffman, farming near
Jones Bros, of Gervals won first
St. Paul, won second with his ex
hibit of white clover. Kauffman,
as well as a number of St. Paul
farmers, has been growing white
clover for a number of years "and
find that it not only is a consist
ent and heavy yfelder of seed but
that it also furnishes wonderful
pasture for their dairy stock. They
grow an exceptionally fine quality
of white clover seed and in mak
ing ,a placing for ' Kauffman 's
White clover, the judge mentioned
that ft was A-l white clover seed
but that he would have to give a
second placing because It 'con
tained some mixture of Alsike
clover. ' J - " y t w . ' t -
Young Men Leal
h In checking over the entries for
Marion county, it was Interesting
to note that the majority of the
exhibits were made by young far
mers, and it is' encouraging to
know that these young farmers
are making a real attempt to pro
duce a high grade of the finest
quality of grain and small seeds
that is best adapted to Willamette
valley conditions.
These young farmers who are
specializing in seed growing will
open up a field that shows great
promise for them, and at the same
time they are making available a
local supply of seed gTaln whoch
will help In a large measure to
Increase' the per acre production
rof grain in their respective com
Western Paper Converting Company Has Added Some New
Machinery, Designed to Increase Its Output and Its Work
ing Forces an Therefore Its Payrolls Much Outside
Money for Salem.
One of he big payrolls of Salem
is now that of the Western Paper
Converting company. Front and D
streets, ir it Is not the fourth in
dustrial payroll in Salem in size
now. It will likely be before long
with fhe paper mill first, the
Spaulding wood working plants
second, and the woolen mill third.
The annual paper mill Slogan
number of The Statesman of two
years ago had this item:
"A number of the men connect
ed with the Oregon Pulp and Pa
per company have organized the
Western Paper Converting com
pany, and this company is already
building a large plant on North
Front street, that will employ a
hundred or people from the
start, and eventually will employ
several hundred, in making paper
boxes and many other forms of
paper containers, including envel
opes, and also including the print
ing of these paper containers."
The plant has been in operation
for nearly two years. It has a
building 240 by 100 feet, of the
concrete factory type construction.
Only One In West
This is the only factory west of
the Mississippi making bonbon,
"bakery, artd all kinds of crimp
cups. Glassine bags 'are turned
out in'varfous styles. Food wrap
pers of all kinds are made. Ad
ding machine and cash register
rolls are turned out in great quan
tities. This factory furnishes Armour
& Co. Swift & Co. and many of
the independent packing plants
with all their printed meat wrap
pers. In short, this factory takes the
finished product from the paper
mill and finishes it further for
the use of the trade in various
" " ZJfrom long distances.
Paper Converting company is OTi fa
F. Beyerl; vice president and man
ager. Lloyd Riches; secretary, Jo-
oenh PrrMlhomme: treasurer. F. W.
Warren Gilbert; famous nation
ally known cartoonist, who was a
Salem boy, is in charge of the art
department. That end of the
plant, in which the photo engrav
ing is also done. Is a most Inter
esting place, and in fact every
part of the work is . Interesting,
with the operation of machines
that seem to do about everything
but think.
Growing Fast Now
A new Kidder three color ad
justable rotary press has Just been
installed and started to running.
It is the very latest of that make.
It will print 50,000 impressions
In eight hours, size 36 by 48
Inches. The press is running 16
hours a day now, the first week of
full operation. It will no doubt
run- 24 hours a day soon.
There is also a new very latest
type ruling machine, that rules
both sides of the paper both ways.
Many thousands of the school chil
dren of the coast states are using
this paper in penmanship exercises
and for making up examination
papers, etc. It is being sent to
the trade in large quantities.
There are pow 60 people em
ployed in the plant, besides the
sales force. The number'will con
stantly increase. The output has
been 10 cars of finished papers
a month on the average.' This
amount will grow fast now, with
a practical trebling of the facili
ties in the past year.
Manager Riches has recently re
turned from a trip of three weeks
over the wide trade territory of
the concern. He finds that the
prospects for the marketing of an
increased output of the plant are
bright now.
Practically all the money re
ceived from these products comes
from outside of Salem; most of it
This is a
factory that helps to keep Salem
going and growing steadily.
Hill BB
victm is
Candidates Who Enter the
Competitor! Now Can
Win; Big Prizes
Buy Statesman Want Ads
Honor Roll today
Howard Elliott.
Leon Mickenham.
Mace Moref.ord,
Kenneth Lewis.
(By Radio Contest Editor)
Time is fleeting. But three and
a half weeks remain in The Stat
esman's radio contest for boys and
This radio is on display at the
Statesman office and can be seen
vt any, time. Boys and girls in the
race s'houid realize how valuable
these prizes are and that they are
practically within reach to be
claimed for their very own or for
feited to more ogressrtve oppon
ents during the next few days, de
pending almost entirely on the su
preme effort put forth while the
special bonus of 25,000 free votes
is awarded, on each club of $7 on
To the hoy or girl who halts for
a moment if you slack up or
let your enthusiasm wane If you
overlook one opportunity to better
your chances to win, you are tak
ing the desperate risk of losing
the big prizes.
