The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 29, 1927, Page 2, Image 2

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,.3:.--,::,.-" ..'";;.." ' . ;'"." THE Or.EGON STATESMAN. SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 29. 1927 -
.- I - II I 1 M llll !! Mill I II. I III Mllll. 11 II .-I ! mm. -I .. i II IIHIM I I " ml ' II I " " I "
Kiss Marie Churchill Will Be
A Director of Children's
Theater in Portland
The following anouncement
which appeared In the Oregonian
will he of Interest .!n Salem where
MJ-a C'hurrhill made her home for
a number of year and was a mem
ber of the faculty of : the local
high school. -
Portland will hare a Juvenilia
theatrical company thi season to
be" known as "The : Children's
Playhouse," 'acording to announe
tnent of the Portland Conserva
tory of Mute which iseponsoring
themovement. Mls Marie Churc.i
111 and. Miss Louise Corbln, both
talented musicians and both of
whom are 'experlened in Juvenile
.dramatic work are to have charge
of the ."playhouse. '
, The organization will be limit
ed", to tome four hundred child
ren, between the age of six and
eighteen, who will present six
plays one every eix weeks, at the
Little Theater Jn the Studio Buua
ttif. With the sole exception of
the directing, the children will do
everythi'ng thenjselves, including
the histrionic- and - musical work
the manning of the- stage and
'properties, and the ushering.
- The purpose of the organization
will he to Instruct the children In
the art of natural self -expression,
and to. develop imagination and
love of drama' -
ijtermanent organ imtlon will be
effected September 30, when an
already selected group of child
ren" will g1veA'a performance of
Scraps from' Oz" as their con
tribution tQ the formal-open Ingjiof
tbe'.Stud.ib butldingAt that tllne
: membership blanks. which will
previously have been distributed.
wH" be taccepted. The price of each
membership will be three dollars
and. a half, which will entitle the
bearer toHry out for the various
plays and to take an active pr rt In
the, company. This money will ho
nsed to' pay expenses.
The first regular pre-entat'on
-wjll be a't ten a. m. Saturday. No
vember 5. The dates for the others
.nlso on Saturdays and at ten in
' the .morning, are December 17,
-.January 2 S. March 10. April 14,
nd May 26.
Juvenile theatrical movements
of this sort have been in vogue in
' the east for some time, according
,to the organizers, but as far as is
known the Portland "company"
. will -be the first on the Pacific
- Toast, with the sole exception of
Pasadena. California,
j. 'Miss Churchill Is a graduate of
" the University of Oregon where
she took special work in dramat
ic. She has bee identified wh
activities In the interests of child
ren for several years and U en sc
compUshed mustictan. Mss Corbln
h 'graduate of the Unlversitv of
Washington. She has' made a study
nCdramatio work singing, danc
ing, and playing the piano.
Mr.jand Mrs. King in Salem
f For the Week v
f Ma nd"Mrs. E. L. King of
I Portland arrived in Salem Monday
and will remain for the week of
: the fair.
; ; Mr: 'KInr will entertain Friday
,-eveirfng with his annual dinner in
honor-of the two boys and two
,lrls who are w'ffners in their
cJuhwork. They will also entertain
.InformaUv for. a number of Port
land people who are visiting in Sa
lem during the fair.
Guesl from Seattle
I Mrs. Oeorge W. Paulson of Se
attle, ia the guest of Salem friends
this week.
i .
Miss Hartley Goes to Seattle
i? Miss Catherine Hartley left Tu
esday for Seattle where she will
enroll for her senior year at the
University of Washington.
Guests at Tully Home
Dr. and Mrs. Norman Kendall
Tully have as .their guests for sev
eral days. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C.
Kerr of Portland.
-r r - THEATRE
Last Times Today
, Conway Tearle in
"Moulders of Men"
With Hmlllng Jack Mnlhall
Miss Marine Elliott Becomes
Bride at Attractive Ceremony
Sunday Afternoon
Miss Maxine Elliott became the
bride of Robert Dickson last Sun
day afternoon at the home of her
parents of West Miller Street. The
bridal couple took their places be
fore the fireplace which was bank
ed wth autumn flowers. The sing
le ring service was read by Rev.
Charles C. Ha worth, in the pres
ence of a large assemblage of
friends from Seattle, Tacoma, and
Portland, as well as the cities of
the Willamette valley.
Mr. Edgar J. Bundy. of Port
land, an uncle of the bride sang.
He was accompanied by Mrs. Rob
ert H. Dann of Corvallis who also
played the weddin march.
Mrs. Dickson is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. X. D. Elliott. She
graduated from Willamette Uni
versity in 192 5 and since has been
engaged In educational work. Mr.
Dickon Is the eldest son of Mr.
and Mrs. W. W. Dickson of Al
bany, and Is employed in the post
al service department of that city.
