The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 29, 1927, Page 4, Image 4

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2 He Oregon
Isaae Daily Except lferiey by
BIS BmU. OtimwM Street, Salaam. On
V J. Headricka ' ''
Kalpa O. Curtia
Victor D. Carlsoa
Kosella Boaefc' ; - ' '
- '. Msnftcer
Ifaaaria Editor
- : City' Editor
" Sports Editor
'' 'Society Editor
Taa Associated Press ia exclusively entitled to the m for publication of all newt
alapatcaea credited to it ot- pov otnorwtao
pabitsaea nerein.
. susnress omcss:
O. B. Bolt, 9t3-S43 Seenrity Bldg.. Port I end. Ore., Telephone Broadway 970.
Taoaiaa P. Clark Co.. New Tork. 12S-180 W. Slst Bt-t Chiearo. Marquette Bid.
Doty a) Btyaes. Inc., California ropreaeatatlToa. Sharon Bldg., aa Praaeisco; Chamber
f Commerce. Bldg.. uot Angeles,
News 'Dept-23 or 10ft
BoelaoM Offlee.
Society. Editor
S3 or 688
j Eatered. at th Poet Office ia Salem,
- - . . September
" - . a . . a .
.UieBeed are tne mercuni: ior
are the pure In heart:. for-they shall
4 Salem is to have a peppermint oil refinery; the one thing
needed to- fix this city to become in the course of a few years
the great' mint industry center of the United States
i' - Because we have cheaper lands than those of Michigan,
Indiana and other states that produce peppermint oil; lower
' Because we can grow more oil to the acre.
- 'Because our oil has the highest methbl content known.
s Because the peppermint oil of the Willamette valley has
the highest ester content known to the industry ; the quality
thatgives the flavor; in all our oil giving a more lasting
flavor than can be imparted by any other so far produced in
the1 world.
; These natural ad vantages, will make Salem the greatest
peppermint pil center, of the world. As certainly as water
seeks its level. They give our growers what amounts to a
franchise. They can compete with every other section on
more than an equalf ootirtg. (Quality counts. The peppermint
oirindustryis rior overdone in. this country. Other growers
wiD be forced out'of business. The growers here will be able
to persist, beacuse they can compete on more than an. equal
s And there is a. big advantage in having a refinery here;
many advantages to this growing industry here.
i Salem is to be a great paper mill center. Why ? Because
we have here the available raw materials and the power;
water power. The fact that there is in Salem a paper mill cult
Vhich Is constantly growing is a factor that will hasten this
i Major P. W. Leadbetter,
p and Paper company was
. - . m
agbj made the statement that saiejn was tne center oi me
largt'su pply m the world of pulp wood; w ' T
; ;iVW have'the great supply of the forest reserve in the
Cascades,-billions of feet of it, with a down grade all the way
to Salem. Also the supply of the Coast Range, all the way
' from the Oregon and California line, with other billions upon
'billions "of pulp wood. And the privately owned supplies
amongst it. and in all the valleys between it.
( The? world will always need paper, and paper is made
k from f cellulose, and cellulose is found in every ' vegetable
. .growth in the world that has fiber and will stand up; from
.the' giant of the forest, 5000 years old, to the weed in the
garden that springs up in the night
it . Soj there will always be a demand for the articles of cora
metdeiriade" at the 'present Salem paper mill, and the other
Spaperihill3 "that will come, and there will always be raw
s products. for the manufactured articles, as long as water
Jrtms krd grass grows--
, . ' And if the experiments of the scientists shall find a
i cheapef supply, our paper mills will be ready for it, as the
! prodtict of our showers and sunshine and prolific soil,
i i the Salem paper mill cult is growing through the high
class men enegaged in operating the present big mill here,
and through the fact that our people have hundreds of thous
Unolof -doilars invested in the common arid preferred stock
' of the mills at St. Helens, Oregon, Vancouver and Olympia,
. Vash., the Salem millr and the one-that is about ready to be
, gin -running at Newberg by the Spaulding interests. Such
holdings are bound to increase fast here in Salem.
