TJie Are In Making TherrfH ion . . .s THE DAILY STATESMAN dedicates two or more images each week in the interests of one of the fifty-two to a hundred basic industries of the Salem District. Letters and articles from people with vision are solicited. This is your page: Help make Salem grow. j ' -TTT;-. - "tesr : ' r EIGH1H ICONSECUTiyETEAR r'S-1 . t SftLERfl.S PAPER MILL OOUBLFD ITS OAPAGITY IBhTHE m ICBriALLTffilttTS New Buildings Were Also Added The Forces Directly Em ployed in the Plant Number About 400 Now, With Perhaps As Many More Indirectly Engaged in Getting Out the Pulp , Wood and Conveying It to the Plant, EU. This Big Mill Is Responsible for the Support of Perhaps 5000 People in "Salein ahd'the Salem District. ', The Salem paper mill employs. In Its factory ,A 00 people. With its woo supply, and In other ways It is directly respon sible for the employment ot about as many more It uses 800 gallons of water a minute, or 11.520,000 gallons each, 24 hours, and has a filtering capa city; pf 16,000,00 gallons. It Irons the- full 24 hour of every day in the year excepting on the 4th of July and Christmas; and the repair forces are more than busy on those days. It has 4 80 electric motors, from one horse power np to 350'. The total connected motor power load is 10000 horse power. The light ing - load is 85 kilowatts. The steady load is about 4500 kilo watts an hour; running to 5000. Six electricians, aTe required to keep the electrical equipment in steady operation. The mill is turning out about 173,000 pounds of paper a day. The pulp plant of the mill requires about 6000 cords of wood a month, or a1oul'3,428,000 board feet. Miracles are being performed every day at this plant; turning into the finest papers wood from the tree or log or cord. It is Long Story The above are some of the sal ient facts concerning the mill and operations of the Oregon Pulpand Paper company, located In Salem. This mill has been In operation Reven years. The first car of pap er -for- the market was shipped from the plant October 1. 1920. On .that date The Statesman wfl? printed from paper made at thi mill .-from a trial run of wood pulp" secufedfrom a mill u3iiig ground puJp.News print is made from .ground wood pulp. The sul phite process Is used exclusively by the Salem mill. No single day has passed In all the'seven years without some im provement or plan for improve ment. Paper Making Process Tbewood Is "delivered to the mill in the shape of cord wood or slabs and- the- bark removed by a maMrne"''kin'own as a barker." it is then redmeed to chip. This is accomplished by machines called chippers. The blocksfof wood are convoyed direct from .the barkers or from the storage pile, as the case may be. ' The chips are cleaned of saw dust and dirt and conveyed to the top of a hundred-foot buildiug known as a dfgester house. : The china are dropped in at the top of the digester, and. when it is tilled, sulphurous acid is run in, a '.cover clamped on. and the mass .is raised -to a temperature of 300 degrees or more and a steam pressure of 78 pounds is maintained for from 10 to 20 hours, according to the quality of theWiTpWte Yetfulred.' . " 4 This cook is then released from the digester under pressure. The action of the sulphurous acid on the wood separates the fiber.takes the cellulose from the lignin. The cellulose is then bleached and then conveyed to, the "beaters. machlne4whieh "fe,fine it until It is In a fit state to go to the paper i machines is equipped with 16 sep machlile.' ' ; ' , . , . arate direct connecting motors. ' Thfs'machine takes the stock In! The machinery 1s all driven by di- a liquid state and it flows onto an endless'wire mesh cloth to which a shake Is Imparted so that the stock . ia . eVenYtialfy'. 