This radio contest is so big that
it should have the attention of the
brightest boys and girls in this ter
ritory. -Hereone stands to gain up
to $175 With' every active -candidate
guranteed 8 per cent on ev
ery dollar he or she turns in on
subscriptions. There are three ra
dios, three bicycles, two phono
graphs 20 prizes in all that
will be given to active boys and
' "Everyone Wins Something" Is
the slogan. It is safe to predict
that there will be very few boys
and girls in Salem territory be
tween now and October 22nd who
wall make up to $175 any other
. One couldn't imagine a finer
list of prizes for boys and girls.
But. this is a subscription getting
campaign. Subscriptions will win
and subscriptions do not come on
the wines of mornrng without ef
fort. The goal is too big, the ob
jective Is too important not to
make a supreme effort to produce
tne subscriptions while they count
for so many votes. Those who have
the foresight : to see the tremen
dous value of votes on subscrip
tions compared to the clubs and
getL their campaign eta rted -whilei
the present -vote schedule is in ef-'
fet will be well pafd lor their
Now is the time to enter ami
Oile lin Tntfia nn the hi? rntp sch
edule. Start 'now in earnest and.
you will be surprised at what you
can accomplish with the assistance
of the present big vote offer.
You have as good a chance as
anyone to win these prizes. Come
in and look them over and tell us
what you think of them. These
prizes will be given away on Octo
ber 22nd to the candidates who se
cure the most votes. Never will
you have an .opportunity like this
to win such valuable prizes with
6uh a little effort
'SEPT. 28, 1927
Kama , Address
Howard Adams. R. 2, Bx 80
Vera Adams, 236 S. 18
Dale Aerhart, SIT Capitol
James Real, 1040 Norway
Jack Birtry. 1165 N. 4th..
Walter Bodyfelt. R. 4, B. 134.
Homer Brawn, 2205 Laurel..
Donald Cannon, R. 4. Box 124
Gefe. Cuey, 1016 N. tOth....
Jack Clark. .Mnmoath. Ore.
Kenneth Ceffey, 1S35 Marion
Robert Conaall, 875 Fnaat.
West Saiem
J. Delaywood. Auto Prk
Alfred Downs, 880 N 21at....
warren Eisenbrandt, R. 2.'
Box 90
Albert Elder. Monmouth, Ore.
Howard Elliott 1444 Center....
Walter Etplin. R. a, B. 143
Ralph Eyre. -870 N. 17th
CUrenoe Fast, 1330
Alfred French, Route 4.
Miaa Bern is Godsey, 875 N.
Lawrence Almont Grimes. 1353
8. 12th
Bert HalhPth, 1585 Lee...l
Eonis- Hannon, 507 N. 20th
Wilbur Harmes, 1910 N. Sum.
Dan Hamilton, 808 N." 2 1st"
Glen Hardman. 614 S. 2lat..
John Hauren, Route WsoJ-
born, Oresron
Ronald Hewitt. 1311 k. 4th
Walter Kieper, 1840 Sarins w
Kenneth Lewis. 1429 Lee .
Robert Long; 206O . Cottage
Floyd Maddy. 1369 S.-I3th :
Lyman Martin. J 850 N Winter
Byron Menis, 2095 D .
151. 7O0
- 5,000
141. S0O
T win If iekenbam. -
12th 109.273
Herbert Morley, 75 X. 17th .166.125
lace tMorford, 1715. X.
Church : 137.400
Robert Payne Z - . 132,V3
Robert Pickens, 865 K. I7th 133.425
WHIts Peareey 2156 South
-Cfroreh 74,4.2a
Johanie Perrin, 1098-X. 17 146,230
Harold PerseyV 1315 Shipper 69,000
Mildred Peters, R. 1. Sublim-
ltV Oregon K 189,2 7 J
Ronald Rasmnssea. 1809 Wal-
w - .... . . - . - 86,650
Robert . Rammas. 813 Market 78,4
ranc kiomi, & , sas
pendence- .. . . . .
Marte Rnthweiler. R- 4. Box
i8i : 5,000
George Self, 8 TO X. Liberty 151.925
Jim Sebon, 1645 - Mission.- 38.200
Mason Shutt. 701 K. 14th 106,075
Robert Skewis, " 1967 Center- 112,400
Eldon SlaTeaa, 1098 Thomp
son ,. ; ... - . 102,600
Robert S. S tailings. 1140 ST.
Front ...... 116.450
UaBl Toews, 275 N. 20.. . 8.750
(Sidney Van LyderrsL 1225 N.
Summer .". 141,325
Kalmsn Vadney, 431 8. Cot
tage , ...... 158,675
Loriae M. Walling, R. 1, Bx.