; ; ; Washington and Oregon are the only states in which such
I new projects considered
sidered because we have the available pulp wooa ana me
, So the great paper mill development is manifestly just
"aheabTor uspuid Salem is due to share' in this to her great
" advantage, with the raw materials and the water powers
ready, and still water in the Willamette is surely coming,
makingcheap water borne transportation available for our
iproducti'going to the ports of this jeountry and the rest of
? the worW.
i . I
TNot so bd- state fair gate receipts are not so very far
belovr those of last year, for Tuesday and yesterday. They
i were ahead for Sunday and Monday. If we can have fairly
fair weather the rest of the week,' the net income may yet
1 exceed that of last year's f air. With a good surplus for needed
t permanent improvements:
Now we are to talk over the phone with Mexico's im
, portarrt cities - Already with all Canada, and Cuba, and Great
j Britain. What next? ' -;-" - ll'':)"Jj,"-
'f. : With faiVweathcrthiS (Portland day) will be the big day
f of the state fair this ycarj. " ..- : "
-fj4.t .... :;'v;,-:
WASJIli fiGTON. . Kept. ' 28.
- (AP) Tlie fagHr.uUural situation
'at the" end of Septetmber shows lm
' pnrreTnrnfc as rompared with
year ago. thie department of agTi-'-'
culture announced today, , siting
f v a . vnrfitftt? nnvir of farm
Sta tesman
Ralph H. Kletsiaf - Advertising Manager
Goo, .E. M artia Sapt. Mechanical Dept.
W. H.- Headertoa Circulation Manager
E. A. Rhoten - Livestock Editor
W. C. Conner - - - Poultry Editor
e real tea la tais payor ana oiao tao loeei
Job Department
. Circulation Office
Oregon, aa aeeond-elesa matter.
29. 1027
a aa
mejr.snan ootain mercy
see God,
Matthew 6:7 and 8.
at the time when the Oregon
organized, about eight years
- a " at-.' L.-aa i.1
and our sections can be con
at this time last year. In the gen
eral Index which uses the 1906-14
period as a base of par; - ,t f
Stf aiming up . fthls season's ap
parent production and returns, the
department said ;'It can : probably
be called, an, average year for the
south;' for the wheat belt, v good
'rear In the north and a fair year
In the -south; for the corn belt, a
fair year" In ,thejwesr but' poor
rear in the east? for the far west.
good year .1 tie range states
Horses "
Clydesdales Judge, J. R. Hunt
er, of La Grande. . Exhibitors.
Robert C. McCroskey,- Harrey
White, both of Garfield. Wash.. J.
B. Owenby. and J. T. Crowden of
Salem. McCrosKey won first prize
for year-Did stallions and mares,
as also the grand champion stal
lion. English Shires H. W. Merritt,
Rosalia, -Wash., took all first pris
es in this classification, as also the
grand championship stallion prize.
Belgians Florence Mueller,
Oregon City, won first prize for
the best year-old stallion; and An
drew Schab of Salem, took first
prixe for the best female of the
same agr.
Draft Horses Portland Damas
cus Milk Co. of Portland, won all
'Jacks A. C. Ruby, of Portland,
won first prize for the best Jack
Brown Swiss T. Brugger &
Son, of Gresham .won first prize
for the best year old bull and fe
Jerseys There was a very big
list of exhibitors in this classifica
tion. . Edna L. Knight, Willows,
Calif., bad the first prize bull and
the Tiddly Wink Jersey Dftiry of
Oregon . City, exhibited the prize
winning female. John A. Cramer,
of Silyerton, had the grand cham
pionship bull. ..
