The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 29, 1927, Page 5, Image 5

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Wins White Rock Awards-f
- John Corn forth, white rock
chicken fancier who lives on the
Pacific highway south of Salem,
took first prize among several
competitors with his peq of birds
and second prize in the single hen
mpetition among 14 compea
Dad Watson, Thursday
Crystal Garden. Enjoy yourself
with Dad. b28
Sues for fg8
In an amended complaint filed
. in circuit court yesterday, Barrett
Brothers garage demands judge
ment of $228.10 against .Myrtle
Williamson and her husband John
.Williamson. It is claimed that the
-amount is owed the garage.
Doctors constantly admonish us
not to neglect common colds, and
continued coughing warns that
dangerous cold germs are still ac
tive within us. Reliable FOLEY'S
acts quickly and effectively upon
f congested tisues raises tickling
mucus and " germ-laden phlegm,
healing the inflamed and infected
air passages. No chloroform, no
opiates to dry. up natural, neces
sary seceretions, and cause con
stipation. Safe and reliable.
Boxing, Salem Armory-
, Thursday.. Spi.; 2 9. .Ib.iA JBayes,
Salem vs Ad Mackie, Portland, 10
3 minute rounds. " Semi windup
. Ted Fox vs 'Andy "lereg. snappy
preliminary. 28 rounds of boxing
scheduled. S-29
V 1 ' y - f
Crash XearBoys8chol '
An automobile collision between
W. M. Buflnk of Salem and G. H.
Loveft of Silverton ' was reported
to the. county sheriff's office yes
terday. The accident, which took
place near the state training
school resulted in little damage to
either machine.
For Sale
One of the best paying restau
rants in town. Melvin Johnson.
320 U. S. Bank Bids. Phone 637.
Eugene Couple Weds
A marriage license was yester
day Issued by the Marion eoirnty
clerk to Steve Vanderhoff. 52. and
Effie Pursell. 50, both of Eugene.
The venture is the second upon the
6ea of matrimony for both parties.
8 Oregon Pulp and Paper Co.
Preferred. Limited amount for
ale. Hawkins and Roberta. Phone
1427. jlyfttf
Usual Good Time
' At Dad Watson's real old time
dance, next Thursday, Crystal
Garden. s28
Accident Reported
W. E. Pitts of Salem and Albert
G. Mikkelm of S'lverton reported
to the county sheriff's office a col
lision on the Salem-Sllverton high
way yesterday morning. Mikkelm
was driving a truck and Fitts a
passenger car. Slight Injury was
reported, i
See Us For Auto Insurance
Standley &. Foley, Bush Bank
Building. . : S-29
Indecision t " r-
Many young people are undecid
ed now about school work for the
year. Why, not settle the matter
by deciding upon a course at the
Capital Business College a wise
decision for anyone. Truly, a bus
iness training pays. Many are reg
istering thU week for entrance
next Monday. Call, let us talk over
a course. S-29, j j - r s 1
Five Loads 16-Inch Mill Wood
917.50. Salem Transfer and
Fuel Co.. 395 S. High. Tel. 529,
Night 1988. . 824tf
Want a Home?
Read Over This List
For $2500 we have -27 acres
with running spring water,
' fruit, 5 miles from Salem.
Fo,r $4000. a 5-acre tract, 5
room house, running water,
lots of fruit, one mile out.
For $3750 . we have two acres
with modern 5-room house,
mile out.
For $3250 an 8 -room house
and two lots, east front,
paved street, lots of fruit,
nice lawn, near high and
grade school.
For $4750 a fine new 7 -room
house, modern, garage, cor
ner lot, streets paved, near
schools.' - '
W. A. Delzell, A M. Dalrymplc,
T. W. Holman .
443 State 8C Tel. 2UK)
teOf ten ' you want old photosrranhs
them to strangers.
Our reputation assure the safety and
proper care of your picture, whlclrwe
will copy, enlarge, frame or hand color
at a price lower than the unknown agent '
can offer,- ,
. ... i . . . . " .
