The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 28, 1927, Page 5, Image 5

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------- - --T-TTTIIBMMMBBrilJT - B M M 1 .1 .J
Child's Custody Songht
Mrs. Virginia L. Donaldson,
foster "mother of Jean Marcelle
Donaldson, yesterday filed a pe
tition .with the county court ask
ing that she be allowed the custo
dy of the child, and that a for
meyorder placing It In care of
Donaldson, the child's
ir j"5idmother on it's father's side,
bPset aside. The case grows out
of a recent divorce between the
child's parents.
Hear "Halite Parrish Hinges"
Vocal numbers at our State
Fair Booth, 2: So and 7:30 p. m..
Wed., Thnr. and Fri. Moores Mu
sic House. s28
Taroma Pair Weds
A marriage license was granted
here yesterday to Floyd Myles
Mason and Christine Nelson, both
of Tacoma.
For Sale
One of the best paying restau
rants in town. Melvln Johnson
320 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 637
Titus Estate Settled
The heirs of the late E. C. Ti
tus of Stayton will receive a to
tal of 533,023, according to a re
port and petition for final order
filed in probate here yesterday. A
i itotaj of 941,165 has been received
by the executor, James R. Gard
ner, the petition shows.
8 Oregon Pulp and Paper Co.
Preferred. Limited amount for
ale. Hawkins and Roberts. Phone
14S7. JlyCtf
Fined For Speeding-
Leroy Watson was fined f 25 In
Justice court yesterday for speed
ing. He was arrested Monday.
Dad Wafron, Thursday
Crystal Garden. Enjoy yourself
with Dad. s28
Pays $25 For -"Spree"
j J. J. -Diamond was fined $25 in
police court yesterday as the price
of a general, "spree" he engaged
in Monday night.
Permit to Repair
CP.. Bishop received a permit
yesterday to construct $300 worth
of repairs to a brick building at
220 North High street.
Have three spot cash buyers for
10 to 100 acres of reLgojod: farm
tand wiith good buildings on good
toad. Useless to bother unless
your land Is first class! Anderson
A.Rupert, Realtors, 169 S. High.
., ' s28
Fined For Overtime Parking
Judge Poulsen handed a rather
stiff, -fine , to W E. Burns yester
day when he assessed him $5 for
overtime parking. The reason for
this, according to the Judge, was
because Burns had not called to
answer to four other tickets left
on. his car. W. B. Park of 416
State Street, was fined $1 for the
same offense.
Five Loads 10-Inch Mill Wood
$17.50. Salem Transfer and
Fuel Co.. 395 S. High. Tel. 529,
Night 1988. s24tf
Dance License Denied
-County Commissioners Smith
and Porter1 yesterday, denied the
application of John Moore, pro
prietor of Knight's Rest, located
on the Pacific highway near Hub
bard, for a license to operate a
dance hall. This action will hold
Want a Home?
Read Over This List .
For $2500 we have 27 acres
,- with running spring water,
. fruit, 5 miles from Salem.
For $4000 a 5-acre tract, 5
room house, running water,
-? lots of fruit, one mile out.
For $3750 we have two acres
"'. with modern 5 -room bouse,
' M mile out."
For $3250 an 8-room house
and two lots, east front,
' paved street, lots of fruit,
nice lawn, near high and
- grade school.
For $4750 a fine new 7-room
t, house, modern, garage, cor
ner lot, streets paved, near
W. A. Delstell, A M. Dalrymple,
T. W. Holnum
,442 State BU TeL SWMW
Of ten ' VOU Want old rihornfrrnnrm
L reproduced, but fear entrusting
mem to strangers.
Oar reputation assures the safety and
proper care- of your pietore, which we
will copy, enlarge, frame orvhand color
at a price lower than the unknown agent
can offer. . '
good at least until Cqunty Judge
Hunt has recovered from his pres
ent Illness and returns to take up
atcive duties as county judge, it
was Indicated. Judge Hunt is im
proving steadily but slowly, and
is not expected to return to his
duties for a considerable length
of time.
Dad Watson, Fall Opening
Crystal Garden, next Thursday.
Harms Boy Will Recover
Little Donald Harms, who was
run down by Mrs. C. R. Parker's
automobile last Friday as he
dodged from behind a parked car,
is doing quite well at the Bunga
low Maternity hospital and will
recover. He suffered a fractured
skull at the time of the accident,
which occurred at 320 South
Third street.