Officers Reelected At
Yearly Business Session
Tales of early pioneer activities
in the livestock business, speech
es by experts decaring that this
year's exhibits at the state fair
are the best ever shown in the
history of the fair, and a general
explanation of the purposes and
workings of the organization
were among the things heard at
the annual meeting of the Oregon
Purebred Livestock association,1
held Wednesday night. All form
er officers were reelected fo,r an
other year, tne list Deing as 101
lowst President, Ed School, Albany;
first v.lce president, F. E. Lynn,
Perrydale; second vice president.
Ci P. Kizer, Harn'sburg; secretary.
M. C. Maris, Portland; executive
committee, Ed Cary, Carleton;
Frank Doerfler. Silverton; Dave
Riddle. Monmouth: C. P. Kizer,
Harrisburg and William Hogg,
Salem. . - -
A number of boys were in at
tendance at the meeting Wednes
day night, and explanations were
given as to the purposes and ac
tivities of the organization. It
was established 21 yearn ago, the
first meeting being staged on w
Pile .of hay at the state fajr
grounds. The association, has been
active in promoting legislation fa
vorable to the livestock industry.
Through its efforts the state live
stock sanitary board has been es
tablished, favorable rates have
been obtained for shipping pure
bred livestocK. and other pro
grams have been effected. Plan
were inaugurated last night tr
form a junior organization with
membership of young men inter
ested in the livestock business..-
A banquet l to be held at a re?-tau-pnt
on the state fair grounds
tonight, and plan; for the Junior
organization are expected to cry
stallite at that time.
At Wednesday's meeting Alex
Chalmers, nearly 80 years of age
and a breeder of shorthorn cattle
!nce boyhood, gave many remin
iscences of the early days. Ed
Schoel. one of the younger breed
ers of the. association, declared fa
cetlouely that "this Is only my
30th year."
Professor E. B. Phipps. former
ly of 0.A. C. and now connected
with Pennsylvania state college,
who has Judged the Jerseys at the
fair this year, stated that the
stock this year is the best he has
eren seen here. Albert Tozier
spoke briefly of the early history
of the state fair. Ed Shearer of
Estacada, superintendent of the
poultry department at the fair,
stated the poultry this year is
more numerous than ever before,
There are 2671 birds at the fair.
Instead of soda hereafter taki
a little "Phillips Milk of Magne
sia in water fcny time for Indl
gestlon or sour, acid, gaasy atom
ach, and relief will come Instantly
For fifty years genuine "Phil
lips Milk of Magnesia has bees
prescribed by physician : betraua
it overcomes three tint mm Sir roucl
acid In th stomach as a saturate
solution of bicarbonate of end
leaving , the. stomach Sweet eu
free from all gases, ft neutralise
acid fermentations In the bowel'
and gentjy.urges tbe souring waH
irom tne system wttnout purging
Besides, . it Is more pleasant
taxe-r tnan soda. ..insist upo
Phillips. Twentr-fiTe cent anfl
fifty cent bottles, any drugstore
-Milk of Magnesia" baa bees the
XJ Registered Trade-Mark-f
The Charles H. Phillips Chemical
Co. and Jta predecessor Caarlea Hi
Sour Stomach
"Phillips Milk of Magnesia
r Better than Soda l
Fat Barrows Cass Nichols of
Salem won first prize, and also the
grand championship in this class.
Duroc Jerseys A. N. Doerfler,
of Silverton, won first in both the
boar and sow divisions.
Oxford Downs Frank A.
Brown. Carlton, Judge. Floyd T.
Fox; Silverton, had the prize ram
and E. F. Hubbard, Corvallis. bad
the first prize ewe.
Southdowns J. G. S. Hubbard
& Sons, Monroe, had .the first irize
ram and J., A. Higglnson & Sons,
Sard is, B. C, won first prize in the
Nubians A. R. F e n t o n,
Charleston, Wash., judge. Mrs.
Lois H. Sherman, Portland; won
the first prize for the best doe.