- r ,
Klamath Visitor
Ed. Dunham, well known Klam
ath Falls Studebaker dealer, and
an did resident there, was a visi
tor in Salem yesterday for a few
hours. While here he visited with
his old friend, W. A. Delzell, for
merly of that place, but now a res
ident here. Mr. Dunham was one
of the unfortunate people in Klam
ath Falls that lost a child during
the infantile paralysis ' epidemic
there. '
All Covet It Workers Most
Have It ,
Good Health I Men and women
workers must possess it to be ac
ceptable, satisfactory, successful.
Kidney ailments and resulting ills
are serious disorders, causing loss
of health and efficiency, lack of
energy and ambition, dull head
aches, tired feeling, nervous de
pression. FOLEY PILLS, a diu
retic stimulant for the kidneys,
are a reliable, valuable, effective
medicine. Men and women every
where use and recommend them.
John Gordon, Danville, Illinois,
says, "FOLEY PILLS diuretic
made it possible for me to work
steadily, to sleep better, to become
Four Contagions Cases
Three cases of tuberculosis and
one of pneumonia were the only
instances of contagious disease re
ported in Marion county in the
week ending September 2 4.-accord
ing"" tb ' the report of the- state
health department.
Dad "Watson, Fall Opening
Crystal Garden, next Thursday.
Furniture Upholstered
V And repairing. Giese-Powera
Furniture Co. fl3tf
Visits From North Bend
Burton Klockers, contractor of
North Bend and son of Commis
sioner Klockers of Coos county, is
a visitor at the home of Charles
E. Hicks of this city.
Hotel Marion
Dollar dinners served 5:45 to 8
every erening. n26tf
My Friends Tell Your Friends
Dad Watson, Crystal Garden,
next Thursday. s28
Fined $" for Disturbance
J. R. Morgan, arrested yesterday
for being drunk and dis'orderly,
was fined $25 by Police Judge
Poulsen. Not being able to pay
the fine, he was committed to the
jail to serve it out.
Thursday Night, Dad Watson j
Real old time orchestra. Fall
opening. Crystal Garden. s28
Car Found on Line Road
Nelson A. Wright, whose resi
dence is at the erminal hotel, re
ported the loss of his Maxwell car
yesterday morning. Later in the
day a deputy sheriff of Portland
found it. apparently abandoned,
on the Base Line road near that
Dad Watson, Fall Opening
Real old time dance, Crystal
Garden, Salem, next Thursday.
Tell friends. s28
(Continued from Page One)
because it was given late at night
over the telephone."
Admiral Magruder said there
was no chance of Ms being court
martialed as a result of the mag
azine article because he had vio
lated n regulations, having filed
a copy of it with the navy depart
ment. " "My article may have been lur
id in spots," he said, "but it was
fundamentally correct."
! Referring to the admiral's char
ges of too much red tape in the
department, the secretary recall
ed that in July 19 26. he had ask
ed the various departmental
chiefs whether there was not an
unnecessary amount of correspon
dence on the conduct of the na
vy's business and that a year la
ter Rear Admiral Plunkett again
brought up the subject in a letter
through official channels.
(Continued from Page One)
about the same quantity of Mar
ion county and other Oregon pep
permint oil, largely from the
Hayes lands, in the Lake Labish
How Industry Started
Mr. Herrold told how the mint
(industry started here. The first
roots, about a "hat full," came in
1903 from Michigan to O. H. Todd,
who was then at Mary's River,
A 429 Oregon Kdg.
U mm
We have an early 1927
Pontiac Coach that looks
and runs like new, car with
new tires all around. Priced
at $700.00.
fun ij rf
"The House That Service Balls
Idaho. They did not do very well
there. Mr. Todd tried out several
places in Washington and Califor
nia and finally in 1912 went to
Eugene, Oregon, with about a
wagon load of roots, and started
to growing mint on the river bot
tom lands near that city. He Is
still growing mint there. From the
plantings near Eugene have come
the large acreage in the Salem
district, and in other sections of
western Oregon and Washington.
This year, Marion county alone
has produced about 55,000 pounds
of peppermint oil, from 1200 to
1500 acres.
Mr. Herrold said the require
ments of the United States of pep
permint oil are now 550,000 to
600,000 pounds annually. He said
the New York dealers are clalm
ing that about 1,000,000 pounds
were produced in this country this
year, while the growers say about
750,000 pounds.