Furniture Upholstered
And repairing. Glese-Powers
Furniture Co. flStf
Girl Hit; Not Hurt
Katherine Giese had a close
call from serious injury yesterday
morning when she stepped from
the Highland bus directly in front
of a car driven by Miss Constance
Kantner of 853 North Commercial
street. She was caught on the
fender of the car but not injured
as the car was moving slowly.
She refused to give her name at
the time. At this juncture the
bus driver threatened to slap her
for refusal to tell, according to a
report of the accident filed at po
lice (headquarters by Miss Kant
ner. My Friends Tell Your Friends
Dad Watson, Crystal Garden,
next Thursday. s28
Business Men's Banquet Monday
Physical Director Board man at
the Y. M. C. A. is busy this week
making preparations for the
monthly business men's monthly
banquet which will be held Mon
day evening in the banquet room
of the Y. Dr. L. E. Wood is pres
ident of the club. About fifty
members are expected. Captains
for the conning month will be
elected then, in addition to a good
snappy program.
Hotel Mario;
Dollar dinners served 5:45 to 8
very evening. n26tf
Y6a'njr''Men to" Meet
The Young Men's Division at
the Y. M. C. A. will hold an ath
letic rally Tuesday evening in the
"gym" room of the Y. At this
meeting a lot of demonstrating
will be done in all of the various
games and athletic activities.
Usual Good Time
At Dad Watson's real old time
dance, next Thursday, Crystal
Garden. s28
Spaniol Files Motion
A motion to strike the defend
ants answer from the files of the
court was filed' in circuit court
here yesterday by Joseph J. Span
iol, wtoa is seeking a divorce from
his wife, Freda Spaniol. The mo
tion. Is based on the contention
that two or more causes of de
fense are set forth in the defend
ant's answer, not separately stat
ed or pleaded.
Couple Weds
A license was yesterday issued
William Angek Celorie. 26. to
marry "Mildred Hurd, 23. Both
live near Portland.
Boxing, Salem Armory
Thursday. Sept. 29. Phil Bayes,
Salem vs Ad Mackie, Portland, 10
3 minute rounds. Semi windup
Ted Fox vs Andy Jereg, snappy
preliminary. 28 rounds of boxing
scheduled.' S-29
Getting Ready For Concert
The Salem Boys' Chorus are
working overtime these nights
getting ready for a concert to be
given a week from Sunday in the
Christian church in Eugene. Dr.
H. C. Epley Is the leader.
Fafe-mount Hill Home
Seven rooms, modern in every
detail, hardwood floors through
out, tiled bath, hot water heat,
wonderful kitchen including tiled
drain boards and automatic re
frigeration. Price $12,000, terms.
Becke & Hendricks, 189 N. High
St. s27
t'.j 429 Oregon Bldg.
Rev. Vosburg Returns
Rev. Vosburg returned to his
home pulpit in Los Angeles yes
terday after having spent the past
month in charge of the Baptist
church here.
Dad Watson, Fall Opening
Real old time dance, Crystal
Garden, Salem, next Thursday.
Tell friends. s28
Citizenship Clubs Start
Ray Miller is busy this week
getting the Salem Christian Cit
izenship clubs lined up for their
fall and winter classes. They will
start next week. Mr. Miller has
spent five years in this work.
Card of Thanks
We wish to thank our many
friends and relatives for their
sympathy and beautiful floral of
ferings during the recent bereave
ment of our wife and mother. I
L. Gilreath. s28
Burnett Estate S50,."34
The estate of the late Chief
Justice George H. Burnett has
been appraised at $50,534.10 ac
cording to a report filed in pro
bate here yesterday. A consider
able proportion of that amount
is in stocks and bonds, $16,621.10
being in Liberty bonds. Life in
surance amounted to $3664.54. A
number of articles of personal
property are to be distributed un
der terms of the will. The widow
will receive half the amount re
maining after all specific legacies
are made.
Mertaugh Gets Writ
An order was handed down yes
terday by Circuit Judge L. H. Mc-
Mahan granting a writ of habeas
corpus in the case of John F
Murtaugh, Murtaugh being order
ed brought into court this morn
ing. The petition asking the writ
alleges that he was arrested on a
warrant from the state of New
York, the warrant not setting out
facts that constitute a crime eith
er there or in this state. Mur
taugh is accused of h aving de
sered a minor child in New York.
Thursday Xifjlit, Iad Watson
Real old time orchestra. Fall
opening. Crystal Garden. s28
Y. Annual Banquet Oct. 10
C. A. Kells, general secretary
of the Y. M. C. A. announced yea
terday that he has secured prac
tically for certain- the presence
here of Lawrence Todnem as the
principal 'speaker for the annual
banquet of Y. M. C. A. members
which will be held the evening of
October 10th. Todnem has been
in China since 1912 and is thor
oughly familiar with Y. M. C. A.
work over there in all its phases.