After a short wedding trip the
young couple will be at home to
their fclends at 632 Walnut Street
in Albany.
Ladies' Aid of Lutheran
Church WiU Meet
The Ladies' Aid and Missionary
Society of the American Lutheran
Church will meet Fr'day afternoon
at two thirty o'clock n the par
lore of the First Presbyterian
Mrs. R. C. Arpke is chairman
of the committee In charge of the
meeting. "India" will be the sub
ject for mission study
All who are interested are in-
v'ted to attend.
Home From Ten Day Visit
In Medford
After vislfng for the past ten
days with her daughter, Mrs
Oeorge Prey, in Medford. Mrs. W
F. Drager has returned to her
home In Salem.
Miss Applegate Will Have
Charge of D. A. R. Booth
Miss Lillian Applegate will be
in charge today of the booth which
the members of Chemeketa Chap
ter. Daughters of the American
Revolution, are maintaining at the
State Fair this year. The booth is
located in the educational build
ing and Daughters from all parts
of the state are registering and
being entertained there.
Mrs. Isaac Lee Patterson has
asked a group of chapter members
to asa'at her tomorrow and Mrs
James G. Heltzel will have charge
on the closing day of the fair.
Miss Fleener Complimented
With Dinner Party
Mrs. Damon Fleener entertain
ed Tuesday evening with a dinner
party complimenting her daughter
Miss Lilyan Fleener. on the occa
sion of her sixteenth birthday an
Covers were placed at the din
ing table, centered with yellow ta
pers and a bowl of marigolds and
mad len hair fern, for the honor
guest, Miss Fleener, Miss Eliza
beth Clement. Miss Claud's Bp
tin. Miss Frances Laws, Miss Ev
elyn Cummings. Miss Grace Day
Miss Merle Thatcher. Miss Edith
Clement. M-tes Wilda Fleener, and
Miss Lou Glne Brietake
After the dinner the group en-
toyed a line party at the Elsinore
Salevi Young Men Pledged
at Corvallis
The following yonng men from
balem have been pledged to fra
ternltle? at Oregon Agricultural
Vouege: . .
Robert Drager, Phi PsI: Al Al
len. Sigma-Nu; Homer Richards,
Phi Gamma Delta; Leslie John
Sigma Phi Kappa Epsilon; Henry
Clement. Sigma Phi Epsilon: Jack
Spong and Jesse Cook, Tau Delta;
and Hugh Adams. Alpha Epsilon.
and Dorothy Mackatll.
Leaving Today for Portland
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Q. Robert
son and their little son. Char lea,
Jr., who have been guests of Mr.
Robertson's parents. Dr. and Mrs.
C. H. Robertson, this wek, art
leaving today for their home 4n
Attending the Fair in Salem
Mrs. William Mullen ds a guest
of Mrs. George Waters for several
days this week while In attend
ance at the Fair.
Mr. find Mrs. Cox at Home
on Twenty-Third Street
Mr. and Mrs. Chester M. Cox
have recently sold their home on
Falrmount Hill and are now at
home nt 34.r. South Twenty-Third
Dr. Warner Studying in
in the East
Dr. Estella Ford Warner has
gone to Rochester, -Minnesota
where she will take special work
In the Mayo Brother's clinics for
several weeks'.
Later she will attend the con
vention of the American Medical
Association In New York City. She
will also stop in Tennessee. Chica
go. St. Louis, and San Francisco
before returning to her work In
Salem about the first of Novem
Dinner Gtiests of Mr. and
Mrs. McKenzie
Mr. and Mrs. T. S. MacKenzie
will have as tho'r dinner guests
this evening. Mr. and Mrs. Tommy
Luke of Portland.
Mr. Wet Jen Visiting
in Tacoma
Albert Richard Wetjen left
early in the week for Tacoma
where he Is the guest of James
Stevens, the well-known writer of
short stories. Mr. Wetjen will re
turn Saturday.
Miss Buckner in Corvallis
Miss Ruth Buckner has gone to
CorvalMs where she will attend the
Oreeon Agricultural College this
Return From California
After vlsit'ng for ten clays with
their son, Kenneth Paige, in San
Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. David
Pugh and their daughter. Virgin
ia, returned recently to Salem.
Yomig People Will
Organize League
The young people of the Amer
ican Lutheran Church will meet
in the church parlor of the First
Presbyterian Church Friday at
evening at eight o lock in order
to organize a Lurheran League.
entertainment for the social
hour will be furnished by members
or the league at Vancouver. Wash
ington. Miss Marguerite Denritz
and Miss Dorthy Rogenore will be
All young peop'e of the church
are urged to be present.
NOGALES. Arizona, Sept. 28.