Big Industry Here
Mr. Herrold predicted that the
mint industry .in Marion county
will become a large one. It will
take large capital and much labor
and draw a great deal of money
from long distances. Upland here
will produce 25 to 3 5 pounds of
oil to the acre. Lake Labish lands
ni viplri 55 to 60 nounds. One
grower there got 120 pounds; but
this is exceptional.
The menthol content is 50 to 75
per cent higher in Oregon than in
eastern states. Andour oil is much
higher than the eastern in ester
content the quality that gives the
flavor: the lasting flavor. The
chemists of the American Chicle
company and the Beechnut com
pany told Mr. Herrold last year,
when he made an extensive trip
investigating the industry, that
they have found no oil in the world
that has anything like the lasting
qualities in flavor that are pos
sessed by the Marion county pep
permint oil. The oil content of
the mint hay this year was reduced
somewhat by the rains in harvest
ing time. It is cut like hay and
slightly dried for distilling. The
drying was retarded and interfered
with by the rains.
Cost and Prices
The cost of producing oil in
Marion county is about $2 a
pound, over a period of years. The
price is now $2.30 a pound. Very
low; much lower than the average
over a term of years. But the re
fining of the oil will mane me
Marion county product bring 10 to
15 or 2 5 cents more a pound. It
will establish the quality," on sam
ples sent to the buyers like hop
samples or tea musters. It will
make the business a solid, reliable
The mint hay is good stock
feed; especially fine for sheep.
They will thrive and do well on it.
All live . stock will eat it with
The Great Tiling
The great thing that" was
brought out in the talk of Mr.
Harrold was the Importance 6t a
refinery here. He explained : the
workings of testing instruments
for quality, " t With the Instru
ments). And the ' bigger thing
still was developed after the talk
that we are to actually have a
refinery, and now. With the op
eration of . a refinery here, our
mint industry can flourish In com
petition with eastern states for
four -reasons.'- First, we have
A cheerful hotel with a
warm. welcome for guests.
Opposite leading
p . theatres.
Rbcm and Bath
$2.50 to $3.50
Hotel Fielding
I HJ 1 " t
1 A
l Got iooTo To-tjajv
so IN Geo&capkv
lower priced lands; less overhead.
Second, we can grow more oil to
the acre Third, we can produce
an oil with a far higher menthol
content. Fourth, we can produce
an oil with a far higher ester con
tent. These things will establish
the mint center of the United
States in Salem, as surely as
water seeks its level.
Another Marvel of .Communi-
cation Is Added to Many
Already T)ommon
Tt is anounced by the American
Telephone company and the In
ternational Tel. & Tel. corpora
tion that telephone communication
between the United States and sev
eral of the principal cities of. Mex
ico .will be opened Friday morn
ing, September 30th at 8 o'clock.
It will then be possible to talk
from any BeM system point to
San Luis Potosi. Victoria, Saltillo,
Monterey and Nuevo-Laredo.
The total length of the circuit
between Washington. D. C. and
Mexico Citv .is 3357 miles. ' This
new service will bring Mexico s
capital city, her principal seaport,
Tampico. and the capitals of some
of her richest and most progres
sive states within the range of
American telephone communicati
The charge for a three minute
station-to-station call from Salem
to Mexico City will be $13.90. The,
Bell system has made arrange-!
ment. to connct at Iarfdo. Tex
as, with the newly completed line
of -'the Mexican Tel. & Tel. Co., a
subsidiary of the International
Tel. & Tel. corporation. At this
point the line wi ll cross the Rio
Grande which there forms the in
ternational boundary.
From Nuevo-Laredo on the
Mexican side of the Rio Grand,
the long distance line runs thru
some arid region and far'nr
country southward to Mexico Citv
and Pueblo. It pasnes through
Monterrey, Pueblo. Saltillo, San
Lus Potosi. and Queretaro, af
fording telephone communication
to these points.
A branch line extends from San
Luis Potosi to Tampico. the ira-i
portant oil port on the semii-trop-,
leal east coast of Mexico. Another
line runs up from Tampico to Vic
tor'a. The Mexican long distance
lines have practically all been
built within the last year or two
and are of thoroughly modern
construction. Telephone repeater
have been installed at intervals to
strengthen the voice-carrying cur
rents as they become weak from
covering long distances, and the
lines have been designed with e
view to- prov'ding such additional
circuits as the growth of the traf
fic may require.