'distributed across tae face "of the wire and at the same dine a large part of the 'water drops through the wire and is gotten rid of. ' " The sheetris transferred from C-l Ti. XT ; pregon Theatre PAST YEAR; WITH : the wire to the felts and la car ried between the rolls of metal or hard Rubber and from these press rolls 'is .taken to. the dryers, These., dryers, are large hollow iron eylftjders around which the 'paper trYels In contact wlthth face of the dryers. Steam is admitted to the in terior of the dryers and the paper comes out at the end of the dryer run thoroughly dry and "is sub-j jected to a calendering to give it a firm texture and finish. Up-to-Date Mill In the case of glassine paper a further calandering is necessary. ' In making the sulphurous acid with which the wood is cooked, limerock is placed in towers near by a hundred feet high and water is allowed to percolate down through the limerock. Sulphur is burned in a rotary burner aneTlhe gas after being cooled thoroughly in submerged pipes passes through a fan which forces It through the three towers one after the other. The snfphur gas is absorbed by the lime water which is pumped from the bottom of one tower to the top of the other. When this acid has the proper strength it is pumped to storage tanks from whk ii it is run to the digesteys as ntt':od. The iai'1 started operation with one paper machine, but a second machine was added the first year, and a third in 1922, and a fourth last year. It is now one of the largest mills of its kind in the United States. v The main machine and beater room is the most substantial and attractive building of the kind on the coast. IxHms IarK" in Salem The operation of the plant of itid Oregon Pulp and Paper com pany looms large in the life of Salem. The 400 employees, count ing five to the family, means that 2000 people here have their living from the operations of the plant. and about the same number, lo cated here in this district, from the work of supplying the wood for the plant, in cord wood and log form. With all the people in directly, supported by having these 40QO mfn, women and children in this city and section, we have at least another 1000 population here eor 5000 In 'all. A little city In population. ,TiebWldJngs, are well tion sifructed; modem, handsome, and large with about 300 feet front age on North Commercial street, corner of Trade, and extending back, over 1000 feet, to the Wil lamette river; some of -them being four stories high and over, and the towers running up to 100 feet high. Fine Equipment There are two paper making ma chines that make a 136 inch roll, one 117 inches, and one 100 inches. Three of them are Bag ley & Sewall machines, the other made by the M-ills Machine com pany, There are 23 beaters holding 1000 pounds eah, and equipped with 75 to 100 horse power mot ors. (One of the paper making ' rect connecting motors.) . In the finishing room there are seven cutters, five trimmers and four rewinders. There are three super calendar stacks for finish ing glassin'es, and one book stack for finishing high grade book paper. The paper goes everywhere UYtZ&iXU iU 113 - - OXltttgmiai Dates of Slogans in Daily Statesman (Abo In Weekly Statesman) (With a few possible changes) Drug Garden, May 5. Logaiiberries. October T, 1926 Prunes, October 14 Dairying, October 21 Flax. October 28 Filberts, November 4 Waluuta, November 11 Strawberries, November 18 Apples, November 25 Raspberries, December 2 Mint, December 9 Beans, Etc., December 16 Blackberries, December 23 Cherries, December 30 Pears, January 6, 1927 Gooseberries, January 13 Corn. January 20 Celery. January 27 Spinach, Etc, February 3 Onions, Etc., February 10 Potatoes; Etc., February 17 Bees, February 24 Poultry and Pet Stock, Mar. 3 iCity' Beautiful. Etc. March 10 ! Great Cows, March 17 Paved Highways, March 24 Head Lettuce, March 31 Siloa, Etc., April 7 : Legume,-Apriri4 . 'Asparagus, Etc., April 21 . Grapes; rate, April 28 THIS WEEK'S SLOGAN DID YOU KNOW That the Salem paper mill, which was already one of themost'up to date paper mills in the wcrld, has been largely rebuilt during the past year; that it has been a highly" successful institution from the start; thai it has added greatly to the industrial activity and prosperity of Salem and the Salem district; that it has grown constantly both in capacity and value cf.output; that it will continue to grow for an indefinite lime; that its capacity has been doubled that this is one ,of the '.'greatest pulp wood centers in the entire world, and there