He has just landed at San Fran
cisco. According to him, practic
ally all of the leaders in the China
government of today lave come
up through the ranks of the Y.
Big interest is being centered on
this banquet.
W. O. Xislcy, Piano Tuner
Leave your order with Nelson
and Hunt, Druggists, corner Lib
erty and Court streets. Phone 7.
Ordered Out of City
George Gottberg and Don Gro
ner, both from Oregon City, were
ordered out of the city yesterday
by local police officers. Gottberg
was recently paroled from a sen
tence in Oregon City for some pet
ty larceny crime and the local of
ficers did not welcome their stay
(Continued from Page One)
F. Turner is in charge.
Slogans Many
"Largest hop center in the
United States," "Largest prune,
cherry and potatoe center in the
state." reads the slogans in the
Marion county booth, which occu
pies a prominent position in the
hall. Wheat, barley, vetch, clov
er, flax and oats adorn the walls
of the booth. In one section all
sorts of vegetables are artistically
arranged, while in the rear stands
an archway with ears of corn
hanging from it. Nearby stands
an old fashioned corncrib with the
sign on It, "May he seen on every
farm in the Willamette Valley In
a few years." The centerpiece in
this section is made up of an ex
cellent exhibit of onions and to-
We have an early 1927
Pontiac Coach that looks
and runs like new, oar with
new tires all around. Priced
at 1700.00.
MTbe House That Service Buttf
matoe3. The second section of
this booth is devoted to the exhi
bition of packed fruits, canned
fruits, nuts, flax, linen and cop
per. A large basket of Burbank
potatoes is the center of attrac
tion. They are nearly all perfect
and were grown by Bruce Bowne
of Turner. W. A. Taylor and A.
J. Taylor, are in charge of this
Malheur Exhibit Good
Malheur county is ably renre
sented at the fair this year with
a fine exhibit. Wheat, oats, bar
ley and rye adorn the walls of
the booth, while vegetables and
canned goods occupy the various
shelves. Fruits of various kinds
are to be found in this booth,
while in the center there is a
large squash surmounted by tur
nips, melons, onions, peppers, etc.
Especial attention is called to the
honey display in this booth asj
well as to the exhibits of sweet
potatoes. V. "V. Hickox is 1 n
charge of the booth and he says
that everything was produced by
means of irrigation except for the
wool. In the county there are
500.000 acres of land with only
about 87,500 under cultivation.
The annual agricultural income
totals $5,000,000. The exhibit of
corn is excellent and the annual
income from this product reaches
$200,000. For the past year there
has been a. wonderf ul crop of al
falfa and red clover.
Douglas Has Turkey
A large stuffed turkey forms
the background for the Douglas
county exhibit. Samples of fdr
age crops and grains occupy
prominent positions while fruits,
vegetables and nuts come in for
their share of the attention. The
center table features plates of ap
ples, pears, peaches and grapes.
Especial attention is called to the
fact that 175,000 turkeys were
raid there this year and will
soon be ready for the market.
During the past year 12,000.000
pounds of dried prunes have been
produced. This county is famous
for its melons. C. A. Garrett and
J. C. Leedy are in charge of the
booth and delight in calling atten
tion to the great diversity of the
crops in the county.
Linn Shows Crops
A eolid mass of grain and for
age crop samples adorn the rear
wall of the Linn county booth at
the fair this year. They have
been placed in an arch formation
with boxes of apples, pears and
peaches on the incline. Canned
fruit and honey is the central at
traction on the shelves and the
counter. Seeds, vegetables, eggs,
dairy products and flour complete
the exhibit. The annual income
from dairy products totals about
$1,000,000 while the field prod
ucts total $2,800,000 in the year
according to Leonard Gilkey who
is in charge of the booth. Es
pecial attention is called to the
leather products display. These
articles are all made in Albany.
The possibilities of dairying in
the county are great said Mr.-Gil-
Lane Boasts Timber
"No county in Oregon has more
standing timber than Lane coun
ty," reads the slogan of the Lane
county booth. . W. A. Ayres, mar
ket master at Eugene, A. H. Rose
and Mable H. Chad wick are in
charge and they call attention "to
the fact that the harvest of crops
in their county created a payroll
of over $600,000,000. The ex
hibits in the booth indicate a di
versified community. Samples of
Call, phone or write
171 N. Commercial f alam
Distinctly Correct
John J. Rottle
.Expert Shoe Fitters :
grains and forage crops are to be
found in abundance, while neatly
packed boxes of. apples,' pears,
plums, grapes and prunes line the
sides of this booth. Vegetables of
all kinds add to the arrangement,
while canned goods, .' fruits on
plates and grains in sacks attract
the attention. The lumber indus
try is ably represented by-some
' Columbia Shows Variety
Columbia, county has a highly
varigated exhibit featuring forage
crops and grain on the walls,
while on the shelves are placed
containers of all sorts of seeds.