The Bell system already con
nects with the telephone system
of Canada. Cuba and (by radio tel
ephone) Great Britain. The new
service adds .Mexico to the li-t of
countries which are within speak
ing distance of American teleph
one users. lnCJ
Distinctly Correct
For For
Men Women
Boys Girls
John J. Rottle
Expert Shoe Fitters
415 State St.
Casey's Guaranteed "
Money refunded If It doe not
cdre your case
Cor. Court and Liberty TeL 7
6. 8 and 10 cents per yard. Also
buttom, f tampln and pleatln.
Over Miller's Telephone 117
"'l Call, phone or writer,
n 'lIAXXy. BUREN - : v
A sudden gust of wind played
havoc with electric light and tele
phone 'wires last night, throwing
various parts of the city Into
darkness, and interrupting tele
phone service.
Lights everywhere on the fair
grounds went" out at 9:40 p. m
delaying for 20 minutes the horse
show and causing concession-
naires to close up for the night.
Flashlights, candles, and other
lighting devices were produced to
protect exhibits and booths from
looters. No trouble was expe
rienced by police in keeping order.
Automobiles were run into the
horse show stadium to throw
their headlights into the surround
ing sections. Horses in their
stalls became nervous and excited,
many of them breaking loose.
Officers maintained vigilance
against marauders and no robber
ies or other difficulties were re
ported to the police Judge.
Concessionnaires by genefal
consent began to close up and the
crowd thinned out quickly.
Branches blown across 'electric
light wires on the river road
caused the trouble in North Salem
and at the fair- grounds. As soon
as the trouble was located, elec
tricians cut the feeder along the
river road and patched the main
line to the grounds, the entire pro
cess occupying only 20 minutes
East Salem citizens also were
without light for a somewhat
longer period about the same time
when tree branches fell across the
lines there. Primary wires near
the capitol building went out,
interrupting service in that sec
tion for a minute or two.
Telephone poles in East Salem,
blown down by the sudden wind,
interfered with telephone service
for some time, but the ' trouble
was soon corrected.
Division Manager W. M. Ham
ilton, of the Pacific Power and
Light company, and D. A. Wright,
electrical superintendent, called
several electricians out of bed to
go after the trouble-. Eleven men
were out besides the regular crew.
(Continued from Page One)
unsettled weather prediction.
Races on Lone Oak track will
be held no matter what conditions
are. "If the horses can't got
around any other way. they can
swim," declared A. C. Marsters,
member of the fair board. last
night. Sttpuld the sun peep out
this morning, the track will be
dried off speedily, and dragged
to place it in the best condition
' Judging Finished
Announcement of awards In
practically all f the departments
of the fair, will be made today,
with band concerts, demonstration
of bovs and girls club work, can
ning demonstrations,, the horse
show, and the carnival attractions
being events as usual.
The rain falling now intermit
tently for three1 days is very'dis-
Oregon Electric Ry.
Willamette Valley Line
On the Wallace Road ;
Telephone ,380 ? If 2 State St.
' Ladies' wool dresses cleaned
and pressed, $1.00 up. Men's
and Ladles' suits- cleaned and
pressed' $1.00. '
Over Bnslcks
Suburban home, mile and halt
from Bush Bank, paved road,
modern house except furnace,
bearing fruit trees, F. L.
WOOD, 841 State St.
Rewound and Repaired, New or
J"l Used Motors
Thin a. Electrical
18 f 8outh Hixh Tel. 11H
f. IL LXCONQ, Mgr.
On lifsi work has
fr been Ipeat In studying
- --m y.vre.MV.
Li ot Chinese herbs and
.iW , roueT
those suf fena from
tonvftch; Jlrer.and hid
aey? . ttotble, rheum a
tlsta aadA tall stones.
siaoVdUkorders-ot man.
women and vhudrsa.' -'-
Free) Ooasaltatioa Cn hm XTritm
M t-Ha4 ' a . A tW .
courag'ng to fair officiate, who
had contemplated this year a rec
ord attendance. Only 24,000 peo
ple turned out yesterday on Sal
em day, as against nearly 30,000
paid admissions last year. Recei
pts were flowered a total of, $4,-
547.25 short of last year.