should be more paper mills here, including at least one of the faking of news print, and that paper niitJs are among the greatest of all manufacturing cori cefns for helping'lhe growth' and prosperity of a city and country, bringing new money constantly from long distances? pome of it goes to the Phillipines; jiome to the east through the can al. It goes all over the country and to many foreign countries, in different forms. The mill is now making lT.'f.OOO pounds of paper a day. A Lot of Juice The mill takes about a third of the "peik load" of electricity used in Salem. But it goes 24 hours a day. and it therefore uses nearly as much electrical power as all the rest of the city combined; because the general load is light at meal hours, late at night, and at other times. The power control plant of the mill is a big and interesting one. F. M. Peyton has been in charge of it ever since the mill started running. He now has five or more assistant electricians. The lighting equipment alone is no small thing. Tlie Sulphite Plant One of the interesting parts of the big- paper plant is;the sulphite mill. The commencement is with the log or with cord wood. This is split "and chipped up by -ma chinery. Then go into the digesters. There are four of them. They produce 11 tons each of sulphite at a "cook." There are in all eight cooks a day. Thisfa(,t th& capacity was doubled means 88 tons of cellulose, the raw material of paper making, each 2 4 hours. First after cooking, the stock is washed, to remove the lignin and foreign matter. Pulp wood contains from 40 to 60 per cent of cellulose, the rest of its chem ical properties being principally lignin. which Is waste in the mak ing of sulphite papers. After washing, the cellulose Is!"screened, to remove the uncooked portions. X.. B. xrowsMoox H!Mn -Wicker FumJtar MMMtrHurlng Co. W Brll PlrtCt 0Dln Bittaft Rm4 tte!tty - i FnruitiiM ... Bpftirtng, ' Rafinlihhif, UphoJtrtn Z21 Btf St.. Salem. Or(a Hunt's Qjiklity;Fruits Himt .Brothers Packing ' . Company ' ";. . - Canned Frultt and ' Vegetables 1 1 Main bffice: 2 Pin Street." .San ' Francisco ' ' California Canneries Californtsr-IIayward, Ban Jose. tios Gatos. Exeter -r OreKon'-fialem. McMlnnVllle, : ""..-.AlDaay"-" " '-3 Wasfcintton-PTiyatfup. Bumner Sugar Industry, May 12. Water :Powers, May 19. Irrigation, May 26. Mining-, June 2. Land; Irrigation, etc., June 9. Floriculture,' June 16. Hops, Cabbage, etc., June 23. Wholesaling, Jobbing, June 30. Cucumbers, etc., -July 7. Hogs. July 14. Goats, July1 21. Schools.' July 28. Sheep, August 4. Seeds, August 11. National Advertising, Aug. 18. Livestock, August 25. Gratn & Orain Products. Sept. 1 Manufacturing, Sept- 8. Woodworking, etc.', Sept. 15. Automotive Industries, Septem ber 22. " ? Paper Mills, Sept. 2 9. (Back copies of the Thurs day edition of The Daily Ore gon Statesman are on- hand. They are ifpr sale at 10 cents sachv mailed to any address. Current copies 5 cents. Then it is bleached. The Salem mill has one of the most modern systems of bleaching. It is called a high density bleaching plant. It is simple to those who understand it, but intricate to those who do not. From the bleaching plant, the cellulose goes to the beaters, part of it handled on wet machines to make into lap for storing, the balance pumped direct to the beat ers. When the stock goes into . the paper making machines, it Is over 99 per cent water. In fact, it is 99 and seven tenths water all water but three-tenths of one per cent. Hence the immense amount of water used, 11,520,000 gallons a day, with a filtering capacity of 16,000,000 gallons. One may get a better Idea of this when it is known that the daily use of water fix all Salem for 192$ from the Salem water plant, was 3,030,781, and that the high mark for this year was 6,613,20O gallons on July 23 the average for .the month of July being 5,439,613 gallons. Some New Thing There are several new things about the Salem paper mill the past year. The main thing is the in that time, with new buildings; new machinery and equipment in every part of the plant. There has been emphasis the past year on bond and glassine papers of high quality, and on parchment stock. The sulphite mill was of course also doubled in capacity. There was puti'lh a complete new wet room. All the Kep Tour Money In Oregoa Bay Monunnt Msd at Slm, Oregon. CAPITAL MONTTMEVTAX. WOUKB , J. O. Jon It Co, Proprietors All Kinds of IConuMntal Work Factory an Offico: - -8210 8. Com'V Oppowlt L- O. O- T. - Donatory, Box SI Pbono 889. ' . SAIXM, OKZGOH O aklandj. Pan t i a;Cr. Sales and Service r v yieiCBROs.' High Street at Trade . . 