(AP) The Herald received re
ports today that at least 1.000
mud homes of peons In the valley
of Rio Pannco, state of Vera
Cruz, have been swept away by
floods. Several deaths are attri
buted to the rampant waters of
the river.
CLATSKANIE, Ore., Sept. 28
(AP)-ClaudeV Gard, 41. was
killed today in a shingle mill in
Mayger when a beam fell, striking
him on the head.
with clive Bpook George Bancroft aooi ;:us"Tt"st i u(M
Evelyn Bpent " Lapry Semon aQummount qktuie
Don't say you didn't see "Underworld." It's1
the best picture shown in Salem in a year.
In His Latest Comedy Feature Entitled -
Elsinore Theater
"Smile, Brother. Smile." a First
National picture at the Elsinore on
Friday and Saturday, Is described
by those who have seen it as an
unusual photoplay. Unusual in
the sense that it treats of a phase
of human endeavor that doesn't
often win its way to the screen.
The commercial traveler has not
often been accorded the position
of importance to which he is en
titled in the field of business.
Consider that every article you
consume, practically, first reached
the counters of the stores via the
medium of the traveling salesman.
Your foodstuffs package goods
and bulk; your clothing, your toi
let articles, your books, your fur
niture all were sold to the mer
chant by a salesman "on the road.
He has a finger in almost every
pie you eat so to speak.
That's why he deserves consid
eration, and he gets it in "Smile,
Brother. Smile," which Charles R.
Rogers produced for First Nation
al Pictures and In which Jack Mul
hall and . Dorothy Mackaill have
the featured leading roles.
Jack Is a commercial traveler,
lately graduated from the ranks,
and he makes good by his own de
termination and ability with the
Invaluable assistance of the tele
phone girl, played by the charm
ing Dorothy Mackaill.
Oregon Theater
The totally different picture is
here at last!"
This is the interesting message
received by the dramatic critic of
the Statesman from a friend in
Hollywood who saw "Underworld
previewed at Paramount's studio.
"Underworkl," he writes fur
ther, "is about the most amazing
screen play I have seen in years.
It is a powerfully absorbing story
of crime and violence literally tak
en from the life of a great city.
"Gangsters with machine guns
policemen in a terrifying battle
to preserve order bobbed-haired
bandits in silks exciting night
life resorts where the habitues of
i rookdom gather murderers' row
in a concrete and steel jail all of
these are flashed on the screen in
a way that makes one imagine
himself in the real environment
IN !
. i IB
'Ruli" Weed is'the uncrowned
king of the underworld a
towering terror of a man
'Feathers" is his girl "Rolys
Royce" clever handsome 4
"Buck" Mulligan is a rival
gang -monarch what color ,
what action never, never be
fore anything like it !
Stark real men and women
flesh and blood people
livings-loving fierce prim-,
itive dangerous !
from which Ben HechU wrote the
"To tell you the plot would
nnii the climax for vou when you
see the picture. It is to be run at
the Oregon Theater starting today.
At any rate you'll discover a moral
in it, I know, despite the sensa
tional manner of presentation. And
it s the oia story mat you can i
get away with It.' Crime offers a
short life and a violent aeatn. i
"You will find much to admire I
in the performances given by the
featured players George Ban
croft, Evelyn Brent, Clive Brook
and Larry Semon. They are splen
did. I might also say, that Josef
Von Sternberg has done a remark
able piece of direction for Para
mount, as you will agree once
ou've seen the film."
"Just as the great plains sup
plied a tremendous . background,
representative of the whole west
ern region of the United States In
the story of 49." says Schulberg.
"just so The City in 'Underworld
is no certain city but ie typical of
all huge metropolitan centers
.-hra rn ester life is prevalent as
a constant menace to society.
T)i ppthine turmoil and in-
of metroDolitan life
- v .7 -
has been pictured on a sweeping
ia npvpr before attempted, re
vealing every phase of city life
from the highest to tne lowest
strata, showing how inevitably the
lives of the most ruthless gangster
and the most respected raemoer ol
treason why (1 of many)
SAFETY Lubrication scien
tifically correct. No "break
down," no hard carfxm. .The
modern oil for modern
of society affect one another.
"Ben Hecht .has given us a vir
tually perfect etory for the screen
based on' hla personal experiences
as a metropolitan newspaper man.
We deem 'Underworld' to be one
of our greatest productions."
The Oregon will also offer Har
ry 3Langdon in his latest comedy,
"Saturday Afternoon."
SEATLE, Sept. 2S. AP) j
The Investment Bankers Associa-j
Hon of America today urged thj
federal government to end perma- .
nently "the Mississippi flood:
Not alone comfort
but luxury!
Fine equipment
makes stage travel as
pleasant as it is
See It Now
Oregon Theatre
C Standard 03 Service
Scatioaa, Comft Lub
. ricatioa Specialirts,
I I 'WttmtadoUMC
lives up to its