Receipts FaU Short
Paid admissions at the gate
yesterday amounted to $9,831.00:
season tickets, $92.00; grand
stand, $1057.50;-and horse show.
$1473.25. Last year the totals
were as follows: paid admissions,
$13,190.50; season tickets, $180.
00; grand stand $2069.75, and
hprse show $1578.75.
The weather man faled entire
ly in cooperating to put Salem day
over. Even the lights went out at
9:40 m. for a period of twen
ty minutes, throwing the entire
grounds into darkness. A driving
rain continuing throughout the
day and evening kept almost 10.
000 away from the fair, officials
Many business houses closed at
noon and schools in the city were
dismissed forhe day.
Final awards on swine, sheep,
goats, horses and cattle were an
nounced last night, following an
other day of judging in the horse
show stadium arena.
(Continued fre&k Page One)
Acme was second.
The 2:16 pace was won by
Charles W. Waitsburg. Wash.,
horse, with George McFoster. a
Canadian entry, second; and Otis
Direct, owned by Helen Dickson
of Salem, third. The best time in
tihi.? race was : 25 D-2, i
THtSalem fda .nrirse of $25
for alone mile running raoerwas
won by Peer Pderce, . Yerrat up.
with CulicaB.j Feh?tr. , HP, second.
William Brockmuller died In
Marshfteld, tre., September 25
at the age of 84 years. He Is sur
vived by four sons, Rev. Prank,
of North Dakota, William and
Carl of South Dakota and John of
Marshfield, and three daughters,
Mrs. John Burgi and Mrs. Dorothy
Stuempgis of South Dakota and
Mrs. Minnie Steingrube of Salem.
Funeral services will be- held in
Webb's chapel at 10 o'clock
Thursday morning with Rev. Cul
ver in charge. Interment will
take place in Lee Mission ceme
tery. Brunk
Mrs. Louisa Brunk died at the
residence, 2331 State street, on
September 27, at the., age of 68
years. She is survived by three
daughters, Mrs. Mildred Green-
baum of Salem, Miss Prudence
Brunk of Salem and Mrs. Olive
Grant of Oakland, Cal., and one
son, W. H. Brunk of Oakland,
Cal. Funeral services will be
held Friday, at 2:30 from Webb's
chapel with the White Shrine
Order in charge." The body will
be sent to the Portland crema
Perfect Funeral Service
For Less
Licensed Lady Mortician
770 Chemeketa Street
Telephone 724
Based upon long years of
experience, practice and
serving mark our house
with a superior excellence
in handling affairs for
Webb's Funeral Parlors
Telephone 120
: ' ' ''"'' ' " ' '
Computing Srataa
Aiding Mschmaa
ca m
C M. LadrwMd
tii w 01.1 a.
to give first aid in case of
minor injuries that are
not serious enough to go
to the doctor.
A Firslaid .
Emergency Kit
contains In compact form
just what - you - need to
treat bruises, cuts,- burns,
etc., .to .prevent , .those
minor - in Juries becoming
"v serious. ' 1 r ;
No home," office or shop
should be without one.
Cotton. jgauBe.V plaster,
- Iodine and -bandage In one '
, handy box.' - - 4
-:;:i: 03.9?;
i-Perry'ft Dniji Store;
and Shepherd, Pollard up, third.
Time 1:49 3-4. " : V
Shasta Grancy, Rettlg up. won
tie exhibitors purse of $130 .for
a four furlong running race. Zion
on,.Fry up, was second, and Snlve
ly, O'Haro up, third. Time 52 1-2.
9:00-12:00 KXL (220). Music and
tDnrtir nrorram.
10:00-11:30 KGW (492). Household
heli) and manic.
10:00-12:00 KEX (340). Shopping
ll:0O-l:0O RUTBS (200). Sapping
11:00-12:00 KOIX (319). Housewife's
12:00 KFKC 214). Westher report.
12 :00-l :00-j KOIX. - Orirsn conrert.