258 u- . 71,400
Sorine u. Walking. K. r. D.
1. Box S58 , ....
Edmnnd Weisner, 1072 Union
Maxwell White, nolo Oak......
Walter Wiena, 1431 K. - Cot
tage ... , ....- wj; t.-. -
Chester L. Wilts. Independ
ence, Oregon u . 109,250
105.200 r -
' 44,400
(Continued from Page One)
' - . . .' t
after a period of intense religious
devotion. She was said to have
lived since without drinking or
eating. .Every Friday she sbed
tears of blood while .at the same
time red spots appear on her sides,
the . palms of her hands and her
feet, it was related. ' c "
The origin of the phrase "wat-;
ered stock" is given in an answer-5
ed question 'In Liberty. Daniel
DrewVa'shrewd farmer, drove his
cattle, from his Dutchess County
farrato New YorkJ feeding them
a lotlof salt on the way and then
letting them drink-all, the water
they wanted at the end of the
journey. The stock was then' sold
by weight, . .
See It Now
Oregon Theatre
sTiTEsiili 66E C O N O MY" TRIPS
Watch This Page Each
Will Find It to Their
ek For
e to Patronize
A dverti se rs On
This Page.
4 ,
,! ; , ?Q8' North Capitol Street
(SoWen West Hill Bros, or M. J. I. Coffee
Marion Creainery Butter, per lb.
Carnation Milk, per can
I No. 1 graded eggg, per doz.
W T" a a
vooKing Appies, per ox
0. O.-D. Orders Delivered. -
. .39c
-a .- -. ttv
H. P. W00DRY & SON
: 'FREE ; ' I
1 SEEr
'; Old Pavilion ; ' ' I 0
Saving on all Lahi; Stoves bought Fair V
r '. ' A, - ,,-:- - ' - . ; ' .
Wc do tirst class repairing on watches and jewelry.
Oregon and Montana agate cutting and mounting.
t . r . ) -.!.'.
: ......
We handle standard grades in silverware in latest
' patterns. '. Ve. also handle nice' line of gif.goyds.
f - Prcscotts Jewelry ami Shop
.zvi n commercial siree .. ; ,
Holly wood Met
2090 North Capitol Street
Fresh Shipments of Fish Received for Every Friday
The Markets Tinest
We make a specialty of fresh prime meats and
fresh POULTRY sold in sanitery surroundings.
W. E. Milburn, Prop.
Bring This Ad? and Re
ceive a Reduction Ui ,
How Are Your Brakes
This may happen to
you. We fix your
Brakes Right.
Try Us.
"WE Repair night"
Morton Auto
Auto Repair
S71 ChemeVeta
I'hone 301
Andwhen you think of 'Fall seeding, remember
that we- carry the most complete stock of seeds1 m the ,
state I ( - - t - Ay v ,.. - v
- i with the, most; modern machinery on the market,
we dean our grains arid seeds in first class shapes
that you are insured of buying the finest, quality the
market affords. And the price is no higher than others
asK'f or the average stocjc.7 ' '
t ST,
7 - D. A. WHITE &50NS ,
Phone 1$0 21 SUte Btreit Salem, Oregon
Star Market
Next . to Hall Grocery 1962 North Capitol Street.
Beef Roast 1 8c
Boiling Meat 1 5c
U Steaks 25c
Pork Sausage 25c
Choice Hamburger 18c
Everyday Prices.
1925 Puick Standard Coupe
Fully equiped with hew rubber
... ,
1924 Willy's, Knight. Sedan, new duco paint, balloon
tires; mbtor A 1 and many extras.
235 Sputli Commercial ; r Phone 362
' 8tndebaker and Krsklne Deslers -Z
I" 5!
- - .
Furs Essential
New Blhtfi'Bldfcri34 So. Hlch
. fur. Come In and let up help yota choose the
rtght fur for. you. . 1-
We will be glad to give roa advise ad help
on rentoaei anv
- '
fur. that von might havei U 1
' j c ;.- . ' I
New Bllgh Bldg 124 Bb.'ntgh
, u?etJollJ. homue cooked meals1 and lunches here
while attending the fair. 2 ;blocks south of fair
grounds and opposite Hollywood theatre.' Our orices
are right and our service is good. :
Open from 5:00 a. m. till midnight.
2000 North Capitol Street.
I if. 3
Guaranteed Retreading;
22 Chemeketav Street
29 x 4.40 Retr-ads
All Makes
. ;We carry .3p? hand 30x3 $2.00 up
30 x 3 Retreads ' .
' VVe Do Tire Repairing
:Under:size Means Un4er-service
There la no such thing as a
battery "just as good -as Prest-O-tJte."
and any man who tell
you so Is only fooling.
219 State Street
Next Time Get
A FuU-SUed Genuine '
Telephone tZ7
: a .jijmiatji, ys.i.. .u J yiJijm.iji iiL i.a.'Mlw .ml.'AHIi l ,
: i