5ENa:A-COPY. EAST sulphite made here is used here now. ' , . . cew Kind of PoptT The managers of the Oregon" Pit rp and Paper-company are con stantly on the alert for new things in the industry. .They themselves originate some new things. They know how to put the pjtoh woods to profitable use in the making of paper, and have done it. This is reserved, however, for the future scarcity of the other pulp woods, such as spruce, white fir, balm, etc., etc. They are expeiiineutinp in other lins. They are willing to "try anything once." Only about 100 years. a?o there was only one kind of paper, made from linen rags. Then came, wood pulp paper, ground pulp paper, for newsprint, eltc. Very -lately three other kinil.of paper made from wood pulp were brousht out. First, sulphite paper, second the soda wood pulp process; then the kraft papers, using sawmill waste, etc., and making a coarse paper. Now comes a fifth kind of wood pulp paper. If 4as been brought out in the past two years, Writhe United States forestprodnefs lab oratories, which are constantly working for the conservation of woods; seeking ways to use low er .erades wood stock in paper making. The fifth kind of wood pulp paper, the newest kind, is a semi chemical pulp. It is only par tially cooked, and then treated in a "rod" mill. It Ls already being made, for the coarser grades, like those used in cartons. It gives high yields in tons of paper, com pared with the log or the cord used in making it. It uses more of the lignin than other processes saving what has heretofore been largely or partially waste. The Personnel The Oregon Pulp and Paper company is largely under local management. Its officers are: F. W. Leadbetter, president; Dri. B. L. Steeves, vice president; JLl S. Fleming, Secretary-treasur er, liirectors, including: these four officers, E. . Barnes. W. E. Keyes, Truman Collins. L. L. Leadbetter. George Putnam, C. F. Beyerl, Wm. S. Walton. Pittock Leadbetter. and Dr. M. C. Findley. Superintendent of the paper mill, J. D. Raster. Superintendent of the sulphite mill. E. B. Wood. Superintendent of the finishing room, John Andean. Chief elec trician, F. M. Peyton; master me chanic O. P. Wagner; chemist Gould Morehouse. General superintendent of the paper mill, E. L. Sherie. Office manager, K. W. Heinlein;' sales manager, A. B. Galloway; head of order department, Ralph Olson; traffic manager, F. W. Karr, as sisted by Vernon Tyler. General office force: Wayne Shumaker, Mrs. Ipha Knox. Miss E. L. Hogg and Miss Bessie Taylor. Wood de partment, G. Halseth and Isaac Vincent. ' A large number of people In and about Salem own stock in the Ore gon Pulp and Paper company, both the common or original stock and the preferred. INDIANS IX IJKGALIA POCATELLO, Idaho. Sept. 2S. (AP) Full blooded Bannock and Shoshone Indians In full re galia added a bit of color to the formal dedication of the American Falls dam and reclamation project it the new city of American Falls, 24 miles west of here today. BRING IN YOUR NEW WHEAT And exchange it fur hard wheat patent flour, or any of our long list ot milling specialties. We do custom grinding. We sup ply what you need for what you have. CHERRY CITY MIXX1NG CO. Salem, Oregon. 