12:00-4:00 KKX. Music and features,
12.00-1:00 KXL. Utility and music.
2;30-end KTBR (283). Baseball, play-by-play.
5:15-:0) KOIX. . Topsy Turry Tines.
5:60-6:00 KWJJ. Twilfjrht hour.
:00 KKKC (214). Weather report.
6:00 7:00 KOIX (319). Organ con
eert. -
6:00-7:00 KTBR (283). Music and A.
A. riud report.
6:00-8:0fl KKX (240). Stirs, music
and travelog.
.7:00-8:00 KGW. Orcehstra and eon
I cert.
8:OO-9:00KOIV. Staff artists. 1
8:00-9:00 KTBR. Studio program
I 8 :00-9 :DO KQW.
Concert and soloists.
8:00-9:00 REX.
S:00-:00 KXi..
9:00-9:30 KOIK.
9:00-10:00 KGW.
eypsy. music.
9:00-10.00 KEX.
9:00-10:00 KXL.
Farm program.
Gift program.
Hawaiian duo.
XBO program of
Brako band.
10:00-11:OOKGW. Profrram from KFOA.
10:00-12:00 KWJJ. Dance orchestra.
HI : OO-1 2 : OO KE X. Da Bee orchestra.
NBC Chain. 9 to 10,-Chamber music.
KMO Tacom (254). 8-10, studio pro
' ?ram. -
KOAC Corrallis (27ff). 7:15, farm
utility ; 8. Trance lecture.
KGO Oakland (784). 6. concert: 8.
vocal; 9. XBC; 10-12. dance orches
KJR-r-Seattle (38). 6. features: 6:3.
junior hour; 7.-9; 9, orchestra; 10-X2,
aanre orchestra.
KII.T r.o Aneeles (405). 6. trio: 6:30.
children's hour; 7:30, health talk, mts-
See It Now
Oregon Theatre
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
EsUbltsfaed ISIS '
General Banking Business
Of lice Hours from 10 a. m. to I p. a,
."" - ' '- .' ; - . " : . - . ,
Complete Automotive Lubrication
We Carry the Following Products : . r
Valvoline Veedolr
Pennzoil Quaker State
' Shell Oils
Court at Capitol Phone 2295
Comer Ferry and Liberty ; Telephone
J The Oregon Statesman's Big Radio Prize"
' Contest for Boys and Girls
' .'Good . for' 25;. Yd tec
- Address
-This Coupoa, when-neatly cut out 'and brought or mailed
to The Contest Department of TKB OREQON STATE3L1A2?,
will count for the person whose name Is written thereon.-
Have us make a
examination - -of
your eyes; .
mere Is no charge or obligation
connected with this service.
only $4.95 :
The best optical service need
not be expensive. - ' '
; OPTICAL, uu.
HO V. Commercial near State
sir; S:.15-10 Toealists. - - -
KIH) Sn Francisco (42-). 6. :30. er-
(tan; 7. 8, pianists; 9, NBC; 10. danc
orchestra. . - ' -.. i-
KKOA Heattle , ' (447). ohltdren
program; 6:30, concert trio; 7:30.
concert fronj KGW; 8, orchestra; 0,
KKWI San: Francisco (268). 6,"77"s;
baritone ;.T 10. dance, music
KKKC Saa Franeiaco 434). --J' f
chestra: 8. music; , 9. aonrs; 10-12,
dance orchestra.
KFWB rHollywood (36). 6, concert; 7.
8. daneo orchestra;' 9, trio; "10, danco
orchestra. ... '
KHQ Spokane (370). 6. orchestra; 7;
7:30. KGW protrram; 8. chain pro
" rrsm J 9 KBC?; iO-I2, dance orchestral.
KTAB-Ua"kland (880). 6. 8, 8:30, eloa
aical music ' 1 ., ;''
and orchestra; 9. NBC: 10, 11, daneo
KOMO Seattle (306). ,. 9. Totem n
orchestra; :1S. trio. . : '.
Eyes Examined
. ' and .r
Glasses Fitted
a i
Years' Practice In Salem
Phone 625- .
: Optometrist
First National Bank Bldg.
423 CUt Ct f'-r, Otcos
1 , - -. t
If -
l?t W. Commercial Calera