On the incline there are quanti
ties of cheese and butter: samples
with a large centerpiece of eggs
in the form of a star. A fine
showing 6 orchard and field
products occupy every corner of
the booth.'; Clyde Watsen is in
charge of this booth and places
especial emphasis upon the dairy
ing and grain production of the
Josephine Proud of Climate
Josephine county proclaims.
"It's the climate." with apples in
a background of snow white eggs.
The rear wall of the booth is dec
orated with three varieties of
grapes in which the word "Jose
phine" is woven. Apples, pears,
strawberries, corn, vegetables and
other farm products fill the boeth
to capacity. In the center is lo
cated a model mlnature farm
with ihe slogan, , "The farm of
your dream may be realized in
Josephine county." H. B. Howell,
county agent, is in charge of the
Sun For Clackamas
An electric light in the rear of
the Clackamas county booth gives
the appearance of the sun rising
on some mlnature farms. In one
corner of this booth a dock is lo
cated throughout the exhibit, the
shipping facilities are especially
stressed. A slogan calls attention
to the fact that "potatoes were
the major crop:" however the ex
hibits of wool, poultry, fruits,
vegetables, and dairy products
are emphasized. J. W.- Robinson,
who is in charge of the booth,
called attention to the fact that
over 250.000,000 feet of wood
goes for pulp use each year. "Our
bulb industry is one of the larg
est," declared Mr. Robinson, "and
we have endeavored to feature
our Industries as well as the farm
ing. This small concrete pave
ment around the booth is symbol
ic of our excellent roads."
Benton Shows Squash
A large 126 pound Green Faw
ver squash is the center of at
traction in the Benton county
booth, which is presided over by
W. L. Powell and W. A. Reed of
Corvallls. Grains and forage
crops- are featured especially on
the rear wall while a neat array
of packed fruit, canned fruit and
vegetables are on the shelves and
the incline.
Lincoln Shows Off
The Lincoln county exhibit fea
tures their lumber industry
through a series of remarkable
pictures which adorn the rear
wall of the- booth. D. L. Peterson,
secretary of the Toledo Chamber
of Commerce, is in charge and he
calls attention to the spruce dis
play. For forage crops and veg
tables he declared it was hard to
beat Lincoln county. A mohair
exhibit accentuatee the fact that
one of the largest pools exists in
sex: our
Perennial Gardens
On the Wallace Road
Telephone 180 IIS State St.
Ladies' wool dresses cleaned
and pressed, $1.00 up. Men's
and Ladies' suits cleaned and
pressed $1.00. .
Over Buslcks
Suburban home, mile and half
from Bush Bank, paved road,
modern house except furnace,
bearing fruit, trees,, F. L.
WOOD, 341 State St.
Rewound and Repaired. New or
Used Motors
Thin its Electrical
191 South High ' Tal. Ills
J. H. LEONG, Mgr.
Our life's . work has
been spent la studying
the healing properties
Of Chines , harbs and
mvtr dally we seller
those suffering from
stomach, liver and kid-
nf trouhls, rhea ma
tlsm and . gall stones,
alio disorders o msn
Free OoasaTfaflot Cm or VTrtui
ft A. IX. t a p. u. "
2- It ' f
that section and that they have
the finest of wool. A small dis
play of agates . proves to be the
drawing exhibit . and - many peo
ple stop to admire and remark
concerning these. . .
Grains, Fruits in Wasco
C. W. Day, county . agent, de
signed the booth for Wasco coun
ty in which especial attention is
called to the grain .and fruits
raised there. - The average annual
income from the products of the
county amounts to about $5,000,
000. There are over 60,000 acres
of winter wheat and 5.000 acres
of spring wheat according to Mr.
White. In the center is placed a
large stand covered wtih vegeta
bles of all kinds and topped, with
celery and peppers.
Coos Feature Lumber
"Lumbering is the main Indus
try in Coos county, declared H.
S Hale while explaining the ex
hibit from that county. White
fir. cedar and fir leads all other
kinds. An aroh in the rear of the
booth is artistically decorated
with corn and forage crops. The
sign, "Gateway to the coast coun
try," attracts the passerby and
then J. G. Smith and H. S. Hale
explain the wonders to be found
in Coos county.