481 Trade St. Phone 318 DIXIE HEALTH BREAD Ask Your Grocer J 1 1 , ; SALEM'S QI9 PAPER MILL HAS IR CHARGE OF MTMEIiTS GOOD MEI9 5 I ! Some of the Leaders in Their Keep the Various Processes Wheels Turning, to the End of Fine Quality. There are a great many people in Salem who have never seen ev en the finishing operations of the big paper mill at the foot of Trade street, fronting on South Commercial, much less having an understanding of the magic of turning cord wood and logs of pulp timber into high quality and high priced articles of commerce. There are few things in the realm of chenvistry and mechanical op erations that is more interesting. It would take many pages of a newspaper or book to even des cribe the outstanding things that Hie being carried on in this plant. Every part of the work must be directed by men of experience; by men who have made a study of their various lines of work. Most of them must go unmentioned in this cursory review. Major F. W. Leadbetter, the president of the company, ha spent his whole active life in this field, first in the operation, and later in the general management and financing of paper mills. In General Charge The man who bears the brunt of the battle in keeping the whole great paper mill in all Us depart ments in trim for aff idient and profitable work is Carl F. Beyerl, the general superintendent, who also has the same relationship to the Columbia River Paper Mills at Vancouver, Wash., and other affiliated paper mill operations. In his early life, Mr. Beyerl re ceived his technical education in Vienna, Austria, and it was thor ough. He commenced his paper mill experiecne in a plant in Bo hemia that turned out the highest quality papers known; linen pa ' pers. Then he worked in some of the best paper mills in Germany, Belgium and Efigland. He came to the United States twenty-six years ago, and he had his ficst experience in paper making in Pennsylvania; making such pa pers as are turned out at the Sa lem millf especially the highest and best grades. Then Br. Beyerl, went into the engineering branch; building paper mills in the United States and Canada, and he came to Salem from Canada six years ago. He has helped to make the Salem mill .a model one, up to date in all particulars; and un der his charge the value of the output of the Salem mill had morej. than trebted" before the last program of doubling the out put was started. Mr. Beyerl is not a mere me chanic. He a chemist- and sci entist. Modern - paper making is largely a' chemical proposition.; One must " know" his chemistry, and Mr.x Beyerl does"; and he must learn the new things that come up In chemical research al- GIDEON STOLZ CO.. Manufacturers of Vinegar, Soda Water, Fountain Supplier Salem Phone 20 Ore. W. V. P.OSKBRACGH COMPANY Manufacturers of Warm Air Furnaces, Fruit Drying Stoves, Smoke Stacks. Tanks, Steel - and Foundry Work, Welding a Specialty. 17th and Oak StsM Salem, Ore. F. C. LUTZ NURSERY We plan and plant (tree-of charge), for homes, large or small, all kinds of ornamental shrubs, perennials and rockery plants. ' Landscape work. ' - ' ISOO Market St. Phone 1608-R When you order hotter ask for BUTTERCUP ' BUTTER Yon will get the finest that cream, from the best herds in Marion and Polk. Counties .can produce. -' . ' t Capital City C - Cooperative Creamery -Phone 299 ' 1 U-JW 4 .1 -.'-i.r Lines in the Paper Industry Functioning Properly and the That the Output Is Large and most . every day. lie learns them. He has seen the progress of the industry, and been a part of it, from the time when fifty feet of paper was wont to be" put thru a machine in a minute, till now a 1000 feet a minute is a common thine. He his listened to" stories ever.aince he was a 'mere ;t:l boy; about the- exhaustion -of the, raw) supply; "and he knew all the;tlhie,. there was little in them, for he has known that , every vegetable growth in the .world that lias fi ber and can stand up contains cel- lulose rand cellulose laf niainly what- the reader has before him in the paper on which these words are printed. The reader sees it'in hundreds of other articles of com merce, from combs to golf and bil liard balls; but that is another story. Paper is mainly cellulose known as wood fiber. There are now five different processes of making paper from wood fiber. But what the writer is trying to convey to the reader is the fact that Mr. Beyerl knows all these things from the ground up, and all the reasons why that any one yet knows; and he is learning all the new things that come up and they will not likely quit coming up in this or the next gen eration. And there will be paper mills' and paper as long as any thing grows on earth that has fiber Pud can stand up. SALEMS BIG PAPER (2) .. .. In the Main Mill J.