Saanens Peter J. Hillesland,
Portland, had the first prize doe
and Ora M. Wilson, Vancouver,
Wash., had the prize winning kid.
Angora R. W. Hogg & Son. Sa
lem, won first prize for the best
year-old buck, as also first' prize
for the best doe.
Angora (long haired) Wm.
Riddell & Sons, Monmouth, won
first prizes for the best buck and
doe exhibited.-; .
; Milk Goats (pure bred Toggen-burgs)-
C. H. Bates, Tonqu,in,
won first prize for the best doe
and Tracey. Andregg, Gresham,
had the prize. winning buck kid.
of which 70 are turkeys, he stat
ed. This is the first time there
have been any appreciable exhib
its of turkeys, he Indicated.
Other speakers were F. E.
Lynn of Perrydale, O. M. Plum
mer of Portland. Frank Porter,
of Halsey, L. J. Allen of Oorval
W3i in charge of boys' and girls'
work throughout the state, and E.
A. R ho ten, manager of the live
stock department of the Pacific
CENTER VIEW. . Sept. 28.
(Special.) The O- K. Sebo farm
of 200 acres, known as the Elwood
Mr. and Mrs. Leland Engeman of
Small place, was. sold Saturday to
Silverton. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Sebo, who have been-operating the
farm . for two years, will hold a
sale in the near future bur their
plans are very uncertain after that.
Another real estate deal was
closed Monday when, Mr. and Mrs.
Batchellor of Silverton purchased
the Alice Kaser farm of 57 acres.
Mrs. Kaser takes over the Batchel
lor home and acreage on the out
skirts of Silverton. Mr. Batchel
lor has been the Junior member of
the Hubbs Planing Mill Co, of SUV
verton for eight years but recent
ly disposed of his . interests to
again try farming.
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Geer and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Egan and son Ralph were visitors
at the State Fair opening day.
Rev. and Mrs. Geo. Nevison of
Minnesota were visitors at the
home of the former's aunt Mrs.
K. O. Rue.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur t)ahl t nd
sons Arthur. Jr . and Raymond
were dinner guests at the Karl
Haberly home last week.
Glenn Shockely is having a well
drilled on his home place on Drift
There are a number of boys and
girls attending Silverton High
from tbisr vicinity: Jtob Riches.
Edna May Goodknenecht, Orlando
Rue, Waldo Rue. Mildred Egan,
Roger .Comstock and Harvey
.. . ". - O
I Bits For Breakfast J
A paper industry center
-1 "
- Salem is already tbt, but
bound to become a gre center
of that basic industry.
a "a
Now we are to have a pepper
mint oil refinery here. That is
the big item along development
lines here this morning. It will
Ford Coupe
TV "
Star Touring
A few of the above have been damaged by
models and are in good running . condition.
gotiable Notes. . ,
' CSttage'and Ferry
help a lot to make our mint indus
try stable and solid.
. '
Not much money can be made
on peppermint oil at the present
prices. But our growers can real
ise a small profit, while eastern
growers will suffer losses.
Any one with half a mind can
see to what that leads. It means
the industry will die out In the
territory of our competitors, while
it will survive here, and eventual
ly thrive.
There, are a number of paved
streets to the state fair grounds
this year. The old Fairgrounds
Road, now being paved and In
use, is bringing a lot .of - travel
that way. It will relieve the traf
f ice on Capitol street.
Work in the canning industry
will go on in Salem for a long
time yet. who . says It may not
be made a whole year around in
dustry here?
. (Continued from Page One)
ceeded that of Ditmer.
Vather Conditions Adverse
Headwinds, rain and low' visi
bility were, encountered by the ra
cers during the last half of the
f iM. though the start from Spo
kane was under sunny skies.
Tex Rankin. Portland, with his
Waco 10, came sixth with a fly
ing time of ,5:02:01.
Rankin was closely followed
by D. C. Warren. San Francisco,
in his Travelalr biplane.