Washington Diversified
"Where diversified farming
pays," is the slogan for Wash
ington county. An artistic array
of grains and forage crops are on
the rear wall with minature bales
of hay as especially attractive
features. Nuts, fruits and seeds
add to the attractiveness of the
booth, while onions, potatoes and
corn are featured extensively. A
minature water wheel gives some
interesting facts concerning the
county, the lumber industry, the
dairying, the farming and the
various industries. There , are
some 3,646 acres of alfalfa in
this county and 134,000 acres of
cultivated soils.
Oregon State 'Agricultural Society
Meets Last Night
The Oregon State Agricultural
society, which consists of persons
who have served on the state fair
board for five or more years, met
last night and reelected its exist
ing group of officers for another
year. The officers are as follows:
Judge Peter H. D'Arcy, presi
dent; Edith Toiler Wethereth.
vice president: County Judge J.
T. Hunt, secretary and George
Savage, treasurer. ' F. E. Linn
Casey's Guaranteed
Money refunded if it does not
core your case
Cor. Court and Liberty Tel. 7
6. 8 and 10 cents per yard. Also
buttons, stamping and pleating.
Over Miller's Telephone 117
TVe Welcoweyou
to Portland. 2 0O comfortable rooms.
each with bath. Raaaooabla rate.
CosTcaieat down-town location.
Nmm wnirr fWrtona maaaccmeiU of
Thousands Say
' No . other method is so
- satisfactory for lmmacu-
-late comfort; self-assurance
and' health.
The velvet edges prevent
chafing "and-the under
layer protects the cloth
ing. r. Light and cool.,
V Box '.of 'One Dozen
: Perry VDrus Store:
. 115 S. Cozaxnerdal . .
was admitted as a new member.
A resolution was . passed ex
pressing sympathy for Judge
Hunt, who has been confined to
his home for some time with seri
ous illness. ",
Albert Tozier is historian of the
organization. "
William Brockmueller died in
Marshfield. Oregon, September 25
at the age of 84 years. He la sur
vived by four sons. Rev. Frank, of
North Dakota, William .and Carl
of South Dakota and John of
Marshfield, and three daughters,
Mrs. John Burgi and Mrs. Doro
thy Stuempgis of South Dakota
and Mrs. Minnie Steingrubo of
Salem. Body at Webb Funeral
Parlots. Funeral announcements
Ron nd t roe
Wallace Roundtree, 28, died
near West. Stayton on September
25. He is survived by his wife,
Floy McCormick and baby daugh
ter, Katherine, his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. C. C. Roundtree of Mis
souri, a sister, Mrs. Minnie Jones,
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 1SSS -
General Banking Business ,
Office Honrs from 10 a. m. to S p. m.
See Our
The Newest In Wicker
... Craft Furniture
Manufacturing Company
L. B. Dunsmoor; Proprietor,' 2218 State Street
,:; $ $$ SAVE $ $ $
10 Discount for Cash
Bought or ordered this week. See the Lang, Store, ,
Display Booth in the old pavilion at the State Fair.
: FREE . -
H. F. Woodry & Son
Rite Down Town - - 4- - Salem Agents
J? tits
Ten,ribV 8ilkwith fancy.: I
hems, carved atuD nan-
dlei of. wood and amber-
0 ATitm
of Fresno; and five brothers, Jim
of Ventura,? Fraaki of ' Siockton,
George of Colorado, and John and
Linnvllle, of Missouri. -Services-will
be held - In Webb's chapel
Wednesday at 2 'p. m. with burial
in the . Pioneer cemetery near
Brooks ' t
Mrs. Ldnlsa 'Brunk died at the
residence. 23 61 State. street am.
September 27 at the age of 63;
years., She Is survived by three
daughters, Mrs. Mildred Greenf
baum.. of , Salem, Iiss - Prodenosr.
Bronnk of Salem and Mrs. Olive
Grant of Oakland. California, and
one son, W. H. Brunk of Oakland.'
California. ; The body Is at the,
Webb Funeral Parlors. Announc
ment' of " funeral; will be made
later. ' ' ' ' - -
Perfect 'Funeral Service
For Less '
Licensed Lady Mortician
770 Chemeketa Street?
' Telephone 724 V
. . ... f I
16 rib of fcra'y tail fccr
. sray and blue, crsy, czd. J
:. alate. Carved arr' rzit
U'lllllUHHiiU!iiiiiiii' XtS?
, 1 v . . 1
; .. w ' .'
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, -v --wrr - ;vj"