- D. Raster ,is superintendent of the paper mill; the main mill, in which the cellulose or sulphite is converted into the finished product. Mr. Kaster was almost born in a paper mill. He has worked in paper mills almost since he can remember. He was for a long time night superintend ent o,f the Salem mill, before com ing into his present position, and every detail of his duties is famil iar to him. In the Sulphite Mill Edward P. Wood, superintend ent of the sulphite mill, came to Salem from North Tonawanda, New York. For three years pre vious to gbing to North Tpnawan da, he was in India, erecting a mill to manufacture paper from bamboo. For two years previous to that, Mr. Wood was at. Parsons, West Virginia. Mr. Wood's fath er is sulphite superintendent for the Champion Fiber company. Canton, N. C. His fathers broth--er in a leading writer, on, chemical subjects. .He is a graduate of the : Whe-Ta-Lon A Superior Breakfast Food A trial Will Convince You . c Whe-Ta-Lon Cereal Co. ft. A. BUTLKIt, Manager ; Telephone 1000-W. OIL-0-MATIC ret". : ,-r.f I , . Wliat Is It? SEE THEO.lVf.BARR - Phone 192 Oregon Pulp llannfacturers of - - BOND LEDGER GLASSINE 7 j GREASEPROOF TISSUE " Support Oregon Products ' Y Specify "Salem Made" Paper for Your " Offlcs University of North Carolina, at Chapell Hill, near Durham. .While at North Tonawanda he was with the Tonaawnda Paper company controlled by the Chicago Tribute and that is the mill whun manes- the" paper for the Liberty Maga zoSne. The mill he erected in India, Is 280 miles north of Madras, In the Madras presidency, at tho town of Itaiahmundry. Mr. Wood lias for a long time been looking to the west, and he likes hia work and this section, and he predicts great things in many line of de velopment here, and especially in the paper industry, where there are such abundant resources in raw material's and power. lie has been familiar with paper mill op erations all his conscious life. , .' . "r "A Stendy Job U'" F;3lireylont when he was so licited tot come to Salem to take charge otthe. paper-mill in Its im portant; electrical department, re plied that -he was looking for work that would give him utecdy emiiloyraeat. JJe(.was told that this w-asnhe.very Job;that wonld Kuit WmTTMIow steady. is it? It is going. very hour of the diy. every day 1n the year; excepting on the Fourth of July and Christ mas when the majority of the operatives . are given a vacation. But on the Fourth of July and bhristmas,' the men in charge of departments, like Mr. Peyton, are more busy than ever- doing re pair work. Of course. Mr. Pey ton cannot be personally present on the Job every hour of the 24. He has five or, more assistants. But he is subject to call every hour. SoAhe Is really "on the job' all the time. - . ; ENGLISHMAXCOMIXG SOUTHAMPTON, England, Sept. 28.: (AP) Phil Scott, the British heavyweight, full of hopes of battling" his way through elim ination contests so as to qualify t meet Gene ..Tnnney, sailed today with his manager, Charles Ro. Scott said he was ready to meet all comers.- Jack Dempsey, Jack. Sharkey, Tom Henney and Paolin Uzcudun preferred. There are said to be 3,424 lan guages or dialects in the world, according to an answered question in Liberty. They are distributed as follows: America, 1,624; A3ia, 937; Europe 587; and Africa, 276. " C. J. PUGH & CO. Manufacturers of , Canning Machinery; Graders, Trucks, Etc 5CO S. 21st St., Salem, Orejfon Air jPainting bONE WITH A GUN M. B. Sanderson 1144 'North ' Cottage Your Daily Your daily work should be a pleasure to you. " It cannot be if you are cick one-half of the time and healthy the other halt. Be HEALTHY ALL the time. If you are sick the "cause la nerve pressure. Remember i that iiie Neurocalometer accurately lo cates the nerve pressure while Chiropractic Adjustments .re move it. . , J . Neurocalometer' readings by appointment only. Dr. O. L. Scott, D. C, . . .... . ' .... 2M North nigh Street v Pjhono 87 or 1471-R & Paper Cot Cta.tIcr.Erj Work V 0, ' , 1 .; - r r,