Warren earned as passengers
Miss Louise McPhedridge of San
Francisco. They made two forced
landings on the way. The first was
on the rocky isle of a mountain,
they do not know Just where. Jt
was caused by a clogged water
line. The second landing was about
five miles west of Goldendaye,
Cecal Lapgdon. Aberdeen. Wash,
winner of ' the San Francisco-Spokane
class B race last week, was
forced to. land near Hood River to
day, out of gasoVne.
Kansan Has Difficulties
J. B. Sidowskl. Coffeyville.
Kan?., entrant arrived at the
Portland airport at 5:15 p. m..
after having left Spokane at 8:17
a. m. Forced down thre times n
the 30(i mile flight. Sidwoski ack
nowledged the suggept'on of the
other pilots that misfortune toad
dealt him a severe blow.
"But I'm lucky," he declared
ferven-tlv. "I just missed flying In
to a'J.OOO foot cliff near Pasco
when my engine went bad. I'll say
I'm lucky to be here at all; If T
hid "bounced off that bluff . they
never would have found me."
Two times he was forced -down
in eastern Washington and once
on a sand bar near Mosier-. Or:
Recurrent valve trouble was biam
ed for the failure nf the anirino
fa the New v0rk-Snokane .'r race
last week. Sidowskl spent seven
honrs on the ground on account
Of en etrto' disorder.
Pf t V. Richter. Jr.. Los Angel
es, flying an Eaglerock biplane.
"h T, willey of the same city,
and with the same type, plane.
rch the airport before dark
after having been delayed by bal
ky engines.
Twd planes were unaccounted
for late tonight, but no concern
r"s expressed for the safety of
her pilots. E. J. Le Deu of Long
Beach. Cal.. in an International
'pne. and W. H. Emery. Jr.,
Bradford, Pa., in a Travelair bi
(Continued from Page One)
esting in. A fine display of sew
ing, rug weaving, basket weaving
proves of interest. All of the dec
orations of the booth were made
or grown at the hospital.
Indians Work Seen j
In the .new pavilion the Indian
tchool maintains one of the lar
gest; and most interesting displays
of the fafr. It occupies one entire
corner of the mezzanine floor and
constitutes an exhibition of the
work done at the school.
One section shows sewing, be
ing filled with clothes, luncheon
sets, and other "art work. The
second section shows the work of
October 1st, at 10 o'clock
3 Ford Tourings
1 Ford Truck !
3 Hudsons
2 Buick Tourings
3 Chevrolet
' .: -
tfa domestic science and art .de
partment, while the third shows
the products of the farm and gar
den. Bird 'bouses' placed at ad
vantageous positions were con
structed by the metal and plumb
ing departments. ,v .
The fourth section, depicting
the academic' work of the school,
features especially the primary
work. ; "Another section contains a
dining;' room set, desks, a fine in
laid table and other articles of
furniture, all products of the
manual training department.
Three cases of tools adorn the
wall in this department and they
were made in the tool shops of
the school.. Each afternoon the
orchestra gives a concert In the
pavilion and the glee club sings.
A wonderful display of lunch
eon set constitutes the - special
display of the Oregon State In
dustrial school for Girls at the
fair this year. These sets are ar
tistically arranged over the walls
of the booth and show somewhat
of the work, being done at the
school: where approximately 6
girls live. -
A great amount of fancy wOrk
art work, baskets and other
things made at the school are in
the booth. The domestic science
exhibit attracts special attention
as some very tempting dishes and
pastry appear in the cases.
Mrs. Clara Patterson, superin
tendent of the- Bchool and Mrs.
Florence Anderson, a teacher at
the school, are In charge of the
booth. Children's clothing, aprons,
holders, phone book covers and
many other useful articles are to
be found in the booth.
The booth .pTaintained by the
Blind school In the old pavilion is
artistically decorated and features
especially the industrial work of
the 50 pupils at, the school. One
section, featuring th mark of the
primary department, shows a
very interesting array.
Two new branches of work
started last year furnish some
very interesting displays. A num
ber of brushes and cut flowers
are Indicative of what the pupils
are able to do.
Brooms, baskets, sewing, art
work, manual training work and
many other features interest the
visitors to the booth. The school
is maintained like the ordinary
public school and each afternoon
a demonstration is held.
One of the most attractively ar
ranged of the institution exhibits
is that of the Oregon state hospi
tal. Streamers of yellow and red
hang from the ceiling, and flow
ers of the same Colots are placed
throughout the booth. Basket
weaving forms, the chief Item in
the displays, features of which are
the lamps. Patients of the hos
pital are adept. at this sort of
work, and require little or no su
pervision. ,'.
Toys of all kinds, products of
patients at the State Feeble Mind
ed school, are prominent " in the
display of that Institution. They
are being soia almost at cost for
money sufficient to repay the
state for the materials, to fill the
Fourth of July fireworks fund,
and to maintain the weekly pic
ture shows. Seven teachers take
turns about .managing the display.
Samples of the work done In
the dressmaking, printing, domes
tic science, and manual training
departments of the state ! school
for the deaf are shown in an at
tractive display. Benches from
the manual training department
have be-n placed in the booth and
each afternoon the boys demon
strate what they can do with
tools. , ,r
Oregon walnut and. Imitation
manogany iurniture lor the re
ception hall and library at the in
stitution was made by boys under
20 years- of age. and is of such
fine quality that it excited much
admiration. Cooking and sewing
ucvirunsi.rai.ions oy tne girls are
held daily at the booth.
Three dozen shoes can be made
in one week by Instructor O. E.
Hazelwood and three boys at the
State Training school for boys.
au ooys in the school wear the
aitues. samples or them are on
display at the institution exhibit.
Art work devised by the bovs in
their spare hours is shown and is
or original design. The boys also
are skilled in tailoring, as sam
ples of clothing on display testi
fy. Mrs. L; Hill is in charge of
mis "department. . .
f Ir e others - are late
. Term's: Cash or Ne
. i i
Telephone 409.
By Robert Qnlllen
"It ain't piety that -gives Pa
that sanctified air .on Sunday
mornin. It's just because .he had
a bath on Saturday; night.". -
Copyrirt. . 198t. Phllllri 8yadlrate
See It Now
Oregon Theatre
Let ns wash your car the new way
See lis at our new home
Liberty at Center
i-'vl; .rl;.-. . .Call 951 - " 1 I ,
429 Oregon BIdi. v ' "
This Week Only
With a Display of Factory
lodels and Coverings for-
Oyertiuf fed
- ;v,. i
- ? ' Easy
Delivered In Salem at Factory Prices on easy,
terms to suit vou It's your oportunity to have
, Overstuffed Furniture built expressly, for you
and covered exactly aswou want it at a saving
of all middlemen's profits.
, i The Mayso'n label 'oh the OUTSIDE
-C Note the Salem Location
., w
Vtu .. .-t -.. . . . . - ..... 1 . . -- -. -' ,.
Factory .at 560B Foster Uoadf PorltuirL1 Orc
v .. . : .. ", - , ... . ... .-
Salem Address
. ' - : - ... 1 ' .. i
- 244N.HiirlvSt -
" By'CriaadCanaav
guess 'X am .impatient with
our Johnnie, but Impatience seems
to be the only thing that will move
him." ;-; -."' -.' '
(Copyright. 1M7. PaMUfcara Syadleata)
-.'toss up to its-
. .Telephone. 44
- i
" 1 - - - - .
' -e . . ' ' '
- TO - YOU '
Davenports and
Chairs 1
.-..-. .
7 -
e !
f a"
-t , 9 3f .rTti inraA w'ti 83'
and Pacific northwesv